Cukriniu diabetu Lietuvoje serga kas 20-as žmogus. Tai klastinga lėtinė liga, kuri negydoma gali sukelti sudėtingas komplikacijas, tarp kurių – galūnių gangrena ar net aklumas..
Unlocking the Next Generation of Science with Nature-Inspired Materials and Biomimicry
Sponsored Content by PittconMar 2 2021
Nanotechnology and materials science will be critical topics at Pittcon 2021. This article outlines some of the themes that speakers and presenters will cover during the conference.
Image Credit:Shutterstock/VinkFan
Nanotechnology and materials science have played crucial roles in scientific innovation over the past few decades. Nanotechnology involves studying particles and structures in the size range of 1-100 nm, while materials science involves studying the structure and function of materials, often requiring nanoscale characterization. As a result, the two topics frequently go hand in hand.