Biocon Chief Kiran Majumdar-Shaw, who lost her husband, stated that she is devastated. Sharing her thoughts on social media on Tuesday, she maintained that she will always be guided by her husband John Shaw."I am devastated to lose my .
The mega rally is being organised in Doddaballapur, a neighbouring town of Bengaluru. With the rally, the BJP hopes to set aside all recent drawbacks faced in the state.
With an eye on the 2023 Assembly elections, the ruling BJP in Karnataka will on Saturday organise 'Janaspandana', a public rally to mark Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai government's one year and the party's three years rule in the state.The .
Biocon Chief Kiran Majumdar-Shaw once again on Wednesday slammed the authorities for the worst condition of pothole-ridden Bengaluru city roads. "Shocking and shameful", said Kiran Majumdar-Shaw while commenting on a stretch of .
As right wing groups in Karnataka intensified their call to boycott buying halal meat and Muslim merchants from carrying out business within temple premises and religious fairs, Biocon Chief Kiran Majumdar-Shaw has urged Karnataka Chief .