speech even the wall street journal gushed about the big dog in an editorial aimed at making obama look radical by comparison. it s a good moment to remind everyone about the real economic history of the clinton years and why the results differ so much from those of obama-nomics. remember triangulation? he embraced balanced budget using it it to outmaneuver newt gingrich over a government shutdown. that s the kind of talk that explains this. bill clinton s favorability has been steadily increasing since mid-2008, staggering 70%. if we had a clinton presid t presidency, if we had erskine bowles, chief of staff of the white house or president of the white house, we would have fix this had mess by now. that s not the kind of presidency we re dealing with right now. the republicans put bill clinton on a pedestal in an effort to tear down obama and now they find themselves in a bind. their praise made him an unusually campaign trail