and she can say all she wants about college tuition and i m a big proponent, we re going to do a lot of things for college tuition, but the rest of the public s going be paying for it. we ll have a massive, massive tax increase under hillary clinton s plan. but i d like to start off where we left because when i said japan and germany and i m not to single them out, south korea, these are very rich, powerful countries. saudi arabia, nothing but money. we protect saudi arabia. why aren t they paying? she immediately, when she heard this, i questioned and i questioned nato, why aren t the nato questions paying, because they weren t paying. since i did this, a year ago, all of a sudden they re paying. i ve been given a lot of credit for it. all of a sudden they re starting to pay up. they have to pay up. we re protecting people. they have to pay up. i m a big fan of nato, but they have to pay up. she comes out and said, we love our allies, we think our allies are great. it s awfully hard t
your taxes. her tax plan is a disaster. and she can say all she wants that college tuition. i m a big proponent. we ll do a lot of things for college tuition but the rest the public will be paying for it. we will have a massive, massive tax increase under hillary clinton s plan. i would like to start off where we left. because when i said japan and germany and i m not just s singling them out. saudi arabia. these are very rich countries. we protect saudi arabia. why aren t they paying? i questioned, why aren t they paying? since did i this, this was a year ago. all of a sudden they re paying. and i ve been given a lot of credit for it. they re starting to pay up. we re protecting people. they have to pay up. and i m a big fan of nato but they have to pay up. she comes out and says we love our allies. we think our allies are great. it is awfully hard to get them
taxes. her tax plan is a disaster. and she can say all she wants to college tuition and i m a big proponent. we re going to do a lot of things for college tuition, but the rest of the public s going to be paying for it. we will have a massive tax increase under hillary clinton s plan. but i d like to start off where we left, because when i said japan and germany and i m not just singling them out, but south korea, these are rich, powerful countries, saudi arabia. we protect saudi arabia. why aren t they paying? she immediately saying i questioned it, why aren t the nato questioned, why aren t they paying? because they weren t paying. since i did this a year ago, all the sudden they re paying and i ve been given a lot of credit for it. they have to pay up. we re protecting people. they have to pay up and i m a big fan of nato, but they have to pay up. she comes out and said we love our allies, we think our allies are great. l it s awfully hard to get them
requires about 50,000 ballot signatures which is close to 2 million signatures to collect in order to get that ballot. i m a big proponent of independent candidates and parties. but right now, there s only two impediments to him getting that, time and himself. if he chooses to go outside the republican party, there is an avenue for him. very interesting. and overall, do believe he hurts independents if he go there? no, in 1992 when ross perot ran, the polling is clear that had he not ran in the race, the results s would have been the same. so, it doesn t it s a
that there s challenges that need to be faced and issues that need to be addressed. so i don t think that s going to be a problem. i ve got to ask you, what about the police department? i m a criminal justice professor at seant lewis community college in ferguson and i m a big proponent and have been screaming from the hilltop about community organized policing. i intend to be very active in the picking of a new chief and i want someone who is going to be community-oriented. we have to change the culture from the top down. officers shouldn t be judged on by how many tickets they write. they should be judged by how many people they know in the community. wesley bell good to have you with us on the ed show. it s change that is certainly needed in ferguson missouri. appreciate your time. thank you so much. that is the ed show. politicsnation with reverend al sharpton starts right now.