BAT Rothmans boosted its environmentally sustainable operations by reducing packaging sizes for efficient manufacturing and launching practices to improve recycling of its used packaging materials, according to the tobacco producer, Tuesday.
Global tobacco company BAT Rothmans introduced the glo Hyper X2, a new heat-not-burn (hnb) device, to compete against KT&G s lil and Philip Morris IQOS products, the company said Wednesday. It has been nearly a year and a half since the firm first introduced glo Pro Slim in Korea in October 2021.
Global tobacco company BAT Rothmans is drawing attention for its practice of contributing to the local community under its ESG campaigns. Executives and employees there have been actively volunteering in the company s campaigns.
Researchers from BAT Rothman unveiled new data Tuesday showing the positive long-term effects of switching completely from cigarettes to glo, BAT s tobacco heating product (THP). This is is the first yearlong study on glo to assess the impact of switching entirely from cigarettes to THPs for adult consumers in a real-world setting.