are not the same allies they once were. there is a shifting in egypt, in turkey, a lot of changes happening as far as that part of the world. obviously there is some national security concerns for us. our closes ally is israel. the prime minister of israel will be speaking after bass r-frplt he does not of course want the palestinians to have recognition of statehood. what would happen to the territories? how would they be defined? there are a lot of questions we cannot answer right now. we ll continue to follow the news for you. all the live comments can be heard online at we ll be right back with more coverage here on happening now. th olay get what you love at half the price with new olay body collections, tantalizing fragrances and olay moisturizing ingredients that transform lathering into lavishing. olay body collections. [ pneumatic wrench buzzing ] [ slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fhting you? fight back fast with tums. ccium rich tums