Of the grenfell InquIry s fInal report, we talk to some of those whose lIves have been changed forever. And. It s more gold for great brItaIn at the paralympIcs, wIth Faye Rogers wInnIng In the pool. And In london. And stay wIth us here on Bbc News for contInuIng Coverage And AnalysIs from our team of correspondents In the uk and around the world. Good evenIng. It Is the bIggest sIngle loss of lIfe so far In the channel thIs year, wIth a pregnant woman along wIth sIx chIldren among the dead when theIr small boat capsIzed off the french coast. 12 people dIed In all, and 51 others were rescued. Some are In a crItIcal condItIon. DownIng street InsIsts Its takIng actIon to target the crImInal smugglIng gangs, descrIbIng the deaths as truly horrIfIc. Well have more on the Impact of the Governments PolIcy regardIng small boats In a moment. The boat got Into dIffIculty off Cap GrIs Nez around 6am thIs mornIng, wIth all those on board endIng up In the water. Just a handful of people were wearI