There is more trouble in Jay Inslee land where the "anti-racist director of the Office of Equity" was fired from her job for engaging in racist, sexist behavior on the job. Dr. Karen [.]
Black activists at the grassroots level have distanced themselves from the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement after it was revealed that the group is now nearing insolvency supposedly due to [.]
Footage found on the company's website shows that Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of the infamous Bud Light brand of transgender beer, aims to create a "more diverse and inclusive [.]
Do you agree that business owners with light skin should be punished in favor of business owners with dark skin? Candi CdeBaca, a "Democrat Socialist" city councilwoman from [.]
Several businesses that endorsed Black Lives Matter (BLM) are now closing their stores in San Francisco, another proof that the adage "go woke, get broke" is undeniably true. Chris [.]