most significant uptick in attacks and threats that we see when he grabs the microphone or the megaphone that he has and uses to put the spotlight sometimes we call it the eye of sauron on us. and whether it s on me or the governor, the truth is on our side. and so it s become also quite habitual to step back, brace yourself for the onslaught, take a beat and speak the truth in response. and in doing so, we can help at least turn down some of the heat. but it doesn t take away from the rhetoric and just the noise that any time he speaks and attacks us, that it generates. do you see with the changes at twitter, do you see more of it? oh, yeah, instantly. daily. it becomes a battle place as opposed to place where you can share information. and we re still continuing to share information and serve as that trusted voice of facts and evidence. but we re doing it against a significant much larger storm and cloud of people just consistently attacking everything we say. and it s really d