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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20181012

>> laura: a great show tonight, hannity. this is "the ingraham angle" tonight from washington. what's behind the left of total rage kanye west and ? and moments my ankle well it reveal what they are really frightened of and the leftist mentality is moving from congress and public restaurants to college campuses and even parking lots. i had to, we will talk to victims of the mob mentality, including the friend of susan rice's republican son who was assaulted just days ago. her son, not the friend, at a pro kavanaugh rally. plus, did a pair of senate candidates just have their own basket of deplorable's moments? john spicer and ari fleischer are here to break it all down. he could spell trouble for democrats in two key senate races. but first, the liberals freak out as trump reaches out. that's a focus of tonight's angle. it was an amazing moment in the oval office today when pop culture icon and rapper extraordinaire kanye west met with president trump before the camera. he unleashed a ten minute monologue where he tried to explain his love of all things mega. >> they try to scare me to not wear this hat, my own friends. but this hat, it gives me power and away. my dad and my mom separated, so i didn't have a lot of mail energy in my home. it was something about putting this hat on, it made me feel like superman. like when i need it saturday live to improve on or the liberals to improve on, when he don't look good, we don't look good. this is our president. steel and sometimes unlikely figures emerge in american history to play important roles. eliminating at times important truths. today, kanye west in his own net centric way exposing tolerance of the left. they are denunciations of his white house appearance were immediate and withering. >> when it comes to issues of kanye west bringing black people to president trump, that's a misnomer. >> it doesn't speak to the diversity or the broad experiences of 40 million black people. >> this is a reality tv show we were watching. >> that was an assault on a white house. >> an assault on our white house? well kanye did use some coarse language that he shouldn't have used, and he was speaking his own truths. but if you want to talk about assaults or improprieties in the white house, what about this? or this? kanye west is hardly a political philosopher, and i've always believed that entertainers should first entertain and keep their politics separate from their art. but i cannot remember any artist on the left who was treated with the same vitriol and hatred as kanye west has been subjected to since he announced his support for the president. when katy perry or miley cyrus were headlining hillary clinton, i don't remember anyone at msnbc or cnn criticizing them for lacking policy experiences. when hillary clinton sat down with and mary jay obliged. [singing] ♪ it ain't no secret, no secret my friend, you can get killed for living in your american skin ♪ >> laura: is like an old coffee commercial from the 70s 70s. and obama was the biggest celebrity hound of them all. here is that barack and michelle serenading usher in the white house but no impropriety or assault on the white house then. what about beyonce and jay-z? they were in the white house more frequently than the secret service and that was all perfectly acceptable. no policy concerns then. but when it was announced two days back that kanye would be holding a meeting at the white house with trump, all heck broke loose. >> he is the token of the trump administration. >> kanye is what happens when they don't read. >> kanye is being subjected to the attacks that awaken any black conservative who dares to break ranks with the democratic monolith. let's kind of treat these entertainers like pawns who are not allowed to deviate from the leftist groups at all. god protects any hispanic, or black who breaks ranks and goes their own way politically. remember the scorn that singer harry belafonte heaped on condoleezza rice and colin powell for working for george bush? >> they believe she does, and my reference to them meant that they were not the masters of their own destiny although they had the choice to be. >> house slaves, that's really nice. the reagan administration argued that black should cast off conservativism for conservative solutions and summed up how the g.o.p. had lost so much ground. saying democrats smugly assume blacks are monolithic and will by force of circumstances always huddle to the left of the political spectrum. the political right watches this herd mentality and action and, wistfully shrugs at the seemingly unbreakable hold of the liberal left of black americans. that official's name was clarence thomas, then chair of the equal opportunity commission. individuals such as the brilliant conservative economist tom soul were created just because as thomas noted, they refused to give into the occult mentality and childless obedience that hypnotized black americans into mindless political trance. this is justice thomas in 2007. >> we are here not to be proselytized but to think for ourselves. and isn't that one of the reasons we love our free society, we get to think for ourselves and make our decisions based on certain principles, and, to make it possible for others to do the same? be one absolutely. now unless he is doing a giant plunking of america, he has guts and gusto. just because he dares to think for himself, think differently, and his outspoken over-the-top manner, he is -- journalism and of course the entertainment industry. he represents a danger to the left because of his huge cultural influence. in moments like this, they are absolutely intolerable. >> i don't want to put you in that spot. >> i love this guy right here. i love this guy right here. >> the monopoly on black voters is in jeopardy. there are more reasons for the liberals to be concerned. president trump now has a 36 approval rating. some attributed the rise to support from connie west and of course at historic low unemployment rate in the black community. whatever the cause, whatever the reason, the shifting support among african-americans is very, very significant. democrats cannot win a national election without their huge swath of black voters, and perhaps kanye is giving them a reason to look elsewhere for political answers. so next time you hear liberal pundits writing him off as a crazy slave denying lunatic, remember, it's all about the numbers. they have to smear west for fear of black americans following them into the arms of donald trump. and that's the angle. joining me now, it's harris cooper, former counsel to then army. the young lawyers division and charlie kirk is a founder of the turning point usa. author of the book, campus battlefield. great to have you all on. it's a great day in washington for many reasons. he listened to the angle, do you think that any of this over overwrought reaction to kanye west is because the left is worried? let's say it's even 20% report for trump. that's cataclysmic really bad news for democrats. >> it absolutely would be bad news. one thing, i certainly won't come on here and pretend as if connie west has been a saving grace, kanye west acted as a child today. he ranted and raved, banging his hand, and i'm actually proud of anyone who knows the morse code enough to know what he was saying. he grandstand at the entire time and a grandstand on nothingness. i'm not worried about any african-american approval ratings for trump. president trump will still receive a low amount of african-american supporters. >> you actually spent a lot of time with kanye today. i'm wondering what the reaction would be if a white person said that he or she couldn't understand what kanye west had said today in the oval office. if i said that, i couldn't even imagine the people that would come after me. he said some actually interesting things, he was all over the place but, he's not a political person. no more than miley cyrus bumping and grinding, doing the torque. hillary is the person for you, let me give you the five reasons why, while no one talked about miley. but this is a problem for liberals. why isn't miley cyrus and matt damon and ben aflac and all the people that showed up, they never worried about policy considerations then. >> celebrity after celebrity has come out and support of the left. we were honored to have them show up and make their presentation. wait a second, you don't have your data right. these points you are making are inaccurate and no one says any of those things. we sit back and we clap. when someone like kanye west says what he says, what he really is doing is, saying to black people, look around and think for yourself. you can, it's okay. and that is what is the most dangerous of all. >> charlie, i will play something from the oval office that we didn't play earlier. kanye on liberal racism, and, get your reaction. >> one of the moves i love that liberals try to do, the liberals will try to control a black person through the concept of racism because we know that they are very proud. and then they think, racism can control me? >> i had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with them after this meeting and first of all i think it's unbelievably insulting to say that you know what he was saying. >> i don't. >> is dead i'm defecting from the monolith and you have permission to do the same. it took courage for him to do that because his whole life is about selling albums. his whole life is about popularity and do so many people in the music industry are afraid to do what he did. you should be quite afraid because even if that pole is half correct, if donald trump's approval rating is 18, 19 or 20%, the democratic party is done. sing think free, think for yourself, think independent. if you look objectively at what the democrat party has done to our inner cities, our urban communities and the black community over the last 60 years, it ravished these communities. high murder rates, crime everywhere. he saw in chicago, you did a wonderful special there and there has not been a republican mayor of chicago since 1931. and yet the black community boats for democrats at a 95% clip. i applaud kanye west for his courage and for standing up, it's not easy to do what he did. >> laura: i have to say i'm not wild on celebrities in politics, but i jokingly said, lebron james, shut up and dribble. everyone got all upset. everybody has an opinion, and yet the moment that you pick someone else they are screaming, i'm a victim. no one is a victim. if you want to go out there and call shots at president trump, this guy comes out and he says, i'd like trump. and it's not, i disagree with you, make that argument. but to say he's psychologically inept, he is a mental case, he's dumb, and the word used by two black people on set, i mean again, it's a conservative host of any color said anything like that, they be fired. i don't like calling for people to be fired, that's not my thing but the double standard is to me, preston, as just not good. >> one, a couple of things. they should be gone if they were using that word. for some reason many white americans think they can use the same exact language against black people that black people can use against black people and it's just not true. >> so explain what you mean because i'm confused. >> so, if a white person made a call, they should be called for the firing. the language and the ownership allows black people, and and -- >> i didn't say that in my monolog. >> it seems very accurate because in early 2,000, conservatives were not out here saying george bush was not for black people. so we are being very hypocritical in this room if we are going to sit here and pretend that kanye west is now a saving grace of our republican party. we might be disparaging them from making similar accusations. >> you are right, i was doing my shut up and sing moment and the reason i'm looking at this issue today is because i think people are desperate for solutions. it doesn't matter whether you are or straight, black or white, people are looking for solutions to heal this country and bring it forward. he spent a lot of time with him today, i don't know what kind of person he is, i don't want to judge people on who they are. we could all hang out and have a drink, but i don't know what he is like. what is he trying to do here. >> someone who has defied the odds, everyone said kanye west, you can't make your own record album. but you did not attack his idea ideas. >> you shouldn't have, you first and foremost resorted to saying i would have to resort to do egyptian hieroglyphics to understand what he's saying. he said, liberals want blacks to vote democrat because they want them for political power, home run. he did an unbelievably, intellectually, i would say grounded critique in his own way against the welfare state. >> he also said he had the right to bear arms. it's also about, are we going to be individuals? what he just said denies they are individuals when you claim that black people can use offensive language against other black people, but whites -- said that a white person said that they should be fired. and that's offensive. >> the liberals have double standards and you have no standards at all. >> so it's not about republicans and democrats. >> the one thing i want to get out a little bit, and i'm thinking about keeping you all for the full hour because you guys are so great. and the obama years we had snoop dogg, he's hanging out, and he's laughing about it. he would say, it was not really presidential, clinton had monica in his side office and had jay-z and beyonce mugging in the situation room, and we can't use a photo because its license. so everyone has the celebrities in and out, trump has one, pretty much one or two celebrities. but he can't even have like one celebrity, one african-american celebrity, and that guy had to be destroyed. i just think, what is the big deal if kanye west is there? why are liberal so worried about it? >> is in a list artist that's made to a huge family. that's why you see don lemon trying to discredit him. >> laura: kanye made a hit at the cardassians kardashians, a, like we don't have a lot of male influence. final thought. >> if we look at the republican party, and it's funny when we say democrats are a monolith. we all know who the monolith is here. >> all right. i want to have you on for the whole hour but they are telling me i can't do that. for more insight into the mind of president trump and conservative populism that drove him to office, be sure to pick up a copy of my new book, it's in paperback. dusting the barricades, what i saw in the populace revolution. it's in bookstores everywhere and you will love it. next, the media may be losing their mind over the kanye west meeting with president trump but what about the political ramifications inside from some folks and e kanye's hometown of chicago? that's coming up. t man. rated p. the more you know ththe commute is worth it., you and that john deere tractor, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive, but just like a john deere, it's worth it. exbut are you gettinglot enough of their nutrients?, new one a day with nature's medley is the only complete multivitamin with antioxidants from one total serving of fruits and veggies. new from one a day. >> laura: as i noted in the angle, the media are freaking out over president trump's meeting with kanye west. but we're wondering if it translates into actual votes. here is gianno caldwell and juan williams whose new book, what do you have to lose is out now. like kanye, you are a chicago native. so what are people saying in chicago about all this tonight? we had our town hall last month and had a lot of fun and really emotional time in chicago. i understand you were able to catch up to some of our friends and some of the more difficult areas of south and west side? >> absolutely. i'm surprised -- for a dozen mainstream, are a lot of people that would agree with what kanye had to say. that's one issue that a lot of chicagoans care about, but certainly this prison reform issue is another big issue. but what i have to say, laura, is, when i read publications today, when i saw what was on social media, email on my own instagram page, i was distressed, i was upset, especially by my friends over at cnn who used the word token. friends of mine who are black conservatives, who get this kind of rhetoric thrown at us on a day-to-day basis, you are going to attack someone who, my belief is, whose heart is pure and who want to see the people of chicago helped in the people across the nation helped? you use that kind of language? i have to be honest with you, it was very disturbing. >> laura: the reaction from the media, and some members of the entertainment industry, but mostly the media folks in d.c. and new york was pretty unhinged. we had people using the word and another thing, and neah malika hendrickson is a reporter and she came on right after all of this pretty much wrapped up and she said the following. well, i will read it to you. she said it also speaks to the lack of seriousness that the president looks at african-american issues. people know about these issues and instead, we have jim brown who was basically silent and on display. and then kanye west who isn't an expert in any of these things. my question is, who is an expert among any of the celebrities that were in and out of the white house during the obama years? >> i think there's a whole different context to obama's relationship, to not only the black community but racial issues in the country as a first black president, and processes and minuses to be debated. there is -- not only the rhetoric he uses but the substance of his policies with regard to black america. you mentioned criminal justice reform, and that they are working on reducing sentences for nonviolent offenders. then voters depression issues, that's large as we approach the midterms this is one of my favorites and you know what half of americans think trump is a racist. and trump said, what about the low unemployment rate? lowest in history. >> we had major american cities in flames during obama, and why did you have entire buildings on fire, police cars set on fire, violence in baltimore? and you had people in most polls saying the country is divided. >> i'm telling you, i don't think there's any doubt about the country a according to the polls, and they disapprove of the president's handling the race a far higher than obama. i said to you, pass the country 11% of republicans. >> you can't answer the question, this is crazy. what did obama do for chicago? >> remember, michelle went there after the shooting of that young woman who came to the white house. >> let me tell you what president obama did for chicago, nothing. and the reason why you did nothing, his pal rahm emanuel was running the city. there were people dying in the streets as they are today, and, and they could have done something real for chicago. and, let me say, in fact the criticism of president obama came from the left, for saying to people including at church services, and black on black crime is our problem. people said why are you lecturing black folks when there is systemic racism? so i don't buy that he did nothing. i think today with kanye west, what you saw was not a message to the black community but a message to trump supporters ahead of the midterms. don't worry about the problem of race, i have a black friend. >> so again, what i have to say is, when people say he is a problem or, he's stupid, or -- i will just go back to the revolving door of celebrity who are making their pitches on a variety of issues to obama, and of the clintons. and this was considered all well and good, whether it was george clooney or jay and bay. whoever it was, they did celebrity send-off for the president. that something like the grammy awards. >> let me interject really quickly. here's what i'm saying. i want gianna to have his chance but allow me to respond. if you look back from eisenhowe eisenhower, ronald reagan, two presidents kennedy and president bush, they had black advisors and latino advisors. his omarosa another celebrity? his expert in terms of dealing with race and civil rights issues? >> for you it's now the numbers inside. >> no, it's about people that have established relationships to the black community. >> laura: we got to get her in. >> when they saw what he did for president trump's polls numbers in the black community, we know that to be a fact. people have been calling kanye west stupid and dumb, but he has done great work. for people to call him stupid and dumb, when i'm not aware of anyone's medical credentials, to say that is just wrong. especially black people on cnn, it's outrageous. >> laura: i wish we had more time tonight. two democratic senator 's might be facing their own basket of deplorable's. that's coming up next. give us the middle of nowhere. where the only map is your buddies' tread marks. this life? no one's born ready for it. 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do the senator 's face ordinary risks here given the legislation? >> absolutely. pro tip, don't call the people you want to elect you crazy. i think kyrsten sinema will find herself on the back end of the wave which will bring martha mcsally to the u.s. senate. similarly i think marsha blackburn was and i think that race has opened up for marsha blackburn. i think these two folks needed to pretend they were actually conservatives and that they have championed sort of the issues that they could work with, and these videos that had both been on earth to proved that they will say whatever they have to say to get into power and yet, they are truly left-wing democrats that will elect chuck schumer and nancy pelosi if they were ever to get to washington. >> authenticity and candidates, sometimes it's hard to find. people kind of sense it though, i think they know it when they see it. trump, with his rough edges and all at times, they think this is a guy that will fight for us, he loves this country and we are with him. now what about, especially with arizona. >> you are 100% right. there is a repulsion in this country towards picture-perfect politicians who know how say everything the right way that they don't mean it. so here comes a rough and tough trump, and i think people actually embrace the fact that he is real. and that has helped mike helped him. in the case of the senate candidates in these very red states, there is a terrible tension that they are suffering from. they want to be more ripped liberal, and so you hear things and see things, and they have to fake it. because they cannot win in a red state otherwise. >> one of the parts of this is, when cinema was saying, there's something wrong in the water, for something wrong with the people, they are called tea party republicans. it's all the same thing, it's called crazy. again, more craziness. we talked about kanye west, all the criticism of him, he's crazy, he's stupid, you can't understand him. very little substantive dialogue. nicole wallace was on msnbc today and we talk about this push to violence and intimidation getting in people's faces, she said something very interesting about what she encouraged jim bush to do during the debate in the g.o.p. primary of 2016. let's watch. >> i told jeb bush after that debate that i thought he should have punched him in the face. even though he lost, he insulted your wife. i think you should have punched him in the face and gotten out of the race, he would have been a hero. >> laura: she actually told him to do that apparently. >> i think the problem i have right now is, we've gone from joking about things to actually inciting violence. i know nicole not well but i hope that wasn't in a lighthearted moment. but what i'm continuing to see from the left is whether it's people getting shot up at a baseball office or assaulting ted cruz and his wife at dinner. it's a life that continues to pursue envelope and a very dangerous place in this country. i respect the first amendment and i respect our ability to protest, but this is now crossing the line. the left seems to be condoning it and encouraging it in a way that's very dangerous for society. >> i'm not going to let you off the hook. this is wild. what is this? >> it's not wild, it's lost. and that's what donald trump has made people do. people who use to say, there's a limit to where we will go. and that will really hurt the democrats like good people like nicole have lost their way and say things like that. advocating violence, no. that was actually an assassination attempt on scores of republicans. don't forget the shooting at the family research council or the firebombing of the g.o.p. headquarters. they are actually acts of violence, in one of the reasons why i'm so upset about this is because the mainstream media doesn't blow the whistle, they put it on the front page and call them out, they look the other way. >> laura: and, tacitly encouraging it. thank you so much. did you know that susan rice's son is the head of the stanford republicans? and did you know he was reportedly assaulted a recently had a pro and kavanaugh rally? one of his close friends joins us next to detailed example of the leftist violencei that ari and sean were talking about, stay there. with trelegy and the power of 1-2-3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works 3 ways to... airways,... ...keep them open... ...and reduce inflammation... ...for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,.. ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? 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is that right? >> yes. >> laura: are you afraid to identify her? >> we've identified her on our facebook, i don't think we need to throw our name out, her name is melinda, but i don't think we need to throw her name out to the masses. she assaulted john and know we are pressing charges for john. >> so you are exercising first amendment rights? >> not really. it's kind of crazy, because we do know some prominent and very and this is -- she was upset at john for filming her ripping these flyers because we are just trying to get these documented. she wasn't happy with that and she attacked him for it. >> laura: so was it -- does he faced more pushback just because of his family lineage? >> i think perhaps but i think the reason he pushes -- has pushback anywhere is because he's a conservative on a college campus promoting individual liberty. the students are expected to conform. >> laura: then, keep doing exactly what you're doing because guess what, there are a lot more students that agree with you and you have to have fun doing it and you have to keep doing it. i went through the same thing at dartmouth, keep doing what you are doing. we salute you and give our best to our pal. and stay safe out there. >> we will keep fighting, thank you. and of violence and intimidation apparently falls you to the bar. johnny mckay made headlines yesterday after someone torched his truck because he dared to have a pro-trump sticker on it. johnny, first of all, good to have you with us. is this like a normal occurrence for top supporters in washington states, which is obviously a very liberal state, what gives here? >> washington is actually more pro-trump than just across the river in portland, so it's very unusual. >> laura: selected the sticker look like? >> i had two stickers. they both were trump 2,020. one said make liberals cry again and the other one said it, keep america great. >> laura: make liberals cry again is really funny, and you have to get me one although i think i will put it on my older car. so you came out of the bar, and you left the car there because you stayed there late, and then you came out the next morning, what happened? >> my wife was at work and i was home bored so i went to the bar to have a couple drinks and play some pool. i was only there for an hour and a half, i had four beers and played a couple games of pool and left at 10:30 p.m. i took an uber home because i was feeling it and when i left in the morning, it was gone. it was completely torched. the thing they didn't like about it because they -- the lady who initially called 911 told the bar owner, it said on the front door, f you trump come on it. but the scorch burnt the other part off and all that was left was the trump part. >> laura: i'm sure it wasn't, we love trump, let us bring your trunk. truck. i'm really sorry that happened to you. you can't put a bumper sticker on your car. confuse them next time and have like, america great and then like, visualize world peace or question authority. you have to have liberal greenpeace stuff and trump stuff and then they won't know what to do. just do that, that will really freak them out, all right? i really hope you get a new truck, i hope insurance covers that. and i will debate a professor that says, get this, trump immigration policy is the cause of crime. where? in mexico. stick around. while i was in the navy, i decided that i wanted to go for electrical engineering and you need to go to college for that. if i didn't have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. which is the main reason i left the military. everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. >> laura: a policy professor is blaming the trump administration for crime in mexico. yes, you heard that right. guadalupe joins us now to explain. thank you for being here. do you think it's possible that some of the people who have been deported back to mexico were already committing crimes before they were deported back to mexico? because you were saying deportation policy is making mexico's life worse. explain. >> mexico and the united states because people are very vulnerable. we have cartels at the border, operating at the border. we have corruption in mexico, therefore, when you deport people to the border, they find themselves like they want to come back to the united states. they don't have their families and some of them are forced to participate in criminal activities, or some of them want to go to the united states so they hired some smugglers that are in an action with the cartel. >> laura: i understand that. but why is that our problem? >> well, it's not your problem but you might have a problem, as well. because you have more criminal groups operating on the side of the mexico border. as you know, people are still arriving in the united states no matter what. >> laura: do you think we should have any borders, really? why have a border at this point? why not make it all one mexico and united states and the cartel will kind of go out of business? we will be all one country. >> i believe any country has to have some kind of limits, and i think borders are important to have limits. >> laura: but if you can have a border, presumably when people don't have permission to be here, then they can be sent home. every country on the face of the planet send people home when they don't have permission, and especially if they have committed a crime. then you're really subjecting them to deportation. i think americans don't feel like it's their responsibility to make sure -- we want mexico to be well, but we don't want people to cross the border. it real quick. >> i think you're right but at the same time, the united states can be threatened by more violence at the border. speed it will you come back so we can do a really long segment? would love to have you back. thank you so much. we will be right back. don't go away. give us the work no one else wants to do. we don't just go against the grain. we grow it. give us the frontiers. the places where success is measured in pushed limits. give us the middle of nowhere. where the only map is your buddies' tread marks. this life? no one's born ready for it. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) >> laura: it's time for the last fight. nfl hall of famer jim brown was at the white house today and spoke out on nfl players taking a knee. >> i can be very blunt about taking a name. first of all, i'm an american. that flag is my flag. i don't think that we should take knees in protest instead of just standing up for our flag. >> laura: jim, i couldn't agree with you more. that's all the time we have. shannon bream and the fantastic "fox news @ night" team. they have the big interview with president trump. pretty tough on the president. i watched the whole thing. >> shannon: who knows, he could call us again anytime soon. when the white house first called, i didn't answer the phone because i didn't recognize the number. [laughs] you've got to answer sometimes. laura, thank you very much. >> laura: take care. >> shannon: a fox news alert. the fallout from the offbeat oval office remarks from kanye west. heating up tonight with an encore


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20181012

this is "the ingraham angle" tonight from washington. what's behind the left of total rage kanye west?ng in moments my ankle will reveal what they are really frightened of and the leftist mentality is moving from congress and public restaurants to college campuses and even parking lots. i had to, we will talk to victims of the mob mentality, including the friend of susan rice's republican son who was assaulted just days ago. s w her son, not the friend, at a pro kavanaugh rally. plus, did a pair of senate candidates just have their own basket of deplorable's moments? shun spicer and ari fleischer are here to break it all down. he could spell trouble for democrats in two key senate races. but first, the liberals freaktw out as trump reaches out. that's a focus of tonight's angle. it was an amazing moment in the oval office today when pop culture icon and rapper extraordinaire kanye west met with president trump before the camera.od he unleashed a ten minute monologue where he tried to explain his love of all things maga. >> they try to scare me to not wear this hat, my own friends. but this hat, it gives me power and away. my dad and my mom separated, so i didn't have a lot of mail energy in my home. it was something about putting this hat on, it made me feel like superman. like when i need it saturday live to improve on or the liberals to improve on, when he don't look good, we don't look good. this is our president. >> laura: sometimes unlikely figures emerge in american history to play important roles. illuminating at times important truths. today, kanye west in his own net eccentric way, exposed of the left. the tolerance of the left. they are denunciations of his white house appearance wereit immediate and withering. >> when it comes to issues of kanye west bringing black people to president trump, that's a misnomer. >> it doesn't speak to the diversity or the broad experiences of 40 million black people. >> this is a reality tv show we were watching. >> that was an assault on a white house. >> an assault on our white house? well kanye did use some coarse language that he shouldn't have used, but in other settings liberals would have called that "authentic." he wasn't being his own truth. -- was being his own truth. but if you want to talk about assaults or improprieties in the white house, what about this? or this? kanye west is hardly a political philosopher, and i've always believed that entertainers should first entertain and keep their politics separate from end their art. but i cannot remember any artist on the left who was treated with the same vitriol and hatred as kanye west has been subjected to since he announced his support for the president. when katy perry or miley cyrus were headlining hillary clinton, running through dorms to register voters, i don't remember anyone at msnbc or cnn criticizing them for lacking policy experiences. when hillary clinton sat down for an interview with that probing policy maven, mary jay lodge [singing] ♪ it ain't no secret, no secret my friend, you can get killed for living in your american skin ♪ >> laura: is like an old coffee commercial from the 70s.>> and obama was the biggest celebrity hound of them all. his relationship with mutual what the celebrities. he was kind of a celebrity and they loved it, and vice versa. and here is the barack and michelle serenading usher in the white house but no impropriety or assault on the white house then. what about beyonce and jay-z? they were in the white house more frequently than the secret service and that was all perfectly acceptable. no policy concerns then. but when it was announced two days back that kanye would be holding a meeting at the white house with trump, all heck broke loose.a >> he is the token of the trump administration. >> kanye is what happens when they don't read. >> black folks are about to trade kanye west in the racial draft, okay. >> kanye is being subjected to the attacks that awaken any black conservative who dares to break ranks with the democratic liberals kind of treat these entertainers like pawns who are not allowed to deviate from the leftist groups at all. god protects any hispanic, or or black who breaks ranks and goes their own way politically. remember the scorn that singer harry belafonte heaped on condoleezza rice and colin powell for working for george bush? >> condoleezza rice and: power served for bush because they believe as he does, they embraced the ideology, they embrace appetite. my reference to them as a failed house ladies admit that they were not the masters of their own destiny, although they had the choice to be, and it didn't. >> house slaves, that's really nice. more than 30 years ago a prominent figure in the reagan administration argued that that black should cast off conservativism for conservative solutions and summed up how the g.o.p. had lost so much ground. saying democrats smugly assume blacks are monolithic and will by force of circumstances always huddle to the left of the political spectrum. the political right watches this herd mentality and action and, concedes that blacks are monolithic, picks up a few, and wistfully shrugs at the seemingly unbreakable hold of the liberal left of black americans. that official's name was clarence thomas, then chair of the equal opportunity commission. individuals such as theho brilliant conservative economist tom soul were created just because as thomas noted, they refused to give into the occult mentality and childless obedience that hypnotized black americans into mindless political trance. h this is justice thomas in 2007. >> we are here not to be proselytized but to think for ourselves. and at bottom, isn't that one of the reasons we love our free society, we get to think for ourselves and make our own decision based on certain principles, and, to make it possible for others to do the same? be one absolutely. i will say that unless he is doing a giant plunking of america, he has guts and gusto. just because he dares to think for himself, think differently. and in his outspoken, over-the-top matter, he is polaroid by the outspoken journalism of course the entertainment industry. he represents a danger to the left because of his huge cultural influence. in moments like this, they are absolutely intolerable. and frightening to liberals. >> you know i love you. >> i don't want to put you in that spot. >> i love this guy right here. i love this guy right here. >> laura: could it be that the trump-west show was an indication that the oldop democrats monopoly on black voters is in jeopardy? there are more reasons for the liberals to be concerned. president trump now has a 36 approval rating. some attributed the rise to support from kanye west and of course a historic low unemployment rate in the black community. whatever the cause, whatever the reason, the shifting support among african-americans is very, very significant. democrats cannot win a national election without their huge swath of black voters, and perhaps kanye is giving them a reason to look elsewhere for political answers. so next time you hear liberal pundits writing him off as a crazy slave denying lunatic, remember, it's all about the numbers. they have to smear west for fear of black americans following them into the arms of donald trump. and what are the democrats going to do then? and that's the angle. joining me now, it's harris cooper, former counsel to then army. preston mitchum, the young lawyers division and charlie kirk is a founder of the turning point usa. author of the book, campus battlefield. great to have you all on. it's a very interesting day in washington for many reasons. he listened to the angle, do you think that any of this over overwrought reaction to kanye west is because the left is worried? let's say it's even 20% support for trump. that's cataclysmic really bad news for democrats.ol >> it absolutely would be bad news. one thing, i certainly won't come on here and pretend as if kanye west is any kind of saving grace. he acted as a child today. he ranted and raved all in the oval office, banging his hand as a child would when they are throwing a temper tantrum. you have to almost read hieroglyphics to understand what he was saying. and i'm proud of anyone who knows the morse code enough to know what he wasen saying. he grandstand did the entire time and pontificated on nothingness. i'm not worried about any african-american approval ratings for trump. president trump will still receive a low amount off african-american supporters. >> you actually spent a lot of time with kanye today. i'm wondering what the reaction would be if a white person said that he or she couldn't understand what kanye west had said today in the oval office. if i said that, i couldn't even imagine the people that would come after me. i think people ought to disagree with him, and some black people don't like trump, but he he said some actually interesting things, he was all over the place but, he's not a political person. no more than miley cyrus bumpin and grinding, doing the torque. hillary is the person for you, let me give you the five reasons why, while no one talked about miley. but this is a problem fors liberals. why isn't miley cyrus and matt damon and ben aflac and all the people that showed up, they never worried about policy considerations then. >> celebrity after celebrity has come out and support of the left. and we all were supposed to rejoice. we were honored to have them show up and make theirir presentation.or no one asked them, wait a second, you don't have your data right. these points you are making are inaccurate and no one says any of those things.ak we sit back and we clap. when someone like kanye westho says what he says, what he really is doing is, saying to black people, look around and i think for yourself. you can, it's okay. and that is what is the most dangerous of all. >> charlie, i will play something from the oval office that we didn't play earlier. kanye on liberal racism, and, get your reaction. >> one of the moves i love that liberals try to do, the liberals will try to control a black person through the concept of racism because we know that they are very proud. so when i said i like trump, to someone that's a liberal, he will say, well he's racist. you think racism can control me? >> i had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with them after this meeting and first of all i think it's unbelievably insulting to say that you know what he was saying. >> i don't. >> he said, i'm defecting from the monolith and you have permission to do the same. it took courage for him to do that because his whole life is about selling albums. his whole life is about popularity and do so many people in the music industry are afraid to do what he did. you should be quite afraid because even if that rasmussen poll is half correct, if donald trump's approval rating is 18, 19 or 20%, the democratic party is done. and kanye west is not even saying vote republican or a vote democrat, he saying, think free. thanks for yourself, think independent. if you look objectively at what the democrat party has done to our inner cities, our urban communities and the black community over the last 60 years, it ravished these communities. high murder rates, crime everywhere. he saw in chicago, you did a wonderful special there and there has not been a republicana mayor of chicago since 1931. and yet the black community boats for democrats at a 95% clip. i applaud kanye west for his courage and for standing up, it's not easy to do what he did. >> laura: i have to say i'm not wild on celebrities in politics, i mean i wrote a book called "shut up and sing." i mean, i jokingly told lebron james, shut up and dribble. everyone got all upset. everybody has an opinion, and yet the moment that you pick someone else they are screaming, i'm a victim. no one is a victim. if you want to go out there and call shots at president trump, this guy comes out and he says, i'd like trump. and it's not, i disagree with you, make that argument. but to say he's psychologically inept, he is a mental case, he's dumb, and the word used by two black people on set, i mean again, i always say, if a conservative host of any color said anything like that, they be fired. i don't like calling for people to be fired, that's not my thing but the double standard is to me, preston, as just not good. >> one, a couple of things. they should be gone if they were using that word.e we seem to have an issue in this country where, for some reason many white americans think they can use the same exact language against black people that black people can use against black people and it's just not true. and that's never been the case. >> i reject that. >> you can reject it all you want, it doesn't mean it's true. >> so explain what you mean because i'm confused. >> so, if a white person made a call, they should be called for, the firing. the language and the ownershipor allows black people, and and -- on top of the fact, it seems very interesting to me that we are attempting to make kanye some deity -- >> i didn't say that in my monolog. >> it seems very accurate because in early 2,000, conservatives were not out here saying george bush was not for black people. >> and i made that point the other night. >> so we are being very hypocritical in this room if wet are going to sit here and pretend that kanye west is now a saving grace of our republican party. we might be disparaging them from making similar accusations. >> you are right, i was doing my shut up and sing moment and the reason i'm looking at this issue today is because i think people are desperate for solutions. it doesn't matter whether you are or straight, black or white, people are looking for solutions to heal this country and bring it forward. he spent a lot of time with himy today, i don't know what kind of person he is, i don't want to -- i like to judge people on wo they are. we could all hang out and have a drink, but i don't know what he is like. what is he trying to do here. >> someone who has defied the odds, everyone said kanye west, you can't make your own record album. you can never succeed, he defied the odds. but instead, you did not attack his ideas. >> you shouldn't have, you first and foremost resorted to saying i would have to resort to do egyptian hieroglyphics to understand what he's saying. what he said today had more wisdom than barack obama said in eight years. he said, liberals want blacks to vote democrat because they want them for political power, home run. he did an unbelievably, intellectually, i would say grounded critique in his own way against the welfare state. >> he also said he had the righ. to bear arms. >> it's not about republican or democrat, it's also about, are we going to be individuals? what he just said denies they are individuals when you claim that black people can use offensive language against other black people, but whites -- said -- you said that a white person said that they should be fired. and that's offensive. >> the liberals have doubleen standards and you have no standards at all. a >> so it's not about republicans and democrats. yet you say it's liberals and conservatives. >> the one thing i want to get out a little bit, and i'm thinking about keeping you all for the full hour because youou guys are so great. and the obama years we had snoop dogg, he's hanging out, o and he's laughing about it. he would say, it was not really presidential, clinton had monica in his side office and had jay-z and beyonce mugging in the situation room, and we can't use a photo because its license. so everyone has the celebrities in and out, trump has one, pretty much one or two celebrities. is it lee greenwood around? [laughs] he has a few celebrities, but he can't even have like one celebrity, one african-american celebrity, and that guy had to be destroyed. i just think, what is the bigal deal if kanye west is there? why are liberal so worried about it? >> is in a list artist that's made to a huge family. that's why you see don lemon trying to discredit him. >> laura: kanye made a hit at the kardashians, a nice gesture, like we don't have a lot of male influence. it was like, okay, i'm not going near that. [laughs] final thought. >> if we look at the republican party, and it's funny when we say democrats are a monolith. we all know who the monolith is here. >> all right. i want to have you on for the whole hour but they are telling me i can't do that. for more insight into the mind of president trump andme conservative populism that drove him to office, be sure to pick up a copy of my new book, it's in paperback. ck being "busting the barricades." and what's next? whatan about the political ramifications ramifications inside from some folks and kanye's hometown of chicago? that's coming up. place, the xfinity xfi gateway. and it's strengthened by xfi pods, which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. >> laura: as i noted in the angle, the media are freaking a out over president trump's meeting with kanye west. but we're wondering if it translates into actual votes. here is gianno caldwell and juan williams whose new book, "what the hill do you have to lose" is out now. geon l like kanye, you are a chicago native. so what are people saying in chicago about all this tonight? we had our town hall last month and had a lot of fun and really emotional time in chicago. i understand you were able to catch up to some of our friendsp and some of the more difficult areas of south and west side? >> absolutely. i'm surprised -- for a dozen mainstream, there are a lot that would agree with what kanye had to say. the stop and frisk, that's one issue that a lot of chicagoans care about, but certainly this prison reform issue is another big issue. but what i have to say, laura, is, when i read publications today, when i saw what was on social media, email on my own instagram page, i was distressed, i was upset, especially by my friends over at cnn who used the word token. friends of mine who are black conservatives, who get this kind of rhetoric thrown at us on a day-to-day basis, you are going to attack someone who, my belief is, whose heart is pure and who want to see the people of chicago helped in the people across the nation helped? you use that kind of language? i have to be honest with you, it was very disturbing. >> laura: the reaction from the media, and some members of the entertainment industry, but mostly the media folks in d.c. and new york was pretty unhinged. we had people using the word and another thing, and neah malika hendrickson is a reporter and she came on right after all of this pretty much wrapped up and she said the following. well, i will read it to you. she said it also speaks to the lack of seriousness that the president looks at african-american issues. it was supposed to be about criminal justice reform and opportunity zones. with that, he would think you would want policy experts, she said. people know about these issues and instead, we have jim brown who was basically silent and ons display. and then kanye west who isn't an expert in any of these things. my question is, who is an expert among any of the celebrities that were in and out of the white house during the obama years? >> i think there's a wholeus different context to obama's relationship, to not only the black community but racial issues in the country as a first black president, and the pluses and minuses to be debated. there is -- not only the rhetoric he uses but the substance of his policies with regard to black america. you mentioned criminal justice reform, and that they are working on reducing sentences for nonviolent offenders. then voters depression issues, that's large as we approach the midterms this is one of my favorites because i time people say this, half of the americans think trump is a racist. and trump said, what about the low unemployment rate? lowest in history. >> we had major american cities in flames during obama, and why did you have entire buildings on fire, police cars set on fire, violence in baltimore? and you had people in most polls saying the country is divided. the country has been racially hot for some time. >> it has been divided for a while. >> i'm telling you, i don't think there's any doubt about the country a according to the polls, they think we have worse race relationships now, they disapprove the president's handling the race a far higher than obama. i said to you, pass the country 11% of republicans. >> you can't answer the question, this is crazy. what did obama do for chicago? >> remember, michelle went there after the shooting of that young woman who came to the white house. >> let me tell you what president obama did for chicago, nothing. and the reason why you did nothing, his pal rahm emanuel was running the city.g so therefore he didn't talk about the issues of chicago. there were people dying in the streets as they are today, and, and they could have done something real for chicago. and you believe that criminal justice reform has gone away, but they've been working on it actively. >> let me just quickly say that in fact, the criticism of president obama came from the left, for saying to people including at church services, and black on black crime is our problem. people said why are you lecturing black folks when there is systemic racism? so i don't buy that he did nothing. i think today with kanye west, what you saw was not a message to the black community but a message to trump supporters ahead of the don't worry about the problem of race, i have a black friend. end that's why kanye was a prop. >> so again, what i have to sayy is, when people say he is a a prop or he's stupid, will just go back to the revolving door of celebrity who are making their pitches on a variety of issues to obama, and and the clintons. and this was considered all well and good, whether it was george clooney or jay and bay. whoever it was, they did celebrity send-off for the president. that something like the grammy awards. >> let me interject really quickly. >> you distorted so badly. >> i distort? >> let me respond.ho if you look back from eisenhower, ronald reagan, two presidents kennedy and president bush, they had black advisors and latino advisors. there is no such -- i mean, is omarosa another a celebrity? his expert in terms of dealing with race and civil rights issues? >> for you it's now the numbers inside. >> no, it's about people that have established relationships to the black community. >> laura: we got to get her in. >> kanye became very dangerous to the folks on the left, and otherwise, when they saw what he did for president trump's polls numbers in the black community, we know that to be a fact. people have been calling kanye west stupid and dumb, but he has done great work. the guy is a billionaire now. and this is somebody who the odds were against him from birt birth. for people to call him stupid and dumb, when i'm not aware of anyone's medical credentials, to say that is just wrong. especially black people on cnn, it's outrageous. >> laura: i wish we had more time tonight. to a democratic senate candidates might be facing their own basket of deplorable's moment. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ trelegy. the power of 1-2-3 ♪ trelegy 1-2-3 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 1-2-3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works 3 ways to... airways,... ...keep them open... ...and reduce inflammation... ...for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,.. ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? maybe you should think again. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy and the power of 1-2-3. ♪ trelegy 1-2-3 save at >> 47% were with him. >> you could put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorable's. >> laura: those two moments caught on camera in 2012 and 2016 became defining moments for to losing candidates. now, to democrat senateem candidates are facing similar issues. for tennessee senate candidate bill bredesen, it happened when his staff dismissed support for brett kavanaugh as a way to fool ignorant tennessee voters. >> will we lose voters? are people going to see the ignorance? >> yes. >> arizona candidate kristen cinema similarly marked her own constituents in a newly unearthed 2011 video. >> arizona is the state of five cs. cattle, copper, citrus, cotton, and climate. and those are the things we make money off we also have a sixth c, called crazy. [laughter] because what is happening in my state is pure craziness. >> laura: that was a nice thing she said.ra joining us, secretary for the trump administration, sean spicer and ari fleischer. what are president trump's major advantages over secretary clinton with how out of touch she seemed with ordinary americans? do the senator 's face ordinary risks here given the revelations? >> absolutely.y pro tip, don't call the people you want to elect you crazy. i think kyrsten sinema will find herself on the back end of the wave which will bring marthahi mcsally to the u.s. senate. similarly i think marsha blackburn was and i think that race has opened up for marsha blackburn. i think these two folks needed to pretend they were actually u conservatives and that they have championed sort of the issues that they could work with, andav these videos that had both been on earth to proved that they will say whatever they have to say to get into power and yet, they are truly left-wing democrats that will elect chuck schumer and nancy pelosi if they were ever to get to washington. >> authenticity and candidates, sometimes it's hard to find. people kind of sense it though, i think they know it when they see it. trump, with his rough edges and all at times, they think this is a guy that will fight for us, he loves this country and we are with him. we will stay with him because he loves us. they really think he loves them. now what about, especially with arizona. >> you are 100% right. there is a repulsion in this country towards picture-perfect politicians who know how say everything the right way that they don't mean it. so here comes a rough and tough trump, and i think people actually embrace the fact that he is real. and that has helped him. in the case of the senate candidates in these very red states, there is a terrible tension that they are suffering from. they want to be more liberal, but they can't be more liberal. and so use here and see things, and they have to come out of the woodwork, and they have to fake it. because they cannot win in a red state otherwise. >> one of the parts of this is, when cinema was saying, there's something wrong in the water, for something wrong with the people, they are called tea party republicans. it's all the same thing, it's called crazy. tll again, more craziness. we talked about kanye west, all the criticism of him, he's crazy, he's stupid, you can't understand him. very little substantiveci dialogue. nicole wallace was on msnbc today and we talk about thisbc push to violence and intimidation getting in people's faces, she said something very g interesting about what she encouraged jeb bush to do the debate in the g.o.p. primary during of 2016. let's watch. >> i told jeb bush after that debate that i thought he should have punched him in the face. even though he lost, he insulteb your wife.d i think you should have punched him in the face and gotten out of the race, he would have been a hero. >> laura: she actually told him to do that apparently. t >> i think the problem i have right now is, we've gone from joking about things to actually inciting violence. i know nicole not well but i hope that wasn't in a lighthearted moment. but what i'm continuing to see from the left is whether it's c people getting shot up at a baseball office or assaulting ted cruz and his wife at dinner. it's the life left that contino push the envelope in a very dangerous place in this country. i respect the first amendment and i respect our ability to protest, but this is now crossing the line. the left seems to be condoning it and encouraging it in a way that's very dangerous for society. >> i'm not going to let you off the hook. about nicole wallace and punching him in the face. this is wild. what is this? >> it's not wild, it's lost. and that's what donald trump has made people do. people who use to say, there's a limit to where we will go. and that will really hurt the democrats like good people like nicole have lost their way and say things like that. advocating violence, no. sean is 100% right. that was actually an assassination attempt on scores of with 200 rounds of ammunition. don't forget the shooting at the family research council or the firebombing of the g.o.p. headquarters. they are actually acts ofct violence, in one of the reasons why i'm so upset about this is because the mainstream media doesn't blow the whistle, they put it on the front page and call them out, they look the other way. >> laura: and, tacitly encouraging it. thank you so much. did you know that susan rice's son is the head of the stanford republicans? and did you know he was reportedly assaulted a recently had a pro and kavanaugh rally? one of his close friends joins us next to detailed example of the leftist violence that ari and sean were talking about, stay there. ♪ give us the work no one else wants to do. we don't just go against the grain. we grow it. give us the frontiers. the places where success is measured in pushed limits. give us the middle of nowhere. where the only map is your buddies' tread marks. this life? no one's born ready for it. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ♪ >> laura: you thought one protester literally >> laura: you thought one protester literally tried to pry open the 13-ton bronze doors of the supreme court, and you thought when antifa took over portland, physically attacking cars, the leftist violence is also spilling onto college campuses, impacting our students. the republican son of obama national security advisor susan rice said he was assaulted at stanford university and, an event supporting brett kavanaugh. his best friend who witnessed it, ben esposito, is with used tonight. he is the treasurer of the stanford college republicans. ben, take us through what happened. >> thank you laura, great to be here. we have these events regularly, change my mind events, where we promote conservative views on campus that frankly doesn't have a lot of we were standing up the other day for due process and during this event, one of the protesters who showed up kind of got upset at john, and showed up and pushed him and hit him and pushed him back. we eventually had to call the police and make sure everything got settled down. >> laura: and it was a woman, i understand? is that right? >> yes. >> laura: are you afraid to identify her? >> we've identified her on our facebook, i don't think we need to throw our name out, her name is melinda, but i don't think we need to throw her name out to the masses. she assaulted john and know we are pressing charges for john. >> laura: and so she was upset because you are exercising your first amendment rights? she is a known leftist on campu campus? >> not really. it's kind of crazy, because we do know some prominent and very this is just another person. she was upset with john for filming her ripping these flyers because we are just trying to get these documented. she wasn't happy with that and she attacked him for it. >> laura: was it harder for susan rice's son, given her prominence, for him to be a republican? does he faced more pushback just because of his family lineage? >> i think perhaps but i think the reason he pushes -- has pushback anywhere is because he's a conservative on a college campus promoting individual liberty. every day, it's very difficult for students, any students to promote liberalism. the students are expected to conform. >> laura: then, keep doing exactly what you're doing because guess what, there are a lot more students that agree with you and you have to have fun doing it and you have to keep doing it. i went through the same thing at dartmouth, keep doing what you are doing. we salute you and give our best to our pal. and stay safe out there. >> we will keep fighting, thank you. >> and of violence and intimidation apparently falls you to the bar. you are out there having fun and you can't do politics there, either. johnny mckay made headlines yesterday after someone torched his truck because he dared to have a pro-trump sticker on it. johnny, first of all, good to have you with us. is this like a normal occurrence for a trump supporters in washington state, which is obviously a very liberal state. what gives here? >> washington is actually more pro-trump than just across the river in portland, so it's very >> laura: so what did the sticker look like? >> i had two stickers. they both were trump 2,020. one said make liberals cry again and the other one said it, keep america great. >> laura: make liberals cry again is really funny, and you have to get me one although i think i will put it on my olderg car. so you came out of the bar, and you left the car there because you stayed there late, and then you came out the next morning, what happened? >> my wife was at work and i was home bored so i went to the bar to have a couple drinks and play some pool. i was only there for an hour and a half, i had four beers and played a couple games of pool and left at 10:300 p.m. i took an uber home because i was feeling it and when i left in the morning, it was gone. >> laura: and they found it where? >> in the parking lot. it was completely torched. the thing they didn't like about it because they -- the lady who initially called 911 told the bar owner, it said on the front door, f you trump come on it. but the scorch burnt the other part off and all that was left was the trump part. >> laura: i'm sure it wasn't, we love trump, let us burn your truck. i'm really sorry that happened to you. you can't put a bumper sticker on your car. confuse them next time and havek like, america great and then like, visualize world peace or question you have to have liberal greenpeace stuff and trump stuff and then they won't know what to do.ty just do that, that will really freak them out, all right? i really hope you get a new truck, i hope insurance covers that. and i will debate a professor that says, get this, trumpop immigration policy is the cause of crime. where? in mexico. t stick around. it's okay, doc. give it to me straight. no, you don't understand, i don't know how to say this. i'm just a tv doctor. they also know you should get your annual check-up. it could save your life. schedule a check-up with your doctor, know your four health numbers, and start taking control of your health today. cigna. together, all the way. you can do things like change your settings, learn tips and tricks, troubleshoot, and even manage your account. finding your xfinity username or wifi password, restarting your equipment, or paying your bill is easier than ever with x1. x1 help. another reason to love x1. say "teach me more" into your voice remote to get started. unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. >> laura: a policy professor at george mason university is blaming the trumprd administratn for crimes in mexico. what a labbe joins us now to explain. my question is, do you think it's possible that some of the people deported back to mexico or are already committing crimes before they were a bit deported back to mexico? because you are saying deportation policies is making mexico's life force, explain. >> mexico and at the united states because people are very vulnerable and we have cartels of the border, operating at the border. h and we have corruption in mexico. when you deport people to the border, they find themselves --t like they want to come back to the united states. they didn't have their family and some of them are forced to participate in criminal activities or some of them want to go to the united states so they hire some smugglers that are in connection with the cartels. >> laura: i understand that, but why is that our problem? >> well, it's not your problem but you might have a problem as well. because you will have more criminal groups operating on the mexican side of the border. and as you know, people are still arriving to the united states, no matter what. >> laura: do you think we should have any borders, really? why have a border at this point? why not just make it all one mexico and the united states, then the cartels would kind of o go out of business because people would be all one country. >> i believe that every country has to have a limit, -- >> laura: but if you have a border, and presumably when people don't have permission to be here, then they can be sent home. every country on the face of the planet since people home when they don't have permission, especially if they've committed a crime. then you are subjected to deportation. i think americans don't feel like it's their responsibility to make sure mexico is well. but we want people to be well but don't allow people to cross the border. >> i think b that is true but in the united states could be threatened by more violence at the border. >> laura: will you come back so we can do a really long segment? we would love to have you back. >> yes. >> laura: we will be right back with the last bite. >> give us the work no one else wants to do. we don't just go against the grain. we grow it. give us the frontiers. the places where success is measured in pushed limits. give us the middle of nowhere. where the only map is your buddies' tread marks. this life? no one's born ready for it. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) . >> hall of famer jim brown at the white house today with the nfl players taking a knee. >> first of all, i am an american. that flag is my flag. i don't think we should take any in protest but we should be standing up for our flag. >> i could not agreee with you more. "fox news @ night" take it from here they have a big interview with president trump i watched it all. shannon: he could call us again anytime soon. i did not recognize the number when they called. you have to answer it t sometime. thank you very much. the fallout from the oval office is heating up tonight with the encore at


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20181016

you are watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. we've got this breaking news, gruesome new details that confirm missing u.s.-based journalist jamal khashoggi is no longer alive. a turkish official tells cnn his body was cut into pieces after his death. this disturbing news comes after cnn news reported that the assad reese were prepar -- saudis were prepared to add miss that khashoggi was killed by accident. moments ago the president of the united states tweeted out he spoke with the crown prince of arabia, mbs, who denies any knowledge of what took place at the turkish consulate. the tweet comes hours after republican senator lindsey graham said this. >> i've been their biggest defender on the floor of the united states senate. this guy is a wrecking ball. he had this guy murdered in a consulate in turkey. to expect me to ignore it, i feel used and abused. i was on the floor every time defending saudi arabia. there's a difference between a country and an individual. the mbs figure is to me toxic. he can never be a world leader on the world stage. saudi arabia, if you're listening, there are a lot of good people you can choose but mbs has tainted your country and tainted yourself. >> let's go to john defterios. john, you see there tweet from trump. he is reiterating the denials from the saudis and seems to believe this story, this cover story, however you choose to see it. what do you make of that? >> reporter: it's extraordinary. he wants to give him the benefit of the doubt. as senator grap wham was sussi , suggesting, this is a very young crown prince. he came in as deputy crown prince and has taken a very heavy hand, but this is one with the accusations that we see coming out of turk eefr and investigations taking place at the consulate, it's a bridge too far to be candid. he orchestrated against qatar, even this summer he had that dispute with canada. so this is perhaps the biggest test. we've had administration officials suggesting to us today the biggest test of the trump presidency. what's the line he's going to take? not only with king salman but a young lead who are what been flexing his muscles and throwing his weight around. it is surprising, it would be the same response here in the middle east as well. >> between what we know about what happened in saudi connections and 9/11 and yes, ma'am -- yemen, do you think this is a turning point in the relationship? >> this is an administration that has ratcheted it up because of the hard line taken against iran and even the backing of the proxy war against iran in yemen. i think the trump administration with the backing of jared kushner in particular, his son-in-law, have given the saudis a green light and particularly this crown prince. he did a charm offense going to the west coast and silicon valley and to hollywood. he's been living on borrowed time. they say there are two faces to a coin. this is the other face of the coin salman. this relationship may be changing and rather quickly. >> john, thank you very much. morgan, first to you. you lived in saudi arabia for a year and a half. we were just talking at a commercial break, you were saying mbs, 33, he's seen as this rock star, especially among young people, young saudis. to hear president trump spoke with him and believes his denial, does it seem to you that trump's role is emerging as a saudi publicist? >> you know, there's so many facets when you're dealing with these leaders. first of all, this is horrific, bar none what happened to him. from the president's tweets, my assumption is he's trying to allow for an investigation. it's clear the kingdom is not going to pin this on mbs. it's clear the senate does think he has culpability here. so what we need is some sort of investigation. i know the journalist's family has called for it as well. we do have the iranian sanctions which come on board in just three weeks. we have areas of cooperation as it relates with counterterrorism with saudi, the oil markets. you could go on and on. when we have allies that violate human rights and they do so egregiously, how do we respond to that? we've seen this happen from china, next, iran. almost 100 politicians died in mexico leading up to those elections. how do we respond when our allies do it? >> but if you believe the saudis' story that khashoggi died in an interrogation, why don't they give the body back? >> we're not talking about full sanctions like what will be reimposed on iran in a few weeks. you're talking about holding someone accountable. whatever mbs is saying to secretary pompeo and to the president right now is important, but it's going to be even more important for the congress to be convinced. i think you could have 80 votes for targeted sanctions and holding someone responsible in saudi. >> it's been mentioned jared kushner and his relationship with the crown prince. can you tell me more about that? >> jared kushner has been the key figure bringing them together. we've seen this really over the past two years in public view, jared kushner welcomed the prince here, did a rock star style tour with him. it's no secret the saudi has large investments in technology companies here in the u.s. i think some critics will take this moment to say this is an example of an inexperienced person in government so closely aligning themselves with someone who, yes, perhaps is popular in his home country, but there's a flip side to that. john alluded to that with the flip side of a coin. when you get so close to someone, then you're associated with them when something like this happens. >> you mentioned finances and investments. the president tweeted this morning he has no financial ties with the saudis. let's remind everyone of this. roll the tape. >> saudi arabia and i get along great with all of them. they buy apartments from me, they spend 40 million, 50 million. am i supposed to dislike them? i like them very much. >> how can this president be trusted on this? >> i think you're right. i think americans now have to wonder not just whether or not his previous business ties -- trump's previous business ties factor into any geo political policy decisions, but his future ties, right, because after the presidency there's life. there's life for jared kushner and for president trump. the saudis are spending more and more, unless the u.s. government takes action to limit the saudi ability to profit from american companies, it's business as usual. that's consistently what i heard all day on the phone with sources today is like, yeah, these big companies are pulling out but they're not giving back saudi money and they're open to future investment going forward. >> on your point about what actions could be taken, i read this quote from this senior adviser to the president today saying trump's impending decision on how to handle this whole crisis may be, quote, the most consequential decision of his presidency. you know pompeo is on the ground meeting with the saudi officials. what should they do? >> to go back, we've had a 70-year relationship with saudi arabia. if you look after 9/11, that was probably a low point in our relationship, 15 of the 19 hijackers came from saudi arabia. we were looking to rebuild a very tattered relationship. i think this is another low point. 9/11 was the worst thing possible and it took years to rebuild the trust and the relationship to stop terrorism. i think that the saudis need to realize that we are at another post- 9/11 moment in the relationship, that this is gravely serious and this is going to take all sides coming together. the president could come to the extreme in stopping the sales, but the president doesn't even have to do that to stop the sales. this still has to be approved by the congress. it hardly a given that that's going to happen. this is where you need to have a whole of government approach. the president has a lot of tough decisions here but the congress gets to weight in on many things that are going to determine the fate bet world is watching, mr. president and congress. i want to go deeper into the investigative angle. with me is forensic specialist karen smith, she's handed 500 death investigations in her career. karen, nice to see you again. >> nice to see you, too. thanks for having me. >> on the forensic piece of all of this, we know the turkish investigators who went into the saudi consulate searched it for nine hours. they say they are looking into toxic and painted over material. when you hear those terms, what is your first thought? >> as a forensic specialist, the first thing that comes to mind is toxic is a very ambiguous term. it's kind of a big cloud over what is this. to me it means biological evidence, blood evidence. now, that's speculative on my part, however, you're dealing with a potential crime scene here. i don't know what else it might be. >> when you hear pointed over, karen, is it possible for -- if it were a crime scene for it to be cleaned up and no trace left? >> anything's possible, brooke, but here's the deal. there have been scientific studies with painted services where blood has been removed. seven layers of paint and they've still detected it with a chemical called luminol, which is used it look at cleaned up crime scenes, it can detect minute traces of blood. if what they're saying has come to fruition here, that have an atrocious crime scene. there's going to be traces left that are going to be detected with luminol and that's according to reports what they were going to use. even if they painted the surfaces and used bleach, there's still going to be something left. >> if you're using luminol, can you tell how someone was killed? what kind of detail can you get? >> well, luminol has some drawbacks. it's mixed in water and that dilutes what you're spraying it on. sometimes it will run and dilute some of the minor stains you're looking for on impact spatter or something involving a carotid artery being bleached, so those minute details may not be redible availabre readily available. however, shoe prints may be available. >> we wait for the conclusions from these forensic seams, these turks who went into the saudi consulate again after this clean-up, prior to the challenges there. karen smith, thank you so much for your expertise again today. >> you're welcome. >> coming up, president trump goes after stormy daniels on twitter today calling her horseface. and why this is neither surprising nor acceptable. and an unprecedented head start on donations for the president. where they're coming from. >> and i'll reconnect with a woman who evacuated, not knowing if her home was still standing. billions of mouths. billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy. there's therabreath at walmart. just hours after senator elizabeth warren showcased her dna test troulresults to disproe president's claims that she lied about her native american heritage, her strategy is backfiring. >> it's irrelevant what it means to be a native american in this country. that's based on a legal definition. certainly every tribe has that in common, that we have some legal basis for our citizenship that we determine consistent with federal treaties. it's just wholly unhelpful for any national leader to cling to dna to determine or establish that they're native american in this country. >> while senator warren revealed the test results in part to show she was ready to stand up to president trump while she ponders a 2020 run, president is having a field day, having a field day. and as if that wasn't enough, president trump called stormy daniels a horseface. he tweeted in part, "great, now i can go after horseface and her third rate lawyer in the state of texas. she will confirm the letter she signed, she knows nothing about me, a total con." >> gloria borger, we should mention the way she responded. we won't go into detail, but she sort of took it there, kindergarten behavior all around. >> reporter: yes, she did. >> but we're hearing trump is trying to change the subject. he wants to get people away from what has happened with this murdered or killed journali iis jamal khashoggi but we will be talking about this. >> reporter: we kind of rush charge the shiny object. and donald trump is very good at running it out there for you when he doesn't want to pay attention to somethipay attenti and pay attention to something else. i mean, calling a woman a horseface, fick horseface, particularly when his wife is running an anti-bullying campaign, come on. i mean, come on. >> despite that, he's raised more than $100 million for his reelection battle that is more than two years away. from what i know, no incumbent president has ever done anything like that at this point. >> nothing close to this. normally in an off-year election, you don't want to take the money from the candidates who are running, who need to raise their own money. if donald trump has raised at this point in his presidency $106 million, let's compare to barack obama at this point in his presidency, it was 4 million. wow. and george w. bush was 3.2 million. so when we talk of the permanent campaign, this is what we are talking about, that donald trump has never stopped campaigning or raising money. and from their point of view, it's very smart. it's very smart. the democrats are going to be far behind. they've raised it in small donations here as well from large donors. so they just kind of never stopped. >> but when you really -- we're gigging out on the numbers but when you look at this 106 million and the fact that 98% of the 106 million comes from those small dollar contributions of $200 or less, what does that tell you? >> it tells you that donald trump is keeping his base together. so every big rally he goes to now is a mailing list. names, phone numbers. this is a pretty well-oiled operation here. he has remained close to his base. his base continues to support him, and they're donating to him. the question is whether that is affecting the money downstream, whether it's affecting money for governors' races or senate races. the democrats are outracing the republicans, as you know. but since donald trump believes, and i think he's right, that the midterm elections are about him, he's just decided, well, we're going to start the presidential race right now. that's what he's been doing. if he runs, and i think it looks like he will, then he'll be smart because he'll have a real head start here. >> he will have a lot of money to go with. gloria borger, thank you. >> sure. >> coming up next, the democrat trying to unseat senator ted cruz has just raised a record $38 million in a mere three months. but beto o'rourke is still trailing in the polls. we're live in santonio ahead of their debate tonight. stay with me. you're watching cnn. i think we can do better. change is hard. try to keep an open mind. come on, dad. this is for me, son? principal. we can help you plan for that. your insurance rates skyrocket you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead? for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ 21 days until the midterm elections and perhaps no race is acting as a bigger political barometer than in texas, the race between beto o'rourke and ted cruz. beto o'rourke has raised an unprecedented amount of money. these two face off in a debate tonight. ed lavandera is there. a number of democrats are criticizing o'rourke for not sharing his millions with other senate democrats. can you explain that? >> reporter: well, yeah, they have been. he raised in the last three months alone some $39 million. he still has nearly $30 million left in the bank to spend in the next three weeks. in speaking with campaign aides with beto o'rourke here over the last few days, they feel they have raised all of this money on their own, that much of it has come in small donations from individuals here, not only in the state of texas but across the country who have donated simply to this campaign. they feel it would be wrong to then disperse that money into other campaigns. all of this unfolding as o'rourke has $30 million to spend, ted cruz has just $11 million to spend over that same time period. this race has really been fascinating to watch over the last few weeks, brooke. ted cruz has simply embraced fully donald trump's agenda, all the positive aspects of it. ted cruz, despite that fiery relationship he had with the president during the 2016 primary and the campaign, he has fully embraced the trump agenda and is wrapping himself up in all of that and looking for those conservative republican voters here in texas to turn out. the cruz campaign feels if they do that, they win. >> it can't be personal. it can't be about your own feelings because you've got a job which is fighting for texans. if i allowed my feelings to get hurt and for me to go off and pout, i think that would be selfish. you can't do the job that the voters of texas have charged me to do if i'm putting my own personal feelings above getting the job done. >> reporter: beto o'rourke has been hesitant to fire back. one final note, brooke, president trump has announced he will come campaign for ted cruz here next monday. a month ago the president had said he was going to rent out the largest arena they could find here in texas to hold that rally. despite professional football stadium and even high school stadiums that fit hundreds of thousands of people, they have found a stadium that fits just 8,500 people. >> thank you. this thursday night dana bash moderates this thursday at 7 p.m. >> nearly a week after hurricane michael destroyed parts of the panhandle, the death toll has risen to nine in bay county. this comes as people from mexico beach are finally being able to return home, whatever homes were left. mexico beach was the hardest hit area of the storm. with me, linda albrecht, a council woman from mexico beach. it will be nice to hear your voice. it's been about a week since you and i chatted. you were telling me about your husband who you lost in 2004 and you were going through this alone and hearing that your home may be gone. you've now gone back. what did you see? >> nice to talk to you again, brooke. >> thank you. >> i did go back sunday and i was fortunate enough to have some pictures prior to. i do not have a home. it is gone. i have rubble and so i have been since sunday, yesterday and i started going through and pulling out just things that weren't broken or cracked or just things. and i call them treasures. i feel very fortunate and then again i feel guilty because there are so many people that have a slab for a house or their house is in the water. so as elated as i am about a dish or crystal water pitcher that i found 20 feet below where it was supposed to be and it was whole. now go figure that. how does that happen? and then i just feel guilty because my friends, they don't have that at all. nothing. >> yeah, i met a number of people, i was there all of the end of last week and i met a number of people who lost just absolutely everything. to hear you say you feel guilty because you were able to find some precious pieces among your rubble i think just speaks volumes. can you tell me some of these treasures that you've managed to find? what did you get? >> the first day, i came sunday, the first day i found believe it or not four crystal vases. and they were all up on my floor and these were all on the ground. not broken, no cracked, nothing. and then over yesterday and later on i found a hummell ashtray. i found all of my silverware and good dishes, a set for 18, unbroken. >> it's incredible. you lost so much. i read you told my producer that despite everything you've been through that you feel blessed. i had been wanting to talk to you for an entire week. thank you for jumping on the phone. the good folks from mexico beach are never far from mind. i'm just thinking of you all and thank you so much. >> thank you. we encourage people to not forget about us. we're tiny and tiny but don't forget about us. we have a long road ahead of us. they're saying 12 to 18 months before infrastructure is here. >> we'll be in touch with you. i can make that you promise. linda, thank you. take care. >> thank you, brooke. >> just in to us here at cnn, the head of usa gymnastics has just stepped down after a controversy over some tweets she sent slamming nike. details on that next. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? 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>> well, brooke, these matching laws are not a new thing. but they have become particularly aggressive under secretary kemp. what happens is that when a voter registers to vote in georgia, their registration must exactly match certain databases, whether it be a driver's license database or social security databases. and if there is any discrepancies, whether it's one letter in the name or a hyphen in a name or a space in a name, their voter registration is bumped out and not put into active voter registration status. so that's where we have the 50-plus-thousand voter registration forms now that have not been put into active status, because of some discrepancies between these databases. >> got you. and so this whole notion of holding up 50,000-plus voters, i know how it looks. but is it legal? >> well, it is legal. but to give you just a quick history, secretary kemp and his predecessor, the secretary who followed me, karen handle, both tried to implement this process administratively. and the court stopped that process. so in 2017, they persuaded the georgia general assembly to implement a law that actually requires this type of matching process now. so it is the law in georgia that voter registration forms have to go through this matching process. that is the subject of the lawsuit that's pending right now. >> so brian kemp, as we all know, right, he's the secretary of state in georgia, it's his job to enforce state election laws. but he's also the republican nominee for governor. and his perspective is that this is -- and i'm quoting him -- a crisis manufactured by his democratic opponent. he is not recusing himself. cathy, do you think he should? >> well, that's not really my call to make. i was a secretary of state and ran for governor back in 2006, and i did not resign, but i recused myself from chairing the state election board and removed myself from the oversight of the day-to-day election issues, which would put a candidate in the place that he now finds himself. so i think any public officer should consider the appearance of impropriety, at the least. >> we can update that. brian kemp responded, my opponent's plan is to force georgia via lawsuit to count ballots from noncitizens. i think hard-working georgians, not illegal immigrants, should pick their next governor. "the lead" with jake tapper starts now. all smiles in front of the cameras from the trump administration today, be as we found outgr gruesome new detail about the butchering of a journalist. the secretary of state smiles for the cameras with those who allegedly ordered the slaughter. from holding hands to selling arms, if you're wondering why washington can't quit the saudis, follow the money. plus, about that woman problem. president trump tweeting a cheap shot at stormy daniels, going


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