BJP MLAs in the West Bengal assembly staged a walkout, demanding a statement from Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on the alleged atrocities on locals by ruling TMC leaders in Sandeshkhali. The BJP legislators shouted slogans against the government and accused it of allowing lawlessness in the area. Protests in Sandeshkhali have been ongoing for the past week, with women demanding the arrest of TMC leader Shajahan Sheikh and his followers over accusations of land capture and sexual harassment.
The ED issued a fresh and fifth summons to Kejriwal on Wednesday after he skipped four earlier summonses issued by the federal agency over the last four months
Over 200 workers of AAP and BJP were detained on Friday afternoon while they were marching towards each other's offices at Deen Dayal Upadhayay Marg here, police said.
Security has been heightened in Karnataka following a BJP-called protest against the arrest of a person involved in the 1992 riots after the Babri Masjid demolitio.