was it whose fault was it? she just could have had a giant foam finger pointing to look to the c.i.a. holler at langley. that seems let s talk about benghazi. because richard cohen writes today in the washington post, benghazi syndrome is a grave malady of the noggin. the symptoms of which are a compulsion to grossly exaggerate matters and to compare almost anything to watergate. fudging a press release is not a crime. compromising on wording is not a crime. making a decision, even if wrong, that there was no time to call in the cavalry, is not a crime and having inadequate security is not only not a crime. but partly a consequence of congressional budget cuts. what do you make of that? i agree. no, but i, i do think, there are underlying issues here that shouldn t be dismissed. the fact that, that, that this outpost in bbz wenghazi was attacked, represents some sort of failure. we have a dead ambassador and
for tat and that makes it right. i m just saying if there s a broader problem, people are interpreting law. if there s a bigger problem, let s fix the problem. but i think the administration has an opportunity to take it out of we should agree that the 501 c 4 status has been conferred on some groups that have distinctly political bents. raince priebus and the rnc have just called for the resignation of eric holder. what took them so long? we have to take a short break, when we come back, the other disease plaguing washington. republicans have been infected with it for months. the affliction seems to be spreading. we ll diagnose the symptoms of the benghazi syndrome, next on now. [ male announcer ] what?! investors could lose