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Transcripts For DW 911 - The Unheeded Warning 20220911

a special country he learned from above start september 16th on d, w. ah, september 11th, 2001 at the united states came under attack. the targets, new york city and the capital washington d. c. the entire world was shocked. al qaeda terrorist group in afghanistan, led by osama bin laden claimed responsibility for the attack. just 2 days earlier on september the 9th, he had his only opponent assassinated, a local hero in the afghan resistance, commander ahmed shah, masood young man. when we don't have, remember my sword saying there's some one who's very dangerous to you. been that 5 months before the 911 attacks masoud visited france, where he issued a stop warning to the western world. isn't deborah, he told us he only had one message sick. it was that osama bin laden was preparing a major strike against the united states. something extremely dangerous with our mobile valuable. he did not really that see that he thought my not gonna be in give much that nothing hold on it out while it's gone by the kid amandito. i'm that he thought about to be just did i did study as katherine hopper. ah suits, warning was loud and clear. why did no one listen? was it the trade agreements or the om sales to pakistan that made the u. s. i and other western countries look the other way. why did they refuse to help my suit? the last line of defense against the taliban and the terrorists ah ah ah ah. with after 10 years of war to seize control left canister, and the soviets finally conceded and withdrew in 1989. when cobbled communist regime crumbled 3, he is later civil war broke out between rebels from various ethnic groups to shakes, uzbeks, hazardous and pash tunes, afghanistan spiraled into chaos. this ethnic conflict gave rise to a new moon. the taliban. ah, in pasco talib, literally means theology student, the taliban ernest lemming, fundamentalist group that focus on the study of his lamp, their supreme leader was more la mohammed omar, a hot co fundamentalist who welcomed terrace into his ranks from saudi arabia and to him. these were al qaeda jihadists and their leader. so summer been on. in september 1996, the taliban ceased cobble, and most of the country imposing a tyrannical islamic regime and sham reluw. only one mandate resist command to ahmed shah masoud a t g from the pen she valley ah, based in the isolated northern mountains, he achieved folk hero status after defeating the red army during the soviet occupation, and then led a northern alliance to struggle to resist the taliban, u d. p to boyd, he could, i was pretty good in school. the study that the fancier military academy. aw, condescending and i spend 3 great years in france, his finest school meeting receiving a military education, but also learning engineering reduced to a story and geography of well decree and 2 subjects needed to understand the modern world and don, sated the boot. and that's how i started my career as a military officer and the french army major. but after several disappointments, i resigned in 1999 and became a free civilian again to print out a suit. i introduced myself to my food as a former french officer and told him about the time i was on a diving mission, where we planted mines under boats and sabotaged propellers the. but to serve with the cities. a great job that the taliban didn't have any boats. and then i said something that finally caught his attention. saucy to fit. i was a certified french commando instructor to come on. it was gonna say that it turns out that masoud had a team of commandos. there, so in a group that was a mix of both young recruits and battery, very awesomely, bowmois, he gathered them at a training can more and told me you're a commando instructor. here you go, do your thing and teach them whatever you want is i had carte blanche as well as just at that time. i think we had about 15000 fighters on the various fronts. what did you offer? or fussy, we were up against 10 times as many men noise, but we resisted that. he, boyd, the taliban was well acquitted him and had a lot of support from pakistan which wanted them to take over the country the ball samples. so loss on d. b, and by pakistan and supported by okay to fight as the taliban quickly gain control and 90 percent of afghan territory. ah, in the heart of their oppressive regime, a single french representative remained in office in kabul. the shashi affair. john, if battle is upon the function o sandrarun smile, i had a position with united nations assistant mission in afghanistan moved in as that once much organs stole or boise. his goal was to establish peace in a country that was being ripped apart at the time. oakland is jamari book it jake went in room, is it should i continue to do my job in afghanistan may order, but i also became the charge. de fair said uncle as he d. i kid, i coincided with what came a few months later that matter. when unfortunately the taliban took control of the country again. he stole her if also machine in the previous 20 to 30 years. many westerners had adopted a false understanding of diplomacy between offered it was a kind of western triumphalism of that. we only talked to people who shared our values. and that's absurd. diplomacy existed for exactly the opposite reason for where it was designed as an alternative to war for addressing conflict. it's based on being open to dialogue with any one and everyone to understand their position level about then you are just the level of talks. they're symbolism. but once we understood the level of control the taliban had in afghanistan, it, there was no way we could get involved, even though we thought we should be helping masoud. well, i could pick to get that, you know, they love the moment they arrived and campbell in 99 percent of the taliban publicly had exit president, legible that and his brother, it was an introduction to their barbaric interpretation of the koran. the religious students in virtuously claim they were bringing back people on the. but it came at a huge cost to the $70000000.00 afghans. the mala professed to be fighting vices with virtue and did so by him. housing the most obscure and, and in humane islamic system on the planet, is removed along with it. my name is more of a column or dean and i am the leader of the revolutionary islamic movement in afghanistan. whoa, whoa, did i was the taliban minister for propagation of virtue and prevention of vice? here on the morrow, my goal was to heavily promote virtue until all vices disappeared naturally. oh, we never wanted to directly or brutally intervene. oh no. that's why we trained people with young people. when they went to the mosques in small groups, to raise awareness and worn against all types of temptations of thought, this was necessary to get an educated people to follow islamic precepts was needed to teach them to abandon their vices and renounce everything that islam prohibited . oh, that then against julia talib, road canoe, virginia, i saw the taliban delegation that we invited to islamabad for peace negotiation, as he said in a small guest house next to our office lest house acquitted ends and they'll be all in zillow, cilla, st. it so happened that the un mission letter secretary was staying in the same guest house, kidney taylor, them guest house, a key. i either met narvie cuz she came in the next morning looking very tired better. so because the taliban in the room next door had been watching at horn until 4 in the morning got called and this poor lady was unable to sleep. that my goal is to cut down the dough meal doctors. i will click that that had helped us understand now. so at the end of the day, the taliban were human beings, meat of flesh and blood, echo mercedes 12th. and despite their claims of piety, they succumb to their temptations. that to present a bleed south and only not su tobler group to lucy's. the taliban are terrorists and they don't believe in peaceable use. their philosophy is to create eternal war, must had a jihad, a view jihad as a religious principle. and his law mc obligation that forces the taliban to fight constantly, brooklyn and gen brooklyn. otherwise they believe in it, there'll be lost to sin. as i really believe that jihad guarantees them entry to heaven um and that god will grant the mercy molded the damage. the taliban of absolutely nothing in common with the afghan people or afghan society. medina, wellness and motto level with nanette pakistan, backed by western nations and an ally of the us wanted to control afghanistan. it was in pakistan's, koranic schools. the taliban were born and trained, hulu. becky stall, it didn't look so chunk measure pakistan, was the taliban major supporter event there. hey, why? yeah, pakistani is thought it would be good to have a regime under their influence and cobble and got blue is the soviet tonya court. but they quickly realized that they didn't really control it at all. so lemme sometimes their puppets went their own way. old uncle told them, but in our meetings with the pakistani system, we asked them to rein in the taliban, them. and they said it wasn't that easy. i mean, because of course they were on control alisha panel underneath lee the may can no problem with that. the americans didn't have a counterpart in afghanistan, heap of, but they knew they couldn't recognize the taliban regime york when ispa napa, they couldn't be associated with it. and don't goose soup levies. you are merely kin did as though the american vision of afghanistan was what was seen through pakistani. eyes result that you, pakistan, was a us ally and told washington that that taliban was simply part of traditional afghan culture. and that they needed to accept that fair cou miss hooted. time they said masood was simply upon sheedy. what was on that as a group that didn't mean much and that had never ruled afghanistan. lackey, they weren't a proper solution to lead the country or border b, boxley nero additional rate. the pakistan is had a tense relationship with commander masoud, and i would think they knew that armor cha, masoud would never recognize a pakistani public government. the pakistani saw that as resistance in as direct opposition to that it's truth because my brother would have never accepted a pro pakistan government in kabul. and that's the real reason why the united states never helped him, regardless of what they claim ah, in june 2000, a european parliamentary delegation traveled to pen chair to meet commander masood, leading the charge was general felipe memorial, who previously served as command review and forces in the former yugoslavia and was a well established peace advocate. the man who instigated to visit was a long time friend of commander muscles patrol, calais, he sought to raise political when it's about the afghan conflict with the issue. oh, isn't it though some will, will pay them of them on that mostly do focused on them burly, your own islam, east that polio on play. lisa jonathan, eligible school like his i think that pakistan, i am convinced that pakistan that go is a lot more religious in nature than it is geographical photo issue gothic or so. so i'm in london, he osama bin lad museum who's much talked about in afghanistan. these days was trained by the americans back in the day when they can't deny it, knows it or it's in that context that he took control of all the big mattresses on pakistan's. koranic schools on the other disk ignited. so the resistance is so much bigger than that, it has. it encompasses every one who has to g claim, rush june has ara and anyone else who understands the threat? is they all opposing from this moment forward? all the ethnicities need to unite against this foreign invasion. we are living in the 21st century mold and globalization is bringing us closer together. no one can continue to exist in isolation without any outside contract. it's a natural phenomenon with a tolerant and moderate islam. our people can live in peace, both internally and within the international community on them other than the hotels was you could follow the digits. i wore a pocket like a local. i speak the language and since i didn't use french in front of them, they thought i was afghan, which suited me just fine. i attended a number of those meetings you month, food wasn't a fool. he was sharp, you know what he needed above all else was military support. if an intellectual or a politician rally behind him for their own personal interests and so be it. but regardless of what mattered was, they showed up and brought back a vision that counteracted what many others and harris were thinking. we do have a lot in the western world in the us, in europe. unlike lobbyists for arms, dealers were numerous and powerful, and pakistan was a lucrative client in there on the food post. a problem mostly that it had always sued, was very good. he convinced them easily. but we'll see where that leads in political terms. but i think we're slowly moving forward as a country like a dentist, and it's so far removed from the current concerns of european parliamentary representatives. but this is how we'll get things to evolve. second, 2 trips like this one is to put together what they're productive. the game is suited for. save travels home. to live. my heart is here with you. and we'll be back. we'll be back to bring you to parrot. and to washington, 40 social ills street. going to lower your movie or return distrust or movie like convince nicole on den, for the president of the european parliament deal to officially invite my food, which had never been done by anyone. anywhere spa school looks on left halls attempt i think frances hands were tied by its relationship and economic connections with pakistan, but which were valuable back then. i guess your list of, of course, french intelligence services were in contact with masoud. you the same way they were in contact with the taliban yankee, a more awkwardly they met with him regularly to ask questions about the situation kitchen to understand how he saw things we were you sure. and also to ask about al qaeda or al qaeda says, can't i see that was the major points of interest of the french intelligence services. and you more did chemist who d, given that masoud had a significant network of informants in the country who's he might learn things about bin laden or al qaeda and share that information with the french. oh, so he's will say, i shared military insights about the show molly plain front with french intelligence services with my students permissional to last anymore for i was a messenger mister, just opposite. eventually reports transmitted by the western secret services including the cia gaining traction. but america still insisted on sparing pakistan. washington decided instead to pressure the un security counseling new york city, the council voted to impose sanctions on the cobble regime. tell about it on this earth. i don't have to let them use it on us. you know, you don't know, we actually don't need to least on 2000 is the genie shown on the focus could be a pretty united states was in what i call the hyper power phase. what i mean was that basically any other power, almost anywhere in the world, had to take u. s. policies into account as we put it. that didn't mean they needed to agree with those policies from the put. in fact, the french government's position with regard to the u. s. at the time was to be a friend and ally, but not necessarily aligned with them. and me that was unacceptable to the americans, which they thought you. if you're an ally, you have to be aligned with them. otherwise you're useless. you're hear about children, mo, mo, united, a moment. international sanctions were put into place. the said i knew the taliban would become even more radical. i can use it all copies. it goes, so the modem that the moderate favorite keeping communications channels with the western world open would essentially no longer have it there way. so if you guys, as a result, it would be the radicals who would use our. i tried to tell them that to say that i tried repeatedly, it cost them all the radicalization of the taliban had brucell, inhumane consequences for women. their rights regressed even further. and as those rights disappeared, any woman under suspicion could wind up imprisoned, beaten, or even stone over new allows and came to the stadium. a woman die, a woman was face will never see. we only know her as for me now, and that's her. in the middle between 2 female guards, taliban leaders, sentences her to death for adultery, the least said to me, no 7 children watched her execution from the stands. their uncle was the one who pulled the trigger. freedom for women. it's false to say that they had no freedom. they were not prisoners, love you, that. granted, they did not have western freedom. what they had islamic, koranic freedom. so, hulu, and in our country, it's true that stoning as prescribed by islam, is allowed it by women. here are like ghosts, all shrouded in the same covering that she had a child re. these clandestine images were found in secret. in afghanistan, one can't even look at women from behind. and here even there underwear is a man's business. seldom recall, no women selling clothes at all. i know no way of islam wouldn't allow it. when nick, because of this interpretation of the koran m women's fashion in afghanistan is entirely decided by men from the cut of the pattern to the actual style. with the food, the taliban arrived in capital, women played a major role in afghan society. they held 80 percent of administrative positions and a 3rd of medical jobs. masoud encouraged equality and advocated women's return to public life. must we did this ready for them all to donnie from them. what good he's done. masoud believed islam, fundamental values that give women autonomy and the right to have an education at which they fully belong in the organisation of political life in full school. and i think masood pushed for those ideas, nickel, defensive than women's groups, came to him, asking him to sign a charter for women's rights in which he did make it a see if he was fully aligned with everything they brought up, isn't he agreed with all of it because although he still added a line about how these clauses had to respect afghan culture, could you again another indication of the taliban. radicalization was its intent to destroy all non islamic symbols. after food beating children to play with kites, to listen to music and to take photos of themselves. taliban latest now opposed looking at any work of leaked out of the activity of a glimpse of the afghan government with help from france and protocols signed in 1921 had promoted national archaeology, and literally been lo see by destroying those archaeological fines. the taliban wanted to prove that afghan, as dan had no other culture than that instilled by the pakistani seminaries. and he said he left, but he didn't need to actually access these beautiful rock carvings. one must take tunnels that lead to an opening above them. one discovery, beautiful fresco that have already been mutilated and vandalized by our trafficking organized by the country. this past sunday authorities and couple tried to reassure a western diplomatic team who had come to investigate the destruction of artworks loma off and just 2 hours after our last meeting went, omar announced the decision to systematically destroy all anti islamic work. i don't know why. course there were obvious ideological and religious reasons was to them. the statues represent idols and must be destroy message, which is what that's also a clear sign of radicalization because this is real popular tactic, municipal. i felt it was there. i contacted the minister of foreign affairs and told them that if they did that, they needed to understand that those art work would forever be destroyed. as may, curly family, you do it to tell us is dawning women was hard enough to swallow. but here you had something that had been around since the 5th century in which wasn't bothering anybody. kinda dallas there, so an l visitors see them all upon i said look, if you're really afraid that people will come and worship the statues. i'm sure i can find you a company somewhere that would be willing to manufacture and donia currently do it . oh, god only do it. oh, he looking for up to silver rule, you can cover the statues and just open the curtains when people come to observe their splendor, the monument, as opposed to worshiping that boss of pasta only hearken. when he did that, he said that was a great idea. and that he would relate him willa or marvin oliver car. he promised me that those buddhas wouldn't be destroyed, should have it will. he gave me his word liberal dental by the time he was at him up behind and ah, less shuttled italy bell. and the taliban, relentless destruction of the balmy on buddha statues in march, 2001 was a huge shock. buskie they didn't leave. it revealed an extremely deep seated way of thinking of which is why the world reacted the way a dead lead music for them. although we were watching the resurgence of a way of thinking that most believed was a thing of the past little sickle, clear that even as of work, it was a doctrine that monuments and works of art from civilizations that are not our own, carry ideological messages. and oppose religious danger. them done, miss anne that they must be eradicated you dollars. lou e r a had ski absolutely love a proponent in favor of a moderate islam. then french minister alone matlab took a keen interest in afghanistan very early on, and visited the country on numerous occasions which was recently opened to you. i went to punch here explicitly to move my suit and spend some time with him. oh, if he was a true force of nature, an extraordinary man saw the day. while i was there, my suit gave me a clear message. warning of the dangers afghanistan presented to the world. or for surely, don't think of it. he warned that the afghan people needed to be freed from this tyrannical regime. b o. e is of go the so as im john, i told him that he needed to come to france again of us care. so track wrapper, propellers, ministry for foreign affairs was concerned for many reasons, mostly deeper. but the main reason, according to one of the senior officials at the ministry all done was weapons negotiations with pakistan. we couldn't upset pakistan mcgill sydney upon the do yet the ministry for foreign affairs didn't want him to come all he already told me, which was strange because in reality and for many reasons, the french military had 2 people on the ground there who knew the country and they had a completely different opinion. he said, thank you for lady much. they knew we needed to help my suit was city, but their voices weren't taken seriously and military. diplomatic and government circles if he came mortgage, if you did a big deal, i talked to people and offered them solutions that you did that he bought faster taliban were losing popular support. and there were taliban commanders that we could have paid off a mass effectively in march and the french ministry for foreign affairs invited a taliban delegation. was it provo i offered to greet them because i was curious if the vall that i wanted to see what they were like, little after having read so many horrible things about them. the cheaper tooth, i remember, they were completely closed off. they never looked me in the eye, even when we were 50 centimeters from one another old. they didn't say a word, but it was done. and it probably had to be digested to fail cuz we didn't know what was next up school kids, but a st. this march, 2001 meeting was highly secret. no cameras or media were present, diplomacy required, keeping all sides happy so as not to endanger the weapons deal with pakistan. invited by the european parliament. masoud made his 1st tongue in paris. ah, i begin milofa to be sure to observe him. oh, we had a good discussion with mister vedrine. well, even though the meeting was extremely hurry, credit and bullets that wrapped soperano buzz with. it began over breakfast and the following discussion evolved into an extensive deb. back to my job, i typed it, the europeans came to realize they were dealing with a real leader who was on the same level as they were. but i did, you should be better, but i had many other meetings with mr. ben green afterwards, maker. and every time he mentioned that 1st meeting with commander, my sued of our mission. but before that meeting, it was obvious that they didn't trust. a said, he's crazy always. he was ecstatic about coming to paris and very happy to be received by the minister that you there is a certain prestige and status attached to that disease. then he asked if the d g, if you could help more by providing weapons and lisa tier, for more movies, it was trying to rally the international community to his side of the fight and prove that his fight was just and his enemy was a serious threat and believe me, not just to him but to everyone, but nothing came of it except talk. he told me france didn't even give him a kalashnikov cartridge up to, to, kristy raised his pinkie and set it in a diary, tomato, meek, elliptical, but not the 5 months before september, the 11th masoud came to europe to deliver a message. by on my bible, she's good. i got that estimate that. i mean i saw that one is done. how about your nasa murder going? the other one is not really the see then if so i call math not going to be much good and not that hard them and get out on the, on both of them and get it on the record. but to be just be study asked to try to dissolve what matthew didn't quibble, met with my food and listened to him on false folk in france throughout europe. and of course, some were adamant that he should receive a message, ski full compulsory, kill him. what you need to understand is that there were just as many people may be more influential who believed the opposite of digital capella keep his lay branded masoud as a fundamentalist. just like all the others. can some one who would never have a political future in afghanistan, and that it would be ridiculous to back him to the music suit was officially greeted by european authorities, notably through his visit to the european parliament in stressful welcome to the european parliament. i'm so happy to have you here. it seemed that his urgent message would finally be heard and taken seriously or sub in the position. you all know that for a long time now, the european parliament has been very concerned with what is happening in afghanistan. the serious and repeated infringements of fundamental rights and human good met. what is your appalling situation facing? women, the family that threatens the country as well as refugees. i offered you a good. i would venture to say that the destruction of the army on godaddy and that was the straw that broke the camel's back on. which confirmed that, beyond any doubt that the taliban simply have no reason for anything, nor do i speak for here any more. now he dust you, the invitation i extended is 1st and foremost, the political acknowledgement of what commander must suit represents a c would. but i must also tell you that the pakistani ambassador will your letter when his government learned that i had invited lazoodo, looked out letter, gives me the opportunity to give a strict warning to the marcus. donny authorities were severe, more or gathered the result of their support of the taliban constituted to the entire region ball it that don't fall on this you too. and in my response to this letter, i will formally ask pakistan to see supporting a regime which has ostracized itself, from the world with fanaticism and obscure. and tis nissan obscure senior bone like you know, that the national how might the g d o. and then group big if it on that i find just on but on top of all cut out about on your car. what are the battles to see this law? my son will play it yard. i'm humble. you make one on miss a saw my beloved in followed by a part this tiny as caught. it must be by hum daughter my miss. i am. as you said, the william k tan. ha ha, that's fair. as you go to want to stop me by the dog as well. then while one is on as bad caught up on the ball, come on, but you couldn't k that after be hum to go too far. but hum, to got a ticket on the focused on what this guy stuff about at the i saw you focused on all of these. you do miss who do on your p. t. paypal must foods visit to europe. was a very good thing already, but it was also the worst possible thing he could have done for himself. i'm pretty convinced that's what gave the enemy the idea that masoud had to be physically eliminated. masoud. that idea was hatched in the thick minds of l. k. e, the leader that ada repair severe logic is su, fosten. ne, did i had noticed the fanatic radicalization of a taliban. but i didn't really understand how much influence been loudon had at the time. been, and then this of mac, or bella, then of a conclusion. no phone to do more low. maverick enlarged and had arranged the marriage of one of his sons to a daughter of one omar axis. he saw city of you, the more that meant the relationship became familial and dynastic as to which posed a lot of problems. so good problem, look at do a mellow marcy to the yellow gems, a gift to mullah omar in the sense that a gave him the last little piece of afghanistan. he was missing 1st as she near massuce fascinating. masoud meant that he could launch a mass of operation to cocker upon sheer and the entire northeast ruling over the entire country, b. o. all of this without bin laden sharing. what he was planning in the us mosque he script or was it as you as a dark oscio, he can defy you. al qaeda thought that one of my suits weaknesses was his willingness to accept visits from journalist effects and politicians revisit digital. ned is too rude and politic. they decided to use that as a way to get close to have it up or shake. they would go, ann pretending to be journalists with a camera or batteries that were filled with explosive. i'll kid exclusive. ah, the ah! on september, the 9th, 2001 to al qaeda suicide bombers mit with command masoud. the 2 terrace pretended to be journalists, wicked, the arab media outlets. with him dash t. one of the suits, loyal lieutenants, is one of the only 2 witnesses still alive to day. i may shak a day motive. it's always hard for me to talk about what happened on september 9th, 2130. by that it always brings back like terrible memories, doesn't they give us the worst of my life? it was wrote 8 or 830 in the more nice destiny missile loft. as of when i came out of my room, i asked where those arab journalists had gone on cousin keith. i was in regard to sheila, gas of our modem. when told me they had already gone to the commander's headquarters to interviewer while caught him at the time loud of the part of my worker's image i had was to record videos. my colleague grabbed my camera and headed to the commander's headquarters house. while on the same with b, as you couldn't say, i should was for the interview started. and so the commander asked them to share what questions we were planning to ask the nurse. is that our last? how, what arab sitting next to the commander listed a dozen or so questions mostly about al qaeda. the taliban been like a lot of pakistan, although laura will land them out at the outlet that were thought of all focused on january. it was always the same questions back them on life. last week he is asked when i sent the interview was about to begin. i sat in a chair behind the back and prepared my camera to film. let me show history. i was suddenly blinded by a very strong yellow light wag nude as out of my eyes closed. instinctively and then i realized that i was burned and wounded norris asked by this oscar himself since i've been setting up my camera. the 1st thing i thought was that there may have been a short circuit buzz in land that had had exploded in my face for the much will within filing cabinet him about the shots or the motion of the main figure. mom. he managed to open my eyes and i saw there was dust and smoke everywhere. but then after all the windows had been blown out. the light on the samsung in wolf is in missouri, who people carried the commander from the room with his pocket covering his face of the boys as he had injuries to his head and legs, muscles of most seriously to his chest. last there must have changed that commander masood was killed for the 1st time in my life. i realized what a great responsibility that man had been carrying up until that time. i'll leave that out of that and everything depended on him. was our haws, millions of us felt it was embodied and we weren't strong enough to carry the weight of that responsibility yet. but the act here once wrote a sentence in a book that said, well betide a nation of she'll need of heroes. why bother melissa? can back when the commander was still alive. i thought that author was stupid. lufkin mcclellan he no, he didn't understand that. it was great to have a he, remy farmer is on my left the i thought i, one should be so lucky a that was about to collapse. but when missouri died last illness, i finally understood what the author was trying to say. and i guess, as you know, he said that if what he meant was that it's sad when people need a hero, lynne moleck thinking, because when that hero disappears. oh i was lost. neil, this is awesome. mm hm. ah, 2 days after the suits assassination. on tuesday, september the 11th 2001 at 8 45 am. an airline crashed into the north tower of the world trade center, new york. just 18 minutes later, a 2nd plane hit the south tower. then a 3rd crashed into the pentagon in washington, d. c. and a 4th in pennsylvania. it was considered the worst terrorist attack in human history regard the sub i'd be sure. the 2 events are closely connected cabinet before the $911.00 attacks al qaeda wanted to eradicate the leader of the resistance. so there would be no more opposition to the taliban in afghanistan. you'd better show bullshit. been a complete yes. soon. bin laden, certainly understood that must suit was his enemy. but that meant bhaskar haps, he thought that the u. s. would retaliate against afghanistan after the attack on the twin towers could not had triplets. you also get and if such a response occurred, he needed to ensure my suit was gone left because he represented the main opposition. dionte. surely the rest would work itself out. but the connection between those 2 events is absolutely obvious to do more. if you don't, ah, after september, the limit to the united states went after public enemy number one, a summer, been loudon, and took military action in afghanistan, helped by the americans. the troops of the light commanded most suit liberated capital in november, 2001. the telephone's departure was a relief to the local population. masoud lives on the memories of many for the people of afghanistan. lagossi bushy surcharge militia, my biggest regret, is my own personal failure. i think that must suit. i think he counted on me at least a little bit, what i thought of the read all the he counted on me to relay his message, but that didn't work. type, i'm not sure. so it's a personal failure on my part. that said, the collective failure is even more consequential than my personal one. we want to check to see see, see bessie come in touchy. do you like it all happened like a greek tragedy and on that and the tragedy played out accordingly. this was his home, his own, plus he and the ball. well, regardless of how much we tried, things always took a turn for the worse than usual. the only appeal even still to this day and quarterly. ah, ah ah ah ah ah. in a listening place of long the mediterranean sea, it's waters connect people of many cultures, sunshine on site, a exquisite taste and takes palm beach cleaner. in 30 minutes, w. o . ah, is the end of the pandemic in sight? we show what he could look like. will return to normal. and we visit those who are finding it difficult to success in our weekly coven 19 special every thursday on d. w. ah, what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. d w world heritage 360. get the app now ah ah, this is data the news live from bill quinn, elizabeth's cough on the bribes in edinburgh. thousands lined the streets of the scottish capital to welcome the motorcade. before the queen's coffin is carried into the official world residents, the palace of hollywood house, where it will remain open. also coming up ukrainian forces make gains in.


Transcripts For DW 911 - The Unheeded Warning 20220910

a special country. he land from above. start september 16th on d, w ah, september 11th, 2001 at the united states came under attack the targets, new york city and the capital washington dc. the anti world was shocked. al qaeda, a terrorist group in afghanistan, led by osama bin laden claimed responsibility for the attack. just 2 days earlier on september the 9th, he had his only opponent assassinated, a local hero in the afghan resistance. commander ahmed shah masood young man with museum. i remember mustard saying there's some one who's very dangerous to you. been that 5 months before the 911 attacks suit visited, france, when he issued a stop warning to the western world. did you run? he told us he only had one message sick. it was that osama bin laden was preparing a major strike against the united states. something extremely dangerous. on mobile bible. he did not really that he then thought my not gonna be in gear much good, nathan, hold on, man. get out while it's on by the get on, get on that he thought about the b b just data image study asking about, ha ah, must suits, warning, was loud and clear. why did no one listen? was it the trade agreements or the army sales to pakistan? made the usa and other western countries look the other way. why did they refuse to helpless to the last line of defense against the taliban? and the terrorists? ah ah ah ah. with after 10 years of war to seize control left canister on, the soviets finally conceded and withdrew in 1999 when cobbles, communist regime crumbled 3. he is later civil war broke out between rebels from various ethnic groups to shakes new specs, hazardous and patch tunes. afghanistan spiraled into chaos. this ethnic conflict gave rise to a new movement. the taliban. ah, in pasco talib, literally means theology student. the taliban ernest lamp fundamentalist group that focus on the study of his lamp. their supreme leader was milan mohammed omar. a hot co fundamentalist who welcomed terrace into his ranks from saudi arabia and he, him. these were al qaeda jihadists and their leader. so some have been on in september 1996, the taliban ceased cobble, and most of the country imposing a tyrannical islamic regime and shimmery a loo. only one mandate resist. come on to ahmed shah masoud a t g from the pan she valley ah, based in the isolated northern mountains, he achieved folk hero status after defeating the red army during the soviet occupation, and then led the northern alliance to struggle to resist the taliban. the pre 2 boy could, i was pretty good in school. the study that the fancier military academy ha constantino . and i spent 3 great years in francis finest school meeting, receiving a military education, but also learning engineering reduced to a history and geography of while decree and good subjects needed to understand the modern world and don't say to the boot. and that's how i started my career as a military officer and the french army major. but after several disappointments, i resigned in 1999 and became a free civilian again. to present them a suit, i introduced myself to my food as a former french officer and told him about the time i was on a diving mission where we planted mines under boats and sabotage, propeller the but to the said with the disease. great job that the taliban didn't have any boats. and then i said something that finally caught his attention. saucy to fit. i was a certified french commando instructor to come on. it was going to that it turns out that my sued had a team of commando group that was a mix of both young recruits and veteran assembly balmore. he gathered them at a training camp and told me you're a commando instructor. here you go, do your thing and teach them whatever you want. i had carte blanche. that's what i was just at that time. i think we had about 15000 fighters on the various front. so the diesel off of us. we were up against 10 times as many men, but we resisted that. he von, the taliban was well acquitted and had a lot of support from pakistan which wanted them to take over the country. he bought samples or lost them to be armed by pakistan and supported by ok to fight as the taliban quickly gained control. 90 percent of afghan territory ah, in the heart of their oppressive regime, a single french representative remained in office in cobb the shade affair. john eve, but to call me folks, you know sandra, own smile, i had a position with united nations assistance mission and ghana standard and that one's muscle again. he stole pause. he, a goal was to establish peace in a country that was being ripped apart at the time on plant issue. model poker is jacqueline rim is actually continued to do my job in afghanistan to me on. but i also became a charged affair, said i glanced today. i could, i coincided with what came a few months later that matter. when unfortunately, the taliban took control of the country again, the star equal submission in the previous 20 to 30 years. many westerners had adopted a false understanding of diplomacy between offered it was a kind of western triumphalism that we only talked about little who shared our values. and that's absurd. diplomacy existed for exactly the opposite reason for where it was designed as an alternative to war for addressing conflict. it's based on being open to dialogue with any one and every one to understand their position, you will receive both. then you are just the level of talks. there are symbolism. but once we understood the level of control, the taliban had enough ghana standard. there was no way we can get involved, even though we thought we should be helping masoud or well i could pick tickets that you know. they love the moment they arrived and campbell in 99 percent of the taliban publicly had ex president, legible that at his brother it was an introduction to their barbaric interpretation of the koran. the religious students in virtuously claim they were bringing back people on the. but it came at a huge cost to the $70000000.00 afghans. the mala professed to be fighting mice with virtue and did so by him. housing, the most of his gear and, and in humane islamic system on the planet is moving slow. mcgee, my name is more of a column or dean. and i'm the leader of the revolutionary islamic movement in afghanistan. whoa, whoa. i was the taliban minister for propagation of virtue and prevention of vice. here. oh me morrow. my goal was to heavily promote virtue until all vices disappeared. naturally. womach god, we never wanted to directly or brutally intervene. wall. you'll push. that's why we trained people with young people when they went to the mosques in small groups, to raise awareness and worn against all types of temptations. oh, this was necessary to get uneducated people to follow islamic precepts was leading to teach them to abandon their vices and renounce everything that islam prohibited . oh, that didn't get shielded tele bowl. had good news for giovanni, i. so taliban delegation that we invited to islamabad for peace negotiation, as we said in a small guest house next to our offices lest house a good did and, and behold, in 0, cilla st. it. so happened that the un mission, litter secretary, was staying in the same guest house cabinet. taylor, them guest house, a key i either met ave cuz she came in the next morning looking very tired that i saw because the taliban and the room next door had been watching at horn until 4 in the morning. that's called and this poor lady was unable to solicit. my goal is to cut down the dough meal doctors. i won't go. pigs that had helped to these. the taliban are terrorists and they don't believe in peaceable youth. their philosophy is to create eternal war. must had a jihad, a view jihad as a religious principle. and this law mc obligation that forces the taliban to fight constantly, brooklyn and gen brooklyn. otherwise they believe in it, there'll be lost to sin. as i really believe that jihad guarantees them entry to heaven. um and that god will grant the mercy, molded the damage the taliban. of absolutely nothing in common with the afghan people or afghan society. medina, wellness and mcdonald and pakistan, backed by western nations. and an ally of the us wanted to control afghanistan. it was in pakistan's, koranic schools, the taliban were born and trained becky stall, it didn't look. so chunk measure pakistan, was the taliban major supporter? event there. hey, why? yeah, pakistani is thought it would be good to have a regime under their influence and cobble and got blue. is the soviet, tanya called, but they quickly realized that they didn't really control it at all. so le mars sometimes their puppets went their own way. old uncle told them, but in our meetings with the pakistanis houston, we asked them to rein in the taliban them. and they said it wasn't that easy. i mean, because of course they were on control alisha panel underneath lee the may can no problem with that. the american didn't have a counterpart in afghanistan the far they knew they couldn't recognize the taliban regime organ, ispa needed bar. they couldn't be associated with it. and it don't goose soup levies. you are merely kindred. as though the american vision of afghanistan was what was seen through pakistani eyes who got that yak as dan was a us ally and told washington that the taliban was simply part of traditional afghan culture and that they needed to accept that fair qu, miss hooted. are they said masoud was dumbly upon shitty? what was on that as eager a group that didn't mean much, and that had never ruled added anastasia archy, they weren't a proper solution to lead the country or border b, but boxley nero additional rate. the pakistan is had a tense relationship with commander masula within. they knew that armor charmer suit would never recognize a pakistani public government. the pakistani saw that as resistance and as direct opposition to their it's truth because my brother would have never accepted a pro pakistan government in kabul. and that's the real reason why the united states never helped him, regardless of what they claim ah, in june 2000, a european parliamentary delegation traveled to pen chair to meet commander masood, leading the charge was general felipe memorial, who previously served as command review and forces in the former yugoslavia and was a well established peace advocate. the man who instigated to visit was a long time friend of commander muscles patrol, calais, he sought to raise political when it's about the afghan conflict with this issue. oh, isn't it though? some will, will pay them of them mostly do focused on them burly, your own islam, east that polio on play. this is jonathan jones can affect his i think that pakistan i'm convinced that pakistan the goal is a lot more religious in nature. than it is geographical folder, issue, gothic or so. so i'm in london, he osama bin lad museum who's much talked about in afghanistan. these days was trained by the americans back in the day when they can't deny it. not at all. it's in that context that he took control of all the big mattresses on pakistan's. koranic schools on david, this is neither a source, the resistance is so much bigger than that. it has. it encompasses every one who is g claim to rush. june has ara and anyone else who understands the threat because they all oppose it from this moment forward. all the ethnicities need to unite against this foreign invasion. we are living in the 21st century. and globalization is bringing us closer together with no one can continue to exist in isolation without any outside contract. it's a natural phenomenon with a tolerant and moderate islam. our people can live in peace, both internally and within the international community. um, other than the hustle was you could follow the digits. i wore a pocket like a local. i speak the language and since i didn't use french in front of them, they thought i was afghan, which suited me just fine. and i attended a number of those meetings. my food wasn't a fool, he was sharp, you know what he needed above all else with military support. if an intellectual or a politician rally behind him for their own personal interests and so be it. but regardless of what mattered was, they showed up and brought back a vision that counteracted what many others and harris were saying. kelly, do have a lot in the western world in the us and european like lobbyists for arms, dealers were numerous and powerful, and pakistan was a lucrative client in their eyes. food posed a problem, mostly that it had always sued, was very good. he convinced them easily. it's all about as you see where that leads in political terms. but i think we're slowly moving forward. is that a country like i can't stand? it's so far removed from the current concerns of european parliamentary representatives. but this is how we'll get things to evolve. second, 2 trips like this one is to put together what they're productive. the game is suited for safe travels home to live. my heart is here with you. and we'll be back. we'll be back to bring you to parrot and to washington street, going to lower your movie. oh, return. distrustful movie like convince nicole on tenfold, president of the european parliament deal to officially invite my food, which had never been done by anyone, anywhere. school school lecture, left halls attempt i think frances hands were tied by its relationship and economic connections with pakistan, but which were valuable back then. i guess your list of, of course, french intelligent services were in contact with masoud. you the same way they were in contact with the taliban yankee yamaha quinte. they met with him regularly to ask questions about the situation and get you to understand how he saw things we will, you'd issue and also to ask about al qaeda or al qaeda says, can't i see? that was the major points of interest of the french intelligence services. and you more did chemist who'd be given that masoud had a significant network of informants in the country who's he might learn things about bin laden or al qaeda and share that information with the french. oh, so he's will say, i shared military insights about the show molly plain front with french intelligence services with my students permissional to last anymore for i was a messenger mister, just opposite. eventually reports transmitted by the western secret services including the cia gaining traction. but america still insisted on sparing pakistan. washington decided instead to pressure the un security counseling new york city, the council voted to impose sanctions on the cobble regime. taliban is the 1st one . yeah. so he could have wanted to let them use it on us. you know, even though we actually don't this on 2000 is the genie shown on the focus could be a pretty united states was in what i call the hyper power phase. what i mean was that basically any other power, almost anywhere in the world, you had to take u. s. policies into account would put that didn't mean they needed to agree with those policies from the put in fact, which the french government's position with regard to the u. s. at the time was to be a friend and ally, but not necessarily aligned with them. and me that was unacceptable to the americans, which they thought, if you're an ally, you have to be aligned with them. otherwise you're useless. you're hear about children, mo, mo, united, a moment. international sanctions were put into place. the said, i knew the taliban would become even more radical. i can use it all copies, it goes. so the modem that the moderate favorite keeping communications channels with the western world open would essentially no longer have it there way. so i know if you guys, as a result it would be the radicals who would use our i tried to tell them that to say that i tried repeatedly, it costs more the radicalization of the taliban had brucell, inhumane consequences for women. their rights regressed even further. and as those rights disappeared, any woman under suspicion could wind up imprisoned, beaten, or even stone over new allows and came to the stadium. a woman die, a woman was face will never see. we only know her as for me now. that's her in the middle between 2 female guards, taliban leaders, sentences her to death for adultery, the least said to me now, 7 children watched her execution from the stands. their uncle was the one who pulled the trigger. freedom for women. it's false to say that they had no freedom they were not prisoner than granted. they did not have western freedom, but they had islamic koranic freedom. so saw hulu and in our country. it's true that stoning as prescribed by islam is allowed it by women. here are like ghosts, all shrouded in the same covering. the chair, the child re, these clandestine images were filmed and see criminal in afghanistan, one can't even look at women from behind. and here even their underwear is a man's business. seldom come, no women selling clothes at all. i know no way of islam wouldn't allow it renege because of this interpretation of the koran him. women's fashion in afghanistan is entirely decided by men from the cut of the pattern to the actual style. with the sword, the taliban of rod didn't. capital women played a major role in afghan society. they held 80 percent of administrative positions and a 3rd of medical jobs. masoud encouraged equality and advocated women's return to public life. mess with the disorder for them approved only from them with duties. then masood believed islam, fundamental values that give women autonomy and the right to have an education at which they fully belong in the organisation of political life in full school. and i think masood pushed for those ideas and equal befuddled when women's groups came to him, asking him to sign a charter for women's rights in which he did get a senior. he was fully aligned with everything they brought up. isn't he agreed with all of it? it could be all though he still added a line about how these clauses had to respect afghan culture. could you again another indication of the taliban. radicalization was its intent to destroy all non islamic symbols. after food beating children to play with kites, to listen to music and to take photos of themselves. taliban latest now opposed looking at any work of lita as though a do you as a good good of the afghan government with help from france and a protocol signed in 1921? well had promoted national archaeology literally been lo. see by destroying those archaeological fines, the taliban wanted to prove that afghanistan had no other culture than that instilled by the pakistani seminaries, the semi them. but kid stanley black studio has to access these beautiful raw carvings. one must take tunnels that lead to an opening above them. one discovery is beautiful frescoes that have already been utilized and vandalized by our trafficking organized by the country. this past sunday authorities and cobble tried to reassure a western diplomatic team who had come to investigate the destruction of artworks, lamar, discipline, not just 2 hours after our last meeting went out, omar announced the decision to systematically destroy all anti islamic works and awful guar. i gave them of course there were obvious ideological and religious reasons to prove to them these statues represent idols and must be destroy, mr. goose's, but that's also a clear sign of radicalization. i did tell you this is your pa contact of a co, new minnesota. i felt it told her i contacted the minister of foreign affairs and told them that if they did this, they needed to understand that those artworks would forever be destroyed. as i'm there are curly fmla. you do to tell us is dawning women was hard enough to swallow them, but here you had something that had been around since the 5th century in which wasn't bothering anybody. keener dallas their son l. visitors si fi more upon i said look, if you're really afraid that people will come and worship the statues. i'm sure i can find you a company somewhere that would be willing to manufacture and donate. hercules do is woke readily do it. no, he looking for up to cyril's room, you can cover the statues and just open the curtains when people come to observe their splendor, the monument, as opposed to worshipping that ball to post only. how can, when he did that, he said that was a great idea and that he would relate to mueller or marvin, or level car, he promised me that those buddhas wouldn't be destroyed. she shivered, gave me his word liberal dental by the time it was at the map behind in her. ah, less shuttled italy bell and the taliban. relentless destruction of the balmy on buddha statues in march, 2001 was a huge shock. buskie, they didn't leave, it revealed an extremely deep seated way of thinking, which is why the world reacted the way a dead lead richie for them. although we were watching the resurgence of a way of thinking that most believed was a thing of the past with all sickle clear that even us have were it was a doctrine that monuments and works of art from civilizations that are not our own carry ideological messages and oppose religious dangers. am done, miss anne, that they must be eradicated. you doors, lou e r a had ski absolutely love a proponent in favor of a moderate islam. then french minister alone matlab took a keen interest in afghanistan very early on, and visited the country on numerous occasions, which was recently open to you. i went to punch here explicitly to move my suit and spend some time with him. oh, if he was a true force of nature, an extraordinary man saw the day. while i was there, my suit gave me a clear message. warning of the dangers afghanistan presented to the world. are for surely doric, if you could. he warned that the afghan people needed to be freed from this tyrannical regime really does have go the so as im john, i told him that he needed to come to france again of us care. so track wrapper, propellers, ministry for foreign affairs was concerned for many reasons, mostly deeper. but the main reason, according to one of the senior officials at the ministry all done was weapons negotiations with pakistan. we couldn't upset sack stansell mcgill silly boy, did you? yes, the ministry for foreign affairs didn't want him to come all he had, he did leave me, which was strange because in reality and for many reasons, the french military had people on the ground there who knew the country. and they had a completely different opinion. he said, thank you for lady much. they knew we needed to help my suit was city, but their voices weren't taken seriously. and military, diplomatic and government circles if humanities me dear, big deal, i talk to people and offered them solutions that you did that he ball faced. the taliban were losing popular support. and there were taliban commanders that we could have paid off. ashley, or muss ethically, in march in the french ministry for foreign affairs, invited a taliban delegation, was it provo i offered to greet them because i was curious if revolver that i wanted to see what they were lifeless lloyd after having read so many horrible things about them the cheaper foot, i remember they were completely closed off. yeah. they never looked me in the eye even when we were 50 centimeters from one another. so they didn't say a word, but it was done. and it probably had to be digested to fail because we didn't know what was next up school could but a st. this march, 2001 meeting was highly secret. no. can miss or media were present. diplomacy require keeping all sides happy, so as not to endanger the weapons deal with pakistan. invited by the european parliament. masoud made his 1st tongue in paris. ah, i begin milofa could sure hold their ship. oh, we had a good discussion with mister vedrine, while even though the meeting was extremely hurry, credit and bullets that wraps upon elbows with it began over breakfast and the following discussion evolved into an extensive deb. back to my job, i typed it, the europeans came to realize they were dealing with a real leader who was on the same level as they were. but i did, you should be better, but i had many other meetings with mr. ben green afterwards. and every time he mentioned that 1st meeting with commander, my sued. but my mission before that meeting was it was obvious that they didn't trust a set up because i presume he was ecstatic about coming to paris and very happy to be received by the minister that there is a certain prestige status attached to that disease. then he asked if the de jesus could help more by providing weapons and their li city. if it movies it, he was trying to rally the international community to his side of the fight and prove that his fight was just and his enemy was a serious threat. and believe me, not just to him but to everyone, but nothing came of it except talk. he told me france didn't even give him a kalashnikov cartridge up to, to, kristy raised his pinkie and set it in a diary, tomato, meek, elliptical, but not the 5 months before september, the 11th masoud came to europe to deliver a message. by on my bible she said, i got that estimate that. i mean, i saw that one is done about your nasha matter than the other one is on that really the see that you saw it go math not going to be much good enough to hold them and get out. one is on both of them and get it under the cough, but to be just be study scheduled. how does all, what masoud, digital equivocal met with my food and listened to him on false folk in france throughout europe. and of course, some were adamant that he should receive a message. skillful, compulsory kill him. what you need to understand is that there were just as many people may be more influential who believed the opposite. digital play key play branded masoud as a fundamentalist. just like all the others could, can some one who would never have a political future in afghanistan. and that it would be ridiculous to back him to the music in a suit was officially greeted by european authorities, notably through his visit to the european parliament in stressful welcome to the european parliament. i'm so happy to have you here. it seemed that his urgent message would finally be heard and taken seriously or stop in the position. you all know that for a long time now, the european parliament has been very concerned with what is happening in afghanistan, the serious and repeated infringement of fundamental rights. and human good met. what is your appalling situation facing? women, the family that threatens the country as well as refugees are not regina. i would venture to say that for destruction of the army on godaddy, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. which confirmed beyond any doubt that the taliban simply have no regard for anything, nor do i speak for. yeah, it won't have he does. you the invitation, i extended is 1st and foremost, the political acknowledgement on that of what commander masoud represents a c would. but i must also tell you that the pakistani ambassador will your letter it when his government learned that i had invited last 2 days, looked out letter gives me the opportunity to give a strict warning to the marcus. donny authorities were severe, more are gathered, the lizard dog, they are supported, the taliban constitutes a threat. the entire region, ball it that don't follow you too. and in my response to this letter, i will formally asked pakistan to see supporting a regime which has ostracized itself. from the world with fanaticism and urine tis nissan, upscale cheese, senior bone, lack of you know that the national. how about the g d o? and then it grew big if it and that i find a song. but i'm tired of all cut out about on your car. what are you back to see this law? my son will play it yard. i'm humble. you make one on miss it. a saw my beloved in a park is tiny as caught, it must be. but hum daughter my miss, i am, as you said, yes, william k ton ha ha, fair as you go to upon, as one is thought, ne ballot darcy as well. then while everyone is on as bad as i'm on the ball come on, that's why i couldn't do that. i have to be home to go too far. but i've got a ticket on the jimmy focused on what this guy stuff about at the site focused on all of these you do miss who do on open t club when my food visit to europe was a very good thing already. but it was also the worst possible thing he could have done for himself. i'm pretty convinced that's what gave the enemy the idea that my suit had to be physically eliminated. miss wood. that idea was hatched in the sick minds of volcano. the leader of cater repressive illogical is su, foster ne, i had noticed the phonetic radicalization of the taliban. but i didn't really understand how much influence been loudon had at the time been and then this mac open let then of a conclusion. yashira not far to do my mother in law and had arranged the marriage of one of his sons to a daughter of omar fis, he saw city of you, the more that meant the relationship became familial and dynastic. as to which posed a lot of problems look with problem. look at do, or mallow marcy to the yellow gems, a gift to mullah omar in the sense that a gave him the last little piece of afghanistan. he was missing 1st as she near my shoe assassinating masood meant that he could launch a mass of operation to conquer upon sheer and the entire northeast ruling over the entire country b. o. all of this without bin laden sharing. what he was planning in the us mosque he script or was it as you had k dark lucille? hey, can defiant al qaeda thought that one of my suits weaknesses was his willingness to accept visits from journal as he faced. and politicians live is it does on that is too rude and politic he, they decided to use that as a way to get close to hamlet up. or she could, they would go and pretending to be journalists with a camera or batteries that were filled with explosive. all the disposition ah, the ah, on september the 9th, 2001 to al qaeda suicide bombers mit with command masoud. the 2 terrace pretended to be journalists, wicked, the arab media outlets. with him dash t. one of the suits, loyal lieutenants is one of the only 2 witnesses still alive today. i'm the shack a day mother. it's always hard for me to talk about what happened on september 9th, 2001 that he, that it always brings back that horrible memories doesn't they give us the worst of my life? he was around 8 or 830 in the more nice destiny missile laughed as of when i came out of my room, i asked where those arab journalists had gone on cousin keith. i was in a gotcha that guess of a modem. when told me they had already gone to the commander's headquarters to intervene while caught him at the time by the part of my workers and which i had was to record videos, milestone. i grabbed my camera and headed to the commander's headquarters. while on the same with b, as you couldn't say, i should for the interview started. and so all the commander asked them to share what questions they were planning to ask. you know, says that our last how, what arab sitting next to the commander listed a dozen or so questions mostly about al qaeda. the taliban been like a lot of pakistan sell the lower. i will land them out at the outlet. thou thought of all book a song, john, it was always the same questions back them on. but last the case, us cousin, i sent the interview was about to begin. i sat in a chair behind my account and prepared my camera to films. you know, let me show system. i was suddenly blinded by a very strong yellow light. wagner as out of my eyes closed instinctively. and then i realized that i was burned and wounded. norris asked by this oscar himself. since i've been setting up my camera, the 1st thing i thought was that there may have been a short circuit buzz in that and that had had exploded in my face for the much will within filing cabinet. him about the shots or the motion of the main figure mom. he managed to open my eyes and i saw there was dust and smoke everywhere. but then i thought all the windows had been blown out. the light on the semi again, was in missouri. 2 people carried the commander from the room with his pocket covering his face of the boys. if he had injuries to his head and legs, muscles of most seriously to his chest. last there must have changed that commander masood was killed for the 1st time in my life. i realized what a great responsibility that man had been carrying up until that time. i'll leave that out of that and everything depended on him. was our haws, millions of us felt it was embodied and we weren't strong enough to carry the weight of that responsibility yet. but of the act here once wrote a sentence in a book that said, well betide a nation of she'll need of heroes. why bother melissa? come back when the commander was still alive. i thought that author was stupid. mother can make them. he know he didn't understand that it was great to have a he remy farmer. i left the i thought i one should be so lucky was about to collapse. but when missouri died last illness, i finally understood what the author was trying to say. and i guess, as you know, he said that if what he meant was that it's sad when people need a hero. lemme let the because when that hero disappears, oh i was lost. neil, this is awesome. mm. 7 ah, today's austin, the suit assassination on tuesday, september the 11th 2001. at 845, i am. an airliner crashed into the north tower of the world trade center, new york. just 18 minutes later, a 2nd plane hit the south tower. then a 3rd crashed into the pentagon in washington, d. c. and a 4th in pennsylvania. it was considered the worst terrorist attack in human history the door. the sabbath shuddered. the 2 events are closely connected. happening before the 911 attacks al qaeda wanted to eradicate the leader of the resistance. so there would be no more opposition to the taliban in afghanistan. you'd better troubleshot. good. been a complete yes. only. bin laden, certainly understood that must suit was his enemy put at men foster haps, he thought that the u. s. would retaliate against afghanistan. after the attack on the twin towers could not had triplets. you also get and if such a response occurred, he needed to ensure my suit was gone left because he represented the many opposition dionte shortly the rest would work itself out. but the connection between those 2 events is absolutely obvious to do more. if you don't, ah, after september 11th to the united states, went after public enemy number one, a summer, been loudon, and took military action in afghanistan, helped by the americans. the troops of the light command to most suit liberated capital in november 2001. the telephone's departure was a relief to the local population. masoud lives on the memories of many for the people of afghanistan. lagossi, the sioux city, shark militia, my biggest regret, is my own personal failure. i think that must suit. i think he counted on me, at least a little bit, were that of the metal the he counted on me to relay his message, but that didn't work to. so it's a personal failure on my part. that said, the collective failure is even more consequential than my personal one when they say to says he, he said bessy come in touch. do you like it all happened like a greek tragedy and on the tragedy played out accordingly. this was from his own place. he and the bull. well, regardless of how much we tried, things always took a turn for the worse than usual. the only piano, even still to this day. i'm calling ah, ah, ah, ah, a in a stand what's behind news africa? the show that was the issue, a slowly getting back to normal. yeah. on the street to give you in the report on the inside our correspond that was on the ground reporting from across the continent. all the trains doesn't matter to you. in 30 minutes on the w. o. ah, when you work as an architect all in or not at all women in architecture. why are they so invisible to the larger public? we decided to ask them versus, what is the poetry, the secret of the house, and i'm calling about their motivations. the goal of architecture is to create habit dads for human, about their struggles and dreams. responsibility is huge. they have to so much to lose shattering the glass ceiling. women in architecture. does this has to be really, really good. start september 30th on dw, with ah, ah, this is dw news live from berlin. britain's charles, that bad is proclaimed king with his association to the throne is formally.


Transcripts For DW 911 - The Unheeded Warning 20220909

w ah. and september 11th, 2001 at the united states came under attack. the targets, new york city and the capital washington dc. the anti world was shocked. al qaeda, a terrorist group in afghanistan, led by osama bin laden claimed responsibility for the attack. just 2 days earlier on september the 9th, he had his only opponent assassinated, a local hero in the afghan resistance, commander ahmed shah, masood young mas with zone. i remember mustard saying there is some one who is very dangerous to you. been lad. 5 months before the 911 attacks masoud visited france when he issued a stop warning to the western world. did you hello? he told us he only had one message sick. it was that osama bin laden was bearing a major strike against the united states. something extremely dangerous with our mobile bible. he's not really that. see that? he thought my not gonna be in gear much does nothing hardaman get out while it's gone by the get on and get on that. he thought about the b b just data image study as gets rocky. ah suits, warning was loud and clear. why did no one listen? was it the trade agreements or the om sales to pakistan that made the usa and other western countries the other way? why did they refuse to help my suit? the last line of defense against the taliban and the terrorists? ah ah ah ah with after 10 years of war to seize control left canister on, the soviets finally conceded and withdrew in 1999. when cobbled communist regime crumbled 3, he is later civil war broke out between rebels from various ethnic groups to shakes specs, hazardous and pash tunes, afghanistan spiraled into chaos. this ethnic conflict gave rise to a new movement. the taliban. ah impasto talib literally means theology student. the taliban ernest lamp fundamentalist group that focus on the study of his lamp. their supreme leader was milan mohammed omar. a hot co fundamentalist who welcomed terrace into his ranks from saudi arabia and d. m. these were al qaeda jihadists and their leader. so some been on in september 1996, the taliban ceased cobble, and most of the country imposing a tyrannical islamic regime and shimmery a law. only one mandate resist commander ahmed shah masoud a t g from a pin. she valley ah, based in the isolated more than mountains, he achieved folk hero status after defeating the red army during the soviet occupation. and then led a northern alliance that struggle to resist the taliban. deed 32 boys could. i was pretty good in school when the lady that the fancier military academy. aw, continental, i spent 3 great years in francis finest school meeting, receiving a military education, but also learning engineering with his 2 history and geography. while decree and boost his objects needed to understand the modern world and don't say to debrief, and that's how i started my career as a military officer in the french army major. but after several disappointments, i resigned in 1999 and became a free civilian again. tim present them a suit. i introduced myself to my sued as a former french officer and told him about the time i was on a diving mission, where we planted mines under boats and sabotaged propellers, but to the sub with the cities. and great present job by the taliban didn't have any boats. and then i said something that finally caught his attention saucy to fit . i was a certified french commando instructor document. it was going to that it turns out that my sued had a team of commando group that was a mix of both young recruits and veteran buddy or somebody. but he gathered them at a training camp and told me you're a commando instructor. here you go. do your thing and teach them whatever you want . i had carte blanche. that's what i was just at that time. i think we had about 15000 fighters on the various front. so the diesel off of us. we were up against 10 times as many men. but we resisted that, he bought the taliban was well acquitted and had a lot of support from pakistan which wanted them to take over the country. he bought samples or lost them to be armed by pakistan and supported by ok to fighters. the taliban quickly gained control in 90 percent of africa and territory ah, in the heart of their oppressive regime, a single french representative remained in office in cobb the shell sheet affair on eve. but to call me folks, you know sandra, own smile. i had a position with united nations assistance mission and ghana standard and that one's muscle again, you stole policy. a goal was to establish peace in a country that was being ripped apart at the time on plant issue. model poker is jacqueline rim is actually continued to do my job in afghanistan to me. odd. but i also became a charge of the affair. said our glassy day. i could. i coincided with what came a few months later that matter. when unfortunately, the taliban took control of the country again, the star, if also michelle in the previous 20 to 30 years, many westerners had adopted a false understanding of diplomacy between your, for you. it was a kind of western triumphalism of that. we only talked to people who shared our values and that's absurd. diplomacy existed for exactly the opposite reason for what it was designed as an alternative to war for addressing conflict. it's based on being open to dialogue with any one and every one to understand their position you will receive both. then you are just the level of talks. they're symbolism. but once we understood the level of control, the taliban had enough ghana standards. there was no way we can get involved, even though we thought we should be helping masoud or well or picnic that, you know, they're not the moment they arrived and campbell, in 1996, i saw the taliban publicly handed exit president kennedy boulevard and his brother it was an introduction to their barbaric interpretation of the koran. the religious students in virtuously claimed they were bringing back people on the. but it came at a huge cost to the $70000000.00 afghans. the mala professed to be fighting vices with virtue and did so by him housing the most obscure and, and in humane islamic system on the planet. this moves along with my name is more of a column dean. and i'm the leader of the revolutionary islamic movement in afghanistan. whoa, whoa. i was the taliban minister for propagation of virtue and prevention of vice. here all me mom. my goal was to heavily promote virtue until all vices disappeared naturally. won't move all we never wanted to directly or brutally intervene. well, that's why we train people with young people. but they went to the mosques in small groups to raise awareness and worn against all types of temptations. i thought this was necessary to get on educated people to follow islamic precepts was, oh, you did to teach them to abandon their vices and renounce everything that islam prohibits or either vega that didn't get shielded to lee boa canoe for giovanni ice. the taliban delegation that we invited to islamabad for peace negotiation, as he said in a small guest house next to our offices, lest house a good did. and then we'll be all in reserve, your cielo st. it. so happened that the un mission later secretary were staying in the same guest house cabinet taylor, them guest house, a key. i either met darby cuz she came in the next morning looking very tired that i saw because the taliban and the room next door had been watching at horn until 4 in the morning got called and this poor lady was unable to sleep. that my goal is to cut down the dough. me, doctors, i won't go. pigs that had helped us understand now. so at the end of the day, the taliban were human beings made of flesh and blood kumasi goose place. and despite their claims of piety, they succumb to their temptations near to present a bleeding south and on the north, su tolbert group to lucy's. the taliban are terrorists, and they don't believe in peace of the boys. their philosophy is to create eternal war. must had a jihad, a view jihad, as a religious principle, and the slavic obligation that forces the taliban to fight constantly. brooklyn and jang brooklyn. otherwise they believe they'll be lost to sin. as i really believe that jihad guarantees them entry to heaven um and that god will grant the mercy moda dammit, the taliban. of absolutely nothing in common with the afghan people or afghans society limit any up on this. and mcdonald with nanette pakistan, backed by western nations and an ally of the us wanted to control afghanistan. it was in pakistan's, koranic schools, the taliban were born and trained. becky stall, it didn't look suture. measure pakistan, was the taliban major supporter event there. hey, why? yeah, pakistan is thought it would be good to have a regime under their influence and cobble and got blue is the soviet tonya court. but they quickly realized that they didn't really control it at all. it certainly le mars sometimes their puppets went their own way. old uncle told them. but in our meetings with the pakistani system, we asked them to rein in the taliban them. and they said it wasn't that easy. ah, me because of course they were on control. alisha panel underneath lisa may can no problem with that. the americans didn't have a counterpart in afghanistan, heap of but they knew they couldn't recognize the taliban regime york when ispa napa, they couldn't be associated with it. and don't goose soup levies. you are merely kin did as though the american vision of afghanistan was what was seen through pakistani. eyes result that you pakistan was a us ally and told washington that that taliban was simply part of traditional afghan culture. and that they needed to accept that fair. cool miss hooted. time they said masoud was simply upon sheedy. what was on that as eager a group that didn't mean much and that had never ruled afghanistan hockey. they weren't a proper solution to lead the country or border b, boxley nero additional rate. the pakistan is had a tense relationship with commander masoud. i would think they knew that armor cha, masoud would never recognize a pakistani public government. the pakistani saw that as resistance and as direct opposition to that it's truth because my brother would have never accepted a pro pakistan government in kabul. so, and that's the real reason why the united states never helped him, regardless of what they claim ah, in june 2000, a european parliamentary delegation traveled to pen chair to meet commander masood, leading the charge was general felipe memorial, who previously served as command review and forces in the former yugoslavia and was a well established peace advocate. the man who instigated to visit was a long time friend of commander muscles patrol, calais, he sought to raise political when it's about the afghan conflict with this issue. oh, isn't it though? some will, will play them of them mostly do focused on them burly yeah. own islam east that polio on play. lisa jonathan, eligible school effect is i think that pakistan, i'm convinced that pakistan the goal is a lot more religious in nature than it is, geographical photo issue gothic or so. so i'm in london, he osama bin lad museum who's much talked about in afghanistan these days. was trained by the americans back in the day when they can't deny it, not at all. it's in that context that he took control of all the big mattresses on pakistan's. koranic schools on david, this is neither a source resistance is so much bigger than that. it has, it encompasses every one who has to g claim, rush, june has era, and anyone else who understands the threat? is they all opposing from this moment forward? all the ethnicities need to unite against this foreign invasion. we are living in the 21st century mold, and globalization is bringing us closer together with no one can continue to exist in isolation without any outside contract. it's a natural phenomenon with a tolerant and moderate islam. our people can live in peace, both internally and within the international community on them other than the hotels. what else you could solid digits. i wore a pocket like a local. i speak the language and since i didn't use french in front of them, they thought i was afghan, which suited me just fine. i attended a number of those meetings. you my food wasn't a fool. he was sharp. you know what he needed above all else was military support. if an intellectual or a politician rally behind him for their own personal interests and so be it. but regardless of what mattered was, they showed up and brought back a vision that counteracted what many others and harris were saying. kelly harvey, but in the western world in the us and european like lobbyists for arms, dealers were numerous and powerful. and pakistan was a lucrative client in their eyes. food posed a problem. mr. hatch, i've always sued, was very good. he convinced them easily. but we'll see where that leads in political terms. but i think we're slowly moving forward as a country like afghan. it's dan, it's so far removed from the current concerns of european parliamentary representatives. but this is how we'll get things to evolve. second, 2 trips like this one is to put together what they're productive. the game is suited for. save travels home. to live. my heart is here with you and we'll be back. we'll be back to bring you to parrot. left and to washington for the social ill street, going to lower your movie or return distrust or movies or convince nicole on den, for the president of the european parliament deal to officially invite my food, which had never been done by anyone, anywhere spa school look. so love halls, attempt, i think frances hands were tied by its relationship and economic connections with pakistan, but which were valuable back then. i guess your list of course french intelligence services were in contact with masoud. you the same way they were in contact with the taliban. yankee yamaha quinte, they met with him regularly to ask questions about the situation to get you to understand how he saw things we would issue. and also to ask about al qaeda. you al qaeda says can't do. i see that was the major point of interest of the french intelligence services anymore. but that commerce would be given that masoud had a significant network of informants in the country who's he might learn things about bin laden or al qaeda and share that information with the french. oh, so he's will say, i shared military insights about the show molly plane front with french intelligence services with my suits permission, didn't want anymore. i was a messenger mister, just opposite. eventually reports transmitted by the west in secret services including the cia gaining traction. but america still insisted on sparing pakistan. washington decided instead to pressure the un security counseling new york city, the council voted to impose sanctions on the cobble regime. tell about it on this earth. i don't did a local music on us. you know, even though we actually don't think the least on 2000 is vision is shown on the focus. chris should be up to the united states was in what i call a hyper power phase. but what i mean was that basically any other power, almost anywhere in the world, you had to take u. s. policies into accountants would put it that didn't mean they needed to agree with those policies. to put, in fact, which the french government's position with regard to the u. s. at the time was to be a friend and ally, but not necessarily aligned with them. and me. that was unacceptable to the americans. they thought, if you're an ally, you have to be aligned with them. otherwise you're useless. you'll hear about children, mo, mo, jo, at the moment. international sanctions were put into place or reserve. i knew the taliban would become even more radical. was that all copies? it goes so the modem that the moderates were favored keeping communications channels with the western world open. oh would essentially no longer have it there way. so daniel, i began as a result, it would be the radicals who would seize power. well, i tried to tell them that to say i tried repeatedly customer ah, the radicalization of the taliban had brutal, inhumane consequences for women. their rights regressed even further, and as those rights disappeared, any woman under suspicion could wind up imprisoned, beaten, or even stone to do so, when you lauzon came to the stadium, what a little woman die, a woman whose face will never see limit if we only know her as armina. hello, that's her. in the middle between 2 female guards that he bought the taliban leaders sentences her to death for adultery. ah little sir mina. 7 children watched her execution from the stands. their uncle was the one who pulled the trigger. but the freedom for women so long it's false to say that they had no freedom. no, no, they were not. prisoners will you be granted? they did not have western freedoms. what they had islamic, koranic freedoms. so, so, hulu, and in our country, it's true that stoning as prescribed by islam is allowed it bad. women here are like ghosts, all shrouded in the same covering. the chatter chandry, these clandestine images were found in secret. in afghanistan, one can't even look at women from behind. and here even their underwear is a man's business. seldom come, no women selling clothes at all. i know no way of islam wouldn't allow it. when nick, because of this interpretation of the koran m women's fashion in afghanistan is entirely decided by men from the cut of the pattern to the actual style. with this all the taliban of rotten capital women played a major role in afghan society. they held 80 percent of administrative positions and a 3rd of medical jobs. masoud encouraged equality and advocated women's return to public life. mess with it. this would be for them all to donnie from them. what good he's done. masoud believed islam, fundamental values that give women autonomy and the right to have an education at which they fully belong in the organisation of political life in full school. and i think masood pushed for those ideas, decal, defensive than women's groups, came to him, asking him to sign a charter for women's rights either, which he did make it a see if he was fully aligned with everything they brought up. isn't he agreed with all of it? because although he still added a line about how these clauses ran to respect afghan culture, could you again another indication of the taliban? radicalization was its intent to destroy all non islamic symbols. after food beating children to play with kites, to listen to music and to take photos of themselves. taliban latest now opposed looking at any work of lisa of activity of the glinda, of the afghan government with help from france and a protocol signed in 1921 had promoted national archaeology and literally been lo, see by destroying those archaeological fines. the taliban wanted to prove that afghan, as dan had no other culture than that instilled by the pakistani seminaries. and he said he left but keystone who actually had to access these beautiful rock carvings . one must take tunnels that lead to an opening above them. one discovery, beautiful fresco that have already been deleted and vandalized by our trafficking organized by the country. this past sunday authorities and couple tried to reassure a western diplomatic team who had come to investigate the destruction of artworks loma and just 2 hours after our last meeting went out, omar announced the decision to systematically destroy all anti islamic works. well, why? course they were obvious, ideological and religious reasons for was to them. the statues represent idols and must be destroyed. may say what that's also a clear sign of radicalization because this is real popular tactic, municipal is f. as in roger, i contacted the minister of foreign affairs and told them that if they did that, they needed to understand that those art work would forever be destroyed. as i may or curly families, you do to tell us is dawning women was hard enough to swallow. but here you had something that had been around since the 5th century in which wasn't bothering anybody. kinda dallas there. so an l visit is si fi mold, pob i said, look, if you're really afraid that people will come and worship the statues. i'm sure i can find you a company somewhere that would be willing to manufacture and donate. hercules, do it all oak with elderly. do it only looking for up to sieves rule, you can cover the statues and just open the curtains when people come to observe their splendor, the monument, as opposed to worshipping that boss a pasta only hearken. when he did that, he said that was a great idea. and then he would relate to mullah omar, to avert her level car. he promised me that those buddhas wouldn't be destroyed. she shivered. he gave me his word liberal dental. by the time he was at him up behind and ah, less shuttled italy bell. and the taliban, relentless destruction of the balmy on buddha statues. in march, 2001 was a huge shock. buskey they didn't leave. it revealed and extremely deep seated way of thinking of which is why the world reacted the way a dead lead richie for them. although we were watching the resurgence of a way of thinking that most believed was a thing of the past, the bill cycle clear. the lever us of were it was a doctrine that monuments and works of art from civilizations that are not our own, carry ideological messages and oppose a religious danger. lemme than miss anne that they must be eradicated. you doors lou e r. if i had ski of so you know, a proponent in favor of a moderate islam. then french minister alone matlab took a keen interest in afghanistan very early on and visited the country on numerous occasions which was recently opened to you. i went to punch here explicitly to move my suit and spend some time with him. oh, if he was a true force of nature, an extraordinary man saw the day. while i was there, my suit gave me a clear message. warning of the dangers afghanistan presented to the world at a force or they don't think of it. he warned that the afghan people needed to be freed from this tyrannical regime. b o. e is of go de. so as im john, i told him that he needed to come to france again of us care, so track report, propellers, ministry for foreign affairs was concerned for many reasons, mostly deeper. but the main reason, according to one of the senior officials at the ministry all done was weapons negotiations with pakistan. we couldn't upset pakistan mcgill, sidney upon the, do you, the ministry for foreign affairs? didn't want him to come all he had, he did leave me, which was strange because in reality and for many reasons, the french military had 2 people on the ground there who knew the country and they had a completely different opinion. thank you for lady miss you. they knew we needed to help my suit was city, but their voices weren't taken seriously. and military. diplomatic and government circles, if humanities could debit diesel, i talked to people and offered them solutions which will be 30 ball faced. the taliban were losing popular support and there were taliban commanders that we could have paid off a mass effectively in march and the french ministry for foreign affairs invited a taliban delegation. was it provo i offered to greet them because i was curious if the vall that i wanted to see what they were like, little after having read so many horrible things about them. the cheaper foot, i remember they were completely closed off. yeah, they never looked me in the eye even when we were 50 centimeters from one another old. they didn't say a word, but it was done. and it probably had to be digested to fail cuz we didn't know what was next up school on can spot a street this march 2001 meeting was highly secret. no. can miss or media were present. diplomacy, requite keeping all sides happy. so as not to endanger the weapons deal with pakistan, invited by the european parliament masoud made his 1st tongue in paris. ah, i begin with offer to shop there she'll oh, we had a good discussion with mister vedrine. well, even though the meeting was extremely hurry, credit and bullets that wrapped soperano buzz with, it began over breakfast and the following discussion evolved into an extensive debate. back to my joint tapped, the europeans came to realize they were dealing with a real leader who was on the same level as they were. but i did, you should be better. but i had many other meetings with mr. ben green afterwards, maker and every time he mentioned that 1st meeting with commander, my sued by mission. but before that meeting, it was obvious that they didn't trust. a said he's crazy always. he was the static about coming to paris and very happy to be received by the minister that you, there is a certain prestige and status attached to that. so then he asked if the d g s could help more by providing weapons? lisa t, if it's more movies, it was trying to rally the international community to his side of the fight and prove that his fight was just and his enemy was a serious threat. and believe me, not just to him but to everyone, but nothing came of it. except talk, he told me france didn't even give him a kalashnikov cartridge, was to christie raised his pinkie and set it in the dory marmie elliptical, but not the 5 months before september, the 11th masoud came to europe to deliver a message about liable. she's good. i got that estimate that i mean a sort of that other one is done about your nasa. la madeline. madeline is donna delroy. she then assad, cool mac, now gonna be up in kim wisco. nathan heard them and get abeline is done by wicked on and get it under the car. what could be be just a that'd be a study as just right haha. does. on with must, who does only quibble, met with masoud and listened to him. also, he spoke in france throughout europe. yes. you and of course you, some were adamant that he should receive a well touch miss wood school compulsory kill him. what you need to understand is that there were just as many people may be more influential. who believed the opposite. lou digital play key play branded masoud as a fundamentalist. just like all the others. good. can some one who would never have a political future in afghanistan, and that it would be ridiculous to back him to the music. the suit was officially greeted by european authorities, notably through his visit to the european parliament in stressful for you to welcome to the european parliament. i'm so happy to have you here. it seemed that his urgent message would finally be heard and taken seriously or stop in the position. you all know that for a long time now, the european parliament has been very concerned with what is happening in afghanistan, the serious and repeated infringement of fundamental rights. and human good met when is sure, a appalling situation facing women, the famine that threatened the country as well as refugees, a lot virginia acre. i would venture to say that for destruction of the army on buddhist statues to put was the straw that broke the camel's back on. which confirmed beyond any doubt that the taliban simply have no regard for anything nor do less people. yeah, it won't have he does you the invitation. i am and it is 1st and foremost, the political acknowledgements so much of what commander masoud my present, c would. but i must also tell you that the pakistani ambassador will your letter when his government learned that i had invited lazoodo dot letter, it gives me the opportunity to give a strict warning to the rocky storm. he authorities receive them all gathered the laser to eat, they are supported, the taliban constitutes a threat to the entire region, all 8 that dorsey bullock his you too. and in my response to this letter, i will formally ass at pakistan to see supporting a regime which has ostracized itself, from the world, through its fanaticism and obscure intensity, soon obscure on t. smith will sim, your bone. let me know death, masha not her mother ged on us. then it grew bigger fill and that i find his thong, but i am. if i live all cut out about on your daughter, i ask god, what daughter nazario did battle susie as islamist. then we'll play k e r. i'm hammer. are you mclennan miss it? osama bin ladin? tyler? boy barkus stony. i've got a machine bieber ham daughter. my miss. i am good. as he said, yes, well, william k than ha, ha, that j as you go to part of on this thought. ne malika dorothy as war i them, i well as one is on us but thought it as of on the stuff i book i'm all that i so by are the, are the about equal m k that after be hum to google. paul bonham, to ask, got it if ro, ticket on the jimmy pakistan what this guy a stuff about r t i. so you focused on clara and all of his he do miss who do or no update. t clayborn. my suits visit to europe was a very good thing for me, but it was also the worst possible thing he could have done for himself. i'm pretty convinced that's what gave the enemy the idea that masoud had to be physically eliminated physical miss would. that idea was hatched in the sick minds of volcano . the leader of cater rebecca villa educated as foster ne, i had noticed the phonetic radicalization of the taliban. but i didn't really understand how much influence been loudon has at the time been and then this of me or been then of a conclusion. yashira not far to do my mother in law and had arranged the marriage of one of his sons to a daughter of one omar. if this is us at the demo, that meant their relationship became familial and dynastic. as to which posed a lot of problems. fuqua problem. look at do, malone, mass, it, it really is a gift to milan mar, in the sense that it gave him the last little piece of f canister. he was missing professor mas who, assassinating masoud, meant that he could launch a massive operation to conquer upon sheehan and the entire northeast ruling over the entire country b. right, all of this without been lot and sharing what he was planning in the us. i most key script was it as you, as gay, dark lucille, he can decide al qaeda thought that one of my suits weaknesses was his willingness to accept visits from journalist effects and politicians. revisit digital net is too rude and politic he, they decided to use that as a way to get close to hamlet up or chic. uh, they would go in pretending to be journalists with a camera or batteries that were filled with explosive. i'll kid exclusive. ah, the ah! on september the 9th, 2001 to al qaeda suicide bombers made with command to masoud. the 2 terrace pretended to be journalists were confess. eric media complex. with 15 dash t. one of the suits lieutenants is one of the only 2 witnesses still alive today. i'm the shack a day mode. it's always hard for me to talk about what happened on september 9th, 2001 or 30 by that i had always brings back that horrible memories. doesn't that give us the worst of my life? it was wrote 8 or 830 in the more nice destiny missile marked as of when i came out of my room, i asked where those arab journalists had gone on cousin keith i why don't i gotcha . gas have all my them. when told me they had already gone to the commander's headquarters to intervene while caught him at the time by the part of my worker's image, i had was to record videos. whilst i grabbed my camera and headed to the commander's headquarters was on the side of the stick. these, as you can save us with us for the interview started. and so all the commander asked them to share what questions we were planning to ask. you know, so that's our last, our arab sitting next to the commander listed a dozen or so. questions mostly about al qaeda. the taliban been like a lot of pakistan, although laura will land them out of the alkali. thou thought of all focused on jam . it was always the same questions back them on black. black the gazes, cousin i sent the interview, was about to begin. i sat in a chair behind the back and prepared my camera to film by me shout system. i was suddenly blinded by a very strong yellow light wagner as out of my eyes closed instinctively and that. and then i realized that i was burned and wounded norris asked by this ask of himself since i've been setting up my camera. the 1st thing i thought was that there may have been a short circuit buzz in land that had had exploded in my face for the much will within filing cabinet him about the shots or the motion of the main figure. them all. he managed to open my eyes and i saw there was dust and smoke everywhere, but then i thought all the windows had been blown out. they let em as ever again and wolf is in missouri to people carried the commander from the room with his pocket covering his face of poison. he had injuries to his head and legs, muscles of most seriously to his chest. rockdale must have changed that a commander masoud was killed for the 1st time in my life. i realized what a great responsibility that man had been carrying up until that time. i'll leave that out of that. i'm everything dependent on him was our haws. millions of us felt it was embodied, and we weren't strong enough to carry the weight of that responsibility yet. but the act care once wrote a sentence in a book that said, wo betide a nation of she'll need of heroes. why bother melissa can back when the commander was still alive. i thought that author was stupid. mother can make them keener. he didn't understand that. it was great to have a he, remy farmer is in my left ear that i one should be so lucky that was about to collapse. but when missouri died last illness, i finally understood what the author was trying to say. and i guess, as you know, he said that if what he meant was that it's sad when people need a hero, lynne moleck thinking, because when that hero disappears, all out of his loss. neil, this is awesome. mm ah, 2 days after the suits assassination on tuesday, september the 11th 2001. at 845, i am. an airline crashed into the north tower of the world trade center, new york. just 18 minutes later, a 2nd plane hit the south tower. then a 3rd crashed into the pentagon in washington, d. c. and a 4th in pennsylvania. it was considered the worst terrorist attack in human history regard the sub i'd be sure the 2 events are closely connected. happen before the $911.00 attacks alca either wanted to eradicate the leader of the resistance. so there would be no more opposition to the taliban in afghanistan, that their stomach been not a complete? yes. soon. bin laden, certainly understood that must suit was his enemy put at men foster haps, he thought that the u. s. would retaliate against afghanistan after the attack on the twin towers could also replace your sword again. and if such a response occurred, he needed to ensure my suit was gone, let because he represented the 1000000 opposition dionte. surely the rest would work itself out. but the connection between those 2 events is absolutely obvious to do more. if you don't, ah, after september, the limit to the united states went after public enemy number one, a somewhat been loudon, and took military action in afghanistan, helped by the americans. the troops of the light command most suit liberated capital in november 2001. the telephone's departure was a relief to the local population. masoud lives on the memories of many for the people of afghanistan. lagossi bushy shark militia, my biggest regret, is my own personal failure. i think that must suit. i think he counted on me at least a little bit. what i've read over the read all the he counted on me to relay his message, but that didn't work. to so it's a personal failure on my part. that said, the collective failure is even more consequential than my personal one when they say, because of it to says he sees it, bessie, come in and push it, do you like it all happened like a greek tragedy and on that. and the tragedy played out accordingly. this was from his own place. he and the bull. well, regardless of how much we tried, things always took a turn for the worse to repeal. even still to this day quarterly. ah, ah ah ah, a ah, in with somalia has been hit hard by a issue, but there is a way out affordable desalination of the water and initiative by somali business men demonstrates how it can be done. africa in 30 minutes on d w. o. ah, making the headlines and what's behind them. dw news africa, the show that's actually issues shaping the continent. life is slowly getting back to normal. yeah. well the streets to give you end up reports on the inside of our cars. funds is on the ground reporting from across the continent and all the trend stuff from outside to u. d. w, who's africa every friday on dw ah ah, ah ah . sustainable you news live from berlin? britain mourns it's longest raining, monarch, queen elizabeth the 2nd. ah. hundred's back saint paul's cathedral in london for a memorial service marking her life.


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