the banks that were too big to fail are bigger than ever and still making multimillion dollar bets. i m wore blitzer, you re in the situation room of . the latest skirmishes are being fought on college campuses with both president obama and mitt romney but neither candidate is saying much not saying much at all about same-sex marriage. our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin is joining us from new york so. jessica, what exactly did the president say when he addressed the graduates today? reporter: the president had a real message of empowerment and a little bit of politics. from president obama a message to female graduates that equality can be theirs. it is simple math, today women are not just half this country, it s half its workforce. reporter: if they work for it. don t just get involved, fight for your seat at the table. better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table. reporter: wonder if this is part of the campaign s apile to women voter