better secure our borders. terrorism was regarded then as an extra territorial threat from beyond our borders. if you take into account all the way someone enters this country, land, sea, air, tsa, coast guard, customs, border control, you have effectively dealt with terrorism. that s an outdated way of looking at terrorism. most terrorist attacks these days are domestic based, domestic in nature and there are not a whole lot of dhs cops around the world, around the interior of the country. the good news is that dhs has, i think, taken on well the cyber security mission, which didn t really exist in 2003. through sisa, the cyber security infrastructure agency, part of dh, and through the able leadership of first chris krebs, i think dhs is well positioned
The Association for Savings and Investments South Africa (Asisa) says the local investment industry has responded resiliently to various shocks in the past.
While it said the forum existed to test the financial system's resilience to risks such as a blackout, the bank considered a national grid failure “unlikely”.