about, those documents. that issue of the realness or fakeness of those documents? that issue was never actually resolved. a bunch of people lost their jobs over it, including ultimately dan rather at cbs, but nobody was ever able to say with authority whether or not the documents used by cbs in that report bettwere actually f. that continues to be unresolved. the resurfacing of that story, that is coming at a pivotal time in u.s. politics, and it s freaking a lot of people out. we have just the right personal to talk about it all. dan rather joins us next. vo: with beyond natural dry pet food, you can trust our labels.
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basket and everyone has to put their electric ronics in the basket before you know and participate in the conversation. that happens each day. vice president cheney and liz, thank you both for coming. it is always good to talk with you. member, the spiraling migrant crisis in europe. hundreds of thousands of people fleeing isis, war and poverty. this tragic image is finally bringing worldwide attention to the chaos. theo what do you think? how should the word handle the refugee crisis? let me now @foxnewssunday. vo: with beyond natural dry pet food, you can trust our labels. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. when we say there s no corn, wheat or soy, it s not there. learn more at purinabeyond.com
conference talking about how she slept on the first night. we ll get the update. father johnson weighs in. this is a tough subject to talk about and deal with. as a christian, you re wake up sunday wondering how do i be true to faith but bide by the laws? this story highlights it. can t think of anybody to break pit down than father john. this helped him skyrocket in the presidential polls. 999 will pass. it s not the price of a pizza. herman cane of course. where is he now? could donald trump wind up in the same place? president obama renamed m.t mckinley and mow pressured to rename reagan international airport too. nope vo: with beyond natural dry pet food, you can trust our labels.
president. at 2% and tied with rick santorum, new jersey governor chris christie. and at 1%, tied with rick perry and jim gilmore, is kentucky senator rand paul. the beltway keeps saying is the most intriguing man in politics. 1% and tied with jim gilmore. that is intriguing. stay with us. vo: with beyond natural dry pet food, you can trust our labels. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. when we say there s no corn, wheat or soy, it s not there. learn more at purinabeyond.com