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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20200316

than 4,000 infections. canada is closing the borders to anybody not a citizen, permanent resident, or american. sunday afternoon, break up by the federal reserve and while streak dropped. dow lost almost 3,000 points. president trump admitted today the country could be headed for a recession. john roberts starts us off tonight life from the laundry >> good evening to jo, today is the double contagion of fear and uncertainty that was driving the news and the markets and driving president and his trumpet's team to take action to get ahead of the infection curve. >> is the white house tonight announcing the urgent 15 day plan to slow the spread of the virus including limiting gatherings to ten people or fewer in president trump today said that americans could be dealing with the coronavirus for some time. >> we do a very good job not only hold the death down to a level that is much lower than the other way. but people are talking about july, august, something like that. >> following the teleconference people met with the nations governments, new jersey governor phil murphy laying out to the new normal and his stay. >> all gatherings of 50 or more persons are canceled effective 8:00 p.m. tonight with very limited exceptions and frankly, if you ask me about the exception i'm not sure i've got a good answer for you. >> infectious disease expert said that while it may take until late summer for the virus to subside, restrictions may ease long before then. >> we don't get solid in stone until july. >> the dow, seeing a 2,000-point drop lost another 1,000 points. with restrictions, to bring the united states into a recession? >> once this goes away, once it goes through and we are done with that, i think you're going to see a tremendous, tremendous surge. >> new york governor andrew cuomo today critical of the white house insisting that the president needs to do more to set the agenda and respond. including sitting in the army corps to stave off the looming crisis that is a shortage of hospital beds. >> deploy the army corps of engineers to come work with states to build temporary medical facilities. >> president trump this afternoon saying that he is considering deploying the core and responding to andrew cuomo saying that just had a very good teleconference with the nation's governors and it went very well. if cuomo of new york has to do more. if on capitol hill, the senate today began seeing the house bill of free coronavirus testing and enhanced unemployment insurance, but the white house still pushing the idea of eliminating the payroll tax for the rest of the year. >> 95 million is the target and on top of that i want to remind the payroll tax holidays is a serious proposal. a very serious proposal and we will be discussing all of that with the senates in the house leadership. but that one, you know, year-end provides cash flow and liquidity to both employers and employees. it also has an economic incentive and you get the keep more of what you earn. >> one of the measures that the president announced today will significantly restrict life and business in the united states, president trump today pouring cold water on rumors he's considering a national quarantine. >> at this point, not nationwide but some places and then nation that are not very affected at all. we may look at certain areas, certain hot spot as they call them. but at this moment, no, were not. >> message from the president today, new measures may sound alarming but they are necessary in the united states hopes to quickly turn the corner on the spread of the coronavirus. bret. >> bret: john roberts live on the north line and john, thank you, historically grisly day on wall street and the dow losing almost 3,000 points in the biggest point drop in history. at the second largest percentage drop in nearly 13% in only 1987's black monday, actually, it was worse as far as percentage grade now 22% at the time, s&p 500 fell re-25, the nasdaq down was 970 and get some analysis now from lee from fox business joining us from new york. >> good evening, bret, biggest voices and stock market history and joining for the third and seventh days and black monday, that's despite the fed's preemptive move cutting interest rates to near zero and ejecting $700 billion into the economy. now, we saw bank stocks leading down with the rates so low that banks don't make a lot of their money off the line between mortgages and credit cards, jpmorgan, bank of america, wells fargo all heavily involved in the session today. >> i think it's important for investors to understand, we will get through this and we'll get to the other side not to try to panic during the moments. wait for the market to understand what's happening and i think that's a very important for investors to do right now. it's become one of the hardest hit sectors, bret, u.s. airlines, travel has been limited and according to reports u.s. air carriers needing $50.000000000 lifeline from washington and form of cash and government backed loans and more than three times than what they needed after 9/11. >> we are going to back that airlines 100%, it's not their fault. it's nobody's fault. unless you go to the original source. but it's nobody's fault. were going to be in a position to help the airlines very much. >> with monday, the stock market losses and investors are still up around 10% since election day in november 26 think about about monday's loss was also driving the s&p deeper into a bear market territory, 22% down and under the 13 bear market the past 93 years have yet to see 11 of them have been followed by an economic recession and two times i did not happen. including 1987, you're the market saw its worst date on record, black monday. bret. >> bret: ulrich, susan, thank you. short time ago we received word a tsa worker in atlanta tested positive for the coronavirus. new travel rules take effect in less than six hours. they come as the virus warms through the western part of the continent. >> it is the peak of the epidemic is coming fast in some parts of the country. >> as prime minister warmed of the imminent surge of coronavirus cases in the united kingdom, the united states is banning all travel from the u.k. and ireland beginning midnight tonight. the disruption disrupting an estimated 40,000 passengers traveling between the u.k. and the u.s. every day. if travel restrictions already in place banning all non-u.s. citizens from china, iran, and 26 other european nations. this comes as public health officials acknowledge most new covid-19 cases in the u.s. have originated from europe, which according to the world health organization has now become the epicenter of the pandemic. >> we've seen a rapid escalation of covid-19. >> today the european union it will enacted on a minimum 30 day travel ban on on nonessential travel in the eeo. >> the more that we can contain the virus. >> american passengers are being allowed back to the u.s. through 13 designated airports operating in enhanced entry screenings. passengers fill out the medical history questionnaire and some got their temperatures taken, almost itself quarantine for 14 days. >> is better than nothing. it might be better if there was more in-depth treating. >> over the weekend, screenings caused long lines but today, lines were shorter after more staffing was added. >> it's like a scary movie. because of all the people wearing masks. >> the spread of the coronavirus is wreaking havoc on the airline industry. the airplanes, airports, travel restrictions push u.s. airlines to the brink. united airlines, cut 50% of the flight capacity and american airlines cut 75% of its international flights. while delta air lines reduced its flight capacity by 40%. >> it's delta's largest reduction and the company's history including 9/11, meanwhile, tsa report seven of their screening officers have tested positive for covid-19 and airports in orlando, atlanta, and san jose, california. all of that, bret, public health officials are urging americans not to fly unless it's essential. bret. >> bret: live anywhere, brian, thank you. if an ministrations says there's 1 million coronavirus tests available right now and then expects 2 million next week and 5 million the week after a after. also, the first concrete step toward treatment and prevention. correspondent david spohn tells us where things are. >> with a poke of the needle, covid-19 vaccine testing began in seattle today. >> everyone's feeling really helpless right now, and if there something that i can do to help than i would be here. >> behind the record speed at clinical trials. >> this is one of the fastest vaccine developments launches in history. not even close. >> medical experts say a full proof vaccine is about one year away and for now the focus is on the test itself. expect to see a sharp rise in coronavirus case numbers this week. >> we're going to see a spike as more and more people have acce access. >> international, united states is lacking far behind in the testing department and south korea officials tested approximately 275,000 people. italian officials logged almost 138,000 tests. united states, around 41,000 and that includes approximately 4,000 positive tests. 36,0036,000 negative tests. numbers changed by the eyewear. a week ago, they trump administration decided against using thousands of tests and from the health organization. relying on cdc tests. state labs are taking a larger roles in testing and before tests went directly to the cdc, and results were delayed. states like new york are doing drive through testing. it gives people a chance to get tested with little exposure to others. it's quick and more people can be tested. a charge echoed around the world. >> we have a simple message for all countries. test. test. test. >> medical professionals don't want to see an emergency for fear of spreading the virus. priority testing is for health care workers, first responders, and american 65 or older with a cough and the fever of 99.6. and higher. bret. >> bret: david, thank you, he was supreme court postponing arguments for late march and early april because of the coronavirus and other business will go on this planned including the justest private conference on friday in a week's time. some justices may participate by telephone, only other time in the courts building close for arguments was on october, 2001 when amtrak's was detected in the court room. up next, what you can do to keep yourself and your family safe from covid-19. we will hear from two experts and take your questions. here but some of the fox affiliates around the come he met country, satan was and officials say that five peoples and an officer were shot officer and the gunmen are dead after shooting of gas station missouri. three citizens were also killed and authorities say that he crushed his door to my car into the store and shot and killed one officer on the same. fox 29 in philadelphia the retrials being delayed because of the pandemic and the only roman catholic church official in the u.s., child endangerment conviction was overturned and he's already served 33 months in prison. his lawyers want the case thrown out. fox four and dallas, north texas streets are closed because of heavy rain and slas flash flood. late sunday night and early this morning. no injuries reported. this is a life look at tampa from fox 13, one of the biggest stories, form a mayor and democratic candidates, andrew says that he's entering rehabilitation facility after falling into alcohol abuse after his defeat. a police report alleging he was inebriated and unresponsive in a hotel room when authorities fell him with a male companion and bags of suspected a crystal methamphetamine's. he's not charged with any crime. that's two nights live look outside on "special report." we will be right back. ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can become your big moment. 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quarantine her to keep us safe and to keep her if she's been exposed to anything protecting everybody else and her family, there's a people that live in the house and we have a brand-new grandbaby expected any day now so we need to make sure that everybody is kept safe. how do we do that? >> great question there from marcia, gentlemen, one at a time how you respond? >> good news, there's no cases right now and god has spared to kids with the infection and that's a good sign. generally speaking, infection off your role in the house and get a cloth and just dedicate that to an individual, maybe use a separate entrance if you're essentially need to take extra precautions because anyone who's gone through an airport should really take extra precautions for a good 7-14 days. >> your thoughts? >> and into that, it's hard and it depends on how big your houses and the bathrooms, if you have a room with a door on it that you can close and spend most of your day in there, and if you have a bathroom and there, great or one right next door to eight. great to isolate yourself away from your family as much as possible. like we say all the time, cover your cough and swipe things down any services. in a couple times a day with disinfectant surfaces. >> let's go back to the first question we had from bob cox if you're exposed how long would it take for you to have symptoms? your thoughts, docs? >> great study from john hopkins and i chose that five days is the average time for the condition. i don't speak for hopkins, that's a great study and it came about seven days ago and it shows that the range is about four days-7 days. by seven days, most patients will have symptoms and we feel pretty confident that the incubation period will be within the range. >> that's exactly straight on and 2% of people, and all but two by 11 days. >> always got a question from facebook, chris asking can you also cover flu numbers of her sick covid-19 to compare and contrast the numbers to help put the mass at ease? >> go ahead. if speak on this one's a little tricky just because flu season s mostly wound down. this is still not peaked yet as far as we can tell. there's 2,050,000 flu deaths and around 7,00 7,000 cobit it does. it will impact what we do in the coming days and weeks. >> and into that, spot on, the range for the regular season is 12,002 as high as 80,000 and last year, about 30,000 in this year, we had 16,000 cases of regular flu and that's deaths from the regular flu and that is so far in the year. we're seeing that the reporting is a function of how many people are tested and so we have to remember, people are dying right now from what we call influenza-like illness. if it can sometimes be presumed to be covid-19, they just have not tested people because quite honestly, it does not change our management as a doctor to test you. if we treat you the same. >> one other thing, the season the racing kids have been hired in the hospitalization for kids last couple years. this has been a little bit of a peak. >> as a main make my way around town visiting with friends and family while the folks are asking if you get coronavirus once he also got this question of dakota, take a listen. of >> my question would be, what's the recovery rate for those who are infected and is ta chance recovered individuals can be affected again? >> dr. carr, lead us off there? >> with anything, we see it for the first time in the reason that this is been so devastating is because we don't have knowledge about it. if there were amount a new response we don't have a lot of experience here, but typically want to see something the body has a playbook and it can respond more rapidly for future times. there is no reason to think we should not have some immunity to this moving forward. >> that spot on and i would add that 99% of people recover on average. look, it's hard for the virus to hurt somebody who is young and healthy. our concern, people are going to go the soccer events and say i don't see anybody super sick and dying off. what's the big deal? reality is, young healthy folks of the community transmitters for older folks and we look at the diamond princess cruise ship that's probably the best transparent case study of how dangerous that is. 99% of folks who got the infection on the cruise ship had a full recovery. >> my kids school proceeded pretty cautiously and thence cancel school for about a month. gentlemen, your thoughts on whether it was wise to basically keep kids out for a month or so to bend the curve? dr. carr. >> please the phrase were talking about these days, it des on whether or not the kids are not in school and they're interacting with each other. it's a complicated thing to say to your kids are going to keep you home i don't want you to be out and about with your friends because as we just described that's how it gets transmitted and how it's brought home. most of us has to go outside sometimes to go to the grocery store, the market, to work, but we do have to be mindful about keeping ourselves at home and decreasing the spread because it can really hurt a big chunk of the population. >> very briefly, dr. may carry. it's because that's exactly right, what dr. carr said, we've got to take extra precautions and think of contingency planning and that means for schools, for all nonessential work and travel, and activity. look, we've got a storm that is about to hit her shoulders that's at least 100 times more dangerous than hurricane katri hurricane katrina. let's pray to god it shifts in a different direction we had to get prepared and that means contingency plans for schools in all activities. >> gentlemen, thank you very much, we appreciated and we will be right back after a short break. ♪ so what are you working on? >>i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. wasted time is wasted opportunity. >>exactly. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, 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sanders went one on one iin their first two-person debae and correspondent peter doocy has highlights from philadelphia and good evening, peter. >> good evening, my, late this afternoon arizona and florida and illinois they announced that they are still hosting primaries tomorrow despite cdc guidance not to host any large gatherings for a few weeks but that guidance was good enough for ohio officials to add reports to postpone tomorrow's voting there. >> we can't conduct to election tomorrow in the voting. and conform to the guidelines. >> president trump isn't so sure buried >> they have lots of room in the lodge of the electoral ps and i think they will do it very well but postponing is unnecessary. >> some states suppressing votes from the elderly and pregnant among others. >> we should not force them to make the choice. a choice between their health and their constitutional rights. and their duties. as american citizens. >> candidates are choosing the camping differently as well. >> i'm not shaking hands. >> show what social distancing has done, joe biden promising to put a woman on the ticket. >> i will appoint -- i'll pick a woman to be vice president. >> sanders, the vp candidate could happen. >> my strong tendency is to move in that direction. >> both candidates must contend with the coronavirus and joe biden will use the time to mobilize the national guard to surge with hospitals. >> we are being attacked from abroad, it something of great consequence and it's like a war, and in where you do whatever is needed to be done to take care of your people. >> the governor from ohio thinks the same way. >> this can only occur if we are invaded. i have jokingly, not so jokingly, said to her lawyers, i think we have been invaded. >> if more states push the primaries" aren't being counted, the delegates could drag on and meaning it could take longer for bernie sanders to catch joe biden work could take longer for joe biden to clench. it mike. >> peter doocy live in philadelphia, peter, many than thanks. democratic presidential race, bring in senior political and analyst, brit hume. if your thoughts on the state of the race after last night's one-on-one debate? >> this was much the best performance that joe biden has given and as far as i'm concerned all year, he seemed arrested, prepared to come out on top of things. he didn't seem to have any senior moments and he went toe-to-toe with bernie sanders who is famously well-versed in the issues that he cares about. i think biden more than held his own and i think his lead was probably becoming one way or another not athletically but clinically insurmountable and last night it sealed it. bernie sanders seemed recognizing -- reconciled to that, but we will see what he does in the next few days. joe biden overcame some doubts about himself. >> was sanders right about moving biden to the left, britt? >> by the move to a long way to the left since the beginning of the cycle when you saw what happened last night as he was pressured for example on the reductions in the growth of social security and both a post about social security and programs not actually cuts and the reductions in the way of growth. biden has been willing to consider the things in the past all though, nothing has seriously happened but the idea should with the pressure he's under from the left and we are going to be seeing how between now and the end of the nominating cycle, how much further the left he will be pulled and how much of our problem that becomes for her in the general election. >> more primary contest tomorrow and brit hume, thank you very much for your time. >> you back. >> federal government has some supplies and reserve for the pandemic and we will show you when we come back. ♪ more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to (narrator) he loves monday through friday but lives for the weekend. he's put some miles on his truck, and now it's time for something new, so he 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with multiple states, asking for protected equipment. >> personal protective equipment at the top of the list as hospitals want to protect doctors and nurses. >> we will do everything we can, but we need federal assets. >> andrew cuomo voiced what he said as the frustration of other governors as fears arise that more than 15% of those infected could require hospitalization. if >> that will keep you up at night. >> fewer than three hospital beds for 1,000 people and less than china, south korea, and italy and the other, ventilators for many patients who may need oxygen. >> 12,000 ventilators in the strategic national stockpile that we can then mobilize and use the equipment to areas of greatest need. >> shortages of ventilators is worldwide with many countries placing orders and they would not tell us how much in the number on order. bret >> bret: william, thank you, senate move to approve the 75 day extension of the fisa courts and it happened on the voice vote in the measure must go back to the house to sync up with the chambers version. the fisa rules expired last night. i'm next, the panel with reaction to the coronavirus pandemic, first beyond the borders tonight. french judges investigating the terror attacks that left 130 people died in paris, have or the against 20 people. of the 20 charged, 11 child and three under house arrest and six phase international arrest warrants. finding apple $1.2 billion for striking deals to keep prices high. apple and top resellers have agreed to align prices with apple's own pricing for its ipads and other products. if the deals not concern iphones, and apple has not commented. assigned the task of task demand for us, series of recommendations for incoming lawmakers. mr. benjamin party march is the biggest winner in the march 2nd election but he's three seats short of the required majority in parliament. russia's constitutional approved of the amendments that could allow vladimir putin to remain in power for another 16 years. at the law must be approved in the national referendum and rescheduled for april 22nd. putin has been in power since 2,000. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back. ♪ now t-mobile has the first and only nationwide 5g network. reaching over 5,000 cities and towns and over 200 million americans. and t-mobile is not charging extra for 5g access. because this isn't our network... it's yours. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ no matter when you retire, ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed. see how lincoln can help. where you can find games, news and highlights. all in one place, right on your tv. the new xfinity sports zone. use your voice to search every stat and score. 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it and it it that the guidelines are going to be sent until july but the president is saying that the trajectory of the outbreak may be going until then and not that these are as solid in stone until july. >> bret: it's strict guidelines up from the white house going forward on the coronavirus and putting them up here on the screen. listen and follow directions of the state local authorities if you feel sick, stay home and contact your medical provider. if your children are sick, keep them at home and contact your medical provider. if someone in them a household has tested positive for the coronavirus, keep the entire household at home. if you're an older person, stay home and away from other people and if you're a person with a serious underlying health condition that can put you at increased risk, stay home and away from other people. also recommending no groups of people, more than ten. if our panel, katie pavlich, editor at, mary anne marsh, john kerry, "washington post" columnist, mark. okay, katie, what about the new guidelines, there's been a lot of speculation that there is going to lead to a quarantine on a national shutdown and this is obviously well short of that. you had the president in the opening. >> well short of that, but also pointed out today all options are on the table and when the doctors and the experts talk about guidelines and people don't follow them, they called out the millennial generation today, they'd then do not become voluntary guidelines and they become forced compliance. it's in the interest of young people to take it seriously, to listen to what people are sayi saying, and to really take seriously that this isn't about them and her doctor talk about saving the greatest generation, millennial generation can step up and do that and also interesting to watch how quickly local authorities are moving as well. whether it's on the city level or state level, you saw new york today a number changed in washington, d.c., things are changing, number of regulations or changing in the way that businesses operate especially restaurants. bars, especially. these are now guidelines and if people do not comply, they will no longer be voluntary. >> bret: buds listen to more on that news conference this afternoon. >> when you're dealing with the emergent infectious disease outbreak, you're always behind where you think you are if you think that today reflects where you really are. no matter where you look, this is something, an invisible enemy. >> speak particularly to the largest generation now, the millennials. they are the core group that will stop the virus. we are asking all of them limit their -- >> bret: it took a different tone in the briefing. >> this is a matter of life and death and the reality, they're only as strong as our weakest link and that means we have to have a national response across the board and that's why so many commoners really stepped into it back in the federal government has left and what we really need now is for the federal government and the trump administration to turn on the spigots, push up the army corps of engineers and started building the extra hospital facilities. if push on manufacturing, stockpile, do all the things that we have so we can provide people every resource they need to fight this because we are behind. we lost precious time that we cannot make up but we have to put our foot on the pedal here and go forward and give the state and the city what they need because to katie's point, many of the things that you mention have been in place in many of the states and cities in last two weeks. long before the federal government got to a period of the best thing that can happen now to provide the resources that only the federal government can do and so government and mayors can fight it on the ground and unfortunately, that has been a task work of programs across the country. >> bret: the president had that teleconference with the governors today but one of the misconceptions about the early set up was addressed in the op-ed in "the washington post," former nsc sr. tim morrison saying that the white house did not dissolve its pandemic office i was there. alleged by multiple officials of the obama administration including the posted that the president and national security advisor john bolton dissolve the offense at the white house in charge of pandemic preparedness because i lead the very directorate to sign the mission with a bio defense office for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post. there's some politics that groups and obviously when people is trying to deal with the crisis at hand. >> this is a time when we should come together as a nation and put a aside partisanship, and after this is all over, i'm sure we will have a 9/11 commission style investigation and it will look through and not to lay blame but supposed to figure out after 9/11, where the gaps and what didn't work and what failed, what succeeded. if when the next pandemic comes around we can fix it. this is not the time for laying blame. were doing a very good job now of getting the people to quarantine, and at the state, and social distancing. it will we need to do now is come together to help the people who are being economically affected by this because we are probably are going to go into a recession. it's going to be very steep coming down because country is basically shutting down but the fundamentals of the economy are very strong and there is no underlying problems that they're wearing the 2,000 financial crisis with our economy and so it's going to be a very big coming up but we have to help people in between the period. people who are losing their jobs, who don't have child care for their families because they're sick and stuck with the schools getting shut down and businesses were in the short. hopefully, short period, going bankrupt or its collapse with the come together and help them. >> bret: i don't think totally figured about and the president talking about that. it katie, final word here, if it came to a national quarantine, some sort, pretty hard to imagine how that all gets -- how it's done. >> enforced. it yeah, look, local and federal governments and law enforcement will work together in the national guard could be of deployed and we sign happen after hurricanes to help people. that something that to figure out, this corresponds between the white house and the administration, the private sector, grocery stores, and local governments whether it cities, states. that's what something that they will have to figure out but again, the guidelines are voluntary no and if they don't comply, it will no longer be voluntary. >> bret: okay, final, thank you and my thanks to mike emanuel for the technical problems we had. we come back, some good news. all of the bad situation ♪ (crying) take you to uncontrollable highs. 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"the story" hosted by martha maccallum right now. of >> martha: ending on a positive note, thank you for doing that, bret good to see you tonight. today, president with the nation's governors and shortly he came out reporters with a new timeline. >> is this the new normal until? >> we will see what happened but august, july, could be longer than that. >> matha: good evening, everybody, i martha maccallum in new york and this is "the story." president trump with the white house a short time ago telling people he will need a all in effort over the next 15 days to try to hit a speed bump in the transmission of the vir virus. we need everyone on board. he also lowered the number to ten people per gathering, that number had previously been 50. if several states are setting curfew and those will go into effect tonight we will see how


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20170613

>> i want to begin tonight with cnn's senior political analyst mark preston, senior analyst jeffrey toobin, investigative correspondent for yahoo news and correspondent analyst abbey phillip, white house press for the "washington post." i'm proud to have all of you in my presence on the show this evening. especially you, mark preston. another week in the russia investigation seems to be front and center, president trump evidently weighing to terminate robert mueller from the special investigation? we're going to speak with chris in a moment, by the way. politically speaking, and i think chris ruddy believes this as well. this would be a mistake of epic proportions. >> no doubt. in fact, let me read you a comment from senator lindsey graham yesterday on cbs "face the nation." speaking of president trump, he said, you may be the first president in history to go down because you can't stop inappropriately talking about an investigation that if you just were quiet would clear you. now, that is senator lindsey graham talking about trump just tweeting and being involved in an investigation when he should just be quiet. now, could you imagine if he actually fired the investigator that is investigating him and his campaign and his administration right now for possible russian ties? it might actually be the final straw that would break the camel's back and put republicans into the corner where they would have to actually be more aggressive in their investigation of donald trump. >> as a matter of fact, i can't imagine it. nothing surprises me now. i was talking to jeffrey toobin, by the way, next question for you, but when we came on, i said, can you believe it? how would this even work? >> to answer that specifically, the regulation that -- of the appointment of the special counsel, it's not the president who can fire him, it's the attorney general. and that would be, the president would order the attorney general -- >> who is under scrutiny. >> -- presumably who is recused, and then it would be up to rob rosenstein if he would fire him or he would quit the way elliott richardson and then william ruckle quit after the president told him to fire bob cox in the firehouse massacre. the question would be would anyone in the justice department actually follow the orders or would they resign? i have to say, i am less convinced that the republican party would abandon donald trump if he did this. the republican party here, you know, they are completely unified. every once in a while, john mccain says, i'm very concerned, and then he's still voting with them down the line on everything. so i think this is an intensely loyal agenda-driven republican party, and if he fired comey, i think it would be very bad politically, but i'm not sure the republicans would really turn on him. >> i have a reason to believe why that's happening. i think it's fairly obvious but let's move on. abby, a source close to the president telling jim that the president should steer clear of doing something like this, but at the end of the day, the president listens to his gut. anything could happen. >> when people tell him what to do, he tends to react, oftentimes by doing the opposite. so we're in kind of a weird space right now where you have a lot of people trying to gently prod him not to do something that chris ruddy apparently thinks he's thinking about pretty seriously. and with this president you never really know. i think what's really clear, though, is that there are a lot of people in the white house who are increasingly concerned about this. one of the reasons -- you know, i think there is a lot of reason to believe the republicans are nervous about backing away from trump, but i do think that one of the reasons this would be a last straw is because it is the only hope to get this investigation off of their backs. there is no other option but to allow the special investigator to have this investigation run its course. if they lose that, it really opens them up in a profound way that they have not been opened up to before. many of these members are going to be up for reelection in a very short amount of time. we're talking less than 12 months here. i think many republicans just want rod rosenstein to do what he's going to do and quiet. >> abby, when you're saying beyond the investigation, whether the investigation turns up anything or not, there could be nothing there. but politically it's bad for republicans if that does happen and bad for this president. >> yeah. i mean, even if the investigation turns up absolutely nothing, just the idea of having someone over in a corner who you can say, oh, this guy is handling this investigation, a lot of republicans need that idea, they need to be able to say that to their constituents to they can move past this. >> let's talk more about the republican party. one in particular and that is the former house speaker, michael, newt gingrich. he said the republicans are delusional if they think the republicans can be fair. look who he's hiring? time to rethink. but then this is what he tweeted just a month ago, to jeffrey toobin's point. robert mueller is a superb point to be special counsel. his reputation is full of honesty and integrity. the media should calm down. which is which? what's changed? which one should we believe? >> remarkable the way things change. i do want to say, don, i think on this show about six weeks ago when mueller was appointed, i raised the possibility that the president might fire him, and i think you kind of dismissed it and said it was impossible, so i just want to state that for the record -- >> i was wrong. >> -- that it's in the mix. >> if i was there, i would pat you on the back. go ahead. >> but look, i mean, it is -- i can see a scenario where trump does do this. he says there's nothing to this investigation, it's a waste of time, it's a waste of money, they've spent months, they haven't come up with any evidence of collusion, and it's a distraction from my agenda, and he would make his case to the american people, and if the congress doesn't like it, they can impeach me. you know, i don't know that he will do that. it is still highly risky. rod rosenstein would almost certainly have to resign and that would leave him, president trump, with almost nobody at the justice department. there's only, like, three confirmed, trump-confirmed appoint appointees at the justice department and you would have a justice department completely depleted unable to complete his agenda. it's certainly high risk, but i don't think it's completely out of the question. >> you're right. it felt like six weeks ago, but it was less than a month ago. in this world it just feels like a long, long time when it hasn't been. >> it feels like donald trump has been president for three years. >> we've been talking about -- you were saying that jeff sessions would have to become involved if he wants to remove the special counselor, but jeff sessions is testifying tomorrow. what are you looking for? >> i don't think sessions would be involved if he wanted to remove him, it would be rod rosenste rosenstein. you know what i look for is for sessions not to answer a lot of questions. i think either -- he will either cite executive privilege or infect cite executive privilege. you know, the congress does not have a lot of options with witnesses who refuse to answer questions. you know, theoretically they could find someone in contempt and then go to court, but you can't do that the day of the testimony. so they really are at the mercy of sessions. sessions is certainly going to have to answer questions about why he didn't tell the full truth about his meetings with russians. i mean, he's acknowledged that he didn't disclose those. but he'll have some explanation that it was an oversight or it was in his senatorial duties. but in terms of his conversations with the president about the firing of comey, i anticipate that there will be pretty much a stone wall. maybe others disagree with me. >> i want to ask mark about that because we saw it in coats and rogers with their appearance. they didn't answer a lot of questions and jeffrey toobin saying he'll probably invoke executive privilege. do you think we'll learn much from sessions tomorrow, mark? >> we did see rogers on capitol hill. he did meet with the intelligence committee behind closed doors. i do think jeff is correct. there are areas where jeff sessions will absolutely not go into tomorrow. i don't think he will try to use the word executive privilege if he can get away without using it. much like we saw from the two intelligence chiefs when they were on capitol hill. but i think when push comes to shove, he will, in fact, invoke executive privilege. i also think one thing to look for tomorrow, there has been a lot of speculation that donald trump was very upset with jeff sessions, in fact, was so angry at him that sessions in turn offered his resignation, which was not accepted. tomorrow will we see jeff sessions, while appearing to be loyal, also try to salvage his reputation which has been dragged through gutter a little bit. look for that tomorrow, and then you can see if those on the inner circle, are the knives turned inward on trump at all. >> thank you, all. michael, again, you were right. >> appreciate it. when we come back, a pretty strange cabinet meeting. president trump first boasting about his term so far. >> i will say that never has there been a president, with few exceptions -- in the case of fdr, he had a major depression to handle -- who has passed more legislation. >> is that true? 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>> it just seems really odd. i've worked for a lot of bosses, and never have i seen any group of people or team put in a position like that. it just strikes me as weird. michael jackson, what do you think? >> first of all, it's such an honor and privilege to be on your show, don, that i can't thank you enough. look, it's bizarre, but obviously the president feels like he's not getting the appreciation he deserves, and so if he can't get it from congress or the news media, he's getting it from his immediate staff. but beyond that, i don't know what to make of it. >> here's what one cabinet member, he took a different route. watch this. >> mr. president, it's an honor to represent the men and women of the department of defense, and we are grateful for the sacrifices our people are making in order to strengthen our military and can always negotiate from a position of strength. >> mark preston, that was probably a better route, right, choose to go praise the troops? >> yet again, general mattis has shown that he really is the grown-up in the room, certainly in the administration wh. when his name was being floated for that position to oversee the department of defense, there was a big sigh of relief on capitol hill and i think throughout washington, throughout the country. someone who understands what his mission is and really was always known as a soldier's general, somebody who looked out for them. don, just to the point of what we saw there from president trump, in many ways, and we haven't said this yet, it seems like it's humiliating, because those people around that table were all very accomplished people, whether in private life in business or whether in politics, and to sit there and to affirm president trump is just outrageous. >> more accomplished than the man who is actually president. that's why i said it just seemed really sad. abby, one person who consistently praises president trump is the vice president. he does it a lot. take a look at this. >> well, it's the greatest honor of my life to stand shoulder to shoulder with donald trump. today, thanks to the perseverance, the determination and the leadership of president donald trump -- >> the greatest honor of my life is to serve as vice president to the 45th president of the united states of america, president donald trump. >> what you saw two days ago is what i see every single day. a leader with broad shoulders and a big heart. a believer. >> greatest privilege of my life. is to serve as vice president to a president keeping his word to the american people. >> is this just a job of vice president? do all vice presidents do that? >> to a certain extent, but mike pence is like a jedi master at praising president trump. he's really, really good at it and that's one of the reasons he has the job that he has. one of the funny things i thought about that whole moment earlier today was that mike pence actually kicked off that whole tableful of celebration of trump, so anybody who came after mike pence, it would have been really hard to sort of go a different route with it when pence, you know, starts off by saying it's the greatest privilege of my life. everybody else has to kind of follow suit. but, you know, this is one of the reasons that people who know mike pence, his loyalty to trump, his willingness to defer to trump at all costs is one of the reasons why he remains in the room, one of the reasons why they actually are pretty close, and despite many, many difficult moments in this administration, mike pence has always been pretty consistent in saying the things that he said today and pretty much every other day of the week. >> you know, don, because i have no life, i actually watched the whole thing. you cannot believe how long it goes on. i mean, that's the thing, we just showed bits and pieces here. but this festival of praise, it just goes on and on. it's much more bizarre when you see it all together. >> so much so you sort of don't believe it, right? >> it looks like a parody of something. >> speaking of parody, this is chuck schumer. watch this. >> i want to thank everybody for coming. i just thought we would go around the room. lucy, how did we do on the sunday show yesterday? >> your tone was perfect. you were right on message. >> michelle, how did my hair look coming out of the gym this morning? >> you have great hair. nobody has better hair than you. >> before we go further, i just want to say thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda. >> the only difference there, abby, seriously is that they laughed at the end. there is no difference if you play both of the videos back to back. it's just that the schumer group laughed. >> isn't it amazing? this is the leader of the democratic party in the senate making -- essentially making fun of the president of the united states. that's a really amazing thing that we're just sort of sitting her and observing as if it's a normal monday. but i just feel like it's so unusual where we are right now, where this is the kind of relationship that leaders in washington have with one another. it tells you a lot about where we are. >> it is a normal monday. >> it's monday again. >> it is a normal monday in the trump administration. >> i have to go back on tv and talk about the trump administration, no. michael jackso michael, i want to get your response to this because i want to talk about this whole loyalty thing with comey. this is something president trump told charlie rose about loyalty back in 1992. of course, this was donald trump the businessman before he was president. watch this. >> i would have wiped the floor with the guys that weren't loyal, which i will now do, which is great. i love getting even with people. >> you love getting even with people. >> absolutely. you don't believe that? yeah, you do. i know you well enough, i think you do. >> but tell me, you're going to get even with some people because they -- >> if given the opportunity, i will get even with some people that were disloyal to me. i had a group of people that were disloyal. >> how do you define disloyalty? >> they didn't come to my aid. >> did they turn their back on you? >> no, but they didn't do small things that would have helped. >> so, michael, what do you think about that, considering the whole thing, what the cabinet just did, comey saying he wanted -- sort of gave him this loyalty test, the former fbi director? >> exactly. that's very revealing, and just to bring this around to something serious, comey didn't show that kind of loyalty, he explicitly did not, didn't show that sort of lavish praise that trump that he wants from his subordinates and he got fired. i should also point out that there was some pretty interesting comments yesterday by prepara, the attorney in new york who was fired by trump as well, and he talks about getting two phone calls by trump in which he's sounding him out, wants to shoot the breeze. clearly was looking for that same level of aprobation, didn't get it. i should point out, because this could come up tomorrow. he gets another, a third phone call from trump, doesn't take the call, reports it to the justice department to sessions' chief of staff, and then is fired the next day along with all the other u.s. attorneys. so one question for sessions tomorrow is, did barrara's refusal to take that phone call get reported to him and was then reported to the white house, and was there a connection there if you didn't take the president's phone call you were going to get fired? >> i want to play this -- can we play the president touting his accomplishments today quickly, please? >> i will say never has there been a president with few exceptions. in the case of fdr, he had major depression. who has passed more legislation, who has done more things than what we've done. between the executive orders and the job-killing resignations that have been terminated, many bills, i guess over 34 bills and congress signed, a supreme court justice who is going to be a great one. going to be a great supreme court justice and many other things. we've achieved tremendous success. >> so, abby, he has signed more bills, but as the fact checkers have pointed out, they don't have any teeth. most presidents have had bigger legislative successes than this president. so that didn't quite pan out to what he's saying. >> yeah. some of them were naming a post office. i don't think the sheer number of bills is really what's important here. we could even go back eight years when we were in the middle of an enormous recession. congress had to pass legislation. the stimulus bill. so there has been a lot that prior presidents have done. this white house is really grasping for things to do in part because health care and tax reform still aren't happening. so this is a little bit of projection on his part. >> they want to change the russian narrative. thank you all. when we come back, ivanka trump saying this about the media coverage of her father. >> there is a level of viciousness that i was not expecti expecting. >> but should she be so surprised? 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i'd like to introduce her to her father. i mean, seriously. >> this is the thing. i do not think that the trump family in general sees themselves clearly. i think that they are so insular and that they spend so much time together and very little time with people outside of their family that i don't think they're able to accurately view themselves as other people view them. when you only surround yourself with a small circle that is mostly other family members, of course you're not going to have a clear view of the way that other people think and see and view you, and everything is going to feel like an attack from you because everything is coming from the outside. >> also, if you go into -- the president did this or donald trump did this willingly. he wanted to run for president. the family didn't have to do that, but they went along willingly. they put themselves out there. they became spokespeople for him. >> not only spokespeople, ivanka trump is one of the senior advisers in his administration, so is the son-in-law. these are not people who are young children or even adult children just along for the ride when their father decide to do run for president. ivanka trump introduced him when he first decided to run for president. she introduced him when he was given the nomination at the national convention, and now she's serving as a senior member of his staff. so the idea this is just his family, they're along for the ride went out the window when she decided to do all those things and then accept a formal position within his white house. >> because people are so nice in the real estate world. i know, i've experienced it. you say ivanka trump clearly wasn't paying attention to her father during the campaign. her father is the, quote, godfather of viciousness. that's what you say. was this a blunder for her to say? >> the word viciousness is an absolute blunder. donald trump has just beat up on everybody. that's what we know him as, the commander in chief who does snul insults all the time. just this weekend he had to do another one, calling comey cowardly. ivanka trump never had a problem with ted cruz's father being part of the kennedy assassination, or donald trump not knowing about david duke or about the "lock her up" with hillary clinton, on and on. donald trump has made it to the white house by hitting the low road harder than everybody and being wolverine vicious and fearful as can be donald trump, so nobody can feel sorry for her. >> let's take a trip down memory lane at some of the things donald trump has said. listen to this. >> rosie o'donnell is disgust g disgusting, both inside and out. i don't know what i said, i don't remember. i view a person who is flat-chested as very hard to be a 10. we are led by very, very stupid people. this guy ted cruz is the single biggest liar i've ever dealt with in my life. but it's political bull[ bleep ], do you understand? i call him little mark, little mark. forget you. just forget it. [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ] >> let's defeat her. megyn kelly is a lightweight. this is a lightweight. this is not a reporter. if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously. okay. just knock the hell -- i promise you, i will pay for the legal fees, i promise. i love the old days. you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were at a place like this? they would be carried out on a stretcher, folks. >> sally? >> well, first, don, let me say what an honor and privilege it is to be on your show. i'm so grateful and truly blessed. >> thank you. >> but doug is right. i mean, the president of the united states sets the tone for the rhetoric in this town, and he started 16 months ago. and the idea that ivanka would go on television and talk about hostility was so apalling to me. it was like, what planet did she come from? she has been the famous "saturday night live" ad -- perfume ad complicit, but she has been complicit with all of this. mocking that journalist who was disabled and the muslim family whose son was killed and calling do comey a nut job. it's just in one week you could add them all up. the hostility and the meanness, the press, we are all enemies of the people. so i can't understand what she's thinking when she talks about she wasn't prepared for the level of hostility when she has been living with this level of hostility the entire campaign. and you notice all the way through when she was talking about the administration and what they had accomplished, they want to do big things, it was always we. and so you can't have it both ways. she can't have it both ways. she can't say, you know, i'm the liberal influence and i'm the one who tried to get him to stay in the paris agreement, and i'm trying to make sure that, you know, there's parental leave for people who have children, which is going to cost billions of dollars and probably take away from building the wall. but -- and then turn around and say, we are doing this and we are doing great things, and we're shaking things up, and we want to do grand things and everybody else is being so vicious. i mean, she is just two-faced. >> she is an accomplished woman, she's very smart. is this just about -- is she trying to save her brand here? what's going on? >> yes, i think she is. >> emily. >> lemily, you're up. >> your simple answer was? >> yes. i think it is without a doubt interesting to see ivanka trump stay silent on just about everything. she doesn't talk about the russia investigation until she was kind of obliquely asked about it this morning. she doesn't talk about the women's march on washington. she doesn't talk about planned parenthood losing funding. she doesn't talk about any negative issue that would impact her brand. on that she says, my influence is silent and personal with my father. i don't have to talk about my opinion with the public. >> have you seen her influence anywhere? >> when she goes on air to talk about the things that are positive that would be attached to her brand. workforce development week in the white house, that would serve someone who would want to go back in the real estate sector very well. maybe the other thing she doesn't want to be publicly attached to. ivanka trump is a master brander and i think we're seeing a master at work. >> they say over at the white house, douglas, that the white house is urgently trying to change the subject this week. the source says we can't turn off the russia noise, but we need to do a better job filling the atmosphere with an alternative. and that plan includes ivanka trump in the mix as a distracter. is that a smart strategy? >> i don't think it's smart. ivanka trump, i'm not sure where she gets these high approval ratings. she seemed to be interesting because she had power, that she was going to be the one that controlled donald trump's twitter, that she was going to be the hostess of the white house. as sally just mentioned, by her staying mute, she's now become kind of an irrelevant person, hence, she's turned to "fox & friends" morning show and is going to play to a hard right audience and try to be a darling with that crowd. she's now just another person in the trump choir. >> in an interview with fox news, donald trump jr. seems to corroborate james comey's events in the michael flynn matter. flynn says he never told comey or even suggested for him to drop the flynn probe. here's donald trump jr., though. >> you and i have both known my father a long time. when he tells you to do something, guess what? there is no ambiguity in it. there's no, hey, i'm hoping. you and i are friends. hey, i hope this happens but you have to do your job. for this guy, a politician, to then go back and write a memo, he felt so threatened, but he didn't do anything. >> sally, the only problem with that is he seems to confirm, at least comey's testimony. that's not what his father said. his father said he didn't have that conversation. >> he didn't seem to confirm, he confirmed it. he said, that is what my father said. and did you notice the terror in his eyes when he talked about, when my father says do something, do something? it looks like he's been there before. but what i thought was interesting is when ivanka said, oh, well, the wonderful thing about comey was that he vindicated my father. well, i don't know what that vindication was since the brother already said that the father said what the father didn't say. so, i mean -- and then the other thing was that supposedly the president had been told by comey that he was not under investigation. three times comey admitted that. but that doesn't mean he will never be under investigation, that just means at that particular moment he was not under investigation. so i don't see that there's any vindication here at all, and i think donald trump jr. just blew that one away. >> emily, you say the issue -- i think you believe that those sons are just not in the loop. they're supposed to be running his businesses, anyway. >> i'll give you a perfect example. so back in april, eric trump did an interview with an overseas paper saying, my sister was the one who convince mid fathd my f launch the strikes on syria. i was with a reporter in israel and she told other reporters that that was absolutely not true. the sons are out of the loop. they're not talking to their father every day yet they're still doing interviews with the press every week. they're making statements that are not true based on the fact they don't know what's going on and that's causing them to make some pretty big slip-ups. melania and barron have finally made their move into the white house. how that could change the trump presidency. that's next. it's a good day for the trump family, the president's wife melania and son barron joining them in the white house. i think that's a good thing. it's been nearly five months of the presidency, emily. i think it's a good thing. maybe they'll have a calming effect. it will center him in the white house. what are your sources telling you? >> i think that's a really hopeful, optimistic way of looking at things. here's the thing. there are a number of people close to the first family who say that the first lady does have a calming influence on the president, and we saw that when they were together for nine days straight on the foreign trip, the president didn't really step out of turn. at least he wasn't tweeting crazy things. the issue is that she is there when he does some of his more outlandish things. she was there yesterday evening when he was tweeting up a storm. so i don't think that anyone is a moderating influence on the president. if we learned anything in these first 150 days, ivanka trump is not a moderating influence, jared kushner isn't a moderating influence. the president is an almost 71-year-old billionaire. he is who he is and i don't think his wife, daughter or son can change that. >> by the way, who is barron trump? i think he's a cool kid. he's normal. i love how he's a kid with his fidget spinner. >> that was actually the defining moment of fidget spinners, i think. >> kids 10 or 11. even i love them. you say you're amazed by the lack of fun president trump is having as president, and you hope melania can change that. explain. >> look, melania trump is an asset for donald trump, particularly right now. he's under siege. every day is just raining terror on him, and he needs to break the paradigm that he's always in a defensive crouch. so by having her in the white house, by having his son there with him, he may be able to go out around washington, d.c., be able to socialize, visit people's houses. ronald reagan used to pop in on conservatives' homes in capitol hill, have a quiet meal. it might be able to be trump's washington. right now it's not. he seems like an outsider in d.c. he seems more comfortable in europe and mar-a-lago than he does in the white house. >> interesting. sally, this is already a white house full of rivalries and reportedly feuds. and now you have another trump entering five months later who clearly has her own opinion about the people in her husband's administration. talk to us about that. >> i would like to first say to doug, i don't think this is going to be trump's washington, and i don't think he's going to be going out to georgetown parties or any other private -- >> why not? >> well, he doesn't like to do that. he was well known in new york for not going out to dinner parties. that's not -- he's much more comfortable in his own home and mar-a-lago and the white house and new jersey than he is outside in other people's territory, or in the trump hotel. but he likes to be in control of his own environment, so i don't see him going out around the town or being part of washington in any way. >> but at least his family will be with him if he has to be in the white house, if he's more comfortable there, he'll have his wife and child with him. >> but i don't think she's going to be a softening influence on him. i think she moved down here because she was more and more doing various things in the white house and doing activities and participating in governors' meetings or dinners, and i was at the children's hospital recently for the opening of the healing garden, and she came there. so that meant that she had to leave new york and leave barron to come down and do these events. and she's been doing more and more of them, so my feeling is she felt it would probably be better for her and barron to come down to washington so they could be together and he could go to school and she could spend more time with him. i suspect her pants will move in -- parents will move into the white house as well and that will be a comforting influence on her and barron. >> it's interesting, emily, when you think about the different administrations who are in washington. i think with the reagans it was much more of a festive party, classy and elegant. in the bush years, president bush didn't like to go out so the white house was i'm only there in and out, but i hear people say the trump hotel may be one of the biggest attractions there as a night life. >> i spent two days at the trump hotel before the election. i was one of three people staying in the hotel. it was one of the eeriest nights of my life. how things have changed. now it is packed every night. the bar is completely full. i was truly one of two people sitting at the bar two nights before the election. if there is one thing that trump has done for washington -- >> his own hotel. >> -- he's created a hot spot. >> in his own image. >> that he's done for himself. >> of course. >> when we come back, marking one year to the day of the pulse nightclub shooting. memorials going on throughout the night. we'll remember the victims. ♪ depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪ that's why there's trintellix, a prescription medication for depression. trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens and young adults. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur, especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. ask your healthcare professional about trintellix. no need with thending app when on the lot, scan a vin to pull up all the info you need to help get the price you want. start scanning today. now you drive 300to be fmiles to watch this. yes, nice pop toss! flag dancing? 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>> well, one, this president has never left us unexcited and


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