Meet Branford's 1st Poet Laureate Judith K. Liebmann At Blackstone - Branford, CT - Celebrating the inauguration of the office of Branford Poet Laureate, meet its first occupant Saturday at Blackstone Memorial Library.
Decisions, decisions.
Some kayakers prefer poking into secluded coves and quiet rivers; others would rather venture offshore amid wind and waves. Exploring isolated locations may be rewarding, but the.
Gov. Lamont announces $9 million in state grants are being released through the Connecticut Recreational Trails Program to plan, build, expand, and improve a total of 50 multi-use trails across Connecticut.
Gov. Lamont announces $9 million in state grants are being released through the Connecticut Recreational Trails Program to plan, build, expand, and improve a total of 50 multi-use trails across Connecticut.