After Big Boss 13, actor Sidharth Shukla is ready with his next project, ALT Balaji’s Broken But Beautiful 3. The first two seasons starred Vikrant Massey and Harleen Sethi. Sidharth will star in the show with Rathee Sonia.
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Sidharth Shukla says both TV and OTT have their share of challenges
Bigg Boss fame and television actor Sidharth Shukla is set to step into the world of the web soon, with Broken But Beautiful 3 . Featuring Sidharth and debutant Sonia Rathee as Agastya Rao and Rumi, the show will launch on May 29th on ALTBalaji. It tells the story of Agastya and Rumi, who are two people from very different worlds. Not only are their worlds poles apart, but they are also a complete contrast to each other.
Talking about the same, Sidharth agrees that OTT is the new thing now, but both small screen and the digital platform come with their share of challenges.
Sidharth Shukla has a strong advice for the boys; says, Please build your character in such a way that a girl feels safe with you even in a dark room + We serve personalized stories based on the selected cityOK
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Sidharth Shukla has a strong advice for the boys; says, Please build your character in such a way that a girl feels safe with you even in a dark room
Sidharth Shukla has a strong advice for the boys; says, Please build your character in such a way that a girl feels safe with you even in a dark room
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Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla clocks 1 million followers on Twitter
Actor Sidharth Shukla on Sunday amassed one million followers on Twitter and thanked his fans for their constant support. Shukla, who won the last season of the reality show Bigg Boss , said joining the microblogging site to connect with fans was one of the best decisions he has made. Woohoo congratulations everyone we are 1M strong. Thank you for supporting me and choosing to follow me. Joining Twitter was one of my best decisions as I connected to you all. Feels good to see that the first few who followed are still around. Thank you. Love and luck to all, the 40-year-old actor tweeted.