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At the 2019 election, the polls got it seriously wrong. State polls and election results suggest this may have been corrected, but it’s by no means certain.
This is based on a sample of 1,607, conducted from July 13 to July 17.
Two party estimates are not provided by Resolve, but The Poll Bludger estimates 51.5-48.5 to Labor from these primary votes, which is a one-point gain for Labor.
Negative ratings for Joyce, Morrison and Albanese
Of those surveyed, 45% said they had a negative view of Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce. Just 16% had a positive view, for a net likeability of -29. Former Nationals leader Michael McCormack had a 17% negative, 11% positive rating for a net -6 in June.
This poll suggests the ousting of McCormack in favour of Joyce could hurt the Coalition, as I wrote about last month.