However, few women folks with HPV, and there are many non-cancer causing ones, actually go ahead to develop cervical cancer.
Factors that may increase chances of getting cervical cancer include a depressed immune system, as in the case with some people with HIV, obesity, that old Satan smoking (kuvuta sigara, especially for women, was last cool in 1981 with those movie ads of drop dead ladies smoking ‘Embassy Kings’ as the man drives a top-down red Mustang through empty country roads) and, of course, having multiple sexual partners.
A friend was telling me last weekend about a mutual pal, a working woman in her early 30s, who has a married boyfriend, an older sponsor, a Cameroonian pipe layer and a Ben Ten; and she services them all at least once a week. But that is a ‘Men Only’ for another Saturday. Attention! If you tell us columnists your/other people’s secrets, we’ll turn them into articles.