This is the first of a two part story. The march into the Big Horn Country took 14 days, and the correspondent who was embedded with Crook’s army was very detailed in his recording of the expedition. However, it is interesting to see what they thought of the Sheridan area in 1876, when there were fe
Fort Phil Kearny was an outpost of the U.S. Army along the Bozeman Trail near present day Story, Wyoming Construction began in the summer of 1866 under the direction of the regimental commander Colonel Henry B. Carrington. It was one of the forts that were constructed along the Bozeman Trail to prot
True West Magazine
Franciscan Brother Simeon Schwemberger began his passion for photography of the Four Corners region after his discovery of a surplus large-format 5×7 glass-plate camera at the St. Michaels Mission near Window Rock, Arizona, in 1901. His poignant 1908 photo of a public Jemez Pueblo ceremony in New Mexico reflects his sensitivity for the Native peoples he photographed.
– Courtesy Library of Congress –
For millions of would-be travelers to the American West, 2020 will be remembered as the year that might have been. For those who did venture out West this past year, spontaneity and flexibility were the watch-words for successful heritage travel experiences. While many museums, restaurants, saloons, historic sites, parks, lodges and hotels are still following ever-changing safety guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic, intrepid Western travelers quickly realize great photo opportunities, hikes, roadside rests and spontaneous, seize-the-moment experiences.