Latest Breaking News On - Boosterism - Page 1 :

and he won the biggest selection in something like 30 years.— something like 30 years. josh in a second. what _ something like 30 years. josh in a second. what was _ something like 30 years. josh in a second. what was the _ something like 30 years. josh in a second. what was the money - something like 30 years. josh in a second. what was the money he l something like 30 years. josh in a i second. what was the money he got from us? we second. what was the money he got from us? ~ ., ., ., , second. what was the money he got fromus? ., ., ., , ,, second. what was the money he got fromus? ., ., ., , , from us? we got various bonuses and -a outs from us? we got various bonuses and payouts that — from us? we got various bonuses and payouts that helped _ from us? we got various bonuses and payouts that helped and _ from us? we got various bonuses and payouts that helped and as _ from us? we got various bonuses and payouts that helped and as i - from us? we got various bonuses and payouts that helped and as i say, - payouts that helped and as i say, mostly, we were extremely busy but we all had her ppe, we were the first country to find a cure for the and they all worked really hard and mostly he is really upbeat about britain. .. mostly he is really upbeat about britain. ., ,., .,, , ., britain. yeah, the boosterism. you can answer— britain. yeah, the boosterism. you can answer some _ britain. yeah, the boosterism. you can answer some of _ britain. yeah, the boosterism. you can answer some of that _ britain. yeah, the boosterism. you can answer some of that stuff, - britain. yeah, the boosterism. you| can answer some of that stuff, josh and saint helens.— and saint helens. hello. my view is different slightly _ and saint helens. hello. my view is different slightly to _ and saint helens. hello. my view is different slightly to the _ and saint helens. hello. my view is different slightly to the previous i different slightly to the previous caller~ _ different slightly to the previous caller~ in — different slightly to the previous caller. in some ways i agree with some _ caller. in some ways i agree with some of— caller. in some ways i agree with some of what you said there, he is of course _ some of what you said there, he is of course very upbeat and has a persona — of course very upbeat and has a persona about him but he is also a compulsive — persona about him but he is also a compulsive liar. so, in terms of


>> there was a movement called boosterism. well, this began in 1889, using bulletins and encouraging black folks to migrate from the deep south to what is now oklahoma. the leader of that movement was a fellow called e.p. mccabe. he recruited black people to come on the theory that it represented an escape from the oppressive deep south, an opportunity to prosper economically. >> the time will soon come when we will be able to dictate the policy of this territory or state. and when that time comes, we will have a negro state governed by negroes. we do not wish to antagonize the whites. they are necessary in the development of a new country. but they owe my race homes and my race owes to itself a governmental control of those homes. >> land meant rebirth. it meant renewal.


their donors, voters and the news media. it fed the home team boosterism of an expanding array of with right-wing media outlets coupled with the political factors already favoring republicans including inflation and president biden's unpopularity. the skewed polls helped feed what quickly became an ines kaipable political narrative, a republican wave election was about to hit the country with hurricane force. joining us one of the reporters sharing a byline on that important piece of reporting, jim rutenberg, writer at large for the "new york times" and its sunday magazine. rick is back as well. i spoke to a knowledgeable election official a couple days before the election and i said is there any scenario where all the polls wrong? he said no. i said what's best case scenario for the democrats? and this red wave seeped into even the non-political analysts who were looking at the data. and my question for you goes back to when you and i first met. i think i was the head of the iowa caucuses in 2004.


strong turnout, so what matters there is does one party have an advantage on turnout, number one, and if you're a campaign in any a these state that's reporting early vote, you look at the voters you can't look at their ballot but predicted how they're going to vote. the you want to see if you're a democrat is first-time voters, people you modelled unlikely to vote this time. it's really the competition of that. that's not just an early vote task, that's what you want to see through election day. are you getting enough surge voters? you'd much rather as a democrat see the numbers not clearly. i think we need more days of data to draw conclusions. >> yeah, and part of what you're saying, which is careful analysis rather than just boosterism is it is a question still whether we're seeing rescheduling of some of the extant vote, people doing it earlier as that becomes main line versus a wider surge, more


steam _ think they are both running out of steam a _ think they are both running out of steam a bit. i also think they have had a _ steam a bit. i also think they have had a long — steam a bit. i also think they have had a long time to plan for this, and i_ had a long time to plan for this, and i believe they've been planning for this— and i believe they've been planning for this leadership campaign for a lon- for this leadership campaign for a long time, — for this leadership campaign for a long time, and their ideasjust seem to m3, _ long time, and their ideasjust seem to me. just— long time, and their ideasjust seem to me, just to have run out of road and ran_ to me, just to have run out of road and ran out— to me, just to have run out of road and ran out of— to me, just to have run out of road and ran out of steam. just to me, just to have run out of road and ran out of steam.— and ran out of steam. just to be absolutely _ and ran out of steam. just to be absolutely clear, _ and ran out of steam. just to be absolutely clear, it _ and ran out of steam. just to be absolutely clear, it was - and ran out of steam. just to be absolutely clear, it was starry . and ran out of steam. just to be i absolutely clear, it was starry eyed boosterism, not fairy tale boosterism. there is another side issue that i want to point out there that they point out on the front page of the sunday times, which is another one of rishi sunak�*s ideas, which is a shake a—levels, forcing every pupil to continue to study english and maths until they turn age 18, i don't know any details on that, i don't know how popular that would be. on the front page of observer, they have said, set in


of the country?— future of the party, but the future of the country? absolutely, there is a hue of the country? absolutely, there is a huge question _ of the country? absolutely, there is a huge question and _ of the country? absolutely, there is a huge question and nigel- of the country? absolutely, there is a huge question and nigel and - of the country? absolutely, there is a huge question and nigel and i- of the country? absolutely, there is l a huge question and nigel and i were talking _ a huge question and nigel and i were talking about it before we came on air, there — talking about it before we came on air, there is— talking about it before we came on air, there is a lot of airtime being air, there is a lot ofairtime being given— air, there is a lot ofairtime being givento— air, there is a lot of airtime being given to these two people, one of whom _ given to these two people, one of whom will— given to these two people, one of whom will be our prime minister in a matter— whom will be our prime minister in a matter of— whom will be our prime minister in a matter of weeks. given that a tiny, tiny minority of people in this country— tiny minority of people in this country can actually have a say on it, country can actually have a say on it. when _ country can actually have a say on it. when we — country can actually have a say on it, when we are facing this huge cost _ it, when we are facing this huge cost of— it, when we are facing this huge cost of living crisis and it an emergency, it has become a dividing line between the two candidates. let's _ line between the two candidates. let'sjust— line between the two candidates. let'sjust look at line between the two candidates. let's just look at the sunday times which focuses on rishi sunak�*s pledges to give away billions more to ease the crisis. we have one saying hands out and not the answer, and the other one saying that is exactly what we need? he and the other one saying that is exactly what we need?- and the other one saying that is exactly what we need? he is talking about the difference _ exactly what we need? he is talking about the difference of _ exactly what we need? he is talking about the difference of clear - exactly what we need? he is talking about the difference of clear eyed . about the difference of clear eyed realism _ about the difference of clear eyed realism and starry eyed boosterism. it is realism and starry eyed boosterism. it is a _ realism and starry eyed boosterism. it is a dig _ realism and starry eyed boosterism. it is a dig at— realism and starry eyed boosterism. it is a dig at liz truss, because boosterism is what their predecessor


was saying — boosterism is what their predecessor was saying. liz truss has made it clear— was saying. liz truss has made it clear she — was saying. liz truss has made it clear she doesn't think what she cails— clear she doesn't think what she calls are — clear she doesn't think what she calls are the answer. even though households are looking at energy bills of— households are looking at energy bills of over £4000 byjanuary. there _ bills of over £4000 byjanuary. there are — bills of over £4000 byjanuary. there are some immediate things that could he _ there are some immediate things that could be done and some of them would be hand—outs like restoring the uplift _ be hand—outs like restoring the uplift in — be hand—outs like restoring the uplift in the universal credit, increasing the amount of help given to poorer— increasing the amount of help given to poorer households. which rishi sunak— to poorer households. which rishi sunak is— to poorer households. which rishi sunak is talking about. you are right, _ sunak is talking about. you are right, chris, the people who have the chance — right, chris, the people who have the chance to vote over who will be our next _ the chance to vote over who will be our next prime minister really do need _ our next prime minister really do need to— our next prime minister really do need to think long and hard about who is— need to think long and hard about who is going to be the best person. this isut— who is going to be the best person. this isn't going to be cured within an emergency budget, it is going to take a _ an emergency budget, it is going to take a very. — an emergency budget, it is going to take a very, very long time for us to get— take a very, very long time for us to get out— take a very, very long time for us to get out of— take a very, very long time for us to get out of this. in the meantime, the people — to get out of this. in the meantime, the people at the bottom of the pile are really— the people at the bottom of the pile are really going to suffer as winter comes _ are really going to suffer as winter comes. ., ,., ~


small geographical area. that is a lot of land to own. >> as a descendent of a creek freedmen, i believe land is power . land is wealth. land is really the core of black entrepreneurship. >> you had two types of blacks in oklahoma. you had those freedmen . then you had state blacks. state blacks came to oklahoma, looking for the promised land. >> there was a movement called boosterism this began in the 1889, using bulletins and encouraging black folks to migrate from the deep south to what is now oklahoma. the leader of that movement was called medicaid, trying to


well, i was there. i was standing not much furtherl from him then you are from me. so you were able to look and look around at the audience...? i did look round, i have to be honest about it. i i've seen quite a few boris - johnson speeches to business. it's an audience he doesn't feel, unusually for- a conservative prime minister, that comfortable in front of. i i think he finds their- strictures, spreadsheets and analysis and all that kind of stuff a little bit _ sort of stifling. and sometimes, like during the brexit debate, he saw. the caution of businesses - who had real money on the line, he saw that... he saw, dare i say, the conservatism of business... well, he just thought... he thought it was, you know, cautious at best, a form - of cowardice at worst. and also, i think he finds- business people quite tedious, if i'm truly honest, having - watched him in these scenarios. strange, in that sense, he's a bit like ted heath, who used to get very angry about british businessmen coming in to see him and just saying, we need a bit more money, we need a bit more this, and not being very imaginative and creative, in his view, at least. well, businesses like to bej positive, but i wouldn't call them... signing up to the kind _ of boosterism that some people


well, businesses i like to be positive, but i wouldn't call them... signing up to the kind _ of boosterism that some people accused borisjohnson of. so i was surprised, if i'm honest, probably a damning indictment . of myjournalistic instincts, of how big a story that - became on the day. i think it's now fadedl because as i say, that was par for the course. i've seen him talk to a bunchj of bankers and their partners in davos in switzerland, _ when he was trying to persuade them not to go to switzerland | after the financial crisis, saying you couldn't do a, well, number two after midnight, i because you'd get reported to the authorities. - and everyone roared with laughter. and it was all part - of brand borisjohnson. but i think where the real stuff hit was around - the owen paterson inquiry, which is why we've - had the by—election. yes, there wouldn't be a by—election if he hadn't tried to save 0wen paterson. i mean, his suspension would be |almost over by now, had it beenj played slightly differently. so i don't think brand boris, - in a way, was damaged too much by the peppa pig thing, _ but i think a series of whatever... dominic cummings, his former aide, would call the trolley— going off or whatever, - the trolley going off the road


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