was not mentioned they feel that this could also mean less possibility off a trade war between china and the u.s. a big plus by the way also this morning for the german carmaker volkswagen the market in china for them extremely important and we ve heard of they re also thinking about having lower tariffs on car imports from other countries as well all right thanks to you stay with us because we will be coming back to you in just a moment but first according to reports the u.s. justice department will give the green light to german pharma giant buyers take over all of monsanto that just a few weeks off the potential deal was given the ok by the e.u. commission by tends to buy the u.s. agricultural colossus for sixty two billion dollars u.s. officials have insisted that by divest additional assets as part of the deal before now goes smoothly the mega deal will be the biggest ever take over all of a u.s. company by a german one. back over to daniel in frankfurt daniel so this merger appea