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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends First 20200429

many who have endorsed you to be our president. >> joe biden's endorsement not sitting well with his accuser. >> the response to hillary clinton, given exclusively to fox news. [crowd screening] >> a sign from above that our country will get through this together. >> powerful message from a group of american heroes to another. "fox and friends first" starts right now. cool stuff yesterday, wasn't it? seeing those jets fly over, made for an interesting and exciting day. you are watching "fox and friends first" on this wednesday morning. >> thank you for starting your day with us. we begin with a fox news alert. covid-19 cases now topping 1 million. >> that's not stopping tennessee in wisconsin from rolling back restriction starting today. rob: good morning. not only has our nation past the grim milestone of 1 million people infected by the virus but no word from the cdc, new data showing the virus has probably killed more people than reported but admitted that news some hope for the future. florida sets to a reopening plan today, tennessee and wisconsin kicking off their restriction rollbacks. the volunteer state allowing retail to reopen that 50% capacity. the badger state allowing nonessential businesses to do curbside drop off of goods and animals along with recreational items like kayaks, boats and golf carts. word that you do in california could be headed back to class sooner than normal. >> we are concerned about learning less even into the summer so we are considering the prospect of an even earlier school year into the fall. certainly, late july, early august. >> it was a mixed bag in the new york metro area, bill diblasio calling out the orthodox jewish community for defining social distancing orders by holding a massive funeral for a rabbi who died of coronavirus, quote, my message to the jewish community and all communities is the time for warnings this past, i've instructed the nypd to proceed to summons or even arrest those in large groups, this is about saving lives, period. like we mentioned off the top, there was also this. an absolutely amazing flyover by the navy blue angels and air force under boards saluting care workers on the front line of this crisis, the thunderous air show through new york, new jersey, connecticut and pennsylvania, uplifting, close to 116,000 people have recovered from the virus so far. 80 people have died from covid-19 in a veterans home in massachusetts. believed to be the deadliest nursing home outbreak in the us. federal officials are investigating whether residents were denied proper medical care, a nurses staffing shortages helped spread the virus. >> it went very fast. i do believe it is from the transferring of that from unit to unit as well as floating of staff from unit to unit and in the beginning we were not given the proper ppes. shannon: the state has taken preparations after the superintendent was on paid administrative leave. in rhode island nearly one in 5 coronavirus patients labeled as discharged died at the hospital. a local report revealing out of 466 patients listed is getting discharged 86 ended up dying there. a health department spokesperson blaming the confusion on how hospitals share data, the hospital claims it will adjust its terminology. nearly 240 people have died from the coronavirus in rhode island. rob: u.s. navy sailors begin moving back to the uss roosevelt after spending weeks in corn teen on the island of guam. hundreds of sailors expected to reboard over the next several days, 4000 crewmembers were taken off of that ship last month after hundreds tested positive for covid-19. this is the uss kid docs in san diego, 60 sailors diagnosed with covid-19 on that ship. they will receive medical care is grews disinfects. overnight in los angeles the holland america cruise ship leaves port after the cdc blocked hundreds of crewmembers from leaving the vessel over concerns about coronavirus, nine americans are on the ship. it is not docked at a port in san pedro. crewmembers say they've been quarantined on the ship for 45 days, only allowed out of their cabins for 30 minutes at a time. cruise passengers have not been on the ships and so we marched with holland america says it is working to get crewmembers home. >> overnight the woman accusing joe biden of sexual assault now slamming hillary clinton for backing him in the 2020 president race. >> one democrat is breaking the silence on terror read's claims. jillian: here is the fiery reaction. >> a biden's accuser not backing down after an endorsement by hillary clinton which she called enabling a sexual predator. secretary clinton pledging support for the former vp and taking a swipe at the president. >> i want to add my voice to the many to have endorsed you to be our president. just think what a difference it will make right now if we had a president who not only listened to the science, fact over fiction, but brought us to gather. >> reporter: terror read slamming the endorsement telling fox news, quote, hillary clinton has a history of enabling powerful men to cover up sexual predatory behaviors and inappropriate sexual misconduct. we don't need that for this country, we don't need that for our new generation coming up that wants institutional rate culture to change. terror read's allegations not stopping support from other prominent female democrats like stacy abrams. one of the names that has been discussed as a potential running mate for biden. >> i believe that women deserve to be heard and that they need to be listened to but i also believe the allegations have to be investigated by credible sources. i know joe biden and i think he is telling the truth in this did not happen. >> she is holding steadfast to her story that biden assaulted her also calling for the release of staff records hoping other colleagues make similar complaints and could lend support to her story. the university of delaware has not cleared those files and they remain sealed. >> to a foxbusiness, donald trump throwing a bone to america's meet industry to prevent a shortage, the president signing a new executive order classifying meat processing factories as critical infrastructure directing plants to stay open to the maximum extent possible. the factors must still follow cdc guidelines and will give workers protective equipment. at least 22 us meat processing plants of closed due to coronavirus after 20 employees died from virus complications and at least 5000 hospitalized or showing symptoms. unions are firing back claiming the us is jeopardizing their employees lives. >> the president's or addressing thousands of unemployed americans struggling to put food on the table. vehicles lining up in droves the drive-through food banks nationwide. in los angeles officials are expecting to help 3000 families a day. in arkansas one distribution center running out of supplies less than an hour after opening. in western pennsylvania an image of vehicles making to the fairgrounds, the greater pittsburgh food bank expecting at least 1500 vehicles to pick up boxes of food. two nypd officers who fully recover from covid-19 are hoping to help others beat the virus. officers getting antibody tests in manhattan. >> this is the finest and bravest team up to absolute healthcare workers. great to see the support sirens blaring as fire trucks and police cars role by brooksville hospital in brooklyn. for more inspiring stories like this visit together. jillian: the president meeting the small business owner saved by the chp paycheck protection program. our next guest was there. >> with everything we have gone through i can't extend my thank you enough to donald trump for everything you have done for small businesses like us. >> brandon hutchison says he's able to pay his employees thanks to the president, joins us live coming up. i got this mountain bike for only $11., the fair and honest bidding site. we sold an ipad worth $505 for less than $24. a stand mixer for less than $20. a 4k television for under $2. a macbook pro for under $16. as well as a playstation 4 for under $16. and brand new cars for less than $900. offers hundreds of auctions every day. all auctions start at $0 and everything must go. and don't forget, we offer a full 90 day money back guarantee on your first bid pack purchase. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. i got these three suitcases for less than $40. and shipping is always free. go to today and see how much you can save. there are auctions going on right now, so what are you waiting for? >> and with everything we have gone through, i can't say thank you enough to donald trump for everything you have done for small business like us. kim jong un that man thanking the trump administration for fighting to save 30 million jobs. >> the paycheck protection program services company, he joins us live fresh off of the white house visit with his story. good to see you. thanks for being here. i know april 1st would have been your one year anniversary of taking over purchasing this company and instead of celebrity that anniversary you had to further your workers. tell me what the ppp has been able to do for you since then. >> with that we bring back for about employees, business basically runs on cars coming in, paid by the job so even if we stay open with everybody staying that we are not getting anybody coming into the shop. this program allowed us to put them back on the payroll and keep them employed and with that we have also been able to pay rent, got some money for overhead. really given us something to draw from when money has been tight lately. >> i can only imagine how tight, nobody is driving right now. look at the numbers from around one, over 1 million loans, $342 billion from 5000 lenders and that ran out 14 days, the second round so far, 475,000 loans, 52 billion. i want to ask you, the status we are in right now and lockdowns continuing on how long will that loan last you before you are going to need another infusion of cash? >> right now the eight weeks it will maintain for eight weeks, with the way it is run we have to use that money within the eight weeks so that we can receive forgiveness status so eight weeks is what it is designed for. that was the cash on hand, we are hoping it last eight weeks and then we will see what happens but hopefully we can keep moving forward and see better results and get to where american start opening back up again. >> a there yesterday, you know what the president said but for those who were not there let's take a listen to the president. >> this virus has inflicted an enormous and painful toll on our nation's workers and small businesses. we suffer with one heart but we will prevail, we are coming back and coming back strong. >> what was it like to be there and to hear the message? >> it was truly an amazing experience when you're sitting in a room with the president and you can hear him speak and have a chance to address him directly, truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. i have been listening to steve mnuchin since the start of this trying to figure out which way is up for small businesses and he walked into the room and started talking to us so kind of surreal but an honor to be there and be in the presence of everything happening so very grateful for the opportunity that was given to me. >> your business and many others and all the employees, thank you for your time, we appreciate it. have a good day. 17 minutes after the hour, california governor gavin newsom push back on calls to reopen his state? >> politics will not drive the decision-making protests. >> multiple lawsuits already filed and our next guest says even democrats are starting to turn on california's governor. jillian: welcome back. difficult to reopen from leaders across california pleading to save struggling businesses governor gavin newsom says the state is not ready. >> politics will not drive decision-making protests won't drive the decision-making. we believe we are weeks, not months from making meaningful modifications. we need to protect the business community and customers. rob: when the californians get to work? some leaders are too invested in their shutdown plans to admit when it is time for a change and he joins us live. what do you make of governor newsom at this point? >> maybe reality will change his mind. treating more than california or eastern counties the same as la makes no sense was there's a lot of rumbling, lawsuits, counties that are fighting back in a dirty little secret, the district attorney and certain sheriff's aren't enforcing gavin newsom's tools but things will unravel for him. shannon: stage one includes stay-at-home, building up testing capabilities, ppe, hospital capacity. stage 2 reopens lower risk workplaces, nonessential manufacturing and stage iii and 4 opening her salons. what do you make of this plan? >> know where do you have a sense what happens to the hospitality industry. california is one of the biggest industries. tourism, where do restaurants following this plan? there is an estimate that 30 percent-40% of restaurants in california will never reopen. the plan doesn't give you a sense that within eight weeks. it talks more about months, talking about church is not opening for months so i think he will get pushed back and also what you find, i talk to people today throughout the state. there are nonessential businesses already doing that kind of work, opening up and doing things. california is too big for one man to try to control and these lawsuits will overturn his rules. >> 3.2 million unemployment claims in california, that is a big chunk. you have a lot of big blue state governors like gretchen witmer, andrew cuomo, gavin newsom who have bigger aspirations which will they fall on the side of being as safe and as liberal as possible and could that have a really negative impact on this? >> absolutely. two of my last op-eds talked about how these big blue states shouldn't be bailed out because they have been irresponsible all along and if they keep this up, if they are expecting a bailout which would encourage them to be shut down even longer but steve mnuchin said today that he wasn't going to bailout state with bad budget so this is a fix for the gavin newsoms of the world. you wants to control everything and is not being responsive, there will be big budget deficits and if he has a big budget deficit has to raise taxes say goodbye to running for president in 2024. >> is a letter from county leaders to the governor, the public health data in addition to our areas ability to continue monitoring cases should allow our counties to soon begin a science-based thoughtful reopening a economy consistent with national guidelines which would allow our residents to get back to work and if you look at the numbers california coronavirus cases california hasn't been hit nearly as hard as the city and state like new york as an example. what do you make of those numbers and do you think, do you see this side where there is a risk when you open too soon and open too many businesses too soon those numbers the california has kept fairly low in comparison to other states that they could go up? >> the about this? i have been to those counties. in march i was in some of those northern counties, they have almost no cases whatsoever. they are very sparsely populated unlike los angeles so those six counties make a great case for saying treat us different than los angeles. is a possible some will come back? sure it is but remember the stanford study and the los angeles city says far more people have it in the mortality rate was low. you have sonoma county, very important to the nation's wine consumption trying to reach people where, every debt is important and tragic but they have only had two so it doesn't make sense for these world counties to be treated in the same way and these protests and lawsuits are gaining speed and i expect some of these rulings to be turned over as i said earlier. >> thank you for your time, really appreciate it. 26 minutes after the hour. the second round of relief for small business quickly drizzling but the house won't return to work as planned next week and we are live in washington. >> i believe doctor ford, i believe the survivor. >> just shut up and step up, do the right thing. you seem a little upset by this. >> reporter: remember when democrats at all victims should be? why are so many silent about accusations against joe biden? is harrington says the hypocrisy is stunning, she joins us live. and, can leave you feeling extremely sad and disinterested. overwhelmed by bipolar depression? ask about vraylar. not all types of depression should be treated the same. vraylar effectively helps relieve all symptoms of bipolar depression... with just one pill, once a day. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. metabolic changes may occur. nausea, restlessness and movement dysfunction are common side effects. when bipolar depression overwhelms, ask how vraylar can help. rob: the white house warning that big companies could be criminally liable if they obtain loans through the paycheck protection program. >> it comes as a second round of relief is dwindling. >> griff jenkins live in washington as we learn another stimulus check for americans is under consideration. good morning griffin. >> no surprise perhaps the ppp is running out of money again. lawmakers saying as soon as the end of this week after running into the glitches yesterday, the president praised the effort despite the rough start. >> in 14 days they did more work, more loans in terms of applications and in terms of dollar amount than they did in 14 years. our swift action supported or saved 30 million american jobs at least. >> they said yesterday 470,000 new loans have been approved, 52 billion lenders, 16% of funds appropriated so far compared to the first round was ran dry in two weeks, 342 billion handled by just under 5000 lenders. it comes with heavy criticism, big corporations taking money meant for small businesses. steve mnuchin warning large companies could face criminal liability like shake shack, the la lakers of human the money back but there's going bipartisan support for oversight so minor leader schumer once hearings as republican senator josh holly read this to steve mnuchin yesterday sang corporate greed on wall street cannot subvert a program designed to deliver much-needed relief to small businesses to help keep the lights on. fox news alert discussions on phase 4 are underway, liability protection and transfer of funds and we heard from the white house economic advisor about more stimulus checks but mitch mcconnell says phase 4 will not have non-corona rely a bailout. it is hard to say when this will happen because the house reversed course. majority whip saying they are not coming back on monday because of health concerns. rob: thank you. jillian: donald trump will meet with louisiana's governor to discuss the status coronavirus response, john bell edwards writing, quote, i look forward to having a substantive conversation with donald trump about the response to the covid-19 a break in our plans to reopen additional businesses next month and our ongoing needs, there are 27,000 coronavirus cases, 1800 death, in louisiana. rob: a nice place to be in a couple hours, some parks, golf courses and other recreational facilities will reopen in miami beach. officials say people must follow certain guidelines including wearing face covering, social distancing, violators could face fines. miami beach's first phase of reopening, the beaches will remain closed. jillian: this year's for the july stories will go on at mount rushmore despite the outbreak. rob: the national park service announcing the fireworks display will happen over the monument for the first time in 11 years. was previously canceled over fire concerns. jillian: national park officials acceleration will be based around pandemic reopening guidelines, donald trump has been invited to watch the fireworks. rob: as joe biden faces evidence of sexual assault allegations democratic leaders staying mom on this issue. jillian: tom perez said any candidate should, quote, step aside if they were subject to such an allegation. what about now? rob: joining us to weigh in national spokesman liz harrington. at this point this is just unbelievable to see this double standard. what do you make of it? >> absolutely and if you are looking for standards from the dnc this is the same people who funded the va. i would not look too closely. speaking of hillary clinton imagine the tone deafness when piece after piece of corroborating evidence coming out in support of terror read joe biden is yet to acknowledge them but who does he bring to join him in a virtual townhall, none other than hillary clinton who has a long track record of covering up for powerful men whether it is her husband or harvey weinstein, joe biden has even acknowledged the allegation against him and it is a real slap in the face but he thinks he will get away with it because the mainstream media will give him a pass. jillian: you mentioned hillary clinton, two clips, one from yesterday and one from back in 2018, listen to this. >> we had a president who showed the kind of compassion and caring the we need which joe biden has been exemplifying throughout his entire life. >> why would anybody put themselves through this if they did not believe that they had important information to convey? i want the fbi to conduct a thorough investigation. >> the second clip from 2018 when she was talking about brett kavanaugh. >> it is amazing because we can go back and remember exactly what democrats did in the brett kavanaugh case. it wasn't about investigating or getting to the truth. they held on to the allegation, they could have been investigating it but they leaked it to the press with no consideration for christine ford and certainly no consideration for justice brett kavanaugh and his good name. they so we did, ran through the mud and there was never a single piece of corroborating evidence, no evidence they had never even met and now you have not four people who deny there was ever even a party with 4 little on getting to the patently absurd julie sweat neck allegations but five people are on the record confirming tara reid told them the story at the time which is on its face a lot more credibility than the allegations against brett kavanaugh. rob: larry king phone call as well. let's talk about the endorsement of hillary clinton, joe biden, terry talking about that, slowly clinton has a history of enabling power meant to cover perceptual predatory behaviors and an inappropriate sexual misconduct. we don't need that for this country. what does this do? when you see this become political in this way and you see people run from it when it hurts their party what does it do to the credibility of the me too movement? i think a lot of people that thought hard in me too would be even more angry about this than republicans are. >> that is the real damage and what many people were calling during this movement to say we cannot throw out the presumption of innocence but we need to weigh allegations they come in a fair manner and that is what people are sick and tired of. where's the fairness? where's the equality under the law. we haven't had that with the media hurling false allegations against donald trump or two years accusing collusion with russia when it was actually hillary and the dnc hurling false allegations that brett kavanaugh, not a single shred of evidence and that is what people are tired of and took the new york times 19 days to mention terror read. they ran with julie sweat neck in 19 minutes. >> i want to get your take on this before we let you go, joe biden is expected to name his vp selection panel friday, previously said he would pick a woman as his vice president. if you are one of the names on the list of these women in question who are potential vp pics, would you want this address? how do you feel about this if you are them? >> they all have contradictory statements especially in the senate when it comes to brett kavanaugh but interesting if you look at stacy abrams on another cable network has oregon her talking point from the biden campaign, the new york times already reported on this, so that can be swept aside but they don't mention what stacy abrams mentioned, new york times story was self edited to remove we didn't find any conduct of behavior, sexual misconduct by joe biden other than the unwanted hugging, kissing, touching, smelling of hair, they self edited that. all working with the biden campaign is not going to help replace a bad candidate. >> we will say that joe biden at this point denying all these allegations, thank you so much and we will be right back. i got this mountain bike for only $11., the fair and honest bidding site. an ipad worth $505, was sold for less than $24; a playstation 4 for less than $16; and a schultz 4k television for less than $2. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. i got these three suitcases for less than $40. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. jillian: we are back with extreme weather, powerful storm sweeping through the south and midwest bringing heavy rain and damaging wind. >> a tornado siren blaring in tulsa, oklahoma, 60 million people from texas wisconsin now under a severe weather threat as serious thunderstorms stretch across that region. >> hill the size of tennis balls radiating down in oklahoma. 6000 power outages in oklahoma have been reported. janice dean, you have been busy tracking all the storms, that hail is incredible to look at. >> janice: hundreds of reports of hail and damaging winds across portions of the south and severe thunderstorm watch is in effect, couple reports of tornadoes but with the system it will be the damaging straight-line windss which in some cases can cause damage like a tornado and you can see where we have the severe thunderstorm watches and within that, several severe thunderstorm storms for texas, louisiana towards mississippi so that will be a damaging system through the next couple hours. hundreds of reports of hail and damaging winds yesterday. this line will travel southeast towards the mid-atlantic and even parts of the ohio valley over the next 12 hours bringing not only the risk of severe weather but heavy rainfall so flooding will be a risk. you can see that line of thunderstorms along that front that will sweep across the eastern seaboard in the next 24 hours, the other big story we are watching today on the west coast is the extreme heat, record-setting temperatures for parts of the southwest, way above average, temperatures in the 100 degree range and it is not going to let up until this weekend where temperatures will go down a little bit but still be above average. two big stories, extreme heat across the southwest and potential for severe storms throughout the day today for the southeast towards the ohio river valley. we will keep you up to date, back to you. shannon: thank you so much. >> as america reopened lockdowns are coming to a end across the world. >> countries are slowly lifting restrictions while others are still battling coronavirus. benjamin hall has more. >> reporter: weeks of lockdowns coming to end across the globe where more than 3 million people have tested positive for the coronavirus but countries are taking different approaches to easing the restrictions. in spain and italy people will be able to spend more time outside in the coming days including more vulnerable groups while in france officials will begin to open up stores and museums. countries are taking a gradual approach to prevent a second wave. >> we have to learn to live with the virus given that no vaccine is available and -- >> the new measures sending many people back to work. many businesses will follow social distancing protocols as well as require employees and customers to wear face masks. >> every day $0 going into the bank account is concerning but it is good to see customers again. >> reporter: russia is far from lifting of lockdown with cases surging in recent days. the virus is quickly spreading outside the capital of moscow where people have been under lockdown for a month and the outbreak in the uk is a week or 2 behind other countries. lockdowns there remain in place after 21,000 people died from the virus. >> continuously opening new drive-through centers, for people who can't get to the tests we are expanding home testing to bring the test of them. >> uk health officials say testing will have to increase before lockdowns are lifted. in london, benjamin hall, fox news. rob: coronavirus checks could soon be required for international travelers visiting and arriving in the us, donald trump says the white house is considering taking temperatures of travelers on flights coming from most infected areas in the world which is a lot of them. the president did not specify which countries or when those tests will start. jillian: a new scanner similar to the ones airport security can detect if someone is sick, symptom sense is what it is called, can scan a few thousand people in our and catch symptoms in ten seconds. >> apart from technology that is allowing them to get heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen level in temperature. >> reporter: the long island-based company says thousands of businesses are interested in the scanner, expected deliver the first ones in june. rob: we will be right back. 49...50! daddy, i found you! good job. now i'm gonna stay here and you go hide. watch your favorites from anywhere in the house with the xfinity stream app. free with your xfinity service. now any room can be a tv room. stream live tv, on demand shows 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americans are ready for practical approaches based in humility and trust of the people. he also launched a new campaign website seeking donations was amash left the republican party last july and voted in favor of impeaching the president. those are the details, let's talk about the third-party bid. and there's no way, you don't want to be this year's jill stein. i donated to your congressional campaign, please don't do this. elijah tweeting out the never trumper republicans don't have to vote for joe biden, effectively helping reelect donald trump. sean shining with billionaire bloomberg, look how far he got, must've lost a bet. we will see how this plays out but oftentimes third-party candidates dryer from those -- >> oprah winfrey to deliver a commencement address. >> oprah winfrey is going to be delivering a virtual commencement address for graduating 20/20 class members, this is an online celebration that will be hosted by facebook and instagram. the event will take place may 15th as an effort to make up for the fact that graduating seniors won't get their diplomas in the traditional way. lots of folks are letting this idea. facebook is hosting graduation 2020 and this means i can tell my kids that oprah winfrey was my commencement speaker. you get a diploma and you get a diploma and a suggestion for oprah saying don't make it political, make it inspiring how graduates can do wonderful things with their lives. i'm sure she will do that. other celebrities will partake including jennifer garner, miley cyrus and a lot more. jillian: cool. carley: old town road action. rob: there's not a lot of people flying right now but if you're one of the very few you're getting some love. carley: this is a neat image. ground crews at fort lauderdale international airport showed some love to folks who are still flying, passengers were greeted by signs saying thanks, fort lauderdale, for flying southwest and we love you. this picture is going viral on facebook. marcus says love coming home to a great thing. kelly shining and saying this is why i love southwest. a neat little moment in there is a picture to prove it. jillian: some chocolate chip cookies. carley: i don't remember. i fly southwest open, i don't remember the chocolate chip cookies, they need to bring that back. rob: they did better than most, one airline people like, very rare with an airline. jillian: in the next hour of "fox and friends first," florida's reopening starts today, republican congressman says giving small business a boost is the best way to get back to his prosperity. he joins us live. rob: a spectacular show in the sky, the latest salute for the front lines from a captain from the air force thunderbirds joined us to talk about operation america strong in the next hour. these folks don't have time to go to the post office they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. >> we suffer with one heart but we will prevail. we are coming back and coming back strong. americans are looking forward to the safe and rapid reopening of our country. >> there are a lot of things we have learned so i think we can take a step forward in may and get america back. rob: wednesday april 29th, ready to reopen, a message from one governor to critics who stated too soon to get back to business. jillian: several other states ready to follow suit as us cases top 1 million and the cdc warns a higher death toll. we are live with new development in the covid-19 pandemic. the trump administration says big companies catching on relief funds aren't just wrong but could be criminal. rob: round 2 fund will start to dip into the red. house lawmakers have decided to stay home. what does that mean? we are live in washington. ♪ rob: a song to remind you to sanitize. jillian: the police officer hitting a high note on social media. "fox and friends first" continues right now.


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