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hundreds of thousands of flood survivors need. to leave devastation in its wake. it's a country that put democracy on hold many times and the cost. will be choosing between young and the military strong to try. to the program. we'll start in the united kingdom where the prime minister theresa may has to come up with a way to save her deal after european union leaders agreed to delay the date of britain's withdrawal from the block to be home next friday take a look at the timeline the next day to bear in mind is next tuesday that's the twenty sixth of march that's the most likely day for a vote in the british parliament to approve the prime minister's deal this was the one that was drawn up with the e.u. bear in mind that lawmakers have already rejected it twice if they reject it again britain is due to crash out of the you in three weeks that's on the twelve april the u.k. could also use that time to find an alternative agreement but if parliament approves the deal and the deadline will be extended to the twenty second of may well ok those decisions were taken into the e.u. summit meeting this just finished in brussels german chancellor angela merkel calling for the u.k. to provide clarity on how it wants to proceed. we agreed that should britain approve the withdrawal agreement next week we will defer the date for the u.k. leaving the e.u. to the twenty second of may. this was to start by and sponsors my friends she'd been given this means we will have to wait and see what the house of commons decides we have avoided a disorderly no deal breaks it on march the twenty ninth but these are very short deadlines so once again britain will have to make clear which path it wants to take . you know how my boy was the nation's biggest on in the this discussion has proved once again what has been the case for the past two years that we twenty seven e.u. member states will act together with unity. the i know it wish would come and so let's hear next from the e.u. council president to donald tusk welcome to news decision you know there was decision to give britain more time. regs it also formalized it like. you. and the u.k. to cleavage for an extension. so i am really happy about this development as i said yesterday. it means that the crew. do. to rethink its strategy all the broken go through fifty which is a true look at the for the u.k. government. the fate of. so far over to strengthen. let's go to brussels that were overjoyed. and correspondent barbara visa welcome barbara so the decision to delay briggs it was you not a must but was that meeting because they did seem to take an awfully long time. took an awfully long time for one simple reason phil i mean these twenty seven prime ministers presidents and chancellors and every single one of them things they have very important and they finally really need to sort of hash it out talk about say what they maybe think about to resume after she had left the room and say put a date on the table at one point deployment joked that there were so many dates on the table it was like tinder and then finally sort of figure out what could be the strategy you know we need this thread of gee that finally after some hours emerged dinner was postponed and then they said down and said ok we give them two deadlines just as you have just shown a short one where they need to really push it and then maybe if they get it done and then they can a bit more have a bit more time to figure out the legal niceties and that is the strategy we don't want to be held hostage by the crimes anymore said francis emanuel and right he is ok so lead is just as we just wait and see what. what the british parliament do next. that is right because as we heard donald tusk say it's in the hands of our british friends it has been in their hands all the time but they let the ball drop over and over again the hopes are higher that treason may be under so much pressure or might even be kicked out of office or there. then finally something begins to move now the two varieties of things and two variations of things that could happen next week one is as you indicated the breaks a deal can be brought back now we hear in the meantime that the reason may might step back from that because she realizes that she would get a bloody nose again because the two sides of parliament the quid server tubes and the opposition have dug themselves in and say we will not do this not over our dead bodies so that is the one thing what happens next there might be and there are students negotiations about ideas on the table series of so-called indicated that means it's like a pollock and you put everything on the table and then the speaker says a do you want breaks it was a customs union and then people walk out of one over to one side of parliament or the other do you want no way do you want no breaks to deal revoke to revoke up to kill fish and so on and so for seven variations and after that they could then go back to brussels and say see we figured out what we really want however they could have done this some months ago so while a future is going to paul again. what presumably though brussels given the political impasse in london brussels is preparing for brics it to happen on the twelfth of april for the effectively everything to just and that. they've done so furiously for some months already i mean since before christmas even the european commission has pasta numerous laws and legislations to figure out the rules can british trucks rule on the continent how planes going to fly because. the airline. breaks it and so on and force it's an endless listening and so they really have been doing their homework. you drive the president he could some member states and say they haven't really done enough to prepare the economy but i'm going to make a pick it up and said if i look at germany i think industry really has done everything it well prepared we know from the dutch they're very well prepared the french are trying to be well prepared so everybody knew this could go very wrong at the last minute that means in three weeks time april twelve's may have a whole lot of. thank you. the cases of cholera have been the authors in the mozambican city of barrow after catastrophic flooding triggered by cycling a day eight days after the devastating storm struck the homeless hungry and injured are making their way to barrow from the devastated inland areas the city was heavily damaged but has emerged as a nerve center for rescue efforts in the country. the harbor city of farah is almost unrecognizable it's been a week since cyclon die devastated demain and of east africa the failure of the cycle has subsided but to misery is overwhelming. everything is in short supply i'm not talking about what we're starving we're on some waiting list but there is not enough aid we're suffering and no one is giving us anything dramatic survivors from surrounding regions have been arriving by boat hoping for supporting the city that are most ninety percent of beira has been destroyed food prices have tripled in a short time food and medicine supplies are slow to arrive. the united nations has given a bleak assessment. the executive director described the scene on the ground as this parade stating that the situation on the ground and i quote well i'm quoting her the situation on the ground remains critical of the reason no electricity or running water or hundreds of thousands of children need immediate help the priority right now is to give them shelter food water education protection the u.n. estimates that in mazembe as well as in neighboring zimbabwe in malawi eat i affected well over a million people house of them children while many are waiting for humanitarian aid tens of thousands are still trapped by the floods that followed the cycler does simply aren't enough helicopters to rescue everyone. even if the rescues are success. the danger isn't over and one of contaminated water could quickly lead to a cholera outbreak. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world tens of thousands of protesters have returned to the streets of the algerian capital to step up their calls for the president's immediate resignation after months of demonstrations president abdelaziz bouteflika reversed his plan to run for a fifth term but stopped short of stepping down. police in paris have banned yellow vest protesters from the shows they're losing on saturday a week after hundreds of government demonstrators rioted and looted shops on the famous boulevard the decision follows french president emanuel controversial decision to call in the army to curb the violence. of thousands of people in the city of which wrecked a memorial box for the victims of monday's shooting the prime minister was amongst the borders of a gunman who killed three people has confessed to the attack these are still investigating his motive. thousands of new zealanders attended a memorial in christ church marking a week since a gunman killed fifty people and the two most in the city press were held as a opposite b. . which was the target of one of the shooters. but meanwhile the women on bed in new zealand have been wearing head scarves in a display of solidarity with the country's muslim community. was organized by social media and deal with before to would include. welcome what's the idea behind this well as we've seen a lot of outpouring of support and unity in new zealand this is yet one more way that was zealanders have been trying to come together the facebook page facebook event was launched headscarves for harmony to encourage women of all kinds into zealand to put on the headscarf men as well but mostly women especially today the one week since the shooting at the mosque this was done in consultation. with a few muslim groups in new zealand to make sure this was an appropriate way for non muslims to show their support for their muslim neighbors we see here people posting selfies of themselves wearing the headscarf today and also reasons why the reasons why that they they did it what it meant to them we also have a few examples here of of women saying why they did it. of support. this is what you cannot talk here today. and for what i think no need to get a lot of support and i realized that. all my primary reason was that. i want to stand between him and anybody he might be pointing at it. and i don't want him to tell the difference because there is. so what sort of response you know well of course when it comes to headscarves it's a bit of a touchy subject headscarves are seen by some as a symbol of oppression within the muslim community forcing women to cover up but when it comes to the context of just this particular situation a lot of positive response especially among the muslim community we see a few responses here online the head scarf or harmony facebook page itself can't find enough words to thank you ladies for your support today we really appreciate all what you've done for us always united and here on twitter to all those who have chosen to wear the headscarf and solidarity today and those who choose to do this in other ways know that you are legends respect with the hash tag head scarf for harmony that's been trending in new zealand today so it's just one of several ways that we've seen in the last week new zealanders coming together to mourn this really horrific shooting that happened last week in blue cross thank you so much. now the hundreds of thousands of refugees living in bangladeshi refugee camps lack access to adequate shelter basic supplies health care and education bangladeshis government has a band of children from attending school so now some of fighting back. his life may have been turned upside down but morning routine endures he should be getting ready to go to his school he should be walking through his front door. instead it's a stroll through the sprawling sea of shelters that's been home for two years for everyone here life is on hold but with no education provision teenagers have it worst dreams of graduating from school have to wait. at makeshift study groups like these they refused to give up the fight for education. because if. i can do everything. for everyone. outside the camp local bangladeshi schools like this one once opened their doors to reckon just children. but fresh attempts to send the refugees back so the government puts an end to that the headmaster says his hands are tied. up the government thinks that the road in just students may get involved in militancy and crimes. can be more radicalized and get involved with crime if they have access to education to be removed. after they were kicked out of the classroom the students took to protest education for all why not for this girl asked for something the expulsion was crushing but has hardened their resolve. when i was kicked out of school i cried loudly and when i went home my parents were also very upset and. i want to be a journalist because i want our voices to be heard i want to help my community by highlighting our suffering many in this present down the. back in the makeshift classroom the boys are learning english on the student has become the teacher. playing his part to inspire. on the weekend that you know. they also. promote. and can also teach and i noticed today i know that a generation and also there can also and that's ok to this end. there may be little cause for optimism here but it hasn't stopped some fearing the hopes of a lost generation of children on their shoulders. thailand goes to the polls on sunday for its first election for eight years the country's been under military rule for most of that time people will vote under a new constitution that gives the military a significant say and doesn't but one young candidate thinks he can shake up the status quo. cannot tones wrong wrong wrong is something of a political rock star of thailand. a son of one of the country's richest families he set up his own political party a year ago. his declared goal end military rule bring back democratic rights and create a more equal society. that these ideas resonate especially with young. that this is the first time i get to vote i parked at the new generation and when i see china taiwan i believe he's also from the new generation. he has good policies and i believe he can make things happen. was that he has good ideas believes in equality of all human beings and he is determined. no region will send more employees to the new parliament than thailand's poor rural northeast. most voters here are still stand supporters of the previous democratic government that the country's military junta ousted in two thousand and fourteen. the hooters political arm the pollen clock or a party has been working hard at making inroads here. the military government has been trying to win over voters in this part of the country basically by handing out money many of the people we spoke to here however told us they still support parties affiliated with former prime ministers talks in seen a lot and his sister yingluck but few are willing to speak out on camera they say they're afraid. afraid of him highland military dictator general prayuth chan or cha he took power by force in two thousand and fourteen to end the political turmoil hyland had been caught up in for more than a decade since then he's been trying to present himself as the people's friendly uncle. i think the country's become a lot more peaceful there are no riots no fighting that's what i like everything is quiet. but to achieve that. suppress democratic rights jailed critics and try to take out political adversaries. now he wants to rebrand from dictator to democratically elected prime minister with the help of a constitution that gives him a very undemocratic i. don't know. i think you can say that the home to has one in terms of electoral engineering they've engineered the cost of tuition they've engineered political party laws and of course they control the monopoly of violence they control the military ok but what the hotel doesn't have is control over people's emotions over voters who really want change so the military's party is trying hard to sell a dictator who has been mostly preoccupied with consolidating his power as an agent . i don't stand what is going on last ten years ago they need something change so thailand have to keep going so we're not stuck with. past so everybody wants a new one new come under new policy. the question is will tie voters be happy with the result these heavily skewed elections produce and what will happen if not. for large scale protests through a counter by a rival military action everything is in the cards higher than could be in for turbulent times yet again. the police in germany have arrested and eleven people in an m t terrorism right near the city of frankfurt two hundred police commandos were dispatched to two hours of western germany some of those arrested and accused of planning an islamic inspired terror attack to kill no muslims prosecutors say the alleged plotters have been amassing money to carry out that plot. now in a rare move the united nations has condemned the international let's explore the idea or attempting to regulate the testosterone levels of female athletes the u.n. says new rules may be in breach of international human rights norms and standards but also back to challenge by south africa but like the same menu of options. the new rules state that she drug users athletes must seek treatment to lower their testosterone levels if they wish to continue competing as women. so we'll get more of this from public. so welcome welcome so what are these new rules and why is custom when you're fighting them well caster semenya of course is at the center of this but we'll get to just one second basically the chief said. women who have testosterone levels above the bodies limit for female athletes are just simply not allowed to compete now the idea is looking to force so called hyper drug and its athletes or those with differences of sexual development to seek treatment to actually lower their levels lower prescribe demand now the reason why they want to do this is because they're saying that it's to create a level playing field for all their female athletes but this goes against what experts have been saying most notably in the british medical journal they said that there is a lack of evidence about the effects of testosterone on the court or figure is arbitrary and as i mentioned before caster semenya is directly affected by this as are other athletes and because of the international association of athletics federations the idea that i have said that they're going to delay implementing its regulations because caster semenya contested the legality of it or does it tell us more about this u.n. intervention well it's a big move on it's a bold move as you mentioned before it's. rare to see this now the united nations said they passed a resident resolution stating that the i w i s may be quote in breach of international human rights norms and standards now they also went on to say that they quote refrain from developing and forcing policies and practices that force coerce and otherwise pressure women and girl athletes into undergoing unnecessary humiliating and harmful medical procedures and this was a south african led resolution and that is very damning what they've said i mean they really did not hold back from what they think of the i w. s. rules and now what the i do but i will do we'll we'll have to wait and see but these are strong words from the u.n. . this. rugby world cup is being hosted by japan it starts in september but for two england fans the trip to tokyo starts now they are cycling there and hoping to raise money for charity in the process. from london to tokyo as the crow flies it's over nine thousand kilometers but george cullen and ben cooke will be on their bikes passing through twenty one countries all for a good cause. i think it's going to see the world's foremost like you know you're literally. in a country feeling all the hills mean all the people so it's for the best way to go and travel. and then raise money as well so i raise money for the member foundation and the. thousand pounds if all goes to plan they'll arrive just in time for the rugby world cup in september in order to make it their travelling light along with this one luxury item. substances pretty simple many things that we need to resupply along the. way to water so. there's two things that should be there. in six months time these two could be cheering on their rugby heroes after the ride of a lifetime. u.s. pop artist bride dollie known professionally as kohl's as told of massive inflatable sculpture into hong kong's victoria harbor a floating artwork looked like come to my house drifting on its back and gazing at the sky it's nearly forty metres long and i'm fifty three don't think a bus is a street artist coarsest of a climbing mouse will inspire relaxation and then increasingly hectic world. getting better. is reminded of our top stories at this hour british prime minister three's might as result from brussels without extension to the deadline the e.u. has made it conditional on the u.k. parliament possibly the brits a divorce deal next week if it doesn't pass a parliament might take part in a series of independent votes on the direction should then take. the edge yet you can always get the news on the go just don't love adopt from google play oh for me apple store i will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news also use it to send us a photos and videos. a state shouldn't fall the day after news of the top of the author of a good day. geminids w. at any time any place in using names. you have i don't like a. song to sing along to you just a combo from super flimsy. for cut interactive exercises. everything is online metafile and interactive benjamin fifty three fifty w. . city in ruins. morrow a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims. and the christian population. when finance fighters occupied the city center in two thousand and seven team president of church's response was little. by little it will never again book called game of. the reconquest turned into tragedy. that's not liberation at all this is not the kind of freedom that leon. how did howard become a deep way to islamist terror. the sorry country more city as a result. of an exclusive report from a destroyed city with. the philippines in the sights of bias starts april eleventh on d w. european leaders have granted three's race request for a delay to her country's exit from the block the u.k. will no longer be leaving next friday so the british prime minister is going to sell for extra three weeks to with perfect balance parliament into shape so what will she do next i'm phil down in berlin and this is the day. it's really is that the twelfth of april.


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