in this book you have a number of charming vignettes. the last one that was offered, i are to say, brought a tear to my eye, even thinking about it. the elk. tell us that story. well, i always learn something every summer in montana from nature. and especially from wildlife. four, five years ago in the springtime when the river running through our national reservoir because of flood stage because of snow runoff and heavy rain. i was standing at a high point looking at a bend in the river when a small herd of mother elk came out, cows with her newborn calves. couldn t have been more than two, three weeks old. they looked at me, decided i wasn t a threat. they then led the calves into this raging river to a bushy bank on the other side so they could get into the grassland on the other part of our ranch. it was not easy for these newborn calves. i m sure it was the first time