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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180412 08:00:00

russia said it's keeping a close eye on the fleet and the kremlin hit out a trump's handling of the situation. we do not participate in twitter diplomacy we support a serious approach we still believe that it is important not to take any steps that may harm the already fragile situation in syria we are also still convinced that the excuse regarding the use of chemical weapons in duma is made up and cannot be used as an argument for military action russia has moved fast to establish itself in duma this amateur video purportedly shows russian police investigating near the site of the alleged chemical attack moscow says it and the regime are ready to allow a probe but only one which shouldn't assign blame. our correspondents claire richardson standing by in washington and in moscow our bureau chief good morning to both of you. if we could start with you russia is saying the alleged chemical attack is a fake and cannot be used as a reason for any kind of attack and if also all that. well russia has been constantly denying any chemical attack took place and moscow has invited investigators from the organization for that prohibit of chemical weapons to probe to the scene where that attack allegedly took place syria over the last week and to moscow also had to send its own investigators who found it bolted leonor that ends for any use of chemical weapons since yesterday russian military police military police is acting on the ground in the syrian city of what we just seed seen it in the report where the alleged chemical attack took place russian ministry of defense insists the situation in duma remains stabilized for the last few five days allegedly if there are there to guarantee law and all the however we see a clear attempt by the russians to downplay the situation as much as possible by the way even russian state run broadcasters since yesterday reduced the antti western rhetoric significantly ok and this new information that we have russian personnel on the ground in duma certainly is a new and important factor right now a close go to you know the white house spokeswoman sara huckabee sanders is saying there's no tying table right now for action in syria is the white house backing off of its previous comments. well her comments are quite troubling given that trumps earlier tweets promising military strikes on syria and the fact that the white house is now saying that all options remain on the table suggests that trump was on twitter promising military action before anything had actually been decided now it's unclear not only what his long term plan is for syria but even in the short term what he really sees as a solution in the region if you remember it was just earlier this month that he was saying he would like to withdraw all two thousand u.s. troops who are in syria that was against the advice of his military advisers who are wary of another situation like afghanistan or iraq who want to stay there and make sure that the islamic state cannot get another foothold in the region before backing out but this directly contradicts what he was saying earlier this month and so it's unclear from his words alone and from what the white house is saying what kind of action we're going to see. you were mentioning there that goes dialing back the rhetoric how might russia though respond to any possible american military action. well brian russian law make us a warrant already of the united states is that moscow would concede and asked dr take on syria as a war crime that could trigger a direct military clash between the two form a call to walk countries i think sikandar a senior russian lawmaker for example set russia would engage its washington in the counsel robert muller and the thing that originally made trump's tweets about syria is so usual for the president the fact that he called aside an animal that he pin the blame squarely on russia is that he has been very reluctant to criticize putin himself directly this even as the u.s. administration has taken steps against russia in response to a series of what it sees as missteps it's expelled russian diplomats that it's a sex to be spies it's levied new sanctions on people who thinks are in putin's inner circle but donald trump himself has been criticized on both sides of the aisle for being largely quiet and this is a big departure for him to come out directly and criticize russia on something like this suspected chlorine gas attack clare richardson for us in washington and you're a shadow for us in moscow thanks to both of you this morning. so how does germany figure in all of this we're joined now from our parliamentary studios here in berlin by peter bio he's the german government's new coordinator for transatlantic cooperation advisor to chance remark on u.s. german relations with the bar thanks so much for being with us today your job is maintaining good relations between germany and the u.s. at a time when an american president derives another head of state in this case for charles as a gas killing animal how are you going to advise chancellor macko on conducting talks with president trump. well first of all the united states remain the most important partner of germany and europe as a whole on the other side of the atlantic go to international on a global scale that is the one fact on the other hand we see in the in the past a development that concerns us that brings a change to how we communicated across the atlantic are asking pair to form a time so we were facing new challenges we see that europe and germany have to take over more responsibility by they say itself to care about or know about their join in. i don't see this now i think. we won't take an active role there but you might know this one of our ships has already been deployed say an accompanying ship of the does u.s. destroyer in the mid to rainy and but more than that i don't think we will see an active role by germany here ok now how do you view the possibility that a u.s. strike could lead to a direct confrontation with russia. well the stakes are high and dangerous out there again first i hope we won't see anything like that that this will not be necessary first being a second thing is you know from the language from the rhetoric that we see from putin that he's backing baking op the little bit so i don't think that there was see you strong escalation on the other hand you see that the eruption of basser to the lebanon he has used quite tough rhetoric that one or two days before said you know we will down anything that comes from the u.s. side and its allies and so this is something that worries me and others as well. peter buyer german government's new coordinator for trans a lot of cooperation visor to the chancellor on u.s. german relations thanks very much for being with us thank you very much. airlines around the world are on high alert following the u.s. president on of trump's threat of a strike on syria several carriers have started rerouting scheduled flights as a result of tensions frogs with air france being the first one to announce the measures the allen has modified its schedules for destinations close to syria including flights to beirut and tell of the meanwhile of tons of says it has avoided flying lisa miniature rainy and for some time as a precautionary measure. well tensions mount around serious talks in china have suffered of the don't from stress let's bring in danielle cope with standing by at the frankfurt stock exchange danny what's the mood with investors that. he has a good heart good to see you investors are still very reluctant and nervous not just in asia where all the major indices were and the red but also here in europe in general during the last weeks i guess we can even say amman's the market was very volatile and with every geopolitical decision or announcement we usually see the shares here on the trading floor dropping after last night when it was announced by the spokeswoman of donald trump that so far at least that's the official version there are no concrete plans for an air strike on syria investors have calmed down a little bit again this was happening after they were very nervous with his tweets also saying that relations with russia have never been as bad not even during the cold war so far during the trading day we have not seen big losses were even at some time here in the class. v.w. is getting a new c.e.o. but that's not all it looks like the supervisory board is moving its regular session from tomorrow to why the hurry suddenly what are you hearing yeah exactly this was the schedule originally for two more now we're hurtling hurrying that this will be taking place at five pm this afternoon that could last for many hours investors will be waiting for the answers how a possible new volkswagen company could look like the new appointment of how to bet these s. and c. all seems to be a done deal he is not not just going to be the c.e.o. but will also keep his position as a brand chief and most likely the company will be going through the biggest reform since a long time it seems that the company could be split up into different groups or divisions one group could be volkswagen see it and scold us for the big car brands the other sport cars and the other one called mercial vehicles and we're learning that the commercial vehicle division could even become a public listing public possibly here as a friend for stock exchange. in frankfurt thank you very much for this update. now to the u.s. where minutes from the federal reserve's latest u.s. latest policy meeting in march were released last night and showed the country's central bankers in broad agreement stronger growth in the u.s. means the fed can and should raise rates more aggressively in the next three years two more increases are expected within this year making it a total of three so far and markets are looking for clues that a fourth one might be on the cards but the fed has two big unknowns complicating policymaking the impact of domestic tax cuts and by how much they'll spur growth and the effect of ongoing trade tensions with china. russia's ruble is falling fast against the u.s. dollar as tensions mount between the two countries washington's new sanctions against russian businessmen and their companies along with sharply escalating diplomatic crisis in syria have seen the ruble plunge to just over fifteen u.s. cents that's a level last seen eighteen months ago since news of the sanctions last friday russia's currency has plunged by about twelve percent. the sanctions washington announced on friday against russia are already beginning to be felt on the streets of moscow the ruble seems to be losing value by the hour the us said the sanctions are in response to charges of russian meddling in u.s. elections and other ongoing issues but the russian prime minister continues to say they are really designed to give the u.s. an unfair advantage that. u.s. administration decision on sanctions is an attempt to fight us through unfair competition to limit our development to create tensions on the economy and the currency and fun markets. for the time being though the plummeting euro is a more acute problem that's because every day russians know that a weak ruble means trouble is just around the corner because. the sanctions will have negative consequences and the growing exchange rate of the dollar and the euro is a first indication that our economy will experience a drop of president in the week which is bad as the rhetoric heats up over the conflict in syria where russia and the u.s. support opposite sides the ruble continues to slide. the use of the death penalty is declining bots there's a catch there is certainly the human rights organization annecy international says the number of reported judicial executions around the world fell during twenty seventeen but the group is also warning that the true number of people put to death is not known some countries treat execution numbers as a state secret china for example and as is often the case in china and in a handful of other nations executing its citizens capital punishment is often very public. in iran responsible for carrying out small then hoff of the well it's not executions last year that's according to amnesty international's latest think is in dozens of those cases that meant public execution in iran drug trafficking and blasphemy are among those crimes punishable by death. at least five people were executed in iran for acts committed when they were still under eighteen. and that just four countries were responsible for eighty four percent of all recorded executions last year iran saudi arabia iraq and pakistan but the country suspected of being the world's leading executioner is china. it's thought to have put thousands to death last year more than the rest of the world put together the because data on the death penalty that is a state secrets exactly how many is a matter of speculation. but not counting china twenty seven thousand so the total number of executions worldwide fall by four percent from the previous year. m misty international says that reaffirms a global trend towards abolition of the death penalty last year a further two countries guinea and mongolia joined the one hundred four who have now abolished capital punishment for a second year in a row the us did not feature among the top five global execution is slipping from positions seven to eight this is due in part to ongoing legal challenges of the use of lethal injection. but as litigation in several states progress is that because the executions resume. look at some of the other stories making the news the. start of three days of national mourning after a military plane crash that killed two hundred fifty seven people. the russian built transporter went down shortly after takeoff wednesday killing mainly soldiers and their family members the accident is the worst disaster in algeria sistering authorities of started an investigation. sirens have sounded across israel as that country came to a standstill for holocaust remembrance day by minister netanyahu attending a ceremony to remember the millions of jews killed by nazi germany during world war two further ceremonies will also be held at the site of the auschwitz concentration camp in poland later today. we're tearing down to get only where there's a last ditch bit underway to form a new government for that country an inconclusive election last month saw a surge in support for right wing and anti establishment parties but they are refusing to work together for now and least and if there's no breakthrough the country may have to resort to new elections. contentious politics in rome are as old as the piazza navona billed nearly two thousand years ago the visual splendor of this popular square gives no hint of italy's latest political crisis. more than a month after the country's parliament three elections there's still no new government. behind me a lot today quickly nala the presidential palace where currently the leaders of the three strongest parties a negotiating over italy's future but the search for a new government has rarely been more difficult there are deep political divisions between all the different actors. but generally go in the first time senator with a populist five star movement is keen on bridging that was divisions with five star topping the vote at over thirty percent go in is ready to head a government but there's no cohen. insite. our leader and we do you mind your can only make offers to the other parties but you cannot answer or decide for them. i think the party took a democratic win and the liberal party should both justify why they don't want to sit down with us and help resolve italy's crisis. a coalition with the right wing populist leader party seemed likely after the election both party leaders are euro skeptics who want to clamp down on migration. but their relations have gone cold legal politicians like john mark. karr candid about their frustration. i think the leader of the five star party does not understand politics very well when he says he's willing to go either with us or with the democratic party it's clear he has no idea what our party stands for. this is like going to a football match and supporting both teams. for. any. center left party to democratic or or democratic party was the election loser and that's why one of its leaders under the chain is for a one remaining in the opposition he has no intention of helping form then you can tell your government. about these are. worried about these government. programs. to take a look at south of the election they receive a lot of votes they have their responsibility to. for the future of the country. italy is facing a long political deadlock which could ultimately result in new elections that's however a scenario that none of the parties want at least that they can currently agree on . now how much data does facebook collect on users and on non-users it is a question asked in both the senate and the house but c.e.o. mark zuckerberg sidestepped the direct answer he did though acknowledge his company collects data from users even when they're not on facebook his testimony has raised calls for government regulation. for a second day mark zuckerberg faced the cameras and sat through hours of questioning from u.s. lawmakers accused of compromising the private data of tens of millions of facebook users he repeated his apology from a day earlier. it's clear now that we didn't do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well and that goes for fake news foreign interference in elections and hate speech as well as developers and data privacy it was my mistake and i'm sorry. zuckerberg gave repeated assurances that he would allocate more facebook staff to help improve data protection but he appeared evasive in response to committee members questions is yes or no if you could will you make the commitment to change all the user to changing all the user default settings to minimize to the greatest extent possible the collection and use of users to congressman this is a complex issue that i think is deserves more than a one word and well again that's disappointing to me because i think you should make that commitment. while making numerous promises on improving data security second bridge still managed to mange think on specifics legislative and sports now another remarkable night of football in the quarter finals of the champions league the big drama came in spain where it was you ventus managed to come back from three goals down to tie the aggregate score against real madrid extra time was on the cards until the spaniards were awarded a controversy all stoppage time penalty even diskeeper g.g. befall was sent off for his foul mouth protests were naldo stepped up and made no mistake from the spot sending ryall through four three on aggregate loss of a listen now to a very disappointed befall after his dreams of ending his career on a major high were ruined. what should i could have said anything to the referee and he should have had the sensibility to pick give me shit. because what he did is to commits a crime against sportsmanship. and that's why i said the woods i had to say money. if we knew what he did it would be a by minute also reaching the champions league sami's but there was much less drama there and there no little home dog and severe the result gave them a two one aggregate victory putting them into friday's draw for the last four european football's premier competition. let's get your monitor now the top story we're following for you today russia's military says the syrian government has now taken full control of the rebel stronghold in eastern guta that's including the town of duma last was the site of a suspected chemical attack over the weekend the u.s. has threatened a military response to that alleged attack. we have more on these and other stories that our web site you have you dot com for now though for me brian thomas and the entire team here thanks for being with us. to. the. center of the conflict zone my guest this week here in kiev is a stateless he's a former president of georgia a former regional governor in ukraine i'm hanging over him multiple allegations of criminal activity and he's mikail saakashvili once the dawning of the west for spearheading the rose revolution in georgia that has you know made too many enemies and run out of running for the for. the for. landmark catholic architecture. and one of the world's cultural treasures. a neverending construction site. magnet for tourists and it cologne cathedral joining us as we get. the history of this imposing house of worship. in cologne cathedral. what does a football loving country. will tell you our german soccer made it back to the top. special. football made in germany. would it be fighting for decades to be taken seriously in the world of war here's what's coming up. this superhero on a mission to chat. smart smart talks smart stage and legend isn't buying no means may sound boring creasing dangerous stuff that. makes . my guest this week here in kiev is stateless he's a former president of georgia a former regional governor in ukraine and hanging over him multiple allegations of criminal activity and a three year prison sentence for abuse of power he's. really once the darling of the west for spearheading the rose revolution in georgia in two thousand and three


Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Pakistan - Torn Between Extremes 20180428 05:15:00

are people who are driven large birth people. sophism a mystical form of islam has a long tradition in pakistan many muslims here identify as syfy they celebrate their faith in places like these singing and praying often until they reach a trance like state. break came here regularly. but this time it's on he has made pakistan great all over the world and we're proud of that and also of the sunni faith. that there is little trace of that positivity these days safety precautions have been stepped up in recent years there have been more than twenty attacks on holy city sites sometimes by the taliban sometimes by the i.r.s. the terrorist group has also declared the cities its enemies it condemns singing and dancing as an islamic was devout that is said about whoever kills innocent people is not a human being. but you can't tell by looking at someone. but we can increase security but we cannot really protect ourselves from such attacks. occur only ceremony usually takes place here every week but today it's just a lone singer asking for money. that. god the god bad lately the ceremony has been canceled for fear of suicide bombers. it's all for now of course few people come here for the good but we cannot live our faith as before because of fear. of our behavior while even. in twenty ten that fear settled in here in pakistan's most important syfy sanctuary the dotted door of our shrine it's located in the country's second largest city lahore many pilgrims were killed when two terrorists blew themselves up people here can't understand why it happened maybe it is and i'm not it was soofi super claimed islam in our region. without them there would be no muslims here i was going to vote how can you fight their followers. despite terrorist warnings hundreds of thousands of people have come to the shrine to celebrate an important holiday sometimes they queue up outside for an entire day security is tight the police force is the largest it's ever been with fifteen hundred officers here i actually feel sank. in the police security cameras everywhere i don't think anything will happen this time. and it doesn't for three days the faithful passionately practice their rituals with no violent incidents. friends are convinced that terror will not prevail. i would say that that. you know anybody who's god is filled we were just take it as a challenge and we would continue this lean move forward. subway's family is also trying to move forward they want to spread his message even further. his sons will follow in his footsteps. they too small know. so in the meantime his brother will take over here this is my father mission this is my brother mission and this is known as mar mission now i will try my browser to gap. different. i. think. because his friends together and spontaneously organizes a code lonely ceremony for security reasons it's close to the public organizers would need to give advents notice but at least the people outside can listen to them singing sob least favorite song asking god to fill them with love the most powerful antidote to hatred. the news from pakistan is seldom good news. but the reality in the islamic republic is more complex and often more positive than the name suggests that goes for religious life in particular. nowhere else is this more evident than on this construction site in the capital islamabad. a new mosque is being specifically built for a minority that bucks the arch conservative clichés of this country the transgender community or. maybe they have had a firm place in pakistan's everyday life for centuries but are nevertheless subject to much discrimination. go on to stream if they really are we're not allowed to enter saudi arabia was he would have said they were not allowed on a marriage to mecca. this is the duty and right of every muslim. community and. they don't want special privileges they want the same respect afforded to other believers. but if they are not created us as transgender he created us with rights we are not a whim of nature created us deliberately with six what even our parents disown us or they often put us in the care of transgenders movements of system teacher sound or dance at a prostitute ourselves how to beg it's hard for us to live normal lives mosques should be places where we can be who we are. and so they are building their own mosque they collected the necessary funds themselves. first year to like a goddess at our mosque should be open to all people again there is a dress code and if it's respected anyone can enter to of course anyone can. also donate maternity records educate so as a muslim that even when that's all to me i've been in business for fifteen years my donated part of my income for the construction as much money as i could spare. parts big feel awkward for me he had a high media has given the impression we wanted a mosque to be exclusive for us but that's wrong and i have an example of that. at least the city administration has not yet stopped construction of the mosque but what do the people in the neighborhood think about the project. currently security is a top priority everywhere in the country the same holds true here at the district's largest mosque. when people are asked about the new project for the transgender community their response is remarkably tolerant. name will must judge obama a second building a mosque is a good date. but me as long as they let everyone attend there's no problem. but. i have no objection to it but i think when there are special places for different groups of select that divide society party. dividing society is the last thing the transgender community wants trans people would like to belong to society pakistan is home to more than one hundred thousand of them but it's also home to deadly fanaticism. an attack was perpetrated at this amusement park popular mainly with christians. marco i'm a jew i was close by when the bomb exploded and i got to safety quickly when i returned everything was covered in blood there were many dead guns only i was home full of seventy five people died here on easter sunday twenty sixteen in. the attack cast a long shadow over the amusement park. business has since picked up with the park once again attracting many visitors especially on weekends security precautions have been stepped up. this christian family is returning to the park for the first time since the attack fear kept them away as well as memories of that day and the eldest of the brothers and sisters had stayed home on the terrible easter sunday. spending that we were five siblings and our father left the family. lived alternately with my mother and my grandparents or my uncle and aunt on the day of the attack two of my sisters came here to have some fun and i like that they're not the youngest in the middle one heart but he that my brother was there too and they were at the refreshment stand and had something to eat my brother then left for a moment. he was lucky the blast only injured him but it killed my sisters. all by clean never scared by a johnny depp and she said last. like many of the christians in lahore who often experience discrimination the surviving family members ask themselves how god could allow this to happen. because he is the exist. here i still believe that god exists it's things like that just happened. how do you call mrs i'd rather accuse the government of what they were threats beforehand but no safety precautions anyone could enter the park and controlled that on sunday there was even free admission of it was like an invitation to. the brother still suffers from his injuries and may never be able to pursue a normal profession yes he's also psychologically traumatized. we used to come here often but now we just can't we only came back to these interviewers. like many of pakistan's two and a half million christians they feel like strangers in their own country. or. bibi has been on death row for seven years. she's pretty sick right now but her faith in god is on broken. if she is actually executed she will die for jesus. even though. he does what he can to protect his two daughters the family lives in constant fear in lahore. massy worked in this christian school as a security guard. because you could certainly get a lot of drivers say they'll kill us or vasser is released they also said death threats to the judges that's why the case is taking so long everyone fears for their lives but the gov there. may be the last footage of b.p. six years ago at a press conference with a politician campaigning for her release. two neighbors had accused of having blast fame to the prophet mohammed a capital offense the accusations are completely untrue the politician stressed. like. his own bodyguard murdered him a short time later on the open road. as she and her family are pinning their hopes on their lawyer he is a muslim and human rights expert he took over the case out of personal conviction and compassion. all of this mission a straight the story nobody said mean that you had done something good in pakistan those are your putting you and your family in the danger of floods for him the case is clear according to islamic law and no one can be convicted on such weak evidence just. tainted too difficult for them to lead a normal life in this country. still the shifting of facts that. most people in this part of lahore are christians subjected to constant discrimination and terror. this couple some. it was shot in front of his church the assassin's bullet was intended for someone else for his parents he is a martyr just like. a baby's conviction shows what christians are up against the glass fearing law threatens assault. your words can be twisted at any time. and then they say you have blasphemed the prophet and you must die for it . that's exactly what many radical islamic teachers and their followers demand in this mosque in lahore the murderer of the politician who helped as he is considered a kind of saint he defended the honor of the prophet the christian baby defiled it she must hang. line and know what their problem is she has been convicted of the verdict was upheld and it has been clearly demonstrated that blast feigns the prophet. and what if the sentence were to be overturned the conservative koran scholar makes that clear. this is a school board for the. baby gets out we will take to the streets against the quarter and against the government. we have nothing against christians or sang only against your baby. and whoever stands up for our enemy. a clear threat against the highest constitutional judges they want to reach a final verdict soon here in the capital islamabad according to the law that means either commuting the sentence or death. the courts have recently imposed many death sentences mostly against muslim perpetrators of violence the bodyguard turned murderer has been executed. the reaction to the lynching of a christian couple accused of blasphemy was also draconian the death penalty was handed down for five of the perpetrators. some pakistani journalists are taking an open stand against radicals and for us. from the point of view of one popular blogger the country's future is at stake back then would you really. be isolated and i think it would deserve to be isolated because every reason mother she's a. christian woman a minority woman coming from a class system that has already dipped against her. sari is campaigning for tolerance and hopes majority opinion and state policy will change. as a society in transition it needs to be given a chance to grow and it needs to be given a chance to sort of see through its its dark period and this is our dark fear you know. but i'm hopeful and i'm sure if it that over time as more know where people stand up for people who are oppressed that's going to change. these catholic christians can march through the streets of lahore only under police protection. if. they're demonstrating for their rights. the community also suffered an attack during an easter celebration. but they won't let themselves be intimidated. i think i know they are more coming to give us the all those were not coming but after these incidents they are coming more and more because they feel that it is there so they don't fear in that sense. the priest preaches a message of hope. in the christian community is hoping for the support of the state who should protect them from new terrorist attacks if not the government and the police the priest refrains from criticizing the strict blasphemy law. all this law. in pakistan is more direct bigger use pods for the muslims less than the christians very thing for. above all they hope that the christian quarter will no longer need armed protection. but it is not only religious minorities who have difficulties back to karate and a run of the mill residential complex the residence of the. around refuge behind these walls they won't show their faces their families could recognize them track them down and kill them or. send who has been living in the home for two years her offense she complained about the infidelity of the man she'd been forced to marry in her father's eyes she brought shame on the family. going to. try to shoot me twice but he didn't have the heart so he asked my thirteen year old brother to pull the trigger he wanted to do it too a little made it hard but who's about to shoot me if it. doesn't my mother intervened and i managed to escape someone told me about this whole thing which is the my father and brother don't know i'm here. which is their dotage of me all but i'm still afraid they'll track me down here they come here and kill me and look at me anyway i'm never going back to them again. but i do would you look at the good of your limited thinking. another resident story is equally tragic. at the age of fourteen salma was forced to marry for the first time her husband dumped her then her parents sold her to another man for the equivalent of two hundred euros but i believe he was forty years old and had serious illnesses what the boy when it got i stayed anyway it will be long mark one day his boss or me and he offered to promote my husband if you could have sex with me in return i did article you no more lead here i refuse to be going you know gog and he got need to make up that i leave my husband lock me up proper my then his boss came and raped me several times i was knocked out. when i woke up i heard them say they wanted to burn me play dead maybe i should when they went out to get gas and matches i escaped. but all about got the out of committee got there . they had. she escaped but not to the local police she went to regularly to a private aid organization its mission is to help women who are terrorized by their own families and who otherwise have no place to go. unfortunately ahmadi have police that unfortunately the women can't trust the police when they file charges they're also unfair they humiliated at the police station here no strict laws against domestic violence. we just live in a male dominated society and that's the problem. is that. this case sparked a public debate a mobile phone video showing five women and one man at a wedding the village mullah condemned their behavior as an islamic they disappeared the case is not yet solved but according to witnesses they were tortured and murdered by their parents. the murder of internet star can deal ballo it's also made headlines her brother took exception to her videos and strangled her. in reaction to this punishments in pakistan have become more severe the reference to family honor is no longer considered a mitigating circumstance in the case of murder charges one might think that goes without saying but a survey of men in a conservative quarter of karachi shows the frightening reality. brother of can build it the right thing according to our belief a man must not allow someone to look at his sister with lust and he certainly should not allow her to post offensive videos of herself and. no man with a spark of decency in his body may allow a woman in his family to defile his honor so much. that of course a man can also forgive his wife or sister but if their behavior is totally misguided he may also take tougher measures. after her scape. when do you came to the headquarters of the human rights organization for the protection of persecuted women it's a few kilometers from the shelter for the camera she retraces the path that led her to the reception desk after she poured out her heart to the employees they showed her the way to the shelter. most of the people working here are experienced lawyers and idealists they know that only a few of the women affected make it to them more than a thousand women a year are victims of so-called honor killings a misleading term says the organization head and husband of the shelter manager. the last one i met was a girl whose brother had abused her and try to hide it and he tried to kill or and make it look like an honor killing your what does this have to do with on or we must see it as what it is because murder with. the director and his colleagues also know that the evil in pakistan is not brutal men but destructive traditions lack of education and a lack of the rule of law. school now i warn against blaming only men. i also know cases where maltreatment was perpetrated by women. or women who kill their fathers or their daughters. that also happens between it and the survivors of the honor killing attempts they have no education no money some women have fled with their children now they concentrate on raising them and caring for other abandoned children who also live in the home. others such as eighteen year old times war are still completely traumatized she has already been forcibly married three times to different men that would. be good i think get it when i was eleven but my father married me to a man who already had children and a wife. she was jealous of me she tortured and abused me she tried to kill me with black magic. which i did you give a good hard job. give us. when tosh why i wanted to return to her family she was locked up and urged to commit suicide instead. i cut my wrists but not in such a way that it was fatal my family told me to try again and he would be happy if i died after that. the. prospects for their future are bleak what can they do in a society that revolves some completely around family the shelter managers have taken over the family's role. again but she made us out there and we're trying to teach the girls educate them to independent. we also try to help get them married. is it that i have voiced them illegal that as. you see that they can speak up and when there's a chance of reconciliation with the family we also hope. they help raise the other young children as well daily life distracts them from their memories and fears of the future. which i don't know what to do next the shelter managers are my parents now and they'll decide for me just like my parents used to. despite all their terrible experiences most women here hope the organization will find them a new husband who will protect them from their most dangerous enemies their families. it's not just pakistani families that are fractured the deepest divide has come with the founding of the state and the bloody separation of india from kashmir. the predominantly muslim region is split into an indian and a pakistani territory. tourists rarely come to the western side of kashmir it's too dangerous especially near the border with pakistan. those who live here often have a sad tale to tell. you i have relatives in the indian part of kashmir i haven't seen them in over thirty years we can't talk on the phone either it's bad i don't understand why in germany the wall was torn down and the division was overcome when it does not work here. almost no day passes without fighting at the nearby border. that is why the economic situation here is very bad. and the whole world is watching. what other prospects do we have. the. most suffer a bad the regional capital experienced yet another disaster in two thousand and five more than eighty thousand people died here and in the surrounding area when an earthquake struck. for many the latest border skirmishes are more urgent threat than natural disaster. there are people in the military hospital who were injured by gunfire. and then i was on a bus when the indian army opened fire and they shot the driver and two of my uncles i hid behind the bodies but i also took two bullets. were injured. and one he gets an important visitor a woman who is we've aired here as a heroine who shall mali could fight for an independent state of kashmir independent of pakistan but also of india with its hated hindu government. for blessing their government bush meat is beard on that side of the say they had this undying oath and the really. to fight for their right to said no that is what india is trying to kill. one hundred kilometers away on the indian side here too most people are muslim. the capital is called srinagar and the streets are teeming with soldiers and policeman protection against terror that is almost commonplace here. the local leader of the hindu ruling party b j p is on his way to a crisis meeting on the agenda how to deal with the most recent bombings especially in schools no one has claimed responsibility. is made by. pakistanis behind it they support terrorists like a star has instigated several wars over kashmir and has achieved nothing now they are stirring up the people here against india but that won't work. and what to the students say it's far from clear to them who is behind the attacks made the move but on him i don't know whether terrorists committed the attack or even the indian authorities. in any case whoever did it should be severely punished before they attack another school. or. a hockey classes have been canceled because the classrooms were destroyed that's not the only reason why students face an uncertain future youth unemployment in and around srinagar is high unsurprisingly it's hard to attract investment to the area. these people also come from the area of srinagar but were expelled and now live in a refugee shelter on the pakistani side of. the indian authorities allege they were providing cover for terrorists. i am a simple man but they claim that i have contact with pakistani terrorists at this and should give them information. they tortured me look at my life. be die you are very good because he can't work anymore. he and his family live on less than one euro a day. visits or help from relatives on the indian side of kashmir are impossible. is also separated from her husband he was born in india and lives there but most of the time he's in prison he sees himself as a kind of gandhi fighting nonviolently for an independent kashmir. who comes from a pakistani family married him seven years ago like their daughter has not seen him for two years. i could have lived a normal life but the kind of soul that i have it's very onset really and my soul just clicked with him that yes we have to do something in this short lifespan caister should raise a wife for humanity. as does her husband he has just been released from prison on the indian side he was arrested when he called for a demonstration. i mean that india is more scared of non well in the moment because they know what they were this is. they know a lot of people to be on the streets. the way they used for is access to food is it the people i need this will go on because no seventy years have bussard so seventy minutes for you in the ration in india used every kind of military method corruption method. go look meant method but all these methods failure so museum demand is very new and scared she concludes to dissolve this dispute but they still believe. you have enough to get enough. sex. this recent footage caused further controversy the indian army had killed and the much terrorist his supporters took to the streets many demonstrators were killed and thousands injured. nevertheless even after seventy years of division many kashmiris still hope for reunification although there was little cause for optimism and many will do i did he know intellectually. believe government will get united. because there was the visions of the people. his wife campaigns for united kashmir at one press conference after another. the pakistani authorities tolerate her even if just to annoy india they want the world to finally take note of what's happening in kashmir. god forbid a terrorist activity takes place in america or in the other part of the world the whole world is signalled unsafe right so it's a small world now and hair you have this. pledge to met peaceful struggle at the moment it's a majority to peaceful struggle. at present however there is no indication that reconciliation might come about. and that kashmir will once again become what it has been for a long time in history a bridge between different worlds and cultures. this restaurant in most suffer about it's empty. two brothers opened it a year ago hoping for travelers looking to explore the beauty of kashmir. you know you saw it get us when we started out you know counted on many tourists but why would they come here when there's always shooting nearby. if this keeps up we're going to have to close a place down. there getting them out it was one of the beauty and melancholy there are few places where they are as closely intertwined as in kashmir. but there are some promising developments to. international understanding on the catwalk at the first indian pakistani fashion fair not in pakistan but in india in the capital new delhi. a feast for the eyes and a source of inspiration for exhibitors and visitors alike. a crash course in south asian textile design. some of the best designers from both countries are present this designer comes from india and explains very different very very different fashion and slightly different. fashion is very different when you go down south it's india it's extremely extremely different you will find this less follows in the south so you will find more leaves in the stouts way it is when you go to get to the east you have a lot of time looms and textiles that come into. meus so i mean that this sex diversity throughout india that's what india is known for at the end of the indian design is the border experimenting and pakistanis are still a traditional. new india the pope in their thinking invented the step but had contracts to lose a lot to his trousers a lot of got to play with options and what is the indian design to concentrate more than structured stuff. and what does her pakistani colleagues say. the thing that's very unique to pakistan is that the fashion that we bring along is things that you will be the pakistan has not yet so they get to westernize each incomplete piece so that means that we do where weston's what is your feeling anything we read you know about it how in india the younger generation is always in denims and. that's not how pakistan is we're still very the pakistan and i that identity is so strong that anywhere in the world that people people want that same hope so that's what we bring with no one put up the interest pakistan that has a list says more kind of an approach beautiful and very simple words. is a pakistani woman and that's like across the board a country and there is so much and. the love that indians have for the pakistan to look at that about this tiny one has it's like they consider. to be. there even a few men here although not on the catwalk. the event organizer makes an appearance but seems a little nervous daunted perhaps by all this cultural bridge building. beauty madhumita and brutality exists. side by side in pakistan lobello through july just below that relatively young country that still in search of its identity loaded. oh maybe evil history and heritage you bet. guys this is absolutely mister is a city with many faces. john been through the cultural reaches of the city and its romantic surroundings there are more than one hundred castles and palaces of course the best way to do trip to the countryside is by buying. on the docks. mom eco africa. harvesting without destruction in ganga mangrove forests used to suffer damage from your starkest now a women's initiative is promoting sustainability. we know that if we continue pressing the roots of the migration come a time when there were no boys to. eat go after africa thirty minutes. would have been fighting for the place to take you seriously in the world of what appears has come out women stroke katanga. superhero. smart talks smart stage and a legend frank recently in dangerous time for w. for my. ten year olds marching down his court to show a lady she's a refugee from the civil war in syria now she and have found a new thing in turkey she's also getting help in un succumbing invisible wounds. to children of war. reporter on t.w.a.'s. to.


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181104 01:00:00

as with china any question can actually disrupt an economy. bridge. to an exclusive report starts november seventeenth w. iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei said the u.s. would be the ultimate loser over its decision to reinstate all sanctions against iran that were removed under the two thousand and fifteen nuclear deal the new measures will go into place from monday targeting the financial shipping and energy sector. the pakistani government has said aasia bibi the christian woman facing charges of blasphemy must not leave pakistan until a supreme court verdict is reviewed the mother of two spent eight years on death row before being found innocent by the court this week her lawyer has fled the country saying his life was under threat from islam ists. the regional director of the un's children's agency says that the yemeni authorities are making it difficult to deliver much needed she wanted tarion aid gareth coupler a one that impeding relief efforts could plunge the war torn country into famine nearly one point eight million children already suffer from malnutrition in yemen. in northwestern pakistan thousands of people have attended the funeral of an influential cleric known as the father of the taliban sami huck the prominent pakistani cleric was killed in a knife attack at us home on friday. turkey's


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181026 16:00:00

he starts october twenty seventh w. . news from berlin the police have arrested a man in the u.s. in connection with a syrian. official. into custody near miami florida the arrest comes after a suspicious package turned up in new york also addressed to a prominent critic of president bush from our correspondent also coming up. a german national on terrorism. six years behind bars for membership in a kurdish militia his family says he was in turkey on a hiking trip. says raise the kids from turkish president. irish voters decide whether time on the religious blasphemy law is known for a goal. that even the catholic church says is obsolete. i am glad you could join us shortly we're expecting president trump to speak on suspicious packages in the u.s. but police there have detained a suspect in connection with a series of explosive packages sent to high profile public figure investigators in the south and state of florida apprehended a man believed to be in his fifty's and seized. this white van from a parking lot two additional suspicious packages are found earlier today the bomb squad was called to a post office in new york where workers discovered one of the past their intended targets were a u.s. senator and former director of national security both prominent critics of president trump as we wait for president trying to address the country let's go to do correspondent my shrader who's in washington with the latest so miles what do we know about this suspect has been apprehended. well we know that he is a man in his fifty's and that he was arrested in a town north of miami called plantation florida where it's believed he had a business and he was taken into custody at his business beyond that we don't know much yet we don't know the reason for the arrest even whether the believe that he is actually the person who has been sending out these packages whether he was an accomplice or merely someone who may know something about the origin of all of these packages and these pipe bombs we're also looking for what his connection to new york me being given that there were so many packages sent to various new york political figures both in new york city and further upstate so not a whole lot known here although we are looking forward to this briefing that the f.b.i. is going to be giving in a few hours hopefully with more information but again we don't really know if this person worked alone or if he was part of a group of people and there have also been rumors this morning that not only have we seen this eleventh and twelve packages show up but also a thirteenth package that may have emerged in california addressed to senator a comma harris who is another progressive leftist senator a prominent figure on the left and a critic of president trump so my quite a few questions to answer but this suspect has been connected to a mill facility in florida as we understand how many of the devices a believed to have been sent from the. well even before this arrest was made the f.b.i. had pinpointed this facility as the origins of the very least most of the packages now it is also known that one of the packages that arrives at the c.n.n. headquarters in new york city may have actually been hand delivered and not sent through the mail that was why if we saw the images of the package the stamps on that were not actually used up but beyond that again there's still a lot of open questions as this investigation is ongoing so what we know right now is that someone has been arrested for some reason and we're not sure why there is definitely a florida connection and we're looking to see why so many people in new york were targeted as well obviously a man who might have some questions as u.s. president donald trump is expected to speak shortly in response to this the wrist but my a what's been the white house response so far. well we saw on wednesday at a campaign rally the president briefly called for unity. and expressed that he was trying to be very nice and then said that the media had a part to play in this and even early early early this morning local time around three am started tweeting out blaming the media for sowing the divisions in the country so the white house on the surface we've seen sarah huckabee sanders the press conference sorry excuse me the. the the spokesperson for the white house coming out and giving a statement saying these acts are despicable they need to be condemned but also still reinforcing this line that the media needs to accept responsibility for some of this political violence that's now going down that has been the line that the white house has been towing now we're going to wait and see as more information comes out how the white house may or may not change its line especially if there is some sort of connection between trump's supporters and the right and the person who has been sending out or people have been sending out these these packages right my own we've seen these bombs being discovered every morning since monday and you've actually just told that told us that there might be a thirteenth one can you give me a sense of how this story is shaping american politics i mean we're just days away from the midterm elections. indeed the midterms are sort of casting a pall over all of this result the president also risks for expressing regret that this incident had been slowing down he said the republican momentum leading up to the midterms our voters have been getting more excited as the election is on closer but that's also simply to do with the fact that the election is getting closer and people are getting revved up to vote and even the early voting has started in many many states the democrats can definitely use this as a line of attack and point the finger at the right and say look what's happened to our country look at what these people are doing and paint an us versus them there of which could be very advantageous for their base which definitely does not like the president and wants to see him and his supporters be taken out of power something like this can definitely work to their advantage in that sphere and the right is going to have a hard time. painting this in anything but a left wing conspiracy but we're going to have to see again as more facts come out we still don't know why this man was arrested we still don't know the exact motive for these packages being sent out other than that there is this connection that all the people who were sent these packages have been critics of the president in the past. in washington with the latest thank you a turkish court has sentenced a german man to six years in prison on to his charges patrick was arrested on the syrian border in much prosecutors accuse the twenty nine year old of being a member of a kurdish militia group known as white p g a group which classifies as terrorist. because a twenty nine year old carpenter from the south and german town of decent he claims he was just a tourist hiking near the syrian border it's an area in which the turkish military is fighting a war against kurdish militia groups turkish security police also say the cricut had written an e-mail offering his services as a fighter to the syrian kurdish militia y p g kike admitted writing the email but claims not to have known that turkey considers the y.p. g a terrorist organisation the news comes just as the german economy minister peter is in turkey trying to improve relations between the two countries the focus of the visit is on business deals but i'd also raise the issue of german nationals and turkish presence thus far he hasn't commented on the kind of verdict and the german foreign ministry in berlin was tightlipped. this is a decision of latakia judiciary and of course our embassy is in contact as mr crocker and also we assured him that he will file an appeal under turkish law with the help of his legal counsel. this week the foreign ministry stepped up its travel warning for german nationals going to turkey since a failed coup d'etat in two thousand and sixteen the turkish government has imprisoned thousands of critics among them both several german nationals including journalists. and misawa told who both have since been released but at least five germans including caica are still in prison in turkey. but let's now have a look at some of the other stories making news around the world dozens of migrants and families if young children are still camping. with croatia this passage into the e.u. up to authorities to his previous routes to western europe police say they expect to persuade the migrants to leave the border area by the end of the day. india's opposition congress party has held a protest in the capital of delhi over allegations of corruption and bribery linked to the government the issue has plunged the country's chief investigative agency the c.b.i. into a collision course with the government india's supreme court has called for a swift investigation to resolve the dispute. british police have arrested a man suspected of trying to steal one of the four magna carta documents from salisbury cathedral the charter granted by england's king john in the year twelve fifteen is an enduring symbol of the rule of law police say the document was not harmed in the incident. nine i learned blasphemy is still a serious crime that carries heavy penalties but like many of the country's religious traditions that may change soon irish voters are heading to the polls today to elect a new president and they're also being asked to decide whether blasphemy laws should be removed from the constitution the issue is uniting both catholics and atheists here's one man who's been fighting the law for years. the christian god is an evil maniac for giving babies bone cancer jews are of there for the devil all i said was that peace of halliburton was good enough for jehovah blasphemous statements like peace could come at a high cost literally up to twenty five thousand euros to be precise michael nugent head of atheist island is complaining in dublin shopping zone he's informing irish voters about a longstanding law that could soon be history if you say anything that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by only religion and cause outrage by doing so then that's a criminal offense the need to dublin that has been fighting the paragraph and islands constitution for years. he thinks it should have been removed a long time ago. it's a mediæval crime it's been added into our constitution in nineteen thirty seven when i was a very catholic country. and it was programmed into our laws just ten years ago so it's a mess for any number of reasons and the sooner that we get rid of it the better. but since the law was implemented no one has ever been convicted of blasphemy even the catholic church called the law or data. an audience church in dublin sees one simple reason for that. there's no need for such a law called doesn't need to god is not mocked. not everyone agrees. of the islamic cultural center things throwing out the blasphemy class will threaten the freedom of all irish people. we have a wide diversity of various communities residing in. this kind of. references in our legislation is not to defend religion but it is to defend respect among people of all face and people of no face still it looks likely that my conclusion and his group will finally get their way recent polls show that just twenty percent of likely voters i favor of keeping island suppress free law. you're watching news still to come a very special auction of fine artist taking place here in berlin to raise money for a new museum of exile in the german capital we'll take a look at the man behind the initiative to review the heart of the city. which means that it's time for business and the world's strongest economy could be getting stronger it could be getting stronger but investors are really worried i'll tell you why the u.s. economy growing by more than expected in the third quarter thanks to the strongest consumer spending in delhi for years the commerce department said gross rest of product or the total value of goods and services produced increased by three and a half percent compared to a year earlier the shop rising consumer spending helps offset a big drop in trade companies spend more to increase their inventories which also helped to bolster growth analysts are expecting the economy to expand by around three percent this year. as. the preferred stock exchange about this because investors are a little jittery despite these robust numbers how do you read them. yeah the question is is the u.s. economy going to grow further on the surface it may look very good right now but if you go into deeper there's more to worry you mention trade has gone down also if you look at businesses they're investing in inventory but they're not investing long term they're not investing in machinery in plants and offices all of these have actually dropped to the lowest level since three years and that's because there's so much uncertainty about what's going to come also in the earnings that we saw the outlook the guidance from companies from a lot of them was negative because the effect of tax cuts is going to fizzle out and china is a big worry on their their agenda ok so you're a polling up while all of this is going on. europe has had a very very rough week all across europe the markets have lost the dax is nearing this psychological eleven thousand mark low but what's especially frustrating for people here is that when the u.s. is positive and optimistic then the u.s. market goes up but germany for example doesn't go up as much now when things are negative we just follow right on and the dax crash this week you have to see a bit of a good weekend. google is giving up on plans for a berlin campus for tech startups it has more than a dozen of these hubs around the world the idea to bring together potential employees start ups and investments but in this case locals were against it. this construction site was scheduled to be open for billions fast during startups in may twenty nineteen the tech giant had wanted to give the scene a massive boost with google campus free thousand square metres at a cost of fourteen million euros the company's decision came as a huge surprise. we certainly learned something from the many conversations we had this is actually the wrong place for pure startup campus what we are aware of the protests but we don't allow them to dictate our actions and wish them to. stick here in the us. however it certainly looks as if google threw the towel in since it unveiled the project two years ago there have been frequent protests local residents fear the campus would speed up the pace of gentrification in september activists occupied the construction side now the building is home to social projects google is still paying the bills but it's donated the office space to the better place internet platform as well as karuna a charity that helps children and teens in neat we would have like google to move in because we benefit greatly when organizations and businesses operate on social cooperatives like ours help connect young people from the streets and enterprises and we cannot do it alone we have to cooperate. with. the business friendly free democrats say the failure of the google campus is a disastrous signal for bell and as an investment location. it sends the wrong message to the world that companies are not welcome here so there will be no new jobs which we urgently need in the capital. activists disagree and call it a victory for the neighborhood. that's cause it's terrific that the company's reputation has been tarnished we hope the message spreads to other companies thinking about coming here to invest and create start up pops a local population doesn't benefit at all. it's google has promised to pay for the lease and utilities for the next five years so the controversial start could eventually end up boosting the tech giant's image. and i'd love to be able to afford his bathroom. i can't unfortunately put these next guys could the world's billionaires who are now twenty percent richer than they were just last year as according to a report by swiss bank u.b.s. and orders p w c the number of billionaires is also rising two thousand one hundred fifty eight people around the world of managed to accumulate over a billion dollars of personal wealth. for some billionaires the only way is truly up. japanese tycoon you sucker mizar will become the first private passenger on a trip around the moon. set to take off in twenty twenty three on board a space x. a rocket developed by iran musk while the price of the ticket has yet to be revealed it is assumed to be astronomical meanwhile the number of billionaires with the spare cash to follow minds our way into space continues to grow according to u.b.s. is a new report on the super rich they hold an average of four point one billion dollars in wealth north america remains the global leader in the number of billionaires six hundred thirty one but western europe slipped to third place. second spot now belongs to the greater china region which includes hong kong and taiwan china proper is home to more than three hundred billionaires most of them self-made. at the turn of the millennium china had only one billionaire but u.b.s. now expects the country to overtake the u.s. in the near future the country's billionaire boom has been fueled in particular by its mushrooming tech sector. jack ma was still working as a teacher when he founded barbara nine hundred ninety nine. in twenty fourteen the online retail company claimed the title of the world's biggest ever i.p.o. . ma. if i think we should be starting a startup you know what i really want to know what i need to do to be one of the two thousand one hundred fifty a lot of work well we'll discuss that later but right japan's prime minister shinzo is in china on the first state visit by a japanese leader in nearly seven years but after sometimes difficult relations in the past the leaders of asia's two biggest economies of bowing closer cooperation in the future. chinese president xi jinping we affirmed their commitment to free and fair trade and a scoring the new spirit of partnership. it's an unlikely friendship born out of a change to the status quo shinzo abbé and she's in pain two rivals coming together at a time when global alliances are shifting as trade tensions with washington heat up the leaders of asia's two largest economies and nouns to shift in their bilateral relations. users under the new situation our interdependence has been deepening. your thought we should take this historic opportunity and make it the new direction of our relationship. with. abyei talked of taking trade with china to a new level and hinted at resolving their longstanding differences out there as. japan and china need to work together and contribute to what the world expects of us. in to the toward the peace and the stability of the region and that as the world is getting. ties between the two nations deteriorated over a territorial dispute in the east china sea and the series of military confrontations but now they're putting on a united front signing two point six billion dollars in business deals. this is about more than money though japan and china also want to tackle a range of issues including north korea's denuclearization. has invited to japan right next year. three years ago more than a million refugees traveled along the so-called balkan route as they sought to reach a safe haven on the u.s. in the european union the route was mostly closed off in twenty sixteen by border fences and guards but many are still managing to cross the borders illegally recent days have seen friction at the border between bosnia and croatia hundreds of refugees have been trying to cross from village. a bosnian town into neighboring croatia and therefore bypass the e.u.'s external border. these refugees are pleading for the bosnian croatian border crossing to be opened several hundred migrants from pakistan afghanistan iraq and iran are camped out at delhi. where bosnia borders croatia and e.u. country as autumn sets in these makeshift shelters in bosnia are in danger of sinking into the mud and hygenic conditions are disastrous the bosnian police used force to restrain these people in recent days both refugees and border officials sustained injuries but first the croatian border police had acted halting the migrants and sending them back. to try to police we've been negotiating to end this crisis for days trying to convince the refugees to leave the border crossing but these talks a difficult many don't have anywhere else to go on. besides the worsening weather the refugees are distraught about a dispute over money the bosnian government in sarajevo is supposed to distribute funds for humane accommodations but the border localities are being left in the cold. the refugees have been sent from place to place in bosnia for months this after many were stranded on a greek island for more than a year here too they are pawns in a political game while any aid is provided almost exclusively by private citizens. here in berlin and is parting with his most precious works to raise money for an idea that's near and dear to his heart. has been auctioning off some prized paintings to help fund a new museum in memory of germans who fled their homeland during the nazi regime so far the today auction has raised more than one and a half million euros. so how much is the old fritz worth when it's a new original adult mental. fifty six thousand for frederick the great going want going twice last chance. the painting had a reserve price of thirty thousand but raised almost twice that sum the passion moniker is just one of three hundred pictures under the hammer from the private collection of bent shots for the collector it's not easy to say goodbye five hundred years of art history are on sale from brehm brandt's to pick has so. much and culverts to. the collection is burnt short life work and it's being sacrificed for a new idea the future museum of exile in berlin a place to remember the hof a million germans forced to flee from the nazis. door closes another opens and i believe the museum of exile project is even more exciting than my sixty years of collecting. russia after the museum will be erected on a vacant lot behind the former and bahnhof railway station it will cost an estimated thirty to forty million euros and be financed through private contributions of all goes to plan it will be finished in twenty twenty four writers hein richman and alfre durban were among the many whose journey into exile began here at and how to bahnhof they were the fortunate ones nine thousand six hundred people also left from platform one in transports to the terezín concentration camp and almost certain death. this tree when it happens happens very slowly the more we get to know about these wonderful heroic great people who lost everything and some who won everything nobel prizes and international impact one can only understand them if we look at them very closely. this is why a museum of exile is of utmost importance for all refugees schultz hopes that his was send a signal and inspire others to help up hold the legacy of those forced to flee their homelands. german chancellor angela merkel's conservatives are bracing for yet more punishment of the ballot box this weekend that's when voters in the state of has whose capital is front for to elect a new legislature big losses are forecast for both merkel c.d.u. and the opposition social democrats now two weeks ago the variant the c.s.u. well they slumped to their west election result in decades. frankfurt germany financial hope an economic powerhouse and the biggest city in has the southwest and german state governed by angler merkel's conservative c.d.u. and the green party after twenty years in power the conservatives are bracing for huge losses as has heads to the polls. but this time around the state election isn't only about local politics how hesse's four million voters cast their ballots on sunday could have huge repercussions in berlin not least of all for german chancellor angela merkel despite projecting an image of stability on the campaign trail and has a marker has every reason to be concerned conservatives are at a record low the worst case scenario would be if her close ally and has a say premier focus were pushed out of office months of squabbling and debates over migration and personnel it federal level have overshadowed the has a state election it's built on sunday the vote is about has. then we'll talk about berlin. i think this is important because the has the state government and this is credited for a couple few showed how one can achieve great results without quarrels and claim a. lot this despite a good feeling. even in hesse's catholic conservative stronghold of fulda disenchanted voters are leaving germany's traditional take home parties to find political pastures new both at local and national level germany's green party and the far right alternative for germany party or a f t a cashing in on forma c.d.u. voters. is really voting a f.t. because they really present an alternative to the power obsessed politics of america who put saving the euro before the interests of. ordinary germans did turn


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181104 21:00:00

post. this is d. w. news ally. in the flooding initially leaves instead as heavy rains claimed more lives across the country rescue divers and emergency teams are racing to locate survivors and officials warn noise string weather could be all the way. also coming up. traits of issuing fresh to months to see pakistani christian positive baby hanged for insulting islam this office of pakistan supremes course unanimously a question of evidence. and with one day left the four u.s. sanctions which major sectors of iran's economy thousands of iranians rally in the streets of tehran will look at the impact of the new sanctions on people's lives that. i knew mckinnon thanks so much for joining us. we saw sinisterly west storms have killed at least twenty nine people this week the harsh weather is battering sicily in particular a dozen bodies have been recovered from floodwaters there one family lost nine members overnight and for cost as a warning more severe weather lies ahead. they were just trying to enjoy the long weekend when the house was flooded nine family members including a baby in two children dead all my family's dead cries the father over and over again early this. two families had gathered in a sicilian country villa going to a nearby river encouraged by heavy rainfall burst its banks. when the richer than it was so that when these tragedies happen they happen suddenly they do not give you any warning because until yesterday afternoon it was fine here we don't know i'm so sorry for these children it breaks my heart for these children knowing what happened three other people died on the island when their cars were swept away. after surveying the area from the air prime minister. commented on the recent events or. live already announced that next week in the cabinet will declare a state of emergency for all the regions that need it sicily has already requested we declare a state of emergency but i think this request will be updated in light of the recent tragedies. heavy storms have battered the whole of italy for a week with the country snorts being hit especially hard thousands of trees like here in the vonetta region uprooted in just a few days. more than two hundred million euros have already been earmarked for relief but damage estimates are in the billions and warnings for extreme weather are still in place six italian regions remain on high alert for new storms. islamists in pakistan are renewing their colds the death by hanging of bibi a christian woman who was acquitted up to being sentenced to death of blasphemy angry protesters have staged rallies since her acquittal was announced on wednesday pakistan's supreme court said there wasn't enough evidence to convict me of insulting islam she sat on death row for eight he is awaiting a decision her husband has now appealed to the u.s. and the u.k. to help the family leave pakistan citing fears for their lives. hundreds took to the streets of pakistan cities like here in karachi on sunday to protest against the acquittal of a c. a b. b. . yeah islam is fundamentalists have threatened to kill her if she is released and they threatened to kill the judges as well if the ruling is not overturned. but you will keep protesting until a decision about hanging assia is made we're not going to be deceived by the government's conspiracies. on friday the government agreed with an islamist party to delay aasia bibi's release and stop her from leaving the country until the supreme court makes a final review of its verdict. her husband aashiq masi says the family is in danger he appealed to several western countries think looting the u.s. to grant them asylum. requesting. mr goodere the president of the us. as you. might be in trouble in pakistan please help us. break those of aashiq masi and its children are now living in hiding in the city of lahore early in two thousand and seventeen he spoke to a german television crew anticipating the current situation. we've received many death threats if i see a walk free they will kill us they've also threatened to kill the judges that's why the case is taking so long everyone's afraid for their lives. now almost two years later sheik masi believes that amid the many death threats by extremists even his wife's distant relatives need to be brought to safety their attorney has already left pakistan citing fears for his life. we spoke to me all shams from d.w. age and i asked him how likely it is that asia bibi family will be able to leave pakistan well he has appealed to a number of countries and we know that the that france and spain have offered asylum to the family to bibi but the question is what is the government going to do about their agreed to a deal in which they said to do. try to to take measures to ban bibi's departure from pakistan if that happens then it will become very difficult for bibi to leave pakistan and will remain under threat. and that was. speaking to us a little earlier. now the future of germany's governing coalition between conservatives and the social democrats is topping the agenda at two closed policy meetings in berlin today that'll c.d.u. party is holding its first session since the chancellor announced she would stand down as party leader the social democrats are debating whether they want to continue working with my party calls for an exit from the governing coalition have been growing louder as the s.p.d. suffered bruising results in two recent states elections their leader they are now less is under pressure to sharpen her party's profile or pull the plug in the current coalition. for more or less that speak to the chief political adviser. who's in front of the c.d.u. party headquarters now the city used focus is now on finding a new party leader a successor to underline that will tell us a bit more how this is going to work well that's what's being debated in those party headquarters behind me what everybody walking into the building today seem to agree on is that there should be a whole series of regional party conferences this is all about listening more to the party grassroots something many felt that america has lost touch with recently and that's something these three lead candidates will most likely have to face to go into those regions introduce themselves and make the case that they can be both the new leader to reposition the seaview in the middle and for it to rediscover its conservative roots something many here long for you mentioned that there are three main candidates but it is looking likely that will come down to a contest between the centrist. and the right wing conservative just math is there a favorite between those too. well we see some polling coming out but these are very early days and now we have twelve candidates potentially in the race already with the party conference at the beginning of december on the sixth seventh and eighth deciding the outcome there i'm going to come come back became secretary general of the c.d.u. because she got the support of america that at the same time is a strength and a weakness she currently polls at some thirty nine percent in one poll i must stress that came out today matt so you see there's the other lead contend he was actually pushed out of politics essentially more than decade ago by none other than angela merkel self and he's polling at some forty four percent now there's an internal joke here at the c.d.u. that it's a bit like james dean he died the political death and that's what everybody kept from member in him and kept talking about him so there's a lot of hopes pinned on him again spawn the health minister he's only polling at about eight percent so there's some expectation that he might be out of the race eventually but this is so used to be pretty much an open race something that is very unusual for the conservative c.d.u. that has become an anglo-american party all right chief political editor thanks so much iranians have staged mass protests against the united states one day before new american sanctions go into effect anger against the u.s. has spiked since president trump decided to withdraw from the iran nuclear deal and tens of thousands took part in protests across the country which also marked the storming of the u.s. embassy thirty nine years ago a key event ahead of the islamic revolution. a show of defiance this protest takes place annually but this year tensions are running high. facing new american sanctions on monday the regime is shopping its rhetoric. in parliament the man once in charge of negotiating nuclear policy with washington compared the united states' current leader to one of iran's bitterest enemies. now mr donald trump like former iraqi dictator saddam has decided to fight the iranian nation he wants to directly oppress and torture the iranian nation. but they also were in tyrone worries a growing about the impact of the sanctions they're expected to further drive up consumer prices and why heavily on the country's growth right which have been recovering from an earlier round of penalties. but the more we can see the effect of sanctions in this bizarre there was a man here today who did not have money to buy aleutian for his baby because the economic situation is getting worse the people are very poor and times are hard he . expects sleeker runs large and become a part is in january to the countries to curating economic situation the fear among regime supporters the latest u.s. sanctions will only deepen iran's problems and further undermine the foundations of the islamic republic. the people of the french territory of new caledonia have voted against independence and historic referendum new caledonia lies in the pacific ocean some eighteen thousand kilometers from the french mainland and it's been pos of france since eight hundred fifty three with nearly all the ballots counted now some fifty seven percent opposed independence they have us much at stake for the people of new caledonia well to skew trial is in turn out in droves to cuss simple it's a number of polling stations had to stay open longer than planned for many vicious random was an emotional day. a little easier when i put my wont in the box elon musk right because i thought of our mothers and fathers who really fought hard for this this land has a past history the country has a very diverse population agents people from other pacific islands and about forty percent are descendants from the original inhabitants an ethnic group called to come back those people mostly wanted independence for them it would have been a way to express their opposition to colonialism. but thirty four percent of the population has european roots and are descendants from the first french said last citizens from france still immigrate to the territory. we are on to stay in flatus we are or should no reason move. to some saying get. finally many may have seen the advantages of being part of france relief also in france the president addressed the nation shortly after the results became clear. the. first of four and i must express my immense pride that we have taken this historic step to gather i also want to express my pride as the head of state that the majority of the kind of billions have chosen france. it's a sign of confidence in the french republic in its future and its values. and perhaps also an attachment to the one point three billion euros in annual subsidies that france transfers to new caledonia every here. thousands of people have gathered in southern taiwan for the burning of a ceremonial boat as part of a taoist ritual to ward off disease and bad luck more than ninety volunteers from the seaside township chip of donghae spent three months building be intricately decorated boats according to folklore the boat belongs to one yea a divine a mystery who has the power to cleanse the people of evil spirits and disease.


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181103 09:00:00

bridge. patrol an exclusive report starts nov seventeenth two w. . this is day w. news live from berlin it's been cold game over for european football as we know it leaked documents show the continent's top football clubs have been planning in secret to seize control of european football and form their own early lee we'll talk to one of the reporters who broke the story also on the program. u.s. sanctions are on their way back to iran as promised by u.s. president on trumped up the valley to kill the iran nuclear deal they're set to hit my od on monday targeting three major sections of iran's economy. i'm rebecca ritz's welcome to the program the first shock revelations are emerging from a database called football leaks they include a plan by europe's top clubs to radically change the face of football by forming an elite league of their own they also accuse the head of governing body face of failing to make good on promises to rid the organization of corruption we'll speak with one of the journalists behind the database in a moment but first a look at the role of germany's top club by munich in the allegations. behind the scenes byron munich has been plotting an attack on europe's soccer structure according to documents seen by germany's spiegel magazine byron's corporate attorney began planning to leave the champions league back in two thousand and sixteen by and together with a handful of other elite clubs are aiming to set up their own super league breaking away from european soccer's governing body you a thug. we have sent a message to you if we don't need you i'm being frank about it and we need to do this otherwise we can't get what we want negotiations and the three sets. the secret plans to break with the way to end the champions league have already up the pressure top clubs have been given more money and more power in the season. but the football league's documents show other clubs have taken the lead in plans to split from. a binding declaration of intent is supposed to be signed this month the super league would be launched in the twenty twenty one twenty two season. byron munich is named as one of eleven founding members in the exclusive european super league there would be no relegation other clubs such as dortmund could join their ranks by invitation only. these are the it's obvious that these plans these ideas exist and i think some of europe's biggest clubs are working to make it happen. where we draw the line is any suggestion that we could leave the bundesliga that's unimaginable for dortmund and for them. but not for byron the secret documents show the munich club has already examined whether it could leave the bundesliga but then aborted the idea responding to media questions byron said it had no knowledge of the reported declaration of intent and that the club doesn't comment on confidential talks. when joining me to talk about football lakes is christopher winter bok air reporter from the gem magazine dish beagle who broke the story is christopher what could this maven european football. well first of all thanks for having me this is a very important moment in european football because it changes the polish truck sure fundamentally so far you if i has always organized these kind of competitions and now the most powerful and the richest clubs say like you said and portrayed in the little video before they don't need you a fight anymore and they were able to pressurize you into a reform where it would gain even more power and more money and we've seen this in the past couple years and national competitions that have that they have become more lopsided because of that money so it's very interesting for every football fan to see how this turns out right in the lakes also shine a light on johnny in fenty knowing the current fee for president and form a new way for president what have you uncovered about his past and current dealings well jenny infantino ran on a couple of promises when he wanted to become fee for president he said the organization has to become more moral and there has to be an end to all the back room deals but we see that jennie infantino epitomizes this principle of secret negotiations as he has already done so as you if a secretary general when he hoped to present them and mentions the city to negotiate very favorable terms when they were in massive breach with u.f.o.'s financial family and gen infantino as president of. actually interfered with the code of ethics and made sure that fifo officials were harder to pursue for corruption. because if there is supposed to be some seventeen million documents in the database what can we expect what's still to come. well this is a team effort actually it's not only dish bigger but it's media rooms full from all over europe it's more than eighty journalists working on those millions of documents otherwise we wouldn't be able to break any stories at all because of which way too much we started all first batch of first stories and now this weekend and in the next couple of weeks we look more at the power of the powers in the secret polls in european football possibly one or two doping cases and i can't go into much details but it should be interesting. when christoph vent about investigative journalist with a german magazine dish biegel thank you now to some of the other stories making news around the world turkish president wretch of time says the order to kill saudi journalist jamal khashoggi came from the very highest levels of the saudi government is comments came in an opinion piece in the washington post but early on said he did not believe king solomon had ordered the killing and declined to accuse the crown directly. pakistani islamists say they've struck a deal with the government to end days of protests over the freeing of a christian woman who was charged with blasphemy under the deal asia bibi must not leave pakistan until a supreme court verdict is reviewed the mother of two spent eight years on death row before being found innocent by the court this week. poland's latest says his country will probably withdraw from the united nations migration agreement following a similar statement from austria hungary and the united states poland has also clashed with germany and the e.u. over plans to reform its justice system which berlin and brussels fear would downgrade the rule of law. and the united states is set to reinstate all of the sanctions against iran it removed under the twenty fifth a nuclear deal as midterm elections approach president donald trump tweeted sanctions are coming and is pushing for renewal of restrictions on shipping financial and energy sicked is the u.s. has been gradually re-imposing sanctions since it pulled out of the nuclear agreement in may a decision that was met with international criticism. here's the president talking about his latest move. very serious sanctions are very big they'll be elevated from there but as you know sanctions are starting on iran. you know red if they get a very big if the country is not the same god as when i started. almost two years ago i read is a much different godfrey since i germinated that deal. and we're joined now by eric randolph deputy bureau chief of the eye of pain news agency in tehran eric what impact will the section sanctions likely have on ordinary people in iran. seeing some pretty significant economic downside in iraq as an instructor announced to support you know the deal back in may see as lost something like seventy percent of its value that's driven up the price of coal stocks hit businesses across the whole of society driving up prices ordinary people the government's been forced to see results of handing out food baskets or i also see a lot of talent important to remember though it's not just sanctions causing those problems some bad decisions in the banking sector and a lot of long structural problems in the iranian economy oh also to blames sued be wrong to say that this is just u.s. pressure causing causing these problems so a couple of things they have it sanctions definitely hurting iran iranians there is is iran likely to sign another nuclear deal. sure right now that seems very unlikely trump has a mound like photo ops. whereas the iranians are much more into behind the scenes negotiations and a slightly softer the approach to foreign policy it's hard to see how those two sides can and can square each other the other fact is that iran simply would consider it too much of a hit to its dignity to be pressured by the americans in such an aggressive manner intra pitch and the demands that the u.s. is making a pariah do amounts in their view to complete capitulation of the regime and it's hard to see how that will come to pass out he said that things are moving pretty far in sort of places directions in the middle east and the how some external factors will change the scenario oh so what about the domestically will the sanctions have a political fallout for the government there are a lot of people really putting their faith in improving relations with the u.s. . yes that's right when we talk about the impact of sanctions it's not just the economic data it's also the sense of hope that many brands had when this new good do it came into into force diagram a couple of years ago and now that hope has really been dashed the people thought this was finally the chance for iran to lose its pariah status to reengage with that woke and that's really hit her brains perhaps hardest of all and that's how the political impact on president rouhani who had staked so much of his the git's mysie and his future. on that new deal in trying to rebuild those tight and he has been hit quite badly politically but for now the regime the system is rallying around him they don't want their instability. out a difficult time so for now his position is safe but it's in a couple of years when we have elections i think the reformist moderate movement is going to show the damage. harry grant often the and pay thank you. now it's just three days until voices in the united states go to the polls in closely watched me ten elections president trump isn't on the ballot spot for many the vote is a chance to deliver their verdict on his leadership with all the rhetoric telling people how to vote one of the issues that americans really care about and washington correspondent has this roundup. blow up government spending you must. build the wall with the midterm elections approaching voters are under a barrage of political ads from both parties republicans got a big throat. just in case and made around a grim new illegals and take a moment will democrats then however i approve of town halls bad singing in this message are both trying to drill their respective messages into the political conscience of the american electorate it's getting less. real stuff. and very confusing what are actually the topics the political agendas which make voters interested and going to the polls coming november sixth according to our experts panel the political topics voters really care about it the midterms are well i think the biggest issue that's forefront right now is health care the top issues in this election are the economy health care immigration trade and guns the economy health care trade and then local issues the economy it's booming issue repeat for the republicans trying to get voters to cast the ballots for them the message don't vote democrats you lose your job and pay more taxes or as the president puts it democrats produce republicans produce jobs however republicans have just now started something like a blitz on the economy perhaps a template of the campaign the economy and health care always issues that are elections health care. there that's a bread and butter issue for the democrats the republican failed to replace the affordable care act better known as obamacare health care a winner for democrats so what happened to immigration and guns trump is clearly trying to nationalize the immigration debate nationalize the gun debate. immigration a biggie for the president racism the least racist person but the latest campaign ad posted on president trump's twitter account has sparked accusations of being blatantly racist politics anybody don't vote for that kind of your money for democrats trump is the gift that keeps on giving not only is the liberal democratic voter base fired up about going to the polls come november sixth. it's specifically white educated suburban women who voted for trump in two thousand and sixteen who now seem to be turning to the democrats i think i share the conventional wisdom that the democrats will regain the house of representatives that the republicans will perhaps gain the seat or two in the senate no matter what the outcome on november sixth will be the twenty twenty presidential campaign has already started since as they say here in washington every election is always a referendum on the sitting president. and just a reminder of that top story we're following for you germany's top football club is reportedly setting its sights on a league of its own investigative journalists from german magazine der spiegel have


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181103 23:00:00

not a bit of. this is d. w. news live from berlin acquitted and found innocent of blasphemy but still not free the husband of christian pakistani woman as you have been the tells you he fears for her safety after the government strikes a deal with islamist hardliners protesting the decision to. also coming up u.s. sanctions all on their way back to iran as promised by u.s. president double trouble of the vowing to kill the iran nuclear deal the sanctions all set to hit hard on monday targeting three major sectors of iran's economy. and it i'm going to sleep a show coming up straight off the news we'll see if legal leaders go on to maintain their unbeaten run when they travel to both schools plus we'll have all the rest of saturday's goals. i knew as mckinnon thanks so much for joining us. a christian pakistani woman whose case has made world headlines is not yet free despite a supreme court decision finding her innocent of blasphemy and listing her death sentence husband a sikh mussy has told you in an exclusive interview that he fears for his wife and the rest of their family's safety it has also now emerged that lawyer has fled the country the supreme court decision to acquit a stokes days of protests by islamist hardliners the a bivy was sentenced to death of blasphemy in two thousand and ten after neighbors accused of insulting the prophet mohammed. you can find the full interview with husband on a website stay w. dot com and for more on this we're joined by shanta zia he's a human rights campaigner in pakistan who lives in toronto shum thanks so much for joining us now your father solomon. your father salmond to say it was a former governor of punjab province he was assassinated in twenty eleven off the he demanded a pardon the a baby the supreme court has now finally ruled that she should be set free yet she remains in jail why. the religious parties and baucus on have pulled off what can only be described as a judicial judicial coup by breeding the country to a halt they have expected an agreement from the government of pakistan with a judicial was i centrally handed over to this religious mob from the courts of pakistan giving them the right to do to do or have any verdict overturned and to receive a verdict of that over all of their liking this is perhaps the most humiliating concession ever made bye bye bye bye bye a nation state in the history of democracy and can only be described as a death warrant of democracy so now basically a c. a b. b. faces a shot on trial where after having spent nine years in jail after having been found innocent by the highest court in the country she is going to be retried by by a court demanded by a religious model essentially. essentially demanded at gunpoint but i just want to say what what is at trial over here is not just the fate of us here bibi what is at trial is also the fate of pakistan as a nation state to decide whether it is a function of nation state or a theocratic moment. shunyo father was murdered because of his support for the baby that kind of violence must be a huge to terror and for anyone campaigning for religious tolerance in pakistan. yes that's true there are very real dangers and. we face these dangers knowingly because we believe in a buck a song where our box nannies are equal regardless of race religion gender class and this is g. or any other. denomination that divides humanity and i believe this is the only pakistan with fighting for what do you think needs to happen both religious tolerance and freedom of speech to be improved in pakistan. after four decades or very misguided domestic and geopolitical policies the country has had a tremendous amount of very deep amount of radicalization another country needs to go through a systematic and well toward how do you radicalization. judicial reform such as the ruby and of the blasphemy law can really be a part of girls. that the radicalization program would also have to come with it is is creating social justice better governance creating opportunities and of course education these are the essentially the ingredients of a of a modern nation state. chant of if thanks so much for your time. against iran come and i said the u.s. would be the ultimate lose over its decision washington's far reaching sanctions on iran's vital oil sales and banking sectors are an attempt to forcing the islamic republic into negotiations to scrap its nuclear energy and ballistic missile programs the renewed restrictions will hit next week after being lifted three years ago. the iranian government remains on face by the reimposition of sanctions on monday the headline of the conservative newspaper reads the us can get lost but many iranians don't share this view. you can't just fight the entire world our own politicians are responsible for the current situation. the solution is a new agreement with world powers above all with the united states i hope it happens soon. iran supreme leader ayatollah ali come on ne opposes a new round of negotiations during a speech in tehran he told students that president donald trump had disgraced the u.s. if the young people of our entire country support our efforts to be independent some may not be very religious but they oppose being dominated by foreign powers. that beginning on monday at six am the trumpet ministration will reintroduce sanctions on iran's oil sales just eight countries have received a waiver to buy iranian oil nearly all international banking transactions will also be prohibited prices in iran are on the rise and so is on employment in the currency the rio is losing value as iranian struggle to make ends meet most lack the will to fight against their own government. democrats and republicans in the united states are making their final pitches to vote says ahead of tuesday's midterm elections former vice president joe biden told a crowd in ohio that the democrats choose hope over fear unity over division and truth over lies and that was a clip at donald trump during a rally in montana trump said the choice was between building progress achieved under his administration or letting the democrats take a giant wrecking ball to the economy. now with all of that rhetoric what are the issues that americans really care about a washington correspondent sent us this round up. government spinning you must. build the wall with the midterm elections approaching voters are under a barrage of political ads from both parties republicans got a big drop. just in case and need to round up criminal illegals and take a moment will democrats dan heller i approve of town halls bad singing in this message are both trying to drill their respective messages into the political conscience of the american electorate it's getting less. real. and very confusing what are actually the topics the political agenda which make voters interested and going to the polls coming november sixth according to our experts panel of the political topics voters really care about it the midterms are well i think the biggest issue that's at forefront right now is health care the top issues in this election are the economy health care immigration trade and guns the economy health care trade and then local issues the economy it's booming sure peak for the republicans trying to get voters to cast the ballots for them the message don't vote democrats you lose your job and pay more taxes or as the president puts it democrats produce republicans produce jobs however republicans have just now started something like an athlete's on the economy perhaps a template in the campaign the economy and health care always issues that are elections health care that's a bread and butter issue for the democrats the republican failed to replace the affordable care act better known as obamacare health care a winner for democrats so what happened to immigration and guns trump is clearly trying to nationalize the immigration debate nationalize the gun debate. immigration a biggie for the president. racism the least racist person but the latest campaign ad posted on president trump's twitter account has sparked accusations of being blatantly racist politics anybody don't fall for that kind of your mom for democrats trump is the gift that keeps on giving not only is the liberal democratic voter base fired up about going to the polls come november sixth. it's specifically white educated suburban women who voted for trump in two thousand and sixteen who now seem to be turning to the democrats i think i share the conventional wisdom that the democrats will regain the house of representatives that the republicans will perhaps gain a seat or two in the senate was no matter what the outcome on november sixth will be the twenty twenty presidential campaign has already started since as they say here in washington every election is always a referendum on the sitting president. to italy now which is counting the human and material cost of devastating storms that hit the country this week the civil protection agency says seventeen weather related deaths have been reported so far cross the country gales have left an estimated fourteen million trees up for it is the situation in the veneto region has been described as apocalyptic. centuries old forests like this one and the vonetta region destroyed within just a few days storm stuff battered the whole of eataly since last sunday but the worst hit areas are in the north. many of the dead were killed by falling trees. in the province of blue no winds reach two hundred ninety kilometers an hour and moves off houses. so those who went out here and looked upward and i shouted that the roof has blown away it shows that we were stuck five days without a phone without electricity without anything and without because nobody could regency. residents here were cut off after a landslide damaged a major mountain road. no where worried the road might collapse. because underneath the road we saw a crowd of the limited support of the last that. we pair efforts have been hampered by the heavy rains. thousands have been left without electricity but while the rain has finally stopped here weather warnings are still in place for the islands of said jeannie and sicily with villages has been inundated. the storm's damage in italy is estimated to run into the billions some are saying it will be decades before the region's recover. sports news for you now and in tennis novak djokovic has ended roger federer's hopes of the one hundredth career title this week at the paris lost as the serbian prevailed in that tight semifinal joke of it took the first set off for a nail biting tie break when federer went. to the match the soon level one federal hit back in the second set with some stunning shots a swiss break would be did i however djokovic winning the third set to power into sunday's final against a car and. the bundesliga show is on and just a moment with public fairly yeah so have all the highlights for you from the game so far this weekend including leaders dortmund at old spoke find out if they managed to extend their advantage at the top of the table. you're watching news life from berlin there's more for you at the top of the hour and don't forget you can always get the latest news on our web site that's t w


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181026 12:00:00

for god w.'s overfocus. this is deja news coming to you live from berlin turkey convict a german national on terrorism charges also coming up the u.s. investigators search of course the facility in miami for clues into attempted me bombings meanwhile childers compete over who was to blame the media or president trump himself. as foreign relations between japan and china are leaders of the two asian superpowers and regional rivals need to improve ties and boost trade despite the underlying tensions. should insulting gaunt still be a crime in ireland. people. called those leaders. strong to smoke more. today the country votes on whether to remove a blasphemy law that even the catholic church say is obsolete. hello and welcome. a turkish court has sentenced a german man to six years in prison on terrorist charges back to cricut rested on the turkish syrian border in march authorities accuse the twenty nine year old of being a. kurdish militia group known as the wife a group which classifies as terrorist his family denies the allegations and say he was simply hiking in the region. for the very latest destroying our correspondent in istanbul don't first of four would look at it tell us about this case. for years. it was caught trying to take your forty's trying to cross the turkish syrian turkish border into syria he was captured in a military exclusion zone now authorities say that he was seeking to join the y.p. gene militia many foreign nationals from around the world have joined this group in its fight against the islamic state now for turkey they say that this group is a terrorist organization linked to a kurdish insurgency inside turkey and anyone who is seeking to join this group will face punishment prosecution and ultimately be jailed the german citizen who was also earlier this month convicted and sentenced to eighteen months for entering a forbidden zone this is just the latest in a series of foreign nationals that have been prosecuted and jailed in the message among korea's turkish lore applies to both turkish and foreign nationals equally. joined as we know the interest of german nationals in turkey is a very sensitive issues issue between the two countries and this latest verdict go inside but the visit of the german economics minister to turkey to what extent could this incident being not a setback in relations between the two countries. well i certainly think it will not help and it will be a probably pretty embarrassing for a german minister during this visit him but he did express his commitment to human rights although he did not in any way name turkey for its much criticized record and i think this is a sign that both sides are trying to see dialogue given the fact the relations have was. went to almost breaking point over the fact that the turkish authorities had jailed a series of german citizens on charges of being considered political in particular the high profile case of a german journalist and if you tell who was subsequently released but we do seem to be now into a new chapter did host the turkish president. full state visit last month and that is seen as an effort to kickstart a new process of dialogue rather than confrontation but given the given the fact that there is still these outstanding concerns over human rights and this latest conviction and jailing will on the lineup where on cory's a very important country to work with in controlling refugees entering into europe and if chancellor is expected to attend a four way. here in istanbul to discuss syria on saturday and not just on the lines importance of long and the need for dialogue rather than confrontation jorian jones detail because correspondent in istanbul thank you very much for that update. to the u.s. authorities are searching for who was behind a series of pipe bombs sent by mail they were addressed to prominent democrats politicians and critics of president donald trump police have so far seized ten such devices and warned they may be more the searches focusing on a postal scented in miami florida. canine units under bomb squad deployed on thursday to a postal center in florida. officials believe some of the pipe bomb packages were mailed from here to prominent targets of right wing outrage among them x. democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton former president barack obama and x t i a director john brennan the latest was former vice president joe biden and actor robert deniro all of those targeted critics of president donald trump. as forensic teams race to find who's responsible. could be more devices. the new york police department tweeted instructions for identifying a package bomb should another be found in the mail we have to treat them as. devices this is a protocol that our bomb squad people use and it keeps everybody safe it's unclear if the pipe bombs were wired to explode some have speculated they were just meant to sow fear among trump's critics ahead of midterm elections in less than two weeks time. several of the intended recipients have said they hoped the sky could shift the tone and politics. my hope. my hope is this reasons. who knows exactly what they were but these bombs being. made my way everybody. we have to. we have to the end to this country back together. trumps critics have claimed his divisive rhetoric for inspiring the attack trump has repeatedly called his political opponents evil and often refers to the media as the enemy of the people he recently praised the republican politician for body slamming a journalist. in response to the criticism trump has pointed the finger of blame back at the media the debate likely won't subside before voters go to the polls on november sixth. joining me now is keith know with former cia opensource center bureau chief currently the senior fellow at the jack g. gordon institute for public policy at florida international university welcome keith a lot of blame shifting going on right now what what's caused this very polarized athens fair in the country but let's get back to the investigation where is it right now from your perspective well good afternoon it's important to understand right now there were about forty eight to seventy two hours in this investigation was taking place right now as you have a large consortium made up of the f.b.i. scour terrorism you members of the u.s. national security council the cia the postal service and local police and what they're trying to do is narrow down our where's the system really these packages were all were mailed from all the evidence that we see right now indicates that they came from here in south florida so what you have is what a dragnet is including place where law enforcement officials are looking at cameras they're looking at people have occurred socially went inside to a closed off as to get a better understanding of who is not more than one person may have been was sponsible for the same so a lot of resources being put into this investigation but how quickly can investigators find out as to who was behind these bombs. there is if you don't believe it or not it does not take days or weeks that give the information what they're going to do is they're going to take data in terms of where the packages were mailed from they're going to look at them it's areas that were made up of the bombs there are look for senior prints and so i expect that we will probably gives a profile of the potential senator or so or sometime within the next seventy two hours the five days this is a massive manhunt that has most of all u.s. agencies that are working together the sac that they've been able to target here to south florida indicates that they have more information that they have not shared with the public as to do and keep their lots of conspiracy theories online about who might be responsible what is your assessment. well that is correct and it's no secret that the u.s. that we're in a hyper partisan cyril some political climate to date all of the rhetoric this cap and that's demagoguing issue is coming from the far right here in america part of the news this is something democrats cooked up as you indicated at the top of the segment there we are two weeks away from an important midterm elections that are going to decide whether or not us president donald trump is going to maintain a republican house in a republican it's senate building forty four is the next three years so there's a lot at stake here politically and unfortunately we have elements of america's far right that are putting information out there is simply not true the other point that i will make so this is the big question that investigators are looking at is why have these bombs not needed and so there is misspellings that we see on the packages and information has been relayed to date and the case that the bombs may have purposely been put together not of the wall so they're speculating that this was a theory attack that there was not design it needed but soon to potentially see this this mantle the system in advance of the elections so there's still more to come of is that right keith noble for my cia open source center bureau chief or if they're just to have you with us on. there's been having your up to date with some other stories making news around the world turkish president richard do one has urged saudi arabia to reveal who gave the order to kill journalist jamal khashoggi and the location of his body edge one also said the kingdom's public prosecutor will meet at the turkish counterpart in istanbul on sunday saudi arabian officials have admitted that she's moderate was pre-meditated . by land by sea and by air around fifty thousand military personnel from thirty one nato allies are engaging in the latest largest war game exercises in decades the various maneuvers will take place over the course of nearly three weeks stretching from the baltic sea to iceland critics say the games could increase tensions between russia and its nordic neighbors. and earthquake close to the greek island of zakynthos has rattled western greece and damaged buildings the quake hit overnight and carried a force of six point eight according to the european assassin logical center a few people are being treated for minor injuries. japanese fire musicians is in china for the first official visit and seventy as against a backdrop of create friction with the united states the asian rivals are working to build closer ties are being met with chinese president xi jinping to discuss regional and global issues japan's leader killed the visit as a historic turning point in relations between china and japan the two countries have been locked in a territorial dispute over islands in the south china sea. and as we mentioned a japanese five the sins of is in china for his first official visit in seven years against the backdrop of create friction with the united states asian rivals what came to build closer ties. joining me now from beijing is the day of the correspondent. welcome what is from your perspective how significant is this meeting and why do you think it comes now. historic is a big word but for himself this is probably is torek he has been unwelcome all socially unwelcome in beijing for most years that's because of his nationalist retore x. and his unwillingness to address japan's war time on the other hand japan also is very unhappy about china's military behavior in the region its assertiveness so post the ties have been very tight very. restrained during the last five years and so this is really a step forward and both sides have to overcome a bit of their of their restraints so. both countries remain very important economic partners so it's a natural step for them to try to get to back together again and it is as you said i mean they are economic bach doesn't create is a always very big on their agenda when they talk but beyond that given the differences it just talked about reduce the this relationship going politically because there's still regional rivals. well it's a kind of detente it's. trying to get back to normal both countries have a need to get back to a normal due to the new situation that has evolved since da trump has taken office in the u.s. so china donald trump is a threat economically they are looking to do to strengthen their ties with other economic partners and japan might not be able to rely on america's backing as it has before so both sides need to cause reconsider their options right lettice villain here in beijing thank you very much for that assessment thank you. turning out to blasphemy is still a serious crime that carries heavy penalties but like many of the country's other religious traditions that may change soon irish voters are heading to the polls today to elect a new president and they're also being asked to decide whether blasphemy laws should be removed from the constitution the issue is uniting both catholics and atheists one man has been fighting the law for years here's a story. the christian god is an evil maniac for giving babies bone cancer jews are of there for the devil all i said was the peace of halliburton was good enough for jehovah blasphemous statements like peace could come at a high cost literally up to twenty five thousand euros to be precise micronutrient head of atheist alent is complaining and babbling shopping zone he's informing irish voters about a long standing law that could soon be history if you say anything that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by only religion and cause over age by doing so that's a criminal offense the native dubliner has been fighting the paragraph and islands constitution for years. he thinks it should have been removed a long time ago. it's a mediæval crime it's been added into our constitution in nineteen thirty seven when i was a very catholic country. and it was programmed into our laws just ten years ago so it's a mess for any number of reasons and the sooner that we get rid of it the better. but since the law was implemented no one has ever been convicted of blasphemy even the catholic church called the law or data. an audience church in dublin sees one simple reason for that. there's no need for such a law. called doesn't need to. god is not mocked. not everyone agrees. the islamic cultural center things throwing out the blasphemy cloth will threaten the freedom of all irish people. we have a wide diversity of various communities residing in this kind all. references in our legislation is not to defend religion but it is to defend respect among people of all face and people off no face still it looks likely that my conclusion and his group will finally get their way recent polls show that just twenty percent of likely voters i'm favor of keeping items blasphemy law. and the japanese religious affairs analyst joins me on this to talk more about this issue welcome i don't really talk about anti blasphemy laws in the context of europe do they only exist in ireland all. they're very widespread i think that most people are not aware of this bed italy germany denmark spain i mean these are countries which actually have all and certainly have blasphemy laws or blasphemy provisions or criminalization of class means some form or other in germany sexually. article hundred sixty six in particular and there was actually a very well known and started publicized case in austria very recently of a woman who had insulted prophet muhammad she was fine and then this was actually decided yesterday in the european court of human rights to give us full context of this case in austria well this is a political scientist and an activist of the far right who has been former diplomat as well who has been giving lectures criticizing islam in this particular lecture she mentioned the fact that according to qur'anic the gurney text the prophet marries the age of six and consummates the wedding consummates a marriage at the age of nine and she asks the question rhetorical what is this if not that ophelia this was seen as an attack on prophet muhammad she was fine. and this went all the way throughout the boards until it reached the european court of human rights they argued that this was actually a violation to find it's a violation of her freedom of expression the european court of human rights disagreed ok so let's actually take a look at the exact same words and the doing possible the european court of human rights the court said the court affirmed that the domestic court carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected and the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in austria . this was the verdict of the european court of human rights the this seems to be a value of these the points of view to take that you have freedom of speech but that feed must be. responsibility if one were to accept that what does what defines blasphemy is about it not really sure that we can simply accept that essentially because much so god and the devil are in the details so to say i mean the question here is what does it mean to offend somebody religiously and you have to keep in mind that until very recently we were burning each other and killing each other for things like doubting about you know jesus research people are mortally offended for the right of women to sort of you know attain like education or things of the kind so the question is to what religious offense means it's actually a very delicate one the thing that is very curious about the ruling is that it mentions actually. some religious respect for the sake of political stability and this actually is a much farther bridge it's one that actually has doesn't have to do specifically would religion respect it has to do as to whether you can have political instability when a certain part of the population feels religiously offended it's a very complicated question but he's won that europe has actually in some sense settled a long time ago we have decided that we're adults and we will hear things in the public sphere that we don't like but we will not resign. political violence so i think that what we have is a very interesting situation earl and it's moving steadily away from blasphemy laws were snow the european court of human rights is actually precisely in that direction very interesting thank you very much for sharing your insights mounting up under this what you describe is of a complicated issue thank you. and some workers in london were in for a bit of a surprise on thursday when they gives to man skating the woods outside their offices one of the two want to buildings in london and rebecca climbed to the top of the two hundred thirty need to high skyscraper using just short and muscle power after he reached the top the climber known as the french spiderman was promptly arrested by police for creating what they said was a public nuisance. i would have given him a medal but then i'm not the police i'm actually quite a farmer you know a good pommes when i see this that's what he uses the chalk ok it's reporting season now and some interesting numbers coming up in the tech sector that's why the cooling growth actually knocks off up to one hundred billion dollars. google's market capitalization after hours trading on thursday as investors fear their strong runs could on revenue could be coming to an end and that's despite amazon posting its best ever quarterly profits net income of two point nine billion dollars represents a ten fold increase over the same period last year figures were bolstered by the un as a web services subsidiary at the same time as an outlook for the crucial fourth quarter which includes christmas fell short of expectations. will be going to another internet giant alphabet the parent company of google it says for as much as five percent of its disappointing third quarter earnings the company's twenty seven point two billion dollars revenue failed to meet market expectations google's advertising business grew slower than expected from july to september while its costs were on the rise the internet giant is paying more to the distribution distribution partners of its search engine smartphone makers apple that means it now has to generate even more revenue from its business. let's bring in paul because brit's has done a fine but still concerns for us paul both companies have posted better year on year profits while investors still ditching them. because gary hart quite frankly investors are spoiled and they have been spoiled especially by fang shares of the shares of facebook amazon netflix and google these huge tech companies that have really only seen one way and that was up up up up sort of following investors into this kind of sleepy mode autopilot mode maybe because they were driving for the last for the last two years this bull market you know they're pushing pushing up and pushing up and so expectations were really high or are really high and also they've been very reliable with their results so now that results aren't what people expected it will suddenly woke up and got scared of course and now they're starting to hear these voices in the back of there hasn't been there before that say well maybe the companies have been overvalued we read there's even a bubble comparable to the dot com bubble because it's all. lots of background noise so far but it is driving investors out. paul briefly if you can see lots of stocks crash off the earnings reports not just the big tech but is that with pot that. there is and it is not the look at right now it is that we look at the future companies are doing pretty ok in the third quarter but their guidance doesn't look so great and it's got several reasons one is that the u.s. taxpayer aids tax breaks are starting to wane off and the second is that the clash with china just suddenly starts to or seems to impact companies a lot of them have quoted this as one of the reasons why they're not so keen on looking into the future focus in britain from that thank you. now you'll be relieved to hear that the world's billionaires are now twenty percent richer than they were last year that's according to a report by swiss bank u.b.s. the number of billionaires is rising two to two thousand one hundred fifty eight people around the world have accumulated more than one billion dollars of personal wealth congratulations. for some billionaires the only way is truly up. japanese tycoon usaca mizar will become the first private passenger on a trip around the moon. set to take off in twenty twenty three on board a space x. a rocket developed by iran musk while the price of the ticket has yet to be revealed it is assumed to be astronomical. meanwhile the number of billionaires with the spare cash to follow minds are way into space continues to grow according to u.b.s. his annual report on the super rich they hold an average of four point one billion dollars in wealth north america remains the global leader in the number of billionaires six hundred thirty one but western europe slipped to third place second spot now belongs to the greater china region which includes hong kong and taiwan china proper is home to more than three hundred billionaires most of them self-made. at the turn of the millennium china had only one billionaire but u.b.s. now expects the country to overtake the u.s. in the near future the country's billionaire boom has been fueled in particular by its mushrooming tech sector. jack ma was still working as a teacher when he founded allie barber in one thousand nine nine hundred. in twenty fourteen the online retail company claimed the title of the world's biggest ever i.p.o. . who set up the business in his living room is now worth an estimated thirty billion dollars. quite a lot of money that's it up to date you want to do that you news live from more news coming at the top of the hour and if you can't wait that long all the latest news and information from the clock on our website that's post. dot com thanks very much for watching but the. country international. journalists discuss the topic. from the struggling school the u.s. senator the decades old nuclear arms control agreement with russia the u.s. leader accuses moscow formulating a treaty how will russia respond and doesn't. lie ahead play nelson fredricka shortly. next on d w. which miramax europe's fine most populous country is deficient sky jocasta and know some standard soft sierra's mom. i'm treasure is a conscientious. not a positive you're up every day this week on your romance on sixty minutes on d w. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they inspire. africa


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181104 02:00:00

the life list. the most traditional. find it all any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state. level you dot com. iran supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei said the u.s. would be the ultimate loser over its decision to reinstate all sanctions against iran that were removed under the two thousand and fifteen nuclear deal the new measures will go into place from monday targeting the financial shipping and energy sector. the pakistani government has said aasia bibi the christian woman facing charges of blasphemy must not leave pakistan until a supreme court verdict is reviewed the mother of two spent eight years on death row before being found innocent by the court this week her lawyer has fled the country saying his life was under threat from islamists. the regional director of the un's children's agency says that the yemeni authorities are making it difficult to deliver much needed to monetary and aid gareth coupler a warned that impeding relief efforts could plunge the war torn country into famine nearly one point eight million children already suffer from malnutrition in yemen. in northwestern pakistan thousands of people have attended the funeral of an influential cleric known as the father of the taliban sami huck the prominent pakistani cleric was killed in a knife attack at us home on friday. you're going to unofficial estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181104 06:00:00

discomforting. subscribe to the documentary. yes u.s. president donald trump is spending the final weekend before tuesday's midterm elections on the campaign trail for republican candidates at a rally in florida he told supporters that a vote for democrats is a vote for socialism that would turn florida into venit so ella. iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei said the u.s. would be the ultimate loser over its decision to reinstate all sanctions against iran that were removed under the two thousand and fifteen nuclear deal the new measures will go into place from monday targeting the financial shipping and energy sector. the pakistani government has said to be the christian woman facing charges of blasphemy must not leave pakistan until a supreme court verdict is reviewed the mother of five spent eight years on death row before her ruling was overturned by court this week the initial decision to acquit her had stoked days of protests by islamist hardliners her lawyer has since fled the country. the regional director of the un's children's agency says the yemeni authorities are making it difficult to deliver much needed humanitarian aid garratt coupler a warned that impeding relief efforts could plunge the war torn country into famine nearly one point eight million children already suffer from malnutrition in yemen. this is you know for your new small i go from berlin to bring in our correspondent a period harmes


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