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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20130114

years ago, the last major freeze. >> and in 2070 how bad was it? >> we lost everything. >> reporter: this week temperatures dropping into the 20s for a second straight night are also threatening other crops. curt johnson grows leafy veg tables. >> this was solid solid, frozen solid. i could snap it with my finger and it would just crack. >> reporter: johnson spent the last few nights lighting bonfires around his st. paula farm, anything can to raise the temperature a few critical degrees. >> hopefully that changes enough that we won't get the hard freeze. but the national weather service warning still say it's going to come. >> reporter: a crop loss would certainly affect prices at the market but the economic toll runs deeper. ben taft employs 30 workers. if the freeze destroys his oranges -- >> there's nothing to pack and ship. the packing house does not operate. simple as that. that's a cold hard reality. >> reporter: warmer weather is expected on tuesday. >> i want tuesday here quickly. >> reporter: that's when farmers will finally note extent of the damage. carter evans, cbs news edison california. >> jeff: along the east coast the weather story was just the reverse. unusually warm weather with people in will amington north carolina enjoying a january day at the beach. from florida to new england today's high temperatures were 15 to 20 degrees above normal vice president joe biden will present the findings of his task force aimed at curb gun violence to president obama on tuesday. jan crawford tonight is in our washington bureau with detail, jan good evening. >> with the gun control debate raging here in washington people are actually buying pore guns than ever. and that is prompting one senator today to make a direct appeal to the stores selling the guns. >> reporter: let's than a month after the mass shooting in a newtown connecticut elementary school gun shows across the country are drawing record numbers. >> we were expecting a large crowd but we had no anticipation that we would have a crowd like this. >> reporter: sales are soaring, triggered by concerns congress soon will ban or limit assault weapons and some forms of ammunition. new york senator chuck schumer asked retailers to take action before congress. >> today i'm urging our countries major gun retailers leak wal-mart and sports authority to suspend sales of modern assault-style weapons until congress is able to fully consider and vote on legislation to curb gun violence. >> reporter: and this week vice president biden is expected to release his report on guns. recommendations could include restrictions on assault weapons and high capacity magazine and background chex on all gun buyers. national rifle association president david keene predicted send that an outright ban will not happen. >> but i would say that the likelihood is that they are not going to be able to get an assault weapons ban through this congress. >> reporter: but republican senator kelly a yoet signaled a possible compromise on background checks. >> i'm willing to listen to what comes forward on that but again i don't know that that would have stopped what happened in newtown. and i think we need to be very thoughtful in how we go forward with what happens and make sure that whatever is done actually is a solution. >> reporter: now here's something to remember. what biden delivers to the president will only be recommendations, jeff, of course it will be up to congress to pass any legislation that would make those proposals a reality. >> jeff: jan crawford in washington, thank you. >> the french foreign minister said today the u.s. is offering logistic and intelligent support for the french military intervention in the west african nation of mali. the operation is described as a new front in the war on terrorism. charlie d'agata has more. >> french fighter jets bombarded islamic militant strongholds in northern mali today and military officials vowed there will be many more air strikes to come to protect its former colony. france has deployed more than 500 troop to its west african nation to stop al qaeda linked militants from turning it into a safe haven for terrorists. islamic militants seized control of a vast desert area in northern mali nine months ago. since then they have been posed an extreme form is 4r578ic sharia law public amptation an beatings are commonplace. mali's music, an important part of the country's culture has been silenced. the militants have banned the annual music festival in timbuktu. national security analyst juan zarate. >> what you have in mali is a safe haven for al qaeda an aggressive terrorist group, an organization and one that presents a threat to the stability of mali and the region. that explains why the french have decided to intervene now. >> reporter: france's decision to intervene is not without risk. its french government upped its terror alert at home and reb ems have already threatened to attack french citizens. charlie d'agata, cbs news london. >> jeff: syrian warplanes stepped up their attacks in damascus suburbs today. activists sources say air strikes have killed at least 26 people, half of them children. those attempting to flee the civil war are facing very bad conditions in many refugee camps now. clarissa ward is in turkey tonight which is 11 mile from its syrian border. she joins us to talk about that and more. good evening to you. what is happening in these refugee camps? >> good evening, jeff, well the conditions in some of these camps are really quite bleak. it's january. it's a cold winter. temperatures plunging below freezing particularly at night. there's been a lot of rain in the region. but for the most part people in the turkish camps are in fairly good conditions. it's the tens of thousands of syrians who are stranded along the syrian side of the border in makeshift camps who are really struggling with no power, no heat and very limited facilities one camp has just 80 toilets for about 12,000 people. >> jeff: why are so many people still stranded on the syrian side? >> reporter: at this stage turkey says it simply can't take any more refugees. it can't keep up with this seemingly endless wave of syrians who are desperate to flee their country. currently there are more than 150,000 syrians living here. the turkish government says it has sent over a billion dollars on hosting them and at this stage they really can't build the camps quickly enough to provide for all those syrians who are so desperate to leave. >> jeff: clarissa ward in hatay, thank you. in india six men were arrested today after another alleged attack and rape on a bus. police par rate -- -- parade the suspects in northern 100 jab state it comes less than a month after a deadly gang rape sparked outrage worldwide. later old-fashioned service in a new media world. remembering the victims of the cost ar-- costa concordia one year later. and one man's struggle to limit the mercury that taints much of our fish could lead to new guidelines for all. those stories when the "cbs evening news" continues. >> a new study this month finds that 84% of all fish have unsafe levels of mercury. and that poses a health risk for humans. as tony guida reports diplomats will gather there geneva this week to negotiate a treaty aimed at reducing the mercury threat. >> reporter: he always considered himself as-- until one day something went very wrong. >> i felt like i was going to fall over when i was running. i was out of breath, balance really went to balance. >> reporter: gelfond who is the c.e.o. of the movie company i max consulted doctors on both coasts. they had no answers. he was worried. >> you know, was it something like ms and it got to a point where i really couldn't cross the street. i had to hold my wife's hand. >> reporter: many tests later a neurologist asked him if he ate a lot of fish, he did. twice a day. diagnosis, mercury poisoning. >> i thought i was doing something good for my body. and it turned out i was doing something really bad for my body. >> reporter: eating fish fish is the principal way people get tuna and swordfish contain the most mercury which permanently can damage the brain and kidney. because it is global, no country alone can rid its food supply of contamination. >> 75% of the fish that we eat in the united states is imported. >> linda greer is with the natural resources defense council, an environmental group that support os the u.n. treaty to reduce worldwide emissions of mercury. >> many of the tuna fish we eat, for example swim in the south china sea. and that mercury pollution that comes into cans and into our pantries every day. >> the proposed treaty calls for filtering mercury emissions out of burning coal cutting mercury use in gold binning and reducing its use in manufacturing of electronic switches and batteries. >> i still probably am 75% bhaf i was before. i can't run, for example. >> so you really don't know at this point whether you are aback to 100%. >> i assume i won't. i assume i am never going to be able to dots things i was before. >> gelfond has a university research facility to study the affects of mercury on human health, effects which for him may be permanent. tony guida cbs news, new york. >> jeff: chevrolet has resurrected the sting ray. the newly redesigned 2014 corvette was rolled out tonight it is the 7th generation of the classic american sports car. and the first use of the sting ray since the 197 0s. >> the ultimate inauguration your own social media butler. >> jeff: thousands in russia marched through the streets of moscow today to protest a new law that bands americans from adopting russian children. many carry post others of president putin with the word shame, written across it. >> today is the one-year anniversary of the costa concordia disaster when a cruise ship ran aground off the coast of italy. victims were remembered even as the shell of the the capsized ship remained in the background today. allen pizzey was there. >> reporter: the day began with a somber and unusual event. relatives of the 32 people who died were taken out to the reeve where a tendon piece of the rock that tore up the costa concordia was lowered back down. it carried a plaque with the date of the accident and a latin inscription that reads "in eternal memory" as the ferry passed close to the costa concordia the mourners tossed wreaths into the sea. the ship's horn blasted 32 times and the wind and waves pushed the floral tributes towards the wreck. the children of victims gerald and barbara heil from minnesota said they were happy they came. and told the memorial mass was moving. speakers of the service brasd the islanders who opened their doors to cold, wet and often terrified survivors. the people of giglio had hoped that by now there would be nothing left except the memories and memorials but it will be at least another 8 months before the costa concordia can be refloated and towed away to be scrapped. it's the largest and most complex operation of its kind ever undertaken. an underwater platform will stabilize the nearly 1,000 feet long liner when it is rolled over. massive notation tank, some as high as 11 stories will be welded on to the sides like a steel life preserver. the work goes on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. except today when like everything else on the island it stopped for a minute of silence. at the exact time the costa concordia struck the reeve one year ago. allen pizzey cbs news giglio italy. >> jeff: he was a journalist who stood up for civil rights and help changed the south. remembering eugene patterson. next. >> jeff: the family of internet activist ar won swartz is blaming zellous-- for his death. he could founded the web site reddit committed suicide on frichlt he was facing federal childs claiming he stole documents from an attempt to make them freely available on-line. the nation has lost one of its most famous journalists eugene paterson. an acclaimed newspaper editor paterson was also a civil rights crusader. he died last night in florida at age 8 --. we get more now from magalie laguerre wilkinson. >> reporter: best known for his sharp editorials. they took on the vietnam war and president nixon. but they were most critical of his fellow white southerners who saw the segregated south as the only way of life. patterson's most famous column as editor of the atlanta journal constitution was titled a flower for the grave. he wrote it in reaction to the 19634-- 1963 church bopping that killed four little girls in birmingham, alabama. only we can trails the truth southerner, you and i. we broke those children's bodies. his editorials during the civil rights era won him a pulitzer in 1967. on the eve of his retirement in 1987 paterson reflected on that periods. >> we were slowly at first and then decisively committing that newspaper to supporting the u.s. supreme court. and telling our kinsman and the american south look you have got to obey the law. and worse what we have been doing is wrong. that is tough. because are you telling a southern white that what his baddee-- daddy and his granddaddy believed was wrong. and that's hard to accept. >> reporter: one of patterson's last efforts was editing down the 600,000 word king james bible saying quote the great stories were too hard to follow. he died at a st. petersberg home of complicate complicate-- complications from cancer at the age of 89. >> jeff: coming up the ultimate inauguration perk your own social media butler. >> parts of's nation's capital are closed off for a dress rehearsal of next monday's inauguration complete withstand ins for the president and first lady both are u.s. service members whether you are following events in d.c., in person orion line social media can help share the moment os. if you are wary of it, our senior white house correspondent bill plante says there is help. >> for washington hotels creating standout inauguration packages is a long stand drag decision. >> every hotel tries to come up with this crazy fun experience for people that are coming into the city. and this year is no different. >> reporter: in that spirit meredith goldberg of the madison hotel decided to offer her clients something new. this year's package is 47,000. it includes four nights in a presidential suite a car a driver and a social media butler. >> what is a social media butler? >> it is a dedicated social media pro who is available to help record memories from the inauguration weekend. >> reporter: will you really do their tweets for them. >> i will. if they want to tell me what to tweet. >> reporter: victoria will do it all twitter facebook insta gram. >> after you can look back and see your adventures and your family and friends who aren't with you on this trip can follow along like they are there with you. >> so they can be jealous. >> in real time jealousy. >> in the spirit of an inaugural high roller i decided to try it out this is my inaugural tweet my producer made me do it so here mi sitting at the bar in the hotel pretending that i am the very rich customer who has bought this package which includes a social media butler. and the bar tendress is going to offer us what? >> well, we have a couple of inaugural inspired cocktails. our death and tax. >> social media butler, are you getting all this. >> i'm typing as fast as i can. >> now i get to taste it and then i guess i tell my social media butler how i liked it. and the verdict was in. refreshing. next off to the presidential reviewing stand where big donors and d.c. vips will watch the inaugural parade with the president. >> if i were in this spot what would you do for me? i mean -- >> the first thing would definitely be to record the moment with a photo. >> look, everybody i'm here in front of the white house and the inaugural reviewing stand. all of you people at home be very jealous. >> no one has purchased the package yet but the hotel has had inquiries. so if you want social media butlering to be part of your inaugural experience you better act fast. >> it is now time unfortunately to go back to my day job and to say good-bye to my social media butler. thank you very much for your service. >> you're very welcome. it was my pleasure. >> inauguration won't the same without her. to say nothing of my twitter feed. bill plante, cbs news washington. >> jeff: that is the "cbs evening news" tonight. later on cbs "60 minutes." i'm jeff glor cbs news in new york. scott pelley will be here tomorrow. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh and.. the rush to buy freezing temperatures and frost. the bay area can not kick the cold. tonight, we will turn out to be the collest night of the current -- coldest night of the current cold snap. but we still have ways to go. and the rush to buy gun as congress considering drastic measures we're caught in the middle of it.. freeze warnings and frost have bay area natives grabbing warmer good evening. it is the california cold snap. we are caught in the middle of it. freeze warnings and frost have natives grabbing warmer jackets but, not everyone hates the cold. >> reporter:


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News 20130113

atlanta this year. james: we talked last week about how many plays that baltimore defense played. let's go to their locker room. >> we had them right where we wanted them. right where we wanted them. this is from the owner. he texted during the game. he has never done that before. he said i have never texted you during a game. we are down 35-28. this is when we were down 35-28. i never texted you during the game. we are down 35-28 and i think it is the best game i have ever seen us in the playoffs since 2000. that is before we took the lead. win or lose, i am so proud of the team and proud of you. james: coach quick thought. bill: i think this game is the heart and soul of that team, ray lewis. they are on this mission right now. you saw them come together. you know they are the underdogs anywhere they go. as long as joe flacco plays mistake free, ray rice running. that defense is playing very solid, mistake-free play. dan: they overcame two kick returns for touchdowns, that is hard to overcome, especially on the road. joe flacco making big plays down the field. shannon: this game was officiated very tightly. how will the game be called tomorrow moving forward? we know the seahawks like to get in people's face. james: there is college basketball coming your way tomorrow 1:30 eastern. number two michigan, the only undefeated team remaining takes on 15th ranked ohio state. we will be back on the air at 4:00 eastern on the "the nfl today." we will get you set for the final divisional playoff game of the weekend, the houston texans against the new england patriots. and a reminder stay tuned next on cbs it is criminal minds, followed by an all-new episode of 48 hours mystery tonight right here on cbs. bill: what a start j.b. james: no question about it. anything else you have to add? boomer: peyton manning won't get a good night's sleep tonight. bill: don't leave your living room. shannon: what a wonderful start. james: we will see you tomorrow right here on cbs. 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[ ding ] book now at look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. >> axelrod: tonight, california's big chill. temperatures plunge across the golden state. and farmers are scrambling to receive their crops. carter evans reports from the frozen frontline. [coughing] >> fighting the flu, one of the nation's biggest states declares a public health emergency. bob orr is track the epidemic. >> three years to the day after the earthquake that devastated haiti, how one american is helping the most serious i didn't injured. >> coming out on two crutches that's our goal. >> and a look at one city's campaigns to get weapons off the streets forever. >> announcer: this is captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> good evening. i'm jim axelrod with a western edition of the broadcast. we begin tonight in the orchards and farm fields of southern california, where the race is on to save crops from a potentially disastrous freeze. temperatures are well below normal in much of the state. 20° below normal in the los angeles basin and parts of san diego county where they are expecting frost on the beaches. the forecast for big sur is 20 degrees colder than boston. even palm springs could see temperatures near freezing. as carter evans reports from the san joaguin valley this could mean ruined crops and higher prices for fruits and vegetables across the country. at this southern california orchard, they couldn't big oranges fast enough. >> everybody in the citrus business right now is worried everybody. >> grower ben taft knew any fruit left on the tree this weekend could be ruined by sub freezing weather. >> these little pockets would essentially freeze and burst. >> reporter: but he could only harvest 30% of the his oranges before the temperature plunged. >> so you stand to lose 70% of your crop if there's a hard freeze over the next couple of days. >> that's correct. >> this grove is just a small part of california's $2 billion citrus industry, all of it is threatened by a cold snap that has put a big chill on a normally mild climate. at ben taft's farm near bakersfield, it was 26° this morning. tomorrow, it do fall to 19. > it's the cost of doing business. you enjoy the great times and you suffer through the bad times. >> reporter: the last bad time was six years ago. a hard freeze that lasted five days. >> and in 2007, how bad was it? >> we lost everything. reporter: taft says he won't go down without a fight. he is prepared to fly a helicopter over his grove to keep the air moving around the trees. >> reporter: so you're basically trying to create your own little weather system here. >> sure. >> and warm it up just a couple of degrees. >> yes. because a couple of degrees can make a difference. >> reporter: there's also an economic reality. taft employs 30 workers. and if the freeze destroys his crop -- >> there's nothing to pack and ship, the packing house does not operate. >> simple as that? >> that's a cold hard reality. reporter: and a bitter reminder that farmer is as much about luck as skill. carter evans, "cbs news," edison california. >> axelrod: this extreme weather on the other side of the world as well. extremely hot weather. in australia, 100-degree temperatures are fueling brush fires in the southeast part of the country. more than 90 in all. and look at what is cyclone has been whipping up off the northwest coast. it looks like a red wave on the ocean. it's actually a giant wall of red dust. here at home, the flu remains at epidemic levels. nearly every state, 47 in all, say the flu is widespread. today in new york governor andrew cuomo declared a public health emergency. bob orr has more. [coughing] >> the order from governor cuomo means new york pharmacists now have authority to give flu shots to children between 6 months and 18 years of age. across new york, the number of flu cases is exploding. 19,000 have been reported so far. nearly 5 times as many as last year. at this immediate care collin nick rochester, janet williams sees a steady flow of patients. >> we're setting records here at urgent care center in terms of the number of patients we're seeing per day. >> it's not just new york. the 15 states in red are reporting especially high levels of flu. they include utah texas, minnesota, and virginia. only five states shown here in green, are reporting minimal flu levels. and according to the centers for disease control the 2013 epidemic is taking a deadly toll across the country, claiming the lives of at least 20 children. in south carolina, over the counter cold and flu medications are at a premium. pharmacist ken rogers said he down to just four doses of tami flu and the children's version of that medication is on back order. >> there's not a delivery at a time to my wholesaler which is in north carolina and they're telling me they can't get it from the manufacturer. >> reporter: while there are spot sortages flu vaccine is still available. today people lined up outside of a boston health center to get their shots. >> i just wanted to get the flu shot anyway to be sure, to be safe. >> reporter: and health officials say with six weeks to go in the flu season vaccination is still the best defense. tam farley is new york city's health commissioner. >> it's still not too late to get your flu shot. if it don't totally protect it what it does is make the illness milder. >> the cdc said there are signs the tough flu season may be decreasing and the number of cases could start to decline over the next few weeks. >> axelrod: bob orr in washington. thank you. now to the run on guns. materials report sales started spiking after the newtown massacre. the fbi said it performed a record .8 million criminal background checks last month. that's a 49% increase over the same period in 2011. but acetone tone reports, curbing gun violence may require addressing more than just gun sales. >> the video game industry is facing white it considers its most serious threat in 20 years the possibility of new government regulations on violent games. vice president biden told game makers he has reached no conclusions about video game violence but suggested he may be the only one. >> you all know the judgments other people have made. >> last month's shooting in newtown connecticut produced a barrage of judgments that video games contribute to a culture of violence, even from the head of of the nra, wayne lapierre. >> and they play murder, portray murder as a way of life. and then they all have the nerve to call it "entertainment." >> reporter: the video game industry rebuffed a government crack down 20 years ago by creating ratings, similar to those for movies. violent games are rated m which the industry considers suitable for ages 17 and up. critics say that's not enough. they want the government to order that violent games carry warnings like those on cigarettes. >> the game industry has a responsibility to make sure they're marketing these games for adults. ryan smith is a journalist whose specialty is video games. he says violent games must be rebranded to make it clear they are not for young people. >> maybe with that, like separation, that parents would be more aware of maybe i shouldn't be buying this for my kids. >> reporter: "cbs news" saw a comment from this story from the video game industry but a spokesman did not respond. the industry has cited the supreme court decision of 2011 barring restrictions on v games, saying they are protected by the first amendment's guarantee of free speech. vice president biden is expected to make his recommendations for curbing violence to president obama on tuesday. tony guida, "cbs news," new york. >> still ahead, what a volunteer from america is doing for young victims of the earthquake in haiti. >> axelrod: today marks the third anniversary of the earthquake in haiti which killed more than 300,000 people. the united nations special enjoy to haiti, bill clinton laid a wreath at the mass burial site on the outskirts of the capital, port-au-prince. the u.s. is asked for 2-point billion dollars to fight cholera in heighty which had claimed 8,000 lives last year. as for the injuries suffered in the quake, magalie laguerre-wilkinson introduces us to an american whose skill is making a world of difference one step at a time. >> reporter: this is what port-au-prince haiti's capital, looked like three years ago. 60 minutes captured these images on the days that followed. >> i'm going to soak it in alcohol how. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands injury and had record number of amputations. adam adam finnieston was watching from home horrified. >> it was traumatic to see that type of devastation. >> the 40-year-old from florida has a unique skill haiti desperately needed. >> i'm a third generation doctor so seeing somebody missing a limb is something routine to me. >> routine. >> routine. what was shocking was the acuteness of it, the amount in one day because of one event and the kids. >> good. >> as many as 4,000 haitians became amputees in a place where artificial limbs were nonexistent, adam finnieston and his team are delivering a low-cast durable product there. >> is there that one patient there, one or two that has tugged at your heart string's little bit. >> yes, there is. this little girl charl-- charlonie, he is 4 or 5 years old, a beautiful beautiful little girl, with a very stoic look on her face. we got her fit. and she immediately got and up started walking and she cracked just the slightest smile. and that's -- that's what it is all about. >> reporter: adam finnieston has outfitted nearly 200 haitians. >> this was her first foot. >> and it's children like charlonie who will need constant adjustments as they grow. >> you're dealing in a place where people have lost loved ones some kids have lost their parents, they have lost their homes, they have lost schools and now they have lost a limb. >> i'm giving them had a little piece of their life back, you know, the ability to walk the ability to contribute to society. the ability to care for themselves and their families. that is, you know very rewarding. >> adam finnieston sees these small miracles as first steps in a much longer journey. magalie laguerre-wilkinson, "cbs news," miami. >> axelrod: coming up, a surprising second life for the guns in one american city. >> axelrod: finally tonight, with 90 murders record in their city last year, the people of newark new jersey are all too familiar with the toll of gun violence. now the city is trying a new approach to get guns off the streets, with an unexpected surprise this week. here is john bentley. >> reporter: this is just a fracktion of the guns that came off the streets. newark's police director sam demaio is convinced that the more guns he can round up, the lower crime will be. >> the gun violence is the number one thing we're battling every day. >> reporter: last year the newark police collected more than 850 guns, second highest amount they ever brought in. once they got the guns off the street they had another problem: what to do with all of them? >> i had to create something that people who will never walk these streets could identify with. >> reporter: that's where jewelry designer jessica mindich stepped in. she is transforming the guns and shell casings into bracelets made from melted-down weapons. >> i was going to repurpose them into something that was beautiful, hopefully that would connect with both the message of turning kind of ugly into beautiful. >> meltdown guns and make jewelry out of it? i thought it was really crazy. but then i met with jessica and saw her passion for it. >> reporter: the bracelets sell for between 150-$357. angela santomero bought three. >> knowing these came from guns and bullet casings they're gorgeous. jessica has a great eye for style. >> she donates earnings back to newark, yesterday giving the mayor $20,000 for the city gun buy back program. >> it's a thrilling thing to be able to quantify that these bracelets equal fewer guns on the streets. >> mindich has efforts to expand to other cities because newark isn't the only place awash in guns. john bentley newark new jersey. >> axelrod: that's the cbs evening news for tonight. i'm jim axelrod in new york. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh doubles at gun shows --- like today's in san francisco. the items flying off the shelves al mass packed in like a loaded barrel. attendance at san francisco gun shows, guns flying off the shelves in the wake of mass shootings in recent months. >> i took a person's life. doing what he can to help make sure it never happens again. the powerful messages from him and others, honoring homicide victims in san francisco. >> playoff fever hits the bay area, as the 49ers take on the green bay packers. cbs 5 eyewitness news is next. big crowds and long lines, as the nation's largest producer of gun shows . good evening. i'm ann notarangelo. big crowds, long lines, as the nation's largest producer of gun shows brings its big event to the


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