There were fears of violence but the event was largely peaceful. Our reporter heard from both sides. Kristy. Reporter these groups were separated by busy Stephens Creek kblvld. Except for a few instances they stayed apart but counterdemonstrators across the street did far outnumber those here for an antisharia rally. Im concerned about sharia law coming into this country. He said he joined because hes worried. I know its knot here yet but if you look at europe, it is there big time. It really is there. You got sharia court, you have parallel authority. He says hes not affiliated with any group but he joined others in antisharia rallies across the country. Though many disagree, the southernport law Center Designated ate as an antimuslim hate group. Im upset about that. He says hes not antimuslim. Theyre saying that theyre marching against sharia but that is code for marching against muslim. Supporters held signs. This is the executive director of the Bay Area Office of the council on is