took it. reporter: having a child in the us is not illegal for a foreign national but it is illegal to do so fraudulently. $1 million in property, automobiles, cash and gold, she s expected to be deported in the near future. as for the deterrent, prosecutors are disappointed saying ten months in jail is no deterrent at all for those involved in the birth tourism business. in santa ana, california, fox news. shannon: a stripper hired with tax dollars to perform at a conference on homelessness. a brand-new twist to that story tonight at first the real is rounded, women are, quote, indisputably better than men, that is what barack obama told the crowd at a private event in singapore. the former president arguing if women ran every country in the world for two years he is absolutely confident you would
years, a chinese national pled guilty this week to running a birth tourism business in california. her clients, including china s government officials who paid big bucks to come here to give birth, giving the children of course automatic u.s. citizenship, crazy. experts say 40,000 births every year are attributable to birth tourism. how big a problem is this? it s a big one in california. long beach is one of the places where these birth motels have popped up, texas, florida, other states, new york. chicago. the president says he wants to get rid of his birthright citizenship. i think a lot of people would share that on. it is a huge problem. without this one woman pleading guilty, she herself is at least responsible for 500 fake american citizens being born here through this method of lying to get into the country and then giving birth here. but just so that your viewers understand what we are talking about here, we are talking about
17 years. a chinese national pled guilty this week to running a birth tourism business in california. her clients, including chinese government officials, who paid big bucks to come here to give birth, giving the children of course automatic u.s. citizenship, crazy. experts say 40,000 births every year are attributable to birth tourism. how big a problem is this? it s a big one in california. long beach is one of the places where these birth motels have popped up. texas, florida, other states, new york. chicago. the president says he wants to get rid of his birthright citizenship. i think a lot of people would share that on. it is a huge problem.we ve hn pleading guilty. she herself is at least responsible for 500 fake american citizens being born here through this method of lying to get into the country and then giving birth here. but just so that your viewers understand what we are talking