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Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20141101

people fall onto their car. of thatr now is part crime scene. i'm sure -- not sure how long let them get will to their car and get home. we won't know what it was all were, how many people shot. we do know that they -- these two witnesses did see two people fall. the shots seemed to come from the corridor. we also saw one of our photographers saw one being taken into custody, being cuffed about ath and e street, block away. in the meantime, lots of unanswered questions. information. we are waiting to have clarification from the police chief, on the scene. gets back to us, we will get back to you. for now, we're live in northwest d.c. >> we will check back in with you shortly. also in d.c., a frantic search attacked a police officer with an ax. the terrifying picture you see close the shows how blade got to the officer as he sat in his patrol car. ago, d.c. police raised the reward to $10,000 for to anation leading arrest. out in theice back brooklyn community, passing out neighbors,vassing trying to track down the man who axried out this horrifying attack. an attack so frightening, it edge.rick-or-treaters on >> we're going in a big group. we'll all stay together. not justct that it's some random act kind of makes me feel a little bit better. say theyt, police believe the officer indeed may have been targeted. offappened in this alley quincy street. the ax-wielding man struck and just inchesnded from the officer's head. it comes a week after a hatchet-wielding man attacked officers in new york city in what's been called a terrorist attack. >> but the attacks we've seen in or three months, we're on extremely high alert. of these radical organizations, terrorist are very vocal about targeting first responders. >> it's unclear what the motive may have been in this attack, officers have stepped up patrols and they're hoping you can help. call us. >> and happening now in county, an investigation into a serious crash. 13 people were hurt, including five children. it happened on norwood road near in sandy spring. the good news tonight, none of the injuries were life-threatening. >> we heard horrible things when we were at the carnival. there was a terrible accident, cars. really bad. and so we were scared coming out. then to realize that, you know, it's somebody we know that was involved, it's really scary, really horrifying. >> your husband? >> that's right. yes. >> he was screaming my name. was -- i don't know. he was just looking around. i'm so glad they had their seat belts on. >> first responders echo what told us there. all 13 people involved in this crash were either wearing seat in a car seat. officers tell us that saved lives today. >> no doubt. now, new at 11:00, trouble for men'siversity of maryland lacrosse team. one player is on indefinite suspension and a coaching been dismissed, all of this stemming from an assault investigation happening right now. and strong words coming from the team's head coach. diane is live on the story for us. diane, what is the coach saying tonight? >> well, leon, we'll have more of that statement here in just a moment. but we since learned that both students have turned themselves in. they're now facing assault charges in this case. 20-year-old matt rambo was a high school all-american according to his bio. but now the sophomore has been indefinitely from the men's lacrosse team. former player brian cooper has also been dismissed from the team after the alleged assault. the team's head coach says on being anded student coaching assistant at the university until he finished his degree. to court documents, it stems from aing fight that took the early morning hours on the 22nd of this month in the of college it states that cooper was in an argument with the victim and several other students. what theesn't say argument was overment investigators say -- investigators say cooper knocked the victim unconscious, adding that the victim suffered abrasions and a broken nose. >> that shouldn't be happening. student athletes should be role models on campus. >> the team's head coach issued a statement saying in part, we hold our student athletes to a high standard and they are expected to represent our program and university that, quote,adding we will continue to cooperate fully with the investigation. students we talked to tonight they were pleased with how the coach handled this. >> a lot of athletes that are good, that they're -- there are some that it goes to their heads. shame that -- to have a lot of opportunity and for it to get wasted that way. >> and that statement also goes on to say that because it's an ongoing investigation, they have further comment at this time. both students are scheduled to in court on november we're live in college park tonight, diane cho, abc 7 news. >> all right, diane. you. the man accused of kidnapping uva student hannah graham aneared in court on unrelated charge out of fairfax county. jesse matthew appeared via video from the albemarle charlottesville regional jail. charges forgned for a 2004 assault in fairfax city. thehew's attorney asked judge if his client could jund go a psychiatric evaluation, but the judge did not issue a decision on that. matthew will be back in court in two weeks. now, a pilot is in critical condition after afternoon's crash of virgin galactic's spaceship desert.he mojave the pilot survived after escaping with his parachute. his copilot died in that crash. the investigators from the ntsb are now headed to the scene. of private spaceflight say that incidents like this one are similar to in theasa experienced early days of apollo. >> some of them are going to fail. i think one, maybe two or three, are going to succeed. there.ll go from >> an eyewitness said spaceship two blew up after separating and firingther ship its engines. the mother ship landed safely. today's test flight was the first, using a new type of fuel. >> a legal victim for a woman fighting a quarantine order. the judge rejected the state of to keep kacipt hickox at home. she recently returned from treatedeone where she patients for ebola. despite testing negative for the virus, the state of maine wanted hadder isolated until november 10. the judge disagreed but said she must continue to monitor her temperature. a perfect night for trick-or-treating across the area. in georgetown, the crowds are out in full force to sell wrait wrait -- celebrate the holiday as they do every year. meteorologist steve rudin has made his way back indoors. he was hanging out in the alexandria all evening. hey, steve. >> it is a lot warmer in here and temperatures are beginning to cool off to the west of us. already in the 40's out in dulles. county,o montgomery frederick is now at 45 degrees. martinsburg now at 49. you can see the showers beginning to approach from the west. martinsburg, winchester, showers will arrive inside the capital beltway during the early morning hours. we will see areas of rain 8:00 tomorrow morning, temperatures in the 40's. move a wholeng to lot in terms of temperatures. winds on theusty way tomorrow afternoon. by sunday, wow! change.ig more on that coming up in just a few minutes. seventalk about the next days. if you don't like it super cold, we have a warm-up on the way too. all the fun and costumes comes an important parents tonight. prince george's county police seized several boxes of candy marijuana. officers don't believe it was meant for kids but still they're urging you to take a really at your chill's candy -- child's candy tonight. parents responding to this news? >> that's exactly what a lot of parents and kids are doing. inside the bags, checking and making sure tre's nothing in there that shouldn't be. about voicing concern this marijuana-laced candy. it's one more thing for parents to worry about. >> happy halloween! >> harry potter is here too? the annual costume pursuit of sweets. >> oh! you are! >> you have to start, you know, attention to what the kids consume nowadays. >> with a twist. marijuana.just like police putting out a warning this halloween night about cannabis-laced candy. >> what do you think about something like that? >> paige, out with her one-year-old daughter summer, says she's pretty shocked. like roots with names beer float are legally made in colorado. proudly says it's lab-tested for 100 milligrams of thc. >> just hoping it doesn't get into her bag, because i don't want something like that for her. theolice don't think cannabis candies are specifically targeted at they want parents to carefully inspect bags after trick-or-treating is done. scary. really i'm glad my kids are older. >> at a time when police x-rays bags and parents are checking more carefully too, the notion of candy in-laced circulation does have a lot of moms and dads that much more wary. it's time-consuming. you pretty much have to look at now. little piece of candy >> it's hard to put into words. children?do that to they're defenseless. >> yeah. and it is a bit of a headache, but after all, parents say they want their kids to be safe. found severaly've boxes of these candies, but no suspects described. police just want to make sure everyone is aware of the situation. richard reeves, abc 7 news. >> now at the white house, we know about michelle obama's push foods.lthier but trick-or-treaters who went to the white house probably didn't get candy, right? >> you might be surprised what was inside these special treat boxes that the first family handed out. or not, theit holiday shopping season is officially here. where you can get black friday >> let's get to some new information on that breaking chinatown. out of >> d.c. police chief is speaking now. let's listen in. 10:15, we had a very heavy police presence out here. shots were fired down the corner of 7th and f. officers very quickly were able of people that were likely involved in that, so we have some people stopped right now. have recovered some weapons. right now, we have three people that are struck. we have all non-life-threatening injuries. we don't know the connection. all the people that were struck. we have one that struck in the arm, shoulder area. two others with graze wounds. everybody appears to be adults were involved with injuries. we have -- the people we have if they'ren't know adult or juveniles at this point but we do have at least one and we do haved some people stopped that we're talking to. literally police everywhere. i have tripled the police presence down here for halloween. corner,ce are on every and all up and down the block. kind of shocking we would have to takebrazen enough some shots. >> how did it start? is thaturth street, something to do with this as well, fourth and h? >> we have a person who has some sort of injury, looks like a cut or graze wound. we don't know if he may be scene or not,s just a couple blocks away. but we have detectives down there right now. on. early but, again, there's literally 25 police officers on this block right. >> that was the chief talking about the investigation into a triple shooting happening right northwest washington. stay with abc 7 and we'll have updates on this breaking news throughout this evening and, of course, all night online. now, a new name joins the debate. name a bishop released a statement. calls the team's name undeniably racist. lived in minnesota for 18 years and says she shares a familiar bond with those to protest at sunday's game. chorus ofhe joins a people calling upon dan snyder to change its name. >> well, 7 is on your side now with a consumer alert, because black friday, of course, is away, but some stores are starting the deals tomorrow. that's right. saturday, increases its deal of the day to walmart, target and kohl's are shipping andfree additional specials on certain items. the early deals are partially the delivery disaster last year because brutal weather brought shipments to a screeching halt and deterred thousands of shoppers. >> that did mess up christmas lot of people last year. so this time around, beat the weather. early.l start >> it's snowing -- it will be snowing in the higher elevations. let's take a look at what's going on. -- this is a this is a holiday costume he wore for, what, maybe 20 minutes or so? this is what he looked like this morning. i love to see your pictures. follow me on twitter and we'll show your pictures online. 46 degrees at dulles. in martinsburg. we're at 46 at gaithersburg at this hour. lows will fall to around 40 to 45 degrees. winds out of the north. to increase as we move into the early morning hours. the reason why, area of low weathermaker out in the west. can you believe they're talking area?snow in the detroit also across parts of indiana. all this moves our way. we're not looking for snow here. however, tomorrow is just going to be a damp and raw day with on and off showers, periods of rain. of this will be out of here as we move into the late hours of saturday. goingen by sunday, we are to look for more sunshine. take a look at our forecast for you. we are going to look for that are generally going to hold in the 40's and 50's for the day tomorrow. we're going to look for improving conditions for the end of the weekend. here's a look at our futurecast for the next 48 hours, looking for showers for the day tomorrow. periods of rain. is all of the energy transferred off the coast. this lifts off toward the north and east. will increase out of the northwest. that means a very blustery and in but the cool weather, the cold weather, it's not going to last long. do have warmer temperatures on the way, and we will see the in d.c.emperatures here by early next week. tomorrow, periods of rain, breezy and cool. 48 to 53 degrees. saturday outlook, we are going to look for daylight saving time. that's late tomorrow night. i should say early sunday morning. look at the sunset time tomorrow, at 6:08. by sunday. sunset time will be at 5:07. we are going to call for going tores that are generally hold in the upper 40's. we are going to look for improving conditions as we move week.he mid-50's on monday. back into the 60's on tuesday, and thursday. look at those nighttime lows. we'll be around freezing come early monday morning. >> all right. sounds good. thank you very much. >> speaking of numbers, how number 10? >> exactly. i know we're in the spirit, but performance doesn't scare anybody. he'll be taking the snap on sunday, but will he snap >> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> well, thanks to frozen pizza, won't see quarterback deangelo hall anytime soon, in his kitchen, trying to heat up a microwave pizza. back into surgery tendon.chilles hen -- he for robert, the pressure is back on. the first-rounder met with the media today. if hes don't be surprised seems a little nervous. >> my job is to make it not about me. i don't feel like it is. it's about this team. it's about us going to get a win on the road and going into the feeling great. i'm sure i'll be -- there will be a little bit of nervous field,out there on the but you turn that into good. it kind of makes you feel human. want to >> and it's been seven weeks since rg3 has played in a real situation. he's been looking good in practice, but that's not the game. along with the nerves, this guy a little rusty when he gets out there. >> if there was any rust, i've the guys.lked to all this is a game that we need. we need to win it going into the bye week. so i have a great defense. to their house, and we've got to play well. guys tog to lean on my help get me through this game. thehe tests keep coming for terps. get this. the terps haven't beaten penn 1961.since they played each other 37 times. penn state has won 35 of those games. but will you ever be able to call this a matchup or a rivalry? terps head coach randy says nope. got to win, to have any kind of a rivalry. you've got to win games. thing we haven't done here at the university of maryland. kindu're going to make any of arrival, there's got to be wins on our side, to be able to happen.t >> all right. friday night lights, high school football taking center stage tonight. to d.c. playing.d belu this is abdul adams of wilson. takes the handoff. much room.d cuts back across the field. safe. and he takes it in for the score. 36-14 was your final. big test at face a penn state while navy hosts notre dame. a bign abc, we've got college game. west virginia hosts dcu. p.m., it's illinois at ohio state. game.rvous about that a lot of good stuff. >> good deal. >> thank you, robert. how does the first family celebrate halloween? a few lucky people got the mess in washington - made worse with dan bongino. a tea party supporter endorsed by sarah palin. bongino will take away social security's guaranteed benefit and fight against equal pay for equal work legislation. the post calls bongino "polarizing" and "highly partisan." no wonder the post endorses john delaney "one of the most impressive new lawmakers." family man, entrepreneur, and independent problem solver - r jobs, to protect veterans and equal pay for women. i'm john delaney and i approve this message. after filling out their hogan iquestionaire, aight. hogan was awarded an a- from the nra. but now he refuses to release his responses. the nra opposes comprehensive background checks. they want to weaken maryland's gun safety laws. even support letting suspects on the fbi terror watch list buy guns. on gun safety and terror, the nra is wrong. hogan gets an a- from the nra. on protecting maryland, we just can't trust him. >> trick-or-treat time across the area. armored trucks fly open, money out into the highway. read all those stories at >> what kind of candy do you think the white house gives out for halloween? some lucky trick-or-treaters got to find out this afternoon. the president and the first lady personally put these halloween kids.s together for right in front of the white house. each box of treats included -- up -- white house hershey jelly, orange and black beans, a white house sweet cookie, and beau and sunny baseball cards and in a galabama threw apple, just for health's sake. black jellyof those beans do you think they'll find on the lawn >> aw. how cute! >> that's what i wanted to tell you about earlier. the strawberry i told you about. there was a parachuter, dancers. was happy down there. this is on lee street. they had anywhere between 2500 3,000 trick-or-treaters, every single year. you go one block over, it's a town. no pun intended. >> ha ha! that block, let me tell you, it was wild. the kids had a lot of fun. but as the time went on, it got a little crazy. showers tomorrow, unsettled weather, colder on sunday. good.y >> that's it for us tonight. jimm >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- andy samberg. from "the view", rosie perez. our half and half halloween pageant. and music from the flaming lips and fwends. with cleto and the cletones. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. whoa. hi, there.


Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20141108

>> downtown in san jose with the story new tonight at 1 :00. p peggy? >> reporter: neighbors have spotted these drones hovering outside their condo building. they've seen the drones at the 9th and 13th floor, places where you'd never expect to see prying eyes, especially electronic ones. according to neighbors in one happen jose high raise, that's true for the peeping toms. >> the camera was blinking. that's how -- it seemed from the pictures it was a go-pro. >> one of his neighbors was in her tenth floor condo about 10:30 at night when she noticed a blinking l.e.d. light outside of heroin doe. >> we saw a guy with her device that he was looking at, so we think that the image from the camera that's on the drone, he was able to look at those images live. >> it's not the first time a man and his drone had been seen outside of the building. and when neighbors realize they might be being filmed by the drone, they, too, took out their cameras and snapped these pictures. you see the man holding up his drone pre-flight. in his other hand, some kind of remote monitor. the drone looks surprisingly similar to this drone advertised as a live video camera drone. it can send back a live feed to your smart phone from up to a third of a mile away. >> so far we know that a couple of residents have gotten photos. and i hope that that will really spawn an effort to have an opportunity to catch this guy. >>. >> reporter: san jose councilman says police can make an arrest is someone is spying with a drone. >> it seemed like the drone had flashing l.e.d.s on it. >> reporter: neighbors here are already feeling par for identification. >> one of the residents had all of his windows covered because they don't feel comfortable anymore. >> reporter: that's right. of course, keeping the drapes closed, the window shades down, right now, there are no laws regarding drones next to residential buildings. but authorities say they would fall under the same types of laws such as invasion of privacy. >> it's a sign of the times, thank you, peggy. now, to a developing story in downtown san jose. a friday night shutdown. streets remain closed as pg&e crews work into the night to restore gas into this area. the area has been closed most of the day after construction workers ruptured a major gas line. at this hour, 40 customers, all of which are businesses, are without gas services. it's a big loss for these businesses which is usually a busy friday night. a man has been arrested this evening in connection with a disturbing discovery. early this morning, a homeowner called police when he found a wounded man bleeding on his doorstep. officers blocked off streets near drakes bay avenue to investigate. this is just south of good sam hopt. as part of the police arrested another man, mark plant, for weapons and narcotics violations. offices aren't releasing any information on the victim or his injuries. >> also in the south bay tonight, a hope for dozens of students murdered in mexico. it was found today about 120 miles south of mexico city. they were last seen more than six weeks ago when they were handed over to a drug cartel. the father of one of those students lives in san jose. their plight has prochtmpte cross country march. offices arrested three gang members who confessed to killing the students. federal authorities accuse a local mayor of ordering the capture of those students in cooperation with the drug cartel. he vanished without a trace. it's been exactly one week since a young tech developer disappeared. he was last seen on halloween night. his friends and co-workers are desperately looking for him. live in the san francisco area where ha lived and authorities are taking this very seriously. >> reporter: yes, they are. in fact, friends and family say this is not like dan ha. that's why they spent the entire day and prt of tart of the nigh passing out these fliers in hopes that someone has seen him. >> through the fliers, we hope to get to a point where we can actually get someone to speak and come out and figure out where he's actually at. >> dan ha's whereabouts are a mystery tonight. but the determination to find him is strong. >> he would let someone know. if he was going through a crises, he would let us know. >> reporter: the only thing the young stanford grads friends and family know is that he was last seen by his roommate on hall wreen around 10:00 p.m. the day before, he left work early with a headache. he e-mailed his boss saying he was going to work from home. >> the strategy is trying to figure out, like, how many people from different cities we can get this to. >> reporter: they are doing that through social media. fliers and the use of technology. they showed us the ping on the cell phone that could show his last whereabouts. they checked the security footage from that location and they thought they had a lead. >> we saw someone dressed similar to how he was described in the red sweatshirt with the same colored hair. so we're really hoping that that was going to be positive and it turned out being questionable. >> ha's family is on their way to san francisco to help out in the search. another organized search is planned for tomorrow here in fropt front of his apartment building in the 300 block of brandon street at 3:00. reporting live, cheryl herd, nbc bay area news. >> well, a high profile battle that lasted several months and millions of dollars is now over. ro khana conceded tonight. >> i just called congressman to congr congratulate on his victory after a hard fought campaign. i wish him well as he returns to washington for another return. >> so what now? honda says he's not done. he'll seek e seek another term in two years. as for rokhana, no word yet on his future plans. there's controversy surrounding the vote in silicon valley. a whistle blower came forward worried that votes were lost due to problems with the county's computers. also being looked into is the county's i.t. manager who abruptly resigned right before the election. up to 106,000 ball lots still need to be counted. a final tally won't be ready for several weeks. >> no alcohol or drugs were involved in the death of robin williams. that is the conclusion from the final autopsy report released today. williams died e died from as sx ya. he may have been depressed at the time of his death, but it wasn't caused by alcohol or illegal drugs. williams was suffering from the early stages of parkinson's disease. jerry seinfeld shoged his father and mother e fans today when he said he has signs of autism. jean? >> janelle, people here at the studio teach students new skills. they say jerry seinfeld should get us talking about how people can succeed. >> they can be low verbal, nonverbal, all the way up to the high end aspies, who are very verbal. >> teaching skills to teens and adults who were on the autism spectrum. a spectrum comedian jerry seinfeld says applies to him. >> i don't see it as dysfunctional, i just think of it as an alternate mind set. >> he struggles socially, only feeling comfortable with comedians. >> the only kind of people that i feel completely relaxed around. every other social interaction i have is sm what omewhat of a management. >> reaction to zrksz einfeld's claim he's autistic is getting mixed reaction. >> but i'm very happy that jerry seinfeld has opened up the conversation to say hey, look, there are these other guys on the spectrum. >> while autism is a scary diagnosis, his clients are more like you than you think. >> varied aspects of autism through difficulties that other people have routinely. and that's definitely a good conversation to have. it makes the things that autistics encounter, it makes them understandable. >> reporter: this team says understanding autism opens doors to learning and living. then they start to grow out on their own. get a job. >> their 19-year-old autistic son is in college and living away from home. one of many success stories they hope people will learn about because jerry seinfeld started a conversation. >> and, here, they're hoping more people start talking about creating more opportunities for autistic aadulthoods. reporting live, nbc bay area news. >> i'm not getting calls back from nibble. and it's just been an absolute nightmare come true. >> next at 11:00, a south bay's man's cherished childhood memories disappear. >> and a dog stolen and later thrown in the trash. tonight, the emotional reunion with one lucky chiauau and healthy owner. >> some people aren't happy about plates at their restaurants. >> already seeing a little patchy fog in the morning. some warm temperatures on the way for the weekend that might be surprising you. as we head towards next week, i'll have a look at the forecast when we come right back. [phones rings] it's amanda. hey sweetie. what? okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just use citi popmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. hey sweetie...cancun, yeah no, you'll be spending spring break with your new chemistry book. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more. the package got to the bay area, but it never got to his house. whether it's man or machine, he says there's a delivery problem with the u.s. postal service. >> right before this holiday rush, the post office is now looking into its complaint. here's nbc bay area's ian cole. >> brian cooper moved to the bay area for work. he's originally from georgia where all of his family lives. and even though he's been here for a year and a half, he is terribly home sick. >> these pictures mean a lot to me. >> this is the only thing i have. >> he only has a few photos of his famtly. >> how are you? >> i'm good, sweetie. >> and to bring home to him, cooper's mom acceptability him thousands of pictures from his childhood. originals. >> not every picture is on an iphone. >> but the package never arrived. according to the tracking number, it took four days to reach california for georgia scheduled for delivery on october 24th two weeks ago. but it never left the richmond distribution facility. cooper fears the worst. >> i'm not getting calls back from anybody. and i wanted's just been an absolute nightmare come true. >> uch.s.p.s. spokesman says th siet is highly mek canized. he says it's probably still there. and finding it is now a top priority. >> the key executives at the highest level of our districts is looking into this matters. >> online message boards show hundreds of others experience similar problems. ruiz says they'll investigate to see if there's a trend. >> i'm not sure if we have a systemic problem or a problem with this particular package. >> just condition replace this stuff. >> as cooper continues to unpack the few pictures he does have, he's messing home and wishing, tonight, it was a little closer. ian cole, nbc bay area news. >> a bitter story with the happy ending here. a chiwauwau is home tonight. someone stole kaylee seen here from her owner's car in august. last saturday, someone found the 8-year-old dog in a san francisco dumpster. baterred, but alive. animal control says kaylee was in shock and suffering from eight broken ribs and head trauma. she is recovering tonight after being reunited with her owner. >> she would let the children pet her and no one try ied to hm her. >> the dog's microchip helped officers reunited her with her owner. >> there's a new push in pa palo alto to protect small businesses from being pushed out by chain stores. some locally owned retailers say something has to be changed or they'll be priced out of the market. city council will hear from the public during its meeting on monday. a decision could be made early next year. >> okay. can't wait to hit the slopes. take a look. good news. the boreal ski resort is now open. it's the first resort to open this season in california. tahoe got several impbnches of w recently, but snow makers were running 20 snow-making machines to get the power. >> we're in the snow on november 7th. you can't complain while having a good time. >> we are really impressed with the conditions. you know, we were talking about how boreal has actually kind of stepped et up. >> we talked to some cool snow borders today. >> we could get some more snow next week. but this weekend, it's going to be beautiful. let's get a check of our foer cast. >> yeah, the temperatures should be cold enough over night to get the machine-groomed snow down just nicely there. in terms of adding fresh powder, you might have to wait a couple more days. in the meantime, a lot of patchy fog setting um in san francisco right now. cool temperatures in the 50s. as you wake up tomorrow morning, you might see a sight like we had today around pacifica. a little midday break there. tempature only in the low 60s. only e a little bit of a different story around sonoma. during the day, we had those clearing skies. a little clash of climates there. we do have that fog right around the coast towards san francisco. patchy, dense fog likely again for tomorrow morning. but the pattern leike we had today will see the fog begin to break up. tomorrow's temperature should make a run at the 70s to nearly 80 degrees, etch closer at the coach as wibds begin to turn sliegtly offshore. techtures tomorrow in the 70s around san jose. there you see san francisco highs in the low 70s. for the north bay, highs in the low 80s tomorrow. livermore was 80 degrees. very close to that for your saturday in low 80s. you'll notice here the weekend temperatures staying pretty mild. we'll see patches of low clouds for the morning. followed up by that hazy sunshine. next week, we could see some interesting weather headed our way. that's not going to impact, obviously, veteran's day plans. the raider's game sunday afternoon hosting the broncos should be quiet nice in the east bay with those tempature in the low 70s. big storm in the gulf of alaska up towards the bering sea. could be the strongest since 1977 causing incredibly high waves. also setting the stage for a plunge of cold, arctic air. we see dry conditions out here as high pressure reigns supreme through the weekend. now, for seeing a challenge e chance of seeing a little bit of snow or rain, it looks like it's going to wait towards the middle half of next week. then, by thursday and friday, you can see a chance of showers coming in thursday into friday. the main impact looks out towards the north bay. we look all the way towards next thursday where you see some of the totals in the north bay hill tops. the system should be cold enough for snow levels close to 5,000 feet. but that's not until next weekend. the five-day forecast shows we're going to be stayi ining w until at least about monday. cooler temperature, stronger seabreeze, make some late-day showers. five-day forecast for san francisco shows a fairly warm weekend. temperatures 5-10 degrees difference. but the south bay, at this point, may miss out on some of that rain. thursday into friday, we should have some more rain. maybe a few more inches of snow. back to you. >> thanks so much, rob. still ahead, why a new type of potato is proving controversial. >> guess who's with jimmy tonight? >> hey, guys, he e he's here, it's jay leno. thank you noets. you've got to watch. we're on next. cocoa or eggnog? toasty or frosty? exactly the way you want it... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, you can save $400 on the c4 mattress set. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. silent night not so silent? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. where you'll find our lowest price ever on the c4 queen mattress plus 36-month financing. know better sleep with sleep number. at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when you're ready ♪ come and get it ♪ when you're ready ♪ come and get it ♪ thawhen you're ready ♪ ♪ come and get it ♪ come and get it. robots helping fight ebola. it could become a game changer. scientists were at the white house today to discuss how robots can help combat the deadly ebb outbreak. the goal is not to only find ways to help care givers and patients, but also for long-term research needs. >> one of the qualities in a new genetically modified potato. the usda has approved it for commercial planting. this may upset groups who oppose the artificial manipulation of foods, but scientists say this modified potato produces less amounts of a chemical that causes cancers in animals. they did this by altering the vegetable's dna. >> up next, a loot happening with the 49ers and the warriors. join us. this... is the best part of the day. when we sit down together and talk. more and more, we're having conversations about the food itself: how good it is for us. how good it is for the planet. at monsanto, we're working with farmers to make balanced meals accessible to everyone. while using natural resources more efficiently. it's time for a bigger discussion about food. be part of the conversation at the best start for the warriors in 20 years? >> something like that, raj. if they can beat james harden and company on the road, that would really say something. two of the best teams meet tomorrow. the warriors off to their best start in 20 years. and they've done it, basically, without david lee. the forward reinjured his left hamstring in the second quarter of golden state's 121-104 thumping of the clippers on wednesday. an m.r.i. revealed the strain is more severe than a day-to-day situation. his team tries to stay unbeaten in his absents. >> a really good practice today. >> the 49ers disappointing form has been e brought on a myriad of critics. jim harbaugh doesn't seem to have the benefit of the doubt from many. however, roger craig does have his back. he told the san jose mercury news today, "i'd be mad as hell if someone was talking about my coach like that. he hasn't focused on this team. that's not his character. there's a code of respect for your team for your organization. people tend to forget he changed our whole culture and got us winning again. three straight nfc championship games. a stadium got built because of what he did". of course, pivotal game for the coaching team sunday down in the big easy. >> that was good we could practice. we're moving around. >> since natty reds targeting giant's first baseman michael woods. morris hit .279 and 16 home runs this past season. the red sox had reached out to the giant's first baseman during the general manager's scotsdale, arizona. more new over the next 40 years the united states population is going to grow by over 90 million people and almost all the growth is going to be in cities. what's the healthiest and best way for them to grow so that they really become cauldrons of prosperity and cities of opportunity? what we have found is that if that family is moved info safe, clean, affordable housing, places that have access to great school systems, access to jobs and multiple transportation modes then neighborhood begins to thrive and really really take off. the oxygen of community redevelopment is financing and all this rebuilding that happened could not have happened without organizations like citi. citi has formed a partnership with our company so that we can take all the lessons from the revitalization of urban america to other cities so we are now working in chicago, and in washington d.c., and newark. it's amazing how important safe affordable housing is to the future of our society. christmas has arrived in new york city. today, a crane hoisted this 85 foot tall norway spruce at rock feller center. the 93-year-old tree was trucked in from pennsylvania. the next step? decorating it with thousands of l.e.d. lights and on top, a 19 foot star. >> how about that. >> all right, it's going to be cold around everywhere in the country except the bay area? >> new york city highs, upper 30s. >> we appreciate the forecast we'll be looking at here. it looks like tomorrow, sunday, maybe into monday. you start to see the clouds there wednesday. and then, by next thursday and friday, that's when we're talking about chances of rain again and the increase of more snow. >> we've made it to the weekend, rob. >> enjoy your week epd. thanks for joining us here tonight. >> good night, folks. . . >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jay leno, lucy liu, scientist


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20140221

respectively, they will both serve much less because of time served and credits awarded. in the newsroom, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> norwood the one who did not smirk at the judge could be released in a matter of days because of the time he served. you can see what happened in court up edited at a cement truck smashed into a woman this afternoon in san francisco sending her to the hospital. it happened just after 3 p.m. in the pacific heights neighborhood at california and fillmore streets. the area is now blocked off as authorities investigate what exactly happened. the victim's condition is unknown. we are told two workers have life-threatening injuries after the scaffolding that they were on collapsed at a san francisco construction site. chopper 5 caught the aftermath at mission and fremont streets in the south of market neighborhood. the fire department says the call came in about 2:15 this afternoon. it says both workers fell at least 30 feet. a dog run over and killed and witnesses say it was a police officer behind the wheel and he never stopped. it happened in san francisco's richmond district at balboa and sixth avenue. linda yee is live there tonight with what's turned into an investigation. >> reporter: liz, someone did put flowers on that light post you see behind me in memorial of sorts for that chihauhau who was killed here last saturday. a hit-and-run by a cop? that's what police want to know. in the meantime the owner of that dog is distraught. she contacted me by phone late this afternoon. dog owner hannah kenny cried just knowing someone cared enough to leave flowers on the light post. a memorial for her 8-year-old chihauhau marla. >> that's really nice that somebody did that though. >> reporter: the dog was with a friend who tied her to a post while he went inside the bakery on saturday. the dog wriggled free of its collar and ran out on the street. a police cruiser turning at the intersection hit her and kept going. it's the talk of the neighborhood. comments expressing disbelief and dismay on the richmond sf blog. >> one of our witnesses said they were so shocked at what happened, they didn't have time to note the number on the police car, who was driving, or even go down and chase after the car. >> reporter: police at the station just a block away said they talked to their officers who worked that day. >> so nobody that was working at that time is aware of having run over a dog. >> reporter: or it may have been at the intersection at that time of day? >> correct, although that intersection is very close to the station so it's an intersection that people go through fairly often. >> reporter: police say they have talked to witnesses and are hoping someone may have video of the accident. >> and then determine, uhm, if in fact the, uhm, if in fact anything was done by our officers that was outside of policy, either with the driving or, you know, the allegation that the officer left the scene. >> reporter: marla's owner meantime is inconsolable. >> i blame both the police, because they didn't stop, at least they should have showed their condolences, and then i blame my boyfriend. >> reporter: and she blames her boyfriend because he was negligent, she says, that he should never have left that dog at the light post. in the meantime, police late today told me there is a possibility that a business in this neighborhood may have some video but they have waiting to see that before they make any conclusions. reporting live in san francisco, linda yee, kpix 5. a teenager was hit by a car at the same intersection where a pedestrian was killed just about two weeks ago. it happened last night in san francisco's sunset district in the crosswalk at sunset boulevard and yorba street. it is a stretch of road known to be dangerous for pedestrians. this morning our cameras saw people walking cautiously across the on the section but neighbors say quite often people run to catch the bus at that intersection. they say the flashing warning lights there now aren't doing much to slow down the drivers. >> they don't pay attention to the flashing lights. it's just like when a thing goes out and it's red they don't pay attention with that. you're supposed to stop, proceed and go on but they don't. >> it's one big gamble. >> the driver in this latest incident is cooperating with police. the teenager suffered head trauma and lower body injuries but is expected to be okay. a man found dead tuesday inside a burning home in bay point had diedearlier that day. the coroner's office says the 80-year-old died of natural causes 12 hours before the fire started. firefighters discovered the body after being called to the home for a furnace fire. developing news tonight in ukraine. here's a live look at the violent clashes persisting in the capital city of kiev. today marks one of the deadliest days of the anti- government protests. and the end is not in sight. many now questioning whether either side has the will or ability to compromise. gunfire crackled across ukraine's capital as fresh fighting ended a very short- lived truce. a medic says at least 70 people were killed in clashes today. video footage shows police snipers targeting demonstrators. some protestors fought back with weapons. others used rocks and homemade firebombs. ukranian interior ministry says demonstrators captured about 70 police officers. this man's friend was killed earlier this week. >> he was shot like a dog here. he had no weapon. >> reporter: anti-government demonstrators say president viktor yanukovych is corrupt and want him out. the european union imposed sanctions against ukraine. the obama administration is also considering sanctions along with other options. the white house is urging the ukranian president to withdraw forces immediately. >> calling on all sides to end the violence. we do need to get to a place where we can have a constructive talk between the opposition and the government. >> reporter: president obama is working the phones discussing steps to help end the bloodshed with european allies. >> live pictures now, more than 100 people have died just this week. a few hundred more have been wounded. dozens of bay area ambulance workers given the axe. how they are accused of lying about a critical safety skill. >> anyone who was here and bought a ticket might want to sign their ticket right away. >> another multimillionaire made in the bay area. and a store owner is getting a piece of the powerball prize. why he wasn't there to celebrate. >> a little piece of spring today. 70s have returned. 71 degrees today in oakland and santa rosa, upper 60s elsewhere, very mild day running 10 degrees above average even the beach half moon bay you hit 71. how long do we stay mild? how long do we have to wait for more rainfall? the answer coming up. >> and the unusual location where girl scouts are making a killing selling their cookies. ,, ,,,,,, revealed.. they skipped c-p training. according to a rural-metro spokesman.. two dozen ambulance workers in santa clara county are fired after an investigation revealed they skipped cpr training. according to a rural metro spokesman, 24 workers admitted receiving their cpr certification cards but did not actually take a course. the company says it's instituting additional measures to prevent this from happening again. we could see thousands of uc workers walking the picket lines again. they have called for a five-day walkout in march which would be the third strike in ten months. the workers are locked in a contract dispute with the school. those planning to strike are the custodians, maintenance, food service. 13,000 patient care technical workers plan to join them in sympathy. in about an hour san jose mayor chuck reed will give his final state of the city address. the mayor has focused on crime in recent years including hiring more police officers but he has an ongoing battle with the department over rising pension costs. the city recently restored a 10% pay cut but the mayor hinted in morning that salaries are heavily influenced by retiring officers. >> so we'll get back their 10%. we would like to do more. we just can't afford it because we have the huge increases in retirement costs of just taking up the money we could use for salaries. >> the state of the city is set for 6:30 at the san jose convention center. a bay area girl scout seems like she picked the perfect location to sell some cookies. outside the green cross, a pot dispensary in the excelsior neighborhood in san francisco. this photo was on instagram and says all the cookies were gone in 45 minutes. the 13-year-old had to call for backup apparently. a similar photo surfaced out of colorado where girl scouts are not allowed to sell near marijuana shops. that picture turned out to be a hoax. i'm len ramirez in milpitas, where the big powerball jackpot winner still has not stepped forward and the owner of this convenience store that sold this winning ticket still doesn't know he is a millionaire. that's ahead. >> he claims wells fargo took it beyond the next stage. how one man turned to consumerwatch when the bank pulled a surprise switch. ,,,,,,,,,, through sunday, save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. but hurry, sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. over 400-million dollars ri. kpix 5 reporte someone in the bay area is about to become a whole lot richer. more than 4$00 million richer. len ramirez in milpitas where the lottery commission is waiting for the powerball winner to come forward and his friends. >> that right. all his new very good friends. the own of this convenience mart doesn't know he is a millionaire, he is traveling in india and his son hasn't been able to contact him. the morning media scrum the oversized lotto check and the banners that brag a millionaire was made here. it all fell on the shoulders of [ indiscernible ] who still couldn't believe his father's gas station sold the winning powerball ticket. >> my god this could actually happen the winning ticket sold here. >> reporter: too bad his father doesn't have a clue. >> he is actually en route to india. >> reporter: for vacation. >> i have no way to get in touch with him. i have his phone. i have his cell phone with me. he wanted me to handle anything, didn't want to be bothered in india. >> reporter: he might want to be bothered about this. last night's single powerball winner still has not come forward but their winning lottery ticket is worth 425 million-dollar. the fourth largest powerball jackpot in u.s. history. the singhs' take is $1 million. they own 7 gas stations after coming to america in the 19 80s penniless. >> that's where we started from. he had an education. so that's really what helped him get a foothold in the u.s. so -- >> reporter: what does this tell you about america? >> dreams can come true. >> reporter: certainly came true for him and one winner who hasn't come forward yet. this part of the world is the new lucky spot for mega millions winners. you recall a couple of months ago somebody won a lottery worth $324 million. >> you have known that about the south bay for a long time, though, len. >> there's something in the air. >> reporter: i just have to buy some tickets. >> yeah. and we'll go in with him next time. >> perfect. >> yeah. >> thanks, len. . "whatsapp" is being bought by facebook for $4 billion in cash plus another $12 billion in facebook stock. if the app company's founders and staff remain employed with facebook for four years they will get an additional $3 billion in stock. facebook stock closed at an all- time high today nearly $70 a share. a new report from the cdc finds this year's flu strain is taking direct aim at younger people. the report says that nationally this year's flu season is not as bad as last year. but that's not the case in california where already, more than 240 people died from the virus. last year, the final number was 106. a new survey finds that one quarter of american workers say they go to work sick. another 1/3rd admitted to waiting until their symptoms are full blown before staying home. most people say they do it because they are afraid of missing deadlines or a heavy workload. lost wages was the other reason. seems there's little hope for relief from the drought that's plaguing our state. new data from the u.s. drought monitor says 100% of the state is now abnormally dry or in some sort of a drought. today federal water regulators warned the drought could cost california $40 billion. >> top 10 worst natural disasters that we've seen when you compare it to hurricanes, other droughts, other floods. >> yesterday, governor brown announced new laws to spend nearly $700 million in a drought relief package. more people in the bay area being asked to make their water cuts. the dublin san ramon services district asking its customers to reduce water use by 20%. that will affect about 67,000 people. >> i see a trend here, going. paul, we need the rain, drought, but next week there's a little relief? >> at the end of the seven-day forecast. we are not going to get rid of the drought this year. but what we can do is mitigate the impacts of the drought and maybe lessen the severity of the drought and we'll get a little bit of assistance from mother nature by this time next week but today it's all about the sunshine even san francisco close to 70 degrees today. beautiful shot of the pyramid and from mount vaca, we are going to have a gorgeous sunset. looks good now looking all the way to the south toward mount diablo. filtered sunshine once again today but man, is it mild. santa rosa 66. san jose 65. oakland you're at 68. pair of 6s for san francisco. livermore 64. concord 67. not a bad night a few of you below 40. that will be the tri-valley, livermore, pleasanton, dublin, santa rosa down to 37. oakland though 46. warmer near the water redwood city 43, san francisco 48. sunrise tomorrow 6:52. there is a ridge of high pressure there but you see under the h that i have drawn there's a lot of cloud cover. not a terribly strong ridge but it's muscling that storm track far enough to the north we are going to stay rain-free for a while through the weekend into the first half of next week so it's strong enough to keep the rain away. good weather to get outside. you cannot deny that even in the middle of the drought. it's nice to be able to go to the park and have it be 70 degrees and sunny. that's this weekend. next week we get the balance. here's the odd thing. high pressure isn't moving off to the east like normal or down to the south like it often does. it's going to build all the way north into the northwest territories and yukon of canada. that being all the way up there will allow low pressure to sneak in kind of under it or to the south of it. we are going to get a pipeline of subtropical moisture and we may go from nothing to some steady soaking rainfall once again. i don't see anything big like we saw two weekends ago in marin county. but significant rain is likely by next week. tonight partly cloudy, cool, tomorrow mix of sun and clouds, cool, dry through the weekend. the next five days looking bone dry with highs near 70. we should be in the low 60s. we'll be in the upper 60s tomorrow. santa clara los gatos saratoga hit 70. palo alto 67. fremont 68, walnut creek 68, pleasanton 68. fairfield 68. 65 and sunshine in san francisco tomorrow. novato hits 70, toward god's roadside outside st. helena sit at one of those roadside tables, warm tomorrow in napa valley. saturday and sunday highs in the upper 60s with sunshine, cloudier by the beginning of next week and there it is, we have rain moving in coming up on wednesday with highs down to the low to mid-60s. that's your forecast. we'll be right back. tell us the bus was hit thr times, the we are following breaking news out of oakland tonight. gunfire has hit an ac transit bus. now, oakland police are telling us that bus was hit three times. they believe that the bus was actually caught in some kind of crossfire. it happened at 78th avenue and bancroft at about 4:30. police are telling us nobody was hurt but again, that bus hit three times. our christin ayers is on the scene. she is feeding us more information. we'll get you the details as we get 'em. banks are in the business of pushing products like credit cards, new mortgage loans, and overdraft protection. >> on the consumerwatch, julie watts hears from one customer who says his bank wells fargo went too far. >> reporter: brian cooper has banked with wells fargo for nearly 20 years with generally no complaints. >> i have been fairly satisfied with them. >> reporter: but that all changed last week when he got a call from wells fargo. >> he asked if i wanted to make some changes to my account and i immediately said that i normally don't make changes to my account over the phone. >> reporter: but cooper said the changes happened anyway. that afternoon, he says he got an email from wells saying, quote, as we discussed, a high yield savings account has been set up. it also said his old checking account which had been free was converted into a premium membership account that came with a $30 monthly fee if he didn't meet certain requirements. >> i was irate, number one, that a bank we're call me. number 2, that i was pretty clear not to make any changes. >> it is concerning. >> reporter: polina gonzalez is with the california reinvestment coalition a group that tracks banking industry practices. she says nowadays it's not unusual for big banks to try to enroll you in new products and services and now that new banking regulations have put limits on some of their old fees. >> i think what's behind it is just a push for more and more profits. >> reporter: she says in cooper's case, wells clearly went too far. in a statement, the bank said it is, quote, currently investigating this matter and if mistakes were made, we will rectify the situation and take steps to prevent it from happening again. too late for cooper, who is now looking for a new bank. now, a report by the "l.a. times" last year found that wells fargo actually sells more add-on services to its customers than any other bank. the bank confirms it does give incentives to employees for enrolling customers in new accounts provided it says those accounts are in the customer's best interests. if you have a consumer complaint, call us at 888-5- helps-u. >> thank you. and as i said we're following breaking news out of oakland. an ac transit bus raked by gunfire. christin ayers is there. you have the latest, what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, this actually started with a fight on board that ac transit bus. you can actually see the officers surrounding the bus at the moment. we're told that there is an altercation between two men on board the bus. they got off of the bus and that's when the shooting started. they were actually firing at each other but wound up hitting the bus. we got a close look at the bus and there are bullet holes all over it. we saw at least three, one on the side of the bus, another that actually pierced the windshield and one just above the door where you board the bus. the bus driver was still on scene a short time ago, was too traumatized to actually speak to us. we are told that there were actually people on board that bus when this shooting happened. we have also learned that this is one of several shootings today. at least five in this area of east oakland. they may be related. it could be an issue of, uhm, some turf rivalries going on in this area. and we are not clear right now whether anyone was actually injured in this shooting. we have heard that a little further up toward 9 sixth avenue there was actually someone taken into custody who may have been injured and may have been a part of this shootout earlier today. but no one on the bus was injured. very scary in east oakland. back to you. >> thank you. now for a look at what's ahead on the "cbs evening news." scott pelley is in new york. scott. tonight a cbs news investigation on the link between several fatal car crashes and the recall of 700,000 american cars. we'll have the details tonight on the "cbs evening news." ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, good is in every blue diamond a good that comes in 25 flavors. from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. get your good going. blue diamond. snack nut of the u.s. ski team. all right. spoiler alert! we are going to give you a second here. you might want to turn away if you don't want to see these olympic results. today russia went home with its first gold medal in women's figure skating. in a complete surprise, a 17- year-old skater beat out the defending champion. team usa went home empty- handed. and 15-year-old san jose native polina edmunds landed in ninth place. i'm ken bastida in the kpix 5 newsroom. coming up new at 6:00 tonight an ugly incident on the san francisco state university campus. it even drew the attention of some anti-terror officials and the fbi. the end result one student is no longer enrolled there. and a petaluma slaughterhouse closed for selling tainted beef could soon be back in business. we'll tell you about the surprise buyer. also, how a brewery has come to the rescue of a north bay town struggling with a severe water shortage. we'll have all that and check on more of those medal totals for sure. >> absolutely. thank you. thanks for watching us at 5:00. the "cbs evening news with scott pelley" is next. captions by: caption colorado uce is slow into the worst kill yet in one of europe's largest cities. holly williams is covering the combat. >> this man told us the demonstrators were killed with shots to the head and neck. >> pelley: a cbs news investigation. jeff glor on fatal crashes linked to a recall of 700,000 american cars. >> there was no reason for natasha and amy to die or anybody else. >> pelley: after the deep freeze, they're blasting ice to head off floods. dean reynolds on the weather challenge ahead. and what was once the future is now the past. chip reid on the gravity of saving america's place in space. >> i have our nation's heritage in my hands.


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition 20140222

right now pretty chilly, only 42 degrees in livermore, 39 in santa rosa, 42 in concord. we're going to see the temperatures rising throughout the day after this cool start and that patchy fog along the coast burns off. we're going to see mild temperatures today, sunshine, similar to what we saw yesterday, but we don't even have to feel that about enjoying it, because we do have a chance of rain coming up next week. more details on that coming up in a few minutes. >> looking forward to it. now to breaking news, the bart train that derailed near the concord station is slowly being moved off the tracks this morning and there's no service, though, past pleasant hill on the pittsburg baypoint line right now. kpix5's juliet goodrich is live in concord. juliet, we're hearing moving the cars and track repair work, that could take all day? >>reporter: it could, mark. good morning to you. you can see behind me that part of the car train still hanging off of the track this morning. bart crews have a huge crane brought in to clear the train from the tracks. they're removing it car by car. crews are on scene. they've been here all night working to clear the tracks and begin emergency track work all day today. the track work will be between pleasant hill and pittsburg bay point. during the emergency track point, bart is telling riders to access trains at the pleasant hill station, if traveling into san francisco and oakland to avoid delays. in the meantime bart is trying to figure out what went wrong. the train crossed over an interlocking, the wheels came off and skidded sideways. witnesses telling kpix5 they knew something was wrong by the way the train sounded seconds before the derailment. >> sounded like a train out of control. i kind of bounced, it went out from underneath it and all of a sudden it went sideways and all the smoke pouring up over the top. >>reporter: and so here's the information to riders right now. no service past pleasant hill. bart will have a shuttle between pittsburg bay point and north concord and buses will be operating between north concord, concord and pleasant hill stations. as we come back out here live, you can see the work going on to remove this train that's still off the tracks, mark. this was an out-of-service train, so luckily there were no passengers on board. there was one driver that was operating this out-of-service train, and luckily he was not hurt. but, mark, imagine this, it's going to be quite a commuter hassle today. we'll stay here all morning long to kind of navigate the way for everybody. >> thank you, juliet goodrich, live in concord. you can imagine the frustration among the riders when that train went off the track during the height of the evening commute last night. here's what some folks had to say. >> bart is so unreliable. >> i'm furious. i just came back from work and my car is way in pittsburg and i'm upset. >> two hours either way, two hours. >> we're paying them and they're going up on the rate toos and it's just, -- too, and it's like -- i'm frustrated. >> hundreds of riders were stranded. many had to make other arrangements to get home. bart says the derailment is an example of an aging infrastructure that needs to be replaced. new overnight, police armed with rifles and pistols searched the home of a shooting suspect at a northern california indian reservation. last night people there held a candlelight vigil for four people who were killed at the cedarville rancheria. it happened on thursday in alter os. andrea talked to a woman who was a witness to the mass murder. >>reporter: modot county deputies say when marie lashrote opened fire thursday afternoon there were 12 people inside. among them, this woman. she didn't want her face shown, but she is the daughter of 50- year-old rodderrick davis, one of four people gunned down during an eviction meeting. she spent hours walking around the scene of the crime friday, just looking at the building. >> i said good-bye. >>reporter: her father dead from a gunshot wound, her two sisters stabbed repeatedly when rhodes allegedly ran out of ammunition and grabbed a knife. also among the dead, sheila russo, angel galanigo and rachel penn who gave birth to a baby five days earlier, the girl found dead under her body. feet from the violence, this woman's son. >> i wanted to check on my son. he started shooting everybody. >>reporter: rhodes was under investigation by the bureau of indian affairs for allegedly embezzling $13,000 from a seederville rancheria tribe. >> i didn't say ning to her. it was just a meeting, a normal meeting. >>reporter: roaric davis' daughter says she's still in shock, unsure of what happened and why. >> i don't really know. i'm really unsure how all this works. obviously it's not very good if it's causing shootingsment >>reporter: the suspect in this case has been charged with murder, attempted murder and brandishing a weapon, but she is not being held at the modot county jail. she is being held at another facility for her own safety because one of the victims here, her husband was a guard at that jail. in modock county, andrea kpix5. we are following new details this morning in ukraine. fears are mounting today about new political division. the president is comparing his country's political crisis to nazi's rise. protesters have taken control of kiev, seizing the president's office as parliament seeks to oust him. while president viktor yanukovych did flee the capital, he says he won't resign. this comes a day after he signed an agreement with opposition leaders. it calls for early elections and constitutional reforms. and in another development, former prime minister yulia tomu shenkov may be released from prison. yesterday parliament voted to decriminalize the charge on which he was convicted. in bay area headlines, scattered belongings marked a spot where san jose state police shot and killed a man who was waving a large knife. it happened near south eighth street in san salvador yesterday morning. police tried to get the man to drop the knife, but he refused and charged at officers. we're told one officer tasered the suspect, but it did not work. that's when another officer opened fire with those deadly results. u.c. berkeley will hold a memorial service on monday for a cal football player. 21-year-old ted adue died at the end of a team workout two weeks ago. he was a junior and public health major who planned to go to medical school. monday's service will start at 6:30 p.m. at the pavilion. family members from southern california and nigeria will attend. take a good look at this toyota tacoma pickup truck. chp is looking for the truck and its driver. officers say the vehicle was involveed in water bottle throwing incidents in sonoma county. a woman driving a school bus was injured last week when a bottle struck her windshield. it's the fifth time that has happened in the past week. the tacoma is a 2012-2014 model with black after-market rims and an off-road package. call chp if you see this truck. happening today, the dalai lama is here in the bay area. among his stops, the tibetan community center in richmond. they've been preparing since last weekend. the dalai lama also has three soldout public speaking appearances scheduled. one of the topics people discussed is the nature of the mind. that is at 2:00 today at the davies symphony hall in san francisco. and new this morning, advocates for human rights and gay rights are asking the international olympic committee to safeguard against dmimination. a coalition of 30 groups wants the i.o.c. to make sure host currents do not enact laws just before the games that infringe on people's rights. activists have been especially concerned about a russian law banning what it calls gay propaganda. well, seven gold medals are up for grabs today in sochi, but the u.s. men's hockey team will try to win bronze in a game against finland. adriennea diaz reports on the latest triumphs and disappointments. >>reporter: it was a bitter loss on the ice for the u.s. men's hockey team. facing canada in the semifinals, it was this goal by jamie bend that decided the game. the u.s. lost 1-0. canada will face sweden for the gold on sunday. sweden beat finland 2-1. the u.s. and finland play today for the bronze. american skier mi kayla shi41 fared much better in the women's slalom. she is the youngest female or male to win the olympic slalom. austria took the silver and the bronze. the u.s. won silver in the short track relay, finally ending the drought for u.s. speed skaters. russia won gold, china got the bronze. and two olympians were kicked out of the games in a doping scandal. italian bobsledder william from aloni and another tested positive for banned substances. he is a five-time olympic medalist. adriennea diaz, sochi, russia. a bay area slaughterhouse accused of being so shady the feds call it criminal. the sneaky operation aimed at selling you bad beef. how a man battling cancer was reunited with his car that was stolen 30 years ago. and we are going to take a live look now at that bart train that derailed during the commute last night, being moved by a crane. again, live pictures. they're going to work on getting service back to normal, but it could take several more hours. we'll have another live report for you coming up in a few minutes as shuttle buses continue to try to move people around the bay. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bay area slaughterhouse. bey yu has learned that the fed government is investigatingn appare an investigation is under way into a bay area slaughterhouse. betty yu has learned that the federal government is investigating an apparent scheme to get sick cows into the food system and onto your dinner plate. >>reporter: the feds say that what was happening at rancho feeding corporation for an entire year was not always routine and deliberately so. today the usda says the petaluma plant was not just slaughtering sick cows but added inspectors were present at rancho during normal operations as required by law. the ongoing investigation is associated with the company's intermittent circum vention of inspection requirements. basically sneaking sick cows in behind the inspectors' backs. can we talk to you about this recall? >> i wish i could. i can't say anything. >>reporter: why not? >> because we're advised not to. >>reporter: all week we've been trying to get rancho to talk about the beef recall and slaughterhouse shutdown. an owner told the press democrat newspaper they did nothing wrong. the trouble began last month as a small recall notice limited to beef processed on a particular day in 2013, but quickly turned into an entire year's worth of meat, products like hot pockets had already reached hundreds of store shelves. the recall also included grass- fed cows slaughtered at the same plant. >> the recall is far too broad, it doesn't make any -- it doesn't look at anybody's individual situation, it just includes everything. >>reporter: nickolet and bill nyman are the small end of high- end local ranchers whose grass- fed beef can't be sold. the tainted meat, they say, refers to older dairy cows used to make cheaper ground beef products. the couple is fighting this recall with the support of politicians, but: >> unfortunately, even if you're dianne feinstein and you call the usda or you want to talk to secretary ofvillesack, he's going to say you can't talk about it, so it's really difficult to come up with a solution. >>reporter: betty yu, kpix5. >> well, the feds have been cagey about the details behind rancho's decision to recall all of the beef. the usda says they can't comment on what will happen next. we should note, though, that no one has gotten sick. more bad news for california's farmers already hit hard by the drought. they won't receive any federal water this year. the feds say there just isn't enough water in the system right now for farmers. state leaders made a similar announcement a few weeks ago. at least farmers with a very difficult -- that leaves farmers with a very difficult decision. >> this is going to mean a number of farmers will have to not grow certain crops this year. others will turn to other supplies they have such as ground water. >> on the other hand financial aid may be on the way for farmers. governor jerry brown proposed a drought relief package earlier this week. >> these farmers just can't get a break. but hopefully some good news later on in the work week. but, first, let's take a look at what to expect today for your saturday. sunshine for most of today, mild, it is cool and there's some patchy fog out there. staying nice on sunday as well. rain is going to return into next week. here's our highs for this saturday. san francisco will sit at 62, pacifica a little cooler at 59, fairfield 69, santa rosa 68. and over the next seven days, beautiful for the next couple days, a lot like yesterday, but once we get into wednesday, we're going to see clouds roll in, rain roll in, and some more rain that we desperately need at this point. imagine never having to deal with a dropped call again or searching for a cell signal or dealing with those slow data speeds that are also annoying. mike sugarman found out a bay area startup says it has found a way to keep you connected no matter what. >>reporter: cell phones an empty street, nobody else around, you got a clear signal. no problem. but if you're around a lot of people in a crowd, the cell gets broken up. you break up. what? you want to take a selfie and send it out here? forget it. everybody else wants to do the same thing. it's just too crowded. this man says he can change that with personal cells. >> go from conventional cellular technology down to p- cell technology is like a leap from tubes to transistors. >>reporter: that's a pretty bold statement but come from a guy with a track record to back it up. steve perlman worked at apple in the '80,000 and then sold it to microsoft for half a billion dollars. developed in san francisco by his company artimus. , the plan is to roll out p- cells by the end of the year. >> san francisco would be the first city in the world that would have a mobile service that's as reliable as if you had a fiber connection, a wireless connection effectively connected to every single mobile device. there'll never be congestion, never be dropped calls. >>reporter: really? sounds like a lot of hype. is this the next big thing? >> it could be the next big thing. >>reporter: he writes about cell technology for cnet. he's not all that political about his claims >> this company can't have a technology that works with every existing phone. you may see a company like google trying to potentially do that. >>reporter: existing cell providers could put up road blocks, so could city governments. 350 new antennas must be installed citywide. that won't be easy. but a lot of people say if it works and if it gets the go ahead, it could be a game changer. mike sugarman, kpix5. >> the best part is you won't even need a new phone. your existing handset can simply roam between p-cell and l.t.e. depending on what's available at the time. well, imagine getting a call that your stolen car was just found 30 years later. >> and that's not even the best part. so skip walker of lake county was reunited with his beloved '57 chevy after it was stolen more than three decades ago. so the chp found it in a shipping container bound for australia. >> now that i have it back, it is to drive it, enjoy it and pass it along to one of the grandsons. >> sounds like a good idea. the chevy was returned in pretty good condition. it was recently rebuilt bumper to bumper. skip says at first the d.m.v. threatened to charge him for 30 year's of registration fees, but eventually they backed off. >> that's not right. >> oh, the d.m.v. here's something this morning if you are doing some cooking tonight, a twist on your standard pasta dish. stephanie and tony tantillo are whipping up an eggplant special. >> eggplant and beautiful basil. >> and pasta. now, that is a great combination. very simple and always delicious. now we have the eggplant sautis up in some extra virgin olive oil. with eggplant, it's always going to soak in a lot of oil. put it in hot oil, that'll avoid a little bit of that and give it a nice crisp on the outside. >> a lot of tips. >> i'm like a tip jar. >> that's a lot of basil. now for the pasta, just a little bit of pasta, that's it. >> mix that in. now we're going to season this, some pepper. >> again, it's the oil here and the basil, infusing with the oil, that's all you need as a sauce. >> just a little bit of parsley. no tomatoes on this, huh? >> no tomatoes. >> and so simple to make. >> love it. >> look at that, a little pyramid of pasta, eggplant and basil. >> beautiful colors. >> enjoy, bye bye. he claims wells fargo went too far. how one man turned to consumer watch when the bank pulled a surprise switch. i'm juliet goodrich at the concord bart station with the latest on the bart train derailment. the front end of the car train still hanging off the track. crews here with a huge crane trying to clear the train car by car. in fact, part of the train right now on a semi. coming up i'll have the latest on how commuters can get around and what went wrong. ,,,,,,,,,, i wish i was made of money. i wish you were too. chances are, you're not made of money. so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save. wristband fit-bit. the company is recalling the "f bit forces" model.. after lots of customers complained ab troubles for the workout fitness wristband fitfit. bit. the company is recalling the fit bit forces model after a lot of customers complained about get ago rash from them. fit bit says it may be due to an allergic reaction to a material in the product. the company is offering a full refund. banks like to offer products like credit cards, new mortgage loans and overdraft protection. >> but on the consumer watch, julie watts hear from one customer who says his bank, wells fargo went too far. >>reporter: brian cooper has banked with wells fargo for nearly 20 years with generally no complainlts >> i've been fairly satisfied with them. >>reporter: that all changed last week when he got a call from wells fargo. >> she asked if i want today make some changes to my account and i immediately said that i normally don't make changes to my account over the phone. >>reporter: but cooper says the changes happened anyway. that afternoon he says he got an e-mail from wells saying "as we discussed, a high-yield savings account has been set up." it also said his old checking account which had been free was converted into a premium membership account that came with a $30 monthly fee if he didn't meet certain requirements. >> i was i irrate number one that, a banker would call me. number two, i was pretty clear not to make any changes. >> it is concerning. >>reporter: paulina gonzalez is with the california reinvestment coalition, a group that tracks banking industry practices. she says nowadays, it's not unusual for big banks to try to enroll you in new products and services now that new banking regulations have put limits on some of their old fees. >> i think what's behind it is just a push for more and more profits. >>reporter: she says in cooper's case wells clearly went too far. in a statement the bank said it is "currently investigating this matter and if mistakes were made, we will rectify the situation and take steps to prevent it from happening again." too late for cooper who's now looking for a new bank. julie wattts, kpix5. >> a report by the "los angeles times" last year found wells fargo sells more add-on services than any other u.s. bank. the bank confirms it does give what it calls incentives to employees for enrolling customers in new accounts provided it says those accounts are in the customers' best interests. apple cofounder steve jobs lives on on a u.s. postage stamp. he along with michael jackson, jimi hendrix, john lennon and elizabeth taylor will be featured next year. it's part of an effort by the cash-strapped agency to raise revenues by issuing more stamps of pop culture figures. more troubles for bart, a train is off the tracks and derailing the day's commute. how long you can expect delays and what witnesses described happening. robbed while doctors tried to save her dying husband. a thief uses this widow's tragedy to break into her home. we'll see how she got the last word. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at i'm mark kelly. i'm anne makovec. welcome back. it's just about 7:30 this saturday morning. good morning, i'm mark kelly. >> i'm ann makovic. we have breaking news, derailed bart cars are now being pulled off the tracks and hauled off this morning. the out-of-service train jumped the tracks during the evening commute last night after leaving the concord bart station. and there is now no service past pleasant hill on the pittsburg bay point line. kpix5's juliet goodrich is live in concord. juliet, we are hearing that the cars and track repair work could be an all-day event. >>reporter: a lot of busy work going on here this morning. and, yes, it could take most of the day. and you can see behind me the front end of the car train still hanging off of the track. bart crews brought in a huge crane to try and clear the train from the tracks and they are removing it car by car. in fact, just a few minutes ago we saw one of the trains being removed by the crane and transported onto a semi to then be removed. crews have been here all night working to clear the tracks and begin emergency track work into the day. the track work will be between pleasant hill and pittsburg bay point. during the emergency track work, bart is telling riders to access trains at the pleasant hill station if traveling into san francisco and oakland to avoid delays. now, in the meantime, bart is trying to figure out what went wrong. the train crossed over an interlocking, the wheels came off and skidded sideways. witnesses telling kpix5 they knew something was wrong by the way the train sounded seconds before the derailment. >> sounded like a train out of control. it kind of bounced, saw some sparks firing out from underneath it and all of a sudden it just went sideways and i saw the smoke pouring up over the top. >>reporter: now, to help riders commute and navigate today, there's no service past pleasant hill. bart will have a shuttle between pittsburg bay point and north concord and buses will be operating between north concord, concord and pleasant hills stations. in the meantime as we come back out here live, ku see all of the activity going on. crews have been here overnight and they'll be here all day long and just trying to get service back on track so to speak. this was an out-of-service train that derailed, so no one was on board last night except for the driver operating the train, and fortunately that person on board was not hurt. >> thankfully it was an out-of- service train, just looking at that picture behind you, juliet, it's just teetering there. that would have been terrifying. >>reporter: absolutely. and in years past, there's actually been a similar incident where a train derailed off the tracks. they're looking into this particular spot and what went wrong and why this happened. so it's going to be a day of investigations and also clearing all this out. >> all right, juliet goodrich live for us in concord, thanks. let's take a look at our saturday forecast. first here's a live picture of sfo. clear out there, but definitely if you live along the coast some patchy fog this morning, upper 30s, basically 40s, oakland 49, san jose 43, santa rosa sitting at 39. here's your headlines for your saturday. a cool start this morning, patchy fog along the coast, but later on today sunshine and mild for most of the day, very similar to yesterday. but come next week, mid work week we could see some big changes ahead. happening today a town hall meeting will be held in oakland with the goal of building partnerships to enhance public safety. discussions topics include growing police community collaboration, working with schools to reduce truancy and drop scwrawts and improving job opportunities. it is the first of a series of meetings with oakland's police chief and city councilmembers in attendance. today's event happens at 10:00 a.m. at mcclemmons high school. also happening today, san francisco supervisor norman ye will hold a public meeting about pedestrian safety for district 7. this week a teen was injured when he was struck by a car at this intersection on sunset boulevard. it's the same spot where an elderly man was hit and killed by a car. district 7, which does not include the sunset neighborhood but does include san francisco state and surrounding areas has secured $350,000 for pedestrian safety and neighborhood improvements. overnight police armed with rifles and pistols searched the home of a shooting suspect at a northern california indian reservation. last night people there held a candlelight vigil for four people who were killed at the cedarville rancheria. modot county deputies say when cherie lash rhodes opened fire inside the cedarville rancheria tribal office thursday afternoon there were 12 people inside. among them this woman, she didn't want her face shown, but she is the daughter of 50-year- old roric davis, one of four people gunned down during an eviction meeting. she spent hours walking around the scene of the crime friday, just looking at the building. >> i don't really know the process and so i'm really unsure how this works. obviously it's not very good if it's causing shootings. >> rhoedes allegedly shot the woman's father to death and stabbed her two sisters. she was under investigation by the bureau of indian affairs for allegedly embezzling $50,000 from the 13-person tribe. this next story about as low life as you can get, a burglar targets a woman's home while she is following her dying husband to the hospital. >> john ramos on the courageous way she called out the thief who stole her memories. >> i heard this crash and i went running in there and my husband was just gone. >>reporter: sunday evening naomi richards' husband, david, died of a massive heart attack in their home near clearlake. but as she followed the ambulance to the hospital, someone used the tragedy to break in and ransack her home. >> they either had to have seen the ambulance and me leave or they had to heard it on the scanner or something. why would somebody do that? >>reporter: the thieves took naomi's heirloom jewelry and david's guns and ipad. they even stole the pillowcase off his pillow. that was it for naomi. she sat down and wrote the thief a letter. >> whoever it was that was so unthoughtful to find it necessary to kick in my front door. >>reporter: the letter is remarkable for its brutal sarcasm, thanking the burglar of removing so many reminders of her husband, including that pillowcase. >> you saved me from every lay on my bed and smell david's scent while i slept. >>reporter: the newspaper ran the letter and then it hit facebook. now after more than 11.000 views, it's been seen as far away as australia. >> i wasn't sure what to expect, but when i read it, it's, like, that sounds about right. >>reporter: naomi's son and stepson say she's always been outspoken and they admire the strength it took to put aside fear and call out the thief. >> it kind of made me laugh a little because i've grown up with her. >> this is who you really are, a smart ellick. >>reporter: and a woman with the courage to face tragedy with defiance. in lower lake, john ramos, kpix5. >> naomi and david were set to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary next month. her daughter has set up a go fund me account in name onliy's name to help pay for burial costs. you can read naomi's full letter to the burglar at a humble hero from stockton says he was doing just what anyone else would do. donnie was honored yesterday for his quick action at the oakland coliseum last november. you may remember he cushioned the fall of a woman from san jose who jumped from the third deck. the authority gave donnie an award and some raider tickets. >> deas good to be honored. -- it's good to be honoredored. when you save a human life, you feel good about it. >> now, he and the woman who jumped had some bruises, but both of them have since recovered. a fallen santa clara soldier is among those who will be awarded the medal of honor next month by president obama. joe baldenato fought in korea and died in the line of duty. cbs reporter david martin explains why this honor is long overdue. >>reporter: the 24 americans fought in world war ii, korea and vietnam. at the time they were awarded the distinguished service cross, the nation's second- highest military award. but the records show their actions were deserving of the medal of honor which they will now receive. 17 of them are hispanic, and for some the medal will come 70 years after their courageous acts. former army specialist santiago arivilla is one of three still living in a place called tom key, vietnam, he singlehandedly took ot four enemy bunkers that were raking his position with fire. jose rodella, a sergeant in the green berets is another of the living recipients, also for his actions in vietnam. the third is former green beret melvin morris who was wounded three times recovering the body of a fellow soldier in the face of machine gunfire. technically morris as an african-american didn't qualify because the review was only supposed to cover hispanic and jewish soldiers. but his actions spoke louder than his race or religion. the review also awarded the medal of honor to six white soldiers including one jewish american, private leonard kravitz who fought in korea. their families will receive the medal next month at the white house. it will be the largest medal of honor ceremony since the closing days of world war ii. david martin, cbs news, the pentagon. miley cyrus twerks her way into town, but not everybody thinks she's a hot ticket. the racy show that may be too much even for the bay area. while budget cuts are closing doors on school music programs, meet the bay area woman who gave youth music a new home her own. ,,,,,,,,,,,, the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can train that derailed last night... we have live pictures this morning from concord. bart crews are working to move a train that derailed there last night. there you can see live pictures. they just got that train on a semi and shipping it out of here. now, there's also track damage that needs to be repaired there. that, they're saying, could take the entire day. so right now there is no service past pleasant hill on the pittsburg-bay point line, but bus bridges will be running again all day today for those who need to ride that part of the pittsburg bay point line. they're can -- they're saying you should find another way to get to where you're going today. an after-school youth orchestra program is 20-year- old this is year, thanks to one woman who has touched the lives of hundreds of bay area children. >> kate kelly it has this week's jefferson award recipient. >>reporter: on any given weekend you'll hear music in joan murray's house. >>reporter: in her den there's practice for a young string quart et. upstairs in the living room a vieolin lesson. and in her garage next to stacks of donated violins and sheets of shelf music, tables are filled with young students attempting to master music. it's what joan envisioned when she started the goaden gate philharmonic orchestra, a nonprofit dedicated to nurturing young musical talent. >> you learn discipline, focus and you get a lot of joy out of it because you're making beautiful music. >>reporter: and making beautiful music together is what she's been doing for 20 years. >> it's important. when you see what it does for kids. >>reporter: joan saw firsthand what music did for kids during her 37 years as an orchestra teacher in san francisco public schools. >> here's me conducting. >>reporter: she also saw program cutbacks and started ggp to help kids who otherwise might not be able to afford a music education or orchestra experience. >> i've been on full scholarship most of the time, and like lessons and everything. if it wasn't more the ggpi, i wouldn't be able to play. >>reporter: high school senior and violinist gabriel is now looking at attending the prestigious ethan school of music. school parent marilyn chisolm says joan is an inspiration. >> it doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, how much money you make, it just doesn't matter. her commitment is to music and to the kids. >> it gives them an alternative to what they see everyday and gives them a chance to live. >>reporter: so for giving hundreds of children the chance to live a life with music, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to joan murray. kate kelly, kpix5. >> you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online at to the weather forecast today. it is going to be a lovely weekend all around the bay area, sunny skies, mild temperatures today and tomorrow, a great weekend to get outside. and then the rain is going to return next week. so overall a pretty good mixed bag. these are your highs for today, 50s at the coast, near 70s inland. and you can see in our seven- day forecast that chance of rain returning mid week. a couple of different storms rolling in. so we are hoping that they are going to bring some of the rain that we need so badly around northern california. we'll keep an eye on that for you. let's take a look at some odd stories from this past week that maybe you missed. >> to florida, an artist is charged with criminal mischief for smashing a vase. >> i saw this earlier. this is incredible. >> that vase, unfortunately is worth a million bucks. it was displayed at an art gallery that shows only international artwork. the suspect who broke that vase is a local artist and he smashed it because he was upset he only wanted local artists like himself to be featured at the gallery. >> sounds like a sore loser to me. >> and not support any of the others who ended up being featured. >> it got -- this got a whole bunch of attention, a san francisco girl scout expects to sell a lot of cookies today. 13-year-old danielle sets up her stand right near a pot club in the city. she did this on monday at the green cross medical marijuana dispensary. in 45 minutes, no surprise, she almost ran out of all of her cookies. so she sold 117 boxes in just two hours. i have no idea how much money. that's a good amount of money there. smart decision on her part, of course. it turns out that cookies are a top-selling item inside the pot shop. >> those cookies are a little different. very smart girl. i think a lot of other girl scouts will be following suit around california today. miley cyrus, meenlt, will be twerking her way to the bay area for some concerts next week. how is twerking as a verb now? >> it's supposed to be in the dictionary. a lot of parents, though, are not too happy with her behavior there. you can see there on her screen the performance at the v.m.a. music awards. they say miley's concerts have gotten too raunchy. one mom got rid of her daughter's ticket for monday night's show in oakland. >> after all the controversy and the outfits and the way she dresses, i really don't want to expose my 12-year-old daughter to this. so i gave the tickets away today. >> i can't imagine. the daughter wasn't too pleased with her mother on that. she is not alone. unsold tickets are flooding the market on ebay right now. she will perform at or okayle in san francisco and ss.a.p. center on tuesday. >> so if you want to see that, you can still get a ticket. >> i think she learned a little bit of a lesson from that, but, you know, we shall see. she's just one of these britney spears types. >> a lot more maturing to do. >> we'll see a lot more action from her. all right. let's move on. >> moving on. >>reporter: this is another fine mess i've gotten myself into. where's roberta? as the news continues on kpix5. >>reporter: tight games in l.a. and was jim harbaugh really close to going to cleveland? we have sports coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i'm adriennea with your saturday morning sports. thursday the u.s. women's hockey team suffered a heartbreaking defeat in the gold medal game to canada. yesterday the men suffered the same fate in sochi. this is sports today. the look on chicago's patrick kain says it all, canada defeated. the united states 1-0 in the semifinals of the men's hockey tournament. jamie bend scored canada's goal in the 2nd period. the u.s. will face finland in the bronze medal game today while canada goes for the gold sunday versus sweden. did jim harbaugh almost get traded to cleveland? a report from pro football talk says the browns and 49ers discussed trading the head coach for draft picks, but harbaugh turned down the deal. jim harbaugh says the report is not true. fifth-ranked stanford trailed usc in the first half. but in the second oboomkay scored 18 cardinal points. she finished with 27. stanford wins 64-59. 18th-ranked cal also in l.a. visiting ucla. back and forth throughout. rigby, the jumper, puts the bears up two late in the second half. they also win 77-72. and that's your saturday morning sports. we will have more of today's action coming up tonight. we'll see you then. it's time to find out where's roberta. so so far she's been up and down all around the bay area shining the spotlight on our hidden gem. >> right now she is somewhere loud, mean and monstrous. >>reporter: good morning, everybody. it's time for this week's edition of "where's roberta." we're going to go inside the coliseum. come along for the fun. don't be shy. sit back, relax and strap yourself in because it's time for the monster jam this weekend at this coliseum. taking you along for the ride this morning is alex blackwell, professional driver with monster jam. >> each truck gets a minute and a half to strut their stuff, do wheelies, doughnuts, jump real high, roll over, get back on her wheels and just show them what they got. >>reporter: how big are these truck? >> 12 foot wide, they weigh 10,000 pounds, so just thinking of that and seeing what they do on tv. >>reporter: what are your goals? >> ultimate goal is to please everybody in the seats, you know, 50,000, 70s plus people, but, you know -- 70,000 plus people, but as a driver and a competitor, i want to beat everybody here. >>reporter: tell me about this tire. >> it's 66 inches tall, 43 inches wide and a 25-inch rim and they way about 2,700 pounds. >>reporter: as a baseball fan, i was learned the baseball field is protected with a layer of plastic, then plywood and another layer of plastic. >> it'll be fine. there's plenty of protection down but we'll probably recede it and give it a little wide and with this beautiful sunshine we have here in california, it'll be just fine. >>reporter: who is the best driver here? >> i am. in my mind, right? if i said anything else, then i should quit. the top dogs and people that they fear the most, gray digger. >>reporter: and just how loud will it be on saturday night? [ engine revving ] >>reporter: i hope you enjoyed this week's edition of "where's roberta." if you want to visit monster jam this weekend, visit us at have a great weekend, everybody, and see you next weekend. coming up, one more look at today's top story. emergency track work halting bart service today. what commuters need to know about getting around the bay in the meantime. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,, $ erailed cars off t welcome back. we have some breaking news. juliet goodrich following breaking news in concord. we had that train derailment with bart. juliet, some progress just in the last hour. >>reporter: absolutely. crews on the scene right now. you can see the car still off the tracks there, and just minutes ago we took some video, really interesting, you don't see this everyday. they're actually hoisting the bart cars off of the tracks car by car into the air and then onto a semi, taking those cars, those bart cars to a transportation yard. they've been working here all night. they'll be here all day long doing emergency track work. the track work will be between pleasant hill and pittsburg bay point stations. during this emergency track work bart is telling riders to access trains at the pleasant hills station if traveling into san francisco and oakland to avoid delays. they also have shuttle between pittsburg bay point and north concord. so a lot of busy work going on here in concord right now. the investigation into what went wrong and also helping commuters navigate their way around. that's the latest here from concord, i'm juliet goodrich, kpix5. tomorrow on kpix5 this morning, environmentalists versus techies. there is a push to stop that shuttle bus program that allows google buses and other shuttles to use sun muni stops. but our political insider says this goes much deeper than that. >> the tech world is going to have to understand that they really must become political to protect themselves, to protect their industry, and i do believe the ronconlys of the world are beginning to sell that idea. >> why our insiders say the issue has transposed itself into real world-class warfare. that is tomorrow at 7:30 on kpix5. hope you'll join us for that. meints, one final look at the weather forecast today. -- in the meantime, one final look at the weather forecast today. sunshine all around the bay area. these are the highs, 50s at the coast and 70s inland. it's going to be beautiful. and what's even more beautiful is that chance of rain coming up mid week. a couple of storms rolling in, so we are hoping we are going to squeeze out some much needed moisture. >> i think we're going to get it. time for us to call it a morning. thanks for watching kpix5 news this morning. >> again, we will be back here at 7:30 tomorrow morning. enjoy your saturday. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, announcer: when you see this symbol you know you're watching a show that's educational and informational. the cbs dream team& it's epic. narrator: today on lucky dog, dog training isn't an exact science. brandon: all right, willie, come on. narrator: like dogs themselves, it comes with its own unique set of challenges. brandon: stay with me. narrator: what works for one dog may not work for another. to get results, you often need ingenuity& brandon: good, good, good! [elephant trumpeting] narrator: &and some out of the box thinking. brandon: good. i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing animals find a purpose, a family, and a place to


Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20190225

has implicated the president in his crime. add to that, congress is set to vote on whether or not the president's national security declaration should be cancelled, the declaration the president used to go around congress to get more money for a border wall. much more on those two stories in just a moment. on the high stakes summit with north korea, the president is once again touting what he calls a very good relationship with kim. when it comes to the ultimate end goal at least as was originally stated, trump now says there is no rush. >> we see eye to eye, i believe, but you'll be seeing it more and more over the next couple of days. what is going to happen? i can't tell you. i think eventually it would. i don't want to rush anybody. i just don't want testing. as long as there is no testing, we are happy. >> let's get to it. cnn's sarah westwood is at the white house. we all remember that after the first meeting with kim jong-un the president declared that north korea was no longer a nuclear threat. they're not saying that this time. so what's the goal of going in? >> that's right. officials say they want to see a clear verifiable step toward de-nuclearization, one that can perhaps demonstrate that north korea is willing to give up nuclear capabilities. there has been disagreement between intelligence officials and president trump about whether north korea is committed to maintaining the arsenal. we expect that these will be more substantive, more intensive than the inaugural round of negotiations that we saw in singapore that was more than a meet and greet. the optimism is not shared. there is skepticism that this could be as successful as president trump is building it up to be. we expect the primary message to be look at the kind of economic prosperity that could be possible if they were to denuclearize. the white house hopes to use the back drop of vietnam as an example of the kind of economic revival that could be possible for north koreans if they were to denuke iclearize. there is concern that he can give up too much in pursuit of that goal. >> thanks so much. a little preview of what could be coming. let me head to capitol hill because you have been basically everything else that the president is leaving behind. first and foremost, michael cohen and his testimony. what is going to happen here? >> the long awaited week of cohen is officially here on capitol hill. michael cohen, the close adviser, lawyer of the president for more than a decade will be in front of three different committees. there are two different ways this is going to happen. the house intelligence committee and senate intelligence committee will be meeting with michael cohen behind closed doors. probably won't hear much about what is happening. i am told it will more or less be like a deposition. then on wednesday you will have the house oversight committee hearing that will be public with michael cohen. now, that committee and its chairman have made clear that the russia investigation after consultations with the intelligence committee and the justice department will not be privy to what they are discussing but they have laid out ten bullet points of things that will be discussed including compliance with federal tax laws and federal campaign laws, how the president speaks and whether or not the president himself is truthful. those will all be ashs and they acknowledge there will not be a huge amount of new ground broken but there will be headlines pointing out that michael cohen is a convicted felon and has been charged with lying. you will see a lot of partisan battles as it relates to michael cohen. it is worth noting that that is not the only thing going on on clil. the president's national emergency will get a vote. it is expected that with house democrats in power they will pass that easily and send it to the senate. in the senate we are hearing they will have enough votes to pass it. here is the rub and the crucial issue for the administration as they look to use the emergency declaration to obtain about $3.6 billion. the president has said he will veto whatever congress sends his way which means congress will need to find out whether or not they have the votes to override the veto. only one republican has signed on to that resolution. they will need more than 50 if they want a veto override. so a lot going on right now. clearly democrats want to talk about this issue but will it actually strike down the emergency declaration? at this point, it looks like no. >> stand by to stand by. great to see you. thank you guys. joining me right now cnn chief political correspondent dana bash. let's talk about the emergency declaration first. there is a chance that it gets to the house, there is a chance it could get through the senate but it comes down to the margins as phil was laying out. if it gets through, we know the president says he will veto it. if it does, how big of a problem is that for the president? if it doesn't pass the senate even on the first step, where does the focus turn? >> well, first of all, let's just go with the first hypothetical which probably is more than a hypothetical when you look at the votes, it is more likely than not because in the house it is a democratic led house that it will pass the house. and in the senate even though it is run by republicans, the resolution is written in such a way that the majority leader mitch mcconnell has no choice but to bring it to the senate floor. it is probably more likely to pass than not. so assuming that that happens, it is going to go to the president's desk. what we will see is something historic for the trump years. we haven't seen him veto a piece of legislation. it would be the first time he does that on a pretty significant signature issue, obviously, for him to do that. now, phil 's right. it is very difficult. it's a very uphill climb for democrats to get a veto proof majority, but before we get there, it will be noteworthy if the president has to use his veto pen for the first time to defend a controversial move to build his wall. >> it sure will. add to all of this you have 58 former national security officials saying this is not a national emergency at all. the way they put it in this statement is there is no factual basis for the declaration. there are some republicans on the list and some very noteworthy people. do you think the statement changes hearts and minds of any of the lawmakers who are facing this question right now as dana is pointing out? >> i doubt it. i mean, it is shocking to see that only house republican has come out against the state of emergency which is an afront to everything that republicans purport to believe. they claim to be they are in favor of the military and yet this is taking money away from the defense budget. they claim to be in favor of private property rights and yet this will take private property and republicans claim to be constitutional conservatives. it says right there that only funds may be spent if they are appropriated by congress. this is not money that has been appropriated by congress. this should not be a hard call for republicans. sadly i fear that they are going to put their loyalty to the president above their loyalty to the constitution. >> i mean t is going to be a really interesting week on this front. on north korea, we have been seeing for i would say for weeks now that the president and top officials are lowering the bar of what would be a win. let me play you just for our viewers what secretary of state mike pompeo said to jake tapper yesterday. >> do you think north korea remains a nuclear threat? >> yes. >> but the president said he doesn't. >> it's not what he said. >> he tweet tld is no longer a nuclear threat from north korea. >> what he said was that the efforts that had been made in singapore, this commitment have substantially taken down the risks to the american people. >> iwonder if it is clear what a win is out of the summit. north korea is no longer a nuclear threat from the president from his own fingers to his own twitter account. and now it's clearly not. >> of course not. obviously north korea is a threat. whether it is secretary pompeo or other members of the administration, they are doing maybe the most traditional which is to follow the lower the expectations play book before a major summit. we usually see the opposite of that. and it is interesting to see that especially given the fact that over the past four presidents, democrat and republican, never mind a face-to-face summit which is a huge deal, just a prerequisite for discussions by the u.s. in particular has been north korea you have to completely denuclearize. and if even if they are moving away from that which they seem to be to something that is a little bit more of a give and take, it's newsworthy and noteworthy. >> add to that, there is softening language on what should be required. mike pompeo on the "today" show last week changing the language. >> i think what you are seeing is the goal posts are getting moved so much you can't even see them anymore. remember, prior to the singapore summit last june the administration said they were going to demand complete verifiable irreversible de-nuclearization of north korea. president trump said he would be happy if north korea does not test their nuclear weapons or missiles. they were not testing them prior to the singapore summit. i think there is the possibility that you might have showy gesture from north korea such as offering to destroy part of the nuclear facility to somehow put meat on the bones of de-nuclearization. just because they promise that doesn't mean they will deliver. they have made many promises in the past and have not carried them out. in turn i think president trump will make further concessions such as a peace declaration and conceivably pulling u.s. troops out of south korea. i think a lot of people in the administration are worried about what happens when president trump and kim wind up one-on-one in a room together. what is trump going to do? >> we have gotten to a place where they are talking. that was already a first hurdle a lot of people were not ready for. where the end goal is and where the goal post is now for each meeting is so blurry, it is so hard to follow even for experts like you and especially for lay men like me and us. >> the only thing i can guarantee you is whatever happens trump will claim this is the greatest deal ever, there is no more threat. he will tout it to the skies. if you look at the fine print, i think most experts are skeptical that north korea will do anything to substantially denuclearize. >> let's see the meeting and what is said afterwards and then let's check it. >> hope for the best but fear the worst. >> thank you so much. >> thanks. coming up, the special counsel slammed paul manafort saying he braisingly broke the law. now manafort has until today to respond. so what will his response be? after years of allegations, singer r. kelly pleads not guilty on ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse against four victims. could double jeopardy play into this? 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[quartet singing] shoot the j! shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay... believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it is a big deadline day for president trump's former campaign chairman paul manafort. his legal team must respond today to the scathing sentencing memo from the special counsel which called manafort a bold criminal who in their word repeatedly and braisingly broke the law. it also said this. manafort's conduct after he pleaded guilty is pertinent to sentencing. it reflects a hardened adherence they write to committing crimes and lack of remorse. how do you respond to that. joining me now is ellie honig. what is your biggest take away from the manafort sentencing memo that was filed by the special counsel? >> mueller just drops the hammer on manafort. >> really? >> a lot of times on sentencing memos you will see balance. a lot of times he will say he gave cooperation. there is none of that in manafort. it is straight hit him with the max, judge, essentially. manafort is in a really tough spot. >> how does his legal team respond? >> sympathy. you have to argue he is almost 70 years old. he did bad, no question. he has health issues now apparently. he doesn't deserve necessarily to die in prison. that argument does have resinants sometimes. the notion of somebody potentially dying in prison is a grave thing. give him a shot to serve a sentence and have life afterwards. >> let me switch directions and get your take on michael cohen, trump's long term attorney testifying. >> it is going to be fascinating. i think we will see a little like with the prosecutor with cooperating witness on stand at trial. the democrats will be focussing on the crimes he committed. so the first place i would go if i was on that panel is look at the campaign finance crimes, the hush money payments. who else was involved in that? cohen said he did that for and at the direction of the president. there were people inside the trump organization according to cohen's plea document whose were involved in that, execute one and executive two of the trump org. >> we often say lawmakers are not the best interviewers when it comes down the path you are looking for. do you think this is a forum where he will review new information? i tend to think no. >> i think there will be new information because it is such an uncontrolled forum. who else was in the room with you? cohen pled guilty to testifying falsely in the senate about the moscow project. in the plea memo it says michael cohen sort of ran the testimony and coordinated with other people. did you lie on your own? were there other people involved? we should be picking up new details on wednesday. >> we will find out together. coming up for us, r. kelly back in court pleading not guilty to charges of aggravated sexual abuse against four victims and he could be staying in jail. we're live at the courthouse. that's next. you know that look? that life of the party look. walk it off look. one more mile look. reply all look. own your look with fewer lines. there's only one botox® cosmetic. it's the only one fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. so, give that just saw a puppy look and whatever that look is. look like you with fewer lines. own your look with the one and only botox® cosmetic. own your look stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to miralax for my constipation. the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. miralax. look for the pink cap. the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a few years old or dinosaur old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way... at carvana. ♪there's no escape... it's taking over.♪ ♪ better get moving. ready or not♪ ♪'s about to go down here it comes now♪ ♪...get ready (oh oh oh oh), get ready♪ ♪...moving. ready or not ♪...get ready (oh oh oh oh) new galaxy. free buds. music to your ears. get free galaxy buds when you pre-order galaxy s10 or s10+. need a change of scenery? kayak searches hundreds of travel sites and lets you filter by take-off time, layovers and more, so you can be confident you're getting the right flight at the best price. ♪ kayak. search one and done. moments ago a lawyer for singer r. kelly entered a plea of not guilty on all counts of sexual abuse filed against the singer. he has been indicted on ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse against four victims, three of them the district attorney says were under age. joining me now is sarah from chicago with much more on this. what happened in the court? >> reporter: there were two hearings today. the first one was brief, about ten seconds. he basically gave the name of the judge who will be presiding in the cases in the future. we saw r. kelly in the first case this morning wearing an orange jump suit with a typical jail jump suit. he moved to the second court. we saw him come in. his attorney was there flanked by three sheriff's deputies. the judge read out the charges against him. he mentioned the aggravated sexual abuse charges. there are ten counts and the indictments that involve four women, three of whom were minors at the time according to the state's attorney. mr. kelly was very quiet. he was very, very quiet. we could only hear him almost a whisper when he acknowledged that he had heard what the judge said. then his attorney went in front of the judge and pleaded not guilty on all ten counts. then the judge went ahead and marked march 22 for the next hearing. what we do also know is that r. kelly has been in jail for the past 48 plus hours because his attorney says he cannot afford the $100,000 in bail that he would have to pay, ten percent of the million dollar bond that the judge ordered on saturday. what they are doing is trying to russell up the money. for now r. kelly is back in custody. >> thank you for the update. joining me now to discuss this joey jackson. he wasn't able to post bail as sarah points out. if he doesn't come up with it, does that mean he just stays in jail until trial which could be when? >> it could be whenever the trial is which could be some months down the line. i would suspect that at some point if it is not from his own holdings, i know there are reports of child support y. suspect that he will come up with it. bail is to ensure you return to court. the judge felt it appropriate to set $250,000 as to each particular victim. some were arguing whether he would be let out at all. the fact that he has option of bail is a good thing. >> there is a long road ahead on how this is going to go. there will be another hearing next month. his attorney is making the case already that one of the alleged victims now is one of the alleged victims from his earlier trial where he had been acquitted. he was indicted in 2002. trial was in 2008. he says that means double jeopardy so that victim shouldn't be involved ipthis case at all. do you have enough information to decide if that's right? >> no one i think has all the information. as the matter goes forward there is discovery that changes hands meaning the prosecutor has documents and facts and figures and audios and videos or anything else they have, police statements. but on the evidence as it stands now there are concerns about the double jeopardy argument. the first trial 2002 arrest and trial 2008 related to the issue of possession of child pornography. that is separate from the current offenses he is charged with which is the sexual assault aspect of it. remember that double jeopardy is you cannot be tried to the same offense twice. i have concerns as to the viability of the argument. much more to come. i really appreciate it. just minutes ago vice president mike pence met with juan guaido. the meeting took place in colombia as the humanitarian crisis in venezuela continues to escalate especially along the border. that is because trucks carrying desperately needed aid have been blocked from going into venezuela, blocked by the venezuelan president nicolas maduro. some of the humanitarian shipments were set on fire. vice president today declaring unequivocal support for the man telling maduro to step aside. >> i send you the greetings of the president of the united states of america. and to you president guaido a very simple message from president trump that we are with you 100%. >> cnn's nick paton walsh has much more on this. what impact do you think this has on maduro and the worsening crisis in venezuela? >> reporter: well, this is sort of of a two pronged thing here for juan guaido. he just held a minute's silence inside there with mike pence especially for those who lost their lives in the violence over the weekend, five by one count, 300 people injured. that is not normal in this particular crisis at all. this was a symbolic day where it ended in violent scenes. this meeting today is good for juan guaido because here he is with all of venezuela's regional allies and the united states pledging their full support. many of his supporters referring to nicolas maduro as the former president of venezuela. he is still in charge inside the country thmpt second problem for juan guaido is getting back because he is here in colombia. he left for the first time since he declared himself president on friday to declare an aid concert. does he become a leader in exile or try to go back in? we have heard from the united states that more measures are afoot after the violence against nicolas maduro's government. we got a sniff of that from a white house official. some of the senior governors in venezuela are going to end up being personally sanctioned. that's key. is there more in the american tool box here? we heard more from mike pompeo who called nicolas maduro a quote sick tyrant. some cynics say that what happened was inevitable and perhaps that scene of nicolas maduro's brutality. he didn't gun people down. it was a use of tear gas and rubber bullets. was that back drop of violence essentially to some degree the point to enable a tougher response here from guaido's regional allies? that's the question in the next hours ahead that could be answered. and juan guaido has to work out does he stay here or try to go back and risk arrest? >> that is such an interesting point about guaido leaving for the first time and what happens now if he tries to go back in. an important moment it looks like. still ahead for us, bernie sanders is back in the race and already making waves. can he stay ahead of an increasingly crowded democratic field? he face as big test tonight in the cnn town hall. details on that ahead. free wi-fi... ...and the price match guarantee. so with hilton there is no catch. yeah the only catch is i'm never leaving. no i'm serious, i live here now. book at and get the hilton price match guarantee. the best simple salad ever?d book at great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at with the most lobster dishes lobsterfest of yeart red lobster like lobster lover's dream with butter-poached, creamy and roasted lobster. or new crispy, coconutty lobster in paradise. new ultimate lobsterfest surf & turf is here too. it's time to lobsterfest, so hurry in. 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>> i feel very good. >> your cancer is in remission. >> i had pancreatic cancer and it is in remission. chemo is gone many months ago. that was worse than the surgery. >> the chemo? >> so for people who are >> i'm doing fine. i'm busy. i work quite hard. i enjoy my family. >> a big part of what keeps him going? his love affair with wife landra of nearly 60 years who he met at age 15. >> she had on a pair of levi's the other day and i thought, man, she looks so good. >> that's amazing. >> it's true. >> being a fighter, not being in the arena with donald trump is hard. >> you had names for president trump. con man, big fat guy, and amoral seems to be your favorite right now. is there anything you think he's doing right? >> is there anything i think president trump is doing right? i just have trouble accepting him as a person, and so frankly i don't see anything he's doing right. >> you told the "new york times" that president trump is, without question, the worst president we've ever had. about a dozen years ago, i remember coming here to nevada and you telling me almost the same thing about george w. bush. >> president bush is the worst president we've ever had. >> in hindsight, i wish every day for a george bush again. i think he and i had our differences, but no one ever questioned his patriotism. our battles were strictly political battles. >> i just try to wrap my head around somebody who covered you and was with you realtime all those years ago in the bush administration when you were, you know, his chief antagonist in the senate, calling him a loser, calling him a liar. and now you're saying, please, i wish i had george w. bush in the white house again? >> there is no question in my mind that george bush would be babe ruth in this league that he's in with donald trump in the league. donald trump wouldn't make the team. >> chemotherapy compromised several vertebrae. he can no longer walk unassisted. but a wry sense of humor firmly intact, he was eager to stand and show us a 2010 letter from donald trump hanging in his las vegas office. >> dear harry, thank you very much. you are amazing. with best wishes, donald trump. >> that was in the days when he didn't know if he was democrat or republican. >> reporter: president trump had tweeted about his 1991 speech showing birthright of citizenship. >> you said those comments were a mistake. >> yeah, they were a mistake. i had a staff member that was -- i shouldn't have listened to as closely as i did. but that ended pretty quickly when my little jewish wife, whose dad was born in russia, reminded me first time she heard about it, she said, what are you doing? don't you realize my father was born in russia? >> what do you make of the president using that tweet? >> i guess everything is fair. he found it and they let him use it. >> what's your view on impeachment? >> first of all, unless you get some republicans joining, it's a waste of time. the republicans in the senate are so afraid of trump that they're not going to get involved in this. >> still, he says, house democrats should do what they think is right. >> you don't think there would be a political backlash against democrats for doing that before an election? >> i don't think there would be a backlash because the vast majority of the people know something is wrong with trump. >> that's his basis of advice for democrats running for president. >> the candidates running need not talk about how bad president trump is. they just need to talk about what's good for the country. everyone knows. even those people supporting him knows what problems he has. >> and, kate, several of the candidates for president, even people who are considering running, have gone to see senator reid in nevada. they have called him on the phone. joe biden, for example, who as you know reid served with for decades in the senate, went to see him. they spoke for about an hour and a half. reid was careful not to give advice on whether to run except to say if biden does get in, then everybody is going to be trying to catch up with him. >> he is a true fighter through and through. pancreatic cancer is one of the leading causes of death among cancer, and it also shows the need for early detection and the fact that he's doing so well is really an amazing thing. thanks for bringing it to us. >> thanks, kate. still ahead, the winner is the ratings of the oscars. they're in. we'll be right back. ♪ -find your certified financial planner™ professional at -find your certified financial planner™ professional wirethat's not right.nth? 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"green book" was great, but i think in ten years "a star is born" is the kind of movie you'll want to rewatch. you'll want to sipping the song along with it. >> or wait ten years and it will be redone. i think that was the shortest awards show. >> it actually wrapped up at 11:15. okay, brian, we've decided. thanks so much for joining me today, everybody. "inside politics" with john king starts right now. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for sharing your day with us. president trump heading to vietnam this hour for a second summit with north korea's kim jong-un. the president predicts it will be, his word, tremendous. and brace yourself for a big week while the president is on the world stage. washington's big dramas include long-time fixer michael cohen's hush money to women. ten candidates on the trail this weekend. bernie sanders preparing for a big


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