Kannada superstar Puneeth Rajkumar's noble gesture to donate his eyes has created a sort of movement of eye donation in Karnataka. The eye donation which was badly hit by the Covid pandemic has gained momentum once again after the untimely demise of Puneeth, which was widely discussed in media and the good word has spread from mouth to mouth dispelling all hesitation regarding
Kannada super star Puneeth Rajkumar s noble gesture to donate his eyes has created a sort of movement of eye donation in Karnataka.The eye donation which was badly hit by the Covid pandemic has gained momentum once again after the untimely .
Shivakarthikeyan said he couldn t believe Puneeth wasn t there after seeing his family. "He was a fantastic performer. We are still stunned. A month ago, I spoke to Puneeth. The film business has suffered a great loss "he stated.