mario paul, who still waiting for news of her brother turkish president recipe and threatens to block bits by finland and sweden to join nato, accusing both countries of harboring terrorists and a common film festival kicks off in france. and for the 1st time since the start of the pandemic, the doctor restriction responded, survey some films printing at the festival and tells us what to look up. ah, i m glad over. thanks for joining us. russia is close to taking full control of the southeastern city of mario paul, after hundreds of ukrainian soldiers hold up. in a still works there, have surrendered. russia has taken nearly 3 hundreds of the fighters some severely and its 2 territories held by moscow s forces. discriminant says they will be treated in accordance with international agreements. it s thought they will be exchanged for russian prisoners at a later date out of harm s way, but still facing and uncertain future. badly wounded fighters were among the 1st to be evacu
. they are peers and rivals with one during goal, 2 out smart nature. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. more life starts may 28th on d, w. do. ah, the big twitter deal is on hold ilan mosque says that he s still committed but needs to take a closer look at some of the numbers. is he getting cold feet? we ll take a look. also on the show, northern ireland struggles to form a government has 2 sides battle over the future of a post br exit customs border in the irish sea. and the cost of commercial fertilizer are skyrocketing. now some farmers in africa are making their own blown . welcome to the show i m seeking, beardsley in berlin could have you with us. is ellen musk bowing out of his multi $1000000000.00 bid for twitter? now the business been saying he s putting the deal. he s putting the deal on temporary hold, claiming twitters official stats under estimate the number of fake and spam accounts and the platform. that s re speculation that mu
His son three seventy z. And the new say. S. U. V. S continue to be a focus of the Automotive Industry hardly a week goes by without some carmaker announcing a new offroad model. The latest is from say that the spanish car makers knew a rona will hit showrooms around europe by the end of the year. Thats really our current tester i dont see moment says of course people may say oh dear another s. U. V. Do we really need another one arent there enough on the market lets say as with the take at the segment is still booming thats why the spanish carmaker expects to sell twenty thousand or own as and the first year. Thats thats my s. U. V. Tao or not it yes you. If i found three thousand coffin. And two thousand and sixteen the taken the iran is big brother show that such figures are anything but utopian twenty four thousand and take us were sold in the First Six Months were test driving the contactor rhona f. R. With a one point five regular gasoline engine and retails for around twenty thr