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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20131111

worse than hell. >> disaster and dispair in philippines. >> 10,000 have been killed from the typhoon. >> we don't have water, food. >> no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate. that's how our friendship was. >> incognito talking about the controversy and claims he's not a racist. >> i hope i'm wrong. if you're black, you know what that word means. >> we must show the world we've exhausted every remedy. talks on the nuclear program boil down over the weekend. did you help lobly against this deal? >> lobby is an understatement. >> big relief after a 2,000 pound satellite predicted to crash into earth burned on reenindustry. >> the postal service teaming up to make deliveries starting this sunday. >> lady gaga's latest project taking off. >> in overtime ravens win. >> touchdown. saints win by 32. >> all that matters. >> if i'm bothered by jokes about my weight it's time for me to curl up in the fetal position and go home. >> the music a wards has miley cyrus. >> she's twerked over the whatever. >> this morning's eye opener presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning norah. >> good morning to you charlie. on this veteran's day, we want to say thank you to all our veterans. >> we begin in asia there's tragedy as you wake up in the west. nearly 10 million people in the philippines are desperate for help. this may be the the deadliest disaster in the country's history. 10,000 or more are feared dead after the typhoon haiyan truck. the confirmed death toll now 942. winds with the storm surge destroyed tens of thousands of buildings. in some area devastation is local. >> this morning a team of u.s. officials brought water and supplies to the hardest hit areas. some store owners are using weaponing to fight off looters. >> days after the haiyan slam into the philippines with terrifying force, survivors are desperate. >> we want water and medicine for the injured. we just need your help. >> reporter: fierce winds and heavy rain the monster storm barrelled through the islands friday destroying nearly everything in its path. but it was the wall of water more than ten feet high that proved most deadly. men, women, and small children were sent fleeing for higher ground. at this hotel in the hard hit area, a team of american storm chasers became rescuers usinge mattresses to help elderly in the waters. the storm damage is tsunami like, power and out residents displaced, entire communities flattened. >> the devastation is -- i don't have the words for it. it's horrific. >> reporter: survivors walked through the streets covering their noses to mask the smell of dead bodies. >> we don't have water anymore. we don't have food. i'm glad we're still here. >> reporter: some waited in line for rice and water while in other spots images of chaos emerged. people forcing their way into stores to grab whatever they could. despite the widespread destruction, there was one bright spot at a heavily damaged airport. a 21-year-old woman gave birth to what some are calling a miracle baby. relief aid from the u.s. and around the world is on its way. for those still struggling to understand the full scope of the disaster, the help cannot arrive soon enough. >> we can't explain it. this is our base for how many years. then it's gone. nothing. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," seth. >> the city tore through tacloban there are bodies everywhere. the president may have to declare marshal law there. we are in the neighboring city. >> reporter: good morning. three days after the destruction struck, we're understanding the devastation of haiyan. it appears the entire city has been knocked out. looting has broken out. i met a family at airport that ran away because their store was getting ransacked and they were threatened. seven people have been killed at one of the biggest malls in the city by looters. there's a lack of aid in the city. thesele volunteers have been packing relief goods around the clock. u.s. marines are here in the philippines with the first plane load of goods coming from the u.s. government. the challenge is to get aids to the survivors given the many road blocks that are not cleared. for "cbs this morning"ing, philippines. >> and pictures from space show haiyan still covers a massive area. it's now a tropical storm moving over central china after hitting vietnam this morning. we were in the area friday when it hit. he spoke to us on skype. >> i went out past the village to the sea wall. it's not a sea wall just a raised area off the water. i went and filmed down the length of it. the waves beginning to come up. wind was peeling back metal frame houses. i was down low filming. water was going by me. this was pretty cool. it started getting dangerous. i slid into the pool because i felt safer in the water. then it became stronger yet. i got out. and i got around the corner and filmed the rain and wind just howling by. it just kept going on and on. i was just between and trying to get back to the main resort. i couldn't because it was constantly blowing hard. it wrapped up quite a bit near the end. i think most people there think okay a typhoon. they know what they've experienced. they hadn't experienced something that bad. it's on the coastline and going to get a lot of water. at the end of that storm, there was nothing left. everything was gone. >> and if you'd like to contribute to the relief effort in the the philippines, go to cbs this donate to many in the disaster. white house expected to release eastboundesase enrollment numbers. major garrett is at the white house. >> reporter: good morning charlie, norah, viewers in the west. the white house is desperate to shake the obama care blues. the president's poll numbers are down and democrats up for re-election next year are worried about the implications on their own re-election campaigns. the white house hopes to turn things around this week and we'll look at three issues. within is the website. the white house hopes to point to better data for insurers and those signing up and a functioning website to use. second, white house hopes to announce a solution to those in the individual market who's premiums under obama care are hire than they used to be. the president apologized to consumers last week. white house aids tell us the president never would have done so if he didn't have a solution to propose. look for that this week. lastly, the white house knows it's going to release the first enrollment numbers for obama care. white house has done everything possible to set expectations. numbers aren't going to be good news but should form a baseline to point towards in the future showing the website is working. white house aids tell us they expect this week will be the one they turn things around and stop playing defense. >> major, thank you. a bribery scandal threatens to go to the highest levels of the u.s. navy. a contractor from malaysia is accused of giving cash and other gifts to sailors in exchange for classified information. that intelligence allowed the contractor to overcharge the navy for company services. david martin is at the pentagon. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. now looks like the defense contractor at the center of this navy bribery scandal is cooperating with investigators. naming names and giving more and higher ranking officers. >> the latest officers named in the bribery scandal vice admiral branch, chief of navy intelligence and one of his top deputy loveless. both are expected of rooeeceiving gifts. they've had access suspended and placed on leave from their jobs but not charged with any crimes. the navy says there's no indication they gave classified information in exchange for the gifts. former chief of the joint chiefs says the allegations mike the big scandal even bigger. >> having admirals commanders involved in something with a business man who's allegedly overcharging the navy for port services it looks to be more widespread and involved little more money just from what you can tell from the public record than things have gone before. >> three other officials. sanchez, mislewfcz and another were charged for prostitute cash and travel. the commander has been released but so far has not been charged. they provided services like tug boats and fuel for u.s. navy ships when they pulled in the pacific. he allegedly used insider information to overbill the navy by millions of and monitor attempts by investigators to uncover the scheme. >> francis was arrested in california in september and has been held without bail every since. the navy refuses to confirm he is cooperating with investigators but admits more officers are expected to be imp dated in this scandal. >> stunning. thank you. in pakistan a top terrorist leader is reported dead this morning. he was apparently shot dead on the outskirts of islamabad. this is a serious blow to the net work that targeted american troops in afghanistan. progress over iran's nuclear program is under threat. the talks of the deal ended in the stalemate. >> the negotiators tried hard. they were at it until well after midnight saturday. in the end, although they did make progress and came close, they had to agree to disagree. >> during the the three days of talks which saw the foreign ministers of five countries change their plans to be in geneva, the u.s. and allies did come up with a draft agreement they could all accept. but at the the 11th hour -- >> there was unity, but iran couldn't take it at the particular moment. they weren't able to accept. >> reporter: even though no deal was signed israel's prime minister speaking on face the nation objected. >> iran gives practically nothing and gets a hell of a lot. that's not a good deal. i hope can only express the wish, that they use the the time to get a good deal to take away iran's nuclear military capabilities. >> secretary of state john kerry said this reaction is premature. >> i believe the prime minister needs to recognize that no agreement has been reached about the end game here. that's the subject of negotiations. >> the negotiationors are back in over a week trying to seek a deal. there are signs iran wants to build on the constructive cooperation over the weekend. the head of the international atomic agency atomic police net work if you like is in teheran saying they're offering more access to iea inspectors. rescuers are searching for four bodies of a plane that crashed sunday off the bahamas. shortly after take off, the pilot radioed engine problems. this is the second time in less than a year a worker was killed trying to protect animals in this deadly cougar attack. >> this was the scene of deadly violence saturday. the sheriff's department says the 36-year-old employee ren in a chapman was killed by a cougar. one of more than 60 wild cats housed at the facility. it is believed that chapman was alone in the enclosure with the cats who had not been shifted in the lockout area. that he says was a violation of protocols. >> 99% of times it's human error. it's our fault, not the animal's fault. >> exactly what happened saturday evening remains unclear. chapman had been an animal care technician there eight years. the sheriff's department confirm confirms she died from injuries consist intent with the animal. >> this lye i don't know cub maimed a 24-year-old intern last march in northern california. >> an animal like a full grown lion in a situation can be like a grenade going off. it happens so fast it's like nothing you've seen. >> chapman is survived by her husband and baby daughter. blackstone in san francisco. a recall underway involving sal salads and sandwich wraps. 26 people in three states were sickened. the products are made by glass unyoinonion catering in california. trader joe, super fresh goods and delish are the brands. it involves 90 tons of prepackaged salads and sandwiches. >> the washington post says a growing number of afghan interpreters are denied u.s. visas allotted by congress. the translators work with american troops. the the state department says there's no serious threat to the afghan's lives. interprets say officials underestimate the danger. we reported on an army veteran that helped to bring troops to the united states. he he finally arrived last month in washington. the post office will make sunday amazon delivery day in new york. a space satellite weighs act a ton. 25% reached the planet's surface but not reported where. screeners in london will test liquids with a device in january. u.s. officials look at technology. the tsa says it's not ready to lift the ban at airports in this country. u.s. a. says president barack obama will meet the oldest living world war ii veteran today, he's 107 years old. he'll join the national cemetery ceremony. he saw combat in the a few clouds, fog moved onshore, it will be breaking up and high clouds beginning to drift overhead. out the door we go, looking toward pleasanton area, mixture of sunshine and a couple clouds, temperatures warming up to the 40s an 50s now, 70s inland, 50s and 60s towards the coast. a return to dry weather on wednesday. the the player at the center of the bullying scandal breaks his silence. >> my actions were coming from a place of love no matter how bad and vulgar it sounds. that's how we communicate. that's how our friendship was. >> james brown on richie incognito's apology and fall out. the professor looks at the the power behind the sierpuper storm. wounded warriors find their voice. on this veteran's day, how a music icon is giving military veterans a reason to sing. the news is back in the morning on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. [ woman ] i've had it with my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever bruising, bleeding or paleness. 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[announcer] start using intuit quickbooks for free at quickbooks-dot-com. i had ongoing pain. an intense ache all over. it was hard to do what mattered. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia... thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain. for some, as early as the first week of treatment. now, i can do more with the ones i love. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less fibromyalgia pain i'm feeling better with lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. peninsula has been lifted following yesterday's scrap yard good morning. 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. we'll get you updated on this veterans day. a shelter in place along the peninsula has lifted following yesterday's scrapyard fire down there. redwood city firefighters are still on the scene this morning. still some smoldering. morning 180,000 pounds of ready to eat salads and sandwich wrap products with fully cooked chicken and ham are being recalled, some packaged in richmond, positive. today to be the fine run for the veterans day parade, the council is losing funding needed to keep the parade, to keep on going. we've got your traffic and weather on the holiday coming up after the break. good morning. let's go to mobile 5, they have been standing by in fairfield with an update on the traffic alert we've been watching, westbound 80 by travis boulevard, calendar crew - caltrans crews there be out there. sluggish on central freeway, bay bridge is holiday light with no metering lights approaching the pay gates. here is lawrence. thank you, liz. we've got a mix of clouds and sunshine around the bay area this morning, headed around the bay area you'll see the fog lifting, high clouds replacing it. 50s outside. 60s and 70s by the afternoon, slight chance of showers tonight and into tomorrow morning. the coast guard and navy teamed up to rescue three people sunday. take a look. their sailboat was adrift some 200 miles off the coast of north carolina. a coast guard helicopter pulled them out of the water and flew them to the ""uss cole."" what a rescue. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour the messages from a miami dolphin player has been called racist and threatening. he said it came from a place of love. we'll talk with cbs insider james brown on reaction to the new interview. on this day, a veteran amputee who learned to play the drums hchl's just one of america's wounded warriors in a band with big name support. that story ahead video the philippines is facing one of the worst natural disasters in its history. the super typhoon brought fast destruction. haiyan is one of the most powerful typhoons on record. with us now cbs contributor michio kaku. good morning. >> good morning. >> why is this so destructive. >> first of all, i should say i was in the philippinesen turned friday. i was there six hours before the big typhoon hit. i was one of the last planes to leave. you have to realize the energy source behind these typhoons are warm water. the ocean is warmer than usual. there was a storm surge. people underestimated the wall of water that surged right through the heart of the philippines. >> why is the philippines one of the most hard hit areas. something like 15 to 20 cyclones a year. >> this year it's 24. it's gone off the charts. the philippines is in the center of typhoon alley. just like we have a tornado alley, a hurricane alley. typhoons form in the pacific. surge right over the philippines and into china. and so ithey have their own typhoon alley. this year it's unusual. just like here in new york we've had fewer hurricanes than any other season on enjoying one of the best hurricane seasons in memory while there instead of 15 to 20 feared dead. these winds were almost 200 miles an hour. is this the fastest winds ever report recorded? >> when you talk about it. you're talking about something you've never seen before. some fear this could be a, quote, new normal. we're not sure. there could be typhoons on one part of the earth and the other end, very mild weather. we may have to get used to a new normal. a sort of schizophrenic wacky weather where we have typhoons severe weather, forest fires, droughts. >> thank you. richie inn cog knee toe is making his first comments about the suspension. he's accused of sending bullying messages to a younger teammate jonathan martin. mark strassmann is in tampa where the toll finsdolphins will play tonight. >> reporter: good morning. he insisted this was a case of two very good friends who regularly needled each other with language he admits was inproechlt richie incognito admit as what has widely been reported. that he left jonathan martin with a voice mail namg his teammate with a "n" world. >> when i see that voice mail the words come up across the screen, i'm embarrassed by it. my actions were coming from a place of love. no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds that's how we communicate, that's how our friendship was. those are the facts and that's what i'm accountable for. >> according to incognito, martin gave as good as he got. >> the week before this went down jonathan martin texted me on my phone i will murder your whole f'ing family. do i think jonathan martin was going to murder my family? not one big. >> reporter: last week inn cog knee inn cog knee toe's name was tekd. >> incognito provided fox sports with 1,100 text messages he exchanged with martin over the last year. one of them sent by martin three days after he abruptly left the team. he said, i don't blame you guys at all. it's just the culture around football and the locker room got to me a little. but in cognito agreed his actions made him look like a madehead and a racist pig. >> if jonathan martin was sitting right here next to you, what would you say to him? >> honestly i think i'd give him a big hug. i'd give him a big hug and say, dude what's going on. why didn't you come to me. i'll apologize to the family. they took it as malicious, but i never -- i never meant it that way. >> reporter: incognito wouldn't answer questions whether dolphins told him to toughen up martin, but charlie and norah, the text messages he sent have stirred up a controversy in the nfl that is clearly not going away. >> thank you, mark. cbs analyst james brown is with us from washington. let's talk about the reaction from the interview? >> amongst the players, charlie, the reaction is mixed to say the least. pretty much what mark strassmann sarksd there's a lot more to come from this. i think it's safe to say the relationship as it's being played out now was unorthodox to say the least. >> where do you think the story is right now because it's shifted and flown and new ideas come in and new takes from didn't places. where is the moment now? >> charlie, it seems to me to have been a rudderless ship. the bottom line is the finger's going to be pointed at management and the kind of tone that they set and the kind of workplace environmental that existed. that's the bottom line. the players are going to do and push the line as far as the tone has been set by management. and right now in terrell going there still is a lot more to be revealed. the finger is pointing at the kind of environment that's been tolerated, maybe even encouraged. >> he said using the "n" word comes from place of love. that garnered reactions. >> many people have an issue with the racist elements if you will. race, religion politics are all hot button issue bus the button lime is there is no excuse for that at all, period. richie incognito did apologize for that but to say that came from a place of love i think you and char hi both agree that's not the kind of love you like to see. >> can i just ask you whierks is this story something about more than two players who exchanged 1,100 messages that were nasty. why should the rest of us care about what's going on? is it more than two players? what's so big about this story? >> great question. the question is whether players want to be or not, they are role models. they do influence people especially youngsters so the manner and tenor of their relationships is being played out on the stage right now. it will have an effect anand influence. >> j.b., thank you. a group finds a group of veterans in rapid city in rock and roll. ♪ it goes like this the fourth and fifth ♪ >> you'll see the legendary musician helping them find a new rhythm for life. that is next on this veterans day here on "cbs this morning." ♪ ail ♪ mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ♪ ♪ ta-da! whoa. ♪ ♪ showtime. agh! there's me! there's me! there's me! ♪ ♪ boom. ohhhh! ♪ ♪ [ woman ] i've had it with my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever bruising, bleeding or paleness. [ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days weeks, or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. a?@? got a big surprise at the indiana colts game sunday. they got a big surprise. their car broke down. at halftime the eno family was surprised with a new car that he paid for. but guess what inside an even bigger surprise. army sergeant jeremy eno who was deployed with special forces overseas, he wasn't expected home till this weekend and look at that warm embrace. a new car and daddy's home sniet doesn't get better than that. >> great story on this veterans day. more than 1 million american troops will come home from iraq and afghanistan. of those injured, 90% survive. on this vedran day, how some find healing from music. one group is getting help from a rock legend. >> reporter: you might wonder how well a triple amputee like juan dominguez can play the drums. when we first met him last year on "60 minutes," he was just learning. take a look at him now. he's one of the boys in the band backing up roger waters. that's the roger waters formerly of pink floyd. >> i said that's a great. i want to go and find wounded men and put a band together of people who have been badly injured. >> reporter: he got the idea meeting wound ward yores backstage at his concert. his own father was killed in world war ii when waters was just an infant so today is day that has always loomed lard. >> november 11th has always been a very important day every year of my life. >> reporter: he found the talent for his band at walter reed where juliard trained musician arthur bloom had volunteered to give music lessons and brought in superstars like waters and cellist yo-yo ma. that's where marcos andreas who left both of his legs in afghanistan picked up a guitar. >> you're sitting in your room, depressed with nothing to do. once you get an instrument in your hand, it's such a release. >> did it get you out of your depression? >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> reporter: it turned out he was a natural and after less than a year he's playing base alongside waters and jamming with the likes of g.e. smith, formerly of the "saturday night live" band. tim on the olie who also lost both of hiss legs in afghanistan is on vocal. it all came this last week in the "stand up for heroes" concert in madison square garden. waters composed it a quarter century ago but the words could have been written with these wounded warriors in mind. imagine what the lyrics of leonard cohen's halleluiah means to tim don olie. >> i thought i understandood it but the next thing my whole life is coming down around my ears. every hope, every dream i ever had for the future is broken around me and i don't know where to turn. it was in that place that god said do you still trust me and it was at that moment they understood "hallelujah." >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," this is david martin. >> beautiful. absolutely beautiful. >> having music take you to a place that you -- where you needed to go somewhere. >> yeah. absolutely. we're thinking of our veterans clouds around the bay area, some fog moved onshore, looks like it will be breaking up and high clouds drift overhead. looking toward pleasantton, some fog throughout the day, warming up to the 40s and 50s now, 60s and 70s towards the coastline, slight chance of showers, a return to dry weather on wednesday. >> the stock market is doing great but that doesn't help everyone. gary cone of goldman sachs is in studio 57. we're going to talk to him about the economy and find out how wall street is helping the returns veterans. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." i'm gonna do this... no... no... no... i'm gonna beat you this time ♪ yes... 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[man]lumbar button [woman]lumbar [announcer] tempur-pedic.the most highly recommended bed in america. now the fun begins! my asthma's under control. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. a shelter-in- place along the peninsula has been lifted following yesterday's scrap yard fire. redwoo good morning. 7:56. a shelter in place order has been lifted following yesterday's fire, redwood firefighters are still on the scene. one of the worst storms on record typhoon haiyan hit the phillippines over the weekend, how the bay area community, the filipino community, is coming together to help. a lot of people are sending aid back to their home country with a big effort to gather items like food and water. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. geon. a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. good morning. it's starting to look like a holiday commute around the bay area. westbound 580, a few tap of the brakes likes, westbound 580, north livermore avenue, but the drive time is extra clear through the altamonte positive, the bay bridge never turned the petering lights on, and here is the nimitz, an accident or stall reported injuries past the oakland coliseum. number looks good towards downtown. their is lawrence. clouds around the bay area this morning, in spots. by the afternoon a few more high to mid-level clouds from a storm system off the coastline. to ocean beach, high clouds with reports of dense fog in the napa valley, visibility down to 1/4 of a mile. temperatures now in the 40s and 50s, by the afternoon we'll find a mix of sun and clouds and 60s and 70s inland, 60s in the bay, partly cloudy at the coast, chance of showers north of the golden gate bridge tomorrow morning. it is 8:00 a.m. in the west. welcome back to "cbs this morning." officials in the philippines say they are overwhelmed by the power of typhoon haiyan. as the death toll rises, survivors say they need help. the president of goldman sachs is here in studio 57. he tells us why wall street firms are reaching out to veterans ready for change. and new evidence in president kennedy's assassination. a father and son test science behind the single-bullet theory. first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. three days after this disaster struck, we are only beginning to understand the scope of the devastation from haiyan. >> nearly 10 million people in the philippines are desperate for help. they're dealing with what may be the delgadoliest disaster in the country's history. >> we just need your help. >> the white house is desperate to shake the obama care blues but they tell us they expect this week will be the one where they turn things around and stop playing defense. >> there are signs iran wants to build on the construction cooperation we saw over the weekend. >> incognito apologized for the racist and threatening messages he left for martin. >> no matter how bad and vulgar it sounds that's how we communicate. that's how our friendship was. >> but but the finger is pointing that management allowed and tolerated, maybe even encouraged. >> we may have to get used to a new normal like a schizophrenic wacky weather where we have simultaneous flooding forest fires, droughts in the same country. >> a group of wounded veterans finds rehabilitation in rock 'n' roll. >> it's such a release. >> did it get you out of your depression? >> oh, yeah definitely. >> on this veterans day we want to say thank you to all of our veterans. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. eyewitnesses say nothing is left standing in widespread areas of the philippines. typhoon haiyan has uprooted millions of people. near 1,000 people are confirmed dead this morning. but officials fear the actual death toll could be more than 10,000. >> survivors say there is widespread looting in the damaged areas. relief efforts are under way to fill a massive need for food water, and shelter. seth doane is traveling in the region this morning. >> reporter: days after haiyan slammed into the philippines with terrifying force, survivors are growing desperate. >> we want water and medicine for the injured. >> reporter: with fierce winds and heavy rains, the monster storm barreled through the southern islands friday destroying nearly everything in its path. but it was the wall of water more than ten feet high that proved most deadly. at this hotel, a team of american storm chasers became rescuers. using mattresses to help elderly guests escape the rising floodwaters. witnesses say the storm damage is tsunami-like power out, residents displaced, and entire communities flattened. >> the devastation is -- it's -- i don't have the worlds for it. it's really horrific. >> reporter: many are desperate for the basic essentials. for "cbs this morning," seth doane. >> typhoon haiyan hit the philippines with top winds of 170 miles an hour. storm chaser jim edge rode out the storm in a had hitter city. he says residents who are used to big storms may have underestimated the power of haiyan. >> i don't think they were quite understanding how bad it was. and granted it ramped up quite a bit near the end. i think most people think, okay a typhoon, whether it's a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, it's a typhoon, so they know what they've experienced. and they hadn't experienced something that bad. at the end of that storm, there was nothing left there. everything was gone. >> professor kaku said to us after he left this morning, when we were off camera said that the damage really was from the water, that it was almost like a tsunami. >> mm-hmm. >> you can see that. i mean those pictures are so graphic. just to hear the people say this was like a form of hell very frightening with that video. >> very frightening. hundreds of thousands, maybe millions displaced from their homes this morning. >> certainly on top of that one. >> people trying to sign up for health insurance are not the only ones confused by obama care. doctors say they don't know what to expect either because of all the problems with the federal and state websites. wyatt anderson is in washington with that part of the story. wyatt, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. if you are a physician right now who's accepting new obama care patients, you have no way of knowing who they are. but if you look at the enrollment statistics in washington state and california most of the new enrollees are in the medicaid system, which to doctors means sicker patients. >> nice deep breath for me. >> reporter: like many american physicians, this doctor expects to see a rush of new patients when the affordable care act begins in january. but because of the enrollment problems, she doesn't know who they are or how many. what are the challenges after january 1st? >> i'm not sure. we are prepped to anticipate large numbers of patients and sicker patients but beyond that we're not sure what's going to happen. >> reporter: dr. britton is a physician at the metro immediate care practice in washington, d.c. she predicts a wave of sicker patients because next year under obama care 9 million low-income americans are expected to get coverage for the first time under medicaid. that number is higher than the 7 million expected to buy private insurance. dr. britton says she'll have many new patients who cannot afford a doctor right now. what should we know about a newly insured medicaid patient? >> we do notice that some have more complex issues so complex, chronic problems diabetes hypertension. >> reporter: to prepare for that, dr. britton's practice will soon double the medical staff, including several newfy situation assistants, or p.a.s. the need for them will be critical as the number of new patients rises faster than the number of new doctors. christopher tim is the president of metro immediate. >> because there's such a shortage of physicians and this many people are becoming part of the insured population that the p.a. is going to be their primary mode of contact. >> reporter: but the prospect of seeing more patients and sicker patients is what appeals to dr. britton. >> they may be more difficult to manage to begin with and to get their chronic conditions under control. but as we go forward, they're going to be easier less hospital visits less hospital stays, more savings, so it's going to be easier for us. >> reporter: doctors are also worried about the fees they will be paid under obama care. a recent survey done of doctors in new york showed widespread concerns that the fee they get to see each new patient will be reduced compared to this year. charlie, norah, gayle? >> thank you, wyatt. at the new york stock exchange, executive who is attended west point led a moment of silence on this veterans day just before the opening bell. [ bell ] the dow opened at another record high. wall street's giant goldman sachs is one of several investment banks helping veterans find new opportunities. gary cohen is the firm's president and chief operating officer. >> thank you charlie. great to be here. >> give us an overview in terms of how the economy is doing, how it's doing on wall street how the market is doing, but is it also good for the unemployment? >> the economy right now is mixed. the fundamental underlying economy is actually better than people think. if you look at consumer balance sheets they're in pretty good shape. you look at corporate balance sheets they're in excellent shape. you look at the cost of energy in the united states we've got a huge competitive advantage vis-a-vis the rest of the world. so you look at those basic fundamentals and you say economically we're in relatively good shape in the united states. the problem is no one has confidence. consumers don't have confidence. corporates don't have confidence. and confidence is what drives the economy. >> so why don't they have confidence? >> because they're not sure of what the future's going to bring. >> let me ask you about the front page of "the wall street journal" today, because it says that stocks have regained broad appeal and that mom and pop investors are back but that that could be a cause for concern. why would that be a cause for concern if average investors are back in the markets feel confident? >> i don't think it's a cause for concern. i think what they're trying to say there is the last time that we saw a huge retail inflow into the market the market went through a fairly major correction. and people are always concerned that the retail environment gets into the market at the wrong time. i personally believe that the equity market is the right place i believe because the alternatives for your money today are really inferior to the equity market. >> so on this veterans day, let's talk about your program if you don't mind. >> i'd love to talk about that. >> because what i was reading is that the veteran population in unemployment is 3% higher than the general population. >> yes. >> you all are on the front lining trying to change that. how so? >> we are. not only is it 3% higher, if you look at the veteran category, 20- or 24-year-olds, the unemployment rate in that category is well into the 20%. that's a group that we tend to hire a lot of people out of. there are over a million veterans returning to the united states over the next four years, 250,000 veterans are returning home to america in 2014 alone. we at goldman sachs and the financial industry as a whole, we are large hires of young, talented individuals. we believe that these returning veterans actually have many of the talents that we are looking for on wall street. they're goal oriented, they're team oriented many have language skills they've lived abroad, they have managerial skills and have been exposed to these opportunities at young ages. these are assets that we look forwards towards. >> what are you hiring them to do gary? >> we're hiring them for every opportunity we have at goldman sachs and all of our other competitors are hiring them for the same opportunities. they can come into an analyst program, any of our sales programs, our private wealth programs, they can come into our asset management programs into our infrastructure programs. they have a lot of unique talent. if someone's been in the military and they've been a programmer and they've been in their technology space, we're going to probably hire them into our technology space. if they've been in intelligence we'll probably hire them into our business intelligence groups. we can leverage upon the knowledge and information they have been able to gather while being in the military. >> so gary, if there is a veteran who is watching today or if a mother or father or grandma or grandpa watching today and says my son or daughter will be transitioning out of the military in the next year or two, where do they find that information? >> call gary. >> we'll find your phone number. >> they can but there's something more effective. called the goldman sachs website. so we have a program we call the vip program, which is our veterans integration program. 2014 will be year three of our veterans integration program. we're opening up the sign-up for our program today. this is a program that we've had spectacular success with. we've had over 90% conversion rate from people in the program to full-time jobs at goldman sachs. i would suggest that they go on our website today, sign up for the program, they get involved in the interview process, hopefully they get a spot where we put them through an eight-week rigorous program, we match them with an existing veteran within goldman sachs, of which we have over 1,400 veterans already in goldman sachs, and then we measure them through a short eight-week program and try and convert them to full-time employees. >> i think they get extra attention if they watch "cbs this morning." i saw gary cohen and he said -- nice to see you. >> we'll ask best-selling novelist patricia cornwall which actress should play a veteran columnist. it's our pick for "cbs this morning" reads. ahead on "cbs this morning." 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[ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ ♪ don't let the holidays sneak up on you. shop early with kmart free layaway and get 5% off toys, sporting goods bikes and scooters when you put them on layaway. shop your way at kmart. get in. get more christmas. the movie "pat on the" earned oscars for its portrayals of one of our country's best known generals. now another member of the pat on the family is using film to save a new generation of heroes returning from the battlefield. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by lifestyle lift. thanks to lifestyle lift looking years younger has never been easier. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cornwell's book vd sold nationwide. she's out with her book with kay car spe ta. "dust." patricia cornwell look very biker chic. >> thank you. >> you're looking like a biker babe. you've been scaring us entertaining us, educating your readers forever over 20 years but there's something about kay scarpetta that nothing surprised her about this particular case. >> well, first of all i was in washington when the newtown shootings happened in connecticut, which was, of course, actually devastating. i was actually with a senator and it was like so bizarre and surreal and it's as i was flying home scarpetta's in boston, the cambridge area. she would offer her assistance in a case like this. what would this do to her. the book starts with her having come home assisting in newtown with the terrible deaths of children, and we see -- i said let's take look at what this does to you. because you're a really strong tenacious woman and you're human. then, of course, while she's just on the heels of that she gets a phone call about a very bizarre death at m.i.t. a body out in the athletic field, and this launches her into a really horrific series of murders that are actually connected to thinks that are happening in washington. >> you point out how the crimes have changed patricia. >> we deal with what her fbi profierl husband called spectacle killings. people go out and do things to draw attention to themselves. was told a long time ago when i worked in the medical examiner's office, once the gate is open you can't really shut it. and they were talking about this with columbine, and we have seen now the more it happens, the more it happens, and i do feel that there's an element of people who, you know want to do this for attention. and i -- i think we're now more frightened of going to a shopping mall when someone shows up with a rifle as 'posed to someone climbing through our window. >> in this book you talk about it's a serial killer case. what does the title "dust" mean. >> it has to do with trace evidence that when scarpetta looks at the first body and she turns on an ultra violent light source there's this fluorescent, glittering of some dust residue that's all over this person. it turns out it's on other victims as well and it turns out it's a mineral fingerprint. it tells her something about where they've been and who the killer is. it's in a deeper way, dust to dust. she's about life and death and there's a lot of fillphilosophical elements that relate too it also. >> time for her to come to the big screen. >> she's going to do it. >> who's she going to be? >> the question is who's going to be her? i could have a short list of really wonderful actresses. the main thing is it gets to be somebody -- tell me your top one? >> top one, meryl streep if it were a different era. she would be my top one for anything peninsula has been lifted following a scrap yard fire. flames good morning. 8:26. i'm michelle griego. a shelter in place along the peninsula was lifted following a scrapyard fire. firefighters are still on the scene. >> products with fully cooked ham made by glass onion catering are being recalled. today could be the final run for the san jose veterans day parade, the council said it's losing funding needed to keep the parade going. a campaign to raise money is underway. stay with us. traffic and weather coming right up. good morning. we figured out what's causing the traffic jams in oakland. southbound 880, a stalled big rig approaching davis street, backups beyond 66th, this is by the oakland coliseum, northbound no delays. in fairfield, westbound 80 still has the far right lane blocked, caltrans crews are out there after a traffic alert and multi-car crash. still slight delays in the area but much improved from earlier when multiple lanes were blocked. and mass transit, everything running with no delay, bart on a regular schedule today. the only thing unusual for the holiday, ace train, no service on this veterans day. that's a check of our traffic. here is lawrence. >> we've seen clouds this morning, low clouds and fog, starting to see mid to high- level clouds as we head into the afternoon. mount vacca cam, a chance of showers but not till later tonight, most of veterans day looking good. partly cloudy skies, 60s, low 70s inland, 60s around the bay, 50s and 60s toward the coast. slight chance of a few showers mainly north of the golden gate bridge tonight, into tomorrow morning, then dry and warmer on wednesday. when our little girl was born, we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, nearly 50 years after the kennedy assassination, science is being used to answer the question once and for all, did a single bullet kill jfk? a father-and-son team of experts did forensic testing. luke and michael haag are in our toyota green room and they'll show us what they learned about the so-called magic bullet. plus a name is helping a new generation of heroes. we'll show you how the grandson of general george f. pattop is using film to put veterans in a new light. that's ahead. right now it's time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe. britain's headlines says pakistan is banning a book written by malala yousafzai. the pakistani school system says the book would not be suitable for students. i'm interviewing malala today and we'll bring you her reaction tomorrow on "cbs this morning." >> i can't wait to see that. "usa today" says international students are flocking to american schools. more than 800,000 have enrolled in a u.s. college or university. half are from china india, or south korea. the number of americans studying abroad i creased to an all-time high of 218,000. students at lancaster high school are raising money to build a new home for bound veterans. gerald hancock lost an arm by an explosion. students learned he was stuck in his hoe beam home for half a year after his van broke down that. i decided to build him a new home. in four months the students have raised $80,000. they plan to break ground next month. the "daily mail" looks at a teenaged john lennon. he got in a lout of trouble at the school for the boys in the 1950s. he was cited for fighting chewing gum, and showing no interest in class. he once received three detentions on the same day. the handwritten leverages are being auctioned online. >> see, there is hope for the misschievous in class. a homeless man returned cash he found on the street. the police returned the $850 to james what when no one claimed the money but he was denied funding when he failed to declare the income. in one scene he raises doubt about the single-bullet theory. >> this single bullet foundation is a long claim of an assassination. once you conclude the magic bullet could not con clues all seven of those wons you have to conclude there was a fourth shot and a seventh rifleman. and if there was a second rifleman then by definition there had to be a conspiracy. >> in real life a father and son used the latest technology to reexamine the idea that one bullet hit kennedy and texas governor john connally. >> reporter: the single bullet theory is about wait does after it's merges from kennedy's neck. does it remain intact. does it maintain "i" velocity? >> how fast was it going. that's when we know what kind of damage can it do to another gunshot victim such as connally or to the car. >> reporter: in these three feet, the space between kennedy and connally lie the answers that prove or disprove the single bullet theory. they'll start with soap. >> it's very similar to knewneutra neutrogena neutrogena. it has the same density as muscle tissue. i've also put this clokts on here to see a phenomena called be up bullet wipe. >> and like and michael haag join us this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> wow. so, luke, what did you learn? >> it's easily demonstratable that one bullet can go through people if you understand how this particular unusual bullet behaves and wait does after it leaves keeds body. >> what kind of bullet and how does it behave sth. >> well, here's the bullet or an example of the bullet. this is a 6.5 millimeter car cano bullet made by olen winchester. it's extremely stable which people didn't understand then and don't understand now. it will go through a lot of material and when it comes out it starts tumbling and that's how it hit connally in a yaw. >> explain yaw. >> it's like a badly thrown football. it normally flies true and straight. when this flew from kennedy it's now yawing and tumbling. the entry word in connally is very telling. >> you believe it was one bullet. >> as far as the neck wounds to the president and the wounds to john connally absolutely. >> you do have any evidence? >> you're never going have the physical evidence that provides the complete picture. with very one shot basically unaccounted for, but for the most part when you lay the evidence out on the table, you lay a very clear picture. >> does he have to be a true marksman? >> not at all. it's exactly the same as oswalt's rifle with the same ammunition. these are not tough shots. >> you said anybody who thinks you has to be a marksman hasn't fired this kind of gun before this car cano was a very cheap rifle. it was only less than 13 dollars and the scope on it was 7 dollars plus. many people could have had access to and used. >> a lot of people back then collected old military rifles. it's been disparaged as dangerous and inaccurate. it's not. if the bore in the rifle is good it is. >> what did the technology do? >> the three laser scanners that was used is something coming into play in forensics. about 205, 2006. this is a new toll that a lot of law enforcement agencies are bringing into play. we walk away from the crime scene with more information and we can then examine the crime scene over and over again later on on a computer. so as we get new high pocket sees things about where a shooter might have been at a new revel la torrey place, we can go in and take shots, angles. it's all there. >> you were able to create it with an angst of an inch which is astounding. quoting sherlock holmes you rule out the possible and that leaves seemingly probable the truth. elaborate on that it's basically a scientific method. if you're a scientist, you try to rule out high pocket cease. >> you were rowling auto what in this case as it apply those this case? >> the most common high pocket cease. shots in grassy knoll. two shooters. if they're willing to look at the physical evidence and understand what it is and what it's telling us then you'll come to the correct conclusion. physical evidence always supports the physical matter. >> luke and mike how did you come up with the idea to do this to test these theories? >> this is of course the 50th anniversary. i thought about that. this is the classic shooting reconstruction case. originally it was a firearms identification case primarily. do we have one gun, two guns, if it's one, sit that gun? if it's that gun, whose gun is it. those questions were all answered. the question about multiple shots. the behavior of the bullet that goes through kennedy became controversy because, again, people didn't evaluate it. they didn't understand it and they hadn't looked at it then and few have looked at it now. >> that may be the answer to the request i want question i wanted to ask you. why is tlir skepticism or skepticism among the fubu proud. >> i think it's in our nature we want to think there's more to it than a loner leers deranged marxist who hated his country and took an opportunity. there's got be more to it than that. bugliosi has a wonderful statement, a peasant cannot strike down a team. i think about it. >> and change the world. change the course of history. >> thank you. >> luke and michael haag. the name of the show is called "cold case:jfk." lee woodruff is in our green room. she looks for an unconventional treatment to help veterans [ male announcer ] step one, prepare for triumph. step two baconated cheese for awesome. step three, get ready to wow. step four... mmmmm. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. [ laughter ] he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! cemetery to honor an un unidentified soldier killed in world war 278. over time it also honors those killed in ward war ii korea, and vietnam. these numbers are like lig higher because of undiagnosed cases. on this veterans day, "cbs this morning" contributor lee wud rough looks at a specially designed program to help them out. good morning. >> good morning to all of you. for anybody who works with wounded veterans they'll tell you the problem with the ptsd is too large. there ee a strong family legacy in the military to help veterans heal. >> and roll camera. stay in. >> reporter: in an old farmhouse in south hamilton massachusetts, some amateur filmmakers are hoping to change their lives. >> a little bit lighter shot to show the three war cars going down. >> reporter: these aren't steven spielberg wannabes they're military veterans and the filmmaking is post traumatic stress therapy. >> i've ot to mental health and counseling and small group therapy still with the embarrassment of having ptsd. >> jeff saren suffered from ptsd. he was almost killed. >> something like this you're an actor or an actress and you don't have to be yourself. it was natural way to express myself without having to feel like i was violated my own privacy. >> reporter: the program is called the "i was there" workshop. week-long lessons that cull nate in a short film. they conceive, write, shoot, and edit the piece all while collaborateing with fellow ptsd suffers. >> out of nowhere a rocket-propelled grenade hit the helicopter. >> he served in vietnam. >> the things that have been coming up in my mind that i haven't thought about in over 40 years, it's -- yeah it's sort of scraping the wounds off and looking deeper into yourself. >> reporter: the "i was there" project was created two years ago by ben patton a new york-based film maker. when you're making a film you're god on the film. you get to determine how it turns out. >> reporter: tacting serves as therapy for the vets allowing them to express themselves if a new way. >> maybe i can't talk about what happened to me in kandahar but i can make a film about it and show it to my wife and that can maybe take me a little closer to her and the people around me including my kids and my parents understand what i went through. >> reporter: patton is not a veteran, but the military has always been close to his heart. his grandfather was world war ii hero george patton jr. and his father was in korea and major general in vietnam. >> reporter: growing up under patton, that had to be a big legacy to live under. did you ever consider entering the military? >> absolutely. but i always had a nagging feeling there was something else for me. years later it's been wonderful to have things circle back and i can reencounter my legacy and work with veterans in a way that kind of builds on the legacy of my fare and my grandfather very and perhaps repair the legacy as well. general pat on the made headlines for hitting a shell-shocked soldier. he was forbesed to apologize for the incident. >> as a member of the family. it was interesting to understand why that happened. my father had an easterlilyy erie eerily incident. >> that's an incredible story. i notice you called it p.t.s. whether where's the "d"? >> they don't want the "d." it's disorder. it's a stigma tieization but the "d" is needed for diagnosing. >> how is it for the grandson to say i can talk about it but -- >> it's one of the many things they're supported including traditional therapy. doing, creating music therapy, all these nontraditional things meditation yoga. >> speaking of that nontraditional therapy, you have host add i long with your husband the stand up for hooefrs stand up event. we watched that piece with john waters playing with triple veteran amputees. wow. >> this is a little group our foundation learned about early. and these guys just getting them up here to form imagine getting them on stage with roger waters. >> look at the people you get to come, lee. >> you come, too, all of you guys. >> bravo for you. bruce springsteen comes. you get the comedians to come. what an honor to pay tribute. >> it's our i want you to know stuff i don't. i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. people go to a mattress store and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. the sleep number bed. once you experience it, there's no going back. for five days, c4 queen mattress sets are $1299-our lowest price ever! plus 36-month financing on qualifying purchases. only at one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide. sleep number. comfort individualized. one more time we remember veterans on veterans day and a lot of very important notations of that today. >> very important. >> more than just a ?? this is a kpix 5 news morning update. . >> good morning, everyone. it's 8:55. i'm michelle michelle with your headlines. a shelter in place along the peninsula has been lifted following yesterday's scrap yard fire. one of the worst storms on record, typhoon haiyan hit the philippines over the weekend. now, the bay area philippine community are coming together for help sending aid back to their home country. there's an effort to gather items they need like food and water. today could be the final run for san jose's veteran's day parade. it's losing funding needed to keep the parade going. here's the forecast. >> we see a few clouds around the bay area skies this morning. looking like a nice veteran's day ahead. seeing a mix of sunshine and a few clouds into the afternoon. the clouds are trying to break up there. we're seeing thick fog in some of the valley. more clouds though by the afternoon, but staying dry, and tonight, slight chance of showers mainly north of the golden gate bridge. tomorrow, temperatures 60s and low 70s inland, 50s inside the bay, 50s and 60s coast side. we'll see few more clouds coming our way the next kouchl days, and the return of dry weather wednesday, thursday and friday with warmer temperatures too. we'll check out the kpix traffic coming up next. >> this kpix program is sponsored locally by dodge. ked out a theory. this is exciting. what's the evidence? 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[ male announcer ] rethink possible. good morning. traffic is still really slow in oakland on southbound 880. it's all because of a stalled big rig still blocking one lane approaching the davis street exit. right now, the traffic jam is up beyond high street. 25 minutes between the maze and 238. bay bridge, still have traffic lights due to the holiday. female narrator: sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. but the mattress price wars end monday. now, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars end monday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ wayne: let's go! you've got $20,000. 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Transcripts For WJZ CBS This Morning 20131111

the battlefield. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> get international help to come here now. this is really really like worse than hell. worse than hell. >> disaster and despair in the philippines philippines. >> over 10,000 people have been killed by the super typhoon. >> u.s. marines are arriving with supplies. >> we don't have water. we don't have food. >> no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds that's how we communicate. that's how our friendship was. >> richie incognito talking about the bullying controversy, and he claims he is not a racist. >> i hope i'm wrong. if they didn't allow richie incognito to say this rash shally motivated word. if you're black, you know what it means. >> talks on the nuclear deal and the nuclear program broke down over the weekend in geneva. >> did you lobby against it? >> lobby? yes, of course. that's an understatement. >> a big relief this morning after a 200-pound satellite predicted to crash into earth landed. >> they're teaming up to make sunday deliveries. it starts this sunday. >> all that -- >> lady gaga's latest project is kicking off. >> what she calls the first flying dress. >> hit in the air, caught by the bengals. >> in overtime ravens win. >> and all that matters. >> if i'm bothered by jokes on my weight i would curl up in the fetal position at home. >> miley cyrus. >> she lit up what appeared to be a joint right on stage. >> do you think she's stepped over the line? >> i think she's twerked over the whatever. >> this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning to you, norah. >> good morning to you charlie. let's start by saying thank you to all the fillveterans. >> this morning ten thousand people or more are feared dead after typhoon haiyan struck the island nation with winds up to 170 miles an hour. the confirmed death toll is now at 942. the winds along with the storm surge destroyed tens of thousands of buildings. one official said in some cases devastation has been totaled. >> and the relief efforts are just beginning. this morning a team of u.s. marines brought water, generators, and other supplies to the hardest hit areas. many survivors are reporting violence. some store owners are using weapons to fight off looters. seth doane is traveling in the region this morning and filed this report. >> reporter: days after haiyan slammed into the philippines with terrifying force, survivors are growing desperate. >> we want water and medicine for the injured. we don't need pity. we just need your help. >> reporter: with fierce winds and heavy rain the monster storm barreled through the southern islands friday destroying nearly everything in its path. but it was the wall of water more than 10 feet high that proved most deadly. the violent storm surge sent mihm, women, and small children fleeing for higher ground. at this hotel in hard hit tacloban a team of storm chasers became rescuers using mattresses to help elderly residents escape rising waters. witnesses say it's tsunami-like. power is out. entire communities is completely flattened. >> the devastation is completely -- i don't have the words for it. >> survivors wandered the streets covering their noses to mask the stench of dead bodyiesybodies. many are desperate for food. >> i don't have food or water, but we survived. >> people forcing their ways into stores to grab whatever they could. despite the widespread destruction there was one bright spot at a heavily damaged airport. a 21-year-old woman gave birth to what some are calling a miracle baby. relief aid from the u.s. and around the world is on its way, but for those still truckling to understand the full scope of the disaster, the help cannot arrive soon enough. >> we just can't explain it you know. this is our base for how many years and then it's gone. nothing. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," seth doane. >> thank you, seth. the storm tore through the city of tacloban. a u.s. marine general flew overhead this morning and said he saw bodies everywhere. the philippine president said he may have to declare martial law there. >> reporter: charlie and norah good morning. three days after this disaster struck we are only beginning to understand the scope of the devastation from haiyan. in tacloban where it appears the entire city has been wiped out, looting has also broken out. income, i met a family today at the airport. they ran away because their store was willing getting ransacked and they were threatened. they told me seven people have been killed by looters at one of the biggest malls in the city. this is partly due to lack of relief and aid. there is no really lack of aid. you can see volunteers have been unpacking food around the clock and they have the first planeload of leaf goods coming from the government. no lack of help there, but still the challenge is to be able to get the aid to survivors of the typhoon given the many roadblocks. for "cbs this morning," barnaby lo cbs news philippines. >> the pictures from space show the devastation. it hit northeast vietnam this morning. storm chaser jim eds was there when it hit. he spoep to us on skype about the destruction. >> i went out past the villas to kind of the seawall. it's not really a seawall. it's raised area off the water. i went down the length of it. the waves were beginning to come up but the wind peeled back the metal frame houses. i was down low filming and there was water going by me. i thought, this is pretty cool. then it started really getting dainchs. i slid into the pool because i felt safer in the water. then it became stronger yet and i got out and i got around a corner and then filmed the rain and wind howling by. it went on and on and on. i was darting between villas and i was trying to get back to the main resort but i couldn't because it was constantly blowing hard. granted it ramped up quite a bit near the end. i think most people there would think, okay, a typhoon, so they know what they've experienced and they haven't experienced something that bad. you're on the coastline, you're going to get a lot of water and you're in trouble. at the end of that storm, there was nothing left there. everything was gone. >> and if you'd like to contribute to the relief effort in the philippines, go to there you can learn how to donate to groups helping the many victims of the disaster. >> we go now to washington. the white house is expected to lease enrollment numbers for the first month of obama care. they're hoping it will quiet some of the krit sechl. major garrett is at the white house. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. the president's poll numbers are down. senate democrats, especially those facing re-election next year, are worrying about the implications of on care. the white house hopes to turn things around. we'll be looking at three issues. one, of course, is the website. the white house hopes to prove the website is working to provide better data to insurers and numb beer two, it offers hope this week to vims in the market whose costs are higher than expected. the president apologized for that last week and the white house aids tell me they never would have apologized. as you mentioned, charlie, enrollment data for the first time this week the white house will unroll those hard numbers of how many have been successful in signing up for obama care. the white house says lowered expectations about as low as humanly possible. the numbers aren't going to be that great but they hope it will serve as a baseline to point to in the future to say the website'swebsite website's working better. the white house hopes it can point to progress action and hard data this week and as several aides said to me stop playing defense and seeming to apologize every other day. charlie and norah? >> major, thank you. and a bribery scandal this morning threatens go all the way to the highest levels of the u.s. navy. a contractor in malaysia is accused of giving cash and other gifts to sailors in exchange nr classified information. they say that intelligence allowed the contractor dwroefr charge the navy for its company's services. david martin is at the pentagon. david, good morning. >> good morning. it now looks like the defense contractor at the center of this navy bribery scandal is cooperating with investigators, naming names and implicating more and higher ranking officers. the latest officers named in the bribery scandal are vice admiral ted braen. the chief navy intelligence and one of his top deputies admiral bruce love las. both are accused of having seened gifts earlier. they were placed on leave from their jobs but have not been charged with any crimes. the navy says there's no indication they gave francis classified information in return for the gifts. general richard myers, former chairman of the joint chiefs said these allegations make a big scandal even beinger. having admirals and kmaernlds involved in something with a pizman who is allegedly overcharging the navy for port services looks to be a little bit more widespread and involve a little more money just from what you can tell from the public record than things that have probably gone before. >> reporter: three other navy officials commander jose sanchez, command erer commander mislewicz and ncis agent john bellveau. there was services provided like tugboats and fuel for u.s. navy ships when they pulled in to ports throughout the pacific. he allegedly used insider information provided by the accused officers to overbe ill the navy by billions of dollars and to monitor attempts by investigators to uncover the scheme. francis was arrested in september and has been held without bail ever since. the navy refuses to confirm he is cooperating with investigators, but admits more officers are expected to be implicated in the scandal. >> stunning david. thank you. in pakistan a top terrorist leader is reported dead this morning. he was apparently shot dead last night on the outskirts of islamabad. his death is seen as a serious blow to the network which has targeted american troops in afghanistan afghanistan. progress in the nuclear talks is under threat this morning. elizabeth palmer is in london. elizabeth, good morning. >> well the negotiators certainly tried hard. they were at it until well after midnight on saturday but in the end although they did say they made progress and came close, they had to agree to disagree. during the three days of talks which saw the foreign ministers of five countries change their plans so they could be in geneva, the u.s. and its allies did come up with draft agreement they could all accept, but at the 11th hour. >> there was unity, but iran couldn't take it. at that particular moment they weren't able to accept that particular -- >> reporter: even though no deal was signed israel's benjamin net netten ya huh spoke with norah o'donnell. >> that's not a good deal. i hope -- i can only express my wish -- that p5 plus 1 use the time to get a good deal that takes away iran's nuclear capability. >> reporter: but secretary john kerry said this reaction is premature. >> i believe the prime minister neds to recognize that no agreement has been reached about the endgame here. that's the subject of the negotiation. >> the negotiations are going to be back at the table in just over a week to try to seek a deal. meanwhile there are signs iran wants to build on the constructive cooperation we saw over the weekend. the head of the international atomic energy agency the atomic police network if you like, is in tehran today and he's saying iran is offering more cooperation, more access to iaea inspectors and surveillance. now rah, charlie? >> all right. elizabeth, thank you. and rescuers are searching this morning for the bodies of four americans believed to have been killed in a plane crash on sunday. that were on a sight-seeing tour shortly after takeoff. dallas-ft. worths in portland oregon are investigating a deadly cougar attack. as john blackstone reports it's the second time a work e was killed trying to protect animals. >> reporter: the normally peaceful wildcat sanctuary was the scene of deadly violence. the employee was killed by a cougar. one of more than rescued widecats housed in if facility. in a statement the sanctuary said they believe renee radziwon-chapman was locked in there without the safety protocol. >> a lot of times, it's our fault, not their fault. >> she had been an animal care technician at the sanctuary for eight years. the sheriff's department confirms she died from injuries consistent with what would be a wild animal. it's not the first such attack in recent months. this gentle lion cub killed into a killer fate tally maiming a 24-year-old last march at project survival. >> an animal like a full grown lion in a situation can be like a grenade going off. it happens so fast it's like nothing you've ever seen. >> reporter: she's survived by her husband and babe daughter. john blackstone cbs news san francisco. a recall is under way. they were shipped to distribution centers in eight states in the last month. 26 people in three of those states were sickened. the products are made by glass onion catering in california. they contained cooked chicken and ham. glass onion catering supplies trader joe's, super fresh goods, and delish. the recall involved 90 tons of prepackaged salads and sandwiches. it's time to look at the news around the world. the "washington post" says afghan interpreters are being denied visas. there's no serious threat to the afghans' lives. interpreters say the officials are underestimating the danger. we've been reporting on an army veteran who worked for yearless to bring afghans to the united states. he finally arrived in washington last month. >> "the seattle times" says amazon is making a deal with the postal sufs. the post office will make sunday amazon deliverers starting this weekend but for now it's only available for customers in los angeles and new york. >> the britain "telegraph" says a satellite broke up as it re-entered the atmosphere. it weighs about a ton. about 25% did reach the planet's surface but it's not clear where. no damage is reported. >> the ""los angeles times"" says liquids bans are been lifted. and u.s. officials are taking a look at the technology but the tsa says it's not ready to lift the ban yet in this country. >> "usa today" says obama will meet the oldest vet. richard is 107 years old. in 1942 he was in his 30s when he volunteered in the army and . >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by big lots!. surprising savings. every aisle, every day. the miami dolphins player at the center of a scandal breaks his silence. >> my actions were coming from place of love. no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds that's how we communicate, that's how our friendship was. >> nfl insider james browned on richie inn cog knee toe's apology and the fallout from the front office. what turned the typhoon into one of the biggest in history, michio kaku looks behind the scenes. and wounded warriors find their voice. ♪ >> on this veterans day, how a music icon is giving military veterans a reason to sing. the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. 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(announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. at 26 minutes past 7:00 lots of sunshine downtown, nothing but blue sky over tv hill. sharon is watching the rush, marty is over at first warning weather. let's take a look at the forecast for the day. the upper 30s now. 56 is going to be your high temperature this day. morning sun is followed by clouds some wet snow blowing around this time tomorrow of no consequence. cold tomorrow afternoon. now here is sharon at wjz traffic control. >> good morning. not bad a day on the roads. the reduced rush hour on this veteran's day holiday. in the city there's a veteran's day parade. roads effected will be fayette charles and cathedral. 53 on the topside 47 on the west side. there's a live look at 95 at caton avenue and a live look at the jfx. this traffic report is brought do you by jiffy lube. help extend the life of your car with a quick convenient oil change at jiffy lube in between meetings. you don't need an appointment. an area college is opening late this morning. mcdaniel college is not opening until 10:00 a.m. because of a power outage near by. a threatening phone call sends swat teams to under armor head quarters. mike schuh has the story. >> reporter: good morning, don. good morning, everyone. a culler to the caller mentions a violent threat to the head quarters of under armor in south baltimore. not only are some of the buildings evacuated and searched by city swat teams the neighborhood is also evacuated. those who live inside the off limits area were unable to return home, some outside for hours. a dozen employees were removed from the building. they can't say how many neighbors were inconvenienced. the threat was a hoax. i'm mike schuh reporting from south baltimore. back to you. >> thank you. firefighters say the firefighters say a home was packed with card box boxes making it difficult to get around inside after a fire. the body of an 82-year-old man found inside. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. a woman struck and kill bid a metro train at silver spring metro station. it appears to be an accident but circumstances are still unclear. the woman was rescue from the track and taken to the hospital where she died. the station is now reopened. hundreds run in a race to honor a state trooper hit by a car. more than 850 people participated in the 5k for trooper jacqueline kline. the crash left her with a serious brain injury. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up next, the miami dolphins man: ever working. ever saving. never sleeping. for him, her, and you. every day. but quality affordable health care seems forever out of reach -- until now. i'm doctor peter beilenson. with local doctors we've founded a new approach to health insurance -- evergreen health. neighborhood care, same day appointments, a team approach with doctors and nurses who get to know you. that's evergreen health. learn more at the coast guard and navy teamed up to rescue three people sunday. take a look. their sailboat was adrift some 200 miles off the coast of north carolina. a coast guard helicopter pulled them out of the water and flew them to the ""uss cole."" what a rescue. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour the messages from a miami dolphin player has been called racist and threatening. he said it came from a place of love. we'll talk with cbs insider james brown on reaction to the new interview. on this day, a veteran amputee who learned to play the drums hchl's just one of america's wounded warriors in a band with big name support. that story ahead video the philippines is facing one of the worst natural disasters in its history. the super typhoon brought fast destruction. haiyan is one of the most powerful typhoons on record. with us now cbs contributor michio kaku. good morning. >> good morning. >> why is this so destructive. >> first of all, i should say i was in the philippinesen turned friday. i was there six hours before the big typhoon hit. i was one of the last planes to leave. you have to realize the energy source behind these typhoons are warm water. the ocean is warmer than usual. there was a storm surge. people underestimated the wall of water that surged right through the heart of the philippines. >> why is the philippines one of the most hard hit areas. something like 15 to 20 cyclones a year. >> this year it's 24. it's gone off the charts. the philippines is in the center of typhoon alley. just like we have a tornado alley, a hurricane alley. typhoons form in the pacific. surge right over the philippines and into china. and so ithey have their own typhoon alley. this year it's unusual. just like here in new york we've had fewer hurricanes than any other season on memory. in asia they even had more typhoons that than any other season in memory. >> is there a reason for that? some say it's a link to climate change. >> it's not a smoking change however, it's consistent with global swings. it's a misnomer. it's not a misnomer of the earth. it swings flooding here, droughts here forest fires there. that's one 100-year storms, forest fires, droughts are not untypical of global warming, so here in the northeast we're enjoying one of the best hurricane seasons in memory while there instead of 15 to 20 typhoons, they had 24. >> i mean look at these pictures. the destruction is incredible. hundreds of thousands of people displaced. more than 10,000 -- >> millions. >> yeah. more than 10,000 feared dead. these winds were almost 200 miles an hour. is this the fastest winds ever report recorded? >> when you talk about it. you're talking about something you've never seen before. some fear this could be a, quote, new normal. we're not sure. there could be typhoons on one part of the earth and the other end, very mild weather. we may have to get used to a new normal. a sort of schizophrenic wacky weather where we have typhoons severe weather, forest fires, droughts. >> thank you. richie inn cog knee toe is making his first comments about the suspension. he's accused of sending bullying messages to a younger teammate jonathan martin. mark strassmann is in tampa where the toll finsdolphins will play tonight. >> reporter: good morning. he insisted this was a case of two very good friends who regularly needled each other with language he admits was inproechlt richie incognito admit as what has widely been reported. that he left jonathan martin with a voice mail namg his teammate with a "n" world. >> when i see that voice mail the words come up across the screen, i'm embarrassed by it. my actions were coming from a place of love. no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds that's how we communicate, that's how our friendship was. those are the facts and that's what i'm accountable for. >> according to incognito, martin gave as good as he got. >> the week before this went down jonathan martin texted me on my phone i will murder your whole f'ing family. do i think jonathan martin was going to murder my family? not one big. >> reporter: last week inn cog knee inn cog knee toe's name was tekd. >> incognito provided fox sports with 1,100 text messages he exchanged with martin over the last year. one of them sent by martin three days after he abruptly left the team. he said, i don't blame you guys at all. it's just the culture around football and the locker room got to me a little. but in cognito agreed his actions made him look like a madehead and a racist pig. >> if jonathan martin was sitting right here next to you, what would you say to him? >> honestly i think i'd give him a big hug. i'd give him a big hug and say, dude what's going on. why didn't you come to me. i'll apologize to the family. they took it as malicious, but i never -- i never meant it that way. >> reporter: incognito wouldn't answer questions whether dolphins told him to toughen up martin, but charlie and norah, the text messages he sent have stirred up a controversy in the nfl that is clearly not going away. >> thank you, mark. cbs analyst james brown is with us from washington. let's talk about the reaction from the interview? >> amongst the players, charlie, the reaction is mixed to say the least. pretty much what mark strassmann sarksd there's a lot more to come from this. i think it's safe to say the relationship as it's being played out now was unorthodox to say the least. >> where do you think the story is right now because it's shifted and flown and new ideas come in and new takes from didn't places. where is the moment now? >> charlie, it seems to me to have been a rudderless ship. the bottom line is the finger's going to be pointed at management and the kind of tone that they set and the kind of workplace environmental that existed. that's the bottom line. the players are going to do and push the line as far as the tone has been set by management. and right now in terrell going there still is a lot more to be revealed. the finger is pointing at the kind of environment that's been tolerated, maybe even encouraged. >> he said using the "n" word comes from place of love. that garnered reactions. >> many people have an issue with the racist elements if you will. race, religion politics are all hot button issue bus the button lime is there is no excuse for that at all, period. richie incognito did apologize for that but to say that came from a place of love i think you and char hi both agree that's not the kind of love you like to see. >> can i just ask you whierks is this story something about more than two players who exchanged 1,100 messages that were nasty. why should the rest of us care about what's going on? is it more than two players? what's so big about this story? >> great question. the question is whether players want to be or not, they are role models. they do influence people especially youngsters so the manner and tenor of their relationships is being played out on the stage right now. it will have an effect anand influence. >> j.b., thank you. a group finds a group of veterans in rapid city in rock and roll. ♪ it goes like this the fourth and fifth ♪ >> you'll see the legendary musician helping them find a new rhythm for life. that is next on this veterans day here on "cbs this morning." ♪ ail ♪ mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. 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[ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days weeks, or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. a?@? got a big surprise at the indiana colts game sunday. they got a big surprise. their car broke down. at halftime the eno family was surprised with a new car that he paid for. but guess what inside an even bigger surprise. army sergeant jeremy eno who was deployed with special forces overseas, he wasn't expected home till this weekend and look at that warm embrace. a new car and daddy's home sniet doesn't get better than that. >> great story on this veterans day. more than 1 million american troops will come home from iraq and afghanistan. of those injured, 90% survive. on this vedran day, how some find healing from music. one group is getting help from a rock legend. >> reporter: you might wonder how well a triple amputee like juan dominguez can play the drums. when we first met him last year on "60 minutes," he was just learning. take a look at him now. he's one of the boys in the band backing up roger waters. that's the roger waters formerly of pink floyd. >> i said that's a great. i want to go and find wounded men and put a band together of people who have been badly injured. >> reporter: he got the idea meeting wound ward yores backstage at his concert. his own father was killed in world war ii when waters was just an infant so today is day that has always loomed lard. >> november 11th has always been a very important day every year of my life. >> reporter: he found the talent for his band at walter reed where juliard trained musician arthur bloom had volunteered to give music lessons and brought in superstars like waters and cellist yo-yo ma. that's where marcos andreas who left both of his legs in afghanistan picked up a guitar. >> you're sitting in your room, depressed with nothing to do. once you get an instrument in your hand, it's such a release. >> did it get you out of your depression? >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> reporter: it turned out he was a natural and after less than a year he's playing base alongside waters and jamming with the likes of g.e. smith, formerly of the "saturday night live" band. tim on the olie who also lost both of hiss legs in afghanistan is on vocal. it all came this last week in the "stand up for heroes" concert in madison square garden. waters composed it a quarter century ago but the words could have been written with these wounded warriors in mind. imagine what the lyrics of leonard cohen's halleluiah means to tim don olie. >> i thought i understandood it but the next thing my whole life is coming down around my ears. every hope, every dream i ever had for the future is broken around me and i don't know where to turn. it was in that place that god said do you still trust me and it was at that moment they understood "hallelujah." >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," this is david martin. >> beautiful. absolutely beautiful. >> having music take you to a place that you -- where you needed to go somewhere. >> yeah. absolutely. we're thinking of our veterans good morning. the sun is up. it's a beautiful start to this day. temperatures in the upper 30s. we have lost the wind of yesterday. it's going to get cloudy later. 56 degrees is going to be the high. sunshine followed by increasing by cloudy skies. some cold air is coming in aloft. there's going to be >> the stock market is doing great but that doesn't help everyone. gary cone of goldman sachs is in studio 57. we're going to talk to him about the economy and find out how wall street is helping the returns veterans. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." i'm gonna do this... no... no... no... i'm gonna beat you this time ♪ yes... 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[man]lumbar button [woman]lumbar [announcer] tempur-pedic.the most highly recommended bed in america. now the fun begins! my asthma's under control. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. at 4 minutes before 8:00 it remains a gorgeous get up and go. the late experts say the obesity rate on your rush after marty's first warning weather. clouds will thicken later after a high of 56. some showers over night and wet snow showers tomorrow morning and then the low 40s for two days in a row. now here is sharon at wjz traffic control. . >> good morning. if you are just about to head out not bad just a couple of accidents. liberty road, edison highway on east 4th street. in the 40s on the top and west side. this traffic report is brought to you by lynn the plumber. back over to you. >> thank you. a remainder about the school advisory today . mcdaniel college in westminster is opening at 10:00 a.m. because of power outage. a threat of violence leads to the evacuation of under armor head quarters. mike schuh has more. >> reporter: good morning. a caller to the city's 911 is center mentions a violent threat here to the head quarters of under armor. not only are buildings evacuated and searched, the neighborhood is coordinated off. those who live inside the off-limits area were unable to return home. some standing outside for hours. police say a dozen employees were removed from the building. they can't say how many neighbors were inconvenienced. the threat turns out to be a hoax. i'm mike schuh reporting from south baltimore. back to you. >> thank you. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up next, goldman sach's president on the economy veterans changes lives through film. again, a beautiful blue sky with high thin c middle-earth is back at denny's with the build your own hobbit slam. twenty delicious options like sweet potato pecan pancakes hearty breakfast sausage and honey cake french toast. a meal to satisfy the hungriest of hobbits. see "the hobbit: the desolation of smaug." it is 8:00 a.m. officials in the philippines say they are overwhelmed by the power of typhoon haiyan. as the death toll rises, survivors say they desperately need help. gary cohn tells us why his wall street firm is reaching tout veterans ready for change. and new evidence in president kennedy's assassination. a father and son-team tests the science behind the single bullet theory, but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> three days after disaster struck we're only beginning to understand the scope of the devastation from haiyan. >> at least 2 million people in the philippines are begging for help after what may be the country's deadliest disaster in the country. >> we don't need pity. we just need your help. for the first time the white house will unroll the numbers of how many people have actually been successful in signing up for obama care. >> incognito apologized for the racest and threatening messages he leftfor martin. >> no matter how bad or vulgar it sounds that's how we communicate. >> the finger was pointed. >> you may have to get used to a new normal. sort of like a schizophrenic wacky weather where we have simultaneous flooding, forest fires, droughts in the same country. >> a group of wounded veterans find rehabilitation in rock and roll. >> it's a release. >> gets you out of your depression. >> absolutely. >> we should start by saying thank you to all of our veterans. >> absolutely. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. hundreds of witnesses say nothing's left standing. typhoon haiyan has uprooted millions of people. nearly a thousand people are confirmed dead this morning but officials fear the actual death toll could be more than 10,000. >> survivors say there is widespread looting in the damaged area. relief efforts are under way to fill a massive need for food water, and shelter. seth doane is traveling in the region this morning. >> reporter: days after haiyan slammed into the philippines with terrifying force, survivors are growing desperate. >> we want water and medicine for the injured. >> with fierce winds and heavy rains, the monster storm barreled through the southern islands friday destroying nearly everything in its path. but it was the wall of water more than 10 feet high that proved most deadly. at this hotel in hard-hit tacloban a team of american storm chasers became rescuers. using mattresses to help elderly guests escape the rising floodwaters. witnesses say the storm damage is tsunami-like. power's out, residents displaced. entire communities flattened. >> the devastation is -- i don't have the words for it. it's really horrific. >> many are desperate for the basic essentials. for "cbs this morning," seth doane. >> typhoon haiyan hit the philippines with top winds of 170 miles an hour. storm chaser jim edds rode out the storm. he said residents who are used to big storms may have underestimated the power of haiyan. >> i don't think they were quite understanding of how bad it was. granted it ramped up quite a bit near the end. i think most people think, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, it's a typhoon. they know what they've experienced and they hadn't experienced something that bad. at the end of that storm there was nothing left there. everything was gone. >> professor kaku said to us after he left this morning when he left -- when we went off camera, he said that the damage was really from the water. that it was almost like a tsunami. >> you can see that. the pictures are so graphic, and just to see people say this is like a form of hell very frightening to look at that video. >> very frightening as hundreds of thousands may be displaced from their home this morning. >> we're certainly on top of that one. people signing up for health care under the obama care plan are not the only ones confused. wyatt andrews is in washington with that part of the story. wyatt, good morning to you. >> gayle good morning. with the problems with that website means that if you're a dock taking new obama care patients, you don't know what to expect or who they are. the only thing you can expect is they believe the average patient will be sicker next year compared to fashents they see this year. like many american physicians this doctor expects to see a rush of new patients when the affordable care act begins in january, but because of the enrollment problems she doesn't know who they are or how many. >> reporter: what are the challenges after january 1st? >> i'm not sure. we're prepped to anticipate a large number of parents and sicker patients but beyond that we are -- we're not sure what's going happen. >> reporter: dr. britton is a physician at the metro immediate care practice in washington, d.c. she predicts a wave of sicker patients because next year under obama care 9 million low income americans are expected to get coverage for the first time under medicaid. that number is higher than the 7 million expected to buy private insurance. dr. britton will have many new patients that cannot afford a doing tore right now. >> what should we know. >> we do notice some of these patients have more complex issues, so complex chronic problems diabetes hypertension. >> to prepare for that dr. britton's practice will soon double the medical staff, including several new physician assistants or pas. the pas will be critical as the number of new patients rises faster than the number of new doctors. christopher tim is the president. >> because there's such a shortage of physicians and this many people are becoming part of the insured population that the pa is going to be their primary mode of contact. >> reporter: but the prospect of seeing more patients and sixer patients is what appeals to dr. britton. >> they may be more difficult to manage, to begin with to get their chronic condition under control but as we go forward, they're going to be easier less hospital visits less hospital stace and more savings. it ooh going to be easier for us. >> doctors worry about the fees. a recent survey showed widespread concern that the fee they get to see each new patient will be reduced compared to this year. charlie, norah, gail? >> thank you, wyatt. >> the dow jones industrial average is starting a new week at another major high. all the major indices have made significant gain this year. the major jobs numbers shows hiring stronger than expect bud many people still are struggling to find work especially veterans. goldman sachs is one of those helping vets. gary cohn is the chief officer and president of goldman sachs. welcome. >> thank you charlie. glad to be here. >> skplant. how is the market doing on wall street and how the market's doing? is it also good for the unemployment? >> the economy right now is mixed. the fundamental underlying economy is twlal better than people think. if you look at consumer balance sheets they're in pretty good shape. you look at corporate balance sheets they're in excellent shape. you look at the cost of energy in the united states. we've got to a huge competitive advantage, vis-a-vis, the rest of the world. you look at the basic fundamentals and you say economically we're in relatively good shape in the united states. the problem is no one has confidence. consumers don't have confidence corporate doesn't have confidence and d confidence is what drives the economy. >> why don't they have confidence? >> they don't have confidence because they're not sure what the future is going to bring. >> let anyme ask you. it says stocks have regained broad appeal and mom and pop investors are back but that could be a cause for concern. why would that be a cause for concern if average investors are back in the market feel confident? >> i don't think it's a cause for concern. i think what they're trying to say there is the last time we saw a huge retail inflow into the market the market went through a fairly major correction and people are always concerned that the retail environment gets into the market at the wrong time. i personally believe that the equity market is the right place to believe because the alternative for your money today are really inferior to the equity market. >> so on this veterans day, let's talk about your program if you don't mind. >> i'd love to talk about the program. >> what i was reading is the veteran population of unemployment is 3% higher than the general population and you all on the front lines trying to change that. >> we are. not only 3% higher. if you look at the veteran category of 20 to 24-year-olds. the unemployment rate in that category is well into the 20%. that's group that we tend to hire a lot of people out of. there are over a million veterans returning to the united states over the next four years 250,000 veterans are returning home. we are a group of young talented individuals we believe that these returning veterans have many of the talents we're looking for on wall street. they're goal oriented team oriented. many of them have language skills. they've lived abroad have managerial skills and they were exposed at very young ages. these are as sets we're looking toward. >> what are you hiring them to do, gary? >> we're hiring them at every aspect. so are the others. they cocome into any of our analysts programs sales programs private wealth, asset management programs infrastructure programs. they have a lot of unique talents. if someone's been in the military and they've be about in the programming or technology we're probably going to hire them in our technology space. if they've been in iintelligence we'll hire them in our intelligence group. they have had information to gather while in the military. >> gary if there's a veteran watching today or if their mother or father or grandma or grandpa is watching today and they say my son is going to be transitioning out of the military in next year or two, where do they find this neverings? >> call gary cohn. >> they can. but there's something even more effective. call the goldman sachs program. we have program called the v.i.p. program called the veterans integration program. 2014 will be year three of our veterans integration program. we're opening up the signup for our program today. this is program we've had spectacular success with. we've had over 90% conversion rate for people in the program to full-time jobs at goldman sachs. i would suggest that they go on our website today, they sign up for the program. they get involved in the interview process. hopefully they get a spot where we put them through an eight-week vigorous program. we match them with a veteran program of which we have over 1,400 veterans already in goldman sachs and we mentor them through a program and convert them to employees. >> i think lit get a lot of attention. i was good morning. temperatures right now are in the upper 30s. it's a nice start. it's pretty sunny and some high clouds over the area. we have lost yesterday's wind. 56 is going to be the high. we did get clouds increasing later on. a low of 38. tomorrow as a push of cold air comes in on the rain we're going to see wet snowfall around best-selling novelist patricia corn well says there's one actress who she thinks would pay a great examiner. find out who she has in mind when we bring you our newest pick for "cbs this morning" reads. that i-'s ahead on "cbs this morning." whoa. ♪ ♪ showtime. agh! there's me! there's me! there's me! ♪ ♪ boom. ohhhh! ♪ ♪ did you know more coffee drinkers prefer the taste of gevalia house blend over the taste of starbucks 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(slurp) (whirring) people across america are experiencing the amazing shine of finish quantum, voting it product of the year, better homes and garden's best new dishwasher detergent, and now it has the good housekeeping seal, giving finish quantum more honors than ever before. finish quantum delivers amazing clean and shine, which cascade actionpacs just can't do. take the finish shine challenge and see what it can do for you. the movie "pat on the" earned oscars for its portrayals of one of our country's best known generals. now another member of the pat on the family is using film to save a new generation of heroes returning from the battlefield. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by lifestyle lift. thanks to lifestyle lift looking years younger has never been easier. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ cornwell's book vd sold nationwide. she's out with her book with kay car spe ta. "dust." patricia cornwell look very biker chic. >> thank you. >> you're looking like a biker babe. you've been scaring us entertaining us, educating your readers forever over 20 years but there's something about kay scarpetta that nothing surprised her about this particular case. >> well, first of all i was in washington when the newtown shootings happened in connecticut, which was, of course, actually devastating. i was actually with a senator and it was like so bizarre and surreal and it's as i was flying home scarpetta's in boston, the cambridge area. she would offer her assistance in a case like this. what would this do to her. the book starts with her having come home assisting in newtown with the terrible deaths of children, and we see -- i said let's take look at what this does to you. because you're a really strong tenacious woman and you're human. then, of course, while she's just on the heels of that she gets a phone call about a very bizarre death at m.i.t. a body out in the athletic field, and this launches her into a really horrific series of murders that are actually connected to thinks that are happening in washington. >> you point out how the crimes have changed patricia. >> we deal with what her fbi profierl husband called spectacle killings. people go out and do things to draw attention to themselves. was told a long time ago when i worked in the medical examiner's office, once the gate is open you can't really shut it. and they were talking about this with columbine, and we have seen now the more it happens, the more it happens, and i do feel that there's an element of people who, you know want to do this for attention. and i -- i think we're now more frightened of going to a shopping mall when someone shows up with a rifle as 'posed to someone climbing through our window. >> in this book you talk about it's a serial killer case. what does the title "dust" mean. >> it has to do with trace evidence that when scarpetta looks at the first body and she turns on an ultra violent light source there's this fluorescent, glittering of some dust residue that's all over this person. it turns out it's on other victims as well and it turns out it's a mineral fingerprint. it tells her something about where they've been and who the killer is. it's in a deeper way, dust to dust. she's about life and death and there's a lot of fillphilosophical elements that relate too it also. >> time for her to come to the big screen. >> she's going to do it. >> who's she going to be? >> the question is who's going to be her? i could have a short list of really wonderful actresses. the main thing is it gets to be somebody -- tell me your top one? >> top one, meryl streep if it were a different era. she would be my top one for anything. >> it's great book. patricia corn well, thank you so much. "dust" goes on sale no 25 past 8:00. pretty on this veteran's day. sharon is here to wrap up the rush after marty's first warning weather. we're in the 40 degree range. 56 is doing to be the high. the cloudy skies will come later with bedtime showers and this time tomorrow morning listen to this sharon gibala, some wet snow flakes to distract drivers. it will be blast. how goes it now with wjz traffic control? >> [no audience:audio] >> thank you sharon. we seem to be having some trouble oh here. mcdaniel college is not opening until 10:00 because of a power outage. a frank causes under armor to be shut down for hours. mike schuh has the story. >> reporter: good morning. a caller to the city's 911 is center mentioning a i violent threat here to the head quarter offense under armor in south baltimore. not only are some of the buildings evacuated the neighborhood is coordinated off. those who live inside the off-limits area were unable to return home. some standing outside for hours. a dozen employees were removed from the building. they can't say how many neighbors were inconvenienced. the threat turned out to be a hoax. i'm mike schuh reporting from south baltimore. back to you. >> thank you. two anne arundel county men behind bars in connection with a bike shop heist. bryan davis and hakeem epp social security stole several bikes from cycle world. one was arrested while pushing a bike there you a neighborhood there. police recovered five of the seven bikes taken. the annapolis city council is trying to strip the mayor's office of power. this comes days after mike pantelides was e elected mayor. a member of the democrat dominated council says he will try to move annapolis to a council manager style of government. the city manager would report directly to the council and not the mayor. a local person is waking up # $1 million richer. someone bought a powerball ticket worth $1 million at the food lion in cookiesville. they guessed the first five numbers but not the powerball number. hundreds run a race in support of the maryland state trooper hit by a car while making a traffic stop. more than 850 part-time participated in the 5k for jk, jacqueline kline. she's currently recovered at the hospital with a brain injury. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, nearly 50 years after the kennedy assassination, science is being used to answer the question once and for all, did a single bullet kill jfk? a father-and-son team of experts did forensic testing. luke and michael haag are in our toyota green room and they'll show us what they learned about the so-called magic bullet. plus a name is helping a new generation of heroes. we'll show you how the grandson of general george f. pattop is using film to put veterans in a new light. that's ahead. right now it's time to show you this morning's headlines from around the globe. britain's headlines says pakistan is banning a book written by malala yousafzai. the pakistani school system says the book would not be suitable for students. i'm interviewing malala today and we'll bring you her reaction tomorrow on "cbs this morning." >> i can't wait to see that. "usa today" says international students are flocking to american schools. more than 800,000 have enrolled in a u.s. college or university. half are from china india, or south korea. the number of americans studying abroad i creased to an all-time high of 218,000. students at lancaster high school are raising money to build a new home for bound veterans. gerald hancock lost an arm by an explosion. students learned he was stuck in his hoe beam home for half a year after his van broke down that. i decided to build him a new home. in four months the students have raised $80,000. they plan to break ground next month. the "daily mail" looks at a teenaged john lennon. he got in a lout of trouble at the school for the boys in the 1950s. he was cited for fighting chewing gum, and showing no interest in class. he once received three detentions on the same day. the handwritten leverages are being auctioned online. >> see, there is hope for the misschievous in class. a homeless man returned cash he found on the street. the police returned the $850 to james what when no one claimed the money but he was denied funding when he failed to declare the income. in one scene he raises doubt about the single-bullet theory. >> this single bullet foundation is a long claim of an assassination. once you conclude the magic bullet could not con clues all seven of those wons you have to conclude there was a fourth shot and a seventh rifleman. and if there was a second rifleman then by definition there had to be a conspiracy. >> in real life a father and son used the latest technology to reexamine the idea that one bullet hit kennedy and texas governor john connally. >> reporter: the single bullet theory is about wait does after it's merges from kennedy's neck. does it remain intact. does it maintain "i" velocity? >> how fast was it going. that's when we know what kind of damage can it do to another gunshot victim such as connally or to the car. >> reporter: in these three feet, the space between kennedy and connally lie the answers that prove or disprove the single bullet theory. they'll start with soap. >> it's very similar to knewneutra neutrogena neutrogena. it has the same density as muscle tissue. i've also put this clokts on here to see a phenomena called be up bullet wipe. >> and like and michael haag join us this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> wow. so, luke, what did you learn? >> it's easily demonstratable that one bullet can go through people if you understand how this particular unusual bullet behaves and wait does after it leaves kennedy's body. >> what kind of bullet and how does it behave sth. >> well, here's the bullet or an example of the bullet. this is a 6.5 millimeter car cano bullet made by olen winchester. it's extremely stable which people didn't understand then and don't understand now. it will go through a lot of material and when it comes out it starts tumbling and that's how it hit connally in a yaw. >> explain yaw. >> it's like a badly thrown football. it normally flies true and straight. when this flew from kennedy it's now yawing and tumbling. the entry word in connally is very telling. >> you believe it was one bullet. >> as far as the neck wounds to the president and the wounds to john connally absolutely. >> you do have any evidence? >> you're never going have the physical evidence that provides the complete picture. with very one shot basically unaccounted for, but for the most part when you lay the evidence out on the table, you lay a very clear picture. >> does he have to be a true marksman? >> not at all. it's exactly the same as oswalt's rifle with the same ammunition. these are not tough shots. >> you said anybody who thinks you has to be a marksman hasn't fired this kind of gun before this car cano was a very cheap rifle. it was only less than 13 dollars and the scope on it was 7 dollars plus. many people could have had access to and used. >> a lot of people back then collected old military rifles. it's been disparaged as dangerous and inaccurate. it's not. if the bore in the rifle is good it is. >> what did the technology do? >> the three laser scanners that was used is something coming into play in forensics. about 205, 2006. this is a new toll that a lot of law enforcement agencies are bringing into play. we walk away from the crime scene with more information and we can then examine the crime scene over and over again later on on a computer. so as we get new high pocket sees things about where a shooter might have been at a new revel la torrey place, we can go in and take shots, angles. it's all there. >> you were able to create it with an angst of an inch which is astounding. quoting sherlock holmes you rule out the possible and that leaves seemingly probable the truth. elaborate on that it's basically a scientific method. if you're a scientist, you try to rule out high pocket cease. >> you were rowling auto what in this case as it apply those this case? >> the most common high pocket cease. shots in grassy knoll. two shooters. if they're willing to look at the physical evidence and understand what it is and what it's telling us then you'll come to the correct conclusion. physical evidence always supports the physical matter. >> luke and mike how did you come up with the idea to do this to test these theories? >> this is of course the 50th anniversary. i thought about that. this is the classic shooting reconstruction case. originally it was a firearms identification case primarily. do we have one gun, two guns, if it's one, sit that gun? if it's that gun, whose gun is it. those questions were all answered. the question about multiple shots. the behavior of the bullet that goes through kennedy became controversy because, again, people didn't evaluate it. they didn't understand it and they hadn't looked at it then and few have looked at it now. >> that may be the answer to the request i want question i wanted to ask you. why is tlir skepticism or skepticism among the fubu proud. >> i think it's in our nature we want to think there's more to it than a loner leers deranged marxist who hated his country and took an opportunity. there's got be more to it than that. bugliosi has a wonderful statement, a peasant cannot strike down a team. i think about it. >> and change the world. change the course of history. >> thank you. >> luke and michael haag. the name of the show is called "cold case:jfk." lee woodruff is in our green room. she looks for an unconventional treatment to help veterans good morning. the sun is out. a few high clouds in the area. it's about 40 degrees. 56 will be the high. clouds will increase and bring us rain by bedtime. an over night low of 37. tomorrow morning as cold air comes slamming into the rain we're going to see a mix of rain [ female announcer ] breyers. let's get together for the holidays. ♪ come on, people, now ♪ ♪ smile on your brother ♪ ♪ everybody get together ♪ ♪ try to love one another ♪ ♪ come on, people, now ♪ ♪ smile on your brother ♪ ♪ everybody get together ♪ ♪ try to love one another ♪ [ female announcer ] rich, creamy breyers legendary vanilla. making holidays more delicious for over 140 years. ♪ love one another right now ♪ seeing it's veterans day morning at the tomb of the unknown, the tomb was dedicated 92 years ago today at arlington cemetery to honor an un unidentified soldier killed in world war 278. over time it also honors those killed in ward war ii korea, and vietnam. these numbers are like lig higher because of undiagnosed cases. on this veterans day, "cbs this morning" contributor lee wud rough looks at a specially designed program to help them out. good morning. >> good morning to all of you. for anybody who works with wounded veterans they'll tell you the problem with the ptsd is too large. there ee a strong family legacy in the military to help veterans heal. >> and roll camera. stay in. >> reporter: in an old farmhouse in south hamilton massachusetts, some amateur filmmakers are hoping to change their lives. >> a little bit lighter shot to show the three war cars going down. >> reporter: these aren't steven spielberg wannabes they're military veterans and the filmmaking is post traumatic stress therapy. >> i've ot to mental health and counseling and small group therapy still with the embarrassment of having ptsd. >> jeff saren suffered from ptsd. he was almost killed. >> something like this you're an actor or an actress and you don't have to be yourself. it was natural way to express myself without having to feel like i was violated my own privacy. >> reporter: the program is called the "i was there" workshop. week-long lessons that cull nate in a short film. they conceive, write, shoot, and edit the piece all while collaborateing with fellow ptsd suffers. >> out of nowhere a rocket-propelled grenade hit the helicopter. >> he served in vietnam. >> the things that have been coming up in my mind that i haven't thought about in over 40 years, it's -- yeah it's sort of scraping the wounds off and looking deeper into yourself. >> reporter: the "i was there" project was created two years ago by ben patton a new york-based film maker. when you're making a film you're god on the film. you get to determine how it turns out. >> reporter: tacting serves as therapy for the vets allowing them to express themselves if a new way. >> maybe i can't talk about what happened to me in kandahar but i can make a film about it and show it to my wife and that can maybe take me a little closer to her and the people around me including my kids and my parents understand what i went through. >> reporter: patton is not a veteran, but the military has always been close to his heart. his grandfather was world war ii hero george patton jr. and his father was in korea and major general in vietnam. >> reporter: growing up under patton, that had to be a big legacy to live under. did you ever consider entering the military? >> absolutely. but i always had a nagging feeling there was something else for me. years later it's been wonderful to have things circle back and i can reencounter my legacy and work with veterans in a way that kind of builds on the legacy of my fare and my grandfather very and perhaps repair the legacy as well. general pat on the made headlines for hitting a shell-shocked soldier. he was forbesed to apologize for the incident. >> as a member of the family. it was interesting to understand why that happened. my father had an easterlilyy erie eerily incident. >> that's an incredible story. i notice you called it p.t.s. whether where's the "d"? >> they don't want the "d." it's disorder. it's a stigma tieization but the "d" is needed for diagnosing. >> how is it for the grandson to say i can talk about it but -- >> it's one of the many things they're supported including traditional therapy. doing, creating music therapy, all these nontraditional things meditation yoga. >> speaking of that nontraditional therapy, you have host add i long with your husband the stand up for hooefrs stand up event. we watched that piece with john waters playing with triple veteran amputees. wow. >> this is a little group our foundation learned about early. and these guys just getting them up here to form imagine getting them on stage with roger waters. >> look at the people you get to come, lee. >> you come, too, all of you guys. >> bravo for you. bruce springsteen comes. you get the comedians to come. what an honor to pay tribute. >> it's our honor. what an honor to be here on veterans day. >> thank you. you're watching "cbs this morning." you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. one more time we remember veterans on veterans day and a lot of very important notations of that today. >> very important. >> more than just a sale. >> that does it for us. up next 5 minutes before 9:00, a look at traffic heading away from the tunnel and away from it. it is 40 degrees right now on tv hill. let's take a look at the forecast for the day. 56 is going to be the high. we start sunny. we're going to end cloudy. those clouds give us bedtime showers. look for an over night low of 38. the fun begins tomorrow morning. we could have an hour's worth of wet snow. it's not going to accumulate. it's going to be visual. the big story is 43 is the high. wednesday the same numbers essentially. it start s getting mild by the week's end. we have an update to or college advisory. mcdaniel in college in westminster is closed for the day due to power outages. a threat of violence shuts down under armor for hours over the weekend. it turns out to be a hoax. mike schuh has the story. >> reporter: good morning. a caller to the city's 911 is center mentions a violent threat here to the head quarters of under armor this south baltimore. not only have some of the builder evacuated and searched by city swat teams but the neighborhood is too. those who live inside the off-limits area were unable to return home, some standing outside for hours. a dozen employees were removed from the building. they can't say how many neighbor as were inconvenient yeensed. edincon -- a 82-year-old man is dead after a house fire. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. a woman is dead after being struck any the metro train at the silver spring metro station. spokesperson said it appears to be an accident. the woman was rescued from the tracks and taken to a hospital where she later died. the station is reopened this morning. the annapolis city council is trying to strip the mayor of his power. this comes after mike pantelides was elect ed ed. they want to move it to a council city manager style of government. the city manager would report directly to the council and not to the mayor. a teenager and state trooper are still being treated this morning after a fatal accident in berlin on the shore. investigators say the teen and his brother were crossing the highway in front of the trooper car. 16-year-old tymere dennis was killed. bowen and the trooper are hospitalized. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. complete


Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20131111

>> lady gaga's latest project is kicking off. >> what she calls the first flying dress. >> hit in the air, caught by the bengals. >> in overtime ravens win. >> and all that matters. >> if i'm bothered by jokes on my weight, i would curl up in the fetal position at home. >> miley cyrus. >> she lit up what appeared to be a joint right on stage. >> do you think she's stepped over the line? >> i think she's twerked over the whatever. >> this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning to you, norah. >> good morning to you, charlie. let's start by saying thank you to all the fiveterans. >> this morning ten thousand people or more are feared dead after typhoon haiyan struck the island nation with winds up to 170 miles an hour. the confirmed death toll is now at 942. the winds along with the storm surge destroyed tens of thousands of buildings. one official said in some cases devastation has been totaled. >> and the relief efforts are just beginning. this morning a team of u.s. marines brought water, generators, and other supplies to the hardest hit areas. many survivors are reporting violence. some store owners are using weapons to fight off looters. seth doane is traveling in the region this morning and filed this report. >> reporter: days after haiyan slammed into the philippines with terrifying force, survivors are growing desperate. >> we want water and medicine for the injured. we don't need pity. we just need your help. >> reporter: with fierce winds and heavy rain, the monster storm barreled through the southern islands friday, destroying nearly everything in its path. but it was the wall of water more than 10 feet high that proved most deadly. the violent storm surge sent mihm, women, and small children fleeing for higher ground. at this hotel in hard hit tacloban a team of storm chasers became rescuers, using mattresses to help elderly residents escape rising waters. witnesses say it's tsunami-like. power is out. entire communities is completely flattened. >> the devastation is completely -- i don't have the words for it. >> survivors wandered the streets covering their noses to mask the stench of dead bodiebo. many are desperate for food. >> i don't have food or water, but we survived. >> people forcing their ways into stores to grab whatever they could. despite the widespread destruction there was one bright spot at a heavily damaged airport. a 21-year-old woman gave birth to what some are calling a miracle baby. relief aid from the u.s. and around the world is on its way, but for those still truckling to understand the full scope of the disaster, the help cannot arrive soon enough. >> we just can't explain it, you know. this is our base for how many years and then it's gone. nothing. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," seth doane. >> thank you, seth. the storm tore through the city of tacloban. a u.s. marine general flew overhead this morning and said he saw bodies everywhere. the philippine president said he may have to declare martial law there. >> reporter: charlie and norah, good morning. three days after this disaster struck, we are only beginning to understand the scope of the devastation from haiyan. in tacloban where it appears the entire city has been wiped out, looting has also broken out. income, i met a family today at the airport. they ran away because their store was willing getting ransacked and they were threatened. they told me seven people have been killed by looters at one of the biggest malls in the city. this is partly due to lack of relief and aid. there is no really lack of aid. you can see volunteers have been unpacking food around the clock and they have the first planeload of leaf goods coming from the government. no lack of help there, but still the challenge is to be able to get the aid to survivors of the typhoon given the many roadblocks. for "cbs this morning," barnaby lo, cbs news, philippines. >> the pictures from space show the devastation. it hit northeast vietnam this morning. storm chaser jim eds was there when it hit. he spoep to us on skype about the destruction. >> i went out past the villas to kind of the seawall. it's not really a seawall. it's raised area off the water. i went down the length of it. the waves were beginning to come up but the wind peeled back the metal frame houses. i was down low filming and there was water going by me. i thought, this is pretty cool. then it started really getting dainchs. i slid into the pool because i felt safer in the water. then it became stronger yet and i got out and i got around a corner and then filmed the rain and wind howling by. it went on and on and on. i was darting between villas and i was trying to get back to the main resort, but i couldn't because it was constantly blowing hard. granted it ramped up quite a bit near the end. i think most people there would think, okay, a typhoon, so they know what they've experienced and they haven't experienced something that bad. you're on the coastline, you're going to get a lot of water and you're in trouble. at the end of that storm, there was nothing left there. everything was gone. >> and if you'd like to contribute to the relief effort in the philippines, go to there you can learn how to donate to groups helping the many victims of the disaster. >> we go now to washington. the white house is expected to lease enrollment numbers for the first month of obama care. they're hoping it will quiet some of the krit sechl. major garrett is at the white house. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie and norah. the president's poll numbers are down. senate democrats, especially those facing re-election next year, are worrying about the implications of on care. the white house hopes to turn things around. we'll be looking at three issues. one, of course, is the website. the white house hopes to prove the website is working to provide better data to insurers and numb beer two, it offers hope this week to vims in the market whose costs are higher than expected. the president apologized for that last week and the white house aids tell me they never would have apologized. as you mentioned, charlie, enrollment data for the first time this week, the white house will unroll those hard numbers of how many have been successful in signing up for obama care. the white house says lowered expectations about as low as humanly possible. the numbers aren't going to be that great but they hope it will serve as a baseline to point to in the future to say the websitewebsit website's working better. the white house hopes it can point to progress, action, and hard data this week and as several aides said to me stop playing defense and seeming to apologize every other day. charlie and norah? >> major, thank you. and a bribery scandal this morning threatens go all the way to the highest levels of the u.s. navy. a contractor in malaysia is accused of giving cash and other gifts to sailors in exchange nr classified information. they say that intelligence allowed the contractor dwroefr charge the navy for its company's services. david martin is at the pentagon. david, good morning. >> good morning. it now looks like the defense contractor at the center of this navy bribery scandal is cooperating with investigators, naming names and implicating more and higher ranking officers. the latest officers named in the bribery scandal are vice admiral ted braen. the chief navy intelligence and one of his top deputies admiral bruce love las. both are accused of having seened gifts earlier. they were placed on leave from their jobs but have not been charged with any crimes. the navy says there's no indication they gave francis classified information in return for the gifts. general richard myers, former chairman of the joint chiefs said these allegations make a big scandal even beinger. having admirals and kmaernlds involved in something with a pizman who is allegedly overcharging the navy for port services looks to be a little bit more widespread and involve a little more money just from what you can tell from the public record than things that have probably gone before. >> reporter: three other navy officials commander jose sanchez, command e commander mid ncis agent john bellveau. there was services provided like tugboats and fuel for u.s. navy ships when they pulled in to ports throughout the pacific. he allegedly used insider information provided by the accused officers to overbe ill the navy by billions of dollars and to monitor attempts by investigators to uncover the scheme. francis was arrested in september and has been held without bail ever since. the navy refuses to confirm he is cooperating with investigators, but admits more officers are expected to be implicated in the scandal. >> stunning, david. thank you. in pakistan a top terrorist leader is reported dead this morning. he was apparently shot dead last night on the outskirts of islamabad. his death is seen as a serious blow to the network which has targeted american troops in afghanist afghanistan. progress in the nuclear talks is under threat this morning. elizabeth palmer is in london. elizabeth, good morning. >> well, the negotiators certainly tried hard. they were at it until well after midnight on saturday, but in the end although they did say they made progress and came close, they had to agree to disagree. during the three days of talks which saw the foreign ministers of five countries change their plans so they could be in geneva, the u.s. and its allies did come up with draft agreement they could all accept, but at the 11th hour. >> there was unity, but iran couldn't take it. at that particular moment they weren't able to accept that particular -- >> reporter: even though no deal was signed israel's benjamin t netten ya huh spoke with norah o'donnell. >> that's not a good deal. i hope -- i can only express my wish -- that p5 plus 1 use the time to get a good deal that takes away iran's nuclear capability. >> reporter: but secretary john kerry said this reaction is premature. >> i believe the prime minister neds to recognize that no agreement has been reached about the endgame here. that's the subject of the negotiation. >> the negotiations are going to be back at the table in just over a week to try to seek a deal. meanwhile there are signs iran wants to build on the constructive cooperation we saw over the weekend. the head of the international atomic energy agency, the atomic police network if you like, is in tehran today and he's saying iran is offering more cooperation, more access to iaea inspectors and surveillance. now rah, charlie? >> all right. elizabeth, thank you. and rescuers are searching this morning for the bodies of four americans believed to have been killed in a plane crash on sunday. that were on a sight-seeing tour shortly after takeoff. dallas-ft. worths in portland, oregon, are investigating a deadly cougar attack. as john blackstone reports it's the second time a work e was killed trying to protect animals. >> reporter: the normally peaceful wildcat sanctuary was the scene of deadly violence. the employee was killed by a cougar. one of more than rescued widecats housed in if facility. in a statement the sanctuary said they believe renee radziwon-chapman was locked in there without the safety protocol. >> a lot of times, it's our fault, not their fault. >> she had been an animal care technician at the sanctuary for eight years. the sheriff's department confirms she died from injuries consistent with what would be a wild animal. it's not the first such attack in recent months. this gentle lion cub killed into a killer fate tally maiming a 24-year-old last march at project survival. >> an animal like a full grown lion in a situation can be like a grenade going off. it happens so fast it's like nothing you've ever seen. >> reporter: she's survived by her husband and babe daughter. john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. a recall is under way. they were shipped to distribution centers in eight states in the last month. 26 people in three of those states were sickened. the products are made by glass onion catering in california. they contained cooked chicken and ham. glass onion catering supplies trader joe's, super fresh goods, and delish. the recall involved 90 tons of prepackaged salads and sandwiches. it's time to look at the news around the world. the "washington post" says afghan interpreters are being denied visas. there's no serious threat to the afghans' lives. interpreters say the officials are underestimating the danger. we've been reporting on an army veteran who worked for yearless to bring afghans to the united states. he finally arrived in washington last month. >> "the seattle times" says amazon is making a deal with the postal sufs. the post office will make sunday amazon deliverers starting this weekend but for now it's only available for customers in los angeles and new york. >> the britain "telegraph" says a satellite broke up as it re-entered the atmosphere. it weighs about a ton. about 25% did reach the planet's surface but it's not clear where. no damage is reported. >> the ""los angeles times"" says liquids bans are been lifted. and u.s. officials are taking a look at the technology but the tsa says it's not ready to lift the ban yet in this country. >> "usa today" says obama will meet the oldest vet. richard is 107 years old. in 1942 he was in his 30s when he volunteered in the army and . >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by big lots!. surprising savings. every aisle, every day. the miami dolphins player at the center of a scandal breaks his silence. >> my actions were coming from place of love. no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate, that's how our friendship was. >> nfl insider james browned on richie inn cog knee toe's apology and the fallout from the front office. what turned the typhoon into one of the biggest in history, michio kaku looks behind the scenes. and wounded warriors find their voice. ♪ >> on this veterans day, how a music icon is giving military veterans a reason to sing. the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. [ woman ] i've had it with my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. 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(woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. the coast guard and navy teamed up to rescue three people sunday. take a look. their sailboat was adrift some 200 miles off the coast of north carolina. a coast guard helicopter pulled them out of the water and flew them to the ""uss cole."" what a rescue. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour, the messages from a miami dolphin player has been called racist and threatening. he said it came from a place of love. we'll talk with cbs insider james brown on reaction to the new interview. on this day, a veteran amputee who learned to play the drums hchl's just one of america's wounded warriors in a band with big name support. that story ahead video the philippines is facing one of the worst natural disasters in its history. the super typhoon brought fast destruction. haiyan is one of the most powerful typhoons on record. with us now cbs contributor michio kaku. good morning. >> good morning. >> why is this so destructive. >> first of all, i should say i was in the philippinesen turned friday. i was there six hours before the big typhoon hit. i was one of the last planes to leave. you have to realize the energy source behind these typhoons are warm water. the ocean is warmer than usual. there was a storm surge. people underestimated the wall of water that surged right through the heart of the philippines. >> why is the philippines one of the most hard hit areas. something like 15 to 20 cyclones a year. >> this year it's 24. it's gone off the charts. the philippines is in the center of typhoon alley. just like we have a tornado alley, a hurricane alley. typhoons form in the pacific. surge right over the philippines and into china. and so they have their own typhoon alley. this year it's unusual. just like here in new york we've had fewer hurricanes than any other season on memory. in asia they even had more typhoons that than any other season in memory. >> is there a reason for that? some say it's a link to climate change. >> it's not a smoking change, however, it's consistent with global swings. it's a misnomer. it's not a misnomer of the earth. it swings, flooding here, droughts here, forest fires there. that's one 100-year storms, forest fires, droughts are not untypical of global warming, so here in the northeast we're enjoying one of the best hurricane seasons in memory while there instead of 15 to 20 typhoons, they had 24. >> i mean look at these pictures. the destruction is incredible. hundreds of thousands of people displaced. more than 10,000 -- >> millions. >> yeah. more than 10,000 feared dead. these winds were almost 200 miles an hour. is this the fastest winds ever repo recorded? >> when you talk about it. you're talking about something you've never seen before. some fear this could be a, quote, new normal. we're not sure. there could be typhoons on one part of the earth and the other end, very mild weather. we may have to get used to a new normal. a sort of schizophrenic wacky weather where we have typhoons, severe weather, forest fires, droughts. >> thank you. richie inn cog knee toe is making his first comments about the suspension. he's accused of sending bullying messages to a younger teammate jonathan martin. mark strassmann is in tampa where the toll fidolphins will tonight. >> reporter: good morning. he insisted this was a case of two very good friends who regularly needled each other with language he admits was inproechlt richie incognito admit as what has widely been reported. that he left jonathan martin with a voice mail namg his teammate with a "n" world. >> when i see that voice mail, the words come up across the screen, i'm embarrassed by it. my actions were coming from a place of love. no matter how bad and how vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate, that's how our friendship was. those are the facts and that's what i'm accountable for. >> according to incognito, martin gave as good as he got. >> the week before this went down jonathan martin texted me on my phone i will murder your whole f'ing family. do i think jonathan martin was going to murder my family? not one big. >> reporter: last week inn cog kn inn cog knee toe's name was tekd. >> incognito provided fox sports with 1,100 text messages he exchanged with martin over the last year. one of them sent by martin three days after he abruptly left the team. he said, i don't blame you guys at all. it's just the culture around football and the locker room got to me a little. but in cognito agreed his actions made him look like a madehead and a racist pig. >> if jonathan martin was sitting right here next to you, what would you say to him? >> honestly i think i'd give him a big hug. i'd give him a big hug and say, dude, what's going on. why didn't you come to me. i'll apologize to the family. they took it as malicious, but i never -- i never meant it that way. >> reporter: incognito wouldn't answer questions whether dolphins told him to toughen up martin, but charlie and norah, the text messages he sent have stirred up a controversy in the nfl that is clearly not going away. >> thank you, mark. cbs analyst james brown is with us from washington. let's talk about the reaction from the interview? >> amongst the players, charlie, the reaction is mixed to say the least. pretty much what mark strassmann sarksd there's a lot more to come from this. i think it's safe to say the relationship as it's being played out now was unorthodox to say the least. >> where do you think the story is right now because it's shifted and flown and new ideas come in and new takes from didn't places. where is the moment now? >> charlie, it seems to me to have been a rudderless ship. the bottom line is the finger's going to be pointed at management and the kind of tone that they set and the kind of workplace environmental that existed. that's the bottom line. the players are going to do and push the line as far as the tone has been set by management. and right now in terrell going there still is a lot more to be revealed. the finger is pointing at the kind of environment that's been tolerated, maybe even encouraged. >> he said using the "n" word comes from place of love. that garnered reactions. >> many people have an issue with the racist elements if you will. race, religion, politics are all hot button issue bus the button lime is there is no excuse for that at all, period. richie incognito did apologize for that, but to say that came from a place of love i think you and char hi both agree that's not the kind of love you like to see. >> can i just ask you whierks is this story something about more than two players who exchanged 1,100 messages that were nasty. why should the rest of us care about what's going on? is it more than two players? what's so big about this story? >> great question. the question is whether players want to be or not, they are role models. they do influence people, especially youngsters, so the manner and tenor of their relationships is being played out on the stage right now. it will have an effect anand influence. >> j.b., thank you. a group finds a group of veterans in rapid city in rock and roll. ♪ it goes like this the fourth and fifth ♪ >> you'll see the legendary musician helping them find a new rhythm for life. that is next on this veterans day here on "cbs this morning." ♪ a mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ta-da! whoa. ♪ showtime. agh! there's me! there's me! there's me! ♪ boom. ohhhh! ♪ to severe plaque psoriasis... the frustration... covering up. so i talked with my doctor. he prescribed enbrel. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks, or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. whole grains... got a big surprise at the indiana colts game sunday. they got a big surprise. their car broke down. at halftime the eno family was surprised with a new car that he paid for. but guess what, inside, an even bigger surprise. army sergeant jeremy eno who was deployed with special forces overseas, he wasn't expected home till this weekend and look at that, warm embrace. a new car and daddy's home sniet doesn't get better than that. >> great story on this veterans day. more than 1 million american troops will come home from iraq and afghanistan. of those injured, 90% survive. on this vedran day, how some find healing from music. one group is getting help from a rock legend. >> reporter: you might wonder how well a triple amputee like juan dominguez can play the drums. when we first met him last year on "60 minutes," he was just learning. take a look at him now. he's one of the boys in the band backing up roger waters. that's the roger waters formerly of pink floyd. >> i said, that's a great. i want to go and find wounded men and put a band together of people who have been badly injured. >> reporter: he got the idea meeting wound ward yores backstage at his concert. his own father was killed in world war ii when waters was just an infant, so today is day that has always loomed lard. >> november 11th has always been a very important day every year of my life. >> reporter: he found the talent for his band at walter reed where juliard trained musician arthur bloom had volunteered to give music lessons and brought in superstars like waters and cellist yo-yo ma. that's where marcos andreas who left both of his legs in afghanistan picked up a guitar. >> you're sitting in your room, depressed with nothing to do. once you get an instrument in your hand, it's such a release. >> did it get you out of your depression? >> oh, yeah. definitely. >> reporter: it turned out he was a natural and after less than a year, he's playing base alongside waters and jamming with the likes of g.e. smith, formerly of the "saturday night live" band. tim on the olie who also lost both of hiss legs in afghanistan is on vocal. it all came this last week in the "stand up for heroes" concert in madison square garden. waters composed it a quarter century ago but the words could have been written with these wounded warriors in mind. imagine what the lyrics of leonard cohen's halleluiah means to tim don olie. >> i thought i understaood it, but the next thing my whole life is coming down around my ears. every hope, every dream i ever had for the future is broken around me and i don't know where to turn. it was in that place that god said, do you still trust me and it was at that moment they understood "hallelujah." >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," this is david martin. >> beautiful. absolutely beautiful. >> having music take you to a place that you -- where you needed to go somewhere. >> yeah. absolutely. we're thinking of our >> the stock market is doing great but that doesn't help everyone. gary cone of goldman sachs is in studio 57. we're going to talk to him about the economy and find out how wall street is helping the returns veterans. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." i'm gonna do this... no... no... no... i'm gonna beat you this time ♪ yes... 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visit call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job... you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. it is 8:00 a.m. officials in the philippines say they are overwhelmed by the power of typhoon haiyan. as the death toll rises, survivors say they desperately need help. gary cohn tells us why his wall street firm is reaching tout veterans ready for change. and new evidence in president kennedy's assassination. a father and son-team tests the science behind the single bullet theory, but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> three days after disaster struck, we're only beginning to understand the scope of the devastation from haiyan. >> at least 2 million people in the philippines are begging for help after what may be the country's deadliest disaster in the country. >> we don't need pity. we just need your help. for the first time the white house will unroll the numbers of how many people have actually been successful in signing up for obama care. >> incognito apologized for the racest and threatening messages he leftfor martin. >> no matter how bad or vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate. >> the finger was pointed. >> you may have to get used to a new normal. sort of like a schizophrenic wacky weather where we have simultaneous flooding, forest fires, droughts in the same country. >> a group of wounded veterans find rehabilitation in rock and roll. >> it's a release. >> gets you out of your depression. >> absolutely. >> we should start by saying thank you to all of our veterans. >> absolutely. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. hundreds of witnesses say nothing's left standing. typhoon haiyan has uprooted millions of people. nearly a thousand people are confirmed dead this morning but officials fear the actual death toll could be more than 10,000. >> survivors say there is widespread looting in the damaged area. relief efforts are under way to fill a massive need for food, water, and shelter. seth doane is traveling in the region this morning. >> reporter: days after haiyan slammed into the philippines with terrifying force, survivors are growing desperate. >> we want water and medicine for the injured. >> with fierce winds and heavy rains, the monster storm barreled through the southern islands friday, destroying nearly everything in its path. but it was the wall of water more than 10 feet high that proved most deadly. at this hotel in hard-hit tacloban, a team of american storm chasers became rescuers. using mattresses to help elderly guests escape the rising floodwaters. witnesses say the storm damage is tsunami-like. power's out, residents displaced. entire communities flattened. >> the devastation is -- i don't have the words for it. it's really horrific. >> many are desperate for the basic essentials. for "cbs this morning," seth doane. >> typhoon haiyan hit the philippines with top winds of 170 miles an hour. storm chaser jim edds rode out the storm. he said residents who are used to big storms may have underestimated the power of haiyan. >> i don't think they were quite understanding of how bad it was. granted it ramped up quite a bit near the end. i think most people think, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, it's a typhoon. they know what they've experienced and they hadn't experienced something that bad. at the end of that storm there was nothing left there. everything was gone. >> professor kaku said to us after he left this morning when he left -- when we went off camera, he said that the damage was really from the water. that it was almost like a tsunami. >> you can see that. the pictures are so graphic, and just to see people say this is like a form of hell, very frightening to look at that video. >> very frightening as hundreds of thousands may be displaced from their home this morning. >> we're certainly on top of that one. people signing up for health care under the obama care plan are not the only ones confused. wyatt andrews is in washington with that part of the story. wyatt, good morning to you. >> gayle, good morning. with the problems with that website means that if you're a dock taking new obama care patients, you don't know what to expect or who they are. the only thing you can expect is they believe the average patient will be sicker next year compared to fashents they see this year. like many american physicians, this doctor expects to see a rush of new patients when the affordable care act begins in january, but because of the enrollment problems she doesn't know who they are or how many. >> reporter: what are the challenges after january 1st? >> i'm not sure. we're prepped to anticipate a large number of parents and sicker patients, but beyond that, we are -- we're not sure what's going happen. >> reporter: dr. britton is a physician at the metro immediate care practice in washington, d.c. she predicts a wave of sicker patients because next year under obama care, 9 million low income americans are expected to get coverage for the first time under medicaid. that number is higher than the 7 million expected to buy private insurance. dr. britton will have many new patients that cannot afford a doing tore right now. >> what should we know. >> we do notice some of these patients have more complex issues, so complex chronic problems, diabetes, hypertension. >> to prepare for that dr. britton's practice will soon double the medical staff, including several new physician assistants or pas. the pas will be critical as the number of new patients rises faster than the number of new doctors. christopher tim is the president. >> because there's such a shortage of physicians and this many people are becoming part of the insured population that the pa is going to be their primary mode of contact. >> reporter: but the prospect of seeing more patients and sixer patients is what appeals to dr. britton. >> they may be more difficult to manage, to begin with, to get their chronic condition under control but as we go forward, they're going to be easier, less hospital visits, less hospital stace and more savings. it ooh going to be easier for us. >> doctors worry about the fees. a recent survey showed widespread concern that the fee they get to see each new patient will be reduced compared to this year. charlie, norah, gail? >> thank you, wyatt. >> the dow jones industrial average is starting a new week at another major high. all the major indices have made significant gain this year. the major jobs numbers shows hiring stronger than expect bud many people still are struggling to find work especially veterans. goldman sachs is one of those helping vets. gary cohn is the chief officer and president of goldman sachs. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. glad to be here. >> skplant. how is the market doing on wall street and how the market's doing? is it also good for the unemployment? >> the economy right now is mixed. the fundamental underlying economy is twlal better than people think. if you look at consumer balance sheets, they're in pretty good shape. you look at corporate balance sheets, they're in excellent shape. you look at the cost of energy in the united states. we've got to a huge competitive advantage, vis-a-vis, the rest of the world. you look at the basic fundamentals and you say economically we're in relatively good shape in the united states. the problem is no one has confidence. consumers don't have confidence, corporate doesn't have confidence and d confidence is what drives the economy. >> why don't they have confidence? >> they don't have confidence because they're not sure what the future is going to bring. >> let ame ask you. it says stocks have regained broad appeal and mom and pop investors are back but that could be a cause for concern. why would that be a cause for concern if average investors are back in the market, feel confident? >> i don't think it's a cause for concern. i think what they're trying to say there is the last time we saw a huge retail inflow into the market, the market went through a fairly major correction and people are always concerned that the retail environment gets into the market at the wrong time. i personally believe that the equity market is the right place to believe because the alternative for your money today are really inferior to the equity market. >> so on this veterans day, let's talk about your program if you don't mind. >> i'd love to talk about the program. >> what i was reading is the veteran population of unemployment is 3% higher than the general population and you all on the front lines trying to change that. >> we are. not only 3% higher. if you look at the veteran category of 20 to 24-year-olds. the unemployment rate in that category is well into the 20%. that's group that we tend to hire a lot of people out of. there are over a million veterans returning to the united states over the next four years 250,000 veterans are returning home. we are a group of young talented individuals we believe that these returning veterans have many of the talents we're looking for on wall street. they're goal oriented, team oriented. many of them have language skills. they've lived abroad, have managerial skills and they were exposed at very young ages. these are as sets we're looking toward. >> what are you hiring them to do, gary? >> we're hiring them at every aspect. so are the others. they cocome into any of our analysts programs, sales programs, private wealth, asset management programs, infrastructure programs. they have a lot of unique talents. if someone's been in the military and they've be about in the programming or technology, we're probably going to hire them in our technology space. if they've been in iintelligenc, we'll hire them in our intelligence group. they have had information to gather while in the military. >> gary, if there's a veteran watching today or if their mother or father or grandma or grandpa is watching today and they say my son is going to be transitioning out of the military in next year or two, where do they find this neverings? >> call gary cohn. >> they can. but there's something even more effective. call the goldman sachs program. we have program called the v.i.p. program called the veterans integration program. 2014 will be year three of our veterans integration program. we're opening up the signup for our program today. this is program we've had spectacular success with. we've had over 90% conversion rate for people in the program to full-time jobs at goldman sachs. i would suggest that they go on our website today, they sign up for the program. they get involved in the interview process. hopefully they get a spot where we put them through an eight-week vigorous program. we match them with a veteran program of which we have over 1,400 veterans already in goldman sachs and we mentor them through a program and convert them to employees. >> i think lit get a lot of attention. i was best-selling novelist patricia corn well says there's one actress who she thinks would pay a great examiner. find out who she has in mind when we bring you our newest pick for "cbs this morning" reads. that i-'s ahead on "cbs this morning." whoa. ♪ showtime. agh! there's me! there's me! there's me! ♪ boom. ohhhh! ♪ prefer the taste of gevalia house blend over the taste of starbucks house blend? not that we like tooting our own horn but... ♪ toot toot. 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"dust." patricia cornwell look very biker chic. >> thank you. >> you're looking like a biker babe. you've been scaring us, entertaining us, educating your readers forever over 20 years but there's something about kay scarpetta that nothing surprised her about this particular case. >> well, first of all, i was in washington when the newtown shootings happened in connecticut, which was, of course, actually devastating. i was actually with a senator and it was like so bizarre and surreal and it's as i was flying home, scarpetta's in boston, the cambridge area. she would offer her assistance in a case like this. what would this do to her. the book starts with her having come home assisting in newtown with the terrible deaths of children, and we see -- i said let's take look at what this does to you. because you're a really strong tenacious woman and you're human. then, of course, while she's just on the heels of that, she gets a phone call about a very bizarre death at m.i.t., a body out in the athletic field, and this launches her into a really horrific series of murders that are actually connected to thinks that are happening in washington. >> you point out how the crimes have changed patricia. >> we deal with what her fbi profierl husband called spectacle killings. people go out and do things to draw attention to themselves. was told a long time ago when i worked in the medical examiner's office, once the gate is open you can't really shut it. and they were talking about this with columbine, and we have seen now the more it happens, the more it happens, and i do feel that there's an element of people who, you know, want to do this for attention. and i -- i think we're now more frightened of going to a shopping mall when someone shows up with a rifle as 'posed to someone climbing through our window. >> in this book you talk about it's a serial killer case. what does the title "dust" mean. >> it has to do with trace evidence that when scarpetta looks at the first body and she turns on an ultra violent light source, there's this fluorescent, glittering of some dust residue that's all over this person. it turns out it's on other victims as well and it turns out it's a mineral fingerprint. it tells her something about where they've been and who the killer is. it's in a deeper way, dust to dust. she's about life and death and there's a lot of fiphilosophica elements that relate too it also. >> time for her to come to the big screen. >> she's going to do it. >> who's she going to be? >> the question is who's going to be her? i could have a short list of really wonderful actresses. the main thing is it gets to be somebody -- tell me your top one? >> top one, meryl streep if it were a different era. she would be my top one for anything. >> it's great book. patricia corn well, thank you so much. 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"usa today" says international students are flocking to american schools. more than 800,000 have enrolled in a u.s. college or university. half are from china, india, or south korea. the number of americans studying abroad i creased to an all-time high of 218,000. students at lancaster high school are raising money to build a new home for bound veterans. gerald hancock lost an arm by an explosion. students learned he was stuck in his hoe beam home for half a year after his van broke down that. i decided to build him a new home. in four months the students have raised $80,000. they plan to break ground next month. the "daily mail" looks at a teenaged john lennon. he got in a lout of trouble at the school for the boys in the 1950s. he was cited for fighting, chewing gum, and showing no interest in class. he once received three detentions on the same day. the handwritten leverages are being auctioned online. >> see, there is hope for the mischievous in class. a homeless man returned cash he found on the street. the police returned the $850 to james what when no one claimed the money but he was denied funding when he failed to declare the income. in one scene he raises doubt about the single-bullet theory. >> this single bullet foundation is a long claim of an assassination. once you conclude the magic bullet could not con clues all seven of those wons, you have to conclude there was a fourth shot and a seventh rifleman. and if there was a second rifleman, then by definition there had to be a conspiracy. >> in real life a father and son used the latest technology to reexamine the idea that one bullet hit kennedy and texas governor john connally. >> reporter: the single bullet theory is about wait does after it's merges from kennedy's neck. does it remain intact. does it maintain "i" velocity? >> how fast was it going. that's when we know what kind of damage can it do to another gunshot victim such as connally or to the car. >> reporter: in these three feet, the space between kennedy and connally lie the answers that prove or disprove the single bullet theory. they'll start with soap. >> it's very similar to knneut a neutroge neutrogena. it has the same density as muscle tissue. i've also put this clokts on here to see a phenomena called be up bullet wipe. >> and like and michael haag join us this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> wow. so, luke, what did you learn? >> it's easily demonstratable that one bullet can go through people if you understand how this particular unusual bullet behaves and wait does after it leaves kennedy's body. >> what kind of bullet and how does it behave sth. >> well, here's the bullet or an example of the bullet. this is a 6.5 millimeter car cano bullet made by olen winchester. it's extremely stable which people didn't understand then and don't understand now. it will go through a lot of material and when it comes out it starts tumbling and that's how it hit connally in a yaw. >> explain yaw. >> it's like a badly thrown football. it normally flies true and straight. when this flew from kennedy it's now yawing and tumbling. the entry word in connally is very telling. >> you believe it was one bullet. >> as far as the neck wounds to the president and the wounds to john connally, absolutely. >> you do have any evidence? >> you're never going have the physical evidence that provides the complete picture. with very one shot basically unaccounted for, but for the most part when you lay the evidence out on the table, you lay a very clear picture. >> does he have to be a true marksman? >> not at all. it's exactly the same as oswalt's rifle with the same ammunition. these are not tough shots. >> you said anybody who thinks you has to be a marksman hasn't fired this kind of gun before, this car cano was a very cheap rifle. it was only less than 13 dollars and the scope on it was 7 dollars plus. many people could have had access to and used. >> a lot of people back then collected old military rifles. it's been disparaged as dangerous and inaccurate. it's not. if the bore in the rifle is good, it is. >> what did the technology do? >> the three laser scanners that was used is something coming into play in forensics. about 205, 2006. this is a new toll that a lot of law enforcement agencies are bringing into play. we walk away from the crime scene with more information and we can then examine the crime scene over and over again later on on a computer. so as we get new high pocket sees, things about where a shooter might have been at a new revel la torrey place, we can go in and take shots, angles. it's all there. >> you were able to create it with an angst of an inch which is astounding. quoting sherlock holmes, you rule out the possible and that leaves seemingly probable the truth. elaborate on that it's basically a scientific method. if you're a scientist, you try to rule out high pocket cease. >> you were rowling auto what in this case as it apply those this case? >> the most common high pocket cease. shots in grassy knoll. two shooters. if they're willing to look at the physical evidence and understand what it is and what it's telling us, then you'll come to the correct conclusion. physical evidence always supports the physical matter. >> luke and mike, how did you come up with the idea to do this, to test these theories? >> this is, of course, the 50th anniversary. i thought about that. this is the classic shooting reconstruction case. originally it was a firearms identification case primarily. do we have one gun, two guns, if it's one, sit that gun? if it's that gun, whose gun is it. those questions were all answered. the question about multiple shots. the behavior of the bullet that goes through kennedy became controversy because, again, people didn't evaluate it. they didn't understand it and they hadn't looked at it then and few have looked at it now. >> that may be the answer to the request i wa question i wanted to ask you. why is tlir skepticism or skepticism among the fubu proud. >> i think it's in our nature we want to think there's more to it than a loner leers deranged marxist who hated his country and took an opportunity. there's got be more to it than that. bugliosi has a wonderful statement, a peasant cannot strike down a team. i think about it. >> and change the world. change the course of history. >> thank you. >> luke and michael haag. the name of the show is called "cold case:jfk." lee woodruff is in our green room. she looks for an unconventional treatment to help veterans zçzçztó seeing it's veterans day morning at the tomb of the unknown, the tomb was dedicated 92 years ago today at arlington cemetery to honor an unidentified soldier killed in world war 278. over time it also honors those killed in ward war ii, korea, and vietnam. these numbers are like lig higher because of undiagnosed cases. on this veterans day, "cbs this morning" contributor lee wud rough looks at a specially designed program to help them out. good morning. >> good morning to all of you. for anybody who works with wounded veterans, they'll tell you the problem with the ptsd is too large. there ee a strong family legacy in the military to help veterans heal. >> and roll camera. stay in. >> reporter: in an old farmhouse in south hamilton, massachusetts, some amateur filmmakers are hoping to change their lives. >> a little bit lighter shot to show the three war cars going down. >> reporter: these aren't steven spielberg wannabes, they're military veterans and the filmmaking is post traumatic stress therapy. >> i've ot to mental health and counseling and small group therapy still with the embarrassment of having ptsd. >> jeff saren suffered from ptsd. he was almost killed. >> something like this, you're an actor or an actress and you don't have to be yourself. it was natural way to express myself without having to feel like i was violated my own privacy. >> reporter: the program is called the "i was there" workshop. week-long lessons that cull nate in a short film. they conceive, write, shoot, and edit the piece all while collaborating with fellow ptsd suffers. >> out of nowhere a rocket-propelled grenade hit the helicopter. >> he served in vietnam. >> the things that have been coming up in my mind that i haven't thought about in over 40 years, it's -- yeah, it's sort of scraping the wounds off and looking deeper into yourself. >> reporter: the "i was there" project was created two years ago by ben patton, a new york-based film maker. when you're making a film, you're god on the film. you get to determine how it turns out. >> reporter: tacting serves as therapy for the vets, allowing them to express themselves if a new way. >> maybe i can't talk about what happened to me in kandahar but i can make a film about it and show it to my wife and that can maybe take me a little closer to her and the people around me including my kids and my parents understand what i went through. >> reporter: patton is not a veteran, but the military has always been close to his heart. his grandfather was world war ii hero george patton jr. and his father was in korea and major general in vietnam. >> reporter: growing up under patton, that had to be a big legacy to live under. did you ever consider entering the military? >> absolutely. but i always had a nagging feeling there was something else for me. years later it's been wonderful to have things circle back and i can reencounter my legacy and work with veterans in a way that kind of builds on the legacy of my fare and my grandfather very and perhaps repair the legacy as well. general pat on the made headlines for hitting a shell-shocked soldier. he was forbesed to apologize for the incident. >> as a member of the family. it was interesting to understand why that happened. my father had an easterli erie eerily incident. >> that's an incredible story. i notice you called it p.t.s. wheth where's the "d"? >> they don't want the "d." it's disorder. it's a stigma tieization but the "d" is needed for diagnosing. >> how is it for the grandson to say i can talk about it but -- >> it's one of the many things they're supported including traditional therapy. doing, creating, music therapy, all these nontraditional things, meditation yoga. >> speaking of that nontraditional therapy, you have host add i long with your husband the stand up for hooefrs stand up event. we watched that piece with john waters playing with triple veteran amputees. wow. >> this is a little group our foundation learned about early. and these guys, just getting them up here to form, imagine getting them on stage with roger waters. >> look at the people you get to come, lee. >> you come, too, all of you guys. >> bravo for you. bruce springsteen comes. you get the comedians to come. what an honor to pay tribute. >> it's our honor. what an honor to be here on are you flo? 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