I guess one of the richest hedge funders in america he was over in davos saying that anybody sitting on the sidelines is basically an imbecile theyre going to miss out because markets are going to continue to soar this year certainly with all the tax cuts so thats what he thinks maybe maybe for a year the a week ok im sure the democrats are hoping that hes not ok because they need a market crash if this is the sort of you know its the economy stupid well let me point something out ray valeo can make a Statement Like that and be long the market and also hedged so he could put ten billion dollars in the stock market and for two or three percent of the vestment he can be hedged with puts and futures contracts limiting his last two or three percent if there is a crash the people who are listening to him will go along the market or on the head of the t. T. Ameritrade in the discount brokers theyll pile in the money as a pile and but they wont be hedged so if there is a ten twenty or. Thirty