responsible for? weather underground slightly over for 20 what we saw in february, 1970, was san francisco police officer brian mcdonnell. a 4-year-old father of two, husband killed. when a bomb went off in his police station. and eight other police officers were injured in that blast. your wife has been accused of the crime. do you deny it? absolutely. nothing to do with it. bernadine wasn t fond of the police officers. referring to them as pigs . five days after that bombing the weather underground bombed john murta s home. it s not true not true? you quote the weather underground communication, saying as follows i m quoting now two weeks before the town house explosion two members of the group fire bombed judge
immunity and get her friends off. i know the woman very well, i don t agree to that at all. i truly believe that bernadine had something to do with it, ayers well, a lot of people have ideas, i want to ask you richard before you go. the reports that i read, and i read a lot said that the fbi had been investigating these folks and had illegally sur veiled them in wiretaps that were not useable in a court of law, that was not necessarily the only piece, but a major piece. that goes back, to i believe, even before we got into these cells, the code name of the case that willy and i were working on was the weather thug case, which was weatherman fugitive. all we were trying to do is locate them, get them arrested and get them off the streets before they could continue placing more bombs and hurting more people. i think what you re talking
bomb this country again? what i m saying is that it seems to long ago. what i m saying in that passage is that it seems so long ago, so far away. like another world. on the other hand, as violent and nuts as we can be as a country, i can t say no, boy never, ever rise up in opposition in a very militant and serious way. i can t say i won t. i doubt it. i m 70 years old. it s unlikely. i think i wanted to say there what bernadine said on tape. no. i m in the committed to nonviolence as an ideology. these are our views because we live in the most-violent society around and commit more crimes day in and day out. oftens a matter of policy. yet, that seems perfectly fine with you. bill ayers, thank you for being here. thank you, megyn. after all crimes connected to weather underground and founder, why exactly are bill ayers and