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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180518

queen today. we're live in england with the final preparations. i'm not really a monarchists. americans are conflicted. >> you're very excited. >> it's fun to watch an american marrying into the british royal family but again we fought a war to end monarchy in this country. >> set your alarm it will be early. good morning, i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. breaking overnight washington post reporting president trump and his allies are ramping up a campaign to undercut the russia investigation by exposing a top secret fbi source. that has the fbi scram scrambling to protect other live investigations and lessen iing e dangers they may face if the informant's identity become known. >> an informant provided information early in the russian investigation. the president doing his part to discredit the special counsel, alleging that his 2016 campaign was spied on, even predicting that an ensuing scandal will be bigger than watergate. this high-stakes standoff pitting president trump and chair of the house intelligence committee devin nunes against the intelligence agencies. chris wray, fbi director appointed by president trump, said this. >> the day we can't protect human sources is the day the american people start becoming less safe. >> the president's lawyer, rudy giuliani telling the press that the president believes some sources have been conspiring against him, also suggesting the bureau might have embedded a spy or two inside the trump campaign. press secretary sarah sanders was asked about that. >> does president trump believe that the fbi had a spy, at one point, inside his campaign? >> i haven't spoken with him directly about that but certainly have seen the reports. and if there is any truth to that, it should certainly be looked into. >> the idea of an informant inside the trump campaign originated with testimony by this man, glenn simpson, co-founder of the firm that authored that unverified dossier on the president. a close source to simpson later said he was referring to someone outside the campaign who contacted the fbi. president trump says u.s. and north korean officials are moving forward with preparations for a summit in singapore next month despite the threats from pyongyang to pull out of the talks over the issue of denuclearization. the president also reassuring kim jong-un he will remain in power if he abandons his nuclear weapons program. but this morning a major reversal from pyongyang, causing further concern about cooperation from the regime. let's bring in paula hancocks live from seoul with this latest news. paula, good morning. >> good morning, dave. we have just heard over the past half hour that north korea has not accepted the visa applications from south korean journalists to go and view the dismantling of the nuclear test site where six nuclear tests have been carried out by north korea. during that summit and the days afterwards, it was announced that would be shut down, it would be dismantled. north korea said they would invite south korean and american journalists to go and witness it, along with south korean and american experts so that they had full transparency, is the way that they described it. but the fact is that we're just hearing from the south korean government now that they have, in fact, rejected or at least not accepted the applications for those south korean journalists. so the government trying to figure out what's going on at this point. even today another north korean article slamming the joint military drills between the u.s. and south korea, the air force drills called max thunder, which happen every year, which the north koreans see as hostile, also specifying if the south koreans don't understand that, that it will be very difficult for the north and south korean leaders to be meeting in the future. as of this moment, though, we do expect the u.s. summit to continue, at least that's what we're hearing from u.s. officials and plans are still being made. dave? >> paula hancocks, so much to dissect there. thank you. >> let's go to washington to talk about this more. what we're hearing, it is not the smooth sailing to denuclearization on the korean peninsula that it felt like it could be even a couple of weeks ago. >> that's absolutely true. but i don't think that we normally associate smooth sailing and anything having to do with nukes. so i'm not really surprised. i think it's really interesting to think about this in the broader context of the different issues that have been raised, the different kind of -- i don't want to say stumbling blocks but hurdles that have started popping up between, you know, the agreement to have this meeting and the meeting itself. i don't think this will be the last stumbling block here. i don't think this will be the last surprise. hopefully, a dialogue can stay open and that this doesn't jeopardize the talks. we've been pretty close to talks before, but they haven't happened. >> we just don't know so much about that country and what's happening inside that country that one wonders if kim jong-un has been moving forward with the global stage but there are elements inside the country who are more entrenched. >> that's what it feels like. >> north korea is not really known for its transparency with the press, right? >> at all. at all. >> we know this. kim jong-un is arguably the worst human rights abuser in the world, imprisons people, kills family members and we're going to guarantee his security? i mean, the world is a safer place without nuclear weapons but imagine guaranteeing his security. at the heart of yesterday, breanna, some miscommunication between john bolton and president trump. we're less than a month out from this summit. does it appear that the president is full read in on the subject? he had no idea what john bolton is talking about with chris wallace. >> it's interesting. because i feel like, you can really plug in is president trump plugged in with -- insert name here -- on a variety of issues with a multitude of people in his cabinet and in his administration, right? is anyone ever really on the same page in this administration? this is a story that we talk about again and again with a variety of topics. i'm not really surprised that that's happening. i don't think that many people were. he has a month to get in on this. it's a complicated subject. if he digs down and does his homework hopefully he will share up prepared and be on the same pa page. i think coming in with a united front and having a plan in place and a specific plan in place and goals, hopefully his penchant for negotiating will come in handy here. >> china is a big player in this as well. the united states is trying to do a big trade negotiation with china at the same time, the enabler of north korea. you've got three dimensional chess going on in this way. we heard from the chinese foreign ministry that, no, no, no, we're not going to buy $200 billion more of american goods. that's an untrue rumor. there's a lot flying around here about these trade negotiations, breanna. >> yes. and obviously you probably know better than any of us. how would they get to this $200 billion number, right? no one needs $200 billion worth of soy beans and i don't think that they need a whole lot more cars from us. where would these big-ticket items come from anyway? i'm not surprised to hear that china is saying, whoa, what? where is this coming from? >> they want high-tech exports that legally we can't sell them because of laws aft s after tia square. >> word seems to be coming out of the fbi spied on the trump campaign with an embedded informant. it's all caps. you have to read it with emphasis there. probably no doubt they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign. if so this is bigger than watergate. here is rudy giuliani on that very subject on thursday. >> i'm shocked to hear that they put a spy in the campaign of a major party candidate, or maybe two spies. now i'm going through my brain. you know, i was a big part of that campaign. i'm trying to figure out who was the spy. >> yeah. >> i'm wondering, was it this person, that person, this person? if there's a spy, they got nothing from it. >> breanna, is it a spy or is it a source? >> you can't write this stuff. i think it depends on who you ask, honestly. it depends on who you ask. the fbi is saying they have a source who has helped them with this investigation and i think the major point here is revealing sources could compromise not only this investigation but ongoing investigations within the fbi, and future investigations, right? we're thinking about this in the broader context of, you know, other investigations and just even larger in the iran deal, right? if america pulls out of that, what does that say to our foreign partners if we start revealing who sources are in investigations and really important investigations for national security and things like that, then in the future are sources going to trust our law enforcement? right? this stems so much further than just this investigation. >> yeah. and the reporting is that this u.s. citizen, who is a source, not a spy, has provided information over the years to both the fbi and the cia. so, just another effort to undercut the investigation. breanna williams thank you. we'll check in with you the next half hour. >> if you thought meeting your in-laws were tough, welcome to megan markle's world. her mom meets the queen today. and now we know who is walking meghan down the aisle. breaking royal news. man: one, two, here we go! ♪ alive, i'm alive, i'm alive ♪ ♪ i'm alive, i'm alive, i'm alive ♪ ♪ this is what it sounds like ♪ wo-o-oh-ho, i'm alive ♪ ( ♪ ) alive! gives you more vitamins and minerals than leading brands. because when you start with more, you own the morning. alive! new! garden goodness™ multi-vitamin has a full serving of veggies and fruits. new! garden goodness™ multi-vitamin wearing powerful sunscreen? 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[cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. new ensure max protein. in two great flavors. >> just one day to go before prince harry and megan markle tie the knot. and we just learned who will walk meghan markle down the aisle. mystery solved. this is now the modern monarchy, divorced future king of england walking down divorced biracial american add windsor castle to marry prince harry. it's just wonderful and the new -- the new royal family, i guess. >> it's so exciting. this was really one of the last pieces of the puzzle that we were all waiting for. you know what? it wasn't what people were predicting. the kind of bets were dorian raglan, meghan's mom or even prince harry himself. it's prince charles, that he doesn't have any daughters he gets to walk a bride down the aisle. prince philip, the queen's husband, had to walk the queen's sister, princess margaret, down the aisle once before. this isn't breaking with tradition there. we're finding out more about the lemon elder flower cake breaking with tradition again. it isn't a fruitcake that we were expecting for a british royal wedding. while it sounds delicious it's a bit calorific. 20 kilos of butter, 44 pounds i'm told by your very clever american producers who did the math for me, and the same amount of sugar. that said, even though it's 10:00 in the morning here, i'm getting pretty hungry. >> and again, the breaking news, prince charles will walk meghan markle down the aisle. >> you called it. you predicted it. >> four hours ago. women are having a hard time when people say who is going to give her away? why are we giving women away? >> walking her down the aisle. hawaii's erupting kilauea volcano spewing ash 30,000 feet into the air. officials warning everyone in the area to stay indoors after handing out nearly 18,000 masks. volcanic activity expected to linger. several fissures reactivated overnight in leilani estates. stephanie elam has more. >> reporter: 4:00 in the morning when a plume came into the sky about 30,000 feet they estimate. they've not been able to look inside just yet but scientists do believe this was in line with that steam event, the lava getting below the water table, lava and water mixing, causing thee eruptions. while that's happening, there are still the residents living in leilani estates and gardens. it looks like we're on a different planet. this is the first real look we've been able to have to see what it's done to this neighborhood. it doesn't even look like homes were here. this was a road. you can see the power lines down and the sea of lava. this road used to drop off, i'm told. now it's rising up into a mountain of molten rock that is still steaming. you can still hear the crunch of the rocks underneath us and these massive fissures that are opening. it's not clear if they will turn into the fissures that will ooze gas and then lava but still this is what people in the neighborhood have been watching, to see if it will engulf their homes. in some cases it has already done that. christine and dave? >> thanks, stephanie. you are about to witness the single greatest home run trot in the history of baseball. lindsay czarniak is here with the bleacher report. those moments, you can't get enough of. nd shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. at t-mobile, we're committed to keeping military families connected. then momma ninja asked her littlest baby ninja, did you finish your dinner? so in honor of military appreciation month... active duty and veterans get half off select samsung galaxy phones. it's abor it isn't. ence in 30,000 precision parts. it's inspected by mercedes-benz factory-trained technicians. or it isn't. it's backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isn't. for those who never settle, it's either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned, or it isn't. the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event. now through may 31st. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. (snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. capitals drop another game at home. >> lindsay czarniak has more in the bleacher report. hi, lindsay. >> capitals do not do well with high expectations. alex ovechkin. the moment they get into a situation where they are expected to achieve greatness, it just doesn't happen. alex ovechkin knew the importance of taking one more game before going back on the road. pregame, all focus. they're two wins away for a chance to play in the stanley cup final. tampa a 2-1 lead. capitals were able to hang in there. ovechkin on a goal that tied it at 2 and gave the areason wra new life. but tampa scored the game winner with eight minutes left. alex ovechkin was so frustrated, he takes the stick, bangs it on the goal there. neither team has won at home. now tampa will be the first to try to do that first in the series, currently tied at two games a piece. losing one game is one thing. how about losing every game in the nfl season? that's what the cleveland browns did. yesterday hbo announcing browns will be the subject of hard knocks. if they rebuild around their top draft pick baker mayfield they decided they'll put it all on display. gm john dorsey was against this idea when asked about it last month but then after sitting with people and hearing more about it, he actually thinks this would be good for his organization to show fans how hard they are working to win. i know you have an opinion about this, dave. christine you probably do as well zblie actu well. >> i actually don't. >> awful idea. >> when you have a guy coming into the league -- >> 0-16 you needless directions. >> they're going to take it and run with it. we'll see how baker mayfield does with this situation. we've got to show you this video right now. an incredible moment that happened on the baseball field after -- look at this kid. he's amazing. he hit a home run. he plays for a league called the league of guests. you can see the excitement. billy has down syndrome. an awesome moment for him. it's so important because this league focusing on inclusion and self. esteem. look at how he and his peers are reacting. >> sports rule. that's what makes sports so beautiful. really good stuff. president trump and his allies are reportedly trying to expose a top secret source at the fbi, part of an effort to undermine the russian probe. the bureau scrambling to minimize the paulout. fallout. do you want $4.95 commissions for stocks, $0.50 options contracts? 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>> i haven't spoken to him directly about that. i certainly have seen the reports and if there is any truth to that, it should certainly be looked into. >> the idea of an informant inside the trump campaign originated by testimony from one glenn simpson co-author of the firm that oufred the dossier on president trump but a source close to simpson said that he was referring to an informant from outside the fbi. >> let's start with the fbi source or fbi spy or fbi two spies, i guess, if you're rudy giuliani. this is exactly what the trump team wants to use to try to discredit the russia investigation overall. >> absolutely. and there is a difference between a spy and a source. sources come to the fbi all the time with tips that are very helpful. as director wray said when we start compromising those sources, their safety and their identities, it's a bigger issue, right? we can't send that message to sources in other investigations and the post reported that in recent weeks to try to guard against potentially the source being revealed in this case, they've had to start, you know, looking at other open investigations and making moves to protect those investigations, those sources, people involved with them. if nothing bad happens, there was no misdeeds in the election, everyone would agree that no one's lives should be put in danger over it. right? >> yeah. and the 2018 chicken or egg question is did the president get this story from fox or did fox get the story from the president? it doesn't really matter. here is what rudy giuliani said on "fox & friends" yesterday morning. >> i'm shocked to hear that they put a spy in the campaign of a major party candidate or maybe two spies. and now i'm going through my brain. you know i was a big part of that campaign. i'm trying to figure out, who was the spy. >> yeah. >> now i'm wondering, was it this person, that person or this person? if there's a spy they got nothing from it. >> wow, that's just mind boggling stuff. rudy giuliani went on to say if there was an informant that it would render the mueller investigation completely illegitimate. is that right? >> well, i mean, it's interesting because constantly they're trying to come at different angles to show that the mueller investigation is completely illegitimate. this week it's one spies or two spies, maybe we'll get up to three spies, five spies. that's this week's flavor of the week for why the mueller investigation is corrupt and pointless. as of one year anniversary, paper is the gift for one year anniversary. we've seen multiple charges levied against multiple individuals and companies. we've seen, you know, guilty pleas. we've seen people sentenced. there's not no here here with this investigation. and, you know, i don't think that we've seen -- we've definitely not seen the end of it yet. >> speaking of tw completely different narratives, that's also the situation regarding north korea, less than a month way from that singapore summit. it appears there's major miscommunication or misinterpretation between the president and his own national security adviser regarding what they plan to do with denuclearization on the peninsula. here is john bolton and then president trump and a big difference between the two. >> we have very much in mind the libya model from 2003, 2004. there are obviously differences. the libyan program was much smaller. but that was basically the agreement that we made. >> the libyan model isn't a model that we have at all when we're thinking of north korea. in libya, we decimated that country. that country was decimated. there was no deal to keep qadhafi. the libyan model that was mentioned was a much different deal. >> what we have here is failure to communicate. how do you explain the difference between those two? is the president just thinking that the libya model is what happened in 2011, regardless of the denuclearization, taking away their weapons of mass destruction, et cetera? >> i think this, again, is just another, you know, flavor of the week. this is the miscommunication of the week, right? we've seen this time and time again over the last 17 months. president trump thinks one thing and somebody in his administration says something else. and, granted, this is a very fast-moving, very complicated, very big issue. and we're a month out. they still have a lot of time and a lot of things they need to hammer out. in the next month they definitely need to get it together and have a unified message and unified goal heading into these discussions with north korea. >> not just unified but informed. mike pompeo talk about how well read kim jong-un was. we just hope that the president is well read and ready for this summit. >> breanna williams, thank you so much. have a wonderful weekend. >> you, too. sticking with north decreea major reversal from pyongyang causing further concern. paula hancocks is live in seoul. there was a moment where north koreans had invited in american and south korean press to show the dismantling of a nuclear facility. and now? >> that's right, christine. now we're hearing from the south korean government over the last hour that north korea has not accepted the visa applications from those south korean journalists. so they were expecting to go to the nuclear test site in the northeast of the country. it's where the six nuclear tests have all taken place. north korea made quite a show about it, saying that they would go to dismantle this nuclear test site, shut it down and invite south korean and american journalists and experts into the country to be completely transparent, to show exactly what they were doing. now we're hearing that those visa applications have not been accepted from the unification ministry. now they're trying to figure out what this mean. we're also hearing from state-run media that the north koreans are still angry about that max thunder joint military drill between the u.s. and south korean air forces. it happens every year. the u.s. says it's defensive. north korea does not see it like that. they're also saying if the south koreans don't understand that they do not want these military drills it potentially will be very difficult for the two leaders and the regimes to be meeting in the future. so certainly we're seeing a fair bit of pullback from the north koreans. christine? >> thank you very much for that, paula hancocks for us in seoul this morning. trump administration is expected to set a new rule aimed squarely at planned parenthood. clinics that perform abortions or even discuss the option with patients will not receive federal funding. this new white house policy would force thoclinics to be performed in different facilities if they're to keep their federal funding. sergei skripal has been released from the hospital. stay with cnn for more on this story. around 1:30 a.m. this morning, miami-dade police say the suspect was actively shooting in the lobby of the hotel, yelling about president trump. we are told he draped an american flag over a counter. the fire alarm was also set off. authorities think it was an attempt to lure officers into that lobby. the suspect is hospitalized at this hour. no word on his condition. >> ahead, if meeting your in-laws was tough, welcome to meghan markle's world. her mom meets quooent today. ter, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. man: one, two, here we go! ♪ alive, i'm alive, i'm alive ♪ ♪ i'm alive, i'm alive, i'm alive ♪ ♪ this is what it sounds like ♪ wo-o-oh-ho, i'm alive ♪ ( ♪ ) alive! gives you more vitamins and minerals than leading brands. because when you start with more, you own the morning. alive! new! garden goodness™ multi-vitamin has a full serving of veggies and fruits. ♪ and the battery is dead. again... uh-oh. you need a new phone. and you deserve it on the best network. verizon. plus right now you can get a great deal. oh, we're going? 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(snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. 24 hours and 13 minutes until prince harry and meghan markle tie the knot. breaking news this morning on the wedding and who will walk miss meghan down the aisle. what will be a true 2018 fairy tale, good morning, anna. >> reporter: hey, dav. it will break with all the traditions. prince charles will be walking meghan markle down the aisle. and as we spoke about, it's really quite extraordinary when you think about charles, the future king of england, divorcee, meghan markle is also a divorcee, mixed race, american actress. it's breaking with many, many traditions and shows how much the royal family has modernized in recent years. never forget that the queen's nkle had to abdicate the throne because he wanted to marry an american divorcee. prince philip will be attending the royal wedding tomorrow. there's some concern he did have hip surgery a couple of months ago. we've had lots of news there. and fine colorful details on the day itself. the wedding cake, it is lemon and elder flower cake. we knew that. tess not a british fruitcake. what we didn't know is how much is going in it. 20 kilos of sugar, 44 pounds, i'm told. and, again, the same amount for butter. sure, it will taste delicious. but it won't do anything for anyone's waistlines. >> it sounds delightful, though. enjoy the royal wedding. our coverage starts at 4:00 a.m. thank you. >> meghan markle's mom land yesterday -- wednesday. she has had time to catch up with time zone differences. >> after this wedding is what's called the fa cup final, one of the biggest soccer cup matches on the planet. >> that's right. >> it will be hard to secure this entire -- >> excitement overnight. u.s. officials say china on the verge of buying $200 billion more in u.s. goods. big concession, big win for president trump if it's true. because beijing this morning is throwing cold water on that report, calling it an untrue rumor. in washington, this is round two of trade talks between the u.s. and china. officials say china offered -- u.s. officials say china offered to buy more american goods, slashing the trade deficit by 200 bil. china denies it, says, no, we're still negotiating. that top line number matches what the u.s. demanded in beijing. if it happens, china may strug toll buy $200 billion in u.s. goods. it bought $130 billion last year, the two biggest products planes and soybeans. china is its second largest market for boeing. or it could eliminate tariffs on u.s. farm products. also unclear, what china wants in return. the u.s. is working to lift a crippling ban on chinese tech giant zte. u.s. stocks closed down for a few reasons, tech stocks fell, bond market, ten-year treasury yield is at a seven-year high, raising concerns about rising inflation and interest rate hikes. americans are shopping at walmart, both online and in person big time. walmart's overall sales grew last quarter. online sales jumped 33%. walmart working hard on its digital investments. part of a larger plan to shift perception of its brand. it wants to appeal to younger, wealthier customers, the kind that shop at amazon. the royal wedding is tomorrow. and the wedding of prince harry and meghan markle could cost tens of millions of dollars beyond the price of the wedding itself. cleaning statues, fixing roads and, of course, security. that's expected this ring of steel of security around this event is expected to be $40 million. who is picking up the tab? well, you know, the royal family will pay for much of the wedding. uk taxpayers will shoulder much of the security costs and we're told megan markle will pay for her own dress. estimates from the design gurus and savvies say it could be anywhere from $150,000 to $200,000 for the cost her dress. >> you've got to be kidding me? >> and prince harry will wear something more subdued. >> pretty regular suit, no tux? >> maybe. speaking spanish is not the only thing, it turns out, that angers aaron schlossberg. >> what country are you from? who are you? i'm going to call the police. you don't run into people. i'm a citizen here. you're not. you're an ugly [ bleep ] foreigner. [ bleep ] you. >> he had a couple of bad days. there's more that he wants to talk about, perhaps, or does not. wants to run away from. more, next. into retirement. and market volatility isn't top of mind. that's because they have a shield annuity from brighthouse financial, which allows them to take advantage of growth opportunities in up markets, while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so they're less concerned with market volatility and can focus more on the things they're passionate about. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial- established by metlife. ♪ ♪ bring all your apps to life on a cloud that runs on premises. ♪ ♪ the ibm cloud. the cloud for smarter business. give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. new ensure max protein. in two great flavors. new ensure max protein. 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels.e giving venture cardholders brrr! i have the chills! because of all those miles? and because ice is cold. what's in your wallet? if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. (snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. hawaii's erupting kilauea volcano spewing ash 30,000 feet into the air. officials warning everyone to stay indoors after handing out nearly 18,000 masks. overnight several fissures reacti reactivating with lava flows in leilani estates. more now from stephanie elam there. >> reporter: it was an early morning whack-up call as kilauea continues to erupt. it was just after 4:00 in the morning when a sharp plume came into the sky about 30,000 feet, they estimate. they've not been able to look inside the caldera just yet. scientists believe this was in line with the steam event, the water getting below the water table and water and lava mixing, causing these eruptions. while that is happening there's still the issue of people living in leilani estates and gardens. it looks like we're on a different planet when you get to see up close what the lava has done inside the estates. this is the first real look we've been able to have to see what it it's done to this neighborhood. this road used to drop off, i'm told, but now it's rising up into a mountain of molten rock that is still steaming. you can still hear the crunch of the rocks underneath us and these massive fissures that are opening, it's not clear if they will turn into the fissures that will ooze gas and then lava, but still this is what people in the neighborhood have been watching to see if it will engulf stephanie elam in hawaii, thank you. the first drug to prevent chronic migraines approved by the federal drug administration. patients given this once a month. three others are expected to win approval by next year. several pills from preventing migraines are being tested. the racist rant in new york city has done it before. two new videos emerging involving this attorney, aaron schlossberg. willie morris bumped into him on a sidewalk when this happened p ppd. >> i'm going to call the police. you don't run into people. i'm a citizen. you're not. you're an ugly [ bleep ] foreigner. [ bleep ] you. >> e-mails from massachusetts. >> i don't mean to laugh. isaac saul said he yelled at him accusing him of being a fake jew. he caught up with schlossberg. cnn has called and left messages with his law firm. yes, he has a law office. the landlord says it is terminating his agreement with him. >> he can back pedal, but can he back pedal on these racist rants? >> "new day" has you covered. chris enters views rudy guiliani and alisyn camerota is in windsor. have a great weekend. >> it looks like the trump campaign may, in fact, have been surveilled. >> they will make any claim that serves the president. they are not backing up any of these claims. the american people have a right to know the entire scope of an investigation into the guy they elected president. >> the day that we can't protect human sources is the day the american people start becoming less safe. >> donald trump owes it to the american people to answer questions. >> we had the first communications. it was a good faith attempt to really narrow the focus. ♪


Grand jury indicts man accused of killing 20-year-old for $20, dumping body in waterway

Over four years after a boater discovered the skeletal remains of missing 20-year-old Baba Said at the MLK Park Riverside Marina, a grand jury has indicted the man charged with his murder for a second time.


Woman captured after luring man into home and killing him in 2019, U.S. Marshals say

Woman captured after luring man into home and killing him in 2019, U.S. Marshals say - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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Mother of man charged in 2019 murder says he's innocent

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — This week, U.S. Marshals arrested a woman accused in a brutal 2019 crime. But another suspect charged in that crime, Jalen Braden, is out on bond, and his mother is maintaining her son was manipulated and is innocent. Police say in 2019, Breanna Williams, who was then 15, lured Baba Said to […]


Woman arrested by marshals in 2019 murder case

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A woman was arrested Wednesday in the death of a man who police say was robbed, murdered and left in a ditch in 2019. Breanna Williams was allegedly involved in a robbery and shooting that resulted in the death of Baba Said at a residence in the 1400 block of Amarillo Street. […]


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