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Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20140918

7:00. something we haven't seen in a while. while it's not much, there is a little rain this morning. you see a little slit of sunshine in those dark clouds. team coverage this morning. cal watching the wet roads. alex savidge watching power outages. steve tracking the system. we will check in with all of them in a minute. i am tori campbell. >> i am dave clark. let's go right to steve paulsen. >> reporter: well, you know, i have to put on my traveling shoes. >> that, too. >> hello everyone. santa cruz mountains stead rain up there. after that it tails off. at least we are getting some rain. and i mean the real rain. legit rain. even san francisco has a .01. santa rosa .09. petaluma .04. gilroy .04. napa has had some rain. castro valley, san lorenzo, petaluma, san rafael. the radar is really light stuff. so it doesn't always pick it up. but fairfield back towards vallejo and napa, that seems to be an area where they are getting stead rain as well. my goodness, it's warm out. why is that? the lows never got below 70 for many. a south wind and this cloud cover in advance of this system. 71 at hayward. sfo below 70. livermore 70 degrees. a lot of upper 60s. some of the rain on the north coast was okay. for us we'll see some stead rain in areas that we are used to. that is russian river and towards santa cruz mountains. everywhere else very light. the highs will come down inland. 80s, 70s for some. alex savidge is talking about the rain and the power outages there. >> reporter: yeah shall the wet weather caused -- yeah, the wet weather caused power outages overnight. pg&e is very busy. 3600 homes are in the dark at this time. the problems started 12:30 this morning and that's when the outages were first reported. close to 12,000 were without power at the peak. light rain fell overnight and that caused dozens of power poles to catch fire. this is a phenomenon known as tracking. pg&e says when we go a long time without rain dust build up on the power lines. that mixes with moisture, causes arcs, and a leads to fire. pg&e had to shut off the power to those areas. again, crews have been working hard. the power coming back online here in the east buy and pg&e expects to have the power back on no everyone in the area later on this morning sometime between 10:00 a.m. and noon. and again we had a little light drizzle, light rain overnight here. let check in with sal here and see if any of this wet weather is causing problems on the roads. good morning, alex. i might say it is. there are more crashes, although not too many more. but still slow traffic on some of these commutes. let's go right to 280 where it seems to be drying out. it was a little bit slower now and the traffic is a little better as you drive through the area. we don't see any major crashes along 280 in san jose or 101 but definitely a little bit wet out there. when you go in in the nimentz freeway, a lot of slow traffic. bay bridge, toll plaza right now westbound is backed up for a 25-minute drive. it looks relatively drive here. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. new information now about the wildfire burning out of control mere pollock pines. giant plumes of smoke can be seen on interstate 80 in vacaville and just a few minutes ago cal fire announced that for the second day in a row the king fire more than doubled in size from tuesday to wednesday. it went from 13,000 to 28,000 acres. now this morning the fire has grown to 71,000 acres. reporter adam housely is live in the community of fresh pond off highway 50 in el dorado county and he joins us now live. and, adam, if you are still there, how bad is that situation? >> reporter: yeah, you know, tori, as of this hour highway 50 is shut down at pollock pines in both directions. i know it was open for a bit last night but they have shut it down again, cal fire and chp. if you are trying to come up towards tahoe don't try it now. we are up by the helipad above highway 50. you can see this stuff is still on fire. you move across the hillside you see where the fire moved through. some of it is backfire. some is the edge of the fire. as it doubled in size up to 71,000 acres the good news is it's burning into more rural areas. according to cal fire, there are 20,000 homes threatened. again, it's moved towards wild areas rather than towards homes. more towards the north rather than more towards the south which is all good news. we know how dry it is out here. you can see how it moved through here. one of the issues they are dealing with is the high heat up. we heard from your forecast we know it's going to be a bit cooler. it's smoky in the mountains which also causes problems. also worries about possibly the embers, the fire retardant and ash getting into the watershed. something else the locals are thinking about and worried about a bit as they move to fight and battle this fire. one of 11 major fires burning across california. they are telling us that they expect this fire to continue to grow pretty good. if you look back over here you see the wind is stoking these flames a little bit at least on this stump. but that's still a good sign because it's not as much wind as with what could be expected up here. 10 to 15 sustained, as much as 20 today. they are trying to get a handle on this. as the sun comes up and as smoak as it is they will get a better idea attack this morning. we will have a better idea in the next hour or two where that attack is going to go as we watch the flames move throughout the area, tori. >> you mentioned, adam, it's moving away from homes. that's good news. are there still evacuations for this fire? >> reporter: absolutely. there is still mandatory evacuations throughout this area. even towards georgetown. if you know the 49 highway that connects auburn down to placerville, really to the east of that is where we're talking about. between 80 and 50. that's where this fire is right now. those areas, those smaller towns, a lot of campgrounds, in fact, a campground that my photographer and his friends go to every year, that has been totally burned out. they have lost some popular nature areas, places people go for camping, they haven't yet lost the homes like we saw up in weed. right now they are cautiously optimistic. this a massive fire. you can see the smoke blowing around me right now. let me move a little bit. see if i can see it. you see the fire going up some of the trees. when the winds pick up, if a fire goes up a tree it jumps from tree top to tree top. that's what potentially moves it it quicker towards homes. right now again cautiously optimistic as this morning as the sun comes up. they are hoping it continues to burn to the north and away from areas like georgetown. >> all right. adam housely right there on the fire lines for us in el dorado county. thank you very much for that live report. a story we will follow throughout the day. 7:08. starting today plastic bags are banned in walnut creek. when you go out shopping you are encouraged bring your own reusable bags and if you don't you will be charged 10 cents for each paper bag you need. there are expectations for restaurants. walnut creek is joining many other bay area cities that have already banned plastic bags. most restaurants try hard to get the best reviews they can on yelp. a restaurant in richmond is trying something totally different. brian flores to tell us why the owners why the -- want to be the worst rated restaurant. >> reporter: they actually get really good reviews on other websites, but on yelp its owners are encouraging customers to give it a one star rating. the worst rating. and on the front door, in fact, is a note that encourages customers to give them a terrible review on yelp and then they will receive a 25% discount for a pizza order. now, the owners of boto bistro say the owners of bad advertisers get better business. they are tired of getting calls to buy ads on yelp. the owners tell "usa today" they want the restaurant taken off the list. when they bought ads on yelp their reviews were more positive. as soon as the ads stop, all these negative reviews started popping up. they have nothing really against yelp but they question the whole ratings process. we spoke with a cafe owner two doors down from bott obeys row and he believes. >> they have to try the food themselves and judge whether it's good or bad. one customer said if you don't do this to me i will tell ten friends not to come here. that's the kind of harassment. using the media for their own purpose. >> reporter: a lot of people seem to be willing to help the cause. some are posting one star reviews and tongue-in-cheek complaints about food arriving too quickly, pizza tasting too authentic. one person wrote how dare this restaurant sabotage my diet by offering delicious pizza and pasta. worth a drive from anywhere here in the bay area. out here live, ironically the owners tell "the chronicle" that business has increased since they launched their campaign against yelp. we are working to get a comment from yelp this morning as well. brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:11. today barry bonds' lawyers head back to federal court in san francisco. they will go before a judicial panel this afternoon to appeal bonds' conviction for obstruction of justice. today's hearing comes 11 years after bonds testified before a grand jury investigating baseball's steroid scandal. he was later convicted of giving evasive answers when asked about his use of performance- enhancing drugs. still not clear whether bonds himself will appear in court today. time now 7:11. a peninsula city taking a homeless woman to court. coming up at 7:30 the controversial signs that are at the center of this case. yet another pro football player arrested on domestic violence charges. coming up, the long history of similar cases in the nfl and the punishment players did not receive. good morning. right now we are looking at a commute where traffic on 280 in san jose is a little bit slow approaching highway 17. we will tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead. our little system is moving lieu. not much to it, about you some rain out towards the russian river and santa cruz mountains. already some breaks in the clouds. a cool shots for those of you listening and not watching. coming up we will talk about why it's so darn warm this morning. ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. welcome back to mornings on two. two people arrested in los angeles after this wild police chase even ended up on a sidewalk. the chp says a stolen van hit several patrol cars that kept driving even after three tires blew out. at one point the driver even ran over a dog that was badly hurt. it may have to have its leg amputated. police finally managed to end the chase. they cornered the man, took a man and woman into custody. just an hour ago arizona cardinals running back jonathan dwyer was released from jail in phoenix after post ago 25 -- posting a $25,000 bail. he is the latest pro football player to face domestic violence charges. this is new video taken at the phoenix police headquarters late yesterday. it shows the 25-year-old running back in handcuffs shortly after his arrest. now, the cardinals took action immediately. the team announced dwyer will be benched when arizona plays the 49ers on sunday. phoenix police say dwyer attacked his 18-month-old son and the mother of his child in two separate incidents in july. >> on the first occurrence when we were called to that residence on the 21st officers-met at the door by the victim who denied that there was anyone else in the home with them and had indicated that she was in a verbal argument on the phone only at that point and those officers ultimately left the home after a short discussion with the victim. >> now, police reportedly believed dwyer broke the woman's nose during one of those alleged attacks. now, his arrest is a latest in a string of domestic violence cases that have ignited a major scandal in the national football league. however, this is not a new problem. we conducted some research and found out that there have been 84 domestic violence arrests involving pro football players between the year 2000 and last year. no nfl player received more than a game suspension. suspensions for domestic violence incidents are also rare in pro baseball, pro basketball, and pro hockey. california's drought is changing what we eat and how much it costs. the heart of the city farmers market in san francisco had been open three days a week. now vendors have cut back to just two days. some farmers say they don't have as much to sell because they planted smaller crops and others are changing what they plant to cope with water shortages. >> there is some produce that we usually grow other years, and this year we're not going to grow them because there is not enough water. >> that includes popular produce like lettuce and corn, which require a lot of water. and when those are not available, chefs and cooks have to find other foods so the prices of those alternative vegetables and fruits are also going up. president obama has announced a plan to help put veterans to work with green jobs training. the white house says the u.s. will train at least 50,000 veterans to install solar panels over the next six years. it's one of several initiatives the white house says could put carbon monoxide emissions -- that could cut carbon monoxide emissions by 300 million tons to 2030. it's also expected to save homeowners and business billions of dollars in energy bills. the program is expected to launch this fall at some military bases. >> sounds like a good idea. time now 7:18. let's check in with sal. see what's happening out there. how is the peninsula? >> we are starting there. we do have a crash reported westbound 92 near highway 101. it was there for a bit in the lane. it looks like they have moved it off to the side now. just waiting for chp. near 101, five vehicles, three are now on the right-hand side. they are moving the other ones there. if you drive on 92 westbound towards san mateo you will see slow traffic in both directions really on 92 year 101 in the middle of samsung. on the peninsula 101 traffic is a little bit slow but not all that bad. i think san mateo is the worst. 280 looks good if you want to take 280 instead down the peninsula. when you get to the east bay southbound 880 slow from 238 past fremont. we had some earlier problems there. and contra costa county most of highway 4 is slow and a lot of 680 is slow after 242 to walnut creek and into alamo. bay bridge, toll plaza a live look now. it is backed up for a 25 to 30-minute delay into san francisco. speaking of, northbound 101 san francisco and southbound a little bit of rain there, as you can see from the live picture. traffic is okay though. .05 in san francisco. thank you, michael polanski. he is the man for weather information in the city. rain where you are. we have had a lot of reports. not a lot. unfortunately, the national weather service radar is down. maybe i will be able to show you more. our first rain of the season. it usually shows up around the 21st. hey, here it is. some of the heavier amounts towards russian river. most has been relatively light. penta loom a, sant -- petaluma. 04. mount diablo .15. a couple 100-ths around. now that it's fixed you can see that light rain. santa cruz mountains has taken the bulk of this. not a lot to the system. let's give it credit. it held together. everybody seems happy about it. it's also very warm. the south wind out ahead of the system, the cloud cover is in place. some of the lows dip below 70. we will get sun breaks later on and that low is going to dive towards southern california. today could get a few little pop-up showers. i don't think thundershowers. but if it does, sonoma, napa county, farther east. the dynamics aren't in place for that. 71 hayward. livermore 70. water temps are just crazy warm. they are about 64 to 65 for monterey to half moon bay. 65 ukiah. almost 70 in monterey which is the same as sacramento. just incredible. about a third of an inch. i know shelter cove had about a third of an inch as well. that's not bad for some up in mendocino county. i think i saw yorkville, boonville .01 to a quarter. a little bit. there is some of that rain showing up now that the radar has been fixed. a lot of this is low-level stuff. drizzle, light rain, cloudy, warm to mostly cloudy. 80s for some. these are way above. san francisco, oakland. now we may set our high temps before noon and once this system goes through then the cooler air will begin to move in and temperatures will take a little dip. these are above average. some off and on light rain. it looks like it's going through right now. partly sunny. heaviest rain santa cruz mountains, russian river. slight warm up through the weekend. a volunteer fire department in san diego county is under new management after firefighters reportedly were caught stealing water from a nearby town. take a look at the photo that started all this. it reportedly shows san pasquale volunteer firefighters using a fire truck to steal water from a hydrant in poway. the firefighters say they took the water because a member of the fire department's board of directors told them to do it. that board member was fined $1,000. however, officials say he paid that fine using money from his non-profit organization. >> that makes it even worse. you would have to ask him what his motivation was, why he did that. >> officials say the board member used the water to fill up tanks owned by his friend. an investigation has begun and starting this week the san diego county fire authority will start managing that volunteer fire department. all right. it is 7:22. it's been days since hurricane odile hit mexico, but many bay area tourists are still stranded. coming up in 20 minutes, what's keeping them from getting home and the new danger heading their way. she said this is her goal. she wanted to get it in and she didn't care how she had to do it. >> a bay area mother dying of breast cancer had one last dance she had to be a part of. how her family is getting strength from a very inspirational moment at her son's wedding. welcome back. time 7:25. this is one of those powerful stories a woman in pleasanton who battled breast cancer for three years made a memory that her family will never forget. 61-year-old mary ann manning appeared to be losing her fight months ago. she was confined to a wheelchair. her dying wish was to dance at her son ryan's september 5 wedding. she survived until the big day and she created a magical moment as the song over the rainbow played. >> it was incredibly emotional. especially to see her pop out of the wheelchair. for the days leading up to it, we were helping her do everything. even walk. to see her just kind of jump up it was just amazing. >> there is no doubt that that woman, you know, very strong woman, you know, fought incredibly hard to get to that point. >> she died three days after this wedding. her children say they will never forget her strength and determination to make a dream come true. our ktvu facebook page we posted more video, more photos of that last dance. you can join the conversation. even share your own messages at ktvu channel 2 on facebook. 7:26. toronto's controversial mayor rob ford has a rare form of cancer. ford has been hospitalized for a week with a tumor in his stomach. his doctor says the tumor is very rare and very difficult to treat. the initial plan is for intense chemotherapy. earlier this year, ford spent two months in rehab amid a drug and alcohol scandal. ford withdrew his re-election bid last week and doug ford is now running for mayor in his brother's place. 7:27. a mother speaking out after a school sent her special-needs child home in a taxi instead of a school bus. >> i am like, my baby in the back of a taxicab. >> why the school district did it and the particular circumstances that have the mother up is set. >> two restaurants are closing their doors for part of the day due to outbreaks of violence. we will tell you who is behind the attacks. >> good morning. san mateo bridge traffic is moderately heavy especially getting to the span. it will be a slow crawl to the peninsula. some rain. okay for some. russian river and santa cruz mountains some decent totals. san francisco .05. also we will talk about the really warm lows this morning. out of control high school new zealand anitoch caught on camera and the fight something starting to -- fight something starting to spill out into the community. tara moriarty is live with both the mcdonald's and taco bell nearby have decided to shutter the restaurants after school lets out even though those are busy hours. she will tell us what some people say needs to be done about the violence. good morning. welcome to mornings on two. i am tori campbell. >> i am dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. still muggy outside our door. >> it's really muggy. >> yeah. well, you're there. i just can't hear you, steve. >> steve is pulling a vanishing act on us. there he is. >> okay. >> we have a rainbow here from dublin. this came in. we finally had some rain coming in this morning. it's been okay. santa cruz mountains and also up towards the russian river area. but, yes, finally our first rain of the season decided to make it in here. it's not a lot, but there is a little bit there. and we'll take it, right? anything right now is good. unfortunately, national weather service radar was down. now it's back. so that's why i can finally show you. now, a lot of this, again, was below the radar. drizzle doesn't show up. but it is there. reports of a couple 100ths. santa cruz mountains .05-inch. the low will give us cooler temperatures. but out ahead of that we have had a strong southerly breeze and with all this cloud cover in place lows barely went below 70. i mean, really warm. tropical-like. it looks like we will see a little bit cooler pattern. upper 60s to near 70. 70 in livermore right now. hayward 71. san francisco 67. i don't know about that 65. it felt really muggy. an easterly breezy almost for everyone, or at least come opponent of a south-southwesterly breeze. the low clouds are in place. some rain there. cloudy. warm. mostly cloudy. drizzle. light rain. stead rain parts of the santa cruz mountains. these will be below average. mid-to-upper 70s for others. here's sal. steve, we still have some slow traffic out there and a lot of it might be due to just the peak of the commute. some of the rain may be playing a role. let's go out and take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's dry here, but there is slow traffic. about 0-minute -- a 30-minute drive time into san francisco. there are no major problems on the bridge itself but there is a lot of slow traffic. let's take a look at 880 north and southbound at the coliseum. it's cloudy but dry and the traffic looks good. westbound 92 near 101 some earlier problems there. those have been moved to the side. the san mateo bridge and 101 itself in san mateo is not doing very well at all on the other side of the bay. 880 slow from 238. 7:33. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. two fast food restaurants in anitoch are shutting their doors after school lets out in the afternoon. the owners say it's all because of some out of control teenagers from a nearby high school. ktvu's tara moriarty is getting reaction from people in anitoch this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i have actually spoken with police who say they have definitely stepped up patrols at the deer valley plaza parking lot. but folks who live around here say it is not nearly enough. now the taco bell you see behind me and the mcdonald's next door have decided to close their doors for part of the day due to outbreaks of violence. new cellphone video of youtube shows two separate fights involving teenager girls at the taco bell on lone tree way. the managers say the fighting has spiraled out of control threatening public safety so they have made a decision to shut down the inside dining area from 3 to 4:30 in the afternoon every weekday. patrons are not happy. >> it affects the economy. the whole nine yards. so really it's a ripple effect. and we just need to step up and put some resources here. >> reporter: the manager says that the fighting breaks out after students from nearby deer valley high school trickle over after classes. officials say the teens are disruptive, loiter and vandalize property. one man said the teens broke a wind owe at the chinese restaurant. managers say the drive through will remain open and the changes will stay in effect until the of the school year. the starbucks here at deer valley plaza says it will most likely close its doors after school as well. coming up in an hour we had a chance to speak to a parent of a student at deer valley high school. we will tell you what he has to say about the problem and who he thinks is to blame. live in anitoch, tara moriarty. 7:35. more now on the northern california wildfires. the out of control fire east of pollock pines, it doubled in size for the second straight day. now, from tuesday to wednesday it grew from 13,000 acres to 28,000 acres. and now this morning it's at 71,000 acres. it's only 5% contained and it's threatening 2,000 homes. but there may be some hope. those flames may be moving towards more rural areas. but evacuations are made for some campgrounds in the crystal basin area. the wildfires affecting travel to the south lake tahoe area. highway 50 from pollock pines to river ton and el dorado county is closed right now because of the flames too close to the road. now, this wildfire and the one that's burning in weed north of redding has prompted governor jerry brown to declare a state of emergency in siskiyou and el dorado counties. the fire in weed has already damaged or destroyed 150 buildings including 110 homes. cal fire says there may be 1,000 other homes that are threatened. one couple lost everything. their house, classic motorcycles. even a collection of rare comic books. but it was a note that they found, a note from firefighters, in their mailbox that brought them to tears. >> i had a note and i saw it it and it said that so sorry about your house. we couldn't save it. >> i cried. that was the first time i cried. it was really special that they cared enough to do that for us. >> cal fire announced this morning this fire has burned 375 acres. it is 65% contained. however, it's already damaged or destroyed 150 buildings. it's threatening more than 1,000 more. you can find all the latest fire information at we have also and will continue to post updates around the clock for you on twitter and facebook. a public nuisance or free speech? officials in redwood city are demanding that a homeless woman take down some controversial signs she put up at a busy intersection and the city is now taking her to court. ktvu's janine de la vega to show us this disputed dispute display. >> reporter: we are talking about this display of signs that you see here at the intersection of veterans boulevard and whipple avenue put up by this homeless woman. she just showed up here in the plast couple of minutes. -- last couple of minutes. i am not sure if you can spot her behind her signs. now, this is a very busy intersection and city officials say they're concerned. the san mateo daily journal says the pile of debris and signs is growing and now takes up about 400 square feet. it belongs to a woman who has been camped on veteran boulevard since 2010 displaying signs with incoherent messages about god, the government, abuse, and other topics. city officials say she is blocking the sidewalk so they have filed an injunction in court to stop her from setting up camp there. >> i don't think it's a problem really, to tell you the truth. i do notice that there seemed to be a few more signs out there than there were when she first moved over to the corner. >> it doesn't make the streets look good. when you are cluttering up the sidewalk like that, you never know. people like to walk. you walk and ride in, you know, walking all over her stuff. it's basically in the way. >> reporter: we covered it in the past year when she used to paint large signs on her homes in san mateo and belmont. the daily journal says the city has sued her there for violating city code and she lost the homes to foreclosure. but evita continues to maintain she has ra right to free speech and pedestrians can get by her. we have seen a few walk past the display without a problem. again, she just emerged from her tent in the last couple of minutes. so in the next hour of mornings on two we are going to cross the street and hope to talk to her and we will bring that interview to you in the next hour of mornings on two. reporting live from redwood city, janine de la vega. 7:40. an oakland mother is calling for change after her special-needs son was pulled out of school early by a tax issy driver and dropped -- taxi driver and dropped off at home with no supervision. they assigned a taxi cab to take her special needs son to and from school and she says last week a driver pulled him out of class early and dropped him off at home unattended. the school district says it's been using taxis to transport some special needs students because the district's new bus vendor does not have enough drivers. >> perhaps some drivers who weren't accustomed to transporting students with special needs were put into that role and didn't handle it well. >> anything could happen to him that day. so i just want to advocate and make sure that this doesn't happen to anybody else. >> a spokesperson for the district told ktvu news that oakland unified is taking measures to make sure this won't happen again. the cab company is apologizing and saying the driver was a fill-in and was confused about pickup times. 7:41. stopping the spread of hiv in san francisco. the announcement from san francisco supervisor scott weiner and how it could change hiv prevention efforts in the city. >> we thought that we lost him. >> a baby swept away by a flash flood from his room. the terrifying close call for a southern california family. we have a lot of slow traffic across the bay bridge from oakland and also a little bit of slowing on the lower deck because of a truck that was stuck. we will tell you more about the traffic in and out of san francisco via the bay bridge. don't want to say it's an angry sky, but it's an interesting sky. we have had some rain here. some breaks in the clouds. we will see what's in store for the rest of the day and talk about why it's so warm this morning. 7:44. happening now polls are open in scotland for a historic independence vote. voters are being asked to decide whether to leave the united kingdom ending scouted land's 370-year-old -- scotland's 300-year-old union. turnout is expected to be high with 97% of eligible voters registered. supporters say the government in london is not responsive to their concerns while opponents say it could take a huge toll on scotland's economy. >> i think after 300 years we are due a change. can't be any worse than this government. >> hopefully, we can still have the back up of the united kingdom. this will give us the security we need. >> the polls suggest the outcome of the election is too close to call. after the campaign for independence gained significant momentum in recent weeks, it put a in -- putting a lot in united kingdom on pins and needles. voting ends 7:00 p.m. our time. thousands of people are stranded at cabo because of hurricane odile and another storm is on the way. pam cook is watching the latest developments and hearing some of the local stories. good morning, pam. >> reporter: good morning. an estimated 30,000 tourists are still in the cabo san lucas area unable to get home. many are staying at the airport just waiting to get out after that category 3 hurricane flooded their hotels. we have been in contact with a man from castro valley who is due to arrive at the sfo airport this morning on a flight from mexico city along with 11 of his co-workers. he took some of these photos that you are looking at of the damage and says looting has definitely been a big problem after the storm. he even saw some people trying to steal a school bus. now, the mexican government is using military planes to try to evacuate some of the tourists. they say that travelers are being flown for free to airports in tijuana and mexico city where they can then catch connecting flights. police in cabo san lucas are also increasing security trying to keep people and the area safe. >> i cried and i was sad. and i miss my home and i'm going home. >> reporter: now, a new hurricane may make things work. steve paulsen has been keeping an eye on the weather pattern. hurricane polo now a category 1 storm is heading for roughly the same area of mexico. now, if that storm comes in as strong-- as odile, people in new mexico, arizona and california should prepare. flash flood warnings are in effect still. reporting live in the newsroom, pam cook. 7:47. his parents say it's a miracle. a 19-month-old baby from san bernardino county is alive and recovering after flash floods hit his house and swept him away. baby tristan there was in his room when that fast-moving water and mud hit his home earlier this week. within minutes the water built up washing away a wall and carried tristan away with it threw a barbed-wire fence in the front yard and he ended up 200 feet away. >> busted the living room window, came in here. he pointed out and he said, dude, your son is over there. i turned around and saw him. he peeked his head out of the mud. i ran out, picked him up. >> yikes. the baby had cuts and bruises. look at his face there. he had water in his lungs but he is expected to be okay. the family's home, by the way, is completely destroyed. time is 7:48. new this morning an online report says apple will launch its two newest versions of the ipad next month at a big event. the daily dot says the official announcement will come on october 21. earlier, bloomberg had reported the new ipad will have a 9.7-inch screen and the new ipad mini will have a nearly 8-inch screen. apple sold more than 13 million ipads in the quarter that ended last june, but that was fewer than industry analysts had been predicting. some users of apple technology say they have had problems upgrading the software used on their ipads and iphones. apple's new operating system ios8 is available for downloading. complaints about how long it takes to download started just hours after the new software became available. but an expert at mac told ktvu that's just one -- just one reason for people to wait. unless there is a real need, it's usually smart to keep what you have while apple works out bugs in any new software. >> mine works fine. i don't feel the need. usually there are tons of problems at the start. so i figure i'll wait. >> now, apple says there is also a bug in the new ios8 software that's not allowing people to sync up their health information. as a result, apple says it's temporarily pulled the apps using the help feature from the app store. apple says those apps should be back before the end of the month. >> oh, my goodness. i hope we can stay healthy in the meantime. all right. it is 7:49. let's check in with sal see how healthy things are on the east shore. >> they are not healthy. you know, it just rained enough to make traffic really slow out there. i want to show you. it's taking an hour. let's say it's taking an hour from the carquinez bridge to the mcarthur maze. it's terrible. one of the reasons why is just because of a little bit of rain. that's the only thing that has happened this morning. no major problems. but 59 minutes. normally it takes 20, 25. when we started the morning it was taking 18 minutes. now we're really in a bunch of slow traffic here. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza which has been very slow. 40 to 45-minute drive time get ag cross. we are going to find slow traffic here. 680, concord to walnut creek and lafayette slow. westbound 24 is slow. 580 is a mess. san mateo bridge is a joke. i mean, not a joke that you are laughing at. a joke that you have to deal with getting across the peninsula. and then santa cruz mountains has been slow because there has been rain there. look at the slow traffic here on the santa cruz mountains. give yourself extra time. every commute is slow. i can't go on longer because we would be here the next hour. get out there early. let's go to steve. i feel the same, sal. >> you do? >> i could do an hour here. producer just -- okay. cloudy skies. thanks everybody for the information. i do my best to write you back. it's overwhelming this morning. it's raining. we will take it. unfortunately, the national weather service radar was down for a while. it's back now so we can show you -- i was like where is all this half-inch of rain coming in the santa cruz mountains? now i know why. the first rain of the season arrived today. it gave some okay rain totals. wet roads. sal has been touching on that. santa cruz mountains and russian river had the most. what's interesting, people disappear. then it rains. santa rosa .09. petaluma .04. gilroy .04. buena vista park .04 and also rain maybe where you are. we have had some from napa to vallejo to the santa cruz mountains. that looks to be the bulk of it. a couple .01s. a half-inch on the north coast. a little bit of rain in the santa cruz mountains. ben lemon, i think, near lexington reservoir, a half a inch of rain. that's good. cloudy. warm. drizzle. light rain. we had this system come in with a south breeze. so mostly cloudy today. could still be a few scattered showers. inland temps will drop 5 or 10 degrees. the low is forming right here, it's going to break off towards southern california and be in the state probably for the bulk of the next couple of days. low clouds. finally some rain showing up coming up from the south. that's a good direction, southwest, for the santa cruz  mountains. humidity to match on some of these. 80, 90%, which is why it's so warm. we have a due south wind almost from santa rosa to san jose. the water temps are between 63 and 65. 65 half moon bay. that is really warm. ukiah, speaking of, 65. i think .01 rain in ukiah. 70 in sacramento and monterey. monterey warmer than l.a.? come on. you see that on the peninsula and the santa cruz mountains. that's where the heaviest and steadiest has been so far. more of a stead rain if you are along the coast or coastal hills. santa cruz mountains very warm lows. inland temps about come down a bit. oakland above average. san francisco above average. some of the lows maybe in record high minimum territory. sfo1. i don't think it got below 69 degrees. that's pretty warm. climatetology tells us september can be warm. clouds. muggy. light rain. a possibility of a few showers. a thundershower? i doubt it. partly sunny. gradual warmer. a little bit better as we go into the weekend. >> all right, steve. time now 7:53. at first it was google glass but now the reason some ipad users will have, well, a strange new look. >> yeah, it's pretty strange. >> and a plot to behead random people. the shocking plot by isis. investigators uncovered which led to the largest police raid in that country's history. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. bulldog: [whimpering] bulldog: has your old bed got you in a twist? well, mattress discounters has up to 48 months interest-free financing. plus, mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! now what's best about 48 months interest-free financing at mattress discounters? it's 28 years in dog financing. ♪ mattress discounters today the u.s. senate is expected to approve president obama's plan to train and arm syrian rebels as part of the fight against terrorists. the republican controlled house approved the plan yesterday in a bipartisan vote. but the opposition to the plan was also bipartisan with more than a third of the house voting no. several bay area democrats voted against the authorization, including john gare menddy, bab ra lee, eric staal well, and jackie speier. police in australia detained 15 people they say are islamic state supporters. australia's prime minister says intelligence indicates the supporters were planning to carry out a random beheading in australia to demonstrate the group's worldwide reach. more than 800 law enforcement officers took part in a raid. that's the largest ever in australia. australia is one of 40 countries now contribute to go fight against isis. tori, time now 7:57. taking a bold stand against yelp. coming up in just minutes why one bay area resident restaurant is begging you for a bad review. plus, wet weather overnight triggered widespread power outages across the east bay. repair work is still going on this morning after power poles caught fire. we will explain why that happened coming up. good morning. it's pretty slow everywhere this morning for the morning commute. it kind of looks like this. highway 4 stop and go. many other highways the same. we will tell you more about it all coming up. cloud cover. warm tropical-like. temperatures near 70%. some rain here. some breaks in the clouds. we will see what's this store for temperatures. welcome back. it was wet out there overnight and look at what has happening while you were sleeping. power outages across parts of the bay area. thousands of people woke up this morning. they had no electricity. now, the crews are out there. they're trying to get everything back to normal for you as quickly as possible and we're out there live with those crews. live pictures in richmond. work is being done now to fix a damaged power pole there. ktvu's alex savidge has been on the story since 4:30 this morning. in two minutes he will bring you reaction from someone affected by the power outage. stay tuned for that. good morning. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two, thursday, september 18. i am dave clock. >> i am tori campbell. a quick look at weather and traffic. >> very muggy out. thanks to angela. she sent me a picture of her two cats. lacking out the window -- looking out the window at the rain. i think a lot of humans, too. they are like, what is this? we finally had a little bit of rain. thank you for the information coming in. i am overwhelmed today. you haven't been able to write everybody back. santa cruz mountains and russian river where are .25-inch to .5-inch. felton .5-inch rain. forestville .25-inch. radar is picking up some of that on the peninsula as well. a few little showers. now, most of the rainfall was pretty light. the warm, warm -- i mean, the cloud cover was here. we had a south breeze. 60s and 70s. a few areas, hayward never dipped below 70. livermore one degree below that for two minutes. southerly breezy or southeasterly breeze is responsible for that. around palo alto, los altos hills, woodside 280 and in the santa cruz mountains that looks to be where the main rain band is. when you get this set-up, santa cruz mountains can get pretty decent rain. it will cool down later as that system gets in here. rain will be tapering off. 60s for -- 80s for some. when we look at the traffic maps and even the traffic pictures, we see exactly what steve is talking about and we see slow traffic all over the place. look at 880 and it looks like it's kind of a winter day even though it's not. northbound 880 traffic is slowing from the coliseum. pretty solid as you drive up to downtown oakland. speaking of solid, the bay bridge has really been bad. it's backed up 25, 30 minutes at the toll plaza itself. there is a lot of traffic on 580 and 80 up the road. you can see 680 southbound slow out of concord. near highway 4 and all the way down to the walnut creek area. we see traffic on 580 livermore slow as usual. across the bay we have traffic on the peninsula super slow as you drive on 101. a lot of slow traffic on 92 as well. back to the desk. in addition to the weather causing problems on the roads it's also knocked out power to thousands of people in the east bay. this happened overnight. ktvu 2 alex savidge is live. how is this connected to the rain, alex? >> reporter: tori, good morning to you. it's quite a few power poles caught fire overnight. it really essentially is the fact that they haven't seen a lot of rain in a long time. the dust builds up on the power poles and when you get the moisture it causes arcing. it's a phenomenon known as tracking. this is what is causing the issue out here. you see behind us we have a pg&e crew. they are busy repairing one of the many power poles that caught fire because of the wet weather. you can see over here, that's the burned power pole over there on the ground and this crew could be out here for several more hours working to replace just this one pole. a whole lot of poles caught fire overnight across the east bay and that triggered outages in richmond, berkeley, albany and san pablo. at last they can 2700 homes and businesses now remain in the dark. most of the outages are in richmond. at the peak, there were close to 12,000 customers without power. these outages were first reported about 12:30 this morning and the problem is that light rain that fell overnight, it's a phenomenon that pg&e refers to as tracking. we go a long time without rain. dust builds up on the power lines. that dust then mixes with moisture and causes arcing and that causes these fires. but we did talk with one couple here in this neighborhood in richmond. they haven't had any power throughout the night but they told us this outage was a minor inconvenience. >> no, because we have a flashlight. so we were equipped. we were ready. i'm just glad that no one got hurt and they were here quick to fix it. >> reporter: pg&e is trying to work out exactly how much damage was done to all of their equipment across the east bay and what those repairs will cost. and again the power is slowly coming back online here in the east bay. most of the outages about 2700 customers again here in the richmond area. those people still waiting to get their power back on and pg&e says they should have the lights back on between about 10 a.m. and noon today. we are live this morning in richmond, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. at we have tools you can use to track any storms coming your way. just click the weather tab near the top of the home page. tori, time is 8:05. more on the continuing coverage of the northern california wildfires. governor brown declared a state of emergency in siskiyou and el dorado counties. as we told you an hour ago an out of control east of pollock pines, it doubled in size for the second straight day. the king fire has now burned 71,000 acres. 2,000 homes are threatened. coming up for you at 8:15 we will go live to el dorado county to our reporter who is there and has a clear view of the firefight. 8:05. happening today barry bonds' lawyers head back to federal court in san francisco. they will go before a judicial panel this afternoon to appeal bonds' conviction for obstruction of justice. today's hearing comes 11 years after bonds testified before a grand jury investigating baseball's steroid scandal. he was later convicted of giving evasive answers when asked about his use of performance enhancing drugs. still not clear whether he will appear in court today. 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick plans to appeal an nfl fine of more than $11,000. kaepernick was flagged for inappropriate language after throwing an interception during sunday night's loss to the chicago bears. he appeared to say something to lamar houston. after the game kaepernick said he did not say anything and houston says he did not hear anything. >> the player that i supposedly said something to has been quoted saying that i didn't say anything. i don't know him. so it's not like he would have a reason to just randomly stick up for me. >> kaepernick says what he supposedly said was not identified in the letter from the nfl explaining his fine. time is 8:07. oakland police want your help. center trying to find a man who exposed himself to a jogger in the oakland hills on sunday. investigators say it happened sunday morning near monterey boulevard and diamond canyon park. the man described as a heavy set latino in his 30s about 5'9" weighing about 210 pounds with brown eyes and short dark hair. if you have any information, call oakland police. usually businesses really want a five star rating on yelp. but there is a restaurant in richmond that wants just the opposite. ktvu's brian flores live in richmond this morning with a message the owners are trying to send out. >> reporter: botto italian bistro gets good reviews. many think the restaurant is great. on yelp the owners are encouraging customers to give it a one start rating. on the front door and even a note that encourages customers to give a terrible review on yelp and they will receive a 25% discount on a pizza. now, the owners of botto's bistro say they believe that businesses that advertise on yelp get better reviews than non-advertisers. they say they don't need to advertise and they are tired of getting calls to buy ads on yelp. the owners tell "usa today" that they eventually want their restaurant taken off of the listing and this he feel this is the best way to do so. they noticed when they bought ads on yelp their reviews were more positive. as soon as they stopped advertising, all these negative reviews started popping up. they have nothing against yelp, but they question the ratings process. we spoke with a couple of people this morning and they agree. >> if you don't have a good friend, they bring the business down. >> it's kind of neat to see they may generate some publicity with that. my personal experience with yelp is sometimes there is such a mass of interviews and stuff there, it's kind of hard tole really pick through what you think is real and what isn't. >> reporter: now, a lot of people seem to be willing to help the cause. many of its customers are posting one star tongue-in- cheek reviews, if you will, complaining about food arriving too quickly, pizza tasting too authentic, their servers bothering customers when they are ready to order. one person wrote how dare this restaurant sabotage my diet by offering delicious pizza and pasta. worth a drive from anywhere here in the bay area. we haven't heard from yelp this morning but there is a link at the botto's bistro yelp site that disputes these claims saying that businesses do not get higher ratings and negative views are not removed if a business buys an ad. we should mention that the business owners of botto's bistro say that business has increased since they launched their campaign against yelp. brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. happening today a ban on plastic bags takes effect in walnut creek. now when you shop you're encouraged to bring your own reusable bags. and if you don't, you will be charged $0.10. there are expectations for restaurants. walnut creek is joining many other bay area cities that have already banned plastic bags. a possible first in the fight against the aids rye advice. san francisco supervisor scott weiner appears to be the first public figure in the nation to announce that he is taking trevata. a drug doctors say prevents hiv infection. it reduces the risk by up to 99% if the pill is taken once a day. he says as an elected official it was difficult for him to dispose his personal health decision but a he says it was important for him to raise awareness about the drug and its benefits. time is 8:10. caught on camera out of control high school students. take a look at the video. it convinced two fast food restaurants in anitoch to close their doors once school lets out. plus, how the drought is taking a toll on farmers markets in the bay area and restaurants that rely on fresh produce. good morning. in san jose it's very slow just like everywhere else. rain has really made it tough to drive. a lot of slow traffic. we will tell you more. still pretty good rain santa cruz mountains and the russian river. more clouds and warm humid conditions. we do have some rain. we will talk about it and see what's in store for the rest of the day. at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. that's why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. it is 8:14. san francisco police are asking for your help in identifying a driver who shot and wounded a man after nearly running him over in a crosswalk. they have released this sketch in their investigation into the shooting which happened in broad daylight on the afternoon of sunday, august 31. police say the suspect was driving near the intersection of golden gate avenue and broad rick street when he got into a heated argument with a man crossing the street. >> the suspect got into a verbal altercation after the suspect almost struck the victim in the crosswalk. the suspect then drove away a short distance and began shooting. >> police say the driver fired several shots at close range. witnesses say the driver then sped off in a two-door metallic grey honda civic or accord. the victim is still recovering from his injuries but is expected to survive. 8:15. part of the comstock salon in san francisco's north beach due to open three days after a car smashed in the bar. two people and the driver were hurt. they are due to open the front room and saloon area. they will provide full dinner and drink service as well. now, lunch service, that's expected to resume tomorrow. the damaged part of the bar is going to be closed down for repairs until further notice. california's drought is changing what we eat and how much it cost. the heart of the city farmers market in san francisco, it has been open three days a week. well, now vendors are cutting back to just two days. some of the farmers say they just don't have as much to sell because they planted smaller crops. others are changing what they plant just to cope with water shortages. >> produce that we usually grow other years, and this year we are not going to grow them because there is not enough water. >> and that includes popular produce like lettuce and corn, which need a lot of water. and when those aren't available, chefs and cooks, they've got to find some other foods. so the prices of the alternative vegetables and fruits, they're also going up. we got some new information about that out of control wildfire. the one that's east of pollock pines we have been telling you about. look at this new video. this is close up, too. the firefighters trying to put out some very intense flames. the king fire has doubled in size for a second straight day. we told you earlier from tuesday to wednesday it went from 13,000 acres to 28,000 acres. now this morning it's at 71,000 acres. our reporter adam housely is live in the community of fresh pond off highway 50 in el dorado county. so how dangerous is it out there, adam? >> reporter: well, dave, it's very smoky. the good news is the temperatures are down. these guys just came into our view as you were talking to us. these are the hand crews in the area that are going through the hillsides. we are above highway 50 which is shut down here just to the east of pollock pines. they are going through. thankfully there has been no wind this morning which is allowing firefighters to knock down some of these smoldering areas. if wind comes down, it's these flames that potentially blow embers into trees. he is going through and looking for -- he is looking for bigger logs kind of burned. down now to more of a branch. he will take it to one side. they build up campfires almost to make sure they clear the area. they will come through and hose some of this down. a bigger log here is burning as well. this has been pretty much going all morning. right now it's fine. you can see some of the embers come up now even with no wind here. obviously, we know how dry it is. so we already have those conditions. you go up into the trees you see how the smoke and embers go up. if there is any kind of wind, those embers potentially go up into the trees and that's when it becomes a problem. over here you see this trunk here, this tree still burning as you go up. this potentially could be a widow maker. actually, it is right now. they call these widow makers because as they burn out there is no stability. if you get nearby and you are maybe hauling out some of the areas on the ground or there is some wind that comes through, these come down and obviously cause major injury or death to firefighters. you can see as crews come across, this is what they do. you don't always get a chance to see this. this is as important as fighting the major flames. they basically build little campfires with all the burning embers or the smoldering parts of logs and branches and trees and brush that's still on the ground and it allows them to keep an eye on everything, putting in these little piles of burning areas. around me here, as we see in the truck coming through as well, this is the hard work being done on the ground. it's still warm up here, but not as warm as it's been. humidity is back up. still very dry. it's the smoke that burns your eyes and gets into your throat. a lot of firefighters are having to deal with these types of conditions and steep terrain. the good news, dave that , hour also is there is no wind and the fire it burning more towards the east. away from more homes. while there are still 20,000 homes said to be threatened, the fire moved away from georgetown and that's a good man offer for continue maneuver as firefighters attack this with more aerial support as well. >> and you stay safe as well. thank you for that update from el dorado county. >> and i did want to mention also, i just checked as i did hear there is supposed to be a triathlon at lake tahoe on sunday and there is some question about it. i have gone to the tahoe daily tribune. they say ironman officials do expect sunday's lake tahoe triathlon to occur as scheduled. obviously, they have to monitor the situation. all right. 8:19. and adam said that highway 50 -- i am not sure -- highway 50 or freeway 50 is still closed in that area? >> absolutely right. highway 50 is closed in that area of pollock pines and the way to get around it is to use interstate 80, of course. as you saw there, as you saw in adam's report, there is no real outlook as to when they are going to reopen highway 50. still very much involved if that firefight. let's go out and take a look at some of the local commutes because of the wet weather. we have had some terrible commutes from the carquinez bridge to 80. it is very slow. very slow traffic on 680 heading down to walnut creek. so it really has been very slow in the east bay. when you get to the bay bridge toll it's been a 30 to 40- minute wait just to get onto the bridge, and that's not even counting the drive time across the span. 580 is slow. livermore to pleasanton. and then just a lot of slow traffic in hayward near highway 92. and across the bay we have had 101, a big mess out of burling game all the way down to palo alto. 280 is a better bet, although a crash there as well. i want to mention the south bay. not free of slow traffic. 101 has been ridiculous up to sunnyvale. a couple of different crashes. in fact, i could go on longer and detail them all but we don't have enough time. give your steph plenty of time to get -- give yourself plenty of time to get to work. our first rain made it. give it credit. really warm lows. some lows never below 70. thanks to it each and every one of you for the information today. i love it. i haven't had time to get back to everybody. people ask me questions and stuff. i do my best. first rain though arrives here and it's been pretty good. especially towards russian river and the santa cruz mountains. some areas a trace, hardly  anything. some approaching about .75 inch now. the heaviest north bay and santa cruz mountains. remember the water tempts are warm, too. ben lehman has .62. of course, people say, steve, this is the real rain, you know. not that fake stuff. mount diablo .20. santa rosa .09. san francisco .05. buena vista park .04. santa rosa, around that area in the north, fort bragg up to shelter cove .3 to .5-inch of rain. it's okay. you can see some of the returns towards napa and santa cruz mountains and peninsula a little bit to napa right there looks like yountville over to vallejo not much. .01 in vallejo santa cruz to scotts valley the rain there. the low is going to go through and dive all the way down to southern california. we will get some cooler air in here even though it feels tropical. i just stepped outside. i had to send a text. i am like good morning waikiki. it's warm out will. oakland 68. half moon bay 74. the water temperature is 64. 68 foster city. look at loss alto hills. menlo park 68. south wind responsible. looks like it's turning a little bit for some. with the water temps and the south wind that's why it's so warm. polo, hurricane polo not expected to be as strongazzo deal was. the it's a far cry from odile. monterey 70 degrees. 70 degrees in monterey. some of that rain around los altos, also the santa cruz mountains, that seems to be the bulk right now. cloudy. mostly cloudy. warm. it will cool off later. the breezy will pick up. light rain. some steady. that could be up towards russian river the most and also in the santa cruz mountains. 70s and 80sen your temps. it looks like improving conditions towards the weekend. >> all right. steve. 8:23. stranded in mexico after that hurricane. some good news, though, for a castro valley man trying to get home and how the mexican government is helping thousands of tourists. look at theme stuck in cabo san lucas. >> she said this is her goal. she wanted to get to the wedding and she didn't care how she had to do it. a pleasanton woman who battled breast cancer for three years made a memory her family will cherish for a lifetime. 61-year-old mary ann manning appeared to be losing her fight months ago and was confined to a wheelchair. her dying wish was to dance at her son's wedding. she survived to the big day and created a magical moment dance to go the song "over the rainbow." >> it was incredibly emotional. especially to see her pop out of the wheelchair. in the days leading up to it we were helping her do everything. even walk. to see her jump up, it was just amazing. >> no doubt that that woman, you know, very strong woman, fought incredibly hard to get to that point. >> mary ann manning died three days after the wedding. her children say they are heartbroken but they will never forget her strength and determination to make her dream come true. on our facebook page we posted more. tori, time is 8:27. well, is it a public nuisance or free speech? coming up after the break, the reason why one bay area city is slap ago homeless woman with a legal complaint. restaurants in al-qaeda anitoch are closing their doors for part of the day due to outbreak of violence among high school students. what parents and students have to say about it. and highway 4, we've had a terrible commute. we also had a car fire there. the fire department is still there. the traffic is a mess coming through. out of anitoch up to this point, we will tell you more coming up. a lot of cloud cover this morning. warm tropical-like lows. near 70 for some. some rain. post of it was light. areas to the north and also santa cruz mountains had some decent amounts. we will show you those. it makes me happy to go on the computer. i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. boy, out of control high school students in anitoch captured on camera fighting it a restaurant parking lot. the violence so bad some of the businesses there are decided to shut their doors. we are out there live this morning. these are live pictures outside deer valley high school. tara moriarty is there. in two minutes tara will tell us what some of the students are saying this morning about that out of control problem that we're reporting. thank you for joining us on mourns on 2, thursday, september 18. i am dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. everybody is talking about weather, steve. >> i have to have my eyes checked. i thought the streets were wet there. >> your eyes are not fooling you. >> casadaro .61. oakmont, bruce brown, that's on the oakmont ken wood border. .35. santa rosa .09. san francisco .05. some of the higher elevations picking up maybe a third of an inch to a half-inch north as well. there is a little bit of rain towards the north bay, napa, or just to the east napa and on the peninsula you can see he some. still some rain picking up there. the water temps are really warm so it's taking some of this to the southwest and squeezing out -- steady rain for a few. jenny said we didn't get anything. 70 livermore. 70 hayward. 70 mountain view. really warm. south wind in advance of that. it will start turn northwesterly a little later. a few little light showers around or steady light rain. more so towards the santa cruz mountains. a couple of reports up there .5 rain. drizzle. light rain. very warm lows. it will cool down later. 70s for some. here's sal. all right. steve, we had a car fire on highway 4 between bay point and concord. the person got out of it. it has really slowed traffic westbound. the fire department did block lanes and traffic was already really slow. in fact, someone sent us a picture that we're going to put up next time when we can. but rask is very, very slow -- but traffic is very, very slow in this area. the bay bridge is backed up 35 minutes. slow on 80 and 580 getting to that point. give yourself plenty of extra time as you drive through. i want to mention the south bay. problems in sunnyvale. a lot of slow traffic everywhere this morning. 8:33. let's go back to the desk. two fast food restaurant in anitoch will shut their doors this afternoon after school lets out. the restaurant owners say it's all because of out of control teenagers from a nearby high school. ktvu's tara moriarty has now moved to that high school. you have been talking to parents and students. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good mornings. that's right. they tell us that it's a small group of students from deer valley high school that are creating the riff-raff down the street. police tell it us that they have increased patrols, but it's very challenging because their staffing levels are so low. they do tell us that the landlord at the plaza down the street isn't providing any security and that is actually the main problem. this cellphone video off of youtube shows two separate fights involving teenager girls at the taco bell on lone tree way. managers at taco bell and mcdonald's say that the fighting has spiraled out of control threatening public safety. they made a decision to shut down the inside dining area from 3 to 4:30 in the afternoon every weekday. >> i don't think that they should shut down because they want to go over there and misbehave. yeah. i agree. i think the school should do it. >> reporter: what about the mayor and the police department? >> i don't think that they should have to put all their time into that. >> she won't let me walk down there period. >> reporter: she doesn't think it's safe? >> yeah. if you stare at someone they might take it offensive. yeah. it's like really bad. >> reporter: managers say that the fighting breaks out after students from nearby deer valley high school trickle over after classes. officials say that the teens are disruptive, they loiter and vandalize property. some of them even breaking a window at a chinese restaurant. managers say that the drive-through will remain open after school. and these changes will stay in effect until the end of the school year. meantime, the nearby starbucks says that it is also most likely going close. they also understand that there were problems at the chevron and the burger king just a few days ago. we are live in anitoch. >> le 35:00. an oakland mother is furious and demanding action after her son with special needs was pulled out of school early by a taxi driver and dropped off at home with no supervision. deandis jones says oakland unified school district assigned a taxicab to take her special needs son to and from school. last week she says a driver pulled him out of class early and dropped him off at home unattended. the school district says it's been using cabs to transport some special needs students because the school district's new bus vendor doesn't have enough drivers. >> perhaps some drivers who weren't accustomed to transporting students with special needs were put into that role and didn't handle itle -- handle it well. >> anything could happen. i want to make sure that this doesn't happen to anybody else. >> now, a spokesperson for the school district told ktvu news oakland unified is very sorry this happened. they are taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. the cab company, they are also apologizing. they say the driver was a full-in driver and was confused about pickup times. police in daly city are searching for the men who robbed and elderly couple after posing as water department workers. >> it just makes me angry. it should have never happened. >> last friday, an 85-year-old woman and her 92-year-old husband allowed a man who identified himself as a worker for the water department into their home. he distracted the couple, allowing another person who slip into the house and steal their valuables, including jewelry that belonged to the woman's grandmother who died in the 1908 earthquake. a sentimental gold pocket watch as also taken. >> because i had it there for years. in fact, she was talking about giving it to one of the grandkids eventually. >> investigators are looking into whether this crime is connected to similar cases in san francisco and burlingame. the man posing as a city water worker is described adds latino, 35040 years old with medium build and short dark hair. we have been reporting about the dispute between redwood city and a homeless woman. city leaders wanter had to take ounce controversial signs she has put up at a busy intersection. let's go to janine de la vega where she just spoke with the woman minutes ago. what did she have to say? >> reporter: tori, she is standing her ground. you can see her camped out here at this corner of veterans boulevard and whipple avenue. she has about 14 signs up as well as other belongings and a tarp where she sleeps under. she showed us the court papers that were handed to her showing that redwood city officials are suing her for blocking the public's right of way with all of her signs. she told us she has been camped on veterans boulevard near whipple since 2010. now, many of her signs have messages about god, the government, abuse, and conspiracy. the city says that her trash and signage is blocking the public's access and threatening traffic visibility at one of the city's busiest intersections, which they say is the number one location for collisions. we spoke to her a short time ago. here's what she had to say. >> i am not doing anything wrong. go to a street and you will see many tables of restaurants blocking. that's blocking, okay? handicapped people cannot go, too. at least here they go back and forth. >> reporter: we've covered benavidas in the past. she was sued for violating city code and she lost her homes to foreclosure. she says she has a right to free speech and she is not moving. she has been arrested before, she says, so she is prepared for that if that happens. there is a court hearing set for november on the matter. but she says she is not showing up. and back out here live again we're here right on the corner of this intersection. you know, the city has said she is blocking public access, that people have a hard time walking through here. i'm walking through here right now. i can still get by. so that was one of her points, is saying that people can still get by here. she is homeless. she doesn't have a place to go. and she feels she has a right to stay here. reporting live from redwood city, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. you have heard of google glass. now ipad owners are strapping their devices right on their faces in an attempt to experience virtual reality. a new campaign on kickstarter is hoping to raise $20,000 to manufacture the head set that can turn ipad minis and the iphone 6 plus into a virtual reality device. the headset displays 3d graphics on a split screen. users can also plug in their headphones for a complete virtual experience. they said you could do this wirelessly, obviously. so you could walk around but you would have to do that quite carefully. >> very carefully. all right. time it is 8:41. still ahead, stopping a terror attack. how the government in australia broke up plans for a public beheading. thousands of people in the east bay still without power this morning and it's all because of the wet weather we had overnight. we'll explain how the rain caused power poles to catch fire. we sill have a lot of slow traffic out there because of some of that wet weather and also just the morning commute has been slow. especially in some areas. san mateo bridge is moderate now. it's getting a little better, but still very slow. a lot of reports coming up. the sun beginning to pop through the clouds. we had some decent rain totals. we will show you those in a second. still a lot of cloud cover and really mild lows this morning. welcome back. time is 8:44. let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we are following. pg&e blames our wet weather for power outages affecting thousands of customers in the east bay. ktvu's alex savidge live in richmond where pg&e crews were up all night. >> reporter: crews have been very busy trying to get the power restored to everybody. at last check 2700 people, mostly here in richmond are in the dark this morning. a lot of work going on behind us. this pg&e crew is busy replacing one of the many power poles that caught fire overnight in the east bay because of the wet weather. this is a phenomenon that's known as tracking. and pg&e says when we go a long time without rain dust tends to build up on these power lines and that dust mixes with the moisture and that causes arcing and ultimately leads to fires. dozens of power poles caught fire overnight leading to outages in richmond, berkeley, he will soreito, albany and san pablo. outages first reported 12:30 this morning. at the peak, close to 12,000 customers were without power. those burning power poles created a dangerous situation with sparks raining down onto the streets. neighbors say they are thankful that fire crews got everything under control. >> i wasn't really paying attention to the poles. i mean, because something like that, those catch on fire, those will set houses on fire. last thing we need is our neighborhood burning up. >> reporter: pg&e at this point still trying to figure out exactly how much damage was done to their equipment and what the repairs will ultimately cost. but the power, again, coming back online slowly here in the east bay. about 2700 customers do remain in the dark. most of them in richmond and pg&e expects to have the power back on to everybody in this area by at least noon today. we are live this morning in richmond, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> and at we have tools for you. you can track any storms coming your way. click on the weather tab near the top of the home page. some of the thousands of tourists stranded in mexico are making their way home. ktvu's pam cook is in the newsroom with the reason the struggle to get out is becoming even more desperate. good morning. >> reporter: yeah, the area of cabo san lucas has been without water and power for days and now another storm is headed their way. an estimated 30,000 tourists are still in cabo san lucas in that area unable to get home. many are staying in temporary shelters or at the airport waiting to get out after hurricane odile flooded their hotels. we have been in contact with one man from castro valley. he is due to arrive at sfo this morning on a flight from mexico city. now, the mexican government is using military planes and buses to evacuate tourists since the airport in cabo sustained major damage. businesses are damaged as well and supplies are running low as stores and restaurants were hit with 125-mile-an-hour winds. >> it was life-threatening and i cried and i was sad. and i miss my home, and i'm going home. >> reporter: now, a new hurricane is headed their way. steve paulsen has been keeping an eye on the weather patterns letting me know heroin polo a category 1 storm, it is forecast to maintain hurricane status through saturday. now, people in arizona, new mexico, and parts of southern california should brace themselves. odile traveled north bringing 6-9 inches of rain to the u.s. and flash flood warnings are still in effect with this new storm again headed into mexico. reporting live in the newsroom, pam cook, ktvu channel 2 news. time is 8:48. let's bring sal back. you have really been busy today? >> we certainly have. there is a bunch of slow traffic everywhere. i want to mention on the east shore freeway still taking an hour from the -- carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. pretty slow on highway 4 approaching concord. two lanes were blocked until they got this fire out. it's still a big, big mess. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza and the traffic is backed up for a 25 to 30-minute delay. even slower getting to it. there is slow traffic all over the place, especially on livermore freeways. westbound 580. 880. let's go to steve. thank you. not bad rain for some. for others, nothing. a couple of reports -- sunnyvale nothing. what's going on? if you get rain, be thankful. if not, we will make it up somewhere down the road. ben lehman .62. oakmont .35. winds north of santa rosa two bits. san francisco .05. not bad for the first of the season. there is a decent cell over hayward, union city, fremont and castro valley. looks like it's heading towards san ramon as well. up the 880 corridor. also the santa cruz mountains, that has been the heaviest rain. the steadiest since last night at 930 turnpike, 10:00. that pattern can stack up. also parts of the north bay. not all of it showing up. for some. it's there. the system will give us some cooler weather. boy, did it give us a south wind in advance with that light rain or steady rain and warm on the lows. mostly cloudy. a few sun breaks here. but five to ten degrees cooler inland. that system will swing in here. it will take its time and dive into southern california. today could get a little build-up in the afternoon. napa, sonoma county, so loan owe county. just tropical like. really warm. the breeze has been out of the south for many. it's favoring that direction. water temps half moon bay is 65 degrees. see a little bit of rain on the peninsula. also los altos hills, palo alto back over to fremont looks like by the dumbo there. and some of the amounts santa cruz mountains, felton have had .5-inch of rain. not too shabby. drizzle. light rain. cooler afternoon highs there. flip-flop there. 70s and 80s on the temps. above coast and bay. it looks like as that low goes south we will see a little bit cooler conditions for coast and bay and a gradual warm-up by the weekend for inland temps. >> all right. problems with apple's new operating system. after the break, the reason some experts say you should wait to download ios8. 8:54. happening now polls are open in scotland for a historic independence vote. voters are being asked to decide whether to leave the united kingdom, ending scotland's 300-year-old union with england, wales, and northern ireland. turnout is expected to be high with 97% of eligible vote he is registered to -- voters registered to vote. support's say the government is not responsive to their concerns, while opponents say it could take a big toll on scott land's economy. >> we just i think after 300 years we are due a change and can't be any worse than this government. >> hopefully we can have the backup of the united kingdom, which will give us the security we need in a globalized world. >> polls suggest the outcome of the election is still too close to call. after the campaign for independence gained significant momentum in recent weeks, scotland has been part of the united kingdom since 1707. polls close at 2 p.m. our time. and early results will start coming in a few hours later. time is 8:55. new this morning an online report says apple will launch its two newest versions of the ipad at an event next month. the daily dot says the official announcement will be october 21. bloomberg reported it will have a 9.7-inch screen and the ipad mini will have an almost 8-inch screen. apple sold more than 13 million ipads in the quarter that ended last june. some users of apple technology say they have had problems upgrading the software used on their ipads and iphones. apple's new operating system, the ios8, is now available for downloading. complaints, though, about how long it takes to download started just hours after the new software became available. but an expert at told ktvu that's just one reason many people should wait. she says unless there is a real need, it's probably smarter to keep what you have while apple works out the bugs in new software. >> mine works just fine. so i just don't feel the need. and usually there are tons of problems at the start. so i just figure i'll wait. >> and apple also says there is a bug in the new ios8 software that's not allowing people to sync their health information to the new healthcare app. so as a result apple says they have temporarily pulled the apps using the health kit feature in the store. apple says those apps should be back by the end of the month. 8:56. it has not been a pretty picture for traffic this important. let's see what's winding down right now. >> good morning. right now traffic is moving along slowly in many areas. let's start off with a look at some of the live pictures. bay bridge recovering. i do want to mention that 880 is still slow coming up to downtown oakland. look at that. it is awful. and just a lot of slow traffic everywhere. highway 4 recovering after that earlier car fire we showed. still very slow out of pittsburg all the way to concord. now lets go to steve. thank you, sal. usually we show the five-day here. we are getting rain right now. union city. i mean, it's been a long time since we have had this. that is the strongest cell. almost .75-inch of rain at ben lehman in the santa cruz mountains. that traffic on 880 might be slow because of this. people are slowing down. that's heading towards the east bay san ramon. not widespread, but some. >> very impressive. >> for nine months it's been dry and warm. >> all right. thank you, steve. well, that's our report for this morning. we thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. >> be sure to watch ktvu channel 2 news at noon for the high school violence in anitoch. we will continue to follow that story and have updates at five and six. thanks for joining us. yo, what's up? >> a heartbreaking scene as an injured baby is found on the front porch of this father. a video a dad hopes will clear his name after mom lands in jail. who does that with his own kid? >> get ready to walk the plank for the highest, scariest walk in the world. >> what happens when he tries it without the harness? a driver swerves then saves it. the crushing moment she loses it


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