and i worry so much about other people as well. i think, god, if we are struggling, how the hell are other people coping? i just don t know. there is a perfect storm brewing, the huge risel in energy bills for millions, a rise in national insurance| and inflation hittin- its hi-hest rate for more than 30 years. girls, put your shoes on. emma has three children and works part time in a local gallery. her husband is a warehouse supervisor and, between them, they take home a little over £2000 a month. rent and bills take nearly all of it.
to last even longer. well, she made a very powerful argument, but i think it s also l important to remember. what is actually happening on the nhs front line today. and they are incredibly worried about the risel in the number of daily cases. it is not the case that that is not feeding through into increased l hospital admissions. and you have a system that is under the most extraordinary pressure, i to the extent that doctorsl are talking about burnout, they re leaving. they re going part time. and it s a really, - really serious situation. so i think, in that context, the government has got. a responsibility to do everything it can to suppress the growth of the virus. and i think the uk has given nine million doses so far, or certainly end of august, and has pledged 100 million. i mean, it s a bit of a drop in the ocean, really, when you think of the global population of eight billion. yes, i think that s the issue, there is a gap and the uk.
Direktor Kancelarije za KiM Petar Petković, nastaviće danas u Briselu razgovore sa specijalni predstavnikom EU <a href="" id="614fd8f6-7c4d-4b61-aa87-c756e0722dbc">Miroslavom Lajčkom</a>, na iznalaženju rešenja za krizu na severu KiM, potvrđeno je iz delegacije Beograda.
Jedino je izvesno da ċe se Petar Petkoviċ iz Beograda i Besnik Bisliimi (Bisljimi) iz Prištine odvojeno sastati sa specijalnim predstavnikom EU za dijalog, Miroslavom Lajčakom
SAD će se, nakon kraha dijaloga uz posredovanje EU, sasvim sigurno snažnije angažovati na rešavanju kosovskog pitanja, a po svoj prilici, promena formata ubaciće .