South West : Regional Council Bureau Takes Office Executive Bureau of the South West Regional Council elected on December 22, 2020, sworn-in at the
South West Court of Appeal on January 14, 2021, has been commissioned into function. This was in a public ceremony on Friday, January 22, 2021, at the Bongo Square Ceremonial Ground wherein South West Governor,
Bernard Okalia Bilai attributed to them their sashes and insignias. In attendances, were sons and daughters of the South West Region from all the six administrative divisions.Lire aussi : Scrutin: Un vote dans le calme
Okalia Bilia told the newly installed that they are taking office at a time when the population of the region had appealed for a greater autonomy in the management of their own affairs. He added that the Special Status has been bestowed on the North West and South West Regions which is fruit of the Major National Dialogue held in Yaounde from September 30 to October 4, 2019. The Regional Council Bureau are t