1/28/2021 To kick off the new year, APS Stamp Chat chose to launch a new series, The Future of Philately . In light of the digital revolution cataylzed by the social distancing restrictions of COVID-19, the series began with a discussion of online exhibiting. Liz Hisey, Behruz Nassre, Ross Jones, Peter Allan, Joel Weiner, Larry Fillion and Bill Briggs comprised the panelists. This international panel of webmasters, philatelic judges and show planners represent the structural organizers of online exhibting. Moderator Heidi Rhoades, aggregated questions, comments and concerns from APS members ahead of time and posed live attendee queries as well. The panelists spoke directly to the concerns of collectors, exhibitors and stamp show enthusiasts. This conversational back and forth provided valuable insight into the ongoing development of online exhibiting and virtual shows in general.