Aadujeevitham: A gripping Malayalam survival drama film, directed by Blessy and featuring Prithviraj Sukumaran, Amala Paul, and Jimmy Jean-Louis. Adapted from Benyamins acclaimed novel, it promises an immersive cinematic experience. Released on March 28, 2024, this international co-production showcases the struggles of Najeeb, portrayed by Prithviraj. Follow its box office journey.
Discover the latest updates on Aadujeevithams box office collection. Directed by Blessy, this Malayalam survival drama, featuring Prithviraj Sukumaran, promises an unforgettable cinematic journey. Explore its impressive performance, international production, and remarkable cast, including Amala Paul and Jimmy Jean-Louis. Stay informed about its record-breaking achievements in Kerala BO.
Aadujeevitham Box Office Collection Prediction: Experience the gripping Malayalam survival drama Aadujeevitham (The Goat Life) directed by Blessy, starring Prithviraj Sukumaran. Discover the journey of Najeeb portrayed by Prithviraj, a compelling story inspired by real events.