Former Union Minister and BJP Lok Sabha MP from Bihar s Saran, Rajiv Pratap Rudy while targeting the Nitish Kumar-led government in the Lok Sabha on February 10, said that Bihar s Grand Alliance government had been trying to divide the state into castes by the caste based census. He a
Former Union Minister and BJP Lok Sabha MP from Bihar s Saran, Rajiv Pratap Rudy while targeting the Nitish Kumar-led government in the Lok Sabha on February 10, said that Bihar s Grand Alliance government had been trying to divide the state into castes by the caste based census. He a
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been stuck in a maelstrom regarding the caste based census. The opposition parties have been attacking the BJP by citing different statements from its leaders, in attempts to prove that the saffron party is .