Look for an obituary for Agnes (Toni) Helming in this paper. Toni, as we all knew her, spent summered on Southport for many years with her husband, Fred, and six children, two of whom live on Southport year-round now. Our family had a special love.
Many thanks to Maureen Kinsey who kept Southport news coming, writing last week’s column while I made what may be my final trip to our time share at Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. Our time-share week is now owned by two of our three offspring.
Weather continues to dominate the news, but this week in a good way. Since last Friday the cold temperatures have allowed the Southport School students to begin skating on their new ice rink. Some of the children were moving about on the ice with.
The ocean has had its way with us! As I began this column on Friday, Jan. 12, we await another storm tonight and tomorrow, this time arriving in Midcoast Maine at the same time as an extraordinary high tide, noted on the news as being 14.3 feet.