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Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore 20131017

>> what you did. you stopped taking the pill. you already know. >> first of all -- first of all. >> and you agreed with me. and. >> stop. i love you. i loved you. >> that doesn't mean we bring a baby here. i tell you something you. >> stop it! stop it! >> you should listen. >> shut up. i love you. >> kirk: jimmy have a seat so we can all hear you. >> she is delusional. >> kirk: i think the most important question did you have sex with her last week? >> no >> yes, you did. >> you said you had sex with another man. just like you do at the airport. >> that is not true. >> yes, he probably did. >> that is not true. >> kirk: do you spend time with your child? >> every single time i try to spend time with my kid she say you can't spend time with her unless you spend time with me. that exactly what you say. first of all. stop, listen to me. listen to me. that is not true. you spend time with her. >> all the other time what about all the other times? what about all the other times? >> your spare time with her you did not want to spend time with her. i had to ask you. >> why do you think i didn't want to at the time? >> first of all -- >> kirk: jimmy you feel she trapped you, correct? >> yes, she did. >> no. no. ok. that was not my intention. >> i don't understand what she is talking about. this is what it looks like. >> first of all, it's not what you think. >> why do it look like that then? >> because you make it seem like that >> kirk: hang on one sec. >> make me understand it, though >> kirk: make me you had. you told me you stopped taking the birth control pill. a little sneaky. >> i did. ok. >> kirk: why? >> but it was not because i wanted to oh, yeah, trap him into like you know wanting me or whatever. i want us to be a family. >> kirk: but listen, let me say one thing in order to have a family, i think it's crucial to let your partner in on the facts that you are about to be a family. so you were going to a counselor? >> three days a month. >> and the only reason you want to go to counseling is to get that gift card. you want that gift card. wait. wait. wait. >> kirk: hang on one second. >> are you not letting me say anything. >> kirk: what i'm curious about is you are going to a counselor that gives gift cards? >> i didn't want to go. >> that is not true. >> i was trying to make her happy. i didn't want to go, i didn't want to go to that. >> tell me about aim ber. -- amber. new girl? >> i met amber at a crucial time in my life. yaz was giving me so many problems and ups and downs and i did not understand i did not understand if you love me, why would you put me through that stuff, you know what i'm saying? when i met amber, when i met amber she showed me all the attitudes i wanted in a woman. all of them. it was hard for me to trust people. anyway before i met yaz. >> kirk: is amber your new girlfriend? >> yes. when i met amber she was there for me. when she was acting crazy. she was there in it sitting right here all the time like always there and i'm like you know what? she is somebody that i still love. should show her -- >> kirk: i want to meet the woman in the middle of this mess. i want to meet amber. let's have her come out. [applause] hi amber. nice to see you. thanks for coming on. whoa. whoa. no violence on my stage. no violence on my stage. i got this one. i got it. i got this one. no violence on my stage. i understand you are upset. but this is not the way to act. especially when i am in the middle and i might get hurt. >> he tells me he loves me. shut up. please. >> no, you shut up. i have his name tattooed on me. you are nothing. you nothing. >> shut up. shut up. please that's not the point. the point was -- the point was he said he loves me. we met ok. i helped him do a lot of things. i was there with him. i was there with him. i was there with you from the start then you start messing around with other girls. >> he was there in the beginning, right? you was there in the beginning. you was there in the beginning. listen. stop lying. stop lying. when you was there, when you was there you lie. you start lying. after you trapping me. you lied and then is when i gave up. i told you my lifestyle. i told you things i've been through. why would you lie and betray me? >> i did not betray you? >> yes, you did. >> i was right there. >> i got you. >> stop. ok. stop. [inaudible] [all talking at once]. >> first of all let me talk. first of all -- that's not true. >> are you serious. >> shut up! shut up. [all talking at once] >> kirk: now i'm under the impression that you can't all live together and raise this child as a family. >> n see the thing is let me tell you something. i understand that they have been together they went through rough times. he went through problems with her. and i took her place. you know i know how to cook i know how to clean. i took care of him. i was there when he needed someone to talk to. >> kirk: hang on. >> we have been on and off for a year because we were going through stuff because of her. i shouldn't be going through that >> kirk: what do you want to happen? you want her out of her life? >> yes, i want her to stay out of me and his positive energy she keeps bringing up negative energy. >> he comes back to me all the time. yes, he does. >> kirk: does amber know about last week? last week never happened? >> she called me at the airport. that you left with a dude last week, right? why do you keep doing that? how would i believe you when you lying. why should anybody else believe you when you lied about a kid. why do you lie about a child >> kirk: you are sending mixed signals. but you are not sleeping with her at all? >> no. no. i the strongest love for her but how can i live with those feelings. >> kirk: it's time for the test results which may not be a surprise but something that yaz needs to hear and so do i. we will be right back. [applause] [♪] coming up... >> i love you all the time. >> don't lie to me then. stop lying >> kirk: and later... >> don't point your finger at me. >> don't get in my face. control your wife. >> control my wife. >> control your tongue. do youty your significant other is living a double life? do they disappear for days without any explanation? if so put them to the test. call... [applause] [♪] >> kirk: welcome back to the "the test". yaz and jimmy are you ready for the test results? >> yes. >> kirk: all right. question for yaz. did you get pregnant on purpose? your answer? you confessed and said yes. so you got pregnant on purpose to trap this gentleman. >> i did not -- it did not say trapped. it said -- >> kirk: question number two. did you get pregnant to stay in a relationship with jimmy? your answer? you confessed and said yes. yaz you came here because you wanted the truth. let's find this out now. first question, the lie detector administrator asked jimmy was do you want to be in a relationship with yaz? your answer? was no. jimmy passed. he does not want to be in a relationship with you. [applause] question number two. are you in a relationship with amber? your answer? was yes. you passed, of course you are in a relationship with amber. >> thank you. thank you. >> he claims -- he always -- >> kirk: jimmy you got the results. you guys you have a child together and you are stepping up up for the child are you contributing. here is the deal. if you are -. >> i have. >> if you are still having sex or texting her, there is no way this can move forward, correct? >> i understand what you saying. i don't want i can't deal with her, man >> kirk: but you have a child you have to think about. >> from the beginning. every since she done that i told her how i felt. i told her how i felt. >> yaz, this relationship, this relationship is over, correct? >> i know. it's not over it's not over. >> kirk: of course it's over [all talking at once]. >> when you say you want to be with me. so you lie to me. you lie to me. you lie to me. >> kirk: you got to think of the child. listen you have to think of this child there is a child in the middle of this. >> that is what i'm trying to do. >> and you have to also. if you are the new woman you have to step up and stop fighting with her. >> she is not even the problem right now. she is not an issue no more. >> kirk: wait. it's you two and his child. >> i understand that. i want her. i want to take care of her. >> are you not going to take care of her. [all talking at once]. >> let's talk about that. >> i was mad because how he treated me. i love him. >> how you treat me? >> i love you all the time. and i treated. >> stop lying then. stop lying then. stop lying. >> i always love you. i cared about you. shut up. no, it's not true. >> you don't lie to people that you love. >> i loved you for so long. you are unbearable. shut up. >> don't hit her. don't hit her. don't hit her. [all talking at once] >> kirk: yaz. yaz. yaz. >> i loved you for so long. i do love him i cared about him. i was there for him. >> i know. >> i -- i was there for him. >> kirk: listen. listen. wait. >> i loved him and i want to be with you so much. shut up. you shut up. >> kirk: jimmy and amber you can go. i want to talk to yaz. [applause] you came here to find out how jimmy felt about you. clearly he seems to have moved on. >> i know. he did. he said he wanted to be with me. >> kirk: we are going to get you some help because we are going to get you some help because we have to think about the child? we have to think about the child. >> he loves me. i want to be with him so much >> kirk: sometimes in life -- sometimes in life you have to let it go. >> i loved him so much. i care about him so much. >> kirk: you got to accept that this relationship i over. we are going to be right back. thank you. [applause] coming up on "the test"... >> you accused me of stealing your identity so you did not want to talk to me. it made me feel messed up. >> and later... >> i don't know if i started it but i'm going to settle it. >> are you a coleader what is up with that? coming up tomorrow the woman accused of break up kim k and reggie bush. >> i wasn't the only one. >> is she a home wrecker or? >> in la the girls say they are models or actresses, i call them mattresses. >> and was he grabbing someone else's buns at burger stand? >> you had your hand on her. >> tomorrow on "the test." [applause] [♪] >> kirk: welcome back to "the test." this next story is a case of stolen identity with one sister accusing the other of swiping her id and filing taxes under her name. they let her sister borrow her id to get into a club and she never gave it back. dominique says she is the better looking sister and would never steal dana's identity. dana will not rest until she puts sis to the test. welcome dana to the show. [applause] what is going on? you think she stole your id d? >> yes, i do. in 2006 she came up to visit from atlanta and we were living in cincinnati and i was 19 and she was 17 and she wanted to use my id to go out. but when she came back i forgot to get it from her and when she went back south she told me she sent it back and it slipped my mind but the next two years, i tried to file taxes -- >> kirk: you forgot your id was missing. you never need to do again? >> i ended up getting a new one because i got a driver's license. the next two years after that, they told me like my social security number was used for both years. so they did research and they told me because i never been to atlanta a day in my life they told me that someone i had a job working at this job down there, i filed taxes and i claimed a kid. i never been to atlanta before. >> what does she say? >> she said she didn't do is it >> kirk: and your relationship is suffering because she jacked up your world? >> right. yes. >> your sister dominique is here. let's bring her out. [applause] thank you for coming. so dominique, what is with the id? >> this was how many years ago? >> kirk: i don't know i wasn't there. >> i don't remember taking the id it was in 2006 she did give me the id. i was supposed to go out. >> kirk: and you said you did not remember. >> i don't remember taking the id home. i remember her giving me the id and she gave it to me and when we was younger we used to look alike as far as me taking the id back to atlanta i don't remember doing it. >> you did not steal her identity? >> no, i did not. >> when i called you you said you was going to send it back and you said you sent it back. >> i don't remember remember that i probably did tell her i would send it back but i don't remember taking it back to atlanta >> kirk: are you friends at all? >> we cool. >> no, we are not. >> we are on the show so i guess we ain't cool >> kirk: i'm on the show and i'm cool. >> we all know you. >> you called me accusing me of stealing your identity. >> i did want to talk to you. >> kirk: how did it make you feel? >> that was my sister coming from -- i understand where you coming from. she mad because i remember these many years ago if i sent the id back or if i took it back home to atlanta first of all. >> dominique aunt is here what do you think of this? >> i think it's nonsense. i think the process of elimination was not done correctly. i think that the irs has a protocol, i think the irs has a protocol for these situations. >> what are you talking about? >> so does that -- how does that mess up your credit? >> i had a job in atlanta. >> kirk: we are going to get to the bottom of this identity problem. [applause] coming up on "the test"... did you file income taxes under your sister's identity? with rich moisturizers... and a revitalizing lather ♪you're not fully clean... unless you're zestfully clean!♪ is your family in crisis? do you want to confront your family about lies they spread about you? if you want to put your family to the test call... >> all right dana. we are back. if you need to get on your hands and knees and beg for your sister's forgiveness if your sister did steal your identity. before the show, our lie detector administrator asked dominique the following questions. did you use your sister's id to gain employment? your answer was what? >> no. >> she passed. [applause] >> yeah, i know. >> i passed. >> kirk: one more question. did you file income taxes under your sister's identity? your answer was? no. >> she passed that as well. >> i did. i did. >> i'm sorry. >> i know. i know. i know. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> i know. >> i'm sorry. please forgive me. >> kirk: she is results seem to have brought love back to the family. how does that make you feel? all these years? >> so happy and i swear to god i told her i would give her the utmost apology because i swear to god you don't understand what i have been going through. i am wrong. that what i'm saying but i am a woman about it. i ain't got to be talking... >> kirk: and that is the point. >> i don't need you to say that, though. >> kirk: that is the great thing about the test. you come here and you will get the answers and it can rebuild love, right? it's good to see. we'll be right back. [applause] [♪] coming up on "the test"... do you think this is your boy? >> i hope that he is. i don't think but i hope he is. >> kirk: i have the result right here. kevin? you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. [applause] >> kirk: do you like action? do you want to witness shocking results? if you are in the la area and would like to be in the studio audience for a taping of "the test" go to [applause] [♪] >> kirk: now it's time to test out dna in a longstanding daddy dilemma. chad says his father kevin left him before he was born and denied he is his father for 33 years. chad says he is tired of kevin's lies and wants to find out if kevin is really his dad. let's welcome chad to the stage. [applause] so chad why are you here? what is going on? >> it's ridiculousness pure madness. everyday, i've wanted my dad in my life. and you know, i couldn't have that. i was like all i had was a picture. >> kirk: why did it take 33 years to decide that you wanted to know for sure? it seems leak a longtime. >> it did not take time for me to know. it was his persistence of wanting to know. so i got tired of it. because i never denied him as my father. >> kirk: do you get along? do you have a good relationship? >> here and there. one week it's one thing and the next week it's another. the past month-and-a-half that we stayed together. this is very recent >> kirk: you stayed with him? >> yes, >> kirk: how did it workout? >> it was great we were able to get out and we did a few things and then my brother came out and he turns up like a bad penny. everytime i try to have a relationship with my father >> kirk: and this is adam. he is your brother? >> yes. i've never denied him as my brother >> kirk: is there any doubt that he is your father? >> never. never been any doubt >> kirk: why are we here for a dna test? >> m father is the one with doubt in his heart that my mom wasn't honest with him. and so the lies -- >> kirk: was she with other guys at the time? what is the problem? >> all i can say is when i was a kid i don't remember my father ever being there and i asked my mom and she is like when we were together he was hardly ever here and he would leave and he would not turn up. >> kirk: it's time to meet chad's alleged father, kevin and his brother adam, a son from another mother. come on out kevin and adam. [applause] >> you are lying. you are lying man. what is up with you. >> what am i lying about? >> we never denied you. >> we -- you have. >> but, but, there is issues i'm sure between kevin and your mom as far as -- no. the what all the lies you are running around saying >> kirk: are you telling lies? >> i guess so. >> where do you want to start? where do you want to start? >> when i was when we met when i was 13? you were 15? >> let's start with the guy who started this whole thing. is this your son? >> i don't know if i started it but i'm going to settle it. >> kirk: that makes sense. >> thank you. that is why we are here >> kirk: do you think this is your boy? >> i don't -- i hope that he is. i don't think, but i hope he is. i don't think he is. >> kirk: why do you think he might not be? >> there's been too many lies. again like he said, i knew his mother a total of a year out of my life. and it was a lie from the beginning. and i was nothing but lies >> kirk: it only takes a couple minutes to create a kid. >> we dated married and had a child and divorced all within a year >> kirk: and you left her when she was pregnant? >> no. she left and disappeared. and i couldn't find them for 15 years. i left my phone number published everywhere where i lived. >> kirk: what about the lie that you are a cult leader? are you a cult leader? >> what is up with that? >> no. i am a reverend. i am a reverend. and i minister. and i have some really sweet friends. really good people >> kirk: i don't care about your friends. >> but he does. >> kirk: what are the lies? >> he had my phone for a while while they were staying with me and he texted everybody that i know that they wanted to protect them from being hurt >> kirk: by who? >> by me >> kirk: he thinks you are satan? are you or are you not satan? ieed to know this. >> not. not. >> thank god >> kirk: i have to know. i cannot share a stage with satan. listen we are going to go to break and she says adam is a ridiculous stupid slob we'll meet chad's wife next. will be right back. [applause] [♪] coming up on "the test"... >> you are a liar and manipulator. you invited us to come in. to your home. and then you told us to leave and find somewhere to go? and you call yourself a christian. >> i'm waiting for him hi. i'm henry winkler. and i know there are many myths out there about a reverse mortgage, so i want you to know the facts. there are currently no credit score or income requirements to qualify. you can get tax-free money from the equity in your home. you can use the money to pay off your current mortgage if you have one. the remaining money can be used for anything. there's no monthly mortgage payments. and you still own your home! call today to get your free guide and dvd. it explains how a government-insured reverse mortgage works. there's no obligation. one reverse mortgage is a quicken loans company. their licensed experts can answer all your questions. call to find out what a great solution this can be. don't wait, call now! [applause] [♪] >> kirk: welcome back to the "the test". before the break we met chad and adam they are brothers. they seem to hate each other. this is their father kevin who you think might be satan. we're here to find out. and he is denying he is not sure that he is your fatherment and you want him to take a dna test. >> he wanted me to take the dna test. he asked me to send a piece of hair through the mail. i told him no, i wanted him to come to or i will come to him. i'm here. >> kirk: there's one person i want to add to the mix is chad's wife. she thinks kevin is a fake. and you are a fake christian and a liar. welcome victoria to the stage. [applause] >> you know what kevin? i want to tell you you are a liar and manipulator you invited us to come into your home and then you told us to leave and find somewhere to go? >> yeah. >> and you call yourself a christian. and you? you are a slob. >> how am i a slob? >> two weeks you were at your father's you didn't do nothing. no, you did not. >> i picked up the food you left outside. >> no. [all talking at once]. >> don't point your finger at me. >> don't get in my face. >> control my wife? >> yes. >> just control your tongue >> kirk: are you ready to find out if kevin is your father? >> yes. i mean to me i'm ready for him to find out that i'm his son >> kirk: then what? this family seems like nobody cares about anybody it's about dishes. you traveled a long way to talk about that. >> i didn't come here for that. >> kirk: stand up for this family. what is going on? victoria. tell me why you are even here. >> 33 years later. >> i'm here to settle this and establish. it's -- chad is my son. then he needs to act like a son and he needs to. >> act like a son? >> what do i do? >> you need to learn -- [inaudible] my brother died and me and him was together. >> i was at the funeral for you. no, you weren't. you never showed up. you stayed and called adam and said this is steven i'm not really dead. while i was burr rig my son. >> no, i told you when my -- i know -- i told you i could not believe my brother was dead and that is why i had a hard time. and i came back to arizona after i was married with my wife. i felt i could not believe he died. my dad called me to tell me my brother was dead. i could not believe it for years. i never called and said he is in witness protection. what would he be in witness protection? what are you talking about? the only thing i said is they don't have it because people were trying to kill me and my wife in illinois? >> why? >> our kid got involved in gangs and that is the reason why we are going to move. and you said no, son come live with me. so we come out here. [inaudible] and i'm not talking to you shut up. you were not in the conversation. >> i was there. i went to grandma's i stayed at migrant mother's -- [inaudible] [all talking at once] eight years old that is when it started. >> we want the test! we want to hear the answers >> kirk: how are you going to hear the answers if i cannot speak? if you find out this is not your dad are you going to be ok. >> it will put an end to everything right there and if you want to accept me as your son finally that is awesome. i have accepted you as my father, i never questioned it. >> kirk: i have the result right here. kevin, i think it's time that you say hello to your real son. [applause] [cheering] this is your boy. how do you feel about that? >> i think he has a lot to learn. >> kirk: well that you are his father you can teach him. sit down. >> now what? what now? are we done with that? are we going to move on? >> what do you mean what now? >> all you guys want is the answer now you have to makeup another lie. >> kirk: wait a minute. let's take it down. >> are you going to apologize. >> for what? how about you apologize. >> are you going to apologize for the lies? >> kirk: we'll be right back. [applause] [♪] [applause] [♪] >> kirk: welcome back to the "the test". here is what we learned tow. we learned that you are in fact this gentleman's father. it would be a shame if we cannot find a way to get along as a family. a little better. i mean are you open to trying? >> oh, yeah. most definitely. my door is always open. >> your door is always open? >> always, always. >> that is good to know in case i am in town and need a place to stay. >> coming up tomorrow, the woman accused of breaking up kim k and reggie bush takes the test. >> you think she slept with reggie. >> i wasn't the only one. i was there with friends. >> do you think that kim blames you? >> all new on "th "the test." that is tomorrow. >> if you have somebody in your life that you don't trust or you want to put to the test, go to thank you for watching. see you next time. good-bye. [applause] [♪] [cheering] >> live from new york city, it's wendy williams! today, just back interest his hun eny moon, music super star john legend shares about his wedding to supermodel christy teigen and performance his new n. plus, krisnd bruce's dramap. and all the latest juicy hot topics. now here's wendy! [ applause ] >> wendy: hi, diane. yeah! oh! hi, everybody. [ applause ] >> wendy: welcome to the show. [ applause ] >> wendy: thank you so much for watching today. i'm glad to see you. hi, studio audience! you look beautiful. [ applause ] >> wendy: how you doin'? >> how you doin'? >> wendy: i'm doing great. we've got a very nice show for you -- prepared for you today. there's a shocking housewife scandal dealing with cheating. it's a new york castmate. which way? oh. ramona. plus, new details on kris and bruce's split. and kanye was on jimmy kimmel last night, facing off. we've got the highlights and the clips and let's talk about it and more. it's time for "hot topics." [ applause ] >> wendy: thank you. thank you. so, last night, i was out socializing and i didn't get a chance to watch any tv. i was invited to the u.n. i hosted a -- [ applause ] >> wendy: thank you. i hosted an event, it was the temple cultural festival and there were lots of dignitaries there from around the world. monks as you can see. the monks don't smile. i felt awkward smiling but i smiled. you know. i really at first i said well, what do you wear to the u.n.? how do you act at the u.n.? i'm swathed in material and a high neckline and the only person there from jersey. but it was nice. there were -- there were performances, that's my new friend ben chen, very important at the u.n., and he served under four presidents. we had great conversation. there was food and booze and people and it was nice. by the time i got home, i was ready to collapse. so i did not see jimmy kimmel. but it is the talk on everybody's lips this morning. jimmy kimmel and kanye, they had their feud a few weeks ago and it's been kind of ongoing on social media and what not and jimmy made fun of kanye. this is where it started. kanye took it to heart and sent a lot of twitter rantses to jimmy kimmel and then jimmy joked it was his first rap beef. kanye explained -- kanye explained why he looked so angry. i want you to notice something while you watch the footage. there's no eye contact being made. and very little blinking going on. you ugh, i'm an observer. just watch. you observe. go. >> i wouldn't even say i'm a rapper. i'm more of a messenger than a rapper. even when you say rap beef it undermines it. recontexting what i said. if you look at the interview it's something fearless in my position to do. most people just like bow down to tv or whatever, bow down to these cameras. i could care less about any of these cameras in all honesty. all i care about is my family, protecting my girl, protecting my baby and ideas and dreams. you know. that's the reason i went so crazy, you know. >> i an, i didn't mind what he said. i get the whole protection thing. but there is something wild eyed behind those -- he's got -- he's got several screws loose and a lot of it ticks going on. i'm just calling it the way i see it. and i am like a


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