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announcement this late because iowa democrats are doing exactly that, recanvassing the results. that's how they're getting the results. and the dnc is the one working with them on this project. more important than that, though, is the message this potentially sends. the head of the party is telling democrats with just five days to go before new hampshire, don't trust the results out of iowa, even the ones you're seeing right now. you can bet some sanders and buttigieg supporters will view this with a bit of suspicion. with nearly all of the results now in, buttigieg has the razor-thin lead over sanders in the state delegate equivalents. this afternoon, though, bernie sanders claimed victory based october ron the raw votes of who first came to the caucuses. >> so what i want to do today, three days late, is to thank the people of iowa for the very strong victory they gave us at the iowa caucuses on monday night. our campaign is winning the popular initial vote by some 6,000 votes. in other words, some 6,000 more iowans came out on caucus night to support our candidacy than the candidacy of anyone else. a victory margin of some 6,000 votes is pretty decisive. >> and with the party still mired in iowa caucus chaos, we have new numbers out of new hampshire signaling more problems, by the way, for joe biden. according to a new monmouth poll out this afternoon, sanders is at the top of the pack, buttigieg is close behind, within the poll's four-point margin of error. bottom line, iowa is basically a tie. sanders is emerging as the top candidate in the progressive wing, pete buttigieg the leading candidate in the moderate wing of the party. joe biden looks to be fading as we approach new hampshire. so with the latest reporting on where this scrambled race is going, joined by some of our nbc news road warriors already on the ground in new hampshire, we've got mike memoli, shaquille brewster and vaughn hillyard who is with buttigieg and also following the mess in iowa as well. mr. memoli, let me start with you. the -- i don't know what you want to call them, prebituaries at some points or this is getting in a really bad place, "new york times," "washington post," the amount of ajuta about team biden is potent. what's the word there? >> i'm having a lot of deja vu. the first new hampshire primary i covered was in 2008. when hillary clinton stumbled in iowa finishing third place, i remember even as late as primary day we were talking about the implosion of the clinton campaign, the inability to raise money, she was trailing in the polls to barack obama. well, today we're actually hearing that put forward by the biden campaign explicitly. billy shaheen was standing here saying he was about to lose and ended up winning. so that's the best they can hope for is to lay the groundwork for a potential comeback here. what's interesting, though, is the biden campaign said they had their best fund-raising month in january. i think that is the biggest concern right now. how much has that fund-raising dried up. he hasnough money to fly back to delaware. i'm in manchester. he's 375 miles from here. after a good day yesterday where they thought they showed some fight back in the former vice president, talking about the gut punch, taking some shots at sanders and buttigieg, he had that good night too with the cnn debate. a moment people were comparing his talking about stuttering to hillary clinton's getting emotional in portsmouth that night but he's not here to capitalize on it. he's doing some debate prep getting ready for that debate tomorrow night which is a big moment but there's a lot of people wondering why he couldn't stay here, duck out and do a little retail which he's so good at. >> i'm curious, what's the biden campaign think of tom perez's call to essentially re-examine the iowa numbers yet again? is that what they want? >> there was a moment a couple of days ago when the biden campaign was being beat up for challenging the integrity of looking like sore losers. i think they have been able to back off their own criticisms of that process. i think part because they don't see any real significant change in fortunes for them in fourth place but also the more the iowa result is just completely written off and which it seems to be even by those vying for one and two, that the less people maybe put stock in that and they can focus on their argument for super tuesday if they can get there. >> well, right. the problem for biden is if the placement is the same in new hampshire as iowa, then suddenly it makes iowa seem like it was more accurate. >> 18 days to south carolina is a long death march, chuck. >> that's a long 18 days, mike memoli. let me go to shaquille brewster. shaq, bernie came out today to declare victory based on the popular vote even though he may not win delegates. it was the bernie sanders supporters who forced this change in the reporting result which some people indicate may be why iowa is struggling so much to report the results. but bernie got what he wants, a way to declare victory even if he didn't win the delegates. >> that's right, chuck, you heard that declaration of victory in that last-minute press conference announced earlier today. one thing that stuck out with me in that press conference is when he said iowa is finally behind us. the sanders campaign is accepting seressentially that w you look at delegates, it's going to be advertisement it's going to be super close and won't have a significant difference between mayor pete and senator sanders. he's highlighting the popular vote to say, hey, we have support but they're fine with everyone turning away from iowa and looking at new hampshire where they feel they're on much stronger ground. senator sanders is a neighboring senator. he's coming from vermont. the average of polls show him ahead here. a poll out of monmouth showed him with a lead. they feel like this is a much stronger position for him. i spoke with his state director and they said they have a strong ground game. they're knocking on an average of one door a second. this is the place they want to compete and they're okay with ignoring iowa and moving on to the next contest. >> i'm curious, though, iowa shouldn't have been that close if you believe the sanders operation was as good as they thought it was. are they not admitting that, you know what, are they concerned at all that that's a yellow flag here a little bit? >> he was asked about that at that press conference because you'll remember, chuck, that part of that closing message senator sanders has is he beats trump because he can bring out the energy and excitement, there will be historic turnout. he said if there was historic turnout he would win and if there was not, he would lose. there wasn't historic turnout and he was asked about that. he admitted, yes, he was disappointed in that but he blamed it for the complications of the iowa caucus, how complicated of a process it is. it is a warning flag, i think, the fact that he spent $10 million there. he had hundreds and hundreds of staff there, thousands of volunteers. they knocked on over a half million doors in the state of iowa alone. if that couldn't get a clear and decisive win for senator sanders in the state of iowa, it does call into question how much he can mobilize that base of support. >> we literally -- they are four state delegate as part, by the way, in iowa. i think it's fair to say they both won at this point. shaquille brewster with the sanders campaign, thank you. vaughn hillyard, first to the buttigieg side of your brain, and that is this. how do they feel about the dnc suddenly coming in today and calling into question their tie or their co-victory with sanders here? >> well, how about this, chuck. i think as shaq just expressed, i think there's question marks from every campaign over this process. they're all watching it very closely still. their campaign operation in iowa. but there's this conversation over why did tom perez call for the recanvas. we should note and i think steve kornacki has been looking at this and i think will have more this evening in trying to understand on how some of these satellite caucuses were aproportioned. this is complicated math. they're just four state delegates apart from one another. there are some question marks out of allocations out of satellite caucuses where bernie sanders won huge. there's one satellite caucus that we are still awaiting results from and it could be that satellite caucus that has not reported yet that could ultimately put bernie sanders on top. i think that's part of the reason why every campaign is still watching these results come in closely. >> wow, that is interesting there. once again, it's because of all the ridiculous things that the national party and others forced on iowa. now this is why we're here at this point. the iowa democrats, i guess, were afraid to say they couldn't do things. anyway, big thanks to our road warriors in new hampshire. go ahead, vaughn. >> i was just going to say i actually just got off the phone with a national democratic party official. you were mentioning this back and forth in the squabble here. the dnc has been on the ground this last week in the lead-up to the caucus, but this party official, this national official is pushing back and saying that they early on urged the iowa democratic party to not rely on technology and that they were simply helping oversee the cybersecurity concerns of this, not the coding, not the technology components that this particular app was behind. that's where i think that you're seeing some of the disgruj disgruntlement between the two sides and the blame between the two sides is taking shape. >> in government, i think it's officially called cya. anyway, road warriors, thank you. let's dive into some of the latest numbers from the granite state with kornacki at the big board. we're starting to see new hampshire numbers. number one, new hampshire matters. we thought there was a time we thought new hampshire might not matter this cycle the way it's mattered in the past. and now it may be everything. we're starting to see some movement. this is a very fluid race. >> it's 1992 all over again. tom harken runs in iowa and suddenly new hampshire matters. a brand new monmouth poll out and sanders in the lead here, buttigieg in second. you see biden close to buttigieg there, warren a little further back. i think the question that emerges, take these in two different groups here. buttigieg and biden, are they ships passing in the night right now, buttigieg ascendant, biden declining? sanders and warren, and there is more of a gap there, 24 and 13. are they also ships passing in the night? warren perhaps not near the top and sanders there. the reason i say that there's also, we can show this, a nightly tracking poll being conducted since monday. you can see the movement here. look at this, buttigieg up eight. this is the "boston globe" suffolk wbz poll. buttigieg up eight, biden down six, warren down two, sanders up one. and so obviously the question is raises there is we've always seen these new hampshire races, we've often seen them. the deck is reshuffled after iowa, after whatever comes out of that. is a sanders/buttigieg race, a sanders/buttigieg separation from the rest of the field taking shape here? we can show one more here in the monmouth poll. if you reduce it to four, just a sense whereof folks go, you start to see a little more separation. 28, 28, biden, warren, further back. so it is a question there, is that what's to come. >> steve, contemplate this, because that is what fascinated me was the four-way. there's been a theory that klobuchar voters are there for the taking for biden if he figures out how to get them. what this showed me is klobuchar has former biden support. once you leave biden, you don't go back, you go forward and look for somebody else. that has to be a real dangerous sign for biden. >> i think so, yeah. and again, the result from iowa, whatever happens with buttigieg and sanders, the news that's come out about biden here, we've seen candidates get hit with that in the past. it rarely helps them in new hampshire. >> yeah. no, it's true. new hampshire always claims that iowa doesn't influence them. iowa has some influence. we know it does. yeah. they get the internets out there. steve kornacki, thank you, sir. up ahead, the black eye for the hawkeye state. who's going to clean up this mess heading into new hampshire. later, the president's 63-minute impeachment victory speech. it was trumpian, defiant. he was furious. mitt romney has really gotten into his head, that's for sure. we'll be right back. s for sure we'll be right back. lve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. what do you think? 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>> it's not critical. we've had races that -- the obama/clinton race in 2008 went right to the end, so it's -- sometimes it's better to have your nominee earlier. democrats are peculiar people. we'll get there and then we'll get cold feet an somebody else will jump in at the very ending so i'm very laid back about this process. i think the democrats are doing fine and i'm not even close to panic. >> david plouffe, it does feel as if there's panic, there's some panic maybe in the acela corridor over biden. there's panic over uncertainty of -- if it's buttigieg, then what? then it's bloomberg. that's the anxiety i'm sensing right now. it's less that there's indecision about the pragmatists, it's more fear that either bloomberg or buttigieg can't do this. >> well, chuck, i think there is. but listen all the folks in the acela corridor, i'm out in california today, they have a vote. that's their control over this. so the voters will take this where they take it. you know, i think this race still has a lot of twists and turns in it. so new hampshire, i've been the victim of a surprise in new hampshire before so we'll see what happens. i agree with you, it's going to be more critical than we might have thought. i don't know whether it's neatly going to fall into two lanes or -- and of course you have bloomberg looming out there. but at the end of the day what i'm going to be watching carefully is are we able to increase turnout. we weren't able to do that in iowa. can we do it in primary states. are we building the kind of coalition you need to beat trump. at the end of the day, you can wring your hands all you want. you've got to vote. and by the way, if the establishment were to come in, whatever the establishment is these days, and say you know what, it's anybody but bernie sanders, that's the way to make him the nominee. it's not going to work. he would be able to pivot off that so easily. >> david plouffe, let me start with you on this question. the head-scratching thing for me on tom perez's decision to call for a recanvas, why bring the attention back since there was a recanvas happening. we know what happened. we've got two winners out of iowa, which is exactly what bernie sanders was hoping the rules changes would get him in case he didn't win the delegates. >> you saw "the new york times" and some others were going through the math that was released, the numbers. they were, you know, finding some discrepancies in the state delegate equivalent. governor dean is a former chair so he can speak to this more authoritatively. you know, at the end of the day the thing that concerns me, i don't think the iowa party and democratic party are on the same page, and we just can't have that. >> david, it does seem as if right now most people think they should be coordinating. they don't look like they are. >> they may not be. look, the reasons you have to do the recount is at some point there are going to be delegates at the convention and you do not want people fighting about this at the convention. so i think the only thing that really matters now is not the focus of the nation, which is consumed by all, this it's the focus of the voters in new hampshire. i guarantee you in new hampshire they're not discussing who won and who didn't in iowa, they're discussing who they're going to vote for and that's the next big stepping stone. our primaries always work like this. i don't want to beat up on iowa. was this a screw-up? yes. we frankly need to do something different in terms of the first two primaries. new hampshire has a voter suppression bill for college students. why they're there, i don't know. we need democracy, which means primaries only, and we need diversity in our early primaries and we need to go further. >> joe biden, how badly does he need a top two finish in new hampshire? >> it would be good but it's probably not fatal if he doesn't get there. he still has south carolina and nevada to go. if he doesn't do anything between now and then, i think this is over. but he's got plenty of time to come back. >> david plouffe, can he make it to south carolina with back-to-back fourth place finishes? >> chuck, that's always a question for me, what would it take for biden to not win south carolina or win it so narrowly it doesn't get the momentum and he may test that. he goes four in iowa, four in new hampshire, then i think he would have to come in top two in nevada. then is the question of resources. based on the polling, but it looks like this is not about him getting in the top two, it's about him trying to finish ahead of warren. so i think that they're kind of in a defcon 1 or 2 situation at least politically. and if i told you pete buttigieg was the nominee, does that tell you he probably won new hampshire? if you went into a coma -- >> i think so. >> i was just going to say, david, you went into a coma and i woke you up and said buttigieg is the nominee, you would have assumed he pulled off an upset in new hampshire? >> i would for this reason, chuck. he's such a distinct underdog. started obviously nowhere. sanders obviously -- and biden both, they have more strength. this is the tragedy of him mnot getting the full effect of his iowa performance. he's got to pull off basically an inside straight here. win new hampshire, go top two new hampshire, somehow get two or three in south carolina to raise the money, the resources. i'm here in california, chuck. people are going to start voting very, very soon out here. and so, yeah, i think he does. i think he's got to win new hampshire. he'll be able to go on, but again this isn't about like, hey, you did well. you got a silver medal. if you want to be the nominee if you're pete buttigieg, you have to win new hampshire in my view. >> governor, you know bernie sanders well. on one hand he's in for the long haul, but it's hard for him to imagine getting this nomination if he lost new hampshire. >> no. look, somebody is going to win new hampshire. and if it's warren, she's back in the race. >> i agree. >> i don't think that knocks out buttigieg and bernie. i really -- we do too much of this. this is a long haul and it'sment to be a long haul. >> donors can make the long haul impossible to make. >> i finished third in iowa and was supposed to finish first. i didn't drop out until wiscons wisconsin. >> but you had resources. >> i did have resources. most of these folks -- bernie has resources, buttigieg has resources. i don't know what elizabeth's situation is. and you're going to get resources if you win new hampshire. so i have -- this is too early to have this kind of talk, even though i know you have to do the show. >> well, but i will say this, chuck. i appreciate that, governor, but there's one thing about can you stay in. there's another question of can you win and be the nominee. so i think can you win? >> what if your staying in puts the party in the wrong direction? >> what's the wrong direction? >> well, if you think it's going to help some -- some people think sanders can't win a g general and more people stay in, it makes it more easy for sanders to win the nomination. >> i have to think a little about that. you mean if bernie is not going to be the nominee but he stays in anyway? >> yeah. >> it gets people out to vote. at the end of the day i think bernie will do the right thing if he doesn't win. bernie sanders' political career is about helping people. you don't help people if your people won't go all the way to the end no matter who wins. >> here's what we do know, new hampshire matters. thank you both. all of those questions about what happened in iowa, what happens now. dnc chair tom perez will be answering them. he sits down exclusively with rachel tonight. we'll be right back. back. it took plenty of work to get here. but it's still important to be prepared for what's next. at fidelity, we can help you build a clear plan for retirement without the unnecessary fees you might expect from so many financial firms. we'll make sure you can cover the essentials, as well as all the things you want to do. because when you have a retirement partner who gives you clarity at every step, there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. ♪ here's wishing you the bluest sky ♪ there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. 1917 has been nominated including best cinematography, best director, and best picture of the year. try eucerin advanced dry srepair lotion. it helps stop dryness from recurring by going beyond ceramides with natural moisturizing factors found in skin eucerin advanced repair lotion for healthier looking skin. and then what happened? 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he hasn't been out there saying -- joe biden, what a fantastic job he did. he served in the senate for how many years? >> max baucus in iowa. >> how many senators, major figures said i served with joe biden, he's the guy. so i do think biden was a weak front-runner and it just got exposed. >> well, don't write him off yet. don't write him off yet because i do think that this idea of the primary in new hampshire and a caucus in iowa, it really is not representative of the demographic of the democratic party. i think that, you know, if he pulls off sort of win, place show in new hampshire and goes to south carolina and nevada and wins there that he can continue this thing. >> okay. i hear you. but, betsy, when i look at -- i understand his power with the african-american vote or the perceived power. i don't know if it really will be there when all is said and done. but there's another part of iowa and of new hampshire that scranton joe is supposed to connect with, the blue collar manchester, the dubuque catholics. it didn't happen. >> that's a problem for him. >> the electability guy, that's what that was about. >> that's the problem, because the best argument that biden's folks have been able to make for him being someone who can beat trump is that he'll be able to rally those specific voters, that he'll be able to pick up pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. if he can't even get those voters within the democratic primary, that's just a problem. that's just -- it's hard -- >> and he's short of money it sounds like. if you're a democratic donor, two, three months ago you were moderate, you might have gone with biden. then why didn't you? i think bloomberg had a big effect in seizing moderates from going. >> bill, what's your sense of this independent voter this year in new hampshire? the hardest part of following the polls in new hampshire, and i will tell people, is, first, look very closely what the independent number is and then still ignore the poll. i say this. follow the trend line, because what the independent number is, we don't know. and that's going to be a fascinating thing. how many crossovers are there going to be? >> right. the independents in new hampshire are sort of sanders-like independents, i would say. rebellious against the system. he's the most, he's an outsider. i would say they're buttigieg-like independents. moderate, maybe suburban, southern new hampshire, don't want sanders, can't win. elizabeth warren i thought could appeal to them and i don't rule her out. >> she could be the shock, right? if she comes out and then all of a sudden we're back to the real model. >> if you listen to her messaging right now, it's going right at them. >> she is trying to be that. the question is did pete suck that up. she's competing with pete there. donna, bill and betsy, stick around. up ahead, the free-wheeling speech that made it clear the president learned a lesson but it's not the one lamar alexander and susan collins were hoping for. do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? 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>> yeah, i mean i think a few times today the president referenced him, once opaquely at the prayer breakfast of all places and subsequently in his remarks. at the end of the day mitt romney was perfectly comfortable with where he ended up on this. it was not a function of having lost the presidency, it was not a function of having to fake anything at all. it was simply where senator romney's conscience brought him. and, you know, the reality is the reaction of people to the president in that room, the way in which they laughed when he denigrated senator romney is very telling of where the republican party is now. >> and the other -- there is this -- there are these calls, some of them are -- you're going to have censure resolutions in utah. i think there's some utah lawmakers trying to do that. you have other state parties trying to take this action. it did seem to me today that what the president, if he was doing one thing today, he was trying to send a message to elected republicans, cross me at your own peril. >> yeah. and look, this was something, chuck, that mitt romney mentioned in his speech yesterday. he knew there would be recriminal natiorekri recriminations and he knew there would be blowback and he would take heat for it. the problem is this is donald trump's republican party now, whether you like it or not. for some members of congress, that is a big point. that is a big issue. now, those who are in electorally difficult states made the decision, look, we're better off with donald trump than against him. but he's made very clear there is no middle ground here. >> what does this do to the party, though? if you can't feel like you can't criticize the president, i mean i don't know how cory gardner, susan collins and martha mcsally walk this line in the states they represent. >> well, the answer is they don't walk the line. the conclusion must be that they are better off having the full-throated support of president trump and the republican base in their elections than having a tepid republican base with the potential to get votes from independents. i think they made the decision, look, we are much better off and apparently the polling showed this. we are much better off having the support of president trump than trying to count on support that may never materialize. >> well, i get that they made that and i've heard this case, i've had a consultant friend of mine show me the numbers, make the case, and i get it. i guess it means in a few states, it means you have to basically pick your poison. do you want to die this way or do you want to die that way. it may be unwinnable or in certain situations. i'm thinking colorado. like there's no way for him to win it without a good republican turnout, and yet the stronger he revs up that turnout, the harder it will be to win the denver suburbs. >> yeah, and i suppose the issue is if you look at someone like senator gardner, for example, who's been supportive of the republican agenda, been supportive of the president in other cases, the thought process is, look, he's going to have to own that anyway, so what is one more factor, having to own one more factor. it's a big factor, don't get me wrong. impeachment is a big factor. but simply put, you've got to own that other stuff anyway, you might as well have the support of the base. >> can you try to put it -- i've tried to put it in terms. i cannot think of a tougher vote anybody in elected office has made politically in my lifetime like this, where you know the retribution, you know the attacks are coming, you know your family is going to get harassed. this is a pretty -- i think we're going to see harassment at a level we've never seen before for somebody in this same party. >> yeah, and that's why the notion that he did it because of sour grapes or he did it because of the politics doesn't make any sense to me. no one -- i mean i wouldn't sign up for that. so it's obviously a vote of conscience. but there will be blowback. >> and is this something that could actually hurt the president with swing voters? i don't think this is his best look. >> you know, maybe not. but this is the look that people have come to sort of deal with and expect. you know, the more i think the president can reflect the kind of guy we saw in the state of the union address, the better off he'll be in this election cycle. but that may be assuming that a level of discipline that we haven't seen yet. so we'll see how this works out over the next couple of months. but what is clear is that this is something that he's going to continue to return to when i think a lot of his advisers would prefer that he just stay clear of it. >> i think you are right there. lanhee chen as always with some cold, sober analysis for us from our -- from out west. thank you, sir. up next, the day the caucuses died. at outback, steak & lobster is back. oh no! it's gone! phew! it's back, with lobster mac & cheese. it's gone again! it's back, with shrimp now! steak & lobster starting at only $16.99. and if you want outback at home, order now! outback steakhouse. proof i can fight moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. proof i can fight psoriatic arthritis... ...with humira. proof of less joint pain... ...and clearer skin in psa. humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. humira is proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage,... ...and clear skin in psa. want more proof? 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[ dramatic music ] there's only one way this ends. last man standing. the best of pressure cooking and air frying now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. the ninja foodi pressure cooker, the pressure cooker that crisps. welcome back. tonight i'm obsessed with february 3rd. it's a day that will now live in iowa infamy again. some might remember february 3rd, 1959. 61 years ago this week in clear lake, iowa, when a plane crash killed american rock legends buddy holly, ritchie valens and the big bopper. that became known as the day the music died, forever memorialized by the legendary song "american pie." february 3rd has come back to haunt iowa again, politically speaking, that is, because it seems pretty clear to me that february 3rd is also the day the caucus died. let's face it, the iowa caucus failed and failed spectacularly. and its spectacular failure very possibly means it's over. i mean a long, long time ago, i can still remember how those realignments made me smile. and i knew when we put on our coats that somebody would tabulate our votes. and one candidate would be happy for a while. but february tested fates, when they tried to figure those delegates. bad news on the gym floor, what were we all in for? i can't remember who was around when i heard that the app was down. but the lack of results did astound the day the caucuses died. you've tried so many moisturizers... but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back... neutrogena® and for body... hydro boost body gel cream. that's why it's important to be prepared for anything life brings. at fidelity, we'll help you build a clear plan for retirement. one that covers health care costs, taxes, and any other uncertainties while still giving you the flexibility to make changes to your plan as often as you need. because when you're with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. ♪ here's wishing you the bluest sky ♪ there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. hi with the world'se first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh! that's awesome. where'd the trailer go? i love it. it's magic. [ fast-paced drumming ] adam schiff is a vicious, horrible person. nancy pelosi is a horrible person. nadler, i know him much of my life. he's fought me in new york for 25 years. i always beat him. if i didn't fire james comey, we would have never found this stuff. when i fired that sleaze bag, all hell broke out. these the crookedest, most dishonest people i've ever seen. >> welcome back. that was just a portion of president trump's post acquittal. i guess would you call it a victory lamb, a grievance lap. >> white house, cabinet members, members of congress, some other fairly well known americans, clapping, laughing, it sounded like from the sound track, applauding, as i said. just having a good time. the president behaves really disgracefully and attacks people they know personally and they've worked over the years and decades. >> by the way, that speech began with him walking down the same corridor. barack obama walked down saying that osama bin laden had been killed. hail to the chief was played in a very clear symbolic way. >> did one of those people, did one of them come back and say, i voted for acquittal but i don't approve of what the president said about mitt romney and casting aspersions on his faith. did anyone say that? yeah. the colleague from utah. romney sxrom the common faith. >> let's be clear. half of america was like, go get them. and half of america said, where are we living? >> and you watch, if a family member did that for an hour plus, you would have them examined. it was outrageous. the attacks on all of our political leadership. the attacks on individual civil servants. the expense there would be retribution. >> in particular, some of the most demeaning, humiliating, i don't know why they haven't sued him, to be quite honest. >> and to continue to send his attorney general on them. >> who was there? applauding and laughing. >> what was interesting to me is, the president had an agenda. he was sending a message. this is my party. nobody else's. are you with me or you're out. >> it is really similar, the rambling, hitting on all of his favorite topics. >> he had some alphabetical list. >> talking about page and news very graphic detail that you would have made family members uncomfortable. it was a show of political dominance saying, i won, has the success for me. i'm tracking this impeachment process as a win. >> when i pick these candidates, i can't believe i interviewed, no, i don't. i thought voters did that. no, no. not in trump's party. he picks the nominees. that's stunning. >> and he punishes you if you cross him and he threatens you prospectively. didn't republicans get all upset when adam shift dared to, quote, apparently a there, not off the record. by the white house official? that if you cross for witnesses, not acquittal, you will see your head on a pike. terrible. how could adam schiff say such a thing? look at donald trump today. >> he said that romney should be ousted from the party. that i believe is a synonym for head on a pike. >> it does. and it is really indicative of this move forward this kind of authoritarian feel. >> it is the personality. >> and nobody feels that they have the ability to cross him if any way. and i think it will be interesting to see, i think mitch mcconnell was trying to put the brakes on that saying he needs mitt romney. >> i love what he said. there is always the next vote which was a very mitch mcconnell thing to say. >> it was. but there he was on the front row applauding the president. so there is no daylight between mitch mcconnell and donald trump. because donald trump won't allow the daylight. >> one thing on remember about this moment in trump's presidency, he has never felt more emboldened than he does at this particular second. the people in his administration, who pushed back against him and questioned his gut and suggested that his impulses might not always be correct. they're pretty much either gone or keeping silent. the folks around him are saying, all your bets have been right. everything your guts have told you has been right. what we saw today it was apex. >> how do they win under these circumstances, having to defend that? >> i don't know and i can't say i much care. it is one thing if they voted, the evidence waunld quite right. where is the statement defending mitt romney? >> i think you'll be waiting a while. that's all we have tonight. we'll be back tomorrow with more "meet the press daily." >> good evening. thank you very much and thank you at hole for joining us on this big night. the political world is shifting right now. can you feel it? as we cover this 2020 race on "the beat," tonight from our newsroom, tomorrow from new hampshire. i'll tell you we will try to stay focused on substance, on evidence, truth in these times and yes, policy. we're going to try to stay focused on how this very high stakes race to replace president donald trump matters to everyday americans. tonight there's new evidence signaling how long this race could last. we have that story later. behind the scenes, a new policy that could impact the race or shield donald trump. it is coming from none other than bill barr. also, we will go right to the source. the campaign manager for a contender joins me live


Transcripts For MSNBCW With All Due Respect 20160202

politics, mission control, rad son hotel downtown manchester. countdown to the race. hillary clinton eeqed out a win. bernie sanders camp still analyzing the results, refusing to concede. last night, i was at sanders' caucus night and i talked to bernie and jane immediately after he gave his speech. take a look from the circus, mark and mind you, show time. >> just a little bit of the ex i will ration. >> it's extraordinary night. you think we were 40 or 50 points behind and it appears we've won about half of the delegates, and we don't know who is going to, you know, it's in a tie. >> they had the big mow and they had the big mow for a while. it took five weeks for hw to lose the big mow to ronald reagan. it took barack obama to lose the big mow in 2008. we have a couple of people on the republican side with small mow, maybe cruz. >> mini mow. >> that works better. >> and certainly marco rubio, i would rather be him than chris christie. democrat side, no mow at all. >> mowless. >> i'm looking for -- that new hampshire that always takes place between iowa and new hampshire, there is always this one thing that really changes. maybe createds that big swing, and i thought that rubio had a big night last night and i'm looking to see what he can do in the next three days. can you tirn that into the big mow. can he keep this headline up, and can he start stripping away from the rest of the field. >> doesn't it usually a moment occurs here, campaign can plan the big moments that certainly comes through in new hampshire. it just sort of happens, it often happens to somebody that is not riding the big mow, somebody that is struggling and catches fire. >> front page again. think about it. so many candidates both sides of the aisle. so much media. there is so little oxygen for all of these candidates. who is going to get the attention in the next seven days? >> on this point, i talked to a number of senior staffers on these four major establishment lane campaigns, right. >> on the republican side. >> on the republican side. so many of them just openly, obviously off the record, admitted, we don't know what's going to happen. we're waiting for a moment to arrive and hopefully it's us. >> i get a lot around the granite state, illegal poker, do people seem engaged, does it seem like a statewide event, or just for exodus. >> we're having the most amazing primaries. the 100th year, people are going out to town meetings. some criticism, but even think of donald trump, someone with national name recognition who has for two years been campaigning, taken every question from every voter that comes to him, and he's working hard here. a testament that what is going on here, and we're looking forward to next week. >> we saw a high turn out in iowa. >> john kasich and a number of other endorsements, are those important in this state still? >> probably not, no. i think what the most important was union leader, and what he did was not tell people where to vote. what they did with chris christy around thanksgiving, here's a second chance, take a second look at this guy, which they did, and he survived for about a month and now he has to scrap it out with everyone else. >> how would you rate the school community, the students involved, but more broadly, how would you rank the participation of civic groups as compared to the past. >> at least four to five times what it was four to five times ago. i've never seen anything like it. it's none st it's nonstop. with a candidate at 10:00 in the morning and it's filled. it films up early. it's a greatest mentto what is happening here. >> i want to talk about the democratic side a little bit. there is no momentum there. hillary clinton claiming a victory, bernie sanders claiming a victory. they have some ground to claim victory in iowa. tell me what you think is going to play out here. sanders has had a big lead, sun stan shall and really large according to various polls. is it fair for the clinton campaign to say home field advantage, we can't really win here, or is it more what i think this has been clinton central for decades. how can you say that? >> two point ossen that. it is totally amazing that we're having this conversation. >> right. >> in clinton country. i think we do need to take the long view and say ha is just incredible. she is their reigning campaign. i don't understand the notion that he's just from very monmon has the advantage here. that's not necessarily true. he can be here when he travels, but two elements going on here. we're really white. that's huge. that's one reason why he's doing well. >> you know something about being really white. >> the way i dance, thank you. >> you could be the president of c caucasian. >> independent voters, where he is definitely leading her. you don't see that my ddynamic out in other sides. it's much more interesting to vote on, i want to see what happens in the sanders lead. >> you're an older man than james, vermont versus new hampshire, they're not really that similar. >> people in new hampshire traditionally do not like people from vermont. we saw howard dean didn't win, he was beat by a massachusetts person. this is another example of brand loyalty and politics, not being there. and personality trumps. everything else in politics and there is this movement that people are latching on to with bernie sanders. i can't explain it. but it's happening, and i -- >> to be clear, this isn't brand loyalty we're talking about. it's her. she won the primary years ago. >> it's her, but i am getting the feeling, i ma'm reminded of 2000 with kane and bush, and when they took on mccain, whether or not that's what they're planning. >> which of the establishment candidates, bush, kasich, might break out and have a strong night. >> i think rubio in the next three days can show momentum from iowa, he's going to be it. kasich has done a lot of groundwork. christie, he keeps fighting and fighting. bush is working as hard as ever, and you know, here we go again. it's the split of all four. i just did it. a traditional voter in new hampshire is doing. >> such high level of people who have no idea who they're voting for, even with just seven days to go before this primary. i think he's right. in marco rubio can get so sort of momentum. the thing with him, did he not do the spade work you saw lamar alexander to ride expectations here, but he didn't do the spade work in iowa and made it happen with late deciders. same thing can happen here too. >> coming up what we call a primary tourist to come up and see the state, what's one place they should go. >> a trump rally. i've never seen anything like it. people normally wouldn't participate in politics. it's good for politics. it's very interesting. they've taken on as you have said, this persona of the candidate. >> all right, apparently a closet trump supporter, james, no such thing. i'm sure. we'll be right back with who won the day. and it affects each and every one of us. microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cyber-crime. we use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. legalzoom has your back. for your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. a dry mouth can be a common side effect. that's why there's biotene. it comes in oral rinse, spray or gel so there's moisturizing relief for everyone. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth. so hillary clinton, we were both at that event. she's now here, bstz way ahead in most polling. do you get a sense that over the next week, she's planning to win in new hampshire or doing something else? >> some of her advisors are saying she can't win here. stump speech was the same as in iowa. her husband's introduction was pretty much the same, telling the same stories about her. i don't suspect there will be any negative athds put on television. they have three events. she's here today. she has to be here wednesday for a town hall type thing. thursday for debate, friday for a party dippenner. side by side, one-on-one, she can somehow do what the clintons have done here twice before. >> we talk'll talk to billy lat the show. this has been very, but if the clintons can't win here, stronger state than iowa for sure, and you know, you have said you suspect, talking to some clinton aids, bill clon ton thinks they can win here. it was south carolina, everyone said let's not play there, obama will win there with the african-american vote. bill clinton said we can go down there and win. tonight, bill clinton is saying to hillary, we can win here, we can do it, make it happen and he will prevail over all her voice soars. >> bernie sanders's lead is big, but we don't know how big. second place into first, overcame huge polling, and people who are new to covering politics and talking about politics, you can have huge poll swings. >> in this state. >> in a two person race, hillary clinton, who has an incredibly deep organization if he she can bernie sanders three nights in a row, but that's why bill clinton will prevail. but don't go negative. save it for south carolina. >> they feel they have such strength in nevada, her strength with the hispanic voters, south carolina, it would be a sign in a way of weakness for her to cheap new hampshire and fly, start doing events in south carolina, starting on sunday and monday. is she going to do it a couple of days before the new hampshire leave here and go off to later states. i don't think she can afford to do that. she right now is claiming the winner's momentum. she says saying i won iowa. if you won iowa, you should be able to come in here, a state that they know like the back of their hand and make the case, and try to take sanders off. >> here's a practical variable. we both agree if bernie sanders won iowa, he would raise tens of millions of dollars. having tied, how much does he raise? does he raise enough that they feel in a panic, we need more money, how do we will deal with that, and that he has more money and he can start spend anything march. >> the sanders campaign, as much as she feels great, on the plane on the way out here, they feel like they won last night in iowa too, and they're high in sanders land. >> the big story on the republican race, ted cruz defied expectations, he trumped trump in the hawkeye state. cruz holds the title, won the most ever, blew past by 10,000 votes. after his victory, morning tv interviews taped last night, he was defiantly conservative and why he would be the -- >> you look at the past two winners, very good men, people of principle, but when they came out of iowa, they were broke. when they came out, they didn't have the national infrastructure to be able to compete to win the nomination. we're in a very different position. you know, the finance reports that were filed last night showed that at the end of december 31st, that we had almost as much money in the bank, our campaign, as the campaigns of jeb bush, marco rubio, john kasich and chris christie combined. that's an incredible testament. usually the conservative is broke. >> undeniable huge victory. how does it set him up in new hampshire. >> it should set him up well. we've said for months now no reason why he could not come in second, a strong second. this a state more moderate state. certainly less auto evangelical than iowa, but pat buchanan won the state in 1996. ted cruz shows a big block of that vote that's out there for him and with the momentum out of iowa, he is set up well. we don't know yet. we'll talk about trump in a second. we don't know what the effect will be. ted cruz's momentum the money and the part of new hampshire that will be attracted to his message, i think there is no reason why he can't finish second and maybe, maybe even win this primary. >> sanders' strong position in iowa allows him to raise internet money. cruz all kinds of money, better than anyone in the cycle. super pac p money, bundling and small contributions. i'll be curious to see, ted cruz has more money in the bank than his rivals, not counting donald trump's personal checking account. could have much more going into march. i think what ted cruz's win does is people were taking for granted or discounting rather. he's a finalist now. would he have tried to go on had he lost yesterday. >> flat out. >> i think the campaign was overstating the definitiveness, a finalist, a well-funded, and mike huckabee, rand paul, lane is clear, while the sustain mentlane remains clogged. >> again, i think, you know, one of the things we learned last night, and again, the polling is accurate, right, iowa is a hard state to poll. new hampshire is easier. historically they've been given huge swings in both parties as we pointed out in the previous topic. donald trump's lead does not seem to me utterly secure by any means. >> another thing about the cruz campaign. extraordinarily good campaign staff, close-knit staff and the heart and soul of a staffer, which he used to be. go back to a breakfast we had, bloomberg hosted by al hunt. listen to jeff row in advance of the caucuses what was going to happen last night. >> what do you think will happen monday night? >> i think we'll win. >> close, you know, a healthy margin. >> outside the margin of error. a record turnout and 121,900 is the record. i think it will be defeated. 10% over that, 15% over there. >> jeff row and his colleagues and data and analytics and voter contact, you have to say they understand what they're doing. some questioning will it be applicable outside of iowa. it will outside of sec states. >> it's just about smarts and analytics. that's applicable to any given state. he was striking that day. we both commented on it. he was way out more than any election, what was going to happen, turnout, where the vote would come. we were like wow, man, that guy is confident and it all came true last night. >> all right, when we come back, that's a compliment for sure. some non-winner winners of the caucus last night and later, new hampshire native son, talk about john kasich's last stand in the granite state. i'm elizabeth ray berger. first event in the new hampshire, surprise finish in iowa. let's listen in. >> leader in either party have not done enough to stop it. that's the anger people face. so this started building early in 2009. i was a private citizen. i had been speaker of the florida house, kicked in, i was happy to go home and be a private citizen and a vacancy created for the u.s. senate. i said i want my next senator to stand up to the agenda that barack obama is putting in place and offer a clear alternative. the republican establishment said our candidate is going to be the sitting governor of florida, his name is charlie kris. i said i know him. he was governor when i was speaker. he is not a republican, much less a conservative. and i said well it doesn't matter, that's who we're going with. i said well, then i'm going to run. they said if you run, we're going to come against you. and they did. but we won. in fact, we won. before that race had even ended, he had proven me right. when switched to become an independent. then he became a democrat two yas later. now he's a vegetarian. he keeps moving. all right, nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. i'm not saying. i don't get it, but nothing wrong with it. and now, when i decided to run for president, some of the same people came forward and said you can't run for president. so, i said why, because you have to wait your turn. there is a line. i said i didn't know there was a line. for what. what are we waiting for. after seven years of barack obama, this is not a time for patience. this a time for urgent action, because if we get this election wrong, there may be no turning around for america. >> let's get the job done! >> absolutely. absolutely. so what will it take to get the job done. well, first what it will take is we must at the end of the process to bring the party and movement together. we cannot win if we are not together. that doesn't mean we're going to agree on everything. it does not. but we have to be unified. we must come together. when i'm our nominee, i will bring the party and conservative movement together. i will unify us so we can win. but that alone will not be enough. we need to go out and convince more people to become conservatives than we have right now. we're going to do that when i'm our nominee. we're going to go to the people who are living the way i grew up. my father was a bartender, my mother was a cashier, a made, a stockbroker. >> that was marco rubio speaking in new hampshire. there is more with "with all due respect" coming up right after this. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to her current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. all my life, she's been there for me. now i am giving back. ask their doctor about once-daily namenda xr and learn about a free trial offer at whyto learn, right?e? 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stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card donald trump statement last night after his second place finish in iowa was both gracious and somewhat subdued. oh today, mr. trump returned to more normal form. he lashed out on twitter, he wrote, quote, my experience in iowa was a great one. i started out with the experts saying i couldn't do well there, and ended up in second place. he lashed out, as i said. he warned he'll take some shots at the media during event tonight in milford, new hampshire, where he's getting the endorsement of former massachusetts governor scott brown. he has done no interviews since the returns. he stayed off twitter and then got on twitter. his event last night showed a different side and helped himself. so where does donald trump stand now after his second place showing? >> i think one needs to answer this question in two different ways. there is politically where he stands and psychologically where he stands. politically, he is still in great shape. this was his weakest state. >> iowa. >> iowa was. he has been stronger in all the other states in terms of public polling. he has a large lead here. he should be fine coming in second in iowa, winning a whole bunch of states. psychologically is the other matter. i have no prediction where this will be. he wants to win, win, win, polls, polls, polls for years. he has faced the voters. he came in second, but a pretty distant second and got almost overtaken by rubio. what happens. >> we'll talk about it all week, beyond new hampshire, assuming he wins or does well. his problem is ted cruz. as far as we know, pretty ever attack he had on ted cruz, and ted cruz is being attacked by other people at the same time and yet he didn't beat them. so i think he has to wonder, maybe one or two others, how does he take down ted cruz, it's not clear from his time in iowa. our polls showed that iowa republicans cared about cruz's bank loans than he could be the prime minister of canada. >> trump discombobulated cruz. it was the first time he was. he gathered his composure and closed strong in iowa, despite the fact a lot of people think he wouldn't. a one-to-one race, donald trump has to spend some money. we're now going to come back to that question. how much does donald trump really want to spend to compete across the south. >> i'm not sure cruz is so discombobulated. >> he seemed to be. >> disagree. >> we'll talk about that later this week, then. all right, a stronger than expected third place in iowa, rubio used the airwaves that he and he alone stands the best chance of defeating a democratic in november. same message is super pac push anything a new ad. >> ted cruz sas donald trump has boat loads of liberal position. donald trump says ted cruz can't beats the democrats. they're both right. marco rubio can win and the clinton machine knows it. rubio beat the establishment. he will unite republicans and restore the american dream. if you're not with marco, you're electing the democrats. >> as rubio attempts to consolidate establishment support, his campaign announced the endorsement of tim scott, a popular after can american republican. new hampshire, rubio's three mainstream rivals are working hard already for his momentum. chris christie at his town hall today in bedford. >> you know me, i'm the the boy in the bubble, okay. you know who the boy in the bubble is up here, he never answers your questions, scripted and controlled, so as soon as the boy in the bubble gets here, i hope you guys ask him some questions. it's time for him to man up and fess up and stop having his speech writers. but that's what he has to do. >> so variation of the question all morning or all afternoon, where does marco rubio finish in iowa leave him relative to the race. >> very strong with media elites, strong with congress, strong with the chattering class, strong with donors. i don't know where it leaves him with the voters of new hampshire. he's going to face, as everybody is during the stretch here, every four years between iowa and new hampshire, he's going to face a battering, even more than he did in iowa. >> way more. >> and media, but he's going to have to figure out a way to get over and break away from the pac as he did in iowa when you've got christie, bush and kasich who have devoted a lot of time here and to get past cruz and trump. so i'm not sure how he's going to fair with that group, but he has a lot going for him. >> two days when it looked like rubio stalled in iowa, i wondered, well, if he ends up with 15, 16, how is he going to claim momentum. he got a nice boost yesterday. let's give him some credit. he's the guy, it was a very strong third place finish. i agree. questions about whether there is oppo that could take him down. this concentrated period where these voters are focused free and paid media are going to be filled with assaults from jeb bush, chris christie and john kasich. >> chris christie must beat rubio here. >> same with kasich and bush, all three of them. >> they'll rip rubio's face off, and i don't i think mean literally, but i might. up next, we'll hear from the trump campaig-- cruz campaign. the national spokesman joins us right after this. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a 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kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. ♪ ♪ like tyler is the communications director for ted cruz's campaign so we asked him back on the show to direct some communications our way about his boss' victory. thanks for coming on kbl glad to be here. >> we opened the show of asking the question where does ted cruz's very impressive first place victory in iowa leave him with respect to this state, the granite state. tell us what, set some expectations here. >> we exceeded the expectations in the polls. the "des moines register" had him down five points and we finished with 6,000 vote margin. a good ground game, we can do it again. i don't know, i'm not bpredictig victory, but i think we'll do better than expected. we're going to have five candidates that are going to beat each other up. we have ted cruz conservative left in the. >> i'm not going to ask you to predict victory, but what would keep you from winning here. >> donald trump has that 35%, that's like a 20 point margin, that seems fairly inn surmountable. >> is it possible that ted cruz could wrap the nomination up by march 15th? >> i don't want to speculate. it's way too early for that. >> is it possible. >> it could be possible, it could depend on a lot of things i couldn't possibly predict. >> what we said earlier, why you candidate is going to be a finalist, resources and calendar, regardless of what happens. >> ted cruz has raised $50 million, from 700,000 different donors and most of those donors are $100, $50. >> you i think he's a finalist. >> absolutely. >> he's playing in march. do you think donald trump is playing in march, or not necessarily? >> i don't -- he'll have the resources. i mean, he could write a check. i think we'll have the resources because we can go back and ask our donors for checks. >> right. >> and we finish cash on him $19 million, more than governor christie, kasich, rubio combined. so it's -- we didn't leave iowa with no money. we left iowa with money and an organization, and we have thousands of volunteers already here in new hampshire. we have a new cruz camp that has opened up. housing volunteers, just like we did in texas, and we'll do that here and then again in south carolina. >> let me come back to the question i was asking you about new hampshire, ask it a different way. >> sure. >> if anybody is going to surmount donald trump's lead, who would it be, if not you? if not ted cruz, who is more likely to finish ahead of him in first place than ted cruz. >> well, very interesting way of asking it. it probably would be ted cruz. >> so the most person most likely to finish first in new hampshire other than donald trump is your candidate? is that correct? >> it depends. look, there is a lot -- new hampshire is a different animal than -- >> is the republican too strong -- >> no. >> is there anybody stronger than your boss. >> the politics are different in new hampshire. we're the under dogs in the race. >> politics in the -- >> we've focused on the evangelical vote. ted cruz brings religious measures to secular new hampshire. it's working. he doesn't change his message. conservatives working with pro-life groups, 603 alliance, they want to get behind one candidate and they got behind ted cruz. he won it by 72%. if those people can chose the conservative, i think we'll do well here. >> any change in the strategy tactics. >> almost the say, because evangelicals what we focused on, don't burden your kids with debt, protect the country, protect the borders defeat the enemy, create jobs, a lot of co they may not be the sec primary on march 1st. >> your boss hates getting up early and doing work. what happens if the russians attack in the early morning. >> it is true that he stays up later than most people. >> not at all surprised by the candidate lost in iowa. new hampshire john edwards here to talk about the granite state gamble when we come back. ♪ [impact thud] ♪ the bold 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of at least two. the former united states senator from new hampshire, the chair of john kasich's chair, and former senator joins us now. you and your father weigh in on donald trump frequently, your father former governor, not supporting any candidate in this race, but pretty opposed to trump. what do you think the granite state and independents will be of trump's finish. >> i think nationally, what we saw in iowa was that the polls were wrong. trump dramatically under performed the polls. it's not what polls are showing now. it's progress go to fade and i think john kasich is in a great position to pick up the votes. >> your basic posture is donald trump is a big fat loser. >> no, that he did lose. he was a big loser. >> he has a history of losing his whole life. >> that may be. i'm worried about the campaign. >> i'm quoting you. quoted in the new york times today reminding people of donald trump has done that he has failed at. >> how can you accuse me with my father. that was my dad. i'm sure he was right. >> that's your dad. >> unless it was my son. my son probably wouldn't be talking to the new york times. >> i was misinformed. >> don't fire anyone over that. they don't deserve it. >> do you want to distant yourself from the father, then. >> no, but i don't know what he said. i'm sure it was true and tough. the fact of the matter is, the united states has never chose a president with the background of donald trump because it doesn't work. on the job training doesn't work. changing your positions wildly on immigration and on health care doesn't work. and i think that's why the people of iowa ultimately turned away from him and that's why the people in new hampshire are going to do the same. >> what has caused john kasich to a lot of polls rise up and create distance between himself between bush and rubio? >> he's a guy who will do the job. he'll balance the budget. he'll cut taxes. he has done it before. he is a very effective leader. those people who worked around him have seen the way he can motivate people, bring him to a tough problem and solve that problem. reforming entitlements and turning around the economy of ohio. they have an incredible record both of tax credits and job incentives in ohio. people that will do the job and doesn't need on the job training. >> trump is ahead, significantly ahead and then a bunch of four establishment candidates and ted cruz all around low teens or high single digits. besides the debate what, opportunities do those five candidates have to differentiate before tuesday? >> well, hopefully they've already done their campaigning in new hampshire or a lot of it. some -- >> that doesn't differentiate in terms of support. >> it certainly will build kasich's support nobody knew him in july and august, and running on average in second place, the rcp averages. how do you do it, town to town, person to person. 100 town halls, you listen to people, answer the questions, even the tough questions. you stand up and answer them. people remember that. they talk to their neighbors, their friends, build that base of support. that's one of the reasons, john has moved up in the polls. he has held most of that support. it hasn't been transient. it's not built on a snappy line. it's based on someone that can get the job done and -- >> he has does have a lot of snappy lines. >> he does. >> not in a debate. he's not attacking people in a debate or coming in with a canned line that he tries to deliver. people respect that authenticity. >> making the elect ability, what does he need to get rubio owes momentum? what does he have to do? >> i've said all along, it is a mistake. how are you going to blunt ben carson's rise. you make your case you're the best and most effective leader. when christie was moving in the polls, same question, carly fiorina. focusing on one candidate who had one good night is a mistake. we've never done it in john kasich's campaign. because you're talking to new hampshire, about balancing budgets, turning around the state of ohio and someone who won't need to be trained on the job. that's very important. last thing, though, electability, i don't think you sell a candidacy on electability, we haven't talked about it in john kasich's campaign much at all. but the fact of the matter is, he is by far the toughest general election candidate running against hillary clinton and the democrats, because he will win ohio. he will win michigan. he'll run tough. the midwestern states that have been the linchpin. >> less than to 20 seconds, the less republican nominees. >> john kasich. >> and. >> the field. i don't know. >> kasich versus the field. >> kasich versus the field. >> hillary clinton in new hampshire and the man who knows both those well. we'll be right back after this. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and 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any win which bernie sanders does not have the right to also say given everything that he was a winner last night too? >> i think bernie could say that, yeah. >> straight forward. >> yeah, no problem. >> two winners in the iowa caucus. >> a win is a win. we won. he lost. if you win by a field goal, you win. >> i came from 40 points behind, no political organization in iowa, i took on the most political powerful in politics and i took her to a tie. anything wrorng with him saying that? >> he can say it, but in reality, hillary is running against 17 republicans that tack her everyday. putting hillary in all their commercials, running against billionaires spending millions of dollars, running against two what i consider fraudulent republican committees in washington, attacking her. so she has a lot of people attacking her. none of these people have a tacked bernie yet. she won the election. he can say what he wants to say. the score is, we won. he lost. we're going to end up i think with 37 delegates, he'll end up with 23. >> is he too liberal? >> i don't know that. i think bernie has a message. i think the message is important. i remember when i was on the hillary team in 2008, when hillary gave it up and said okay, we have to support barack obama, i took my hillary badge off and i put my obama badge on because i knew as a democratic, it was important for obama versus john mccain and sarah palin. that was in my dna okay. i feel the same way about this. bernie has a message. i expect that all of the people that he is getting riled up and refd up will be over on our team. >> effective president than he would be, and more electsable? >> i think americans like to v govern from the middle. they don't like the boat rocking. they like to be able to compromise on both sides. >> in what way is he extreme. >> i think the idea of revolution is extreme. i mean, whef you have revolution, you have winners and losers and two people on -- >> mother breaking news. donald trump speaking to reporters in new hampshire after his second place finish in iowa. there with senator scott brown. >> i've had a great relationship with iowa. i don't really think, look, what happened is we had 17 candidates originally. i was expected to come in like any where maybe 10, 11, 12, 13. i ended upcoming in second. didn't devote tremendous time to it, tremendous money to it. i guess money per vote, i'm at the bottom. i came in second. i came in a strong second. third was quite a bit away, i think 200,500, close to 3,000 votes away. that's a big difference between second and third. i think that we did really well. i mean, you know, as far as that's concerned. i think the press, some of the press said i did fantastically well. the press doesn't want to give it credit. i think we did very well. i didn't expect to do so well. what did happen, one poll came out that said i'm four or five points ahead, and that maybe built up a false expectation for people. if you would have taken me back to june 16th, i was told don't even go to iowa, start in new hampshire. just don't waist yoste your timg to iowa. i bonded with evangelicals, i did fantastic. we came close to winning. we came in second place. so i am very happy with what happened in iowa. you know, we had 17 people, and i was second. if you break it down, i guess you have 11 people, and i was second. and i think we did a very good job. tom? >> no, he don't i think feel any pressure. we're going to do what i have to do. if it works out, tom, that's great. if it doesn't, that's okay too. i'm here to do one thing. the theme, make america great again. i'm going to do it. we did well. i think we did really well in just about everything we've done running for office. i think we had a very good result yesterday. could have been a little better. could have been one notch better. but it's interesting, all of these governors and senators that you have way down the list, 1%, 2% in terms of what happened, what just happened, they're 1%, 2%, 3%, nobody ever talks about them. i'm at 24, 25%. they say oh, couldn't you have done better. i think the result was quite good. especially for the amount of time i spent and the amount of money i spent. >> your campaign manager knows this state inside and out? >> i think it fit please better, probably suits me better. i've done very well in new hampshire. i've been here a lot more. i have very good relationships with the people of new hampshire. but i've had very good relationships with pretty much everybody. [ inaudible question ] >> i really don't. i don't see that happening. nobody does. we'll see what you have -- you have many, many people not doing very well. i am doing very well. you have many, many people that are here that are well-known politicians, governors and senators, but not doing very well. they just came back from, you know, a very major defeat yesterday. and mine wasn't. mine was, you know -- it's very interesting. if you look at the numbers from yesterday, i got the highest number in history outside of the one number. in the history of the primary. i brought in, also, i guess they had 185,000 people, which is 45 or 50,000 peopmore than they'ver had. i think we will. [ inaudible question ] >> no, i mean, i think we'll get a lot of sanders voters, and you know, they're very much into the trade world, i'm the best on trade. he mentions it, but i don't think he does -- i don't think he'll be capable of doing anything about it. we'll do well here. i look forward to it. [ inaudible question ] >> say it. >> six, seven eight events. >> we have a lot of events. >> do you have enough event as soon as. >> we do. we have one long-term commitment for arkansas, but we'll be back and forth quickly. we have a lot of events scheduled. >> famous quotes about success and flavor. [ inaudible question ] >> well, i just think, you no know, i'm happy with what we're doing. we've bonded with the people, whether here or there. if you look at south carolina, same thing. we're doing really well there. but we've devoted much more time here and south carolina. it's not a question of learning. i just want to continue to do well. our theme is important. make america great again. that's what we're going to do. not really a question of learning. >> mr. trump, your entire campaign and entire career, you've branlded yourself a winner. career and campaign. how do you think you can go forward and maintain that brand with your supporters who see you as a winner after suffering a defeat? >> if you look at the second place, people didn't talk about my second place. they didn't talk about it as positively as they should have, and yet with marco, who was more than 2,000 votes behind me, that's a lot of votes by the way, they said oh, he is surging, he's surging. i don't know why is the third place person doing well and the second place person, who by the way, has never run, scott was mentioning before you've never run for office before. >> what about your brand? >> i think my brand is doing great. >> what will you do to maintain the lead and will you do anything differently? >> no, just work hard and we have a lot of meetings, a lot of talks, a lot of speeches. we're going to be meeting with a lot of people and i think we're going to do very well. we'll be doing some of that, but we also have big events. tonight, they have 4 or 5,000 people, and other people were here yesterday and they had 200 people. same venue, same everything. they had 200 people. so we have -- is there is a good bonding going on. >> mr. trump -- >> what was your first election night like? you've never done this before? >> i enjoyed it. [ inaudible question ] >> i have unlimited. i have unlimit itted. when i look at the various people. so-and-so has 20 million. i have unlimited. that's not thing. the only -- you know, i'm a business person, i want to spend wisely, and i'm probably $40 million under budget because of the fact that frankly, i haven't had to spend very much. although i guess we just did a recent filing, and i would be probably having spent now maybe 14, $15 million. but i'm self-funding, and i must tell you, i don't know that enough people appreciate i'm self-funding any way, whether they appreciate it or not. so i won't be influenced by the lobbie lobbies, et cetera. i don't know that it's appreciated by the voters. i'm the only one on both sides. i'm putting up my own money. i don't know that the voters appreciate it. when they go into vote, i don't think they say i am going to vote for trump and he won't be influenced by lobbies and special interests. >> are you going to do more to tell them in. >> i'm going to tell them, but i don't think it's something they vote for, which is a shame, because it's a very big thing. understand that? it's a very big thing. a big element if you can have somebody that can actually self-fund and not be influenced by bad decisions, by people that are l


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