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reeva steenkamp because thinking it was someone else. he said he shot while he was not wearing his artificial legs. then he felt horror and fear when he realized his 29-year- old girlfriend was not in bed. prosecutors accuse pistorius of cold-blooded, premeditated murder. they say he put on his prosthetic legs during a valentine's argument, walked across the room, and pumped four bullets into the bathroom where steenkamp was cowering. the model and graduate gath -- family gathered. for the funeral. >> we're her family. but there's only one thing missing. it's reeva. >> reporter: steenkamp often campaigned against domestic violence. her brother hopes her message will remain strong. >> we will try to continue with the things that she tried to make better. >> reporter: pistorius said he was deeply in love with his girlfriend and that she died in has arms, after he bashed in the bathroom door with a cricket bat. he faces life in prison, if convicted of premeditated murder. >> reporter: tina kraus, wjz eyewitness news. >> pistorius faces the harshest bail requirements available under south african law. his hearing continues tomorrow. a surprise move today in the case of a perry hall teen accused of shooting a classmate on the first day of school. jessica kartalija is live in the newsroom with more on the plea. robert gladden enters the plea moments before his trial was to begin. >> he pleaded guilty in the shooting of daniel boroughy. -- daniel borowy. he used his father's disassembled shotgun. he seriously injured 17-year- old daniel borowy. gladden's attorney spoke to his family after the plea. >> they're satisfied with what happened. i explained to them what the circumstances are. they have been very understanding people from the beginning. >> reporter: gladden also pleaded guilty to using a firearm in a violent crime. mary? >> okay, jessica. thank you. gladden faces a maximum of 40 years in prison, when he is sentenced on monday. invasion of privacy. the investigation is expanding into a johns hopkins doctor, who is believed to have been secretly videotaping patients. police say 54-year-old dr. nikita levy, committed suicide in his towson home monday. he was fired on february 8th, when an employee reported that he was using his personal camera to take video and pictures of his patients. baltimore police, along with federal prosecutors, are part of this investigation. city police are setting up a tipline for information about this case. parents can call 410-396-2269. wjz will have much more on this still-developing story live tonight at 5:00 and 6:00. a breakdown in the system. an update from baltimore city police, from the training incident that has left a recruit fighting for his life. investigator mike hellgren tells us what went wrong that resulted in the trainee being shot. >> reporter: educational and physical fitness training will resume today. the commissioner, though, said protocols were ignored. >> everyone who was involved in that chain of command is on suspension at this time. >> reporter: the police commissioner said policies in place to keep officers safe during training were not followed. leading to a trainee, getting shot in the head during an exercise last week. >> we've had a major procedural breakdown in our system and we're moving very quickly to correct those, to ensure that our employees are safe. we're going to do a comprehensive look to lookald how we use guns, how we use tasers, how we use expandable batons. not just in training. how we use these weapons in every facet of policing this city as a whole. >> reporter: wjz investigations have revealed the training was not properly supervised or staffed. and our sources say the officer who pulled the trigger, william scott kern, mistook his service weapon for a training weapon. >> this weapon that we carry on our hips, they are not toys. they're not here for games. they're not here for play time. we have a very serious job. and we have tremendous responsibility. >> reporter: maryland state police is leading a criminal investigation while baltimore city police look into the procedural breakdown. with deputy commissioner jerry rodriguez leading the investigation for the city. >> we will peel back that onion, with the -- the goal of never, ever, having a situation like that happen here again. >> reporter: the injured trainee is an officer for the university of maryland baltimore police. the commissioner said he's been by his bedside and talked to doctors who say he is progressing better than expected. at the training facility, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> and new at 5:00, you'll hear from the new director of the training economy, -- academy, major joseph smith on his priorities. a delegation of lawmakers in cuba today. five senators are asking raul castro to release the maryland businessman to improve relations between the two countries. gross is serving a 15-year sentence for bringing communications equipment to the communist country. cuba said it is willing to release the 63-year-old. but in return, it wants washington to return five cube arn intelligence agents imprisoned in the u.s. heated words today over the proposed gas tax. maryland house republicans say the state needs better management of transportation revenues, not more taxes. senate president mike hiller responded by calling them neanderthals in terms of their thinking. the bill would put a 3% tax on a gallon of gas. miller's proposal would make it harder to use in other budget holes. well, it sounds like a hollywood action film. but for police in belgium, the robbery of millions of dollars in diamonds from a plane is very real. venita neyer -- vinita nair reports for wjz. >> workerless placing concrete barriers at brussels international airport, after a massive diamond heist. investigators say eight masked gunmen, dressed like police officers, broke through the fence monday night and drove two cars onto the tarmac. the men snatched an estimated $50 million worth of diamonds from the cargo hold of a plane, scheduled to fly to switzerland. >> the operation at the airport has tan exactly three minutes. so this was a very quick hit ask run. very well organized. >> reporter: they had flashing blue lights. i they held a pilot, copilot and other workersa the gunpoint. these people are, indeed, very well aware of what they were doing and what they were looking for. >> reporter: police found a burned-out car near the airport and say it was probably used near the heist. the swiss plane was carrying passengers. but authorities say those on board could not see what was happening underneath, near the cargo area. venita neyer, wjz eyewitness news. >> airport officials say they are trying to figure out how such a major security breach could happen. wet and cold day outside. yep. it's gray, damp, chilly. we'll talk to kristy in a second. but first, meteorologist bernadette woods is here with a look at live doppler radar. bernadette? >> well, mary, you saw the mix of snow in the middle of it. and now rain. still a few areas of rain. those are slowly moving to the east. and this is associated with a front coming through. you can see the darker colors. that's an indication that there may be sleet and a few snow showers mixed in with that. but for the most part, this has been a rain event that we have been dealing with. and that's going to continue. temperature-wise, we're still way above freezing. 44 in baltimore. 49 in patuxent. closer to 50 degrees. as we head into tomorrow, with the winds leaving us, winds turning around to the northwest. it's going to bring in dryer, but colder air. we'll have the forecast coming up. >> let's check in on our roads now. with kristy breslin, see how the wet roads are affecting traffic. >> reporter: yes, definitely affecting traffic. it's going to be tricky. and we're dealing with a couple of accidents at this hour. east side inner loop, a traffic accident there at route 10. also route 100. watching another crash there, richie highway at 270. the right lane is blocked off. in baltimore city, an accident at light street at pratt. as far as delays go, watch for some slowing there from 95 to liberty road. on the top side inner loop, a lot of slow traffic there, beginning at the jones falls expressway, going over to harford road. average speed, about 32 miles an hour. and of course, a delay on northbound 295, due to the accident there at 100. it goes from 175 over to the beltway, on the southwest side. let's now take a live look. as you can see, not a bad drive for you there on the beltway, at baltimore national pike. although we are showing a bit of volume. this traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, call 1-800-the firm, or visit them online at for your free consultation. ravens are raising ticket prices for next season. but ravens say the ticket increase was planned and has nothing to do with their super bowl win. this is the first increase in four years. and only the 6th since the stadium opened back in 1998. tickets will go up about 10%. the ravens are also expected to announce a plan for improvements and renovations to their stadium. season ticket holders should look for their renewal letters in the mail this week. well, still ahead on wjz's eyewitness news, at 4:00. [ screaming ] >> a screaming, kicking windows and cursing. you'll be surprised to find out who is being restrained in this fort worth police car. i'm rong matz. ron matz. at boys latin, it's dodge for a cure. a unique fundraiser to fight cystic fibrosis. the story coming up here on wjz. nearly three years after the deadly gulf explosion. an oil spill. a judge gets tough on the well's owner. and we just looked at it. here it is again. a wet, gray chilly afternoon. and colder air is on the way. don't miss your updated first warning weather forecast. ooh kfc. hey, you're supposed to wait for everybody. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. announcer: a little time. a little exercise. a little laugh. a little help. man: he might be in danger of not making to high school this year if he flunks math. and we--we just can't have that. announcer: a little bit of your support can make a big difference for matches like these. just ask this high school freshman. start something today at startsomething. sphib . it is 44 degrees and raining in central maryland right now. complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. some west virginia lawmaker the want tougher regulations to one town's pipeline. in december, a 20-inch gasline ruptured, triggering this massive fire. several homes were leveled. no one was hurt. the ntsb said the line erupted because it was old and deteriorated. west virginia's governor said that it is in compliance with federal pipeline guidelines. and lucky to be alive after surviving a plane crash. his plane went down in mississippi and he walked 10 miles to a local restaurant to get help. he was disoriented when he arrived and had trouble explaining to people what happened. the faa is investigating. a big day on wall street. [ stock bells ringing ] the dow flirted with a new high today. let's take a look. the dow is up 54. and a new five-year high. the s&p is up 11. and that the also at a five- year high. the nasdaq is up 22. let's go to new york right now, where alexis christoforous has tonight's cbs money watch update. talk of more corporate deal makings sent stocks higher. the stock market is now on track for its 7th straight weekly gain. shares of office depot and office max soar after talks of the two possibly merging. it would be the latest on a string of buyouts on wall street. google tops $800. this comes nearly a year after it crossed $700. they say it shows a rise of confidence in the company's leadership. and confidence among u.s. home builders sliped this month, from the 6 1/2-year high it reached in january. a survey found many are reporting less traffic by customers before the critical spring home-buying season. and microsoft is upping the ante in the e-mail wars. they have launched a $30 million for its e-mail service, starting today, all of microsoft's e-mail services, like hotmail and msn will automatically be converted to along with old users and contacts. but you will still be able to use your old e-mail address. that's your money watch. for more go to in new york, i'm luxury lex. i'm alexis christoforous. a unique fundraiser. and it will bring hundreds of people together saturday. ron matz reports. a determined family in local schools contributes to thousands of dollars being raised to fight cystic fibrosis. >> reporter: it's dodgeball for a cure. molly tango and her sister bridgeet came up with the idea when their mother, 44 years old, died of cystic fibrosis. >> my mom passed away four years ago from the genetic disease cystic fibrosis. she fought hard every day. >> it's been a big part of our lives every day. we like to give back because they did so much to help my mom. >> reporter: stacy was a devoted mom and a nurse. the players know the importance of what will happen here saturday. >> my brother was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at a younger age. and since i was young, i started pushing awareness for cystic fibrosis. >> reporter: saturday will bring 12 schools and 248 participants here to boys latin, all to raise money to benefit cf. >> this event is big for us because we can give back to them and help them raise more money. >> reporter: in memory of a woman who touched thousands. >> she just had a positive attitude and lived every day to the fullest, like it could be her last. and she never let cf bring her down. >> reporter: ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> ron, thank you. besides the dodgeball tournament, there will be food, music, prizes and ralphs. -- raferles. the dodge for a cure will be held until 8:00. tiger woods might each be jealous -- even be jealous of several lucky shots. nine students at the pga north carolina sank nine putts at the same time. [ laughter ] now, reality check. it did take them 28 tries until they finally caught it. but they caught it. and you can see, they had different camera angles to capture the shot. let's watch it one more time. that is pretty cool. hole in one. that's what they usually say. nine holes in one. coming up on wjz's eyewitness news at 4:00. death by spontaneous combustion? the bizarre story is coming up. harlem shakes. hockey players. one new york high school team takes the craze too far. and it costs them. oh, boy. and it is a gloomy, rainy afternoon. meteorologist bernadette woods is updating your first warning weather forecast. wjz 13 is always on. for the top stories on for instant updates and first warning weather all the time, click cbs all right. taking a live look outside. lots and lots of cloud cover out there, bernadette. >> not the prettiest of days. we had a few peeks of sunshine earlier today. clouds came n. mix of snow, sleet and rain. mix of rain for most of us. this has primarily been in the form of rain. and all of this off to the east moving away is in the form of rain. but here's the front. you can see with it, there are brighter colors. what we think that is indicating, a pulling down colder air. maybe a sleet mixed in. snowflake. as this makes its way across the state. and after that, turn around to the northwest, pick up. and we will start to dry out. let's take you back through this event here. here's that look earlier today. we had that sun come in. then everything mixing over to rain. and starting to move away. out west, winds have already turned around to the west. and they are starting to pick up. a little farther east, they're still out to the south. and that's the warmer wind for us. then we've experienced some lately. still below average. but at 44 degrees here in baltimore. close to 50 in patuxent. and dropping to 34 now in oakland. that's been our high today. 44 degrees. you can see the average is 46. we're slightly below average. may still pack a few degrees onto this. but as soon as the front clears this, we have another round of cold air on our way. here's how that looks right now. pretty large inside. you can see on the northwestern side, there's the snow. that's where the colder air is. and as it connects, even colder air in canada, right now, starting to move down into the northern plains. that's going to spread our way. so here's how that comes together. the front moves away. winds turn around to the northwest. and this is the kind of colder air that is going to make its way in. now, we won't be in the single digits. but you get the idea. we're back below average significantly for the increase couple of afternoons. things start to calm down somewhat on friday. but -- thursday. but then on friday, we start to see clouds come back in with a new front. this is friday into saturday. may see a mix at the start of this one also. but again, it's looking primarily to the rain as we head into the weekend. forecast comes together like this on those waters. we do have small craft advisories in effect through wednesday afternoon. that will be replaced by gale warnings. those are going to pick up. tonight, all of this moving away. breezy out there, going down to 29 degrees. and tomorrow, windy and colder. high of about 37. but the wind chill will make it feel like it's in the 20s most of the afternoon. mix of sunshine and clouds. maybe a flurry or two. then we stay chilly a couple of days before that next storm gets here. and we'll keep you updated on that. next few afternoons. >> this has been a perfect mix of precipitation. >> it has. and the snow lovers, we're just not getting it. >> not at all. whatare -- are we? like inches? >> i think we're still below 5. >> wow. >> average of 20. >> wow. thank you, bern. well, don't miss tonight's cbs primetime lineup. at 10:00, it's a new episode of "vegas." then stay tuned for wjz. lots more ahead on wjz. at 4:30. cleared of any wrongdoing. so why is general john allen retiring, as top allied commander in afghanistan? odds are, one in 70 million. meet a mother who beat them. another shooting spree in california. and so far, four people are dead. eyewitness news at 4:00 continues with denise and it's 4 children 29. 44 degrees with light rain showers. hello, everyone. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. i'm vic carter. >> and i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking about. police are investigating wild sprees. four people are dead, including the gunman. edward lawrence reports for wjz from tustin, california. police cars are parked outside a home in ladera ranch. investigators say it began as a domestic dispute. shortly afterward, there was a carjacking. the driver was not injured, but a bystander was caught. minutes later, this time, the driver was killed. a third carjacking followed. driver was killed and the passenger was critically injured. several gunshots on the freeway, while the suspect was driving on the freeway. or he had stopped and got out of his vehicle, and fired rounds at passing motorists. police have not given a reason for the shooting. >> police followed him to the city of orange. when they tried to stop him, he shot and killed himself. in tustin, edward lawrence, wjz eyewitness news. >> the shooting spree lasted about 25 minutes. the man charged with slapping a 25 -- a toddler is in court today. >> reporter: hundley is due in atlanta court today for a hearing on an assault charge. witnesses say he was drunk when he called a 19-month-old boy the "n" word, during the resulting argument with the child's mother. hundley allegedly scratched the boy, scratching him on the eye. once news of the incident went public, hundley was fired from his job at an idaho aerospace defense company. hundley's lawyer said his client is not a racist and that he is being unfairly portrayed. if convicted, he could spend up to a year in prison. >> the victim's family is still drying to decide whether to sue hundley. police are asking for your help to solve a murder on the campus of umes. this is a picture of the car police are looking for in connection with the fatal stabbing of edmond st. claire. st. claire, a junior biology student from severn, was stabbed over the weekend during a dispute with several men. no arrests have been made. wjz was on the university of maryland eastern shore campus today. we'll have more at 5:00. tough talk today from president obama. people will lose jobs if congress does not step in and prevent automatic spending cuts. >> reporter: president obama called in police and firefighters to help him talk republicans out of letting steep spending cuts take effect. >> this is not an abstraction. people their jobs. >> reporter: they kick in march 1st. they were designed to be so severe, that they would force lawmakers to reach a budget deal. but they haven't yet. and now, the president is asking for a short fix to reach a compromise. >> there is a smarter way to do this to cut our deficits without harming our economy. but congress has to act. >> reporter: republicans say the government is already too bloated. and higher taxes should not be part of this equation. >> some say it will hurt the economy. even though most agents should be able to weather them. >> most can manage this without harm. i don't mean it won't be painful. it will be. >> reporter: some say it will be painful for lawmake you -- lawmakers. >> when that happens, they're going to come and say, we're sick of this. let's get together and do something smart. >> reporter: lawmake -- lawmakers will have just a few days to stop the automatic spending cuts when they return next week. at the white house, danielle nottingham, wjz eyewitness news. >> the automatic cuts total $85 billion. military alone will see a $46 billion cut. former illinois congressman jesse jackson, jr., faces up to five years in prison for using up to half a million dollars on campaign purchases. it could also cost him his pension, worth about $frenchment he resigned after years in congress. state lawmakers move a step closer to labeling pit bulls as inherently dangerous. now are they are reviewing ail bill that holds all dog owners responsible, regardless of breeds. dog owners would also be allowed hearings to prove their dogs aren't dangerous. this is a move dog advocates call discriminatory. very gray and wet area. there is still no sunshine. rain may be sticking around for a while. wjz has weather and traffic together. bob is here with first warning weather. bob? i had rain, snow and sleet. earlier. it's all moved to the eve. but it's one line of showers yet to come through the region. we'll see that between now and about 6:00. could be a brief little bit of sleet with that rain as well. after that, we'll start clearing out. temperature-wise, it's well above freezing. 44. but to the west of us, 32. now in oakland. 41 in hagerstown. they do have some cold air coming aloft. that's why even at 40 degrees, you can still see some sleet, maybe reaching around. but it will certainly melt with these mild temperatures. now, tomorrow, we get behind this front. and windy and colder conditions back into the area. winds up to 30 miles an hour. makes it feel like 25 and 30. rather than the midafternoon. but we'll see sun. let's check on the roads now with kristy breslin at wjz traffic control. we still have a lot of accidents out there. the rain definitely not doing any favors out there. eastbound inner loop. another there at 100, with a delay back to 175. other accidents include light street at pratt. wilkens at caton avenue. and pulaski at clinton road. as far as delay goes, traveling on the west side inner loop, that's been a steady delay most of the afternoon so far. delays continue 95 to security boulevard. and if you're traveling on the top side inner loop, that's just crawling along there, from the jones calls expressway. traffic still moving at 30 miles an hour. let's take a live look. you can see, we definitely have a slowdown there. and another look. not as bad there. but things beginning to slow down there at baltimore national pike. this traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, call 1800 of the firm or strz them online for your free consultation. back to you. a texas family welcomes four bouncing baby boys. but they are not technically quadruplets. doctors say the brothers are actually two sets of identical twins. doctors say the odds of this kind of birth are 1 in 70 million. the parents, already feeling lucky, have picked out their names. >> we just decided it would be easier for the family to keep up with the order that they were born. so we decided to stay with the abcd theme. and our 2-year-old son, being named memphis. we thought, let's kind of get something like a little vegas theme going on. and we decided to go with ace, blaine, cash, and dylan. >> the four boys, who were, and this is amazing, conceived without fertility drugs, are all doing fine. two sets of identical twins, without fertility drugs. what are the odds? well, i told you the odds. >> that is incredible. no matter what, they have four mouths to feed. and four babies to take care of. controversial discount. how a gun helps you save money on pizz -- pizza at one restaurant. hip replacements. where they -- why they perform better for men. healthwatch, just ahead. and not a ray of sunshine around. outside, it's kind of gloomy and wet. bob is updating the first warning forecast. a settlement is reached for the civil penalties of the gulf oil spill. a judge has approved transocean's agreement with the justice department to pay $1 billion for its role in the nazzive 2010 oil spill. last week, a different judge approved transocean's criminal peb appellate. they will pay an additional $400 million. transocean owned the deep water horizon oil rig which exploded and sank in the bp well. approving general john allen's request to retire from the military. this decorated officer whose military career began. >> he won't go forward. the 37ination has been shelved due to a pentagon investigation into e-mails allen exchanged with a civilian woman who was linked to the scandal that forced cia director david petray us to resign. allen has been cleared of any wrongdoing. president obama says allen is retiring so he can address family health issues. vic? >> jessica, thank you. general allen is a graduate of the u.s. naval academy in annapolis and was the first marine corps officer to be commandant of midshipmen. off-duty cop. his extreme reaction to the arrest is now making news. and monika diaz explains. [ screaming ] >> reporter: screaming... kicking windows. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] >> reporter: and cursing. you can't see the man sitting in the back seat of this fort worth police patrol car, but it's andrew peterson. the sag november police officer -- saginov police officer resigned after allegations of abuse surfaced during his arrest let a fort worth hotel for public intoxication last month. his outbursts were caught on police dash cam video. i >> i will beat [ bleep ] >> out of control, mumbling his words be, lash being out at officers. the tirade got worse as each minute passed by. [ bleep ] >> get me out of here! >> hey. you're a police officer, right? >> get me out of here, dude. >> what do you do when bad guys kick out your window? >> get me out of here, dude. >> that'sag whoot going to happen to you. do not take out the window. >> and i won't. and i will not. get me out of this police vehicle. >> reporter: on the way to jail, peterson remained calm. but then he would get angry again. >> hey. kicking the window. >> i apologize sir. >> reporter: but the apology didn't last long. there isn't audio from the jail. but according to police, the verbal attack against officers and staff continued. it all ended when officers put peterson in the holding area. weeks later, he lost his job. >> peterson had only been with the force for six months. with an unlikely boost from steven steelberg's movie "lincoln," the state of mississippi is finally ratifying the 13th amendment, which outlaws slavery. they made the move in 1995, but never filed with the national archives. and this is the wrong video, unfortunately. state educators began looking into the amendment after spielberg's movie was released. they saw the error and corrected it. a virginia beach business owner is offering up a discount to gun owners. the pizza shop is showing support by offering 15% off pies to gun owners. all patrons have to do is show they are carrying a weapon or show a permit. the offer began after a utah frozen yogurt shop made headlines earlier this month, for also giving gun carriers discounts. >> oklahoma police, investigating a mysterious death, have come up with a rare theory. they are looking into whether or not a 65-year-old man died from spontaneously bursting into flames. family members found the man dead inside his home. his body was burned. and it had incinerated. now, the fire did not damage the house. and there were no signs of a struggle. an autopsy report is pending. in today's healthwatch, the latest research on hip replacements find female patients face a higher risk of needing a follow-up surgery than males. >> reporter: 62-year-old linda dorman had her hip replaced last month. >> i had a lot of pain when i walked ed. and i couldn't make my leg work right. i didn't have the right kind of gait. >> a new study in the journal of the american medical association, finds women who undergo total hip replacement surgery face a 29% higher risk of implant failure within the first three years than men. researchers explain, faller implants involve a smaller ball in the socket, which can dislocate more easily. >> females have a propensity to get smaller implants because of the size of their bone and the size of their structure. >> reporter: the study also showed women who had metal on metal implants had almost twice as many problems as men. >> it may be that they're more sensitive to the medal -- metals that are breaking off into the blood stream. >> reporter: more than 300 undergo the hip replacement surgery every year. majority of those operations, 98%, are successful. >> reporter: still, the food and drug administration says more testing should be done to find out which works best on women's bodies and will last 15 to 20 years. >> it's not like you can go to a consumer reports magazine and find out, which is the best toaster, which is the best hip? >> reporter: can you lift that leg up? >> linda had her surgery six weeks ago. and already feels a big difference. >> i don't have any pain. i don't have a limp anymore. >> reporter: she's enjoy her newfound mobility and not worrying about the future. in los angeles, edward lawrence, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, the study looked at more than 3500 patients who underwent total hip replacement surgery. 57% of the patients were women. and the average age was almost 66 years old. a new york hockey team is facing punishment after they broke out in dance moves in the locker room. >> reporter: this high school harlem shake video begins like so many others, with one person grooving. >> do the harlem shake. >> reporter: but when the rest of the hockey team got into the act, it was soon game over. >> i don't think we deserved to get kicked out of the play- offs. >> reporter: brian birmingham was one of the players taking part in the sexually explicit and inappropriate display of dancing in the hockey locker room. one player was wearing nothing more than a strategically placed thought. >> what was the thought process behind it? >> just to do something fun as a team, and follow a trend that was going through. >> but after this hit the internet, school administrators yanked the team from the play- offs. >> do you think they went too far? >> it was close. it wasn't that bad. i know you tube wouldn't let it stay up there if it was that bad. >> reporter: it's a bit shocking. >> reporter: cory's dad craig said the punishment was a bit much. and e-mailed the school saying sexual connotations are part of our culture and protected by our constitution. >> the school is looking to educate students on what is wrong right. and i don't think this is educating them. >> reporter: ry we reached out to the hockey administrators from both schools, but no one got back to us. >> reporter: with their season suddenly over and possible suspensions under way, players say they'll -- >> think twice about putting things on the internet. >> reporter: a costly but necessary lesson in this age of social media. >> a meeting has been scheduled with parents who are upset over the school's decision, to discuss what if any options they may have. michael jackson's oldest son may be the source of news. he is now a guest correspondent on entertainment tonight. he has completed his first assignment with the stars of the upcoming film "ov: the great and powerful." has famous father played the scarecrow in the wiz, with diana ross. prince said he would eventually like to become a director, producer, screern writer and/or actor. and you can see entertainment tonight, at 7:30. breaking news in anne arundel county. let's go live to captain jeff long. >> reporter: good evening. this scene is quickly clearing up. this happened about 4:20 this afternoon. a van ran into a bus at the intersection of mountain road. and newtown road. in glen burnie. just near barley station mall. they got the bus out at the intersection. and traffic is looking pretty good now. reporting live from sky eye chopper 13. i'm captain jeff long. back to you. >> for any injuries that we know of? i guess not. today was not the prettiest of days. and it is going to be a chilly night. bob has the updated first warning weather forecast co copd makes it hard to breathe but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at a little rain moving through the region. take a look at temps now. it's well above freezing. as auto been most of the day. south/southwest winds at 18. humidity, 79%. barometer holding steady. 29.72. it's colder out to the west. hagertown, just sleet with rain. 39 there. 32 in oakland. much milder on the eastern shore as you can see with light rain activity. 43 in rock hall and columbia at 45. westminster at 43. we have a southwest wind. but just to the west of us. just west of blue ridge. the winds have gone out to the west. that is going to bring in colder and yes, dryer air, into the region. yesterday, chicago was in the 40s. now they're 15 degrees. minneapolis, 7 to 6 below. that cold air, not that cold. but we will chill down here over the next 24 hours. why? because of low pressure across ontario and quebec. drac dragging this cold front ahead of it. mild air. that's why we got into the 40s. off to the north now. shower activity, east of us now. and that last little line of rain moving through. maybe a touch of sleet. sunshine returns tomorrow. we'll have a chilly, dry wednesday and thursday. end of the week, a chance of a little mix. and then shower activity again by the weekend. west winds, really gusty up there. 30 knots. and a gale warning, late tomorrow. bay temp, around 38 degrees. so tonight, look for the rain ending after a few showers and clearing, down to 29 overnight. things should dry out quickly. 37. that's all tomorrow. breezy and colder with a mix of sun and clouds. i think we have a lot more sun. but it's going to certainly feel cold, with winds 25 to 30 miles ran hour. and temps only mid-30s. it's going to feel like 20 degrees tomorrow. dress for a cold but dry wednesday. okay? >> i'll do it. thank you, bob. still to come on eyewitness news. a teenager who shot up his school on the first day enters a plea. i'm rochelle ritchie. i'll have the latest on robert gladden, jr., coming coming up increase, a surprise plea. the trial for the teen charged with shooting another student is over before it started. the punishment, robert gladden is now facing. a baltimore gynecologist, secretly videotaping his patients. i'm ardam may. outrage from the women who trusted him. and what was he doing with those videos. that's coming up. >> reporter: breakdown in the system. i'm mike hellgren at the police training facility. and i'll have the commissioner's candid comments on what went so wrong, with a trainee getting shot in the head. check in for these stories and all the day's breaking news. eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. suicide. and secret videotapes. johns hopkins gynecols, accused of taping his patients! tonight, why the feds are now investigating. hello, everyone. i'm vic carter. >> and i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. the invasion of privacy could be worse than first reported. numerous patients at johns hopkins may be victims. even though the doctor in the middle of it all is dead, the investigation is just getting under way. wjz is li


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