Nearly two dozen protesters from different organizations gathered at Liberty Mall near the Massachusetts State House in the late afternoon on Wednesday to rally and celebrate International Workers Day. International Workers Day, or May Day, is a holiday celebrated in over 100 countries on May 1 that spotlights workers’ rights. Though it has its origins.
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May Day International Workers Day commemorates the 1886 struggle in Chicago for the eight-hour day. Despite its radical origins in U.S. labor history, May Day has to a large extent been supplanted by moderate events on Labor Day in September, a holiday designed to dampen class struggle and…
‘Justice for Haiti! Let revolutionary Cuba live!’
By Maureen Skehan posted on July 26, 2021
A multinational, multigenerational, pro-socialist crowd, including Indigenous, Black, Latinx, immigrant rights, peace and justice, union, faith-based, youth, veterans, LGBTQ2S+ and disability rights organizers, converged at Park Street Station, Boston, July 24, for a militant and unified “People’s Speak Out and Rally” to demand “No U$ Intervention in Haiti, Reparations Now!” and “Let Revolutionary Cuba Live! End the U.S. Blockade!”
Dorotea Manuela speaking at Boston rally July 24. WW Photo: Maureen Skehan
Chantal Casimir, member, USW Local 8751, spoke at the Boston rally July 24. WW Photo: Stevan Kirschbaum