Q: Why does California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) require a sturgeon report card?
A: Among the biggest challenges for biologists working to conserve California’s sturgeon population is acquiring data on the fishery. The Sturgeon Fishing Report Card helps biologists track data on catch and release rates, when and where sturgeon are being caught and harvested, and which species of sturgeon are being caught.
It sounds like simple information, but it’s incredibly valuable for estimating population size for conservation purposes. Anglers who return the report card are not only fulfilling reporting requirements, they are serving as stewards of the state’s natural resources.
Rescuers save goose impaled by hook at Sacramento’s Land Park
SACRAMENTO (KOVR) It was a literal wild goose chase in the middle of a Sacramento park.
Incredible video shows the rescue of a Canada goose impaled by a fishing hook and struggling to survive at Land Park. It’s one glimpse of a much bigger problem than can be deadly for wildlife.
The video shows rescuers cautiously close in on the goose that needs help but wants to run. They successfully deploy a net gun and capture the goose moments before it was going to jump back into a pond.
Rolling thru 4 Raptors
Sasha the Great horned owl &
Sundance the Harris’ hawk at our first annual fundraising event in Lake of the Pines at the Park 4 boat launch! All proceeds go to the rescue, rehab, and release of Northern California orphaned, injured, and sick birds of prey. You’ll safely enjoy live outdoor educational presentations by HRC raptor ambassadors, contests, a two night stay at a Lake Tahoe cabin giveaway, warm beverages and treats, and a classic car show.
We are also delighted to announce renowned wildlife rescue hero Ben Nuckolls! He will be giving an interactive presentation: a genuinely unforgettable experience!!